1 r HE A I LY NAL. VOL. IX.--NO. 158.0 EW BKRNE. N. C. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1890. PRICE 15 CENTS.ll jl) ;Ui BUSIHESS LOCALS. 1000 MORE OF THOSE FRESH corned Portsmouth mullets reoeivrd today at Churchill & Parker's grocery store. Also 55 bushels of nice large Norton yam potatoes. Qire us a trial and be oonyinoed that we are Bell ing first class groceries as cheap as any house ia the city. Respectfully, CEURUHILL & PARKER, Broad Street. T PO LET rive or eix rooms in most desirable part of ilie city. Every convenience for hous-i-keeping. Apply at Journal office. e.Q lm DOBERTS & BRO. hre receiving XL their fall stock BoC'H and Shoes, Dry Good, Groceries and Provisions. They buy st headquarters end can eivn you Low Prices. au26 -"THE TAYLOR ADJUSTABE SHOF JL for ladies. New and marvelous in vention. See satnp.e. N. Akpin, j 18 tf Opposite Jouunat. Office. OLD PAPERS for sale in any qu ac tities at Journal oflne GEOGRAPHY-Stanley, Discover-, Rolan Raking Powder. Don't postpone register today. it, but go aud Uerlin has an epedemic of sui cides, and startling cases are ot 1'requeut occurrence. Ouukus have been received by the reveune cutter, llusu, to start to Behiing idea aud eeize all sailing schooners found there. ON the :0ch of September lire destroy (5d the entire busiuet-s por tion of Oneonta, the county teat ol Bloant counly, Teuneteee. A perpetual treaty with the United States is proposed iu France for the tottlemeut by aibitratiou of any disputes that may ariee. The Methodists of the United States will establish a Methodist National University iu Washing ton on the heights north of George town. The Shenandoah (Va) Railroad was sold on the 30th, ult., under a decree of court, to Louis Fitzgerald of the purchising committee of the first mortgage bond holders, for $7,100,000. Hon. William Elliot, of South Carolina who was so unceri moniously unseated by the Kepub Means of the House of Representa tives, has been re nominated by acclamation. A press dispatch dated Liver pool. Sept. 30, says: The British steamer, Picton, from Wilmington N. 0., September 13th, has arrived at this port with her engineer suf fering from Cholera. "We must be in our own inner, secret lives what we'want our per manent inflaenee to be. This we can become by seeking more and more the permeation of our whole being by the loving indwelling spirit of Christ." Two cities have had the census re-taken and with alarming results St. Paul is reduced 9,240, and Minneapolis 27,062, The respec tive populations are 133,301 and 1G4,738. The census fellows helped to swell the reports, The work ot harnessing Kiagra has begun. Tunnels are beiag constructed to utilize the water power, and by means of dynamos electrio power will be transmitted to ran industrial establishments as far eastward as Lockport and 'southward as Buffalo. "Business instincts mean to save, cpltnre means to spend, and the two nnfortnnately cannot wel be possessed by the same person To.accumulate merely for the sake of accumulation is one thing. To ' gratify one's tastes that become in the cultured a second nature is another." Me. E. 0. Beddingfield, Sec retary of the State Alliance, spoke at an Alliance picnic at Dan bury Friday saying that he was opposed ' to any -splitting, and daring h; ' speech stated several times that he was a Democrat, and could not fee bow a white man could be a Be . 