1 -- 0 j'r -;vfe " ?. for nfants and "Castoria is so we2 KV.ptci to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Ascher, M. D., Ill Eo. Oxford t., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Ca.-Viu' n universal and itsmeritssowellkn.iw; t' : t, 'nui a work of supererogation toe;..; - ,l icw are the intelligent families w:.a u - -v i Ltcp Ciitoria within easy reach . ' ' Carixj ::.;.-.tv;:. D.D.. . . ,v York City. Late Factor Bloomlagtialj It, termed Church. : Centaur i :. : IS 13 r ft-- KIF'l'V ii Fine r. riv r , Abo. b".rf' '' ilorSH H H,:l.: i We rnik- 10 Kvery thi,.: Biver-' s i; i f 5' -GO .VjJ-75 . . $3 SKui! J Vino. Calf nn,l V. The excollprmo and vr u ; C&uiiot he better show ii :'i : nleutaof Its thuu.-aii'l '. i i ; Sr".00 icnniju I! -..' '. J Btvlisti iIicm : unequalle.i f. . ; SQ50 iolymr . 'i O Shoe, atii ic; i'. ' 9950 I'oliroti::!'- . - v for railnia-i i.. 1 All made ia i ; . . . . h 1 his slinn ' ; tlltljir-O- .- l t ',r -lilt ,1T1(1 !. . :i-::rv.ls i!f.-f. I'.iii' ' '!i hJice ' .. id: lii..'::' 1 (Iref-l '. a-Y..-.'d ;-! : c jntl'CMhliVd V A IMi ' have been most favor 1 ' an tue recent imp.-' . maku lut'iu Miiieiior ..- to anv shoes ntn) at . i- u t :;. Vi'ii-v.:. Ask your Dealer, and if he e:ti'tnf supply you aeorl . f direct to factory nc!iii:(j advcrlised price, or a iV . . costal lor oruer i.-iani; W. L. D'Jt (; ."J: cciitou, Blastt. Cor. PoB Ja.. i ... UI'Lj v a 'iji$ I will sell at PubH t y-iU; on the 5th day of December, 1600, ib i Personal L 'iProperty of John N Whitfonl, doo'd, 5 the residence of tbn deceased, in . Jones county, K C, cyn i i i n of four H -V head horses, two iio:!"!, fivo oxen, twenty boad of othor ' -it-tin. hogs, hags, . ':''';i !nd hOuathold nn l ki.t furniture, ' : - wafjonB, earn, plows, cu.i fodder, iv!-! and farming imuleiiv is :., etc., for ".'cash. Bile wiil e mv.-'M.-.e at nn early , - ; hour. . . EH. ;.'. . : ITFORD, oclouwtd ooi'ir-iior. HUNS EASY. a m f r A AH t-;r--ii rtiA9Mk SFED i PERFECTLY. m&ffiZW& ir" J Makes FINE mJLVA.h- SAMPLE. iil KEVVM CHOKES or ; BfiEAKS THE ROLli. -oofeTHE ftE LE? R63 ATED - l iil l I I l ii hyj if, l-'V-wwasi ,w m Has All LATlt3T IMPROVEMENTS . . ' iiainnjiai U'lMit.l An Iti'iiali wLiloh In- ' futir-rj-htvan speed.' ITiis lenrHirm Is peouUar to !--1i.Jioo'f Oln and is used ou naothsr. Ar V JJMi T OOABASTKKO and Aie Delivered r-ftfj 11 j Ofc' t'BKIOIIT at any B. n. Station or V ' 'UKllnjj of n-iy Rosular stoamboat Lin In , 'i Jo-itt. If wo have no Agent near you, ' il vvnth Osnoral Southern Affent, . ,V1 UIIDDA r9MA.TM-TA4. 1,3 ".ji.- '.iM U.U. STANDARD fWshtDHllMullT l-wopol.iKlTli)W. ItiirlM., Billion MH r.-4Urldli.lllj, - - irnrrHii i ru , i.tim.ira Children. C&xtoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, WitEout injurious medication, " For several years I havo recommended your ' sstoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results," Edwis F. Pardie, M. D., "The Wintnrop," l.!5th Street and Tth Ave., New York City. CoKPAJtv, 77 Mcbrat Stbest, New York. u -'7 - -.- rH r : BOUSES AND MULES JUST HBCEIVEB. d o;v-n Boad Carts, Harness, Whips, liobes and '! lb 1 k l!ot! :n Bricfd. S 01 dm.ble turn-outs can be bad at all boms. I i re euied. . - "iAI-.A. itv.,;.r;A. ,( - j&-;; .. Ki'.OM MiW VUliK riTY M, A. K. Hawkk.s "jper.