BOOM! STANDARD WORKS! How to Get Them Below Oos Having completed arrangements Houses in New York, wo are now Popular Books at prices that are Low Is Your Library Groupie If not, visit the Journal office and examine our colli cfcioii aud iearn terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as you will tine mentioned in the list below. We handle th.Mii in t wo .mIim,.:.-, ' he 'Bed Line" and the "Franklin." Red Line Your choice from this edition on payment of ?5.'J5 for one year'H subscription to TnE DAIp; JorENAL, or 1.73 for Tiik W'KEKLY JOUENAL. If sent by mail, 10 cents extra will bo required: Bryant, Jean lBb'eI' Burnsv Keble. Kyron, Kingsiey, Browning, Mrs. Bunyan, Lucille, Dante, Milton, Meredith, Elliott, MoorCi Famous Poems, pQC Favorite PoemB. pop'e Goldsmith, Paradise Lost, Qoetjje) Poetry of the Aftectiona, Heine, ' Seott' w Scottish Humorous Pocn Homer's Uliad, Shakespeare, Swinburne. Irish Humorous Poems, rp J The abovejare full gilt andJlhandsomelyembcllishoJ. A beautiful book in all respects. Franklin Cloth binding, gilt back, and most of them good, large, clear print. You choioe given by paying 11.50 for one year's subscription (o The Weekly JOUEITAL, or 15.00 for THE DAILY JOURNAL. 10 ccntfl extra it sent by mail. Andersen's Fairy Tales. American In Iceland. iEsop's Fables. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Bryant's Poetioal Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Creasy'a Fifteen Deoieive BattleB. Children of the Abbey. Diokens' Child's History of England. Emerson's Essays. 'Famous Poems. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Gulliver'" Travels. Goldsmith's Poetioal Works. Hypatia. Half Hour with tho Poets. Hoyle's Games. Ingoldsby Legends. John Halifax, Gentleman. Kingsley's Sermons. JOURNAL OFFICE, Mew Berne, fti. G. BOOKS! with one oi the largest Publishing enabled to furnish Standard ,nd as the Lowest. Edits Edition: Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poe's Tales. Poe's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Rob Roy. Robinson Cruooe. Scottish Chiefs. Swiss Family Robinson. Sidereal Heavens. Sketch Book. Twenty Thousand LcagucB Under the Sea. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thomson's Poetical Works. Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. Tom Brown's Sohool Days at Rugby. Vioar of Wakefield. Wesley's Poems. 18? THE JOURNAL. Arrival and Departure Sails KAIL CLOSES. o r North, Wet and South, tu a. ft N. C.BvB.at8:0Qa.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 6:80 p. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, daily at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokBTille and Mays Tille, daily at 7:30 a. m. For Grantsboro, Bayboroanl Van damere, dailr at 6 a. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mails arejbeing dia ributed or sent. OFFICE HOURS: ' In Moner Order and Registered Let-! ter DeDaxtment.from fi a.m. to n. m. i in Mailing Department from V a ml to a p. m.. and from 7:30 to 8 p.m. The postmaster at Halafai, ife of a negro named Davis, is ''iirf. in lior nrnnnnfe Stl Kflft Thn : , l .A. ;v?tnan it is said is not to blame. Her husband, who was assistant j postmaster, managed the office ;eLtire!j, received all monies. Con- i , pressman Cheat'em's appointees, I nbout whom he boasts so with the ,(,olerd , &iq k him 'short and growing shorter. Tar ! baro Southerner. Peg Leg Williams has begun the movement of the negroes. He ;s iiow merely picking up a lew "t". attTri," and will not takeaway nw.y until November comes. Then lie promises that there shall be "a big uovement." The white Repub licans west ol Raleigh would be g'liu1 if Teg Leg would carry off evi.j- negro in their section of the State. Durham Globe. eiv1ce to mothers, Mks. Winslow's Soothing Svkup nliould always be us9d for children teething- It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhas. