r Daily OURNAL., a,. V"-- VOL. IX -NO. 170 NEW BERNE. N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. BE X: U r . - 1 t 9CSINESS LOCALS. OURZEIGLER BROS SHOES have arrived, ocUtf BaaniscrTOH & Baxter. EtU CITY STEAM LAUNDRY now ready for work on collars, cuffs and shirts. Work may be left at tbo tore of James M. Howard. ocl2tf. J U3T RECEIVED Another new lot of those freah cornet Portsmouth mullet's at chur :hill & parker'3, Broad Street. DOBERTS & BRO are receiving IX their fall etoctt Boots and Shoes, Drv Goodj. Groceries tuJ Provisions. They buy at hoad quarters and can (fire you Low Prices. u26 THE T AY LOU ADJU3TABE 8QOE 1- for ladies. No w an-1 marvelous in viiui)u. Sa sample. N. Ahrau, j 18 tf Opposite Jol'KNAi. Office. OLD PAPEiU fur nale i:i ;iuv quan titiaa at Joukn.'.i. olli .'6. pOR the I- ask f beet SMOKIN'O TOJACCO for CUBAN A or DEEM TONGUE, made from beitcted leaf grown in the boat Tobacco suction, aud from manufacturer!) who make only Smoking Tobacco. For sale by sep4 dwtf C. E. Hloveu. The pjliticil issue is tmuihood. money va Register. Too rrgi traiion elo-ys the 24th of October. Many New Uurniaus have just biiuomo attached to the Kitchiu. The iuaa who w.ilks into our Kitc'iiu end." w gone "world without Kennedy's ching on. Tim speech keeps mar- lewsp.iptr edition beats the Record 'Heme jib Kii V.! auce 8iS i"e ,. I bittle grouud 1U iNOI lll Carolina is east of i he centre. A VOTE for tho li tytor iiuy of iu euudidat.es, is a vole lor ihuvolutiuu. A CERTAIN candidate taid. the other day, u;u agin the ieLce law." Thireisno fei.ee to get on iu this campaign. THE tatiir is a bijj question-a very big questron but it dwindles into comparative insignificance by tha Ride of tbo force bill. The passage ol the Mckinley tariff bill is having a damaging influence on the prospects of the World's Fair at Chicago. THE position of Captain Kitchin that Democrats Should not go upon the bonds of Republicans is accept ed as the pure political goselof the times. IT is believed that the senatorial contest will bo narrowod to Vance and York. Speak out candidates, and let ic be known who you are for Zcb Vance or Tyre York. WE have heard nothing of ivjeasrs. rerry ana uaiuisou oemg in attendence upon the appoint- ments made for them, but we have heard very much of their failure to attend these meetings. Show your D SECRETARY BLAINE, Congress- - , . . . -r man jYicivinioy ana inventor TCrtismi ar naidrohrt Mia Amfiri- , . . j , , . T , An. in mncf tolffflrt onAtir in I All i ATI uuuuu.uuuvu.uuu jast now. One Harrison of the g. O. p. has been dropped lrom the list Of notables. 1 1 1 rynnn ... I. nvn cnnnADIlfl f A I joxuaiu. uu io DuvD vv know aay the President haa made npJttismind to convene Congress, in extra session, about the eleventh nf WrtfPmher. ThA main nnrnose is to pass the Election bill and the , Apportionment bill. . The Wat frying" proceas is in iuiiti urogresa iu icpuuiirtu vum pakna.V .Quay haa a fund of $400 000:1$ help ;oat-hia party 10 Penn f SVlvania.and contributions approxi- v.inatinfif half 1l million of dollars haveT)eett raised to assist McKinley In OhIC;., : tq this writing np one has ' ' been announced aa the successor i . ' ' .. , , of Mr. Kogeraas tbe Democratic Candidate' .Wf Congress in tulS w - . i. ri m .ni Uo, n ' district -Perhaps there will be no nariclldate. It is certainly ioo iato foe ftriyloneVto make a canvass of . the distrij ant ii ajpy. .nQininaiiQa " ;i-'j ......v --"ti. --.,,' , . . , ia made it should be of one widely, know for his ability and pure Democracy. How to defeat the force bill is the question. Electa Democratic Congress. True the bill has passed the Bouse, aud cannot again be before that body, but the election of a majority of Democrats to the next House will show the Iiepubli cans that the Uicasure is unpopu lar, aud the Senate will not pass the bill. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Ed. WuiiFoiiD-Notiee. W. L. Palmer Soap and cigars. Miss LTarriette Lane -Millinery. A. & N. U. R Change of schedule. J. R B. Caukaway For ealo cheap. Cotton New Berne nmkot Sales of 214 bales at 9 25 to 9 75. A good crowd went up to the Fair Aftor sundown on Oct. 24th you will not be allowed to register. Have you attended to it? Tha Democratic; Congressional Ex ecutive Committee have decided not to nominate another candidate in place of Mr. W. J. Rogers. Our local reporter will leave today to jjia the surveying party of the Wil- miDgton and Onslow Railroad who are pushing on toward New Berne. The (iljlllfiborn P.r TOill . - M. Tuesday and continue three" dais. Taere will be a full line of exhibits uuuumj auiiiu nt DuViii 1 UJ.n, UUU 1 tttCD every day on a half-mile track. 3 000 have been ofFrod in nrfiininmn Mr. Jas. W. Biddle, the Democratic candidate for Register of Deeds, and Mr. Chas. Sutton spoke at Jasper yester day. There was a good crowd present, the speaking was excellent, covered all tha ground necessary and was well received. That township 6eems ready to do its full duty on election day. Oue of our merchants, who is a mem bor of tho Co operative Manufacturing Company, advanced the idea Monday ni ht thpt tbe increa8ed trade at his Btoro after the starting of the factory would remunerate him for the capital ha had invested in it. Business men who have not yet taken stock, have you thought of that V We are in receipt cf a complimentary ticket to tho East Carolina Fair and Stock Association to be held at Golds- boro on the 21st, 22 J, and 23 J inst. It will give us much pleasure to attend and note the progress and enterprise of our neighbor city and we hope to see a good many New Barnians make the visit. There is always something to be gained at suoh exhibits. Mr. Jas. B. Lane showed us last night a very (mall, pretty, black and tan puppy which died and hexhad stuffed by Miss Alice Duffy, the taxidermist. The liltle fellow ia onIy about three inche8 i0Dg, and ia mounted on a nicely bordered red silk cushion and looks so natural that you would think ho is slive and ready for a plav, Ic ia an excellent piece of work. The mother of tho puppy weighs only four pounds The Tennyson & Dawson Troupe were met with another good audience I , , i I ,., I . lormer uuu iub veuiruuquiHi were very clover in their roll, but the "inimitable I T - - .UA 1 U I .1. t ""i" wtt "uo " mus" eoing. Th3 dancing was very good especially that of little Nellie. Though I a mnro child she ia now an artist. The pre8enta drawn were a chamber eat by y. B. Boyd and a parlor lamp by Israel Harris, colored. Tonight closes their I entracrement. Mr. J. M. Gerrill. of Havelock. while 0ut hunting Tuesday killed a 400 pound bear. One of the bear's feet was shown to us yesterday, and if the foot is a fair n6Ucii"n of the whole "varmint," it would not have been pleasant to have met him in his native haunts. Tho foot measured six inches in width and was nine inches long. V!r. Gerrill also killed a bear Monday, but we did not learn his weight. We also saw half cf a fine fat deer on tbe train yesterday morning which Mr. Jas. T. Green waa sending up to Mr. Dempsey Wood. Mr, Green killed that at Havelock also A Child (Jets Lost and Perishes in a Bog. ieyi the two ,ettr old daughter of John MaUey, who has been missing since Wednesday last, was found In a awamp, lw0mUei from here yeeterday morning. She was rank almost out of sight in the ook ana lire wai aoout gone, one was t the B t h0e Bnd re8tora. itives administered, dui the oniia aiea that she will lose her reason. Waterworks. How many of our citizens on the lint of Major A. R. Dennieon's waterworks realize what an importantaid they have in extinguishing fires in their very in cipiency ? With the exception of the brief interval of four hours, between 13 o'clock midnight and 4 a. m. pressure is kept constantly on, and even during thoso four hours steam is kept up and the engineer always ready and the pressure is renewed the instant a fire alarm is given. 