00 KS! 1 ? , .e Elovto Get Them Below Cost. - Having completed arrangements with one of the largest Publishing nmiBAa in Nw York, we are now enabled to famish Standard and ' Popular Books at prices that are Low as the Lowest. THE JOURNAL. Arriral and Departure Hail kail closes.. . - : or North, West and Bonth tU 1. ft S.aB.B.t8.D0a.B.. , ; For 1 Beaufort and the : East, at For WuhiBCtoa,8wift Greek, Hydeand waazon UMatiesvtiaiiy at I.UO a. m. For Trantao, PoUokerille and Kayf tuw, au yes i av a. av? k , -For Qraatobort, - Paybora aa 1 Yaa domort, 4aUt at .!!. v. Offloa open eoaetantly between theee nours except waye SiuuaaxagMinf au- runtoaormb OFFICE HOTJB8: In If oner Order and Recdatered Let ter iMpartmeat, from l a.m. to t p. m. In Mailing Department from Warn to o p. nv,, and from 7:30 to 8 .m. BTJCKJLES'S lanCA SALVX, ".! The Beet Salve la the world for Cats, Braises Sores, Ulcers, Bait Bheum, Fever Borea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruption, and posi tive cores Piles, or ao pay required. It la foaranteed to giTe perfect satisfaction, or none refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For sale In Newborn by F. B. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. Ths Kansas Citj Times says "Mr. Cleveland has reason to fell better at this time than ever he did in his life. The cause of tariff reform, of which he is the most conspicuous repreeentative.appeaw morally certain of fresh conquests throughout the country. The next House of Eepresentatives will in all political probability be Demo cratic The next President will be a Democrat if the sentiment of the coantry continues to grow along the lines of its later development Why shouldn't Mr. Cleveland, as a patriot and reformer, feel better than ever he did in his life!'' Is Your Library Complete? I Pronounced Hopeless. Yet Saved. If not, visit the Journal office and examine our collection and learn JjVfJ SUwt xrao i-ir TArv nftftt of anv distinction is on hand, as von will find ItJllUO. iu "J I 1 mentioned in the list below. We handle them in two editions, the "Bed Line" and the "Franklin." Red Line Edition: taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, conch set in and finally term. nated in consumption. l our doctors gave me up sayincr I could live but a short time. I crave myself no to my Saviour, determined if I .could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to cet Dr. Kmc s New Discovery for con sumrjtioD. Coucns and Colds. I cave it trial, took in all eight bottles; itbas oured me and thank God 1 am now a wen anc hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F, S. Duffy's druc store; regular size, 50c and $1.00. IIOTIUIIQ SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. Valuable City Property FOR SALE.- House and Lot on east aide of Middle street, between Broad and New streets. . Bouse contains four rooms, kitchen, etc.eto. Lot 63 fett front. Sale made at Publio Auction at the Court House in Newborn, on Monday, the 8d day of November, 1890. Terms Caslu. . . For information apply to GREEN & STEVENSON, - Attorneys. Watson & STRKrrJAuctioneers. Oct. 6th, 18W.- 9td The reason R ADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LErUtOSi t J the sim- plest disease known to the human system. The scientific men cf today claim end prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, Radam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. Asthma Consumption, (J :t tr. It, ) Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kiel ney and Liver Disease, t hills and Fovor, Female Trouhles in aU its forms, and, in iVict, every Disease known to the llama n Fystem hum of Fraudulent Imitations 1 See that our trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "llistory of the Microbe Killer,'' given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., m80 dwly enrm New Berne, N. C. Your choice from this edition on payment of IJSa.-o for one years .