'publican and go home and look his wife square in the facer IN all talk a'oout persona, let it be their merits that we hasten to! disclose, their good deeds that wo gladly enfold. In all discussion : OU character, let the good come into piomineace. Iu alloc: uttered! hopes for llie fatcre, let our b:gh est ideals receive the empuuiis.j Let truth aad not error, light ami not darks lave ani o! h; be our t Vines Fj -:Vv. w crease a- d peijictuata '1:. . good In i.uak L.tu..i ... i: evd will decree aad ilisaipci under the thick drapery o! siienc Philadelphia I.Htc". ' ii e t' ; j x .'. JL'J I'O'i ro. tit w i! M-.H t;..,: of 1 U' baie at ; i-t to .75. The graded srb"ol now pupils hlif IV) : Sinimboft, me:; repor hac i 1 iu large I iiumtitips o frf V!if Ov. i; & i !!... :ov ....'( jjii fair uurn- j ber r.f tt ':o.'' can ju to New Beiue co : e ciorcitij; ita Tne memoirs of iL yacbc club, aatl ! inuau wieuiuK to j .10, are re(netra to attend ths moetio? tonigM nt the V. M 1 k,. a. ti ,ni at j o j;o( 1. 1 bi.i ??lerd: "ir of 'he" circu ptirado j ; O . O Wl. Civ.v :1 (I'll! . Oil' -!: .-1 jrai d;..-irict w V. '-n i'. th-- !i i from a . h.iart' t. sin, ' e . iV,';;ii-l 'J i ur '.'i;y io:iil(jt n iiv, wiiile ihu stroetc erf macdy and diianroeable from the constant bad weatbor, would be a good time to put some oi tho roan on them et points here needfld aud let it t-ecomo thoroughly commingled with tbe aoil nd form a tioli J pavement. The work of driving piliarf to extend the wharf of Messrs. Moore Brady "a canning factory has commenced. It will be extended in an eastwardly di rection cs far 99 Mr. J. A. Meadows' grist mill. The work is being done under the ;':reclijn of Mr. James J. Howard . Washburn & ArlinKton s circus gave au exhibition Tes'erdy just on the out skirts of tin c-.ty. A a engagement bo- tween cowboys and a band of loJiacs, picturing lire on the plains, was very thrilling; and natural Some of tho riding in saddli showed remarkablo horseman . io. Tho contortionist and turning the barre! ia tUe air wero very good. As far as wo could learn there was no gambling or misconduct curried on by any connected with the show. PetsonV.. Col. Joh-i D Wiiitford left y dterday morn.np; fr s b;ia'T-fa trip to Norfolk and his ru, Mr. r.oid Wiiitford, who has been visiting Lini, returned to Georgetown, S, C, wliero be ia in charge of the rivsr aud h.irbor impove mests now in progress. Mrs. John KiiiLm, Mist Jeunio Hughes &ad Mrs' Naeli returned last night from Ashcville, accouip .aied by Mrs. EJmU'id Sirudwick, Mirs Nannie Hughes, of Hiilaboro. siiirnxu NEh. ARPIV ED, Str. Eaglot, of the E. C. D. lino. Str. Stout, of the Clyde lino. Str. Howard, from Trenton, ilh heavy cirgo of cotton. Str. Vanoaboro, from V:-.;ict bo: with cargo shnglea, IN PORT. Schr. Sallie Ann Ellen, CuiX L!ojd. Schr. Melvin, Capt. Samuel L. Ho-t- land. Schr. Carrie Farson, Cupt. Murphy. Schr. E. K. vVilson, Capt. Elijah Lupton. Schr. Nina, Capt. Jus. T. Salter. Barge Jaa. Donaldson and stoara tur Alabama. ftOTES. The ejeamer EaRlet, of tho 15. C D. line, will sail this afternoon, aud tho Vesper of tho same line will arrive to morrow. The steamer Newberno, of the 0. D. line, will arrive this morning and sail at 12 m. The steamer Kineion will arrive this evening and sail tomorrow. The steamer Trent will sail for Adams creek, and the steamer Vanceboro for Vanceboro this morning. The krkath of a ohronio catarrh pa tient is often eo offensive that he be comes an object of disgust. After a time ulceration setB in, the spongy bones are attached and frequently en tirely destroyed. Aoonstant source of discomfort is the dripping of the puru lent secretions into the throat, some times producing inveterate bronchitis, which