8o if you are taking water from the Major's works bear this fact in wind, and if you unfortunately discover that your residence or place of business is on fire do not getexcitod and waste time running frantically arcund after half filled vessels of water, totally inadequate for your needs, but keep your wits about you, immediately attach your hose to the outlet, get an iu; xhaustiblo supply and extinguish tho liie before it gets beyond control. In this connection we will stato that as far as Major Dennieon's pipes have been laid tha only thing lacking to make them a complete system of water works ii for firo hydrants to be placed on them at proper distances apart, and the Major says that the instant the city authorities signifies their readiness for them he is prepared to put in as many as wanted and in any part of the city, and is ready to tiler more advantageous terms to tho city than any waterworks cornpauy has yet done. tie already has the deepest well in the city, which affords pure, wholesome drinking water, proven so by analysis, and also has pipes laid through the bueinees portion of the city, and he says he is bble to furnish two streams of water us effectivo for extinguishing fires at either one of our engines can supply, and that if tha contract is awarded him ho will put in a system of works equal to the very beBt. We feel our need of a thoroughly efficient system of waterworks and the advantages that would accrue from having them. Other North Carolina towns, pmaller than New Berne and less conveniently fixed than we are for establishing them, have put them in and wo hope that our city fathers will sojn see their way clear to give us a system second to none in the State. Major Dennison is one of our most onterprieing citizans and is also a pub lio spirited man and has been for many years identified with our interests and if the works he offers and the terms on which he offers them, are done equal te the others we would rather he should have the preference than any outside corporation. Young vs. Telegraph Company. In the case of J. T. Young vs. tbe W. U. T. Company the Supreme Court now in session in Raleigh has just rendered a decision favorable to the plaintiff. The action was to rooover damages for failure of tho telegraph oompany to deliver a telegram announcing the ill ness of plaintiff's wife, whereby he was prevented from being at her bed side at the time of her death. The plaintiff claimed damages for mental suffering; tho defendant then de murred on the ground that the action could not be sustained on the ground of mental suffering done. Tne Superior Court overruled tha demurrer and held that the action was properly laid and that thcplaintiff was entitled to dam ages. The defendant, without waiting for the case to come trial, then appealed to the Supremo Court which sustains the opinion of the Superior Court that there is ground for action. The case now goos back to the Superior Court for trial and will come up at the next term hote which will bo next month, and tho amount of damages to whioh the plaintiff is entitled will be deoided by the jury. Messrs. Manly & Quion, F.M.Sim mons and L. J. Moore represented the plaintiff, and Messrs. Clark & Clark, tho defendants. This is an important case the firet of tho kind in North Carolina and there are only five States in the Union in whioh similar caees haye ooourred. There haa been a prevalent opinion that there was no ground for suit in casea of failure to perform obligations unless there was material damage- damage to person or property but this opinion is being proven erroneous and that mental suffering alone is sufficient ground on which to reoover damages. Franciscan Monks Arrive on this Con , tincnt. New York, 14. Eight Franoii- oan MonkB from the Monastery at Tou louse, France, arrived on Sunday in the eteerage of the steamship La Gaaoogne. They were led by Friar Dadialas, a dig nified gray bearded ascetio, who. pur chased tioketa for Canada and aoted as spokesman of the