71 A MANUFACTURERS OP TAKE MQTIOE! E A Send us a list of your Pine, Ash and Poplar, Or write to XjElxtlId db Bell, ONE BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK, and we will tell you what dimensions to cut, and quote you net cash prices for same, n92m Ew3 E ALDEN'S Manifold Cyclopedia A Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge, and Unabridged Dictionary of Language in one, 40 handy vols., large type, over 4,000 illustrations. Cloth binding, per vol., Oc, per set 0)24.00. Half Morocco, per roL, 85c., per Bet, SS34.0O. Vol. 18 Now Ready The volumes thus far issued will answer more questions In the practical evcry-day life of the average reader, than all the txdumea of any complete cyclopedia in the market. Test them and see! A sped men volume may be ordered and returned If cot wanted. O (X 1 Q 00 cash with order before Nov. 1, wtl) 3 1 O secure the full set of A( Oo fa doth blndlne. orMB.OO"'-' VUiOi the Bam bound in half Morocco, nil sent pre; those now ready at once, remainder as isssut "The price is very low, the form ex ceedingly handy for a work of ref erenco, and th editing skillful and comprehensive." Literarf World, Boston. i " The literary skill ami judicious editor ship which have characterized tlio undertaking Irom the outset have been in no degree relaxed.' Sun, New York. " It Is an unabridged dictionary and a storehouse of information on almost every con ceivable topic. The more we see of the work the more we are pleased." Edumtionul Monthly, Akron, O. ( " The convenient form, Hie excellence of binding, paper. Illustrations, and the skillful arrangement of articles make this a handy cyclo. dia, which will be used ten limes where the it 'Brltanniea' would be consulted once. The: Jlusurations are really helpful, and are very num arous. No matter what other cyclopedias a writer pay have, 'Alden's Manifold ' should be upon hid (hives " Tlie Writer, Boston. " It is a remarkably well made book for Die price The peculiar shape makes the booh Ttmim v easv to read, which is a most valuable thing to the student. The clean cut, heavy faced Spe USftu lor lines IS a g(KMl leaiure uuu umu;i ij ly lightens the task of the investigator. Til accented syllable of every difflcultword is plainly I larked and the pronunciation, when it offers any ifficultiea, is set forth phonetically. In a word, Hits popular work is most carefully edited and neatly and accurately manufactured. American Bookmaker, New vork. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, NEW YOEK, 393 Fearl Bt., V. 0. Box 1227. Chlcairo.lM2 Wabash Ave. ; Atlanta. 78 WliltehallS ROOFING. GCM-KLAflTIO HOOFINO FEl.t costs oulv Sa.00 prr 100 fauire feet. Miki-s a good roof for ytars, add anyone can puti- on. Send stamp lor eaniplB i'uu ruii pari tlcuUrs. Odm Elastic Itooi ino Co., S8 i 11 West Biwadw ay, New Vohk Loeal Agents Wanted. epU dlt wilt The Real Secret of me unparalleled succca of The Chicaoo Daily News may be found in two distinguishing characteristics, which more than anything else have con tributed to its remarkable growth. FlRST : is a Daily Paper for Busv People. The people of the busy West appreciate keen ly the necessity of an intelligent knowledge of the world's daily doings, but they are too busy to waste valuable time in searching through a cumbrous " blanket -sheet " news paper for the real news of art, literature, Science, religion, politics, and the thcusand- . and-one things which make up modern civ ilization. They want news ail the news put they don't want it concealed in an over powering mass of the trivial and inconjequcn- , tial.6 It is because The Chicago Daily Nkw is "all wheat and no chaff," that its circulation is over " a million a weet."t SECOND tft is an Independent, Truth-telling Newspaper. The people demand a fair, im partial, independent nawspaper.which gives all the news, and gives it bee from the taint - of partisan bits. VVith no mere political am bition to gratify, no " ax to grind," the im partial, independent newspaper may truly be guide, philosopher and friend " to honest . menof every shadeof political faith; andthis is why Thx CmcAdb Daily News has to i dar a circulation of over "a million a week." Tkx Chicago Daily News now adds to thes two comprehensive elements of popu ' laxity, a third, m its unparalleled reduction , of price to ONE CENT A DAY. J is always large enoughf never tot largi. Tin Chicago Daily News is for sale by . all newsdealers at On Cent pa copy, or will be mailed, postage paid, for $3.00 per year, or