-v;t;ftii to Thk daitS? Journal, or 11.75 for dhupvi vr v ar JOURNAL. If sent by mail, 10 cents extra will be required: Bryant, Boras, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Bunyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorite Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's Illiad, Jean Ingelow, Keble. Kingsloy, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, Scott Scottish Humorous Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. L. L. Polk, national president of the Farmers' Alliance, has jnst returned from a tour through the States of Kansas. Nebraska. Mis THE WEEKLY aonri. Iowa, and Illinois, where, he says, the growth of the Alliance is unprecedented. He says alliances have been organized in 35 States, numbering in all 34,000 lodges em bracing a membership of 2,000.000. tie expects the membership to be in creased 500,000 within .the next year. Why continue the use of irritating pow ders, Bnuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm, I pleasant of application and a sure cure lor catarrh and cold in head, can be had for 150c. It is easily applied into the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is curing the most obstinate cases. It gives relief at I once. Circumstances are beyond the I control of man; but his conduct is I in his power. A FULL LINE OF Heating and Cooking Stoves Irish Humorous Poems, ry The aboyejare full gilt and handsomely embellished. book in all respect. A beautiful Franklin Edition : Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must nave it, to fully enjoy life Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they hnd it not. Tnou- aands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it maybe had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to direc tions and the use persisted in, will bring you gooa digestion ana oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dys pepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold for 50c. and $1.00 per Dome by jr. a. uuny, druggist . Yon 10 cents extra it sent Oloin pinning, gilt back, and mostf them good, large, clear print. ' choice given by ptyins tl.50 for one year's subscription to The WEEKLY .'Journal, or5.00 for The daily journal, by Bail, Andenett's Fairy Tales. American In Iceland. jEaop't Fables. ". Arabian Nighta Entertainments. J Bryant's Poetical Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Creasy'l Fifteen Decisive Battles. ' Children of the Abbey. Dickens' Child'a History of England. , Emerson's Essays. o: Famous Poems i Grimm's Fairy Tlcs. ' GulliYer's Travels. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. flvpetiV ' Half How with the Poets. Hojle's Games. The hand of little employment hath the daintier sense. When Baby wag sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When the had Children, ah gave them Castoria. IngoloVb j legends. John HsliftXi Gentleman. jXtngsley'sBormons. Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poe's Tales. Poe'a Poems, Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Bob Boy. Robinson Crutoe. Scottish Chiefs. Swiss Family Robinson. Sidereal Heavens. Sketch Book. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Bea. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thomson's roetieai w oris. . rm. rm TJ.AtU TUT- fl Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. AifW e AD uuauij jilu c wvaj Genius can never despise labor. Labor is the law of happiness. Thk proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a sure remedy for catarrh, colds in the head and hay fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff, but is easily applied into the nostrils. It gixes relief at once Without labor there would be no ease, no rest, Every tissue of the body, every nerve, bone and muscle ia made stronger and more healthy by taking Hood's Sana parilla. S Children Jry JorPitcher,sCastori Tom Brown's Bohool Days at Rugby. Vicar of Wakefield. Wesley's Poems. JOTLTMAL 0FHC1, erne, CO. G. Brought to the town of Hew Berne than any other town fn the State. Why is this? Because the people are deter mined to keep clean, and have every' thins! about them cure and sweet. - And right Here is tne reason i aeep Tansill ft Co. Cigars: they are the purest end sweetest Cigars made, so all good smokers say, and are pleated with And don't you forget the tzo.uuu to be given away on guesses.' ton may win money, t r w. u. fALaiisB, AGENCY FOR FURNITURE! ! ITew York Furniture Store Has just received the Finest Stock of Furniture, Organs, Musical Instruments, Clocks, Carpets. Oil C lo.ht? and Trunks. Also, a job lot of Oil Paintings and Pic ture Frames, which I am closing out at 50c. on the dollar. Allot which will be sold cheaper than any other store in the city. Call end examine my stock and be convinced that the New York Furniture Store is the place to get your money s worth. I am also Agent for No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, the best in the world, and the New Home, the next best. And can furnish you with at tachments for any machine made. Office and Sales Rooms opposite Gas ton House, New Berne, N. C. T. J. TURNER. oo!2 dwtf Proprietor. NOTICE. New Berne. N. CVSept. 