party. They are go ing to Ottawa to establish a house of their order under the direotion of the arohbishop Ddhama. Chapter 1: Weak, tired, no appetite, Chapter 2: Took Hood 'sSariapar ilia Chapters: Strong, cheerful, hungry Change cf Schedule. A slight change has been made in the schedule of the passenger train going west. She will get here Saturday morning and thereafter at 8:17 and leave at 8;80, which is 20 minutes car ter than the present time. The freight train will reverse the days on which she goes up and down the road. Hereafter she will go west on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days and return on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. The new schedule goes into effect Friday, October 17th, at 1:30 p. m. See new schedule in another column. Personal. Mr. N. A. Bray left yesterday for Charlotte to visit his daughter, Mrs. Alice E. DeMolinieu. Mr. S. R. Manly who has been em ployed a year or two at Messrs. J. H Crabtree & Co.'s machine shops has gone to Raleigh to take a position in the machine shop of Mtssrs. Allen & Crain. Mrs. S. B. Waters left to viiiit friends in New York, and Mrs. Dr. Roberts. Primrose, Miss Mary Oliver and Miss Mary Bryan, the New Berne telegraph operator, left for a pleasure triD to New York on the last outward trip of the steamer Newberne. Mrs, W. T. Boyd, who has been visit ing relatives in New Berne, returned to her home in Raleigh yesterday. Maj.S. ;D. Pope left for a business trip in tha western part of tho Stale. FIFE IS KANDLEMAN. Five Hundred Conversions and 215 Applicants for Church Membership. A Great Meeting. Randleman, N. C, Oct. 13ih, 1890. Evangelist Fife's meeting closed here last night, and it has been a grand suc cess. The results are, fully five hun dred professions and loalaimants. The hundred and fifteen applications for church membership one hundred and twenty-five to the M. E. church, sixty five to the M, P. church, fifteen to the Baptist, and ten to the Presbyterian. Over five hundred men came up under a pledge to abstain from intoxi cating liquors of any kind. Cider sellers knocked the bungs out and poured the cider into the street. Old gray haired men were converted at their homes and on the road from the meeting Front twelve to fifteen visit ing ministers were present holding up brother Fifes hands. From twelve hundred to three thousand people pres ent at each service. Uis farewell re marks to the congregation, the minis ters, tho committee, the ushers and then to the choir, were so full of love and feeling that there was not a dry eye in the audience, and sobs could be heard in every direction. Such a grand time has never before been hud in old Randolph. FREE AT LAST. SINQULAR FATE OF TWO MEN CI' ARQED WITH MURDER. El Paso, Texas, Oct. 13. Mo Walter McLaughlin and Walters, the men ar rested in Jaurez, about a year ago, for the murder of an American woman, were realeased from jail Saturday morninz. itiev were tried in the Mexican court, and found euiltv. in spite of their assertions of innocence. Walters was sentenced to be shot McLaughlin to ten years in jail. The case was appealed to the supreme court in Chihauhau, and nothing was heard of it until Saturday, when the doors of the prison were thrown open, and they were tola to depart, Walters was so weak after his dis- oharge that he could soaroely walk or sneak. Both are overioved to reach Amerioan soil again. They say they are innocent, and Dronose to make claims against the Mexican govern - ment. loathful Stage Robber, Ukia, Col., Oct. 14. The overland staiie was robbed Sunday night. 18 miles north of this place. Wtlls Fargo & Company's treasure box and United States mail sacks were taken. While the robber was cutting the mail sacks ODen. the driver. MoDanie Is. snaDned a pistol at him but it would not go off. The robber retreated, and fired two shots at the driver, neither of which took effect. The robber was Caught at CloverdalB venterdav ftfturnonn. He , . - , proved to do a Doy apout io years Old, and a stranger in this community, tie I Court House door in tne cit or ew Kerne, t..allaJ nil,,. t,arn.alcn Monday, tha 21th day of November. 