ia its turn has been the exciting cause of pulmonary disease. The bnl liant results which hove attended its use for years past properly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by far the best and only cure. A Visit to New Berne Collegiate I lnslltut9- tfy invitation of its courteous Princi-1 rtu nnrl in ftr.nnr.1 vir.h nnr nwn winhAii. I ( wa visited this line institution of learn- of ;c yesterday morninir and the eniov- ment we derived in observing its e n . ;ive. ejetematio workings well re- p :-i u ior tho time spent there. VViiL'ti arrived the wide sliding ujih bdieiia the two southern rooms u;o ioei floor were wide open, ..:. tu. i vo rooms almost the same Ar uo beat of the drum, in . I.-.l li ot Maet6r Pete Hill, one of scu'jiaris, the pupils ranged i.- in two regular lines in front ,-. L'lKi'.m;: ana marched into the i - ' oiiih ju'L ppuaen of, which were c- -a ivt the lime as a chapel, .i vt.-.a parage of tionuture was read, I a '.ol unitod iu singing io clear, : c t. o.-ticel vuicte the gospel hymn, are U!H4oLi:ig to i.ion,' then oi. Adiiiub led it: prayer, after which , ha lapjivj liiti bell and Miss Mamie zk.it-a and too pupiis who sit in her i'm-.u Mote, and at tUo second tap of t i'j 0- V. :hi.y proccMeu to march to their rjom, npma the sa:-no signals were re pouted and room by room in like man ..... f . I . l. 1 - U 1 1 oi tut::r tedolie- to thuir rBsnprtivfi ro, ,(nQ Tlie hv l plac Ditiiuu. J.'itHLaeot, whore we found I (ruction bein given in vocal music. ilr. Morton, the musical direotor, i..f . .1 I ; I ...,w.u.0 uo uuivua,, iBhunB are uiveu to all t:.,: fipils in etch room without n,;';4f, und that tinre are now thirty who are latino spocul lessons in both vocal and instrumental musio, and half I as many more aro about to commence. I So mucti interest is being manifested jn this department that it is believed that in a very short time they will have to 1 procure additional instruments and I assistants i ... . . . , , I ,.c uc,, ....leu i .01. o. xj. D.uKw e uum auu iuuiiu uiui whu b uiOBB iu i . , . F . . . . I 1. . . . 1 hugiish literature. Subjects from I Pmrliah nlnaai ora ra.H .nri .v. nTii I . v . . i . I are afterwnrns rpoiiirflrl In wrtta oannira I " "I on tnem. tne one used in this instance was a difficult extract from Scott's Lady of the Lake. Tho next class to r , r, . engage Prof.Bragaws attention was one in natural pnuosopny, ana we were 1 struck with the manner in which he 1 handled enrh r.lftsii. H in nr. minpr-lsuch , , . ... .. . . f, .la great political and social evi', l u hcial educator, with the opinion that L0 gTey impede8 R iIuiU; tr;;l-. nearing lessons Dy rote ana cramming I dry facts into children s heads is all (hat in nu-camn ht ha lui tVmi: tiia I n.:.An.A i..h.-.-.-j. iiupwu uuuuiovauu vruai vucj cat ing, that they catoh the author ana more tnan tnat ne DUts iortn every - a efTort to awaken their intellects and . , .. . . . . , , . . inuuce inem 10 imna in auvance 01 me aumor.io tase tne tacts as a lounuation il 1. .t . il . . m on which to reason for themselves and form oninions of thir own. nnrl his . . ., . . . . ncroea was shown by the strict t- tention which the class gave to his ani- mated explanations or obsoure passages, and by their seekiDg from him further r j ,. . 