L MANUFACTURERS OF TAKE'-NOTIQIE! A Send us a litt of your Stock Pine, Ash and Poplar, Or write to Lamb dfe Bell, ONE BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK, and we will tell you what dimeniions to cut, and quote you net cash prices for same, n92m E , ALDEN'S Manifold Cyclopedia ' a Orelopedia of Universal Knowledge, and Unabridged Dictionary of Language in one, 1 handy vote., large type, over 4,000 illustrations. Cloth binding, per vol., 60c, per set 24.00. Half Morocco, per vol., 85c, per Bet, 831. 0O. Vol. 18- Now Ready The Yolumes thus far issued will answer more questions In the practical every -day life of the average reader, than all the Volumes of any complete cyclopedia in the market. Test them and see! A sped' men volume may be ordered and returned If not wanted. fc I Q.00 cash with order before, Nov. l.wiD 3 I O secure the full set of A( frAc ficloth binding, or S2B.OO V Oib. the lame bound in half Morocco, all sent prepaid, those now ready at once, remainder as issued. " The price is very low, the form ex ceedingly handy for a work of reference, and the editing skillful and comprehensive." Literary World, Boston. i " The literary skill and judicious editor- khtp which have, characterized the undertaking' from the outset have been iu uo degree relaiod." Sun, New York. "It Is an unabridged dictionary and a storehouse of information on almost every con teivable topic. The more w e see of the work the more we are pleased." Educational Monthly, Akron, O.' c .. ' " The convenient form, the excellence of binding, paper, and illustrations, and the skillful arrangement or articles make this a handy cyclo. bedla, which will be used ton times where the bulky Britannlca ' would be consulted once. The Jluaurations are really helpful, and are very num erous. No matter what other cyclopedias a write D have, "Alden's Manifold ' should be upon his ves "The ll'rifer, Boston. ' " It Is a remarkably well made book foi be price The peculiar shape makes the book: mtreme r easv to read, which is a most valuable thing to the student. The clean cut, heavy faced ty pa usea lor titles is a goon feature anu maien, ally lightens the task of the investigator. Thq accented syllable of every difficult word is plainly narked ana the pronunciation, when it offers any lifBculties, is Bet forth phonetically. In a word, ibis popular work Is most carefully edited and tieauy ana accurately manuiactureu. iUT(tuN Jtoofariofcer, New York. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, NEW YORK, 303 Pearl St., P. O. Box 1227. Chicago, 342 Wabash Ave. '.Atlanta. 73 WliltehaUS "Hello 1 Tom. Glad to lee yon, old fellow! It's almost ten years sinco we were married. Sit down: let's have an experience meeting. How's the wife fM , 'Ohl she's so-so, same us usual, always want ing something I can't afford." ' Well, we all want something more lhan'we've got. Don't yon ?" "Yes : but I ruess ' want will be my master.' I started to keep down expenses ; and now T.ll says I'm 'mean,' and she's tired of saving and never ' having anything to show for it. I taw your wife down street, ana she looked as h appy as a queen 1 " " I think she Is ; and we are economical, too, haTStobe. Hy wife can make a little go further than anyone I ever knew, vet she's always snr ! prising me with some dainty contrivance that adds to the comfort and beauty of our little home, and she's always 'merry as a lark.' When I ask bow she manages It, she always lanehs and says : Oh 1 that's my secret I ' But I think I've dis- . covered her ' secret.' When wc married, wo both knew we shonld hays to be very careful, but she taadeoneconditioni she would have her Magazine. And she was right 1 I wouldn't-do wtthont it my- oeif for double lb subscription price. We read f ft together, from the title-page to the last word : , the stories keep our hearts young; the synopsis : Of important events and scientific matters keeps bm posted so that I can talk understanding of what is going on ; my wife is always trying some sew idea from the household department; she .- stakes all her dresses and those for the children, and she gets all her patterns for nothing, with the Magazine and w saved Joe when he was so sick :. with the croup, by doing Just as directed in the Sanitarian Department But I can't tell yon half V . 