7 ! I- Y ' wSrV,'Sa.iJ-aiva.,.-w ... -j n ..J for Infants and Children "Castoria is so veil adapted to children that I recommend it at superior to any prescription known to me." E. A. Ascau, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and It merits so well known that it seems a work ot supererogation to endorse it Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria -within easy reach." Carlos Mahtts. D.d., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Tffit Ciotaue U4 o o w tw El J 5 -''if . - O FIFTY HM-Vl) YulWU WKSTKRX HOUSES AXU MULES .HIST HF.OKIYED. Fine drive r?, dn.ft M'ul farm Ilc rsr. m. Also larj;e lot (:o;j and open), Uoad Carts, Harnrs.-j, Whip, Kobes and lloise Blankets ennstniii Is on hiiiul at Kork Bottom Ptict-s. We moke our l.iveiy a y-e-l;.lty. Single or double turn-outs can be had at all hours. Every thing wo stll i-i gu ir uti d as represented. Liverf suiwriutcn.led iv K. 1ENMA1K. xxdi $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. l'loo Calf and Laced Waterproof Groin. . The excellence and weirxlnft qualldesof this shoe cannot be better shown than by the strong endorse ments ot Its thousands ot constant wearers. SfT.OO 13 en u In o llnl-irwel, nn elcgnnt nml O Btyllsli dress Shoe wlik'li iomnieuils Itself. '$I.OO Hnnil-oewcd Welt. A line ealt shoe T unequalled for fltvlc and rtnniliillty. 0,00 Ooodycar Welt Is thu standard dress O Hhoe, at a popular price. Policeman's Shoe Is espeel.illy ndnpted . . w. for railron'l men, f ariyers, ete. . ' All made in Cougross, Button and Laee. $3 & $2 SHOES have been most favorably received since introduced ' and the recent improvements make tbum superior to any shoes sold at these itIits. AsIc your Dealer, and ttier, ttuu 11 uu 3 cannot sunnlv vou send direct to factory enclosing advertised price,. or a postal for order blanks. f eucit blanks. W. It. OOl'tiLAS, Itrockton, Mcmh. AGENT, Cor. Pollook en4 Middle Ste. mardUulyi 7 " -, Sale of YalwVj Eeal Estate. In purruauca of a judgment of the Supe : rlor Court of Craven county, rendered at ' HprlngTerm, 1-will sell at rublio Auo. : ' tton, lot canh.Ht the Court House door In the olty of New Kerne, on Monday, the , Twenty-fourth day of November, 1890, at Twelve 6'olocBT, M., the followliu .described ' real estate, situated in the county cf Craven, BUte of North Carolina, to wit: - Situated on Jbrice's Crock and Boylln Swamp, consisting of two parcels, coulaln ' login all about one thousand two hundred nml alziv.flva acres, beine the same land 1 which waaoonveyel to 8. i.- Jones by Win. H. Battle and wife. by deed cated '.lie iOlh AtLV nt .Tannftrv. 1870. and reeirded In the , olllceof HeitiBtcr of Deeds for said county. Book Np,71, fullos 26 and 'HI. and oonvevedny T. Jones and wife to Uufus K. Graves and Arthur Bi Graves by flerd dated th day nf t. .tl turn a,nil ipnnrdBd m theaame Book, folio 683, aud by ra. . llaitle and wife to Kufu B. Graves, by deed dated, the 14lh day Janniryi jfc.UMtiU. and -rcoudea In tne same book. loiiosnitj ana oio. ' ' ooto5i,i.tij:B;? v oo3Q(f '"'i .n'VI'.u U- oommlssloner. . v I wil sell at PubliJ 8ale,on tha Bth day. Decern bet," 1890, the Personal -' Property; l Joha N. Whitforddeo'd, jQnMcountT.N.O..conBi8tinB.of four " i " " ' MM b if"s V:- :1 V7 ? ' ft BPiCiTJlfy Vcr r.031- - rr r- s;f :.r v. cw; ; .; : yr'tntii 't "'Vs-.'' in 6tVl-"Wri i . thu, !tilih .(N"rf'f.'