i. BOO Ksraoo: lovto Get Them Below Cost. Having completed arrangements Ifaofifia in New York, we are now Popular Books at prices that are Low Is Your Library Complete? If not, visit the Journal office terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as you will find mentioned in the list below. We handle them in two editions, the "Bed Line" and the "Franklin." Red Line choice from this edition on Your subscription JOTJRHAX. to The DAirjf Journal, or 9 1.75 for If sent by mail, 10 cents Bryant, Burns, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Bunyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorite Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's Illiad, Irish Humorous Poems, The abovejare full gilt and book in all respects. Franklin Cloth binding, gilt back, and most choice given by paying $1.50 for one ystiit AK nn for The Daily VWAflsVUf V u,vw - . by mail. t" Andersen's Firy Tales. . American In Iceland. -iBiop'lFbles. Arabian Nights Entertainments. : Bryant's Poetioal Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. v. Oreasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Children of the Abbey. " Dickens Child's History of England. ' Emerson's Essays.1 '. Famous Poems. , Grimm's Fairy Tales. Gtdliver'i Travels. ' Goldsmith's Poetioal Works. 20M with the Poets. "HoyM Games. ' tngoldsby Legends. i John Halifax) Gentleman. . Kingsley'a Sermons. with one of the largest Publishing enabled to famish Standard and as the Lowest. and examine oar collection and learn Edition: payment of 85.25 for ono year's The Weekly extra will be required: Jean Ingelow, Keble. Kingsloy, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, Scott, Scottish Humorous Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. handsomely embellished, A beautiful Edition : of them; good, large, clear print. You year's subscription to THE WEEKLY Jotjbnal. 10 cento extra it sent Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poe's Tales. Poe's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Bob Roy. BobinBon Crusoe. Scottish Chiefs. Swiss Family Bobinson. Sidereal Heavens. Sketch Book. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thomson's Poetical Works. Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works Tom Brown's School Days at Eugby View of Wakefield. Wesley's Poems. THE JOURNAL. ArriTaJ tad Departure .ffaili - MAIL CLOSES. or North West and South, via A. 6 H. G.R.R. at 8:06 a. m For Beaufort and tha ' East, at Foe WashingtofBwiftOMak, Hyde and Beaufort uuum. duly at f w a. m. For Traasoa, rouokmlM and Mara Till, tally At 1 30 ft. . vS rot (jtrsmtsboro. BaTboroaal van aemara, daily at a. sew, . OfflosOMaeooataatlT between these hours exoeptwhea mails ares being dia- ributeaorseiu. OFFICE HOTJBS: la Money Order and Becistered Let ter Department, (rota 8 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from Va.m to S p. m., and from 7:30 to 8 p.m. A EKPEESENTATIVB of the wholesale dry goods trade says: "Next year there will be quite a jump in fancy goods. Matters are pretty well complicated, and im porters do not know where they stand. No new stock has come in since the 6th, but, as duties are raised all the way from 7 to 273$ per cent., corresponding advances may be look for. The lower priced goods will be most afficted.'' Up goes the price of goods; down goes the price of labor. Bo much for the tariff. "NBW YOBY, Oct, 8th, 1890. Messrs. LaBontillier Bros, Twenty third street. Dear Sirs: On and after Oct. 9, 1890, the price of our 26-27 inch French erge twill flan nel will be 52A cents per yard, present priue 42$ cents; 26 27 inch rench alain printed striped and dotted flannel 57$ cents, present price 52$ cents, 26-27 French fancy printed striped flannel will be 60 cents per yard, present price 5o cents. Yours truly, Anold,Oonstable & Go." McKinley prices, warrented to riso. TUB WAV MADE CLEAR. JJOne of the most serious obetaoles to success in tne way or man is piantea riaht in the middle of the road to health. How to restore and to maintain regular habit of body and digestion is too often a source of needless and, un happily, of vain inquiry. It is not necessary to inveigh against orastic purgatives. They who have used them continuously know the consequences, A remedy which unites the action of a regulating medicine for the bowels with that of a tonic both for those or sans, the liver and the stomach, is Hos- tetter's Stomsoh Bitters, sanctioned by the best medical authority, and receiv ing daily the indorsement of our fellow countrymen. With this effectual, though gentle, laxative at hand, it ie possible to defy those changes of tern' perature productive of constipation, as well as constitutional attacks or bilious ness, which beset even people naturally healthy. Malaria, dyspepsia, rheuma tism and kidney troubles are remedied and prevented by the Bitters, We never know the true value of friends while they lire, we are too sensible of their faults; when we I have lost them we only see their virtues. THB PULPIT AND TUB STAGE. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church. Blue Monnd. Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Eins's New Discover? has done forme. My Lunes were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five .bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and ell. gaining 20 lbs. in weight. Arthur Love. Manaeer Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor- ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats em all and cares when everything else tails. .The greatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them te try it. Free trial Domes at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Regular sizes 50c. and Sl.oo. Lie on the left Bide says a medi cal journal. It ia only in the law courts that people can lie on both sides. PKCIMEN CASES, fi. H. Clifford. New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered, His Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters ana seven Dozes oi isucsien s Arnica . . v-y v i . a Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Snak. fktawhi O.. had five larn fever sores on his leg, doctors sua ne was in curable. One bottle. Electric Bitten and one box BucUen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at F. 8. Duffy's drug store. There is no greater fool than he who thinks himself wise; no one wiser than he-who suspects he Is a fool. TO DISPCb COLD. Headaohes and Fevers: to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive at bilious, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, with out Irritating or weakening them, use Byrnpoi iigs. : . War continue the use of irritating pow den, snuffs or liquids., Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant of application and a sura cure for catarrh and cold In head, caa be: lad for 50o. It Is easily applied into the nostril, '' " "Jastas Geaafj;,-:: Bay some dealera who try to tell a sub stitute preparation when a customer ealla for ilood'i Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any ruch false statements as this iadaoe yoa to bay. what you do not want. Bemembtr that the only reason for making it is that a few oents more profit will be made oa the substitute. Insist upon hiving the best medicine- Hood . Barsaparilla. It is Peculiar to Itself. 8 Gratitude is the fairest blossom which spring from the soul: and the heart of 'man knoweth none more fragrant. Forbraoing up the nerves, purify ins the blood and ouring sick headache and dyspepsia, there is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. 9 Tmt prrprietors of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a care-all, bat a sure remedy for catarrh, colds in the head and hay fever. It Is not a liquid or a snuff, bat is easily applied into the nostrils. It glxes relief at once NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the sim plest disease known to the human system. The scientific men cf today claim and prove that every discasois CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND Radam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them oat of the 'system, and when that is done yon cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria lever or a combination ol diseases, we cure thni all at the tamo time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. Asthma. Consumption, Catari b, Bronchitis, Khoumatism.KUl ney and Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Female Troubles in all its forms, and, in fact, every Disease known to the Human Fj stern Beware of Fraudulent Imitations ! See that our trado-Mark (same as above) appears on each lug. Bend for book "History of the Microbe Killer' given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Comer Pollock and Middle Sts., m30 dwly enrm New Berne, N. C. A FULL LINE OF Heating and Cooking Stoves AT L. II. Cutler & Go. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Snperler Craven county. ) court, George A. Richardson vs Eliza Rlohardson Notice. To Eliza Richardson: Take Notice. That this action has been in stltuted In said court entitled as above; that the purpose of same Is for a divorce on the grounds of adultery; and you are required to appear ai the Fall Term, A.D. 1890, oi said oourt, to be held at the court house in New Dern on tne ittn uonaay alter me igt mow day in September, 1890, and answeror demur to tne complaint meet in Bam action. This 4tn day or uciooer, a.d. imw. K. W. CARPENTER. Clerk Sup. Ct., Craven County. sepl 6w North Carolina, MRS. BETTIE WHALEY'S New UiHineiy A Mrq'R R T.flnp'n filfl Wrnnrl Q-l JXLrg.DiU. liUS S U1Q OWMU On Pollook street, adjoining R. N Duffy's drag store. Full and entirely new stook or choice Millinery, Notions, etc. Latest styles In Hsts and Bonnets. A skilled Metropolitan Milliner in charge. Also a first-class Dress making De nartment. All work done in best style, - Orders- from tne country promptly filled. sepia d warn Urs. J. U. (lines' Boarding House Reopened. ' Mrs. J. M. HIKES has returned to the citv and will teopen her Firet-Class Boardinir House about the 1st of October at same location, opposite Baptist Churoh, THE PIQNEES DAVIS StWINQ can 1 bad at tlxe (same place. V ';tlf. . 1? f Hi I.I lflSJl - ; NOTICE. - Nxw Bebkk, N, 0Sept. 16,1690. : Ordered, that the follow inn places be and are hereof designated aa polling places in the various election precinots ana wards ol tne city of Hew Berne and the county of Graven, for the elec tion to be neld on tne first Tuesday In November, 1890, as follows; 1st ward, at police office. 2d ward, at court nous. 3d ward, one door north of Erdman's s tor eon Middle street. 4th ward, Benevolent school hOJse. 5th ward, St. Phillips precinct, St. Phillips chapel. oth ward, MoCarthy precinct 8th township, Pleasant Hill precinct, Pleasant Hill school. 8th township, Gamp Palmer precinct, at uamp rainier. 1st township, Vanoeboro precinct, at Vanceboro. 1st township, Dawson s store pro duct, at Dawson's store. 2d township, Fulcher'a preoinct, at fulcher's store. 3d township. Ruosell a precinct, at Russell's. 8d towcBhip, Core creek precinct, at uove. 3d township, Dover precinct, at Dover Station. 5th township, Temple s precinct, at Morton's store. 5th township, Stanton's precinct, at Stanton place. 6th township, Lee's Farm precinct, at Lee a harm. 7th towuship, Conner's precinct, at Conner's. 7ih township, James City precinot, at James City publio school bouse. 9th township, Jasper precinct, at Jasper. 9ih township, Arnold store preoinot, at Arnold's. J. A. RICHARDSON, seplS dw30d Clerk B'd Com STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Craven county. ( Superior Court. Pet. to sell land to make assets. James C.IInrrison, Administrator of Collins Moore, vs. Minerva Moore, Cicsnr J.Moore, L. H. Cutler and Wni. K. Clarko. Notice. To Co-sir J. Moore: Take notice, That a proceeding, entitled aa above, has been Instituted in bald court to obtain a judgment to eell a tract of land4n 6th township Id said county .which belonged to sam coiitus Moore at tne time 01 nis death, and the same which was mortgaged to said h. H. Cutler, to enable the petitioner to pay (tODig. etc., or nu intestate, xou are required to appear before said court at the Court House In the city of Newborn, on the 29th day of October, A. 1) 1800, and answer or demur to;tbe petition tiled Herein. this iutn aay oi peptemoer, a.v. iu. E, W. CARPENTER, Cloik Superior Court of Craven County ee;iiitiw norm Carolina, S TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Superior county or onsiow. ) court. Thosiai A, Green and others, ) vs. 5 Notice, Nathan P. Smith. ) To Nathan P. Smith: You will take notice that an action as above entitled has been Instituted In the superior Court of onilow oounty for the foreclosure of a mortgage on a tract ol land lying In Onslow county on or near White oan river, given by yoa to Lewis Bynum and by him assigned to plaintiff in- luuiug tne ueot tnereon securea, wnicn mortgage is duly recorded in the offloe of the Keglsler of Deeds of Onslow oounty, book 81, folio (12. You are hereby command ed to appear at the Fall Term. 1890. of Onslow Sup ei lor Com t and demur or answer to the complaint aa you may be advised. uiven under my nana and seal this the aa day oi;Heptember, im). CtlA9. UHKUtR. JR.. sep9 d6w C, S. O, of Onslow oounty. NORTH CAROLINA Craven County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk, O. E. Palmei , Exr. of E. H. Hill, Dec'd. vs. Martha Hill, Elizabeth Boweu.'Wm. Bowen, xiios. Howen, ueo owen, una, aowen, W.C Hill, wife Harriet Hill, Carrie Hill, Mary O. Mason; Hannah Mason; La wrenoe Hill, Chris Mason, James Mason, Richard Jones, ana who bunko jones, Carrie Jones, Cornelius Jons, Ueorglana Jones, Harsh Jones, Edward Jones, Mamie Jones, Lizzie Hill, Penelope Hill, Ferrido Hill. Ueo. W. Hill, Andrew Bryant and wife Warm isryant and l. a. r aimer. To Tboinns Bowen. Georee Bowen. W.C. Hill. Harriet Hill, Hannan Mbsod, Charles