.N. s THE JOURNAL. SALE & EXQUkm "i v 1 for Infants and C astorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Aschkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits go well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." . . .Carlos JIartts, D.D., "' - New York City. Late Faster Bloomlngdale Eef ormod Church. I-IAjHM e? CO. . -- .r- y: 4t v FIFTV Hi', v;-) Y)i(i Miic criT-r.-', 'I r..f' n-.i! f r Alo !ar -c 1 r. I'. Ior H'n'.!- f- !')! 1 11 h W'h nink- I ,.v iv f. ;-; Knry t!ii:-;; v.v s'-il i . i, M-r- ru"r!!.icna-.! I Call jOlcI caution r.'.-v.,?,"1.: r- v.1 v ti is inline i: i; i irn c sf :i pp ... 5 cm i 1 . If i ff. gentle FOR 'i. GENTLEMEN. Ifiuo Calf nnd I.nccil Waterproof firnin. Tho excollfinco nnrt wenrinc qurilltit's of this slioo cannot be better shown than by tiio stroiiK enior.se meutu of its thousands of ooiiMtant wcart rij. $00 fienniiie Ilnnil-scuc;l, an elrRfint nr.il J stvllsh dress Shoe which commends itself. Si .00 liniid-sovcd Writ. A fine ealf shoo Hp unequallwl fin- stvlo ami durability. SO. GO Goodyear Welt Is the Blandard drooj J Shoe, at a ponu!;ir price. $0.50 FohceniHn Khoo is especially adapted O for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, flulton and I.nce. $S&$2SHESlakd0.Is, have been most favorably received since Introduced and the recent Irnprovenicnts make them superior to anv Bhoes sold at tln'sc jtrlees. Auk your Dehler, and if lie cannot supply you Bend dlreet to factory enclosing advertised price, or a I'OSial for order blanks. VV . Le BOLliLAS. liroclitou, Mass. Cor. Po'.iook ami Middle Sts. . mar2 dtJalyl 1 HKI HI' ? A BfK!T!VF JorlOSTorSAHniO MANHOOD : ' H rUSl I IBS. General and NERVOUS DEBILITY; f 7TT-? "P! Weakness of Body ahd Hind: Effeots .V U AHiJCl of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young, ohint, NoMe HIAIIIIOOD Ailly Rcitnrpil. How to Marie Hid trmclhcn WKiK, t :IH VI Ull'KII KllllANS A PAUTSof fioriY. . lisolutflT cnfallinic HIDIK. TIIHATMKNT-RcnrBlB in day. ' enlcBtlfy from 41 Slfitrit, Tprrltorlpft, and Foreign Cotintrlfi. ouMBwrltothem. Boot!, riillpxplnnatlonand nroofamallod ualod) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL COT. BUFFALO. M. f, , Sale of Talmbie Real Estate. ( ,. Inpurruanca of n judgment of the Supe 1 rlor Court of Craven county, rendered at Spring Term, 189, 1 will soli at tmDItO Arte t ton, for cash, at the Court HouBe door In the city of New Borne, on Monday, the & o w m bdU X i ! V.. ..... Ml , ) i ' i ."-.--. , --ii wi. n 1 Yi fin W) J 1 75 r n. on W. L' DOUGLAS O U wenty-rourth day or November, man, ai ,-, Twelve 6'olook, M , tho f illowlnt; desoiibed real estato, situated in the connty of Craven, State of North Carolina, to wit: .- Bltnated on Hrioe's Creek and Boylin Bwamp, consisting of two parcels, dontatn log In all about one thousiDd two hundred , and (lxiy-flvo aores, being the same land ,'" which was conveyed to . U. Jones by Wm. . Battle and wife, by deed dated lhe 19th ' Jay -of January, 1870, and reowdeid In the . - ofllce of KeRlster of Deeds for said county, Hook No. 71, folios 20 and 27,'and conveyed by - ' S. T. Jones and wife to Rufrur B.-ravea and ' . Arthur B. Graves by deed Hated trie -i'dny - - of ' -, A I. 1850, and recorded m the sams ,. 'Bonk loll B89, afta iby wm: qiattis sd -wife to Kufus H. Graven, by deed dated the ' ' .'' llihday of Jannry, A.l). 1S71, sndtecordpd .'In the same Hook. fbltCMiMS and Slttun J a , October mtm, i,,fJrdr - -,;po2S0-I , .,.'f ', .; ;ni,gorinnlsiffnerj - notice.:1::' I will delUt PabHj"SaTe, on trio'Bth day of Deoembcr, 1800t ln iPereonul Property of Joha Whltiorrj, deo'd, nt the residence of tho deceased, in Jones county. N.O., connisUna of four , head bqrses,' vo--.nittlwi flv.o oxen, twritT neal of oilier' olittle.Ho2g.bae. - arif hoi4!ehnl. and kitolwn Jarniture, aftoa", , plonrs. ora' loaaer, and farming itnplemoata, etc., oto. for oa. h. Sale will oommenoo at an early ho,ttorio"d wid h ;:Iun,n& ; Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, jivea sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your ' '"'astoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results," Edwin F. Pardm, M. D., "Hie Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Tms Currxnn Company, 77 Muhoat Strikt, New Tore. S3 i-t 13 O w CO O .'V . ' i .... V.