10. 1890. Ordered, that the following claoes be and are hereby designated as polling places in the various election precincts and watds of the city of New Berne and tho county of Craven, for the elec tion to be held on the first Tueedar in iNovemDer, isuu, as follows: 1st ward, at police office. 2d ward, at court house. 3d ward, one door north of Erdmtn's storeon Middle street. 4th ward, Benevolent school house. 5th ward, St. Phillips precinct, St. Phillips chapel. 5th ward, McCarthy precinct, at Mc Carthy's cart-house, on Norwood street, near (jueen. em township, rieasant mil precinot t'leassnt Utll school 8;h township, Camp Talmer precinct, at Uamp rainier. let township, Vanceboro precinct, at vanceboro. 1st township, Dawvon s store pre dict, lit Udwscn e store. 2.1 township, Fulcher precinct, at Enoch Fulcher'a. od townehip, Ru'stll e precinct, at Russell's. od townttip, Ccro creek precinct, at uove. 8d township, Dover precinct, U Dover Station. 5th township, Temple's precinct, at Morton s store. oth township, Stanton's precinct, at Stanton place Lee u farm precinct, at CouLei'j precinct, at 6th township Lfe's Farm. 7th towut-hif Conner's. 7th township, James City precinct, at Jamra City puMic school housa. Skh townthip, Jper precinct, at Jasper. 9ih tov. nshin, AruolJ store precinct, at Arnol.l s J. A. RICHARDSON, EeplSdw30J Clerk B'd Com Children's Suits, with an " Extra Pair of Pants and a Cap, all for $5.00. Fall and Winter Underwear. Neckwear. Hats. Stacy Adams & Co.'s Shoes. Leather Coats for Outdoor Wear. AT J. a. HOWARD'S. oc25 djptf Mortgage Sale- Ptiriuant to a Judement of the Snperlor. Court of Oiavtn county, In L. H. Cutler vi. K. IS. Olark and K. O. Cuthbert, I will teli, at Publlo Vendue, t,t the cowt Houie In ew- . bern, on Monday, Nov. i, 1880. at 13 o'clock, M.. tn House ana loi, in aeweern, me northeast oorner of Craven and Reuse streets. Terms, Cain. CHAS. C. CLA RK. Commissioner. . Newbern.Bept.30.18W. dtd Public Sale of Beal Estate James O. Harrison, Adm'r of John O. Gar d Ler, ceeewea, A calm t Joseph Edward Gardner and others. Petition to sell lands to psv debts. In obedience to aJudcment of thefcurerior Court of Craven county, rendered tn the above entitled suit, I will sell at Public Auc tion , at the Court Home door Id New Berne, N. 0., on Monday, flov. Sd 1890, at Twelve o'olock, M , tbe following lot and Impiove menu belonging to the estate of John O. Gardner, deceased, to wit: part or lot no, sui on tne somneast oorner of Pollock street and Fleet street extended, in the eltv of New Berne, jr. O., bounded as follows: Be Inning at the southeast corner of Pollock street and Fleet street extended, and running southwardly with said Fleet street extended 65 feet to the oorner of tbe lot of Zadoe Parrls, being at a point 24'A feet from the corner stone on the east aide of Bprlng street, running thence with said Parrls' line north 75U east 20 feet, thence with said line sooth v20 east 84 feet, thence with another of said lines south 61 o east 80 feet to the line of Lot No. 3tW, thence vast wardly with the line of said Lot No, 899 to the southwest oorner of tbe lot sold by J as. O. Harrison, Adm'r, to T. J. Turner Co., thence northwardly with the line of said Turner lot 107 feet 8 lnohes to Polteck street, thence westwaraiy witn rouock street w leet 9 Inches to the place of brglnnlng, Terms of sale One-half cash; balance on a ctedlt of six months, -with note to heap, proved. Title reserved until full pa) ment is made. New Berne, N, C, Hept. so, lgs-o. JAB O. HARBISOX, dtd Adm'r of John O. Gardner. AT L. H. Cutler & Go. James G. Harrison, Corner of Pollook and Spring Street?, NEW PERNE, N. C, Heal EsUte