PCILIUIEat A00CKMaT TBC OlfLT JOURNAL is a aU ooluaia paper, publlahod Sadly, except Monday at 15.08 par year, tlS for Hz month. Delivered to etty snoaorl fears at MaaaU par moath THC WECXLT JOURNAL, a M eotaBsa paper, is pnbllahad avary TharaUay t fLfS par anan. ADVERTISING RATES (DAILT One task one day SOc.; e, for each eabsqueal aViverUaaaeaata ander head of "Bnalnees Loeala." It een ts a Una for ant. and aanta a Una for every eubaeq.oent Iniertion TeadvftlsenieB.U will be inserted between oaj Mattar at aay pnea. . Hotteaa efMarrtages or Deetha. not to axe ea taallaae will be Inserted free. All additional Attar will ba charged I eanu par Una . Payments for tranaiant adTarUtamenti ' a oat be made in adTanea. Regular edver- UamanU will ba collected promptly at the end. ot aaeh month. - Ooaamualcationt containing newi of tut. Solent pabila lntarcit ara eolloited. No ' eaamosioation moat ba expected to be pub lished that eontalns objeotloaable peraonai It lee, or withhold tna nma of the author Articles linger than half a column muitbe paid lor. Anj peraon f eellng aggi leved at an anony 1 none communication can obtain the name ol th aniaor oy application at this offloaaud , showing wneraln tne grievance exista. THJ&JOUliNAL. K. B. HARPKK. C T. HAHCOCK. Proprietor. Local Reporter. 6TJ6W BEiiNR. N. U.. NOV. 23 U90 Catered at H Foil offlca at N Msre, MteeoaaValaae matter. if 0 Starring Indians. There is something profoundly patbetio in the eagerness with whioh the Sioax Indians are looking for their promised Messiah. For twenty years they have been taught to believe that he may make his ap pearance at any moment, and now the 4 mediciue men" predict that before the grass is (uur inches high in the spring their longed for and prayed tor deliverance will arrive. The Sioux have worked them selves into a condition of dangerous religion fanaticism. With pomp, ceremony and characteristic dauces they celebrate the approach of the Saviour. Jle is to como clothed in power, to save the scattered rem nant and re-esUblinU iho old re gime, in which the Indiana owned the forests of the country. The white man is to be driveu away lrom possessions which he has stolen, game is to be pleuty and the happiness which prevailed be fore Columbus discovered tho New Vorld4la to be once more the lot of the wigwam. This dream, which can never be realized, has filled the Sioux with unrest. Even the missionaries are in peril, and Mrs. Weldon has been forced to seek safety in Kansas. In tho meantime the rations promised by the government have not arrived and the Indians are starving. They havo little or no clothing to protect them from the bitter cold and just food enough to keep them hungry alt the time. These wards of the Republic are cheated out of the food which has been promised, but when they com plain or in yery desperation rise in revolt and commit an outrage they are shot down like dogs, and word is Bent to "the Great Father" at Washington that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. The truth is they are far more docile than we white men would be under similar circumstances. Tho least we can do is to keep our pledges, but we have never done it. ! We rob, cheat, lie to the red man, and when he grows restless we put an onnce of lead into him. Our whole Indian policy has been and iii a shame and a disgrace. New York Herald. "Public Opinion." Pnhlic ODinion. the electic week ly nnbliahed. in Washington and New York, offers a first prize of $50, a second of 35, and a third of $20 lor tne Desu inree etwsjuuu i"c interesting question : "The Indus trial Future of the South?" This is a most timely topic, and great ' interest will be awakened in the competition. The prizes are to be : awarded by a committee of three thnainess men ol national repute, who will not know the names of the writers until the decision is to 3,000 words, and must be re. , celved by December 15th. Full nartienlars may De naa oy auures- sing Pablio Opinion, Washington, ThA Industrial development of V the s South during the last tenor fifteen years 'has been the most interesting feature of our