ilEUJUKa-a AHOISCHISIi ! THJS DAILY JOURSALls a six oolama fpvT, published esjly.exoept Monday al ti.w) per year, IU lor tlx month. Delivered wcity suorlbersMMeeBUpersoatA 1 THS VKKkLT JOUBJAI ft soluaa piper. Is publish every Tnursday at U wi annum. . - ADVXSTI3INQ KATES (DAILT-On taehonaoaj Me.: . forsaeh sobequent lasatioa. AlWUMMltlUiM heed Of "BnSDBSM L3Mkta."UstasUMftrtnt.ii4C seats tin for iwrr sub qasatln rtloa ueal natter at any pnos. Houses tnumiiN or Dsatna. MttOXMd lea Ubm wlllbs tneertedf ree. All additional matter will bo enarged i mhU par Una. Payments for transient adTorUMmenU mast be made In advance. Regular adver tisements wUlbe collected promptly at the sad ot eaeh month. ; Oommnnleations containing news of tut, nolent pubile Intertat are sollolted. No etamuatoatlon moat be expected to be Dob- liabedthat ontalnsohjsetloi.abie personal Ules, or withhold tne asms of the author ' Articles linger thau half a column moitbe paid for. Any pereoareeunc asstievea at m muw anoasoommnnioauon eatiootaln the name o th autnor oj applloation at this office aud abowini wnereln tne grievance exiata. THE ELECnOX. thk tram chased Bin. , TbU U the last isano of. the : u CIm4rtM mTT Harrow JovsHiX' before election day, and i : - D,atk. -. we appeal to all the people to do , T ' rw"Uxr, nuat Vail k a wwa h. a)m viummiw AenanA UN AU UUSUIS1J UAUAVH vouajjo i -i i -i av r wane UBpecunjc we new rirm u Forth bridge a day or two ago. While be waa absorbed in examin ing the different parts of the .true - t oonntry and their God. : It is of very great Importance that a Democratic Congress be elected. Congress has become the supreme power in this oonntry. In the olden time the people eon trolled the OonereaflA. and the member of him to cling to the girders to pre- p... .v ma .Aannraent ku vent his falling into the water. people was disgraced and driven JJ iave" into retirement. The last Congress er and more Vigorous ' man ''than deliberately and with malice alore- Mr. Gladstone, he retained his thonpht discarded the will of the presence or mud and betrayed o a i n f mucn less agitation man uuv oi tare, train rushed 'bT at a high rate of speed, J oat grazing jthe ex-J premier in its nigne, and causing people. Not content with this, they drove the representatives of the people from the House, and gave their seats to men without credentials and destitute of charac ter, for the sole purpose of increas ing the Republican those who witnessed his peril. PROFESSIONAL. J SURGEOH DENTIST. Office, Middle street, oppoaite Baptist church, ' - dac8 dwtf NEK BERN, N. a P. H. PELLETIEB, TTOR5KY AT LAW, - N1 ftlONJFY It'xtOKEit. Vvnn St., two doors South of v OLD QOLilIlIOIl lip Csmpiny THE JOURNAL. O. T. HANCOCK. - Proprietor. Local Reporter. SKW BSHNK. N. 0.. NOV. 2 1S90. I elated at the rott oflU at N Br aaaeeoad-elaii matter. mo DE3I0CKATIC TICKET. For U. 8. Sanafe: ZEBULON B. VANCE. For Chief Juttioe: A. 8. MERRIMON. For Associate Joitice: WAITUR CLARK. For ConTw 8nd District: J. M. MEWBORNE, of Lenoir, For Judae 2nd Judicial District: HENRY R. BRYAN, of Craven. For Solicitor 2nd Judicial District: J. M. ORIZZiRD, of Halifax. CRAY FN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For the Senate: H. H. PERRY. For the House of Representatives: G. L. HARD1SON. For Sheriff: W. B. LANE. For Register of Deeds: JAMES W. BIDDLE. For Superior Court Clerk: W. M. WATSON. For Treasurer: THOMAS DANIELS. For Coroner: DR. F. W. HUGHES. For Surveyor: W. H. MAR3HALL revolutionizing the government. This usurpation must be rebuked. A Had Dog's Bite. APEX, N. 0., Oct. 29. This afternoon about 3 o'clock a mes senger came into our village in meat haste to inform Mr. J. 0. majority and Medlin, who works at one of our cotton