1S90, no was capiursu. lie succeeaea in get ting aDout iuu trom the stage, ue ad n Id tha nrima Ulin !ug Brutal Assault On a FcCblC-Mindcd SHKLBYVILLK, Ind., Oot, 14 Nora Farlow, a feeble minded daughter of I I i Nathan Farlow, a well to do farmer of Stomers, near here, was criminally as saulted Sunday night by Walter Safer. Leslie Avery and John Carroll, each about seventeen yean of age. The brutes entered the bouse while the fam ily was at church and: tha girl was at home alone. A boy named Meeka saw the villains enter the house, and near ing soreams' shortly' afterward, sur mised the truth aha informed tome neighbors. Blifer was captured but the other two esoaped. Officers are soour ins the country for them. Slif er is in jail under a heavy guard as there are threats oi lynohing him. For Sale, Two Twin Reversible Engines -12x80 new cylinders; baianoe in good order. - - james kkdmond. , Seo. & Treas. N. AT. It. S..B. Co. Bp8Btf ' SHIPPING NEWS. ARRIVED, Str. DQanoe of the Clyde line. IN PORT. Schr. Carrie Far son, Cpt. Murpby. Schr. Eunice Reynolds, Capt. McNea). CLEARED. Sir. Eaglet, of the E. C. D. line, with full cargo of general exports. Str. Howard, for Trenton, with full cargo of general merchandise. Str. Carolina, for Qriftoa. S;br. Clara Garrett, Capt. John Mc- Phereon. NOTES. Sir. Vesper, of the E. C. D. line, will arrive today and sail tomorrow. Str. Trent will sail this mornitg fur Adama cieek. Why continue the use of iintritinfr pp"' ders, snuffs or liquids. El) 's drum Ualui, pleasant of application aud a buru cure for catarrh and cold in head, can be had for Wc. It is easily applied into the nostrils. is safe and pleasant, and is curing the most obstinate cases. It gives relief at once. There Is Probably More Soap Br0U8ht to the town of Naw R.rne thr.n any other town in the Stat-. Why is th"" Because tho people are detfr- 1 KeeLp oie&D 8n(1 bave every' iuiu ii uuu . tiioiu juiu uuu owed. And rigbt here is the reaacn I keep Tensill & Co.'s Cigars: they are tbe purest and sweetest Cigars made, so all good smokers say, and are pleased with them. And don't you forget the 825,000 to be given away on guesses. You may win money. Wm L. PALMER. AGENCY FGF. f?5 I will sell at Public Sale, on the 5th day of December, lisOO, tho Personal Property of John N. Whitford, dec d. at the residence of the deceased, in Jones county, N. C, consisting cf four head horses, two mules, five oxen. twenty head of other cattle, hogs, bags and household and kitchen furniture. wagons, carts, plows, corn foddor. and farming implements, etc., otc, for cash. Sale will commence at an early hour. ED. WHITFORD, oclSdwtd Administrator. iror Sale Cheap, Three Dwelling Houses on lot imme diately west of the residence of Mr. John C. Oreen on Broad street. A bargain may be had to remove them at once. Apply to oclC 3t J. R. B. CARRAWAY. flillinery Opening! MISS HARRIETTE LANE Will display her Elegant and Attract ive Stock of FINE FALL AND WIN- I TER MILLINERY on THURSDAY and J FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1G and 17. The ladles of New Berne and vicinity are cordially invited to call and see the loading New York Styles. oclC lw Proclamation. Mayor's Office City of New Berne. Whereas it has been reported to this office that false alarms of fire have re- cenuy Deen niauo wuuia me umusoi tne city ol JNew Berne, to tue annoy ance of citizens and the injury of tbe our property. Jnow, tnereiore, i, t; a Battle, Mayor ot tne city oi new uerne, do hereby issue this my proclamation, 1 warning all persons to desist from inak- I mg such false alarms, and offering a reward of rive Dollars for the annre hension of any person giving, or who has given, a false alarm of Are within 1 the limits of the city of New Heme I Issued under the seal of the city of New Berne, North Carolina, this tho 14th day of Uctober, law I C. A. BATTLE, Mayor. i Bale ol valuable xteai Estate , , ,,, , ,.r rOI. court of craven county, obtained at SprlngTerm, 1889, In an aotlon pending In court, entitled I'enelqpe Pennell against I w. 1. Arnold, executor ol William Arnold. deo'd, and 0lhrs, I will sell for catb, at tlie ftt ,2 m-i llie following deecribed Heal Estate - 1 situated in the county of Craven, Male of - .Norm carouna, to wit: I XUOB0 UUIUUUB UI llie 1UBU lormeriT 06' I It.o lata lIMIIton, 1 1.1 ., 7l lUUf.lug 1 " .11 " " . 