national A growth. It may be doubted ir, in any age ot country, its parallel has been witnessed. The authentic statements of the Industrial growth 7? of that section, as they have been H published from year to year, have attracted world-wide attention and excited a prorouna interest an intarAst not confined "to business v circles, but extending to all inteiii ront nhnervers of public events. ' RAftotmizin er the universality of this leeling, : the . management of Public Opinion has decided to oner prizes of 150, $30 and $20 for the ' Oesb WirtJO cooajo , ----- trial tfatnrftot the South." "It la a great themeso' great that only a hmad , mind can comprehend it: bur, inasmuch t as it has wen ire quently and ably dlscassed In the press of all sections, and in many commercial conventions, it is reasonable to suppose that the in vitation of Public Opinion will call out a large number of valuable papers, throwing new light on a topic that is becoming more and more attractive to all citizens whose patriotism is not limited to any one part of our common country. Waaamaker.as a Shop-Ieeper. John Wanamaker is giveathe credit of a very large share in bringing about the overthrow ol the Republican party ty "a stal wart .Republican," whose letter appears is the Philadelphia Press. Charles E. Allen says that during the late political campaign he "read all the leading papers in these parts, Republican and Democratic, and also came in contact with gen tlemen who travel the country over, as travelling salesmen." One of the things which in Mr. Allen's opinion "went a long, long ways in defeating us in the election" was this : John Wanamaker's advertise ment, day after day, about "Buy your tinware now, before the Mc- Kinley bill goes into effect." Me Adoo, of New Jersey, travelled all through the New England States addressing the farmers. He in variably road Wanamaker's ad vertisement, cut from tho Phila' delphia Press, "to buy your tin ware now, before it goes up in price." "No wonder," concludes the let tor, Hhecpuntryman was frightened into either staying at home or voting the Democratic ticket." How careles?, he might have added, were Reed and McKiuley not to tell Wanamaker to "keep it dark-' until after the election. Did they really suppose Wanamaker was a better Republican than hhop keep er i News and Observer. The Law as to Lottciita Will you be kind enough to publish the following law in this State on the subject of lotteries, which is section 1047 of tho Code of North Carolina: "Section 1047. Ii any person shall open, 6et on foot, carry on. promote, make or draw, publicly or privately, a lottery, by whatever name, style or title the same may oe denominated or known; or if any person, by such way or means, expose or sot to sale any house or houses, real estate or any goods or chattels, cash or written evidence or debt, or certificates of claims, or anything of value whatsoever, every person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not exceeding two thousand dollars, or imprisoned not exceed ing six months, or both, in the discretion of the court. Any per son or society, association, com pany or organization of persons whatsoever, who engages in disposing of any species of property whatsoever, money or evidence of debt, or in any manner distributes gifts or prizes upon tickets or cer tificates sold for that purpose, shall pe held liable to indictment and prosecuted under this section." State Chronicle. CATARBII. Catarrh ia a most disgusting ailment and yet many unnecessarily suffer with the disease. They will try looal appli cations, which do no good whatever, but fail to try suoh constitutional treat ment as is afforded by a use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which removes the mucous poison in the blood and thus eradicates the cause of the disease. N. C. Edwards, Lam passu Springs, Tex., writes: "I was greatly annoyed with catarrh which impaired my gen eral health. The discharge from my note was very offensive, and I need various advertised remedies without benefit until finally the use of B. B. B. entirely cured me. I am