7 . . information on pc.nts directly bearing upon the subject. Mm Mary L. Allen had a class in r -.i' i nnrnrni.. nn,i ont, nno arkn .r,.;,:,: ;,u mi- - -vr-wrou v,.vu uu. uolhio. ta.?ai3ar.J tno tnoroughness withwhiobl 6 be r.ci forma whatever she undertakes. noai nni I.U ii,.i .v. i,.. work well. Prof. Geo. W. Neal. who is widely! known as a highly learned, masterly eduoator of youth, and has spent a lone ... . , . f . Iife timo at such work, and was a for - mrr lo xher of the writer, was in - 8tr;;c'.:n ? a c:aes in geometry, and m..r.:festing the skill therein which he ai acquired by long years of practioe. Wr. viGito-laleo the primary depart- sicntof which Mrs. A. B. Ferebee has chnrcc. A cbss in United States history was 3 oudthe little ones showed a ra:idi;:osfl in answering that was very creditable. Mrs. Ferebee informed us that aa they finished certain portions she had thorn to write compositions on mat tnra nnnl ut'narl tliriwnln anil aka Tta1 - - niwiwiii, ouu o" Atitnesearo nominees ot tno s;utv somo of the small scholars to read their Demcoratio Convention, compositions on "Christopner Colum- One of the amendments to the const1- I'.'in" and I' Tnhn Sim Ilk " r,A lV.y. """-"l showed an accuracy of information and powers oi description remarkable in those so young, and which would not h aonnirurl .t a..r.h .n k- .. . . .. . . , ... ' . . . brightest scholars, without the careful irBimaK oi sucn a saiuea teacner as Mrs. Ferebee. In the art department, under the cnarge oi miss Aurora mace, we round .1.. !1. 1. -l ... me pupus imasing eniargea portraits from small originals. Prof . Adams' class on ourrent litera- ture is a praotioal feature of the school ,w j .. . . that deserves more than a passing uuiiue. iu ruauing room is Kept sup plied with periodicals, late magazines and newspapers; and the members of the class get the news from them and meet twioe a week to dicouss the topios of the day. Let the newspapers speak promi nently of some man and at the next meetirjg of the class his name will be mentioned and they find out aii ti.tv oan about him, who he is, what ho h j done to bring bim into notic -bat ni -! n&flt life hftA been. te. The im.v :V.i r .1 cettine the voune thus ir.terp'.i ) Ir and well informed upon what is trans- piring today is not likaly t b ovt r estimated, Throughout the school is being done. ( ! j j j I ; '' ;i i ! Prof. Adams ruUiin .c" of teachers he has hi I "a ' ' f ning,and as we have ii;'ai.i i. :l has added two new onuH if.i 1 'i John S. Thomas and V.- N:-. t-.c lifter. There arenowllo btol.i: ana as watcnfui a inn. i.u ! keep the school in high tuu,ti ficieacy, we feci that it mus: f; ' r to grander succeeeta tl:au evor hi for Hurrah for New Berne k u. i s'.itute! I Tho Mississippi ConVi :.t.i.; A. . . the Fifteenth Amendment R . nc i led As is well known thc fifteenth Rno-r I ment to the Constitution of th- I I Htates withholds from tho Juito.i Stel nying any person the ripht to vote on ji aooount of raoe or color. On September 30, in the Mississippi eunoiitui .ouul ccn vontion, now in session at Jm-K-n.' the committee to niuch n-a r 1 1QIICU DviUj-.M M: -" , izing Congress a.s the .-. idi encv or renea'.ins tluu r. ivicnilin, 1:; L0 that each State mioht h.in tho riht - ---- -r t0 impose race tiualitication. if it cn06e t0 do so, . Kir vo'lnj; r , . Whereafl, There are in th3.M,t,-o; Mississippi and some oilier siatee- m i . ' United Htates in approxinintf 'y .-ipi-ii numbers two riisti not raco. or tn uuauiLiuu, wuibe nuu uvru, hiiii w;jtri as these two races, though friendly not! homogeneous for business an,l Indus trial purposes, are widely separated by ittue iubwuuib uu pivjuaRiw in an ; uticai ana social matters, ana wi.or weare without any well-founded h fa. . .... or cnanke in resnect to tho n.