Mason, George W. Hill, and Lawrence Hill, Carrie Hill. Georglana Jones, Lizzie Hill, teneiope mil, ana rernao mil. You win tase notice that a special pro ceeding entitled as above bas been com menced in tbe Fuperljr court of Craven County, North Carolina, belore the Clerk of said court, tne pur pot e or which is to sell to make assets to pay debts, certain real eBtateof Edward H. Hill, dee'd, situated in Craven County North Carolina, and speci fied in the petition in this cause in which you are Interested ts heirs at law or devls ees oi saiu twwaru it. mil. aee'd. And you will further take notloethat von are requested to appear at the oflloe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of craven County North Carolina on the 171 h day of jMovemrjer imuu at me court iiouse in said oounty and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiff or the relief therein demand ed win be granted. This the 2d day of October 1880, E. W. CARPENTEB. Clerk Sup. court. Sale of Valuable Beal Estate In pursuance of a Judsment of foreclosure oi mortgage oi tne superior court or Craven county, obtained at Bnrlnar Term. 1890. we win sen lor UASiri, at tne court House door in the city of Hew Jierne. on Mondav tha 3d day of November. 1890. at Twelve. M.. me rouowingoescrioedKeal Estate situated Carolina, to wit: i, one iece or paroel of land situated on nroaa street, in ine eaidoitv or Hew Berne bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a point In the back line of the Lot deHlcmfttfcfl In ih nl.n If aalil ntfw am T., ii, equiumianv irom tne lines or IX) ts Nob. 46 and 64, and running thence east- half ot the distance to the 4ine of Xot na. m thenoe northwardly and narallel with Hr. street; tnence westwaraiy ana parallel with Diutui svreet seven m ieet: tnenoa north. wardly and parallel with Craven street to' Broad street; thence westwardly with Broad street to anoint eauldlstant from thalins. oi Ltots Nos. is and 64, and thenee south wardly SDd parallel with Craven to the ha. ginning, being a part of Lot No. 47. 2. une omer tract in said city, to wit: One full, equal, undivided oae-half part of the pieoe or land beginning at the northwest ern corner of the Brick Store or building (formerly belohKlna to W. H Oliver! on tha east side of Craven street, near the old county wharf, and running thenoe south wardly atone the eastern line of Craven street, 80 feet, thenoe eastwardly parallel with Bouth Front street X07 feet 8 inches, thence northwardly and parallel with Cra ven street 80 feet, thenee westwardlva. ill. reot Une to the beginning, It being a part of I water iron, ui xmi aesignatea in tne Plan of said city as lot No. 14. . . . 8. All those certain tracts or parcels of lind alone the line of tbe Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, about six miles west of the city oi ew uerae, being the same which Were conveyed to George Alien acdT J. Mitchell by deed registered la tbe Becorda of Craven oounty In Book 71,folies eoi,OJ and 603, and which William HoUlster and Jaa. B. Hughes, executors or tha late Thoa. J. Mitchell and the said George Allen grant ed and conveyed to Matilda D. Clark by deed registered in Craven oounty, Book 78, folios 67,8 and uv, ana wnien Baia uiarKgrai and conveyed to said Allen by deed n tared in Craven county, Book 77, folio 6B1, contalnln many hundred acres of valuable I land, and lelna the same formerly occnpled H. J. Il,01am. UDOn which thara by the late Clara, upon wh is an Old pneay ara, ana raiiuenoc. noei Sale of Valuable Heal Estate IiHlurauane or a Judgment of the Sup- -. rlor Court of Craven oouoty, obtained at -Spring Term, lsse, in an aotlon pending in aid court, rati tied Peualope hen Dell against w.i. Arnoio, ieouior oi wuuam Atnoia, . dee'd, and oihr, I will sell for Oaikj tt the Court House door tn tha Cit of iew Btrne, -on Monday, the Uthay of November, law. . at 11m., the following described Keal Kiiat Ituated In the oounty of Craven, State of .- Xtorui UWDU1U, w viv - Those portions of the land formerly be-.-longing to the late William Arnold, and de- " torlbed and known in the plat attached to the Judgment In tne above ntltlad action . aa Lot MM. on (1), threo (3), four () and seven (7), fuller and mora complete de scription will appear by referenco to said - Judgment. ... . : u&iibi n. saiAxi, -oel&dtd jJommUeloner.