'What wonderful Magazine is it t " v. P "Demorest's Family Magazine, and " ' What I Why that's what Lil wanted SO baa", gnl I told her it was an extravagance." : "Well, friend, that's where yon mads a fTtnd mistake, and one you'd better rectify as eon as yon can. I'll take your 'sub.' right here, M my wife's account: she's bound to have a china " tea-set in time for our tin wedding next month. . My gold watch was the premium I got for getting up a dub. Here's a copy, with the new Premium tilitforelnbs, ths biggest thing outl If yon don't sm la it what yon want, yon've only to write to ths publisher and tell him what yon want, whether : It is a tack-hammer or a new carriage, and he will " Snake special terms for yon, either for a club, or for BerteasbS Better subscribe right off and surprise Mrs. Tom; Only $3.00 a year will save fifty times that la sis months.' Or send 10 cents direct to the publisher, W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th Street, New York, for a specimen copy containing '. Ui Premium LUU" tl CO MORE EYE-GLASSES WEAK MITCHELL'S dVE-SALVE A Certain, Bate, and Effective Remedy for CCr.Es WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, '" Producing Long-Sighttdnm, d Restor . " ing th Sight of tfi$ Old. j Crs Tear Dropt, Granulatlont, Sfya Tuntort, Red Eyes, Matted Eya Lashei, i: rxoBccmi mn. beuet m miuoT cm. Also, eqtiany efflcacimis when used In other roiadlM, such as Hirers, Fevwr Sores, limwi, felt Rheaai, Barns, Pile, or htwr IntUmmation exists, MlTCUKliXB AXiFJUmay be used to advantage. r Z Bt Id by all Drngslsts at 23 Cents. fu3 on hand of L L Stmr Blanche for Sale. Seyenty-flve feet long, 18 feet wide over all; draught 30 inobea loaded, carries 110 bales of cotton, and regis tered at Custom Boose 47 tons gross, 28 net; licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 100 on excursions. Re built in October, 1889. Joiner work and decking entirely new, hull made as ttood as new. Engine and boiler re built, all wearied and destructible parts renewed; new crown sheet and tubes n boiler. Inspected November 27. 1889, and licensed to carry 86 pounds steam pressure. Propeller 43 inches. engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 feet by 60 inches, of 5 10 iron, tensile strength 50,000 pounds. roily equipped throughout, according to law and in perfect ruoning order, the Ulancho is epiecdidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught navi gation anywhero, and has shown fine towing capacity. Bho is offered for sale on reasonable terms, and at a very low pnoe. tor further information apply to James Redmond, Seo' & Tress, aug3J&wtfl New Berne, N. O Notice- STATE OV NOKTB CAROLINA ) Hllf.Orlor Court County of Ciaven. Clerk's Olhce, Tako Notice, That I have this day Issued letters declaring Zopher It. r'olsora, Charles K. Uoodwin and 8. C. Hamilton, ir.. and ihtlr successors to be a corporation for the purpose ana aocoraicg to tne terms pre scribed in Articles of ALreement. tiled and recorded in said office. The substance of said Agree men t Is that said parties desire to become Incorporated under the name of the Btltuson Lumber Company; the principal ollice and place of business shall be New Borne, Ciaven county, North Caro lina, and its business shall be that of manu facturing, buying and selling lumber, buy ing and selling timber lands, anywhere in the state of North Carolina, buying, holding and selling real estate in the State of North Carolina, building and operating woodwork ing factories, etc. The duration of the corporation shall be thirty years. The amount of the capital stock shall be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, divided Into one thousand shares ol the Dir value of one hundred dollars each. The stockholders of this corporation shall not be individually liable for its debts. Witness my hand and official seal at office lu New Berno, this 2Uta flay of October, 18W. t!i. W. CAKfENTEK. oc22d Clerk Sap. Court. What Ooesjt Mean ? The question is asked daily by people living in town and country what does all this mean that I see in all the news papers and on hand-bills of so many merchants closing