- ,li cat relations ot tne two races: au: whereas with suoh conditions one race m. ., , .. vi Hill, vvudi uiiioi iio.v uuaiKC ui nil .... . ... control tne government 01 eucti ntatos, land to do so there will ever horeeir ring conflicts of a greater or lods urn-ii luae Delwee" tnem. 8n wnerc government thus maintained, existmir Lnd reatiag upon 8Uch conditiongi IUU8t of necessity be without perminon emciency or siamuty; ana wiinri"i oondition of insecurity is not 1 !:!y velopments, and inasmuch as tb wh people only are oapablu of condu ana maintaining tno governrriv.it o are study !u? BT gT ,K , y fn'1 r' ' "recked ofT Cape Lookout shoals yes mrlwi. ecuon to the whole peoplo and Pr,.,v r- j tord morninK; toUl ,088. crewy of ior s ideas, Oy thereof , the negro race, en .r uitwenl 8a;ea 8oh StateB, giving security an 1 peopie were eaucaiea, dpiiic w-;l unequal to such great responsibility if I they should come into control of ti 'li 1 ,uaratnrn u Resolved by the people of tho 3tato of I Mississippi in its Constitutionnl t'on-vn- "on assembled, That it is our delitu r m I juugmeut auu ouiuiou umi u; i rii' p i onlyeffloient remedy for the grost or.. important difficulties arising out -if t'10 conditions set iortn in tne toreoms Preamble lies in the repeal of fiff-nth amendment of the Constitution cf tho United states, whereby such restrict',-; and limitations may be put upon ncro I suffrage by the several StattP i m 37 or I necessary and proper for the- m .ia tenanoe of the good and stable I ments therein. Resolved, That we request the-. U I Concreas of the United States cair ( be submitted to the several Sfn:.' ' a I proposition to repeal the said tilt. t nth amendment of the t'onstituuon. an.i that we will cheerfullv accai.t fti i I oondition to such repeal such re;c - ln?a ia lUB L nou"" Ul. vemMi I of Congress from Mississippi as may bo 1 ki a ;. 1 diminution of the number i voi-rj i:. I the tJtate consequent upon au v. i .. Pf the fifteenth amendment Georgia Slate Eleciija. Atlanta, Oct. l.-Tho election U A in Georgia today was for (Jyvi-ri;. -, State House officers, General AswmUy d w0 8nndTm!.nt9'0 Su.a.M ia- 0overnor without opposition; also, P.. I U. Hardeman, treasurer; V.A.W'.-irr'.t. Comptroller General, R, T. Noel -in, kXyVK. ' ' I ..... ... tution voiea on, auinorizes inn j.eis lf,. n nanairm ininl. dIwo nf Confederate veterans, disabled or i-illo i in service, provided such widows have I remained unmarried. The State Legislature will be over whelming! of the Farmers1 Alliance. the joint vote in both houses being more than two-thirds Alliance. The Leftism tare will elect a United States Senator t0 Buooeed JogePh E- Brown. The Kinir of Holland Dvin I " Thb HAGUE, Oct. 1. The King of Holland is fast sinking, and ho has been in a dying oondition since early ta mornin8' Everything is in a stats of suspense. Commerce is paralyzed gnd hia death l8 peoted Bt ny m0. - 1 ment. THE LADIES DELIGHTED. The nleasant effect and Ihn nnrf pr.t safety with whioh ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Fies, under all conditions make it their favor ite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye nd to the taste, gentle, yet effectual i i acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. F!EN"D8 I3CABNATE. Thi Hellish Vork of Two Black Black rekhes iu Pennsylvania. Pahkymlle. Pa , Oct. 1. Two dis charged colored farm hands of John Hannon.a well to do farmer of this place, linaoped his daughter, Julia, i veil -0, last Mondav week, took her to a h-.'