-- Put lie Sale of Seal Estate ; James O. Harrison, Adm'r of John O. Qard ' i.er,ceeeaaea, Acainit ' ' 5" Joseph Edward Gardner and others. , "' ' ', Petition to sell-lands to pay debts. ,: i- In obedience to a Judg aent of the superior ; Court of Craven oounty. rendered ia the--. above en titled suit, 1 will sell at Public Auc tion , at the court House door in new Berne, : ; N.c. on Monday, wov. sa ltsuu. at Twelve o'cloca, M , the following lot and Improve-, menu Belonging to tne estate or jonn u. Gardner, deceased, to wit: - -v Fart of lot no. m oa the southeast corner of Pollock street and Fleet street extended, in the citv of New Berne, sr. u.. bounded aa - follows: Bat inning at the southeast corner . -of Pollook street and Fleet street extehded, s and running southwardly with said Fleet , ' atreet extended 66 feet to the corner of the ' lot of Zadoc Farrls, being at point U feet , " from the corner atone on the east aide of - -Bprlng atreet, tunning thence with said 7 J. Parris'llne north 76UO east 20 feet, thence with said line south 220 cast 84 feet, thence ' with another of said lines south 61 o east 80 feet to the line of Lot No. 399, thence ast t v. wardly with the line of said Lot No, Sy to the southwest corner of the lot sold by J as. O. Harrison, Adm'r. to T. J. Turner 4 Oo., : -v thence north waidiy with the line of said . -Turner lot 1U7 feet 8 inches to Pollock street." thence weatwardly with Pollock street SS iceivincnea tome place oi beginning. Terms of sale One-half cash; balanee on a - credit of six months, with note to. beap- firovea. xiue reserved until mil payment, s made. New Berne, N, O., Sept. SO, 1890. JAS. C. HARBISON, dtd Adm'r of John U.Gardner. Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Superior , Court of Craven oounty, In L. H. Cutler Ve. E. E.Olark and E. a Cuthbert, I will sell, at Publio Vendue, at the Court House in New-. bern, on Monday, Nov. 8, 1890. at 12 o'clock, M., the House and Lot, in Kewbern, at the -northeast corner of Craven and Sense . streets. Terms, Cash. CHAB. C. CLARK. Commissioner. . Newbern, Bept. 30. 1890. dtd Taxes! Taxes! I will visit the plaoes below for the purpose of collecting Taxes, on the days stated during the month of Octo ber: Vsnoeboro, No. 1 Town6hiD. fiatnr- day, Oct. 11th, 1890, Fuloher's Store, No. 2 Townshio. Wednesday, October 15th, 1890. iort barn well. No. 8 Townshio. Sat-. urdsy, Ootober 18, 1890. Morton's Store, No. 5 Townshio. Fri day, October 24, 1890. (, uavelock. Ho. o Townehm. Saturday. ? October 25, 1890. " ; ' James City. No. 7 TownehiD. Friday. October 31, 1890. Jasper, No. 9 Townshio. Monday. October 20, 1890. " Those failing to meet me at the above . ' named plaoes and settling their Taxes . l"' . will be visited by myself or Deouty at - once with the express purpose of col looting tbe taxes duo. The Taxes must be wound uobvthe - 4 Slst day of December. . W. B. LANE, Sheriff. ' New Berne, Sept. 25, 1890. d wtf 1 " , Atlantic L N. C. Railroad. . V?t Passkngeh Department, """r v New Beene, Oot. 15, 1890. -v ' ' Cheap Excursion Bates TO THE G0LDSBOKO FAIR, October 21st, 22d& 23d For the accommodation of the Dublio. the following low rates of fara will ba -obarged by the mail train, when tickets are purchased, including admission to the Fair: Schedule. Fare for Round Trip. Leave Moreh'd Depot 6.25 a.m $2.40 Newport 7:18 .... 8 20 Newbern 8:80 " ... 1,70 Gore Creek 9:13 " .... 1.45 Kinston 9:53 " ...10 LaQransre .10:25 u .... .90 Arrive Goldeboro . ... 11:10 " .... Returning train to leave Goldsboro at 4:00 p.m. B. L. DILL. G. P. A, FUfiNITURE!! New York Furniture Store' Has just received the Finest Stock of Furniture.Organs, Musical Instrument, Clocks, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trunks. " Also, a job lot of Oil Paintings and Pio- ' ture Frames, which I am closing out at ao, a JOD lot Of Uliraintlngs and PiO- - ouo. on tne oouar. All of which will -be sold cheaper than any other store ia the city. Call and examine tnv atnrir and be convinced that the New York - luiiinuro oiore IS lue place 10 get VOUr money's worth. ,. -, a I also Agent for No. 0 Wheeler & 11 I Wilson Senino' Manhlna tha k I- v world, and the New Home, the next uesc. ana can furnish von with at. taohments for any machine made. - "' umce and Sales Rooms ODooaite fiaa- ton House, New Berne, N. C. v T. J. TURNER, ' . ool2 dwtf Proprietor. iSOTVEIBIiu' The Original Wlha. I ex Regulato, ttAttESSSS' - . m tor 47 year vrrtTiTl, Soua Stomach. Ew. ih.iT??' Tenn.,- writes: "I i"-"" oio nave oeea dead but u joot uenuine M. A, Sim noos Liver Medicine. I have ometlmee had tn aiiS.ni.... trnrnfl "Zeilln'a atufffnrn. u.ji WIT,I Cine, but it don't aaiwa tha better Liver Ret emulator and cer- tainlyi r bo more oi Zeilia's ssixture. V I i r -V4 stT) HlwlaerneiiKliilOi' is safe and pleasant, ai. inw. oxDivKjNaoN ana v ULUUT U tl DV A XT " i ' most objUaate cases, ones. :.!'..; if j'v.-:.;"At,si.,;;' Its- f JH";- "Y.T .. 'i -;