gins, that his wife was bitten by a rabid dog. TTa aVi eliAf Xla Ifaillin mn ci The party that has dared to do this , . T vT X- T , 1 J " ,7" " u" v seated in her porch this afternoon thing must bo expelled from power wnen a E00d eized dog sprang at and thrown out like a dead dog to her by the nose. She gathered the rot on the commons. dog by the throat, walked with him a rp,mrfrarie T.Pfruiatn and to the wood pile near by. took the I n n rPF I,:- KahiI fTttA Democratic county officers must be iD "uu uu uu i;DTOuUU wuu,JUiu0 u.l.o,w, messenger Bays he saw the lady elected. Patriotism and honor, and the dead dog. Special to State national integrity, the rights on Chronicle. rhp SKntAO n Arson al lihorr.v and w-. , r I A Sltwe Vuaecoantably Prevalent aome8tlC security, are ail involved The nrevalenn of ailments attribu in the stupendous issues of next Uble to miaamatio poison in the tir that Tuesday. Men of Craven, in the K7w ta weli Buh unacoountable. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tne taste, ana acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Uoweis, cleanses tne bvs tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches aud fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Pigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tne taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable suDsiances, its many excellent qualities commend it all and have made it tno most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on nana m pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAD FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. HEW YORK, V. f Journal office. A specialty made In negotiating linns (or short Uui-i. Will practice In the Counties ot Graven, Oar tcrut, jonea, Onslow and Pamlico. United Court at New Berne, and flnpreme Ouurt of the tftato. febl dtf il the 014 Peatlalea ateuaaklp Oaj. tmaf'm OU amsl Favertte Water V Itaat-. la Alksmarle ea4. - i , CkseepeaJte Oual. v " . . rfelkj BalttMora, New. Yerk, Pklla 4lvUa, BeeteB, Prevldeate.-; aa4 WaalUactoa City. , And all point, North, Fjuu and Wert On and after MONDAY, atlll further notice. hr SEPT. 8th, IW, name of the Qod of your fathers, do your duty 1 The Shameless Doctrlao of ike Hadicals The following is taken from a recent issue of the National Repub lican. Read it, white men, what ever your political creed may be, and then ask yourself how aoy selfrespecting white man can vote Not alone in pestilential iwampe, badly drained suburban uutrlote. ana martn et exposed to the sun's rajs by the re ceding tide, is this scourge of humanity round. Even in great cities, bealthiully located, skillfully sewered, well looked after in every respect in a sanitary way, we find malaria, lie presence is orten inexplicable, but its attacks are always preventable The protector is HoBtet- ter 's Stomach Bitters. The eradioator bears the same name a name known to thousands throughout our broad land l I . I HIUIUM1UD UI or worn wun a pariy me organ oi and el,ewhereas a synonym of relief, which advocates such infamous prevention and cure of the insidious measures: disorders in its abominable phases "When though the operation of chills and fever.bilious remittent.dumb n. T.nA xrMnnoi vinnfiAn law skuo and szus cake, as well as others. "Toran ww qrot. .hail BitteM leM effective for in six or seven Southern States Bha UigesUon, kidney complaint, biliousness look confidentlv to some measure of iastico dona the blacks who have Wilmington Star: It will take been so lone defrauded of their ten mile of copper wire for the new riehta. Oamewell fire alarm plant. Work "Heavv taxes should bo laid on on it will begin within a month. the whites to develop and extend the public school system in those ADVICE TO