proud to recommend a blood remedy with such powerful curative virtue." B.C. Kinard & Son, Towaliga, Ga., writes: "We induced a neighbor to try B. B. B. for catarrh, whioh he thought Incurable, as it had resisted all treat ment. It delighted him, and continu ing its use be was cured sound and well." A Tree Worth $5,000. On the side of the Big Black Mountian, 300 yards from the Wise county line, in Harlan county, Ky there stood nntill last week a tree that is thought to be South Ap palachian Mountains. i It is curled grained black walnut, and the owner had it grubbed up by the roots so as not to lose even a chip: A New York lumber dealer bought the tree from an ignorant mountaineer for $50, paid a man $300 to move it to the nearest rail road, and thinks he will make a profit of $5,000 from the tree. Tba New Discovery, You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from per sonal experience just how- good a thing It is. If you have ever tried It, you are one of its staunch friends, because the won dsrfnl thing about it is that when once given a trial Dr. King's New Discovery ever afterwards holds a place In the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a couch, cold orenv throat. lung or cheat trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial It Is guaran teed every time, or money refunded. . Trial '-I t : i I iii .i ii. i iik I iJ'.H" i-.'rt''. i I Children Cry Tor Pitcher's Castorla: KyaaceitetFtf. atKaareiTina. Private ad vees say that Drum- met Evangelist W, P. Fife closed a week's meeting at Mooresville, N. Con Sunday night last, and that at the least calculations there were 600 professions and reclama tions. Two: hundred and thiee! persons have already handed in! their names for church member ship. One thousand two hundred men took the pledge to drink no more, and never to enter a barroom again. Four hundred persnos re nounced dancing and card playing. The sum of $2,000 was raised to ouua a presDytenan parsonage at Mooresville. Mr. Fife contributed $50 of that amoun t. Four hnndred dollars was raised to pay on the tabernacle bulding and a purse of $750 was presented to Mr. Fife, The evangelist commences a meeting next Sunday at Lonisburg. Wilmington Messenger. Perhaps no looal disease has puzzled and baffled the medical profession more than nasal catarrh. While not imme diately fatal it is among the moat dis tressing and disgusting ilia the flesh is heir to, and the records show very few or no oases of radical cure of chronic catarrh by any of the multitude of modes of treatment until the introduc tion of Ely's Cream Balm a few yeara ago. The suooess of this preparation has been most gratifying and surpris ing. Every patriot should take off his hat to the Alliance for breaking down sectionalism in the North west. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar. taparuia superior to all other medicines. Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation ot ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of the best known remedlesrgof the vegetable klng- X dom. Peculiar in hSjfjcHr atrength and economy Cr Hood's Bar saparllla Is SCmfr only meat cine of Whlcb. can truly be saldA 9 " One Hundred Doses QmjTjS ,DoUar." Medicines In W S larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar In its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for r itself. the title of " The greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Peculiar In Its " good namo nome," mere is now f vmore ot Hood's Sarsaparilla sold In Lowell, where yr ?Sit is made, than of allr fother blood purifiers. 