tj cents per month. The farmer , and inedianic can now afford, as well as the snerchanr and professional man, to have hit ' metropolitan daily. ' - Adartss VICTOR P. LAWSON, rvbllihtr The Daily Newe," Cbicage, Stock on hand of la Notice. Htateof Nokth Carolina l Superior Court county of Craven. ) Clerk s Office. Take Notice, That I have this day Issusd letters declaring Xopher H. folsom, Charles K. Uoodwin am B. (J. Hamilton, Jr., and thtir successors to be a corporation for the purpose ana accoraing to too terms pre scribed in Articles of ALreement. filed and recorded in said office The substance ol said Agreement is that said parties desire to Decoiuo incorporated under the name of the Btlmson Lumber company; the principal office and place of busmen shall be New Berne, Craven county, North laro- iina, ana its ousiness snail oe that of manu faciurlng, buying and selling lumber, buy ing and selling timber lands, anvwhere It the btate of North Carolina, buying, holding and selling real (state In the State of North Carolina, Dullding and operating woodwork lug factories, etc. The duration of the corporation shall be winy years. The amount of the capital stock shall be Oue Hundred Tuousaud Dollars, divided Into one ihoutaiid shares ol the pir value ol one hundred dollars each. The stockholder of this corporation shall not he Individually liable for its dehti Witness my baud and official seal at ofBoe in ow Berne, this 20tn day of October, I6W, oc22 d Clerk Sup. Court. "Hello! Tom. Glad to see you, old fellow 1 It's almost ten years since we were married. Sit down: let's have an experience meeting. How'a thewtfs?" - '0h 1 she's so-so, same is nsual, always want ing something I can't afford." " Well, we all want something more than we've got. Don't you t" " Yes : but I mess ' want will be my master.' I Started to keep down expenses ; and now Lil says I'm 'mean,' and she's tired of saving and never having anything to show for it. I saw your wife down street, and she looked as happy as a queen I " " I think she is ; and we are economical, too, have to be. My wife can make a little go further than anyone I ever knew, yet she's always sur prising ma with some dainty contrivance that adds to the comfort and beauty of oar little home, and she's always ' merry as a lark.' When I ask how she manages It, she always langhs and says: ' Oh I that's my secret 1 ' But I think I've dis covered her ' secret.' When we married, we both knew we should have to be very caref nl, but she made one condition : she would have her Magazine. And she was right I I wouldn't do wlthoutlt my. self for double the subscription price. W read it together, from the title-page to the last word : the stories keep our hearts young ; the synopsis of important events and scientific matters keeps me posted so that I can talk understanding ot what Is going on : my wife Is always trying some new idea from the household department ; she makes all her dresses and those for the children, and she gets sll her patterns for nothing, with the Magazine ; and we saved Joe when he was so sick with the croup, by doing just as directed in the Sanitarian Department But I can't tell yon half 1" " What wonderful Magazine is it ? " .r ' Demorest's Familv Magazine, and" "What I Why that's what Lil wanted SO bad, and I told her it was an extravagance." 'Well, my friend, that's whe J friend, that's where yon mads a e, and one yon'd better rectify as prand mistal eoon as yon can. I'll take your 'sub.' right here. on my wife's account: she's bound tohavtachina tea-set In time for onr tin wedding next month. My gold watch was the premium I got for getting up a club. Here's a copy, with the new Premium List for clnbs, the biggest thing oat! If yoa don't see in it what you want, you've only to write to the publisher and tell him what you want, whether it is a tack-hammer or a new carriage, and he will make special terms for you, either for a club, or for part rash.- Better subscribe right off and surprise Mrs. Tom. Only $2.00 a year will save fifty times that in six months. Or send 10 cents direct to the publisher, W. Jennings Demorett, 15 East 14th Street, New York, for a specimen copy containing the Premium List." -. rea SCOTT ! rrw Ail complete novels of the rrcat RW "Vilfnr Sft tl,o 1V41U JU f e,AlslsA. w017tU. V 11 J wzr. of the North," peerless ii'.noiig romancers, all for $3.00, iiviy seem incredible, lut it is one of the latest achievements if AUen's Literary devolution Vaverley Novels. Si'dt. The AVnvorley Novels, bySirWalter sro:t, l cob i'.oy Edition, complete in 0 volumes, -man oi:,avo,wiui 4U illustrations, ci., price W!f. lAnt of V0I3.