.' K--.1 1. H 1-r.j - 1 I -J IrrwrtkraWXtK.: :.n l!rti.l.U':i'S i't:l-.i V. -flt'it!v rnrjiiiji;.; lr'il': '1 I .I.M - :i.'it,;is iit n t tat: iliry frctn 4T .- ic.-.-.i- ... hi' i lnij 1 1 MiiiliM . ' to .'nn uru? Uirm. 1 fl.. Tiiil r j -t-i i ir ; ;. i:' il i'?tir. iriHlv F.:- -okil) lite AJ.:.i . W.t l.iCiC.V. C'j..Ci' ftAia.il. "., I . fiJIsliPTAfcT W. T.. i: -iiula Shoe r,-o tilUliUrJ wniriuiiol. mid rvi'iy pair . 'T illlA IliH 1111IMO UUtl llV'il-C hlUMIlirri 111) IkU.I:!. sow ,;o WW W. L. DOUGLAS . i, hnnm ' tun muled. ' five oienJ Stook we erer carried. twenty head of other cattle, hogs, baga, . knnuhniii am) "kitrhen farisitnre. -wagocey.-ijaittvplows,, corrt t lodder, and farming implements, etc., eto., for SiIa will nnmmflnnft st en earl raSsBKSSK'v Cmatoria cores Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- reetinn. Wil itEout injurious, medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pabdii, M. D., "The Winthrop," lath Street and 7th Ave., New York City. CoifPAMT, 77 Mcreav Street, New York. See "CJjs- FROM NKW YOi'.i; I 1TY, Mil. A. K. awicks UmrMr: Ycr.r patent py, -i;i:it;si s rrcetved nome time Mnet. nnd am very much grutiflej at tim wonderful ell use tint has come over mv Pv.tiiKht suii't! 1 liavo Misciirilid my old gli-dbeH ut:d Jin now wennna yoars. AI.KXANDF.K 'OAK, S i;ro1.:try st itioiie k' losii! o! '1 cade. All c; e HUed Hi, the drus store of F.S.DHFFIlNewbcrr.N.C. lH-.eia wiv OIIES, heavy and Lianr Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuii Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Gaods & Notions. Full stoch and Urge Assortment. Pricas as low as the lowest. Call find examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY IPoir Bale. Aa aeents for owners we offer for salo on Busy and accommodating terms the lolLow- 114 a escrinea improved ileal usiaro in tnc Cllvof Ne'v Heme: NO. 4. THE 1BUN U KUai' WAKKHIJUSJC 0.S GRAVEN BTREKT. No. 6. BRICK HTOKK AND DWEUJKU GN CRAVEN BTREKT occupied by R. O. K. LodEe. A full descrlDtlon of this valuable proper ty, together with ihe best terms upon which the same will be sold. 11. bo furnished n application to the undersigned at their office i nttouio r roui street. ALSO- Twr Houses and Lots on Craven street . A Farm at Sandy Point. WATSON A 8THEKT, decs dWtf Ins. and Real Estate Agts. VALUABLE TRUCK LAND FOR SALE Ahont FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND, situated within two miles of the city, sult- blo for truck raising. A great bargain. Apply to WATHON A STKKKT, may 18 Real Kst. Airenlf. FISiE OLOTHIHG, !; Fine Hats, ;,. ;Fine Underwear, jl ; Fine Silk Umbrellas, , Fine Shoes, Iaifaot the" rnest and Begt Selected Oar prices ar,e the lowest, ' Call and be convinced n.!!.a(aaa P ' Dwl4M U arrilSKlOil U v aJaXlGla O '' ... W AgMtsfbrZeiglerBrcfcShdesI -y..ag- THE JOURNAL. K2;T C013TS AFTZ2 ALL UOWAKD C. TBI1T. 'rii-uli fiieuds ilesert you iu the lacu for fame, Th mh fortune leaves you for some other goal'; " Though you are bhii-eless, yet receive much blame, Though sorrow ilwelleth deep within your soul, Though lifo has been a failure and you plod Footsore anil weary o'er this earthly bail, Still if )i have a faith, a trust in God, j lu st cometh after all. ; lli"t conn tli aftiT all, then higher climb; ; I'.est cmiK'th after all, though wealth ' departs, Tlv whim ui.iy blame you, yet rest stib limo Sha 1 drive tl; sorrow