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jaly GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY. Sjiiow lin ape from Death at Lj noli bnr(?, Lyncuiu eq. Sopt. 30. General Jubal A. Early bad a narrow escape from death this afternoon. He was standing in front of a build ing on Main street which was recent ly burued, when suddenly and without a moment's warning the wall fell, burying him in a mass of debris. He was rescued in about twenty minutes, only slightly injured, from under some large timbers, which held the debris off his body. A Reprieve for the Condemned. Wretched men and women long con demned to suffer the tortures of dye. pcpeia, are filled with new hope after a few doses of Hostetter'e Stomach Bit ters. This budding hopo blossoms into the fruition of certainty, if the Bitters is persisted in. It brings a reprieve to all dyspeptics who seek its aid. Flatu lence, heartburn, sinking at the pit of toe stomach between meals, the nervous tremors and insomnia of which chronic indigestion is the parent, disappear with their hateful progenitor. Most beneficent of stomachics! who can won der that in so many instances it awakens grateful eloquenoe in those who, bene' tited by it, speak voluntarily in its be' half. It requires a graphio pen to de scribe the torments of dyspepsia, but in many of the testimonials received by tho proprietors of the Bitters, these are portrayed with vivid truthfulness. Constipation, biliousness, muscular de bi'ity, malarial fevers and rheumatism are relieved by it. FUKNITURE ! ! New York Furniture Store PRICE LIST: Walnut bedroom suits.. $25.00 to 8125.00 Irat. ". " " .. 14.00 to 45.00 Parlor suits 25.00 to 45.00 Bureaus 4.00 to 15.00 Bedsteads 1.00 to 10.00 Mattresses 1.00 to 6.00 Spring Mattresses 1.00 to 6.00 Washetands 1.00 to 10.00 Tin safes 2.00 to 6.00 Cradles 1.00 to 10.00 Desks 3.00 to 5.00 Haby carriages 5 00 to 20.00 Willow chairs 1.25 to 8.50 Sewing machines 25.00 to 55.00 Tables 100 to 15.00 Chairs, per sot 2.25 to 12.00 Organs 65.00 to 125.00 Accordeons 75 to 4.50 You will find tbe above stock of Fur niture at the New York Furniture Store, the Leading House for Low Prioes in the city, opposite the Gaston House, South Front street, New tferne, N. C, where I will be glad to see my old customers and friends. T. J. TURNER, sep21 dwtf Proprietor I and Whisker Babtte I cured at home with out pain. Book of par- Iticularasent FREE. B.M.WOOLLEY.M.I) r Atlanta, Ua. office 104)4 Whitehall St, New Lot Samples J. II HOWARD'S. Bargains in Wool Half Hose. Pocket Books. Wool Undershirts. Big Job in odd Coats and Vests. NEW GOODS NOW ARRIVING. See our line of Double Breasted Suits in Black sind Fancy Cheviots. sep7dwtf J. M. HOWARD STATX OF NORTH CAROLINA. I Boperiot County o Onslow. CeuiC Thomas A. Green aud others . vs. J Notice. Nathan P. Smith. 1 To Jiathan P. Suiiit- i -.ii . . . 'like i f I re that auaci.ou m uuv . . 1 . s L-u lnatllnteu -n lie Suoe::o- v ..' i oouuty lor iru io.-ti-.uei. c rrtj;t a tract 01 land .oc la Or. . . c i. on oi near n.te 0..i liver, g veu o . ; lew.j ByuumanJ. iy him esveJ m p..;iv:S Id olodtng ine d-it ihe.evu, . i. ich mortgage in duly rreordfd in '.:. ... e ot the hegts'.er of leeui ot i'. -low countv, book Oi. fo i ) t'Z. Yoc f ,;ar'': c n ' i-.M'-ed to ip:e -r i the l a . i f ti : 1 . .?! ) Supeilor Court and dai unr rtit l to ii.e complaint a you may ie advised Given under my bard and this the ii diy oiSepte nbar. 1m .'