-lr: Your patent yi -l'I- ri8 r-nlvr.l bdiiio tiino Kince. and a o very mu-li irraiiliit.i at Inn wonderful i:i ;oo' 1 h tt. h us oomo ovi-r my emtli'ht H00-. I havo o.scKiiled my old yliitBen a lid 1j iioj weariiiK yo'ii'N. Al.KX.NDRK AGAR, Secret u iy tit tone B' Hoard of Tiade, A:l ej es lltled at II13 dru;; a-ore 01' F.S. DUFFI.Newbera.N.O. lo-iun wiy .ti r s ir U HiAVY and Lianr Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuft Sold at manufacturer's pricrs. Off ids & tMwm Full itook and large aetortment. Pricbs as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTK For Sale. As REonts for owners we offer for sale on aasy and acoommodatlne terms the follow lag described improved Ileal Estato In the uy oi iNe-T rierna: No. 1. THK IKON FRONT WAREHOU3 JNCKAVfcN MTKEET. No. 5. BKICK 8TORB AND DWELUNG ON CRAVEN STREET occupied by R. O. E. uoage. - , A tun aeicriptior or tnis vaiuanie proper ty, together with the best terms upon whlol tne same will be sold, lb be furnmheil ' r applloatlon to tne undersigned at ibelr olnct nsoutn f ront street. -ALSO Two Hjium and Lots on Craven streot A Farm at Sandy Point. WATSON & STREET, deed dwtf Ins ami Real Estate Agts. VAfUABLu TREK LAND FOR SALE About FOKTY ACRKS CLEARED LAND, sltuatd wKhtn two miles of th city, suit we for irucn raietny A great baivm. Appl to '.VAT.SJN A HTI-.KKT, myltl luinl Kst. A(Dtr. FINE OLOTS-imO, Fine Hits, w ' Fine Underwear, Fine Silk Umbrellas ' Fine Shoes, Iq fact lha Finest and Beet Belocted Btoik we ever carried. Our pxioe-i are the towee-t. Call and tie oonviuocd. . . r. I- . t Barrijtcn 6 Baxter, !A.geAts for Zeigler,BroSlices THE JOURNAL. M US, V. A. l.KV. !-. S'.if was in.t lii li us '.lie v. or Id C.llls lich, And tinio h til whiten-d !ier hail ; I) lit her lac liliti d u; wiih a beautiful smile, As Mioto, "I'm a Mi lioimire." Sly Fatb.-r at hum- is a vi r poafc King, -uil so, I'm a piim-i ,. you bee, And wlii u I my la.it, Iis.mki bae f-ai ', Ilis cliaiiot is eoniiiij; for :n'. ! When the lessons arc hard, iit.d ! y eyes grow dim, i VVitli hot and f ast-i'alliu teai , j I try to be patient, fur I know tli . :ioo! J Will Inst but a few uiort" year. i .... l iiou, when l ;o Ueime, a ina:M u i :i ttud, And a nunii I'.i.i'd wiili je.'.iis : 1 1 . Ai'd a robr s sloiiiiii; a:;d i io'i -m-.Ci . Uiu Sueli as noi.e ol' r lie rail'.i u.-i us v;.Mr. My voice is not mi'sUa! u -v, I !..iov. , -My baud is tiU as I bold ibis km ; But it soon w ii! bo sirim-r !' bold a ; j. Ami I'll sin;; like autl t!u n. My sti-ji j'lo'.vs wv.ikiT day by day, l'o no1 it's a lad. od kiii, That 1 soon shall walk tin; ol.H'ii '.h By llir. I'ah'.co that i-. to U' iii'iio. 1'or IIM' tin- lloui'is bavo d,r,l !.n; , Aicd fniMi'ls lull, mo on by ono, But in all mv Ion-.; join un , 1 nrv : :i i felt I'-.c Ik'i n b it lor one I s 4 i t a'.o:. . I'lio way has been ;!;". r. d l j th- eiieo (1! ( '..e, hnm I see not. bu: i-o 1 ,-.t my b-; lia'l si e lliiii li..