from your heart of i hearts; l'lioin;li life's sat! failures make you on i ward jilod Sin-sick and weary till you reach the i pall, I Still it you have a faith, n trust in Go, ! Kust con e'.h after all. Kcst cometh after all, then let us go Forth to the duties of this lleetiug lifo, bc.'inii,' our .Master s burdens, for we know In linn is comfort and a rest from strife And wordly sorrow: let our faith be shod With love Vid mercy, while we ever call Our friends to nn eternal, inijjhty Qod, Iiest ejme'.h after all. Rest eometh after all, then as we seek A higher life, a better, grander road, Let us ot .Jesu-i as a baviiur spoak, For Ho will help us bear life's awful load Ot cares and si:;s, of doubt and unbelief, Of earthly struggles, bo they great or small, Wo thank Thee, God, that life and trials aro brief, est eometh after all. IIONKVr DOCTORS. All honest, conscieutious physicians who give li. i). li. (botuuic lilooa iialiii) a trial tnitikly admit its superiority overall other blood ni' ciicines. Dr. W. J. Adair, Rockniart, Ga. writes: 'I regard B. 1$. B. as one of the best blood medicines." lr. A. II. Koscoe, Nashville, Tenn., writes: "All reports of 15. B. 15. are favor able, and its speedy action is wonderful." Dr. J. W. Rhode?, (Jruwfordville, (ia., writtp: "I confess 1. B. B. is the host and mickest medicine for rheumatism I have tver tried." Dr. K. J. Farmer, Crawfordville, Ga., wiiti s: "1 clieerfully n commend B. 1$. B. as a line t.inic alterative Its use cured an excrescence of tho neck after other reme- iies elf c ted uo perceptible good." Dr. t:. If. iontromery, Jacksonville, Ala , writes: "My mother insisted on my ?;ettinn 1!. I!. I., tor her rheumatism, as her case stubbornly resisted the usual remeui-'s. rilio txpeneuced immediate relief nt;d h'-r iruprovemeut has been truly wonderful " Dr. yl. W Kiirle, I'ickenp, S. C, writes; "1 recommended B. B. 15. to a man who bun sulVeivn for vears with a malignant i leer ou bis lef,'; that seemed to resist all other treatment. After usin; fourorfive bottles tlie ulcer bemin f. heal and his leg i'. now stiiiid anil well." Tli'i v ealth oi society a Us stock ii itroUiiclive labor. TO DISl'KL t:or.Ds ilea !a -lies mid Fevers; to cleanso the systuii frcctu.iily, jt gently, wben cos tive or bi.ioiis. or wLen tho blood is im- pjre or sluggish, to pt-rmanently cure habitualcocssiiiation, to awaken the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, with out irrilatiufr or weakening them, uee Syrup ot r igs. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Southern War Songs! Southern War Songs, Camp Fire, Patriotic and Sentimental, collected and arranged by VV. L. Fagan, of Ala bama. Niiiui-roue illustrations. Price $8.00. New York: M. T. Richardson & Co., Publishers, 1890. This comprises by all odds the most complete collection of Southern War Sonna ever brought together in one volume; in fact no attempt over seems to have been made to present even a limited number of these songs in a man ner worthy of their merits. The illus trations, by one of New York's most talented artists, are numerous and spir ited . The author in his preface says: "Emotional literature is always a correot exponent of public sentiment, and these songs index the passionate sincerity of the South at the time they were written. ' . Tha book is endorsed by many dis tineuisbed Southern men, including Senator) Carlisle