-rOSTiCJtX HORSES AND MULES JUST RECEIVED. 1 !:Vm,s. i'o,'i',' ii open), Koatl Carts, llnmcss, Whip.i, Holies and 1. '1 1 1 ih! al. 'Hock Hottwn li ic--1. '!! S t!a;l' or double turn-outs run bo had at all hour. ! ; r ,: . 1! ms reprT tnld. M. DKNMAUK. OO XT Si, i"KOM NKW VUHK CI I V. r.jM.A. K. HAWKKS-0ar!.tr: Vour imtent eyr-u'l-'Sars reciived some time bIiich. and am very Hindi prullll.i.i at tho wonderful cli inao th .t lias oomo over my eyvsiglit am in-1 luivo disoariliil iny old glasses ard r.iiimn wearlnifyonru. A IjKX a n okk Sok, Secret ry Katione u' Hoard of Tiudn. A: I e; es filled at the drug store of DUFFI.Newbern.N.C. uucia wly '?S i? r (?. -1 HEAVY AND LIQHr Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Huld nt manufiioturer'a prices, Full stock and large aMortment. Prices aa low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction Kuaranteed. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Woir ale. As agents for owners we offer for sale on easy and acoommodatlne t i ms the follow ing d escribed improved Beal Estate In the cuy or Ke'f uerns: No. i. THE IKON FHUNT WAUKHOUBB ONOBA.VKN HTKEE. JNO. 0. BKJ.UK. STUKB Ari U UWJSIjljlKli ON CRA.VK1N STKEET coupled by B.O. E. Lodge. A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the best terms upon which the same will be sold, will be furnished on application to the undersigned at their office 1 nbouw u ronc street. . ALSO. Two Houses and Lots on Craven street A Farm at Handy Point. WATBON A STREET, doofl dwtf Ins. and Real Estate Agts. YAIUABLE TRUCK LAND FOR SALE About FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND, situated within two miles of the city, suit- Die for truck raising, a great Dargtun, Apply to WATSOS A 8TKEET. mayld Real Kst. Annts, FINE GL0THIH6, Fine Hats, Fine Underwear, . Fine Silk Umbrellas, Fine Shoes, In fact lha Finest and Bent Selected Stook ye ever. carried. . ; Our prices are the lo frost. 0a!I and bo convinced. BarrEndsn l-Baxter. Agents for Zeigler Bros.Shoes ' ; laJi'. -, THE JACSIT OP GSAT. Fokl it ii) cue fully aud lay it aside, TemlMly touch it, look ou it with priJe, F .r dtar to our hearts must it be ever more Tue jacket of !;riiy our loved soldier tor woie. C hi we ever forjjet when he joined the brave bund Who rose a defence of our dear Southern land Aud in his bright youth hurried on to the fray And proudly ho donned it, the jacket of Kray. His foud mother blessod him, and looked up above Commending to heaven, the child of her love; What anguish washers, mortal tongue may not say I Win n lie passed from our sight in his : jacket of gray. Hat her country had called, and would she repine Though costly the scriGce placed on the shrine Her heart's dearest hope ou the altar she lay When she sent out her boy in his jacket of gray. Months passed, and war's thunder rolled over t ho land Unsheathed was (he sword, and lighted the brand ; We beard in the distance the sound of the fray And prayed for our boy iu his jacket of Hut vain, all vain, were our prayors and our tears And glad shouts of victory rang in our ems But, our treasured one on the red battle field lay Whilo U10 hfo blood oozed out on the jacket of gray. His yoiiuj; comrades found him and tenderly bore, flu" cold lifeless form to his homo by the shine; All thirl; wore our hearts on that terrible day When we saw our dead boy iu his jacket of gray. h, s.iitted and tattered and stained now with goro Was the garment which once so proudly no wore; We bitterly wept as wo took it away, And replaced with white robes tho jacket ot gray. When we laid him to rest iu his cold narrow bed, hd eugiaved on the marble placed o'er his head As the proudest of tributes our Had hearts could pay, le never disgraced the jacket of gray." Toen fold it up