1 .... in niuviu, HUU uc- KP.riherl and known in t.hA nlat. Llta.hcil In tbe Judgment In the above entitled action las Lott Nos. one (1), three (3), four (4) and leven (7), a fuller and more complete de- crlption will appear by reference to (aid I JUUHUIVUki Jndgment' HENRY R. BRYAN. Commissioner. ocl5 (ltd FINE CLOTHING, Fine Hats, Fine Underwear, Fine Silk Umbrellas, Fine Shoes, I In fact the Finest and Best Selected Stock we ever carried. St... . ' . 1 I L our pricus are ino iuwtt. Call and be convinced. Barrington fi Baxter. Agents for ZeiglerBros.Shoes Notice. 150 Pair Ladies' Shoes, 3's, 4's and 5's, will be sold at One Dollar per Pair, AT Big- Xiao's Clothing Store, These KhcM coet at the Faaory 81.25 to 81 60. Thoso who want bargains will do well to call ana rxamine them. se2-( dwtf SAVES ANNOYANCE. CJl lM-lACK. AIDS u 0 J SE KEEPERS. f- oty I Ji Grocer ieka;- iii:-.r.,n(ccl t SRtil'.ictioi r jour ill rein ,I i lie money. MANUF.-.CTL'i.l'l' : SMITH, HORPEL & CO, aul4 1-.v:;.n BALTIMORE. li urns Boarding House Reopened. Mk. .1. M. II INKS city mi l will rroji. i lliiiirdiii!; limine ; 1 ' r r.i il to the ! r l'irst-Cliiss U: of Op.tobfr H:i tisi Chunh. at i-ani In: it ion, OMpnSlt THE PIONEER BAVI J SIWISG MAGHIME li lo hail ui the .-n 1 1 1 pluce. J. M. HINES, Agent. M'pir. .lwtt . Minks Stor r.i: v von: Furniture, Mattresses, Etc., A. M. BAKEK'S, Middlo str.-et. N.-u- Bitii.'. N. C. arpuU cli'Hio-d iitol (nit down. Furni ture of all kinil-i nil mi i!. oc12 dl w wit New eri:c Iheatre, l NIGHTS 4 IMMMKNCIXII Monday, October 13th. Ladies and Cliildren's Matinee: WEDNESDAY ArTERNOON. TENNYSON & DAWSON'S Grand Gift Carnival. REFINED SPECIALTY CO. Of well known Artists. The pick of profeaeion. Especially engaged for tliia Compouy. 100 Elogant and Valuable Presents given away at each entertain ment. Admission, '20, ;ia and 50c. New La? Samples AT J. H. HOWARD'S. Bargains in Wool ll.il f Ucse. Pocket Pooka. Wool Undershirts. Big Job in odd Oo tts and Veeis, NEW GOODS NOW AKK1VING. See our line of Double Breasted Suits in Black and Fancy Cheviots. sep7dwtf J. M. HOWARD. FURNITURE ! ! New York Furniture Store lias just rectivtd the Fn.est Stock of furniture, Orgacs, Musical Instruments, Clocks, Carpets. Oil i lo.ha und Trunks. Also, a job lot of Oil Paintings and Pic ture Frames, which I am closing out at 50o. on the dollar. All of which will be sold cheaper than any other store in the city. Call ynd examine my stock and be convinced that the New York Furniture Store is tbe place to get your money's worth. I am also Acent for No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, the best in the world, and the New Home, the next' best. And can furnish you with at tachments for any machine made. Office and Sales Rooms opposite Gas ton House, New Berne, N. O. T. J. TURNER, oo!2 dwtf Proprietor, Ilortgage Sale. BAKING Powder. Pursuant to a Judgment of tha Superior V'."- ; Court of Craven county. In L. H. Cutler vi. "v: K. K. Olatk and K. O Unthbert, 1 will sell, ai ' j'J' Vnbllc Vendue, at the t'ouit House In New J'1 f bern, on Monday, Nov. 11, )8S0j at lit a'slocki-VM ? M.,the IIoiini and Lot, In Newbern, at the ;,: k northeast ' oomer or Craven, ami ' ,Nem streets. --.V', Xermi.Csah. : i - r A-a.':-' cna. C, OI.A itK. Commission.' ;S r , Newbern,Bept.UISKi. ,w.;--.:sv.Ss;,;;"f;.f; ; '''A.' ,'''".! 1 A, -'i )''.' i'.i'-;'V' ,,, : ' uw'.'iV-

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