. I'BAS.' K. K.. sep9dow C. K 0. oi llu ilow ciuuty. NORTH CARJL1NA, , Craven LouLty. I In tne m"' ' ,ie r'prk ' L 1 ",a tU Notice:- hereby :iven t t '11 O pl'lr. tlOU l'F ill:' AiB( " I' lb! l .e q.,.,'8 t In T. W act j i on s "air fenden. a .1 ti ch on re ; data wit!: ii i-m: that of buoii. h ioia,i i.n lt8 8 Q T H . t'l'.t'Tf:Ne -i I 1 I chase, n : !'i limb r ,r m - o' a- d l 1 i . '' ' the duiatioii if U,.' rv lilirty yen x 1 :t- au-. ,v.i 81 A1 -v Superior Cm. ' . t V . t .. it Ml C.V'-.i i. ) !. .1NA. I Com 'ty. I EO Moor", Minerva Moor." and V n. Cliwl- To Cii sir J. Moor Take notice, TLi.' a . ,-.,.! above, 1'uh ' ion i j ' i ; " ti -! olaln e .1 '( ;r.ier!'. m tv i -i : - ' Sth towni.nip In said coun ;y Li ; to aald Collins Moore at "tli ' )' " o ' . jj ; i i" ! to ivit i.. C:iM.e", " "-.v y ;;"! ( to p-iy Ueb'B. eii' , of .i:-'u.e o:irci rexiu)i-et U opj:- -tr l-etoio a i u, . . . Cnutt Hons .nil oclty it . .n Ihv i 2!'tb day of i croi.,.-, ,.. ji ij- i'. or demur uthe -e. Mon :Cod u. t in. I llrf l)t)i dti oi,''! pi. ii. i.lV" a ii. vm J K. w. i -a:;. ; . :-k. , (",,Mt Siinerior I'onrt ol :r - County I te ; 1'.' ct',t orn (:i'Ol.n;i. I Statp. ur 1UTII OAkOLlV County of J !! in ; S. peri ir v . Tuciiud A (Leer and otboi- ViJ, F. II. Koonro and uiiuv j. To Wm. M. lvi)n t- i . i Koouce You will tike soii; t':i : ie. l.oUm ! : above entitled has been iuetiiuted in the Superior Court c' J.riKd coiini- lor the foreclosure of t. mortgage on tract of land lying near PoKocksviUo in Jones cbunty, given by L. K Koonce and wife to Simmocs & Manly end by them assigned to plaintiff, which mort gage is du!y recorded in Jonr.i crr.o'y office RagiHter of Deeds, bed; oi, folio 385, in which suit you are interfiled as two of the children and heirs at law of L. F. Koonce and wife, the aforesaid mortgagees. Ycu are beroby notified to appear at the Fall Terra, 1890, of Jones Superior Court end demur or answer to th ecrpplaint h"rrtofore Bled as you may loo advi;ed Given under my hand sua B'jrI tuis 25lh day of March, 1?90. au30 6w Thos. J. Wuitakkk. C.S. C' Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant to a judgment of tho Superior 'ourt of Craven county, ia :tn union ni tiled O. W. K'.eiiardton Samuel pock and wife Hikhii C. I rock, ii'Uer li ;cli aid iuderuent 1 wes r.i pulnieil a ooinmiR- slouer to sell ifco land d . -i ili I !u the com plaint In said uiuion Ivt'tl, r.d !; ''! ir.ulior described, I will sell al I'u.i ..- A '.c.ilim, for Cash, at the Court House d ., ,1 i lie City of New Heine, on Monday. ii,o c.a n day o October, at Twelve ..' .oi',., ft ..the fol- lowluK descriocd Kk.h i -, ! . i: iIjvIuk in the Comity ami st.v.e. t. : roBald, beginning at a pine the tLiid ('inner of a raft or lana uucufd ly I .i,.;. ,':"ca lo John lpock, then couth s. v. .si i"olKloa pine, Bneed's fourth r mm r, lliil Boiilh h east 1 pokb lo a phie, iu-a ...ii .id vl ill poles, then north Id i tt ,;i ;; to a tweet gura, 11 being aloiii? a n;:o i.l :n . 1 i i ircep, and the gum Is ataiii'liitt nca: li s hr.'.dof Deep brancD, luen down ir.e .; ivnt t-u k?b of said branch 10 Cii e.ire o. I'.rt ovek swamp, then north ID wtbi ; ' oli i to !: d dlne McCoy's Hue, ontlio ror .1 hoi-i o ilie run of Raid creos, I'l-n . ;, i-ai l i-o south 88 eABt !)i polis lo;v.'.!' I. rum, ,1,111 down suld O'ltk to ;, 1 v. , v.. II. John I pock 'a line to '.he : , . i,:.n : . ,, Main log one hi nJred auj ii ,.1 .