0Pecullar in its phenome- m , . i nai record 01 saies abroad, CJr S no olner preparauua VfiTer attained such oorm- has larlty in so short a time, and retained its popularity confldenco among all classes of people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla BeldbralldTiiggUti. Jl; iifor$5. Prepared only br C. i HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar A FULL LINE OF Heating and Cooking Stoves AT L. IL Culler & Go. Fine Drug Business For Sale. Owlna to Ill-health of the nronrietor.' an entire STOCK OF DRUGS will ba aold on good terms. About $1,000 worth of goods on hand . Good opportunity. Inquire at Journal office for informa tion. : novl dwtf Duy Your Furniture, Mattresses, Carpets, Bags, Oil Cloths, Organs, Sewing Machines, at the , NewYorlarjiitTire Store Beat the city in LOW PRICES. ' Call and, examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, at the New York Farnitore Store' ,n;,.MI .;' ",'.'' j. V. J; TURNER, V' J. ' . Proprietor t On Middle it., opposite " 1 4 nov8dwtf . , 'Baptist chnrch. g J;K LATHAM, :!! Cotton Bayer and Exporter, . Coimissioft Verdant t&d Broker.1 - A new stock of uaggiig end Ties jo?t reoeiveo..':,..,- ,;.., Correspondence inviled. oovS t :'S: ONU enjoys Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Btomach, prompt jn its action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and U bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who mv Tint havo it on hand will pro cure It promptly for any one who wisnes w try iu uu uut utc-cn substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. HEW YORK, H.Y ALONG TEE LlliH f- v 4 Ihe Taylor Paint Ao: j iht blu Lulita' Shoe is the lutBi on 1 bn-t ia provomont in that lino. It rt quires no V;refikiiiR in. is alwavs coii)forcb!i, retaiat-' its original bhfip.. Ic is r. nnrvel of nerfection. Stmples niey bf spod r;il orders left at my place of lin;nr?9 on Crnvi n street, two doors eomli cr f ii-r.-ij. n office. N ARl EN, Root and Shoe Mffccr, Agt. CiintiOliiiated IjiiKiatle jy 18 dwlf ?Aw C-irr.pr.ny. Jus Rgcsivd FllOM A FINE LOT OF HORSES AND MULES. Also, a rlue Lot of Buggies,Iload '''arts Harness of Home and Weetsrn X ka, which will be offored Low for Cash ot on time with good security. ocldwtf J. W. STEWART Desirable Dwelling For Sale. Situatod on South Front street House contains six comfortable roon:s and recently added new kitchen and all desirable outhouses. Lot 70 ftet front. ALSO - House and Lot on Craven street. Apply to Watson & Street, dtf. Real Estate Aeonts. The Gonveriihlo Pstiey The Convertible Policy issued by THE MUTUAL BENEFIT Llfd Insui a nee Company includes all the liberal features of tke Company, with the addition of a guar anteed Cash Surrender value, which will be paid at any time after two years premiums have been paid, if demanded. Every Policy has endorsed upon it a table showing in plain figures the op tions granted by the company. 1st option. Cash surrender value. 2d option. Amount that may be bor rowed from the company on the pol icy. 8d option. Extended insurance for full amount ot tne policy. 4th option. Paid up policy value. This is the most liberal policy yet of fered and is the safest insurance to be had. Eveiy dollar paid gets a dollar's worth of Insurance. No Iobs by lapses. D. T. CARRAWAY, Agent. Healthy persons between fourteen and seventy insured. .Irs. J. II Hints' Boarding House Reopened. Mbs. J. M. HINES has returned to the city and will reopen ' hor First-Class Boarding House about the 1st of October at same location, opposite Baptist Church. THE PIONEp BAYIS SEWINS HACSQ1! can be had at the same pjace . ;J,M. HINES, Agent, seplG dwtf O. Marks' Store. TYLER DESKS-200 New Styles. TTtER R0YAI TTPB WRITEE OABDf ETB, TA BLES, CHAIRS, BOOK OASES, o. ,at Rednoad Ratal ajid Bptalal Siaoounti. Oatalogti for 1890 bow ready. 130 pti, lUtutrated. Book frei Fratag 100. - , TYLER BANK COUNTERS. Cm.M Ih Styta, Oaalltf u4 fth. IIIiniM la Colon A Mrtiuiimrkof Artl UlluiMi iMklnaPorimUm TYIES DESK CO., . BI. X.0DI3, KO U.S.. PROFESSIONAL. DB. G. K. BAOBJ, SHBGE0H DENTIST. Office, Middle stret. np,Haite Baptist church, decS dwtf NEtfliEIW. N. C. P. H. PELLETIEU, ATTORXKY AT LAW , ANi MOSEY BltOKEK. Graven St., two doors South of Journal office. A anr.iMfi.lt.v nml In neeotlatlrif amall Ion ua for short time. Wul practice In the CounUea ol Oravan, Oar term, jonea, imsiow ana ram moo, lTnltMfl Mutt iVinrt at New fiarna. and Supreme Go art of the Htate. feM dtf olemk:jt manly. O. Q. QUIOH Mauly & Guion, AT'i'OKSEYH AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Greta. Foy & Co.H bank, Middle street. New