laELXSHKR'S AliOOICMKHTl TSX DAILY JOURSALtt tlx eolaaia aapar, publish tally, ateapt Monday at 5.W par rw, tU lor iU math Dallrerad to elty snoasrt bar at H mti par moatn - THK VJCKkLT JOURNAL, a M eolnma Hpw, la publlahaa every Thursday at ILK psrannam. . .. 1 AUYXBTIHINQ KATK8 (DAILT-rOne laoaeneday Me.; So. for each sabequent laaartioo. t Advertlaaaaeata ander head of "Business leala,"! eaUellnefor flret.aad eenta a Uaa to every rabaaqvaat Insertion 1T advertiaementa wUl be Inserted between oealaaaUarat any price. lloUees or iaaxrtag or Deaths, nat loexoeed taa Qua will be Inserted free, AU additional aaattar will ba enarred t aanta oar Uaa. - Farsaenu Ibr ' transient advertisements Mitt made la advance. Reruiar adver UaaaMnta will ba collected promptly at the and ot each month. OonuauBlaattons eontalnin news of tut Aslant public Intareal arc aoUoltad. No eMSaaanloatlon moat ba axnaoted to ba tmb- lathe that contains oblaetlooabla personal lllaa,of wtttiboMa um name or tha author AiUelee longer than hair a column mut be paid for. AJty person reeling aggrieved at an v anony mooa oommnni canon canobtaln the name of tha autcor by application at thli omoe and Showing wherein the grievance exists. THE JOUKNAL. K. B. Ha.BJPKH.. C. T. HASCOCK. Proprietor, Local Reporter. JTRW BEBNE. N. 0.. OCT. 17 1S90 Catered at the To offlos at N Herts, R 0 assacoaa-olasa nutter. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For U. S. Senate: ZEBULON B. VANCE. For Chief Justice: A. S. MEBRIMON. For Associate Justice: WALTER CLARK. For Congress 2nd District: W. J. ROGERS, of Northampton. For Judge 2nd Judicial District: HENRY R. BRYAN, of Craven, For Solicitor 2nd Judicial District: J. M. GRIZZARD, of Halifax. CRAY FN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For the Senate: H. H. PERRY. For the House ot Representatives: Q. L. HARDISON. For Sheriff: W. B. LANE. For Register of Deed a: JAMES W. BIDDLE. For Superior Court Clerk : W. M. WATSON. For Treasurer: THOMAS DANIELS. For Coroner: DR. F. W. HUGHES For Surveyor: W. H. MARSHALL. CLAYTON AND BRECKENRIDUE. No congressional canvass in the Union is attracting more attention than that in Arkansas in which Powell Clav ton is the candidate of the Eepublicans and Clifton 11 Breckenridee is the Democratic candidate. One of the most infamous acts of the Congress that recently ad journed was the declaring of the seat held by Breckenridge vacant John M. Clayton, who had been the opponent of Breckenridge, was killed just after the election, and at a time when it was conceded that Breckenridge had carried the dis trict. There was no possible reason on the part of Breckenridge or his friends to desire the death. He was dead politically and even if he Jiad not been, he would not have been in the way of the gifted and popular Breckenridge. The lie publicans toek it upon them selves to unseat Breckenridge noon the ground that he had caused the assassination of Clay ton, and that if Clayton had not been killed it could have been shown that Breckenridge was not elected. Upon this flimsy pretext - the seat was declared vacant. Mr. Breckenridge is again ' candidate. Ho is now running to ' fill the vacancy in the present ' Congress, and also for election as a .'member of the 52d Congress. He ,f is opposed by Powell Clayton, a smart, bad man, who acquired an unenviable reputation during the s reconstruction period. There is no infamy or which he is not capable, , That he will cause the assassins i tion of Breckenridge, if it can be stealthfully accomplished is firmly believed. . Indeed there has already been an attempt to murder the dis- tingnished son of John 0. Brecken ridge. 