-.r acres, more or lesu O. II. .l .ON, Comii lssiocer. fieptoruber 1st. Iv'!i0. au6 d.iw SAVES ANKOYAFCE. GI V ES PEiVOE. AIDS HOUSEKEEPERS, Every I'ackac OurtrAiitci u (o Give Satisfaction or jour Grocer will refund the money. MANUFACTUIiKl) BY SMITH. H0B.PEL & CO., aul4dw3m BALTIMORE. Taxes! Taxes! I will visit tbe places below for the purpose of collecting Taxes, on the days stated during the month of Ucto ber: Vanoebaro, No. 1 Townthiri, Sntur day. Oot. 11th, 1800. Fulober's store, no. 'i township, Wednesday, October 15th, 1690. Fort Barnwell. No. 3 Township, Sat nrday, October 18, 1890. Morton's Store, No. 5 Township, Fri day. Ootober 24, 1890. Havelock, No. 6 Township, Saturday October 25, 1890. James City. No. 7 Township, Friday, October 81. 1S90. Jasper, No. 9 Township, Monday, Ootober 20, 1890. Those failing to moet me at the above named places and settling their Taxes will be visited by myself or Deputy at onoe with the express purpose of col lecting the taxes due. Tbe Taxes must be wound up by the 31st day of December. W. B. LANE, Sheriff. New Berne, Sept. S5, 1800. dwtf , Powder. SALE AND EXCHANGE l hare cotif tantly on hand As Fine and Well Eroken Horses aseer Lrcuiht to 'e Perne. They are eettctd with care and from reliable .lealeitt only. I nave good roidtors. irod draft horsts. and those and the ' (ta-ldle. Aleo, in connection with my Livery, I have a FIRST-CLASS Carriage and Buggy Repository, v . l ie iil be found a full equipment i: i:inx ?hi'.iHe. Painting, repairing, . done in the very beet workman- i" p. A trained and experienced Shoer CTistartly on duty. Will take pleasure in ebowitig yuu through any depart- merit of my business. J. W. STEWART. ii.elO dwt NOTICE. :'v 2ki;se, N, C.,Sept. 16, 1890. Oidcred, that the following places be s .' tire hereby designated as polling plnciia in the various election precincts aad wards of the city of New Berne run". Cid cuuLty of Craven, for the elec t u lo be he'd on the first Tuesday in November, Ih'JO, as follows: 1st ward, it police ciBce. 2i ward, 8'. court houss. :;! one aoor north of Erdman's icon Middle street. i'ii ward. Benevolent school house. .";!. ward, St. Phillips precinct, St. Phillips chapel. o,h ward, McCarthy precinct. bih towr ship, Pleasant Hill precinct, Pleasant Hill school. Sth townBhip, Camp Palmer preoinct, at Camp Palmer. 1st township, Vanceboro precinct, at Vanceboro. 1st tov.-Lbl.ip, Dawnon's store pre- cii ct, at Dawson's store. 2i township, Fulohor s precinct, at Fulcher's store. :tl township, Russell's precinct, at Ruseoll's. 3d township, Core creek precinct, at Cove. Sd townfb:i. Dover precinct, at Dover Station. 5th township, Temple's precinct, at Morton's store. 5th township, Stanton's precinct, at Stanton place. 6th township, Lee's Farm precinct, at Ie's Farm. 7th towuship, Conner's precinct, at Conner's. 7ih township, James City precinot, at Jamos City public school house. 9.h township, Jasper precinct, at Jasper. 9ib township, Arnold store preoinct, at Arnold's. J. A. RICHARDSON, poplS dw30d Clerk B'd Com. Stmr Blanche for Sale. Seyentv-five feet long, 18 feet wide over all: draught 30 inches loaded, comes 110 bales of cotton, and regis tered at Custom House 47 tons gross, 28 net; licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 1UU on excursions. Ke built in Ootober. 