Berne, 2. U. Will practice in tho courts of Craven And ad join in ar counties, in the Supreme Oonrtoi the fctato, and in tne federal Courts aplOdwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, NEW BERNE, N. C. Olllce on Craven street, between Pollook ami Broad. dw GREEN, FOY & CO.. Do a General Banking business. New Banking Houbb, Middle Street, fourth door below Hote Albert, foldwly NEWBERNK. N'C w. p. emus & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick and Agricultural Lime. mur: dw HUMPHREYS' iir Humphreys' Specifics areacientlflcaUrand carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many voam in private practice with saccese.and fororer thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe cific Is a speoial cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and aceu ine sovereign reneaieioi ih vv ona. r OF PRINCITAL SOS. CURBS. I Fevers, Congcstlon. lnflainmatlon... ! Worms, worm f ever, worm uouc i Crying Colic, orTeethingof Infanta .'25 , Diarrhea, of Children or Adults '25 lysenrery, uripiuK,xuiou wuu.,.. Cholera M or bu a, vomiting ' CoughH, Cold, Bronchitis ) Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache ... I liflndnchea. Sick Headache. Vertigo I lypcpsia, BUious Stomach....... .'. rappresaeu or l-mniui rcrious. I Whites, too Profuse Periods I Cronp, Cough, Dlfflcult Breathing.... Halt Kheinn, Erylpela. Eruptions, i Kheumatlxin, Kheumutic Pains.... I Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria.... ' Piles, mind or Bleeding i Catarrh, Influents, Cold in the Head I WhoopiuK Cough, Violent Coughs. I General Debility. Physical Weaknesa r KUnAvlli.fa.n ? Nervous Debility -1. I lTfinnfff VV.nblH.au. W.tlnfflted. . S Diseases of thclIeart.PalplUUon 1.00 Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Db. Humi'itreys' Manual, (144 pages) richly bound m cloth ana goia, mauea iree. HUMPHREYS' MUUiUlUB W, Cor. WUliam and John Streets, NewTork. PEG1FIGS. All of the above medicines are for ale at tho drug stores of F. 8. Duffy and R. Berry, Middle street, New Barne, N. C. Mi K. WILLIS, PKOPItlETOK CP EASTERN NORTH GAROLIN Garble Works, JSTew Berne, IN". O Italian and Amerioan Marble land all qualities of material. j Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with entisf action guaran taed. ! ; O. E. Miller is my ngent at Kinston, and Alex, Fields; regular traveling agent. N4nimi "fir Etate or North CAB01.1KA, I Superior County of Craven. 1 Court. Green, Foy A Company vs. Moies Patterson and wile Mary A. Patterson, and others. Commissioner's Sale. Porenantto a Judgment of the Superior Court ol Craven oonnty, rendered at Spring Term, 1890, In the above entitled etlon, un der which anld Judgment I wa appolhted a commissioner to sell the land described In the complaint died In aald action, and here inafter deicrlbed, I will sell at Pablio Ano tlon, for earh, at the Court Houaa door lu the city of New Berne, on . Monday the Twenty-fourth day of Aoyembar. 1811(1, at Twelve o'oloak, M., the following described real estate, to w.t: A tract of land lying In the city of New Berne, North Carolina, oa the east side of Middle street, between Pol lock and Month Front streets, bounded as follows: Beginning 2JM) feet lnche a from the corner of South Front and Middle streets, on the east side of aald Middle street, and running north wltn Mlddlaatreet Vt feet 6 inches to Hughes' Una. then eastwardly with Hughea' line 214 feet lnofara to lot No. 66, then southwardly with lot No. 65, 62 feetalz Inches, then weitwardly 314 feet ( Inches to Middle street, the beginning Being lot now known as Hotel Albert M.- 1 v - i , Thl4otober 2Zd, 1890. : -f!: ; '-FtM. SIMMONS,.,,,. oc23$0d; 'y'J'iV;;, ' .Commissioner. r.'i- ..w..-?V -'if 'K'J l:: :,, r"- f..TJri!HEU8. OLD QOLiiiilOri fba Old Iteiaaaio '-i-'ab'i .ri. - , Raata, rtd vlf. . :haap. Ui rfttlk. Balilm.ura a. i . ULiu. dalphla, Baatatt. Prl4t u am4 WaahlnKluk CUy. Anil all tnlnfca. Krkvff. P.., m. 1(7 a . Oa and aftar MONIAT. PET. 8ih. twin. entll fortbar notlea, h Star JEWBEKSB. Cipt. StBtkgit'.