MOTHERS, Mrs. Wikslow's 8oothino Syrup States, separate schools for the two Lnou,d alway8 be UBed for chiidren races huouiu uv iiuouaueu, auu iuo teethiusr. It soothes the cbild, eortens nlan of brinirinc the vouth of both the eums. allava all pain, cures wind SENATOR RANSOM. Senator Ransom addressed the people of Craven on Friday night at tJi nnnrfc house in New Berne. Cant. Malt. Manly, chairman of Graven county executive com- i mittee, called the meeting io oruei and General Battle introduced the . speaker. The Senator presented a graphic x picture of Reed and the ruin he uau then rja8sed to home V SHVIUVJ -w-ai-w - A 'affairs, eloauently contrasting Democratic government and Re V publican rule in the State of North ' Carolina. Returning to national ' nniirinn Via HiscnRsed the tariff and . showed conclusively that it is the ., nnmA RAnaa oi aencuiiurai uc- pression all over the land. As the 1 ' Senator was concluding this part of ; bis great speech the cry of fire was ': - raised, and the large audience was scattered. After the alarm had subsided, many of the people re- turned to the house, and, as soon as order was restored, the Senator ; resumed his speech. In the arraignment of Reed and the discussion of the tariff Senator iiansom aiapiaycu jjicau - bat it was in the presentation of - the Force bill that he rose trans . cendent. His analysis of the bill 'y was faultless, and as he unfolded the panorama of the terrible fature ' every bosom swelled with indigna tion and every spirit thrilled with ' high resolve. Senator Hansom paid eloquent 1 tributes to Senator Vance and Mr. Simmons, which were received with lond applause. ', . He urged the prompt and en thusiastic support of .Mewborne, the Democratic candidate for Con- - gress la this district; .showed that no IS tne nominee tu tuo a ' Southern gentleman and an enemy . of the Force bill. Theentire Demo " eratie ticket was commended, and the daty enfored of voting the whole ticket. ''But 'fori the assertion of the Senator that he was not well, we should say that he waa at his best last Friday, night. ; 11 is speech was certainly a very great one and will tell on the election. In behalf of ' Oar people ! we tender to the elo quent Bansom most sincere thanks. colors in close and equal relations in schools and churches given a fair trial, as one oi the most potent elements to break down the detest able Bourbonism of the South. "The right of the black man to bear arms should be guaranteed to him, as well the social rights m tended to be secured him by the passage of the 14th and 15th amend ments to the constitution. The State laws against the intermar rage of the races should be repeal ed. and discriminations against blacks in the matters of learning trades or obtaining employment should be made a criminal offence, while the colored man's right to to hold office should be sacredly protected and recognized. A few yearsofthis policy will solve the race problem satisfactorily." Cheatham iavors the National Election law and represents the above doctrine; Mewborne is op posed to anything of the sort. Which do you favor! Vote your choice, kinston Free Press colic, and is the beat remedy for Diar rhoea Twenty-five cents a bottle, jaly Conviction, were it ever so ex t illent, is worthless till it converts itseif into conduct. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: Staicef HEWBEiSE. Capt Scitligiv .. CLEMENT MANLY. 