1889. Joiner work and deckiag entirely new, hull made as uood as new. Engine and boiler re built, all wearies aud destructible parts renewed ; new crown sheet and tubes n boiler. Inspected November 27, 1880, and licensed to carry 86 pounds steam pressure, fropeller 49 inches, engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 feet by CO inches, of 5-16 iron, tensile strength 5U.UUU pounds. Fully equipped throughout, according to law and in perfect running order, the Blanche is splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught nayi gation anywhere, and has shown fine towing oapacity. She is offered for sale on reasonable terms, and at a very low price. For further information apply to James Redmond, Bee' & Treas, aiie3d&wtfl New Berne, N. C. Wonderful JDiscovery! The German Anti-Rheumatic Ring ! A speedy and permanent cure for K'aeumBtism, Neuralgia, ociatioa, Lum bsgo, Gout, and all other diseases ".hero a general warming, quiokening, strengthening and equalization of the circulation is required. It will last for years, gives no shock. and but a mild, soothing sensation on wearing it. No waiting a long time for results. It acts quiokly, generally the first week, more frequently the first day, and sometimes even in the first bour its curative powers are felt. It is inexpensive, harmless in opera tion, while simple in applioation, en tailing neither discomfort nor inconve nience. Though marvelous in the re sults it has achieved, its seeming sim plicity Iibb the effect of causing many to doubt its virtues. For further infor mation and price call on BELL THE JEWELER, SOLE AGENT, N. O. Agouts desiring territory, address abovo. jy6dwt( FOB SALE. Several large and very valuable traets ot riMti risi k I'lMUKK on th Neuge at,d Trent Rivers, and Hlg Bwlft Oreok. near Ncwhern. N. 0. Haw Mills on lame. Rati. road Just completed through a large body of tu w viniuer. r or xuriner iniormauon apply lo JAM KB W. DRNNir: Trustee of the Tide Water Land and Lumber uompany, ztw et. raui Bt., Baltimore, ltd. . ( r to KOBERTa A BKOADlfs, . i" Wewbern, N, 0. Next! Pbof. W. H 8HEPARD and eompe- tent assistants in the toneorial art will ; give yon a Hair ont for 20 cents, v. Shampoo 80 ; Share 10 ' Gastcu Qoue HabcrShop, Nkw Bernb, N.'C. 1 ' Sale of Valuable Heal Estate'. . Ia pursuance of a judgment of 'orvclotura of mortgage of the Sbptri. r cV nit 01 Craven ' county, oDialned at hfrmg Term, U90. a .' will sell for uaq 11 , a 1 i.n t onrr. uouaeaoor- ln the city of rew Be-ne, on Monday the 3d day of November. I: J , . ; Twelve, M., the following desorttifd Ilea. Kdiie situated In the county 01 iraen, Stave of Jorth Carolina, to wit: 1, One piece or pircj. 01 iind bUuatea ou , Broad street. In the . i c.iy i blew Heine, t bounded and dewn i-t i. 1 1 w: Begin ning at a point in ir.e L. . designated In 1 ij p : No. 17. cnnidist&if. ... N08. Iti and 51. aiiu 1 , : wardly wim said back half 01 the dtsturce u-! c thence normwsr 'ly ; ven btreet tu a h i street; 1 hence Me-1 a 1 Broad street s 11 wardly and paiaoe. u Broaaatreet: r Ii street to a po.vt c :. of Lots Kos 48 a:i.! . I Ilie Lot -. o r I.' as Lot . eti Ul LOU!i east- o a poiul uue- i i-f l,ot NomSu ri w.ili Cra I ; .r-in Broadt ' 1 .lauei witn ' north i' . .11 street to y iui Broad . 11 lines t a scath- wardly aad parallel v. iiii Ci 1 ev f the be ginning, beuig a 1 ai : o' I . . '. IT. 2. One other Iran in . , to wit: One full, equal, undivided o -o ! a i "rt of the piece of land ocku ' io onhweat ern corner of lUeliiu:. r-io, 1 it broiling; (formtny belonging to W. U. Uliver) ou the east side of -i.i.-ti, i.e..r ilie old county wharf, and ri.uniug the ecu aomh wardly along the e&bieiu line 01 Craven street, 30 feet, thence ..'. wrdiy parallel with south Kroni sli'ie! ' " f.