and Blackburn of Kentucky, Senator Brown of Oeorgia, S 'nator Pugh of Alabama, Hon. Unas F. Crisp of Oeorgia, General Beauregard and G en oral Longs tree t. Senator Brown says in his comments on this elegant volumo: "Whether the reader belonged to the Federal or the Confederate army, he will And in the songs a deep vein of patriotio sentiment, whioh must com mand his admiration." Senator Cock rell of Missouri says: "Tie the first and only collection of the sort I have ever Been that is complete and satisfactory. A group of Confederate nags in col ors forms a striking frontispiece. This book seems particularly adapted for Birthday and Holiday presents. women and men possessed of a good address ought to do well selling this attraotlye work. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Superior Graven uouniy. ) wrari, George A. Klohardson vs Eliza Richardson Notice. ' To VAir.iL PlchnnlBon: Take Notice. That this action hat been in stunted In sad eourt entitled as abv; that the purpose of tame is for divorce on tne grounds of adultery; and yon are required to appear al the rail Term, A.D. 1889, oi aald court, to be fleid at tne court doom in new bern on the 12th Monday after the 1st Moa day In Neptember, 1890 and answeror demur to tne oompiainv niea in saia action. This Uh day of October, A.D. 1899. - K. W. CARPENTER. Clerk Bup. Ct., Craven County -rinse Nature shouldT, I Ant ' i i&tiited hi the the heaviness of thesluggkh winter ciiculsIiori of the blood. Nothing does It so well, so prompt or so safely as Swift's Specific IK THE " SPRING. I have used 8. S. 8. for a inrmber of yean, and consider It the best tonic and blood remedy that I erer used, la fact I would not attempt to enter Trpon a spring or summer la this climate with out it. H. W. Colehah, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., Dade City, Fla. Our book On Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. ELV'H CATARRH CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Restores tlie Sense of Taste and Smell, HAY-PlvVER TRY THE CURE A particle Is applied into each nostril and is agreeable, rrloe au cents at Drugelats by mall, registered, 60 ots. ELY 54 Warren Street. New York BROTHERS, aprlodwly J. E. ORAETREB. BASIJ, MANL? JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machiniets Manufacturers and Dealers in M ill I Si I) HI BUSTS' SUPPLIES Builders of EnKluei Boilers, Hvw KlUs, Edwins; A Cut-off machines We are prepared to do Dustings o all kinds with promptness, r articular and Immediate attention given to repalis ot all kinds. We will be triad to give plans and estimate! for any deseilption ot machinery. We are the aeenU for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for Q. & A. Barsainln's cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We elve satisfactory euarant ee for all work done by us. ya d2aw wly iRUNItENlfeSS V? Liquor Habit- mumcwouo maesaifTOMioiie, DRHMifE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can beg( ven In coffee, tea, or In articles of food, without tbo knowledpo of patient If necessary; it is absolutely harmless And will effect a perma nent and ftpcedy cure, whether the patient in a moderatedrinkeroran alcoholic wreck. IT NKV Klt FA I LS. Itoperates so quietly and with such certainty that tho patient undergoes no Incon venience, ami soon liis complete reformation la effected. 