3 If Breckenridge lives he will be V re-elected, but even if elected he will not be permitted to take bis ; seat if the Eepublicans control the A House. In the late session seven teen Democrats were turned out of Congress simply because they wei -Democrats. .The i majorities by which taey were elected were not considered the popular toU was nullified, and the vote of the I . I Buo-utuicu lur. iuq tuui m , people, i? . - v . I IT ever beiore in American hiatorr hu thA hAAit srtnh riifirBoaM of D I the will of the people as was shown . , . v' ao in the expulsion of Democrats from tne uoase wno naa ueen lamjisition on a weekday are also con elected, and the seating of Eepub- licans who were not elected, and single fact that they contested the seats held by Democrats. Taxa- tion without representation caused , rflvrtimiAr. war xrv ,,. , oo .:.. desires to see this country again involved in war certainly not m civil war. But the grievances of the South are greater than they wrft In 1MM. Will wa onifttlv submit! Xo! We will protest against tne wroug, ana exnanst every peaceful remedy in defence of our liberties anil in the tion of our home?. proteo- MY FRIEND -A WOBD WITH YOU. Do you know tliat every man who desires to vote at this election must register anew ! Even if you have registered and voted Ito fore, you must register again under the new Eleotion Law to vote this year Do you want the Republicans to carry the election and have your neighbors arrested and put in jail as in 1868-'G9 ? If not, REGISTER and vote the Democratic ticket. do you wish the negro to got con trol of your county and State! It not, register and vote for the Democratic nominees You can't register alter Ocr 25th so register at once. Don't say you have not time take time your happiness depends on it; the good name and pros perity of your State de PENDS ON IT; HONEST GOVERN MENT AND WHITE MAN'S CONTROL DEPENDS ON IT. DON'T WAIT. Delay may costjthe defeat of the party. Ed. Chambers Smith, Chm'n Dem. Stato Ex. Com. Georgla'a Bltgcat RaUIcuniike Killed The largest rattlesnake ever seen in Ueorgia was killed Saturday in Lee county upon the plantation of Sectetary of Stato General Phil Cook. The snake has terroized the neighborhood for yearn, and its death Saturday was the occasion of jublee celebration among the darkies in that vicinity. Even the white people joined in the general feeling of relief that so dangerous and dreaded a neighhor was rid of at last. xne snake, uy actual measure ment, was a little over eleven feet long. It had nineteen rattles and a button, The snake has been hunted for years, and traps innumerable have beon devised for bis capture. His den is in an impenatrable section of the Kinchafoonee swamp. Near this is a cypress pound, and be tween the swamp and the pond is the road. Hnndreds of times his track has been seen across this road. People that had not seen it were loath to believe the stones told about it, and the Lee connty rattlesnake became famous from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The snake has swallowed young Digs, chickens, rabbits and other small animals, and was dreaded by the negroes like a ghost. It was diffi cult to induce them to travel the road at night. Last Saturday night the snake was found across the path near the pond by Mr. Phil Cook. Without disturbing it, Mr. Cook went off for help, returning with three or fonr negroes armed with hoes and clubs. flfAali no nn naaptha on air a the negroes fell upon it, and with wivu " uir vmw ummavs the hoea and clubg finally killed I s T s wwrnm onf Aftnti ItnI in w o ct found a full-grown buck rabbit. This probably accounts for dormant and comparatively helpless condi- tion of the snake and the ease with whicn ne was aispatcnea. The snake was then thrown across the shoulders of;one of the uciuco nuu uaitiou iv tuo uuuoo Though the negro was a stalwart, muscular man, he staggererd nnder the load. Salem Times Be gister. - The Cause of Pal a. An ache or pain is not of Itself a dis ease, it is but a symptom, and warns the sufferer that there is something the matter with his physioal organization, ness are f requenUy the source or cause m sue many niyskviiuue auuiug, Buiaa - tions that sffliot the body. You can re - Miwa tha nanaa of anoh distress bVnalntf tt n