-l v. b 11 I 1 11b r ioy Home, And seeiuir be sat.slie 1 1) ; teia ,s B -in ti t ( ami Slifll jDtir DPUiiiita iii.l ciio,! ! cm Cni'. ; iiH':iui( i lit' in in : :. ' intl t:ike.ius! tho. m:iu q-.i-tntiij :: uraiH:!iiti-a s-'iar nu u.tu1 ; ! iiuiH. L'lir ! lit- i-ii ' r 111 .1 skilio. or. ult r i 11 Uie liic, iuiil kt ( ii iii!)vin:T i m t killer, ar-uit-l until tiit i-H.-tr in dibsolved; tht'u j;i; in Hie in-;:-; uuts iinrt pour iuto buUtTt'tl tur--. ' Thia is dehuiuus, ami so quick!.-, ruadf. rinl.ulelplii.i Bciicr. LEMON KLISlli ! A I'Ueaaut Lemon Dilnii. For bilioueneaj i e-.ii: tli?.'.i..it, ; .be tmon Elixir. For indiGrcatb.tt ".nd !-oi! s: mi-. -;;. ti.Uo Lemon Eliiir. ; ' For sick and uervous beaJanhei, u':c- Lemon Elixir. '. For li ples-tuvo ..1; 1 reourr'.eivi, ' ik Leuiou idlxir. ! For Iohh of appetite debility, tike ; Lemon Elixir. 1 For feveM. ch;B und mal .-ri-J, t :!-,e Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will cot. yi.e.i i.i anj if the above, diseases, nil c( v. bieli ei inn ! roiu a torpid or ilisont'd liver, st':.:...:cb. I ititev li'.jv ebi i:r ! .00.! . 1 lb 1 pin -! only by lr ii : .'".l.Y, .'. i iiiia. 0l)o. and SI 00 per bo.,ib-. Sold 'y t uiiiiot-i I'roiiiiii'-ill Bl'nSnH'r T.V i 5 K c. After ton ytarti of i t euff. nmi ino lK' tition, nil i-i. ., nei vuUii TOHiration, biiiotii'iio', d.e,.n:- red ; idnejfl un.l co mtip ltu.st I liar.' !) tired by Dr Mi z'oj 'u Ltmon E ixir, j :id urn now .i e. ell loan. i IU.;v. ; c. Dav:.; i Eld. M. E. Church Mou;?. I Hnovl No 2M Tarioill et Atln'.. ( ! I STATK OI-' NoltTII C.h01 I.N'A, j Or iven County. ) .Supi lior Court Btdore tho Clerh'. Iiiik.-i ( II jri laon, Adrur. of Coll:;' ' M.H.ie. Vi). Minerv.i Td ) ir", t.'t ci-. PurcUHf.t to tho ju-jRni-nt in t'.t diovrf naiut'd pi o :eerl iri(.'i, I v. iii ni'l r.l lJul:ie; AtiLlion, at tha Court il l; ) in Newbern, on oru',-i.y I'm 1 d,;-, oi iJeeenibvr, A D. lM'JO All ihitt. truft of land n;lu it:! ia uaiu Graven cnunly, at nr r.e-ir tlu hen l of olemau'a Croch, fully deecrilcd in eed from Elijih Ellis, Exerutor of Amos Vadp, to Collins Moore, d.itcd Vov 25th, 1881, nnd recorded in Boob No. 81, page 131, of the records of said county, containing 108 acres morn or less. Terms of salo, half cash; balance on credit of six montus. Title reserved until whole of purchase money ia psid. This 1st dav of November. A.D 1SU0. JAMES C. HARRISON, td Adra'r of CollinB Moore. Fine Drug Business For Sale. Oiviusc to ill-health of the proprietcr, an entire STOCK OF DRUGS will be Hold on good terms. About $1,000 worth of noods on hand. Good opportunity. Inquire at JoUKNALoftice for informa tion, novi awtr GUARANTEED CURE FOR CATARRH. ALLAN'S IMPROVED PINE NEEDLE CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Nature's own Remedy for Acute or Chronic Catarrh. Send for full particulars. Address Harrell, Iseley & Co. Greensboro, 3V. C, ' CEHEEAL lii or IV. C, S. C. ana Ala. MANUFACTURED by PINE NEEDLE CIGAR CO. Nature should be assisted in the sorinff to throw off TAKE fl the heaviness of the slu uirish winter circulation of the ,Dlood. xnothins a THS jdoes it so well, so SPRING prompt or so safely ornillU. 