.t :n a ravins and kept her there until 'f i-.wdfiy oon, assaulting her re pt.'ito.;:y an., foicin whisky down her Taen they left her. The fiends ipinoj are Simunl Jthason and Jack :. A searching pirty went out v ' 'a if ! to ri',uiu home, out it i. j; urt:! Wednpgday that she wag ' )u.i.! Sn,' was almost insane, and in ! - : . o.us Jji rnd V:I- mu;, Iilivo no: ei bei'ii SuKl.tri lloiur : nil base J. i:..''i:u Ot i . List July it w;v . i..i'ht tiiHl arr;iiiKeui)nt8 for the pur- it ' I j sue ioi a Conledorute Holdinm i in i-j v,ero complete, but there - ri.no bitch. Tooay the grounds i.nowi: an i.vrmp Russell, for years used 1 a Crtmr. oy r.. t-i!ai troops, were p:irclasid !iy Mr. V. ('. Stronnch, of ? pxpcu'.ivo onrom:ttoo of the States otfriiii .8tociition. There are already n:i111 '. 1 uil lings and the work of )n t.i'irins tomorrow. In a 1 venij veterann, who are now uk carM for here by the executive comuii:ttf, will bo quartered in the '"""'" ' ix s"frt time twenty-peven in varioui poor housoa, ill t ( u i.r.Je: iti bholterint care , ,li,.H ,. (Ill .'.WlRlUli3 VllHll. ;. O01. :. Two brothers. Joe .-.nil I'urmtki Uiha, wore executed in UU.n ., ,y ybNterday for a particularly ; an. .... t..-:m.' ib, isttsehttd a Turk 1 wh ' I'iDr.r ! s! H.o and sub iijecteil i t-i ihu ero.t-ent inil lenities lbe i;. nt i.iui 01 t ,i wouiiiii sought to fi i i'i fii' .! i.li"nor of hi wife, but ui.i!i-(. d !y tha brothern, who 1 fi - .11 c t (i wi mim and then luuti inii '' - ii ' '.iso; thtii victiinn. Anlh'ir Li of i lie rnrcc Kcnomiiiiitcd , Sim., October 1. Hon. Llenry ' at" it i.vigu wits renominated lor Con Kri-tjH iiy t'noiiixth district ltooublican ( lIus aftornmin. Mr. Lodge was preaont j (Hi to iijn convention and accepted the nonnnution in a speech of some length Tu Die by Electrocution. RitooKi.VN, Oct. 1. Mollvain, the notrd murderer, was sentenoed today to die by electrocution on Noverube lithnoxt. latonse interest was man fosted over the exciting trial. For bracing up the nerves, purifying tho blood and curing: sick headache aud 'ivpopMa, there is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. 9 A Wreck Off Lookout. Heaufort, N. O., Oct. 1. Steamer Jlenrath from Peneasola, Fla., loaded wua nimoer, nouna lor Antwerp, wbb For Sale, Two Twin Reversible Engines l'JxSO -now cylinders; balance in good ordir. James Redmond, Sec. C: Troas. N. AT. R. S. B. Co. sepStf tf ' Wh' i The Oraat Uciicrit ppoplo in run down state af i;er.ltli drive from Hood's Sarsaparilla cone 'js.vely proves that this medioino "mat:1? tho weak strong." It does not act like a stimulant, imparting fictitious strength, but Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up i 1 a perfectly natural way all the weal ene i ptrts, purities the blood, and lasLis to healthy i Him those important org?r?. the Ir-dneys and liver. 3 Furniture For Sale. A Sideboard and Extension Table, both scl'd black walnut; 6 nice Dining Rcom Chairs: 2 Stnvnn: 1 Snrinor f!nr. , 0.v,er household goods, to be d is- posed of at private sale on Thursday and Friday. Oct. 2d and 3d, at the old Mttbodist Parsonage, recently occupied F. L. HUNTER. fes! Slaseived PRO M lno West, A. FIN 15 LOT OF H0H8SB AID MULES. Also, a lino Lot of Buggies, Road Carts & Harness of Hom9 8nd Western Mako, which will bo ollcrod Law for Cash or on time with Kood eocurity. ocluwlf J. VV. STEWART, Mortgage Sale. 1'ursuaiit, to a Judgment or the Superior (nun or C.aven county, In L. H. Cutler vs. i;. ft vtrit ana k. U. (Jutntiert. I w 111 e . at I'ul.llc Vendue, at the Oonrt House in Nv- i.ern. r-n Monday, Nov. 3, 1R90, at 12 o'clock M.,l'r.i H.ivso and Lot, In Nowhern, at llie nonliosst utrner or Crnvcu and KeiiBe Flretif. Terms, Cash. ('HAS. C, CLAUICCommlSRlonnr. NVwhci n, Hopl . ;'.0. whi. did 150 Pair Ladies' Shoes, ."'s, 4's and 5's, will be sold at One Dollar per Pair, AT CbShing Store, These Shoes cost at the Factory $1.25 to 81.00. Those who want bargains win no wen to can and examine them sep28dwtf i-Vi-:-i?! ft I A I : l.i. Heating ami Cooking Stove: A T l. h. Qa:: ;i & Go. Public Salo of Real Estate Ames O. lit rrihi AJili . ut i. lm U (ill . to ins 1 I t:.i i '.