- - will mii r, v 3.MONl,AYS aid THUrW a i TftDAYH, makliK eioaa eon- hif 'V aw Ha m j au t neeuoa wito the steamer Klottoa and uuwmu wr cmaiop, 1'renion, oa ail olnar landlDga on lliNeue and Trent Rivera. MuiiuiDt, win aji iitui Htw liCKNK PlIK NOHh'ltl.K rtlrat TncuniVd FRIDAYS at TWELVE, M., (noon) making eonneetlon with tne U. 1). H, B. Co, 'a ahlpa lor ew York, B. H. p. oo.'a steamers lor oBiumurr; uioe iina Mil pa lor flilladcl phla, M. A M. r. Co, 'a ships lor Boaton and Provldo' ca. StAimr ITInatan ta IUam 111 . -1 lor Klnston on arrival of ateamer Mew berna. Order all goods oara 0 O.D. 8. S. Oo., Ror-. Iblk. Va. Pnaflnriirivlll flni . v.i. . -" " swu MU1V, vvuiiia.' able rooma, and every conrte.y and atteu linn h 1 1 1 h. 1 J . w - - . . . . v w iu ff-viu wem uj uia omoara. .E. B. ROBERTS. Acant. alzsSKS. CULPEPPER A TURNER, agoava, rtonoix, va, UTANFORD. Vlee-President. Hew York City. EASTERN CAROLINA GtSPATD, The Fast Freight Ltne I'VIIX Naw Darat, BasUi rtt iroll Paimta, and forfolk, Batitjuort. PhUadalphla. Raw Kork.Bo... , Sta. rla Kllxabatb City. N. C, Commencing Mouday, June Kith, THE STEAMEEF Eaglet and Vesper of thla una will run on regular icliedQle time. lAAVitiav X) a Um.. - UnMIIA V tnurtMiinn .4. Mlli VRTliAV tiffArttAAna 77i T-T a? for Ellaaoeth City and return arriving: on' iu.m kfraiKra. in connection ulth the Atlantic 4 N.O.B.R.. Norfolk Houihern B, R., New York.Phlla. and Norfolk R. K.. and the Pennaylvanla K. h., lorm a reliable and rMm ap )ln. rtTal . .. . . qulok tranioortotlon ou imnuen exocpt at jciiaabeth City, at which point freight 111 be loaded on oara to go through to deatluation. nirAAt all iwB . i. .... . . . , Carolina Dlipatoh iaily ac follows ; m.v. Er "B' renn. k. n., riei Iff. ATt wm ui iu T Oil F?DJ,R!l.lm0r by PblllM Vil. t :tlt , It a,, a lOTioeui b. niavion FrOm NArffilaT hv ItWlnlb aJAk.. a. at From Boaton. by ttorohantft MlxiorhTnn KjLLMal aVM (Mw a. it . tl . . 1 . w a other line. any W. H. JOYCK ftien. Fei TT-m a. P.K.R.I.O u ,i TraUi,, Afartt cr. e QKO. 8TE1 UK' .-, Division Hrtlcht ABflnt r. W. sB. 1- t ., pnlla. - BB1b 'iruwal relght ABnt. N. Y P. A N. H. K., Norlo.'J&.Va- V'nWfV'r'1 Freight Agent. nm. u&fd ekhon , Agent, fbJo Newberna.N.O. The ft. R Fteiebt Line ilEHCHAKTS and SEIPPESSTAZE N0TIC2 On and alter ctcber )R. impk. thu iin,i resume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TEIP8 Barwxca; Baltimore and Kew Bern Leaving BaUimore for New Heme. WEI NKSKAY, 8ATUKDAY. at SIX P. M. Leaving New Berne tor Baltimore. TCfcS IAY. SATURDAY, at hlX P. M. This la tna only DlhtCT line out of Naw Berne for Baltimore without change, and on their return trip from Baltimore come direc to Ne w Berne, stopping only at Noi folk, cen. neptlng then for Boston, Providei.ee. 1-hilai delphia, Richmond, and all point North Kaat and West Making cioae connection,; lora lpolnuby River and RrUout of New Bert,-. , - Atut are aa follows; REUBU'N FOdTEB, Gen'l Manager, .. , W Light bu, Baltimore. W; 20AMOK, Agt.. jionolk, Vi, wharves Co., Philadelphia, 12 South e York 4 Balto. Trans. Line, Pier North river. 11. Sampson, Boston , 68 Central wharf. 8. H. Kook well, Provldenoe, R. I. . Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and baturdayi. ' " Naw York dally. ; Wednesdays A Saturdays Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednos- days,Haturdays. , ' Piovldenoe, Saturdaya. .J. hu8Q bUU lading given, and ral ea guar anteed to aU polnU at lha dlflerenk offioes the oompanies. AVOID BREAKAGE O BULK AN ' im v j.aniJb -' B, H. GRAY, Agent. '' v - New Baina.N. P. . andWhlakernab. iHoaraaaioomawiui ontoala. Book of car. 4 J Uonlan tent FKXBV 1 B. M.WOOIJ.KV. u n. , uiTlmn Sii WhUebaU St, OUR IIlfE OF Is the largest and Most Artistic ever'. 1 - y shown in this City. ,Wa offer special drives Tomorrow' BELI THE JEWELEE. Next! VroF. "W. H BHEPARD and compe tent assistants in the tonBOrlal art will Hair cut for-...,... ,...... ,....20 cents. 8hampoo,M,v,... ,.....;,,f...A.,8o . Shave........ .,. 1..... ...... ...,.,.10 , ' - - Gaston Hottse Barber Shop, , y.:;WP;iyc, Nkvv BebneN. C, TT01IB 1" "LaiLii

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