carefully, lay it aside, tenderly touch it look on it with pride, For dear must it be to our heart ever more, The jacket of gray our loved soldier boy wore. Exchange. A I'UasiHiii Lemon Dilnk. For biiiouHiieriij and conatipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foal stomacb, take iSmon Elixir. For cink wnti nervous hea iachne, take I..! raou Elixir. For his. . tint - n;HH and nervousness, k h Lt .T.uu Elixir. F.ir low of nppetiLu aud debility, take nn.in E ixir. For lvarrt. chillH and malaria, take Lemon Elisir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of tho ribovo diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach. kidi.'t'jrt, bowels or blood. Prepnrod only by Dr. n. Mozlky, At lantii, Ua. 50o. and 01 00 per bottle. Sold by drueeitits. Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have boen cured by Dr. Mozley'e Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 23 Tatnall Bt. Atlanta, Ga. Taxes! Taxes! I will visit the placeB below for the purpose of collecting Taxes, on the days stated during the month of Octo ber: Vanoeboro, No. 1 Township, Satur day, Oct. 11th, 1890. Fuloher s Store, No. 2 Township, Wednesday, October 15th, 1890. Fort Barnwell, No. 8 Township. Sat urday, October 18, 1890. Morton's Store, No. 0 Township, Fri day, October 24, 1890. Havelock, No. 0 Township, Saturday, October 25, 1890. James City. No. 7 Township, Friday, October 31, 1890. Jasper, No. 9 Township, Monday. October 20, 1B90. Those failing to meet me at the above named places and settling their Taxes will be visited by myself or Deputy at once with the express purpose of col lectins the taxes due. Toe Taxea must be wound up by the rflst day of December. W. B. LANE, Sheriff. Ne w Berne , Sept. 25, 1890. d wtf State of North Carolina, ) Craven County, f Superior Court Before the Clerk. James C. Harrison, Admr. of Collins Mooro, vi. Minerva Moore, et als. Pursuant to the judgment in the above named proceedings, I will eell at Public AuctioD, at the Court House in Newborn, on Monday the 1st day of Deoember, A.D. 1890 All that traot of land situated in said Craven county, at or near the head of Coleman's Creek, fully deaoribed in a deed from Elijah Ellis, Executor of Amos Wade, to Collins Moore, dated Nor, 25th, 1881, and reoorded in Book NO. 81, page 131, of the records of said county, containing 100 acres more or less, ' Terms ot sale; half cash; balanbe on creditor six tnontus. Title reserved until whole of purchase money is paid. This: 1st day of November. A.D. 1890. , , .TAMP. n WAPBTHnfJ. ... td ''- - Adm'r of Collins Moore. ' Mrs. Geo. P. 8 moots, fctyhlT cultivated and estimable lady of Prescott, Ark., writes under date of April Jt'S9: "During the sum mer of 1887 my eye Became inflamed, and my stomach and liver hopelessly disordered. Nothing I ate agreed with me. I took chron ic diarrhoea, and for some time mr life was despaired of by my family. The leading phy sicians of the country were consul tea, but the medicines administered by them never did me any permanent good, and I lingered between life and death, the latter being pre ferable to the agonies I was enduring. In May, 1888, I became disgusted with physi cians and their medicines. I dropped tnem all and depended solely on Swift's Specific (3. S. 8.), a few bottles of which made me permently well well from then until bow." It Builds up Old People. old lady, ' was Ut's e use of Swift's restored her to health. E. B. DIL WORTH, Greenville, S. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. ELva catarrh CREAM BALM I clv's'SJ Cleansss the Nasal Passages, R( Allays Fain and HAvrrvrDlia Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell, HAY-FEVER TRY THE CUBE A particle Is applied Into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Drugclsts; by mail, registered. ttU cts. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street. New York aprltidwly J. B. OBABTBXX. BASIL MANLY, JOHN E. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers In KNGINES AD MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Engines. ISollers, Saw Mills, Edging M Cut-off Machines We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds with promptness, Particular and Immediate attention siren to repairs of all kinds. We will be elad to give plans and t-stlmatet for any desoilptlonof machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for Q. & A. Bargamtn's oole- brated Indestruotlble Mica Valves We give satisfactory guarantee for all work done dt us. yn aaaw wiy jMNKENt&SS l Liquor Habit amnewoKW mess s but ome cuts, D!tUIrfE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be crlven In coffee, tea. or In articles of fond without the knowledge of patient If necessary; It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent ana speeny cure, wueiner tne patient is a nioderatedrin Iter or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEV ER KAIL9. It operates so Quietly and with such certainty that tho jmtiont undergoes no Incon venience, and soon his complete reformation is effected. 48 page book free. To bo bad ot R. N. Duffy, druggist, New Berne, N. C, jyladwy TO 17EM LIEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will send a valuable treatise ( sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE 0' charge. A splendid medical work ; should oe read by every man who is nervous and debilitated. Address,; yrof.F.JD.FOWLER,Moodus, Conn. usiiitTi; w. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad men TABLE No. 22, In Bfieot 1:30 P.M., Friday, Oct 17. 1880, GoivqEast. Schedule. QoinqWebt No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. p m 3 80 Gojdeboro 11 10 am 4 06 4 09 La Orange 10 22 10 25 4 35 4 40 Kinston 9 48 9 63 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 17 8 30 7 38 pm Morehead City am 6 47 Dallv Going East. Schedule Qoino West No. 1. No. 2.t Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train am 6 80 uoldsooro 7 20 pm 6 57 7 05 Best's 6 24 6 31 7 20 7 80 La Orange 5 54 6 04 7 48 7 58 Falling Creek 5 24 15 30 8 11 8 80 Kinston 4 25 6 00 8 50 8 55 Caswell 4 00 4 05 0 15 10 03 Dover 3 25 8 40 10 81 10 36 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 11 00 11 05 Tuscarora 2 24 2 80 11 17 11 41 Clark's 2 02 2 12 12 15 8 00 Newborn 10 33 1 30 8 87 8 42 Biverdale 9 41 9 46 3 48 8 50 Croatan 9 28 9 88 4 08 413 Havelock 8 59 9 04 4 87 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 5 01 5 01 Atiantio 7 47 7 52 518 5 21 Morehead City 717 7 27 5 28. 5 28 Atiantio Hotel 705 715 5 81 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Monday, weanesaay ana riaay. ' ftuetiaty, Thursday an Saturday, Train 60 eonneeta with Wilmington A Wei don:Traln bmnd North, leaving Ooldsboro 11:60 a. a,, ud with Klohmond DanvUls Train West, leavlnc Uoldaboro 40 d, m. 1 Train 61 eonaeets with Rlohmona i Danville Train, rrtvlnst sUGoldBboroHi&fi mb.. and with wuminzun nna w era w. J. rain iron, ins North at 8:10 p.m. ' Train 3 connects with Wilmington and weiaoa xnrougn-r reigni iratn, Kortn Doanu; leaving uoiasDoro aiKOU p.Ts. S. L. Dill. Snperlntsadent. H THE-BEST KNOWN REMEDY. U.O.C." OlirflH aiiorhmav nnrt G Gleet In 1 te 6 lsvya, without Pain. Prevents Btriosure, .Contains no acrid or polaonous substances, and Is gnarantced absohitoiy harmless. Is prescribed by pnyskilsns and rocomended hv iirniritlHta. Price SI. G Sold by drupKlsts. iiewnre of Sub urmiTfS. aciiio t:ncm. ;o. urn., w .u. la 1 ..... a a .T 7. ALWAYS FINE aflD WELL Selected with Care and from Reliable Dei'ers Onlv. Good Roadsters, Good Draft Horses. Aud those suited for Family Purposes ami tho Saddle. First-Class Carriage IN CONNECTION Painting, Repairing, &c, Done iu .;;t Wtikinansliiu. Trained and Fxfcrieneed Mioir coin (ant; y oi; t'.uly. Tm -W. STBWARTr oclll dwif Collegiate MALE iVISL) FALL SESSION : Opens TIIOUOL'GH, 1'KACTICAI., COMPllKHKNSlvr EFFICIENT TEACHEES COURSE OF STl'DV. SUPERIOR ADVANTAQB:S for the study cf ART, UC. MENTAL MUSIC. MORAL and Religious ndvautBRt's untut nHiHLvl. EXPENSES very low. Coaniini? f.iciiitic d. SPECIAL indueemc-nt to indiAtit -'.udcr.ts JOHN 8. LONG, L.I.,. IV, riiys : - I ,can aud 1'rogrcKS nro iho walr'.iwonlH In" Now Heme Collcgluli; Institute, in ii 11 h; .m oinament lo 1 astern North ( i;i ui; i Send fob Cataloouk. O. T. MISS MARY L. ALLEN. Secretary 6 g..s 3 UJ It" Ss Eg V n n c a " a h- Ho 2.25 "bS 3S 8 p o. I W -A 5 sf2 51- s m znl s a.4 miu pin o Cg-gS use tscB T la C t JO MO. THE iekens ! $3.00 for tllc Works o. Charles Dickens, handsomely printed and finely bound, and with over 130 illustrationa doubtless seems fabulous tc many, but it is one of the recent happy products of Alden's Lit erary Revolution. The "Boz" Dickens. Dickens. The Works of Charles Dickens. " Bos " Edition in six vols., small 8vo, K"od typo, with numerous Illustrations, well printed on fair paper, cloth, $3.00. IJst of Vols 130 Illustrations. L Dombey sod Son, Old Curiosity Shop, Hard Times, 4. Mutual Friend, ' l.lttle Corrlt, Reprlntpd, f tdwln Drood, k Ptckwlek Papers.' Darnaby Kudie, Sketches by Bos. . Oliver Twlit. 1 Great Expectations, Bleak Bouse, Pictures from Italy. 1 t David Copperfleld, Obristmss Stories, Tale of Two Cities, Uncommercial Traveler. . Nicholas Nlckleby, Martin Chuzzlewlt, Amerloau Kotos. This "Boz" edition of Diet ens is printed from the same plates as Appleton's Popular Library Edition of this same! author, their published price being $10.00 a set. The paper used is a trifle lighter and n little cheaper in quality, but both are good. Tho books may bo seen at the office of this paper,or a specimen volume, returnable, will be sent postpaid for 50 COntS. ON II A.ND BROKE 'i yfSES, and Buggy Eepositorv WITH UVKRY. Ins I-M-:.M A September 0th, 1890. il'lKNI i:AflIKC.;i. :.:i IN3TRU. ADAMS, A. r. cipa!. j'2'J(i,ttt' t- -1 a a. 7. C 1 O : CI 41 . k 3) a H o - ' M S ff) S 5 f) Vl9c S s3X2 M m 2 Hp S tat 0 li gS- Kl U o nti i. . n " FARM I LOUISVILLE, KY. The Leading Agricultural Journal of IhoSouth and Wsst Made by Farmers for Farmers. ' As n record of successful floriculture, Home (ni K.uiM has no C'iu;;l. livery topic relating to floriculture i:; oprnly ciiscusscdin its columns by the f.miicrs tin in.-clvcs. No expense is spared in securing a full nrcuunt of every notable suc cess on the farm. It ij distinctively the " FARMERS' OWN PAPER, A record of their daily life, presented in a form und language which inake it plain to all.. ITS LIST CF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the nmnesof the most progressive farm ers of the South and West. They do not treat of theoretical farming, hut of the actual condi tions which confront us to-day : B. F. Johnson; Waldo V. Brown ; Henry Stewart ; John M. Stohl; .. r. l ord ; Jeff. Wclborn ; Hugh T. Brooks ; Johr C. Kdpar ; Steele's Bayou ; T. B. Baldwin as d r, host of others make tins journal indispensable Moreover, it is equally A HOME MAGAZINE. Kvery subject of interest to the home-maker il fully treated. Marv Marpden. LoisCatesbv. Mrs, Brown, Mrs. Daviess, Miss Cabell, Miss Mosby; . Alice Winston and a score of others will contrib ute regularly FAITH LATIKES Is in charge of our Children's Department, nj she has the peculiar faculty of being both ii a tercsting and rustructivei ,j THE MYSTERY OP THE NATION Is a thrilling slorv appearing in liOMK am. Fakm. by John It. iliKlrK, and Is exciting tuidf , attention. Short stories by distinguished write rt appear from time to time. .fr ' Bill AWS LETTERS . . Appear in each issue, nnd thir. huraortusphlloso. -pher was never more interesting than jp.t lii' ; Ume' IX ITS liDlTOWAt DFrltTIsticTb '' HoMr? kk-o 1'arm speaks boldty and fearler.ljr it behalf of " Farmers' Rlijhls.'" It favors, rr vision oi the tariff in behalf of the fnrmcf fbettej 1 roads for the fanner ; Free Mn il Delivery to th, farmer t Co-operation among; the farmers, and lU. aim is to " Lust Trusts." Its motto is s : .- " Fslr Trails as J Farmers' Klshts." .. Bath Rooms '$ V. At my shop on Middle street Ttf fcty of water, hot or cold, ond Rood hrva rooms. , " - 1 junldtf J. -BCItOWiNt I

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