Agent Collector cf Rents Will attend to the sale and purchase of Beal Estate, and the collection of rente. Will also furnish abstracts of titles to lands in Craven county upon application and on reasonable terms, Can be seen at tbe Uourt House daily ocl9 dim Boarding House Reopened. Mrs. J. M. H1NES has rcturced to the city and will reopen her lirst-Clase Boarding House about the 1st of October at same location, opposite Baptist Churoh Taxes! Taxes! I will visit the p'.aceB below for the purpose of collecting Taxes, on the days stated during the month of Octo ber: Vanceboro, No. 1 Town6hip, Satur day, Oct. 11th, 1890. Fulcher s Store, No. 2 Township, Wednesday, Uctober loth, lcUQ. Fort Barnwell. No. 8 Township, Sat urday, October 18, lbUO. Morton's Store, No. Q Township, Fri day, uctober Zi, lsyu. Uavelock, No. 6 Township. Saturday. uctober 25, lbm James City. No. 7 Township. Friday. uotober si, ibuu. Jasper, No. 9 Township, Monday, Uctober 2U, 1880. Those failing to meet me at the above named places and settling their Taxes will be visited by myself or Deputy at once with the express purpose of col lecting the taxes due. The Taxes must be wound up by the JJst day of December. W. B. LANE, Sheriff. New Berne, Sept. 25, 1890. dwtf THE PIONEER DAVIS SEWING MACHINE can be had at the eamo place. J. M. HINES, Agent, sepl6 dwtf O. Marks' Ftoro. A Great JSargain I 327 Acres WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLANTATION situ ated on the South side of theNeuse river, three and a half miles from the City of New Berne, N. C. One hundred and twenty-five acres oleaied. GOOD LAND, SUITABLE FOR TRUCKING Tobacco Raising, or any kind of farm The balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak cypress, and other kinds of timber. It to also fine Grazing Land. -Good dwelling, outbuildings, and fine orchard. It has a fine FISHERY fronting ball a mile on the beach where there are high banks of marl that 1 can never be exhausted, from which vessels can load with eaie. It is a very beautiful and healthy lo oation. vreeentinc a near view to the caseins vessels and tho A. N. O. Rail road.:- ly-ZMU-? For terms apply to ' 'v ?! IP. TRENWITH, Opposite Hotel Albert, roc80 dwtf ' ,;v:3 .New Berne, N, C Notice. Statb of Nohth Carolina Rurerlor Court County of ui a veu. j Ulerk's Cmoe. Take Notice. That I have this day Issued letters declaring Zopher R. Ji'olsom, Charles K. ooodwln and h. u. Hamilton, jr., ana their successors to be a corporation for the purpote and according to the terms pre scribed In Articles of Agreement, filed and recorded In said offloe. The substance- of said Agreement Is that said patties desire to Decome incorporated unaer tne name of the Bttmson Lumber Company; the Inolpal offloe and place of bnsiness shall -New Berne. Craven eounty, North Caro lina, and Its business shall be that of manu facturlng, buying end selling lumber, buy log and selling Umber lands, anywhere in the State of North Carolina, buying, holding and selling real estate in the State of North Carolina, bniiamg ana operating woodwork ing factories, etc xae duration or me corporation man dc thirty years. The amount of the-tsapltal stock shall be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, divided Into one thousand shares ol tbe par value of one hundred dollar each. The stockholders of this corporation shall not be Individually liable for its dents. Witness my band and official seal at offloe lu New Berne, this 20th day of October, lBW. W. UAKfBNXlSM, cc22d Clerk Sap. Court. Btati of Nobth Cabolina, i Superior county oioraven. I - court. Green, Foy A Company VS. Motes'Patterson ana wiie Mary a, ratterson, ana omen. Commissioner's Bale. ' Pursuant to a Judement of the Superior Court of Craven county, rendered at Bprlna Term, uwu, in tae aDove entitiea aotion, nn- Sale 01 Valuable Heal Estate der which said Judgment! was appolhted a commissioner to sen tne jana aesoriDea in the complaint filed In said aetion, and here inafter described,! will sell at Publio Auc- In pursuance of a lodgment of foreclosure of mortgage of the Superior Court of Craven eounty, obtained at Bprlng Term, 1890. we win sen for uabu, at the court House door In the city of New Berne, on Monday the -lil HAW .if MWamKaM 1 CQA . U the following