0. B. QOIOS Manly & Gnion, A.TTOUSEY8 AT LAW, Office Sd floor of Green, Foy & Oo.'s bank, Middle street. Now Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven aha adjoinmg counties, in tne supreme i fridxyb at Twelvk, M., (noon) making Court of the State, and in the Federal I connection with tne u. D. t, 8. Co.'a shlpa v Courts. aplu dwtf Will tail from Norfolk. V ' j, for New Heme, . t dlrr( i. , MONDAYS anl THUKS DAY8. tuakltia rloaa n.n ntoitou wan tne hteamr Klikton and ' Howard for Klniton, Trenton, and all other -landings on the Kenae and Trent Rivera. Keturnlug, will anil UOM NKW BUtMB FUK NORr'OLK dlreet. TDK8UAYS and " F, M. S1MMOS6. Simmoiis & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onalow, ( artoret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door bolow Journal oflioe. apiadwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, NEW BERNE, N. C. Ollloo on Craven strt et, between Pollock I and Broad. dw for ew York, B. 8. r. Oo.'a steamers lor Baltimore; cide Line Ships for Fblladel- it r. nrnno. I K.I.i'T... . - -"'- rovlde- ce, Bteamer K for Kinston on arrlva Steamer Kinston. Capt. Dixon, will sal ral cf ateamvr New. Derne. ALONG THE JI1E OF PHOSHESS. fhe Taylor Patet.t Ad juhtvble Ladies' Shoeia the let et and beet improvement in. that lino. It requires no breaking in, is alwaja comfortable, and retains its original ehape. It is a marvel of perfection. Samples may ce soon ana oruera leit at my place of business on Graven street, two doors south of telegraph office. N. ARPEN, Boot and Shoe Miser, Agt. Consolidated Adjustable jy 18 dwtf Shoe Company. GREEN, FOY & CO.. Do a General Banking business. Netv Bankino Housk, Middla Sueet, fourth door below Hote Albert, fold wly HKW BERNK. N- O. w. p. eunRus a co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, All Kiml5 of flrain Brick and a Pennsylvania R, R.. form a reliable and till JVIUUS UI UfctlU, untit. UUU t9ea Un, oOerlns aanerlor huillitlaa for iuia wiuiv-wrHiuoa. SHOES! SHOES! Just See the Shoes! Blir Shoes. Little Khoes, 1'lne Sli'xs, Oood Shoes, and 8ho s CHEAP. Knbber Boots and Pho.-. v.t i llouts and Oil Clothing In great quantities. At J. F. TAYLOR'S. DON'T FORGET TUH Leadicg Tobacco House In New Berte. UooJs and Prlcis will make you chewlots. A Large Stock of Golds al Wholcsili and RKTAlLat LOW PRICES. Post ff-rge J. F. TAYLOR. CURED LEMON ELIXIR' A Pleasant Lemon Dilnk. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For siok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, ak e Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. 60o. and $100 per bottle. Sold by drueeists. WHAT IS SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro daces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or leet; which developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to 'humors;" which, fastening upon the lungicauses consumption and death. Belagthe most ancient, it Is the most general of all diseases or at eetlons, for very lew persons are entirely tree from U. How Can It Be By taking llood's SarsapariUa, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some ot these cures are really wonderful. II you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparlua. " My daughterMary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was22months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's SarsapariUa, when the lump and all Indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Casliuc, Kauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's SarsapariUa SoldbjalldrnKglrti. Si; tlx for gi. Prepared only bx C. L HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Jusi Receive!. FROM A FINE LOT OF HORSES A$D MULES Also, a fine Lot of Buggies,Boad Carts & Harness of Rome and Western Make, which will be offered Lov for Cash or on tim with good eocurity. ocldwtf J. W. STEWART. Prominent Hlnlster Writes, After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley ' Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Bet. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Charon South, tUlnovl No. 28 Tatnall it. Atlanta, Ga. Growth of the Farmers' Alllaes. Durham San: The internal revenue collections at the Durham office for last week, not including Saturday, were$17,185,92. What Docs It Meant '100 Doses One Dollar" means simply that Hood's SarsapariUa is the most economical medicine to buy, because it gives mora for tbe money than any other DreDaration. Each bottle contains too doses and will average to last month, while other preparations taken annnrdinv tn directions are sons) in a week. Therefore, be sure to get Hood's SarsapariUa, the best blood punner. SAVE3 ANKOYANCE. GIVES PEA.OE. AIDS EOUSEKEEPERS. vs. " .:::-J . 'v rovmer Every Package Guaranteed t Give Satisfaction or your Grocer villi refund tbe money f. ,', , wmmmimm- ',7?''".' 'V'';l vrl?' MaNWACTTjBED BT ? r. ' ' ' ! SMITH, HORPEL &00, i au!4dir8m ; BALTIMORE. Desirable Dwelling For Sale, Situated on 8outh Front street House contains six comfortable roorc and recently added new kitchen and all desirable outhouses. Lot 70 ft et front. ALSO - House and Lot on Craven street. Apply to Watson & Street, dtf. Real Estate Azonts. Order all goods ears ot O.D. M. S. no.. Nor. folk-Va. Passengers will find a food table, comfort able room, and every oourtesy and atten Uon will be paid them by the offioere, ;E. B. BOBERTS, Agent. . StSSsaS. OTJLFKFPER A TURNER, Agents, JNortolk. V. W. H- STANFORD, Vice-President, Sew York lit. EASTERN CAROLINA UHUn The Fast Freight Ltm, ' , nrvin New Bene. Bastes n arelia Pelmts, amd Rerfelk, BUimert . PhUadelpkia. lew Tork.BestBi, ' IU.-TU KUaaketk OU7. W.C Commencing Monday, June 16th, THE STEAMEEP Eaglet and Vesper or mis una will run on regular schedule time, leaving New Berne ever jMONDAY, WEDNESDAf AND DEALERS IN and FRIDAY afternoons, at FOUR o'clock, tor Elisabeth Olty. and return arriving on SUNDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. These steamers, in connection Kith the. Atlantic 6 N. O. R. & Norfolk Honthern R. K, New York, Phlla, and Norfolk R. R.and Agricultural Lime. SEW BERNE, N. O mrl dw m mm m mr-m M n sBBsa HV WtWm m; la seaa ETERIMARYSPECIFICS Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, logs, Hogs, : f.b FpvcrsiGoDRCBttons, Inflammation I. Spinal Dlciiiniritis, Milk Fever. AND POULTRY. 500 Paso Book en Treatment of Animals 11 .1 i'hna. Haul Vntn. cmra . A. li.U.Strains, ljameness, llbeamausm. 4'.('..-l)iHtcnippr, Nasal Discharges. J.1." It 01 or Orubs, VVerms. '..F..-- oiiubs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F. Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. ;.;. .IiHonrringe, Hemorrhages. H. H.I'rinary and Kidney Diseases. I. 1. Eruptive I) i senses, Mange. J.K.Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 60 doses), - - .00 Ktnblo Case, with Specifics, Manual Ycterlmtry Cure Oil and Hedlcator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, 1.00 Sold by Drasgtats; or Sent Prepaid anywhera and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE 00.", Comer William and John Sts., New York. EUMPHEaEYS' HOMEOPATHIC flft In use 30 yean. Tho only fraccosnfal remedy for No transfers exotnt at Eilahth Whloh DOlnt freight will ba loaded on nan In go through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch dally as follows : From New York, b Penn. R, B.. Pier . North River. from Philadelphia, bv Phlla., W. A Beito. K, R Dock sx. station, From Baltimore by Phlla.. WU. A Haiti . K R.. President St. HLatlon. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Sonthern U. R. ' From Boston, by MerohanM A Miners Trans oorutLion uo.; yew rork and Niw iCnglau.i Rales as low and time anloker t.ian bv an other line. ' W. H. JOYCE (Gen, Fgt TraUir AKent,- , P.R.R.1.0 ni.l Tiafflo GEO. 8TE.1 HF 3. Division r n lght Aient P. W. A is. ti I .. Phlla. B. B.OiKlKF, Oeueral Frelsbl Aitent. N V P. A N. K. R Norfole.Va H.O. UUDU1.NS. eneraj FrelKht Agent N 8. R. U NorfolU Va.' GF.O. HKSl)i:Ri.lON, Agent, feb20 dv t'ewberne. . O. Tbe fi. 0. Fiaiglil Urn MERCHANTS and SSITIEES,:iA2E HOTICE Nervous Debiiitv. Vital Weakness. and rrostration, from over-work or other eaaeea $1 per vial, or 6 vials snd lares vial powder, for S5. &old by j-iiuuiisTH, orseni postpaia on reueips of price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Cor. William and John Sts., it. Y. All of our Veterinarv Preparations can be bad of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. V, cor. Broad and Middle streets, Newbern.N. C. JOE K. WILLIS, FROFRIKTOK OP EASTEI'iN NORTH CAROLINA Largest Stock of GROCERIES on hand, Sold at Northern Prices. Agency for Horsford Bread Preparation, Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co. JET. XTlricIi WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, : ,;; NEW BERNE, N. O . 1. BEIW, Prti. L H. CUTLER, YletFm ' ' 6. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE HATIOflAL BAI1K t OP NEW BEENE; N. C v ": 1 " Inoorpobatkd 1865 Capital, - - $100,000 SuttjIus Profits, -: 80,700 DIRECTORS. "a" New Berno, !N O. On and a'ttrt tuin 10. ivt-, Uilt llnmll resume tbolr regular bEMI-VVEEKLY TRIPS bhvu; Baltimore aud Ke-w Berne Iavlng BaUimore for New Berne. WKD fK6LA r, hatuhd Y, at six P. M. Leaving New Bern tor Baltimore, XOkB DAY. SATURDAY, at bLX P.M. -ThU U tne only D1MKCT Una oat of New Berne for Baltimore without cbange, and -on tnelr retora trip from Baltimore cume dlreo- ' to New berne, stopping only at JSoi tola, con necting Uien for Boston,, Phlla. rtelpbla, Richmond, and all points North. rjun ana wesi Maeing close connection, lora .lpolnuby Hirer and Rrllout of New Ben.'. -. Aeents ar4 as follows: RKUBfcxN 1 Oe'ItK, Gen'l Manager, Bu I.ltrht Ht.. R!tlninf JAB. W. MOOARR10K. Art.. Korlolk. Va W P. Oljde A Co,, Philadelphia, 12 bout a wharves. New York A Balto. lrans. Lint, pier North river. K. Sampson, Boston, SS Central wharf. S. H. Rockwell, Providence, B. I. Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and (Saturdays. ' New York dally. uaito., Wednesdays Batnraay I " " Philadelphia, Mondays, wednes- 1 days, uaturdays. - ' Piovldenoe, Baturdavs. ' s TkroUKh bills ladlns alven. and rat na anar antoed to all points at the different oflloeS tr the oompanles. ATOID BREAKAGE OF BULK AN SHIP VIA N. C. LINX. - 8, 0, GBAY.Agtnl. Sew Bet ns. N, C. ma At.aaia, Cms. and Wkltkey Xtalx its cured at home with on t pain. Book of par. . tionlars sent FREE. . B.M.WOOLLHV.M.D. (JJBoe (Oi WUlehaU 6b IOTTR T.TNT1 OP RfArlin SilvArVsjirA Italian and Amerioan Marble and all """0 oualities of material. " n ' - . Orders solicited and given prompt IS inG Largest HHa attention, wttn satisiacuon guaran teed. O. E. Miixeb la my agent at Kinston, and . ALSx. Fmlds! regular traveling agent. ., -. ::l:r' Most Artistic ever shown in this City. We offer special drives Tomorrow. . BELL .THE JEWELER. Next ! AB A. BBTAX. L.n.OtJTI.lBV t ' Thomas Daniels, " ' Chas. S. Bbtan, TYLER DESKS-200 New Styles. ' rvT i?i vnviT tvotj Tbitwx livrrvTi sua BLE8, CHAIRS, BOOK OASES, to., at BedusMl KaUs and Speoisl Diaoounts, Catalog., for 1690 now ready. 130 psgei, Illustrated. Book fre Postags lOo. ? - TYLER BANK COUNTERS. ' " VamisaIImI lor Strlo. QiaIHt sa rrim. TOntnteS la Oohn SrtMtVArkof Artl USfASMi Spk VrM PMlAfa IS AU, TYLEB S8X CO., ' BT. I09U. KO., VA Pbof. W. H 8HEPARD and com De tent assistants in the toncorial art will give yon, HJ-i'dii- Hair out.for......i ......... SO cents. Bhatnpoo ......... u.UU. ..,.M.,.; 20 ; , .f iruaston uoase isttiDer kdod . - BW IIBBKB, H. O, . ';v-- m: '' K ' r.S.v