1 8wift., gpeciflc. I bave used S. S. 8. for a number of yeais, and consider it tho best tonic and blood remedy that I ever used. In fact 1 would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. H. V. Coleman, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., Dada City, Fla. Our book On Blood and Skin Diseases "nailed free. Swift Sr-Kcrnc Co., Atlanta, Oa. CatarrH MhM KS M j n m a m m i'li'tiiiges the ml lJcjiiKes. I itsys Pala and j j S o:'.;.:u motion, j tho Sorts. i Et-tiorc tb I ifi of Taste j a oil Smell, HAY-FEVER ! '.BY tui: CURE A rartiii Is applied Into enph nostril and Is h'r ei'iiMn. i'rlce 511 cents at Druggist; by . ,1!, r: t 'Hlc red. 60 ets. Kl.Y BKOTUER8, ).j V. u-rn-i Htroet. Now York aprlt'dwly If CitABTTiEK. BASIL MANLY, u) E. SMBTREE & CO ENGINEERS, . - j?;-.- snv's Machinist b . ' nii.' a-Ttursrs rnd I'.calm In : :i J UCiilNISTS' SUPPLIES i mS.Uh. of Single. Doilsrs, . .. .11?, tiilrj-; A Cat-off r-fachines ,0 pre--; ared todo Csatlngs of ail kinds , Ji i-iompliiettH, .at:; e.l .'-r an 1 tmtnMlntc atler.tlcn given n i ; : s ef ail kinds. . 'i'.l b clad to p;'.ve plans and t stlmatoj in :..; ausoi lpt'.ou of luieUtuery. V .: e tho aRents for the sale of the Amer- ,v Als i ford. t A. llarenmln'B eele- : J loiiestruot.llile Mica Valves, v.o ivo satisfactory guarantee fcrallwork lo-irf bv t s. yjs diiaw wiy RUNKENtfESS Liquor Had it- mums womd theme sbitt ome cits e?HM&S GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can hp cri von in coflec. tea, or in articles of food .vohi.nt ilni knowleilce of patient If necessary: t 1-1 ai''iieteiy uariniess ann win enect a perma- " nt l spi'i'iiy cure, wneiner me liaiieni is a Mniikcroran nlculiulinwrorK. l l llt.v j;il 1'AIIS, U upuratrs so quietly anil with uurh ! iMii.ry inai uie iiaiieiu iiiiuereoe! no incon vmei-ii'-i, n'lil snon liin complete reformation is t ll-. cti-ii. 4-i lao uooli I ree. to do uau ot 1 V'ufTy, dr jptiFt, New Berne, N r jyl5 dwy mm mi FntV rins frnm the effects of youthful errors, early lii i .' v. wastinc wealtnoss, lostmanaood, etc., I will : vti l n, valuable treatise (eoaled) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE0' charge- t ; lenili I medical work ; should be read by overy iikiu tvho ia nervous and debilitated. Address,. Prof. Ft C FOWLEB, Bloodus, Conn. I 1 I I I I 9 J I .; uviic 6. N. C. Railroad t TA.3L2 Kb. 22. I 1:30 P.M., Friday, Oct. 17. lbUO. OoiyaEAtsT. Soqedcije. Going West No. 51. Piiasejiger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. p m 3 30 Goldsboro 11 10 am 4 03 4 Oil La Grange 10 22 10 25 4 35 4 40 Einston 9 48 9 53 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 17 8 30 7 33 y m llorehead City am 6 47 Dailv. Going East. Schedule Going West No.l.t No. ?.. Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Mixed Ft. & Stations. Pass. Train. Goldsboro 7 20 p m Best's 6 24 6 34 La Grange 5 54 6 04 am 0 30 6 57 7 05 7 20 7 30 7 43 7 53 811 8 80 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 03 10 31 10 36 U00 1105 11 17 11 41 12 15 3 00 3 37 8 42 3 43 3 00 4 03 4 13 4 37 4 42 4 51 4 55 Falling Creek 5 24 15 30 Kinston 4 25 5 00 Caswell 4 00 4 05 Dover 3 25 8 40 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 Tuscarora 2 24 2 30 Clark's 2 02 2 12 Newbern 10 32 1 80 Riverdale 9 41 9 46 Croatan 9 23 9 83 Havelock 8 59 9 04 Newport 8 17 8 27 Wildwood 8 00 8 06 Atlantio 7 47 7 52 5 01 5 01 5 16 5 21 MoreheadCitr 717 7 27 5 123 5 23 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 7 15 5 31 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday. Thursday an Baturday. IV SUoonneots with Wilmington A Wei lo i Train !