4U page book free. To be bad of R. N. Duffy, druKRtet. New Rerno, N 0 jylSdwy TO WEAg MEN Snffcring from the effects of yoathfol errors, eulj decay, wasting weaknesa, lost manhood, etc., I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. A. oplendid medical work ; should be read by every man who ia norrous and debilitated.. Address, Prof. F. C. FOTTIJai, Moodus, Conn. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE Ho. S3, In H.laot 1:30 P.M., Fiiday, Oot 17. 1880. GoiqEabt. Schedule. Goinq West No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. om 3 80 Goldsboro 11 10 am 4 06 4 09 La Grange 10 22 10 25 4 35 4 40 Einston 9 43 9 53 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 17 8 30 7 38 om Morehead City am 6 47 Daily. Going East. Schedule Going West No.l. No.S.t Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train "am 0 8U uoidsboro pm B57 7 00 Best 's 0 4 0 01 7 20 7 30 La Grange 5 54 6 04 7 48 7 53 Falling Creek 5 24 15 80 8 11 8 80 Einston 4 25 0 00 8 50 8 55 Caswell 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 03 Dover 3 25 8 40 10 81 10 36 Core Creek 2 54 3 00 1100 1105 Tuscarora 2 24 2 30 11 17 11 41 Clark's 2 02 2 12 1215 8 00 Newborn 10 33 1 80 8 87 8 42 Eivordalo 9 41 9 46 S48 8 50 Croatan 9 28 4 08 413 Bavelock 8 59 9 04 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wild wood 8 00 . 8 05 5 01 6 01 Atlantio 7 47 7 62 6 16 6 21 Morehead City 717 7 27 6 23 6 28 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 715 5 81 pm Morehead Depot am 7 00 Monday. 'Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday an . Saturday. Tntl&MebiuiMU wltkWlltalnirtoB Wei- don:TrlDbfnnd North. leaTlng Ooldiboro uxvn m., aiia wiu lucamona a vayu Train Weii, iMTlng Ooldaboro U:4ft pt m.i -Train 61 oobbu wltfc Ktchmend Lmt1H Trsia.uTiTlnc at Qoldsboro 1:66 pja..and wit wuminiwi ana wvrjon xram rxom tne North at kl0p.na.M -).? i,i n Tram 8 eonneeu wun wumintion and Weldoo Through freight Train, Horth bonndi leaving GoWsboro at 8:60 p,u - luprintoadeQt. ; XT THE- BEST KNOWN REMEDY. "H.U.C." Cures Gonorhosa and Gleet I n 1 to S Days, trithoat Pain. it vents Hcrieturoi uoniairta ao ire rid or poisonous snbstances, and , IS guaranteea absolutely narniioss; 11 nrescnuca dt vdti ciani! unu i reebmendodby tfruMfsta, PrlcelBt. tOlUme, retUITiaOie, WIU D6 Sens A'JlMjgSffiJmgjartt fa.BO.c6nts.-; SALE & EXCHASOE. i5 -ALWAYS WELL ON FINE AND Selected with Care and from Good Roadsters, Good Draft Horses. And those suited for Family Purposfs :md t!:o S.-.dt'.K'. First-Class Carriage and Buggy Hopositoiv IN CONNECTION' PaiQtiog, Eepairing, &c, Bono iu Bet: Vvrkmaushiu. Tralucd and Fxperient'ed hot'r c :;u.Uj o; . my. J". "W- STBWARTp ocV.i dwif KTES'W BERKT Colleaiate MALE AIV1) FALL SESSION : Opens THOROUGH, PRACTICAL, COMPREHENSIVE COl'RSE OF S1TPY. EFFICIENT TEACHEES SUPERIOR ADVANTAGE MENTAL MUSIC. MORAL and RoiiM"UH i.Jvaiita;;.s uu.