n f Rnlunln Rlnnil Ralmt. V. V O. H. Roberts, Atlanta, Ba.. writes: "Mj kidneys were disordered and gave me excrutiating pain. A single oottie of B. B. B. helped me wonderfully. wm. x"i. neisoo, uwuwukui u. writes: "B. B. B. has benefited my danahter verv muoh. She was afflicted with severe nervousness. I think it the best familv medicine." W. R. Ellis, Brunswiof, wnies: 'I have tried B. B. B., and It ts a great thing for the blood. It also cured me of rheumatic pains." Saa4y ind tie World'i Fair". Tbe question has been raised 1 .Ik Aa. 1 A AX i day, Mach inflaencei. being brought to bear upon the oommlttee to oppose it i bat there is one war or setwnk H in yhioh we reiieioua ... . CI I I -J" Vl Z, J mm,A while vorkingmen and others who htTft Uttle ehaace to BM tne Isidered. That is to open the expo "Ittoa onBanday afternoon. The MrTioe on Bandar morning, while attending the exposition in the Afternoon.. The custom of opening pabUo UDraries and art mnsemns on Sunday afternoons, as is done in Bostonfdeserres to be promoted ; and u the exposition at Chicago is properly conducted, one of the best "ay t spend Sunday In Chicago in Aoy wlu De io go to cnnrcn in Hi A mnrniriff fn nrrtroViln find ami jnthe afternoon to visit the exDO- gition and see what man has done to oo operate with him. Christian Register. LKHOH ELIXIR A Pleaeant Lemon Dilnk. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For liok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, ake Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Qa. oOo. and $1 00 per bottle. Sold by drueeists. Pramlnent Minister Write!. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidney and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley 's Lemon blixir, and am now a well man. Rev. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 28 Tatnall st. Atlanta, Oa. Patience and cheerfulness adorn the ruins of fortune, as ivey does those of the castles and temples. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses thn full curatiro value of the A best known remedies. 2V. of ft the vegetablo king v om. Peculiar In its. strength and economy Hood's Sar- saparilla Is only medi- cine o whlch can truly be said, One Hundred Doses Dollar.". Medicines in and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits. Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for itself, the title of "The greatest bloodyr4t purifier ever discovered." yr y Peculiar 1 n I ts " good name LyMr home," there is now nore of Hood's Sarsaparilla L S v& In Lowell, wherer ItVJltlsrnade, than of other blood purlflors. fjpecullar in-its phenpme-V081 record 01 sales abroad.r (fi&Sno other preparation hasygVeVOT attained such popn- f Vlarlty in so short a time, m VA retained Its popularity V3rand confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be euro to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla ' BoIdbyandniggUts. fl; ilzforSS. Pre pcrod only by 0.1. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Just Received FROM A FINE LOT OF i aaaavaiaiM am sMsraaa. awaawaw tap cm m ttUKDJrJiS AMD JKLULlliO. Also, a fine Lot of I BnggleSjKoad Carta ft Harness of Home and Western Make, which will be offered Low for Cash or on time wnh good security. ooldwtf J. W. STEWART. Desirable Dwellillff i Talaa.M OaI a Situated on South Front street. House contains sis comfortable rooms and recently added new kitchen and all desirable outhouses. Lot 70 feet front. .; . ALSO- . House and Lot on Craven street. Apply to Watsos & Bteeit, dtf. Real Estate Agents. JRg. BElJIE WHALE Y'S i ; t mm - ' 1 iIaw I lillinfitu . Illitl . klllllllVI . .11.., "J.! . 1 jyLTS.J5.J5 s L&I16 S tiWnCi On PoUook street,- adjoiolsg R. N. Duffy'e drug store. . . ; vuv. Full and entirely new stock of choice MUIlnexy, Notions, etc; Latest styles in Hats andrBonnets. ' v "r ':)' 'A skilled Metropolitan Milliner I in charge. :,s'' KH.