described Keal Estate situated in me county or uraven, Btate 01 JNorlh Carolina, to wit: i, one tiece or parcel of land situated on Broad street, in the said city of New Berne, bounded and desoribed aa follows: Hefln- iiIdb at a Doint in the back line of the Lot designated in the plan of aald city as Lot tion. for eaeh. at the Court House door In the city of New Berne, on Monday the , Twenty-fourth day or Aoyember, 1880. at ' Twelve o'ciook, M., the following described real estate, to wit: A tract of land lying in the city of New Berne, North Carolina, ot the east side of Middle street, between Pol look "and South front streets, bounded ai" follows: Beginning 269 feet ( Inches from the . corner of South Front and Middle streets, on the east side of said Middle street, ana-- running north witn Middle street 03 feet s .vr. 1 . cl U OMU V UVIU IUD HUH Ul JUVm I. - - - . .. ... Nos. 40 and 61, and running thence east- l"on .1UBn.inA?!".lwf,T.WIJ.n : line to a point one-1 tt"."A?Z"?,J.C. VV wardly with said back then southwardly with lot No. 65, 82 feet six ; inches, then westwardly 21 feet Inches to Middle street, the beginning , Being lot now ' known as Hotel Albert lot. ' . ' , This Ootober22d, 1890. ' , F. M. SIMMONS, 0028 SOd -: . - Commissioner, -, half of the distance to the line of Lot No. 48. thence northwardly and parallel with Cra ven street to a point Vi feet from Broad street; nience westwardly and parallel with Broaa street seven (v; ieei; inence north wardly and parallel with Craven street to Broad street: thenoe westwardly with Broad street to a nolnt enuldlstant from the llnea of Lots Nos. 48 and 64, and thence south- D4-wia T)lnvnVt Om1. wardly and parallel with Craven to the be- Dtllir JDlallCIlC 10 f Oa16t 2. une other tract m said city, to wit: On I . Seyenty-flve feet long, 18 feel, wide niu.eqaai, unuiviuea oae-nan part or tneiover all; draoabt V0 inches loaded. piece oi iana Deginning at me norinwest-l no - Kniaa .f mUm. ..j erneorner of the Brick Btore or building carries 110 .bales Of cottony and regis (formerly belonging to W. H. Oliver) on the tared at tlttBtom Honse 47 tons B ross. Bunir nue ui vrareu sireei, near tne Ola eonnty wharf, and running thenee outh- waroiy along the eastern una - net; licensed to carry paesengers. and ' - - AA . . of Graven vw)iuwui tvv uu cituiBiuus. xw - street. SO feet, theno eaatwardiv naraiiai Dnilt in October. 1S89. Joiner work -with south Front street 107 feet s inches, and decking entirely new. hull made aa mence normwaraiy ani parallel witn era-1 . , w " ! ' . . ...... - van street 80 feet, thence westwardly a dt- g00 N" Mw; BnaTJOe and boiler re - g, it -oemg a part or ouut, bii weaiiug na aesiructiuie pane tlanated in the plan I ntiAvaAt raw mA . AUtnrtam ?oo!j0"e,i t . November 357, - Carolina ttniroau, aoont six -miie west or stesfa preteure. - Propeller 49 inches. ' the olty of New Berne.belng th saro which i ;1,uJa i l3, h hii! were conveyed to George Allen andT. J. 10x10 cy linder, nprlgbt boiler T . Mitchell by deed registered IntbeMecords feet by 60 inches, of o 16 iron, tensile ' of Craven county In Book 71, folios 001,801 strennth 50 000 DOunds. . d which wiilism uoiiistar and! . u,; u-..v...l i. to law and in serfeot running order, the v Blanche to splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught navi gation anywhere, and has shown fine IVfflUH UMLIMUIVJ. .. BUB IB VUCCOU 1UT elng theeorae formerly occupied . tmr, aim at m Tery , J.B. Clark, upon which there MOW price, . v vv v v"lv . For further information apply to and BUS, and which William Hollistar and! Jan. b. HuKhe. executors of the late Tho. J. MltobeU and tbe said George Allen grant- ed and conveyed to Matilda p. Clark by deed I registered in Craven eonnty. Book T8. folios in. Craven county, Book 77. folio 87. 8 and 69, and which said Olark granted a re and conveyed to aald Allen bydeei tsrea nis- 1. ontalniug many hundred acres of valuable Detng tne same lorrai e H. J. II. Olark. upon is an old brickyard, and residence. and. and by the late H M. DbW. btevrnbom and . li.KX it. BKIAM. eepSO tds - -; - ; v Commissioners. ',. James Redmond. See' & Tress. aogSd&wtfl ' New Berne, N, 0, ,.Af-..,V;v. 'A' ,j"--Vj ml f-.k i

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