-i t .1 lechee, thence northwardly buj p' e 1 iel with Ora ven street hi) feet, thence weMvamly a di rest Une to tho oeElnnitr:. !l bemga part of the water front ol Lot deM;u d 111 Ihu plan of said city aa lot No. 1 1 3. All tnose certain tracts or parcels of lnd along the line of li e Atlannc and Mortu Carolina Railroad, about h'x if es west of the city of New Berae.bJi.i; iie same v.hlch were conveyed to Ueoiye .ntn aud i'. J. Mitchell by iie;i resin'. ' r, d 1.1 il e tecords of Craven county in Book 71 loin.s 01, tOi and6U3, and which Ui.i iiu HoliiHi-.r and Jag. B. Hnghss, executory o' He leie 1ho. J. Mitchell and the aalii Ccc r.e A .ien t out ed and conveyed to Matilda u. l iarlt by oeed registered In Crae;i county l ook ., fol tos 67, 68 and 69, and which said ( , ark rcranted and oonyeytd to sa.d Al.en I . ic.l tck's tared In Craven county, hook 77. folio containing many hundred acres -if valuable land, aud beine: the same lor.oerly o cupled by the late H. J. H. Clara, upon whu h mere Is nuold bric'iycr l.airi re- it. -ce. M. Te V. STKV'iNS'. M and IiKNmV H. thVA.'.', sep.'W Ids ConitnissionerF. The complete novels of the great. Sir Walter Scott, "tho wizard ot the JNoith, peerless among romancers, all for $;.00, may seem incredible, but it is one of the latest achievements of Aldeu's Literary 1 evolution. Waverley Novels. gcolt. The Waverley Novels, In fir Walter Hcott, Rob Roy Edition, conflict.! in (1 volumes, email octavo, with 4'J illiistratious, el., price t3. List of Vols.-4! Iliiinlrctions. I. Hcvt of Midlothian, I. Tin- A hi id. Count Hubert of I'arM, . Hi i.l. - of I.niiiiii"i nioor, Fair Maid ot rei'ili, Ine 1'. IrotM, n, Woodstock. : l ev, f C.c 1'e.ik, 2. Fortuncscf Ni;;.-I. Anne of Oeicrsh ,n Quentin liirivn-d, burgeon's Daughter. 3 iA'prend of Montn.. c. I'he Talisman, The Antiquary, Riil C.auntlet, tit. Ronan's Well. i H : ' ii.! Moit.uiiv. I Th.. Al. ii i-u-Vy, ! The liiiick Iwarf. jr. V, .iv. ri.y. ;n .Viainu'nrij.', Keinlnoiih, ' , lvilillO.'. This "i!ol Roy Edition" of Scott's "Waverley Novels is nearly identical with the "Pop ular Library Edition " of the same author" published by Appleton at $10.00 for the set, the paper being 'ill y a little lighter in weight and a little cheaper in quality, but both very satisfactory. The books may be seen at the office of this papcr.or ;i specimen volume, returnable, will be sent postpaid for 50 ".'nts. 1H1T I WAST IN MI WEEKLY PAPER I WANT A reliable paper that I enn I WAKT' "ia'-J take Into 1117 famtljl A paper whloh reiireaouis Hlir'i lile.ili t WANT A" ' oatiai Prlnclples The latest Home Nt 1. Th. luteal K TPV.n Nawfl. I 1!"' iUM I'oiltlcal Nawa BelUble Harket Report j, Bellable quotations of furni Pvoducw, , Livestock Market, Flaaaclal 4 Commercial t WANT Sen.lble end n?aMatblc Editorial. I WANT W PoUUea1, Boclal an,i M"! Queetlona 'i'he cream of the best Editorial Jork and other 1 1 ally and weekly papen To let me know what tliiy trilak of niatten I WANT Uood, reliable Farm and Garden Articles I WANT Written by Practical Men, o auoir oratMn of the Home tlf e of , , ' ;; -s I WANT ui mm oxpenoncei, Gre neuaat moral torl for theTorjnft PeopK . , that the oblktmn may look for ine sane ' I WANT Aatlieydoforafrleaa. V ?; atortaeetlntereitforniEldeTa, Sot we. too, like our noun of lelmra X THIS 18 WHAT I DON'T WANT: ' , I DON'T WANT tf Ibepaddln doem add to tbe rahm. 1 DON'T WANT Meat, n)aea Boltsrlals, , Wrtttm by roeolal pleatlere, '.,V' WM w m nothlDt fees V ' '.V t la any side but Uwlr pwi, ; now; what paper will fill the BILL? t THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS Mi..Tir'iB. ' VTQ3LY $1 A TEJMJlSjl or Tar men, Vana ww Merobaata, Oom DMrnentara, Bnlidim Btore-keepora, lllaokimltln, ,v-; " ; te SuSiWo hewaX towlut taotaS mWwsrf Aeo.ival.. " Sl" " aper In America. muu pamatae and away below tetaUprlcsa, Bead for a free eoov. , " v v , '!. n - ,, , ,, JjJtMsnurmtoaayaadiif; '..: ' JOHkSotjqIll i C0.,Wi A it US .'XV.2H.V,'.