-x?:Vti-t . Also , a flrst-class preu makintt De partmenw . All work done in best style, -Ordera from the country promptly filled. . sepl8dw8m 6 mur 0?H$ ENJOYS Both the method and result when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ind refreshing to the taste, and acts Esntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head sches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs 13 the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- centable to the stomach, prompt in . . . . . . . i r li lts action and truly Denenciai in its effects. nreDared onlv from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commemi i in all nnd have made it the most nnnnlar remedv known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles bv all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on nana wiu pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try iu uo not mxu uuj substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N Y- Bath Booms At my shop on Middle street. Plenty of water, hot or cold, and good larne rooms. junl dtf J. . HKUWS. ALONG THE LINE OF jGiEESS. The Taylor Patent Adjustable Ladies' Shoe is the latoct and ht't improvement in that line. It rtquiroe no breaking in, is always comfortable, and retains its original shape. It is a msrvel of perfection. Samples may be seen Rnd orders left at my place of buiuness on Craven street, two doors souih of tolcgrRfh office. N. ARPEN, Boot and Shoe Muhtr, Agt. Consolidated Adjustable jyl8dwtf Shoe Ccmpany. balem Female Acadrmy, SALEM, n. o., THE OLDEST FEMALE COLl.EU!- IN THE SOUTH- The 89tb Annual SeKeion begins Au gust 28tb, 1890. IlegiHttr for laat year 815. Special features: tbo Develop ment of Health, Character end Intel lect. Buildings thorouRhly remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, be sides firet class schools in Muric, Lan guages, Commercial and Iudnstrial Studies. JOHN H. CLEVVELL, auCdwlm Principal. Atlantic L 11 C. Railroad. Passenger Department, New Berne, Oct. 3d, 1860. Cheap Excursion Rates TO THE XORTH CAROLINA toto Etxr AND INDUSTRIAL EKPOSITION At Raleigh, N- C. OCTOBER 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th. For the accommodation of the public, the following low rates of fare will be charged by mail and speoial trains when tickets are purchased. Tickets on sale by mail train Oct. VJtb, 14th, I5tn, Wlh and 17th: Good to return including Oot. 18th, and on the special train Oct. 14th, 15th and 16th. Good to return including Oct. 18th by any scheduled train. Sohedule and fare for round trip, in cluding admission to Fair: Speoial Train Oct. 14 to 16, inclusive. Schedule. Fare for Round Trip. Leave Moreh'd Depot 3:45 a.m $3.40 " Newport 4:23 " .... 3 20 " Newborn 5:35 " ... 2 70 " Core Creek 6:17 " .... 2.45 " Kinston ........ ..6:58 " ...2:30 " LaGranee 7:31 " .... 1:00 Arrive Goldsboro 8:15 " .... Returning, Train Leave Goldeboro 7 ;00 p .m . " LaGrange 7:3U ' Kinston 8:10 " u Core Creek 8:49 " New Bern 9:38 " " Newport 10:46 " Arrive Morehead City 11:13 " Schedule of Special Train for infor mation of the public and not for train men. as this train will run by tele- graphio orders and will have no rights over regular scheduled trains unless so ordered by the train dispatcher. S. L. DILL, G. P. A. SHOES! SHOES! Just See the Shoes! Big Shoes, Little Shoes, Fine Shoes, Good Shoes, and Shoes OHKAP. Bnbber Boots and Bhoes, Red Boots and Oil Clothing In great quantities. , At J. F. TAYLOR'S. .j ; ; DOFT FORGET THE Leading Tobacco Kousa In New Berbe, Goods and Prices will make youehawlots, ., . , l.Lwg8 oiack 'of Goods at Wholesale and BKTAILatliOW PRICES. Dont forget PROFESSIONAL. ; DH; 0. K. BAOBY, SURGEOH DEHTI8T. Offlse, Middle street, oppoait Baptist decS dwtf NEWBEBN. N. 0. P. H, PEUETIEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONFY BlUKEft. Or&ven St., two doors. South of Journal office. A araelaltv made In nesotlatloi: small loans for abort time. Will practice In the Counties of Craven, Uar to ret, Jonea, Onslow and Pamlico. United States Court at Hew Supreme Court of the State. Heme, and lebiffu OLKUKNT MANLY. o. n. auioa Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green. Fov & Oo.'e bank. Middle street. New Berne, a. O. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Uourt of the Stare, and in tne r eoerai Oourta. aplQ dwtf F. M. SIMMONS. H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice iu the counties of Craven. Jones. Oaslow, Carteret, Pamlico Lenoir and liyd, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Cravon street, next door belo'v Journal offioo. apl2dwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DEXTIST, NEW BERNE, N. C. Olllco on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad, dw GEEEN, FOY & CO.. Ban.2s.ers Do a General Banking business New Banking Houbb. Middle Steet, fourth door below Hote Albert, fsldwly ITKW BESNK. N' ft W. P. OURP&US g CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick and Agricultural Lime. F.7 RCRNE, N. O ratirl dw to mrm ma n HI a HIIMHHKr.Ya l mm bbbb m- ;VETER1HARY SPECIFICS Per Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dop, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Pace Book an Treatment of Animals and Chart Scut Free, rrttxs ( FcTcr,ronecstioii, Inflammation A.A.iSplnnl jnenlnaitls, milk rever. It.ll.Strnins,;upN, Rheamatlam, ('.(). --ItlHteniper, Nnsnl Dldcharses. ).!. Itols or Grub, Wornii. CKCoughs, llcnves, Pneamonla. JP.F. ('olic or Uripeo, Kellyache. G.O.MlHcarriage, Hemorrhases. Il.ll.llrinary and Kidney Diseases. 1. 1. "-Eruptive Diseases, Manse. J . K. --Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over DO doses), - - .00 Utnliln fn... with RnMff1m. HfnnnrtV Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 87.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, . 1.00 Bold by Drugeists; or Sent Prepaid anywherS ana in any quantity on xieccipi oi rrice. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts., New York. HOMEOPATHIC ' SPECIFIC No.liU In ubo 3Q ve.irs, The only racoessral nrntdy for Nervous Debility. Vital Weakness. and Prostration, from over-work or other Maem i per viai.or anaie ana large tuu powaei hold ut DittronuTS, or sent postpaid on of prlcc-HUMPHREYS MEDICINE CO.. Cor. William and John St., H. J. All of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist N. W, cor. Broad and Middle streets Newbcrn.N. 0. JOE K. WILLIS, PUOPKIETOn OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA New Berne, O Italian and Amerloan Marble'and all qualities of material. Orders soliolted and given prompt attention," with satisfaction guaranteed.-"- . ..v.f; Q. E. Millkr ia my agont at Kinston, and Axex. Fields: regular traveling agent. TYLER DESKS-200 New Styles. TYLER ROYAX TYPB WRITZE OABIKETS, T. BLE8, CHAIRS, BOOK 0ABE8, tu. ,at Rednoed Rate, and Special Disoeunta, CaUloge. for 1890 now ready. 130 pages, Uluatrated, Hook free; Poataga 10a, , TYLER BANK COUNTERS. 1 tJ..n f Strto, oallr aM Prlea, lllartraM h Mm 1 prrfrot work at Art ItOsesn, Boh fn VaUg9 II DJSBA UU.t , JOS, M0 VJUm t LTttaJJIESB. old do::i::io;i - Steamship Company V SEMI-'WEEKl.Y MJi K. . tka OleV- DmlaUfi teefctp - - paaty'a OM aad ravartta Water ' - v Kaata. vta Albaauri sum) - . ; Chesapeake Oaaal. rfalk.. Balttsaora, Vara, Phtla - delpMa, Beitoa. Pr vldaaet . ' aa.4 WaaaJnctoa City. And all points, North, East and Wo On and after MOSDAT. SEPT. 8th, im', : , until farther notlo. lha - ' - Itiizst IEW1EEKE. Ci ptoOttligitjS; Will aall from -Norfolk, Va u for New Berne, a. C. direct MONDAY 8 and THURa-.', DAYS, maklna eloaa oon- . ntetlon witn the bteamers Ktnston and -' Howard for Klnston, Trenton, and all other '. landings on theNeuae and Trent Rivera. .'' Iteturniog, will sail llKOa NfcW BKKNK FoK fiOHPOLK direct, TDK8DAY8 and V FRIDAY8 at T M ELV JS, M. , (noon makln . connection with tha U. I). H, a Uo.'a ahlna for New York, B. 8. P. Oo.'a steamers lor - Baltimore; Cbde Line Shlpa for Ftilladel- phla. M. & M. T. Uo.'s ships for Boiton and Provide) ce. Steamer Klnston, Capt. Dixon, will sal . for Klnston on arrival cf ateamer liew . V berne. ; Order all goods oare of O. D. 8. 