out their stock at 40c, 50o. and 67ic on the dollar of New York cost. Now as I have had considerable experience in this line of business, I think I can explain it to those who do not understand in a way that they will be benefited. Now in a few words, and as short as possible: There is a man in town whose name is Big Iko, who is alwavs on the lookout for some merchant who can't pay bis bills, and gives him from 40o. to 60c. and 67!o. on the dollar, that is, on a hundred dollars1 worth of goods tbe highest Big Ike pays is 67o. on the dollar, and on a thousand $675.00, and the etock he has just received from Kinston cost four thousand dollars in New York THIS AUGUST, 1890, and only coat Big lae two thousand and seven hundred dollars. Now I think every well-regulated man, wcmin and child will understand this explanation and at once see tbe advantage that Big Ike has over every merchant in Eastern North Carolina. Now, my friends, this is not the only advantage that Big Ike has over the other merchants in buying; he has a great advantage in saying he is the only man in North Uaronna that can say NO, hence the credit system is killed, and not one dollar's worth goes out of his store until paid for. The above plainly shows why Big Ike can afford to give for the next 80 days a 25c. present with every one dollar's worth of goods sold. Nowbern, N. Q., Nov. 14,1890. Commissioner's Sale- . By virtue of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craven county, grantel at the Fall Term 1889 thereof, I will sell at Fubho Auction, for oaeh, at the Court Bouse door in the city of New Berne, county of Craven and State of North Carolina, on Monday, the First day of December, 1890, at half past 12 o'clock, p.m., the following desoribed property, viz: Five Hydraulio Presses, Two Hydraulic Pumps, One Stationary Steam Engine. P. H. PELLETIER, Commissioner. Oct. 31, 1890. td Sale of Valuable Real Estate In pursuance of a Judgment of the Supe rior Court of Graven oounty, obtained at SprlngTerm,1889,ln an aotion pending in said court, entitled Penelope Pennell against W. i. Arnoia, execnior oi wiiuam d.rnoia, deo'd, and others, I will sell for Oath, at the Court House door in tbe Clt of New Berne, on Monday, the 21th day of November, 1810. at 12 m.. tbe following described Real Estate situated In the connty of Craven, State of worm Carolina, w wit: . ,! . . Those portions of tie land formerly be longing to the late William Arnold, and de scribed and known in 1he plat attached to the Judgment in the above entitled action as LoH Nos, one (1), three (3), four (4) and seven (7), a fuller and more eomplete de scription will appear iy reference to said Judgment.' ,. . 11,UU pi, I AIT, ' h; oolSdtJ , , i , Commissioner.. THE JOURNAL'. Arriral and Devartur Haili 9 KAIL CLOSES." Of North. Widud South, via A. ft N. a a, E. at 8:00 a.m. For Beaafart and the Eut. at 6:30 b.bu For WaabJntjtoa,SvmCreek, Hyde and oeauori leuuiee, dairy at t:tH) a. m. For Trentoa, PoUokrrillo and Mayt ville,ailyat 7:80 a.m. For Grantaboro, Bayboroan) Vaa deraera, dailv at a. a. Office eoen oonatantlv between these hours except whaa malls arajbekii dia- noBMaorMot. OFFICE HOURS: Xa Money Order and Betristered Let ter Department, from a.m. to p. m. inMaili&f Department from Va.m to B p. m.. and from 7:30 to 8 p.m. Tux likelihood is that the U. S. Treasury will ran short of funds as soon as the pension bills under the new law shall begin to come in rapidly. Under these circumstances people are thinking about the expediency of taxing big incomes, and we think it will be a favorite idea. Many men in the enjoyment of very large incomes contribute bat little to the support of the gov ernmeat. Besides, a reasonable tax on large incomes may tend to prevent the accumulation of trem endous fortunes. There are too many big millionaire in this coun try now. News & Observer, BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newbein by F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. If the election of the next Presi dent should devolve on the House the Democrats will oast tbe vote of twenty-eight States. SYRUP OF FIGS, Produced from the laxative and nutri tious juice of California figs, combined with tbe medical virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently on the kid neys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. A New York business man says that from 75 to 80 per cent, of the capital invested in that city re presents the earnings of men who began life poor. "Just as Good, - Say some dealers who try to sell a sub stitute preparation when a customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any such false statements as this induce you to buy what you do not want. Remember that the only reason for making it is that a few cents more profit will be made on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is Peculiar to Itself. 8 ' advice to mothers. Mrs. "Wikslow's Soothing Strtjp should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, oures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jaly When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: Prof. Euarene Wallnau, FlttST CLASS Piano Tuner and Repairer, Educated at the Conservatory of Music, in Berlin, has located in this city and win oe pleased to receive orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at Middle street, brick house next to the Custom House. oc28 dim wit J. A. BETAS, Pre.TB0S. DMIELS, Vice Pres. 6. n. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BEKNE, N. 0 Inoorpobatkd 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bbvah, Tho3. Daniels. Chas. 8. Betas, J. H. Hackbuen, U. a. ttOBKBT. Wanted to Sell, A large lot of fin timber, including Pine, Poplar, Ash, Gum and Oak, situ ated on the A. ft N. C. B. E,; and also an entire Saw Mill Outfit,' including team and everything oomplete and ready for work. .' ' ,; For further particulars apply at ocfi8 dwlm JOURNAL OFFICE. AUTOMATIC SEWING lHACHIIfEl 1 Prices reduced, i Every f amity now can have the best Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated . Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you Aave a Machine. : Krnse 'A Murphy Mfg. Co., 155 and 457 West 20th St, N. T. City. IIOTIIIIIG SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason R ADAM'S MICROBE KILLEBia the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the sim plest disease known to the human system. The scientific men cf today claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND Radam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the 'system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter whnt the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the samo time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. A.stlima, CoiiBimiptiou, Catari It, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, K!d ney aiul Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Female Troubles in all its forms, and, iu fact, every Disease known to the Human Pystem Bewara of Frandulent Imititioss ! lee that our trada-Mark (same as nbove) appears on each jug. Send for book "History ot tho llicrobe Killer' given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pbllock and Middle Sts., mSOdwlycnrm New Berne, N. C. SHOES! BEQES! Just See the Shoes! Big Shoes, Llttlo Shoes, r'tuo wliors, Good Shoes, and Shoes CHEAT. Kubber Boots and 8hoi-s, lic.l lljots and Oil Clothing in great quantities. At J. F. TAYLOR'S. DON'T FORGET TDK LeadiDg Tobacco House In New Berne, UootU and l'rle s will make youchewlots. A Large Stock of Golds at Wholesale and RETAIL at LOW PKICIX Dont forget J. F. TAYLOE. A Great Bargaln I 327 joares. WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE ! A VALUABLE PLANTATION situ ated on tbe South side of the Ncuse river, three and a half miles from the City of New Berne, N. C. One hundred and twenty-five acres cleaied. GOOD LAN1, SUITABLE FOB TUUOKING, Tobacco Raising, or any tied of farm ing. The balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak, cypress, and other kinds of timber. It is also tine Urazing Land. Good dwelling, outbuildings, and a fine orchard. It has a fine FISHERY fronting half a mile on the beach, where there are high banks of marl that can never be exhausted, from which vessels can load with ea?o. It is a very beautiful and healthy lo cation, presenting a near view to the passing vossels and the A. &N. v. Kail road. For terms apply to P. TRENWITH, Opposite