-uijo. EXPENSES vt-Yy low. lior.tdit. SPECIAL iuducun'.'Ciri t.i uilim . JOHNS. LONll, L.L. IV, bh s : " l.i-r.i and Progress are Hie waltiuu cnls ! Now Heme OnUeglute !nnUlnto, aiul il oruiunent lo i'a .lern North ('unnii.n. SendJfor Catalogue. (J. T. SicretRrv. MISS MARY L. ALLEN' ' 2 S 3 - S c U o 11 13 R rt c ct c n $3.00 ful" Vorlw of Charles Dickens, handsomely printed ami finely bound, aud with over 130 illustrations,' doubtless seems fabulous to many, but it is one of tlie recent happy products of Alden's Lit erary Revolution. The "Boz" Dickens. DlckenR. The Works of Charles Dickens. "Boi " Edition In six vols.,mall 8o, Kood type, with numerous Illustrations, well printed on fair paper, cloth, $3.00. List of Vols 130 Illustrations. L Dombey and Son, Old Curiosity Shop, Bard Times. J. David Copperneld, Ohrlstmaa 8torlei, Tale of Two Cltli-t, Uncommercial Traveler. i NlcnolasNickiebr, Hartia Chanlewit, 4. Mutual Friend, Little Eorrlt, Reprinted, Edwin Drood, K rick wick Paper.' Barnabr Rudge, Sketches by Bos. .Oliver Twist, Oreat Expectations, Bleak House, , i rioturMiramBalr.1 jawnean noies. - ,Thi3 "Boz" edition of Diet ens is printed from the same plates as Appleton's Popular LiWary Edition of this same author, their published price being $10.00 a set. The paper used is . ft trMa lighter and . a little Aceraa quality, but both re gctod 1 1 The books may be seen at the office of this pajper,or a specimen 5 ZlaSs nip & s . fiSo V sfi S -o coil - sac e rHEDlekns! r 1IAND- BROXE EG, lUiablj Lexers Onlv, WITH I-IVKKV. FEIALE. September Gth, IV.QO. !i 1'iClENT '1 I'.ACilKrS. APAMS, A. 1'... 1 i ici ipal. i2Jl&wt (0 O rH 0 o t t-1 a 5- HOME AND FARM LOUISVILLE, UY. The Leading Ag.cuiiura! J :jma! of t'.w South and West, Made by Farmer:; for Farmers. A.t a rrcorJ of ? i:c vi v i , 1 if m hi; 1 1 1 1 t ..-.ful nricnlture, JIomu in.i'. i.virv topic relating b agriculture i-i iiciily tiiscu-iseii in its columns by the l.irinerslh- inwi-.i .No expense is spared in securing a full ace-Mint .f every notable suc cess on the farm. U is distinctively the FARMERS' OWN PAPER, A record of their daily life, presented in a form 6nd language which make it plain to all. ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the names of the most progressive farm ers of the South and Weft. They do not treat of theoretical farming, hut of the actual condi tions which confront ns to-dav: B. F. Johnson ; Waldo V. Brown ;llenrv Stewart ; John M.Stahl-, A. P. Tord ; Jeff. Welhofn ; Hiurh T. Brooks; Johr C. lidpar: Steele's i:av-ni; T. II. Baldwin and ? host of others make this jjrnr.1 indispensable Moreover, it is equally v A HOME MAGAZINE. institute. Kvery subject oi inu-rci to the home-macer v , ' -; fully treateJ. Marv Marsd.-n, I.oisCatesbv, Mra Brown, Mrs. Daviess, Miss Cabell, Miss Mosbv; Alice Winston and a score of others will wntrib- , ute regularly. ' . FAITH LATIMER , , ' Is in charge of our Children's llepartraent, an ; . i V she has the peculiar faculty of being both hi- (iwnc inn ami 1 11 Ct rit.l I v'f- THE MYSTERY OF THE NATION -"'"(' . Is a thrillinc storv appearing in. Hosm .ASJ.t t Farm, by John K. Jlnsif k. ami is exciting wwe, . , nttention. Short stories by distiuiruishedwritCrt il appear from time to lime. DIM addc i rTTrnft .,!'',. Appear in each issue, and tins humorousphuoso. ; y Dher was never mote interesting ,uiau at tar IV ITS EMTOKI il. DEPARTMENT Wniuii iwi I-'aiii stienks boldlv nnd fenrtesslyWii v" behalf of ' Farmers' Rights." It favors a r vision of the tariff in behalf of the fanner j bettc, ., , g roads for the farmer ; Free Mail Delivery to farmer ; Co-operatioaarnonR the farmery and lit anion r the farmery and iu j-v i Its.ottols ; 41 aim is to r Dust 3 rusts,' " Fair Trtds u4 1 Bath Booms At my shop on Middle street. Plftity ot water, hot or cold, and R00d1tse 1 roomi. . 3fi 4 t-1'! janlfltr - s jr.,H.BR0W. -