8. oo., Hof --: folk. Va. , v .;. laasengers will And a good table, oomforl able rooms, and every oonrtesy and tUn : . uon wm oa paid them by tha omoers. ; S. B. ROBERTS, Aeant. Hassxs. OTJUICPPKR TORNEK :"' Agents, Norfolk. Va. W. a- STAFFORD. Vloe-President. New I ork Olty. EASTERN CAROLINA BiSPiTc The Fast Freight i no Now Baraa. Eaatai t. rlia Folate, and Horfalk, BsUianot. PhtladalpaU. Haw Tork. Som a, Eta. via KUaabatlt City. N. O. CommoBolrig Monday, June 10th, THE STEAMEEP Eaglet and Vesper or this Una wiu ran on regniar sohednle time, leavlnc ew Berna avarv iMONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY afternoons, at FOUR o'clock, for ElUabetn Oltj and return arriving on SUNDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. xmesv nuarnm in connection With Uis . AUantlo 4N.O.R, R.. Norfolk Soutbern R. R., Wew York, Phlla. and Norfolk R. R and the Pennsylvania K. R., form a reliable and -regniar Una offering sniterlnr fuiiHtiu tm qulok tranioortatlon rto iransters except at Elisabeth Olty, at which point freight a 111 ba imutxi r. ty go through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch dally aa follows : From New York, by Pann. ft. u.. Pla North River. r2mi,pkllad'lph,ft' by Phlla., W.ABalto, K. R.. Dock St. rttation. From Baltimore by PbUa.. Wli. A niu.. u &.. President Ht. Hlation. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Hnntha an From Boston, by Merchants Miners tra'n. nortetion Co.; New York and Now England Kates &a low and time onlnksr t uh, . other lpe. W. ti JUYtJK uen. FKt Traflio P. R. R. ) . (.1 u 51 . 1 Trafflo Manattr GEO. 8TE1 HF .a. Division Irelaht Arnt P. W.&B. i'. i .. l'hlla. B B. OOOKF. ijeneraJ Frelvht nt N v P. & N. K. H.. Norfolk. Va. tj a. ihriiuiiuia V Us GKO. BENDKR80N. Agent, Newberne. N.O. feb20 dw The H. G. Fieigbl Line UEBfiHANTS and SBlPPEES,:iAJB NCTICS on ana t4 r . ctutn-r 15, lOK;" this line w! resu me their rei;u lar SEMI-WEEKLY TKIPS Mrftn; Baltimore and New Berne t"vl5g,wa.l,,lmore for Nw Berne. WED MfiSDAY, (SATURDAY, at St P. It. Leaving , New Berne tor Baltimore, TUE8 DAY. SATURDAY, at SIX PM. HJLi,1;.lSe1nly WKCT Hnaont of New Berne for Baltimore without change, and on their return trip from Baltimore oome dlreo tlifJL??' n VtojPPlna- only at Noitoik, een. necung then for Boston. Provldeikoe. hlla. delphla, Richmond, and aU polnto North East and West. Making close connection! for a .1 polnu by River and RrU oat of New Berne. Agents are si follows: REUBEN FOSTER, Gen'l Manager, '"w" prn?i25AiE..A", nolk:, Va wharves Co., Philadelphia, USonte NortTrfe B4lt0' " Wnw' . it wmJS?2n' B,WS?' ? Central wharf. 8. H. Rockwell, Provldenoe, R. I. t -Bhlps leave Boston. Tuesdays and Bator days. " New York dally. ' Balto., Wednesdays A Saturdays PhUacfelphla, Mondays! Wnea- days, Saturdays. ' Providence, Saturdays. arSlSn.8AV,111,.1"?lllg fv Ml rates nar anteed to aU polnU at the different office o the companies. w AVOID BREAKAGE 0 BULK All imp VIA N, C, LINK, B, H, GRAY, Agent,' New Batna.N. C, sndWalskeyltan. IU eared at horns with ontpalnv Book of par. ticnlars sent FREE, &M.WOOUJBY,M.a tiaata, Htm, offloo (KM WhltehaU Ba ' Ihe Alliance to the Front.. . 5? Pbogbxssivb Fakxbb, bold, vigilant. " ilmlY nO"aTessiTe.7ltna. ianions' and expresses them. Fort T-alirht i31ir. eight pages. All miprtnt! OffloUl ofJ.5 of North Carolina and VirrtniaBtaL ami ancesi The Llvest paper amm a iVl? rtoffloes In Nmh caroinJ! ' and to 38 States. ONE 1WLLAR aVfaw Strictly Cash. , fiend toLtit rttouRESBIVE FARMKH - . ' Na.latuh K U Li. POLST, Editor. - M -i UNIVERSITY OP JRIHjABOHBi; THK FALL TEA HI OPKKI 8KPT. 4. . viiiir rFirii m w itnnniia a j . . . Special courses in Chemlnry. civil and : other .tSdie.?1 n" Beparate tohools of Law and Mtdelna ' Hon, KE9IP P, BATTLK. f.t. n IM.lh. . i. to . lm, ; PenNChapeniliyN.r, mm !