-ind North, leaving Goldsboro -1 0 a. in., aud with Richmond & Daavtll .r tlD West, leaving Uoldsboro&iO p. m. Vralu 61 connects with Kicbmond A DsotIHs r-.iin.nrrlTlnc at OoMsbcroJiiS p.m.. and with vVllmlniiton and Wsldon Train from tht Vorth at 8:10 p.m. , - Train 2 oonneots with Wilmington and weiuou inrougn rreigoi Train, fiortn bouuj, leaving uoiastioro at s:6t p. n. S. L. Dill, Superintendent. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. 'H..C." Cures Oonorhosa and Gleet In ltoS Days, wit houtFaln. Prevents Strlcturo. Contains no acrid oi' nolsonous snbstancoa. and Is guaranteed absolutely harmless: 'HAYFEVER G is prescrinpu uy pnysicians anu rccoinendedbvdrnirirfsts. Price ! Sold by druggists, ilewar-e of gub SALE a EXOHACE. -ALWAYS OS FINE AND WELL Selected with Care and from Good Roadsters, Good Draft Horses. Aud those suited for Family Purpots-s First-Class Carriage and Buggy Sepositorv IN CONNECTION PaiatiDg, Repairing, &c., Don Trained and Exrcrif.i oed t liter torn tuM Ij on .uly. J. -W. STEWART, oclt UWlf Collegiate ivi.i: j rs i FALL SESSION : Opens September Ctli, 1C0O. thorough, l'lvACTICAI., COMrUKHENSlVi; EFFICIENT TEACHEBS COURSE OF STUDY. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES fcr the study of ART, VOCAL ar d 1N31RI MENTAL MUSIC. MORAL and Religious ad vantages unBtirp tcfed. EXPENSES Tery low, Boardin,, fr.c.litlo., :,nt. SPECIAL icductments to indite i;t -! ::don'.e. JOHN S. I.ONO, L.I.. IV, r;is: "I.i an in and Progress aro tie) waif.iword) nf t...' New Heruo Collegiate Inst it tilt, ai.il 11 is a;i ornament lo Viietern Nortli ('HiuMek. Bend Foa Catalogue. C. T. MISS MARY L. ALLE. Secretary 3 Oil X u 'Z v "--) i! a 2 X " " uU3 a T3 wZ -i i 1 k 0-5-9 -c . m MS it ..TI ( oLfl 8- S, ?o sg.a 3 " :- d p "E 08J -S C i-e "AS 2 1 9 o " M I. tj biC i 3 J! d h S.f 2 ;;5s -oil u z lm ia p lit Ki-r- ii mS3 oZa us . '--t", n -r, zj-t; i r a b. j u g, CO (DSa roj j s uitc ..sr. o. CO ickens!H0MLa.M rHE for the Works o; Charles Dickens, handsomely printed and finely bound, and with over 130 illustrations. doubtless seems fabulous tc many, but it is one of the recenl happy products of Alden's Lit erary Revolution. The "Boz" Dickens. Dickens. Tlio Works of Charles Dickens. " Doz " Edition In nix vols., .mall Bo, ifooa type, with numeroui illustrations, well printed on fair paper, cloth, $3.00. List of Vols. 130 Illustrations. L Dombey and Son, 4. Mutual Friend, I.lltle Lorrlt, ltpprlntd, Edwin Drood, uiu uunotuiy onop. Hard Times. 2. David Copporfleld, unrisimas Ntories, Tale of Two Cities, Uncommercial Traveler. k Pickwick Papers. Barnaby Rndjce, Sketch! by Bos. j. NicnomsHicKieny, Martin Chusilewit, . Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Bleak House, Pictures from Italy. American Notes. This "Boz" edition of Dick ens is printed from the same plates as Appleton's Popular Library Edition of this same author, their published price being $10.00 a set. The paper used 13 a trifle lighter and a little : cheaper in quality, but both are good. The books may be seen at the office bf this paper,or a specimen Toluutte. retainable, Will be sent '. ..iA?i s..' ..v.'i". UAND- BROKEN EiufiSES. Reliable Be?.!eis Onlv. iiml tlie S..(U!!e. WITH I.'.VKKY. - j in t Wtrkiaanshiu. BERN Institii femali:. 1-1 ! ICIEN'J 1 LACIIEl'H. ADAMS, A. V,., I'linciial. j'ODd.tw tf 0- uz O 0 & 5 III P5 a ft. : C- n " : t) i 13 3 S - n X m .' o ' i- . 3d to 5, . u S si n t-vt : 3- V H iC:i i nn : r; - .': - . -J! 7. i A 0J! HP Q - 'Sums h gv.,. :s - 'i ! C a te The Leading ArjricuMursI Journal of tho South and West, Mado by Farmers for Farmers. - As a record of sn.-cessful agriculture, Home iNu 1;.km hiis m cii;.il. I.vny tojiic relating fo a'-rrii-uUure iso)Tilv iliscu-scd in Hs column! by the farmers tluiiisi-ivis. No expense is spared in securing a full ai-cnunt of every notable suc cess on the farm. It in distinctively the FARMERS' OWN PAPER, A record of their d.i'.y life, presented in a form imd language which make it plain to all. ITS LIST CF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the names of the most progressive farm ers of the South ami West. They do not treat of theoretical farming;, lint of the actual condi tions which confront tw tu-ilav: B. V. Johnson; Waldo R Brown ; Tlcnrv Stewart ; John M.StaH', A. P. Ford ; Jc.T. Wcllwn ; Hush T. Brooks ; Johi' : e C. PMirar; Steele's Hivu ; T. n. Baldwin and? host of others lnaUe this journal indispensable 1 t, korcover, it is equally ' A HOME MAGAZINE. Every subject cf intcrc. t to the home-maker if fully treated. Man' Marsdcn, I.oisCnteSby, Mra Drown, Mrs. larVics-s, Miss Cabell, Miss Mosbv ' Alice Winston and a tcore of others will contrib ute regulai ly. rAlTH LATIKCR Is In charfjc of our Children's DeiMtttnent, an she lias the peculiar faculty ot being DOIB. m . , tcresting ami lnsti -.ielive. THE MYSTEUY CF THE NATI0M .... ' Is a thrilling storv arpearins; in HOMTt .!!. i,.. I.i.. 1! hn.iL .111,1 is pTCilinir rld - ' attention. Short stories by dUlinguished writetv. A appear from time to time. v ' DiLL AHP-S LCTTCRS t ' Appear in each issue, ami this humorous philoso- . . ; phcr was never mure interesting than at thi' - time. , .! . ... . 1 IS ITS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT y Homr and Karm speaks boldly and fearlessly It? I behalf of " Farmers Rights." It favors lrj JI $ :" vision of the tarifTin behalf of the farmer ; better - ' roads for the fanner ; Tree Me.il Delivery to IK '.v farmer ; Co-opernlion nmnm; the farmers, and itt ' , aim is to " Lust Trusts." Us motto is ' : , ' tj " Fair Trade and Faranrs ElsUti." , , , , Bath Rooms A I,.m am T t , t 1 n .1,..! Tl..l : I of wter, hot or ooia. . sd spd ut$ - I rooms. i .- . -- - 'J-' r! A 4 4I3 I -woportloinwlT low, anti"i "'" ," " .'i.V-.i'i'ij!ip,oiBiiiV1iSi'- - ..'v ..:-..-.-';,. t 'fiS ',.'-'tf POwpwaDUCUnW-'-S; ".tad dtf v X'&vB&OWsr -ii ,a . u, P l,S .'3': ' ,';:.!'''W. ::''.i- IV. I" FREEHOLD. N. J. smtiies.ftpinenem,;o.iytn.,wAi.n