( in iU I. Is rut in u er ' i'l)ll(MtMl I i. I i- lull ill. -c A i.c I'ell Ion ( h, 1. ,i ,s I li obetlU'iife to H m.lti :i ourt (; va t:n i t-u n' , tt In 1 ve ou 1 ! If ! mi i 1 , ; u 1 . lion , ni lit' t mil l I oust 1 t'Ol 111 Ml'W lit-1 lit' lM:fi , M , lilt lut ' W 1 fl". lm huI iinf oe 1 f l.llf Of JlltliJ V. inentH in loiiinK in , nc PhM (f KM ,N . ,u! Oil 1 1 ' fiiHitliMAfti corner 1 hlit-et pxtendtd '.. NtULtllt d "H M.nt hcHhl rorii r I r et eiit hJetl v w ::( hh i. V I. . .!,. r or th. ; al :i iin.n', ft et of rotioott k:- .'! hii.I ! t in th riiv 01 w iw '-tif follii w v lie : Inn iii I ' d of I'oll'K k Hl: i-t ai t1 1- u Hiul runiiiiii' Htintl. vi1 sirvnt vletnlf.i t.. t lol tit mlor I'an .-. :n ln! fi urn I'ltrner Ki.iii. on ! lit p;l Bitle o :r tluiire with 8-1-. e;.t : ff.-t tl.encr Hpiln strri'l, iiiiii.n 1 iirr'i. lift- ii'irtl, . i ' ill H'i . 1 1 Inn- . .ill ;i . . Willi uiiolli. r ol hrti.l 1 ; iipk b. ul li i3(iih! .'t ; fivt in tin- ..f 1, 't N.i ;, i licni'H asi- waiilly Mill. Ihi' MIL' ..f Mi. i l.ii Nn.3!H) u. I lie II. Ul II w SI I' 'I hi I I I ll I'll .ii it 11) J.if 11. llurriM.i., Ad in r. In T. .1 Tu :iicv J. tlieiic. iioriliwni'1 y Mlih Mm' lined, en'i i in nnr ioi luT feel ! ;iiclics l.i I'nl n.rk el. r. i . Ilidiioc weslwitrdly Willi l ullork Hire. I 6 IH(t 'I InclidH Io tlif pl'i.'i' of hi-mnntiiK. Ttirms nf sale- i inn liHlf crhIi , lialance on n .'leilil of Klx mwiii lm, with note lo li m proveil. Till.' rt'Miif.l imti; full pt tiiei.l n iii:hI.i, N.-w I'.i riic, N. (" "'.-iii. , i. ivm. IAS (' H A It 1 1 SUN, I til Ail m'r uf lull n 1 1. (iarJner Desirable Dwelling For Salec Situated on South Front street House contains six comfortable roorut- and recently adiltnl new kitchen and all desirable ouinouses. Lot 70 fie' front. Al.vi -llou-o and Lot on Craven street. Apply to vvatmin & Stkkkt, dtf. Real Estate Agents. Livery and Sale Stables M. HASH & CO. Gar load Youusr Western Horses---some extra fine i)i ivers. Also, large lot new Buggies and Roadcarts, and Humes, all just ru- ceived and new. Livery superintended by K. Den mark. Good Horses, nw Buggies and Har ness. Ca5? ar. ' ce Us. k- !. .1-4 J HEABeUAHTERS For Sewing Machines. I am sole uf.:.: for the World Re nowned No. U W1...I.. n-' TIT StWiDP; Machine. II UCCiCI THE BEST IN i iK wojjm . "THE NEW in.) .IK ' toe next best Machine. Also tho ' VO!:ilK SEWING MA- and exiru fit- . !S 'Wing M,ii;'oine CHINE." You can 'io'' tachnients tor made. At tlio Store, opponit( i Front St., New i " York Furriiu.'t) v. i -t u, House, South -ui N. t" .T. IURNER. Ajjent. sep21 dwtf SHOES ! SHOES! Just See the Shoes! Big Shoes. Idttlo nhoes, Ftne Shoes, Oood Shoes, and Shoes UUKAP. Rubber Boots and Shoes. Ked BuoUand Oil Clothing in great quautitle. 1 . At J. i. XAYLOJriS DON'T FORGET TAB , Leadiug Tobaccd House . in New Herhe, Goods and Prices IrUt mak youchewlots, . , ; i's j j, ,. A Large Stock1 of Gbids at .Whalcsula and RETAIL at LOW PRICKS., Dont forgst J.F.TAYL0H.

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