Hotel Albert, ocSO dwtf New Berne. N. C. fhe Alliance to the Front The PnoGTtKssrvB Farmer, bold, vleilnnt. aggressive and progressive. Unas opluions and expresses them. Forty-eight columns, eight pages. All Home-Print, official oigan of North Carolina and Vlreinia State Alli ances: Tbe fjlvest paper In the South! Goes to nearly izhu postomces in rortn caroima and to 23 States. ON1S DOLLAR A TEAK, strictly casn. Bend ror sample copy. Ad dress THK PROOKEBBIVE FAKMFR Raleigh, N, 1. Ii. Polk, Editor. V, H, Bkowdek, Easiness Manager, U Tho Original Wins. C. F, Simmons, St. Louis, Prop'i M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine, Est'd irrs " ul -oun defeats j. POD'rA er RegulatorEst'd bv Zeilin 1868. T tut'd t M. h M, S. L. M. has for 47 years , cared Indigestion, Biliousness. Dy9Mpsia,Sick Headache.Lost Appetite, Sou Stomach. Etc. Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. E. Church. Adams. T.nn . tcf.. . 11 think I should have been dead but tor your Genuine M. A, Sim mons Liver Medicine, I have sometimes had to substitute "Zeilin's stuff " for your Medl cine, but it don't answer the purpose." s Dr. J. R. Graves.Editor Tit .BaMist. Memnhia. Tcnn. aava. I received a package of your Liver Medicine, and have used half of it. it works like a charm. I want no better Liver Regulator and eer . talnly no more of Zeilin's mature, 1 - .JiL, m from TYLER DANK COUNTERS. ' IttOSTRATEO IS COlORs; a perfect Work or Srtt 150 Pages; Mow ready. Books fres, postage 15e, JlMUOn.ftt.lflg fCTlSM,(TrlM.Dnika, TriMi-Writw eahla.).. t'a.lra, Ro.kCww.St StjrlM, trrt, r.alw.10., XYLE3 DESK C0H 0T. I0TJI8, U0., V.SX , . ,,i..-iii...1T.ruai M in i, BOOKS! STANDARD ;;--WORKS! low to Get Them Below Cost. Having completed arrangements with one of the largest Publishing ; ilouses in New York, we are now enabled to furnish Standard and -Popular Books at prices that are Low as the Lowest. Is Your Library Complete? If not, visit the Jotjenal office and examine our collection and learn terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as you will find mentioned in the list below. We handle them in two editions, the "Red Line" and the "Franklin." ed Line Your choice from this edition on subscription to THE DAItt JOURNAL, or 11.75 for THE WEEKLY ii JOUKNAL. If sent by mail, 10 cents Bryant, Burns, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Bunyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorito Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's llliad, Irish Humorous Poems, Tho above are full gilt and book in all r3PpectB."OC Franklin Edition : Cloth binding, gilt back, and mostof them' good, large, clear print. Yon choice given by payin $1.50 for one year's subscription to THE WEEKLY Journal, or $5.00 for The Daily VIoubnal. 10 cents extra it sent by mail. Andersen's Fairy Tales. American In Ioeland. iEsop's Fables. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Bryant's Poetical Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Crcasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Children of the Abbey. Dickens' Child's nistory of England. Emerson's Essays.g Famous Poems. Grimm's Fairy Tales.. Gulliver's Travels. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Hypatia. Half Hour with the Poets. . Boyle's Games. Ingoldsby Legends. T John Halifax, Gentleman. Kingsley's Sermons. BOOKS! Edition payment of 15.25 for one year's extra will be required: Jean Ingelow, Keble. Kingsicy, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of tho Affections, Scott; Scottish Humorous Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. handsomely embelliBhed.g A beautifu 1 Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poe's Tales. Ppe's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost. , Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Bob Boy. Bobinson Crutoe. Scottish Chiefs. Swiss Family Bobinson. sidereal Heavens. '. , Sketch Book. . Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.- - - yr'i- k Thaddeus of Warsaw.-,- 'cZ TliAmsAnla Trr 1.- Tennyson's Oomplete Poetical Works. -v Tom Brown's School Days at Bogby.f ir v Yicar of Wakefield. ' Wesley's Poems. I?- 2 I '4' TV:'

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