-49 Illustrations. 1. 1 T .-t of Midlothian V-.iv. IMwrt of furls, fni- Maid of reith, !V'.(l-.t;x-i. !. Fortunesrf N Ana t of (kM-i-sU'in, M.Miiin Diinvu'il, luriwi's Daughter.' ' f-,.-ead f Moutrojip, 1' T.il: -.iiinn, Auxiliary, I lane; let, 'l. ili'MHll H VVfll. 4. The Abbot, Bride of LammermoOr, The Betrothed, l'everil of the Peak, . Rob Hoy, Old Mortality, TI10 Monastery, The I'irate, The Black Dwarf. n. Waverley, fluy Mannering, Kenil worth, lvanhoe. This '! Rob Roy Edition " of "vuit's AVuverley Novels is nearly identical with the " Pop 'i!ar Library Edition " of the -tarn author published by Appleton at $10.00 fortho set, :lie paper being only n little Mghter in weight and a little hcaper in nualitv, but both cry satisfactory. The books may be seen at the iKe of this naner.or a specimen . o 1 ' i : ne, retu Aable, will be sent THE JOURNAL. Arrival and Departure Pails - watt, nrmca. " ." o r Horth, Watt and Botuk, rli ! H.aK.S.at8.-00a.H. For Bawfort aa4, the East, si Fof Waahinfton,Swift Creek, Hyde and o"wi vowuea, a any at wu a. mi Tot Trenton, Pollaksrille and Mar rill,lailya.T:Ma.m. For Qranteboro, Bayboroaal Van- detnere, dallr at I a. m. -Office open oonatantly between these koonexeeptwhea mailt arejbeins die- OVROX HOTTRfl: la Meaer Order and KAariatftrad Let ter ueparaeM.xrom i a.m. to p. m. in Malllm Department from Ham to a p. m. , ana irom tjw to o am. Me. Pie Nell's manifesto, which has jost made its appear anoe, is a document of great length. In it the Irish leader boldly defies his enemies, and appeals to the people of Ireland to sustain him in no half hearted way in the great emergency which confronts them and him. The Postmaster-General in his report urges the adoption of Postal Telegraph, and recommends the establishing of postal saving banks in the States having no laws re gulating saving banks, and io other states upon petition of a considerable number of residents of any one locality. With those sharp-sighted politicians who think they discern a split in the D mooratio party of the South through tbe Farmers' Alliance the wish is father to the thought. Democracy is stronger in the hearts of the Southern people tban could be any experimental organi cation that mignt aorinK up among them. fhii. Keoord, Dem. The pension steal threatens to bank rupt the country. The Herald's Wash ington c rrespondent says tbe de ficiency of the pension account will be S49.000.000. This means $150,000,000 tbis year for pensions. The amount appropriated was $101 000,000 The end of the fiscal year will see the gov ernment without a dollar to pay cur rent expenses with. What It Does. Hood 'a Sarsaparilla 1. Purifies the blood. 2. Creates an appetite. 3. Strengthens the nerves. 4. Makes the weak strong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. 6. Cures sorofala, salt rheum, etc. 7. Iovigorates the kidneys and liver. 8 Relieves headache, indigestion dyspepsia. 5 Tbe Pullman Company are tbe largest builders of railroad cars in the United States. They have two factories one at Chicaeo and tbe other at Detroit. The next largest railroad car manufacturers are the Missouri Car and Foundry Com' pany, whose works aro at St Louis. ADV1CK TO MOTIIEKS. Mrs. Wikslow's Soothing Strut should always be used for children teethiue. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhcea. Twenty five cents a bottle, jaly Long haired children are not as ubiquitous as formerly. Tangled curls and crimped tresses have come to be regarded among the luxuries and vanities that hamper comfort and convenience. TUB DEAF HEAR. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may become temporarily deaf on . ac count of blood poison settling in the ear, and then find quick relief by using u. o. u.iBotanio uiocd Balm.) John W. Weeks. Decatur. Ga. writes "Six months ago I had a pain in my ear and ia a few days ft discharged matter. Then I grew deaf and could not hear at all. I began the use of B. B. B. and the running of my ear soon ceased and J now bear, while my health is muoh im proved and I feel full of gratitude to Uod and to the proprietors of so good remedy." S. M. Ellis, Atlanta, Ga , writes: "B. B. B. cured me of most etubborn ec zema. I bad doctored it without success for twelve years. 'f W. H. Davis, San Marcos, Texas, writes: "I am rapidly recovering from blood poison by nse of B. B. B." Business Failures. New York, November 28. B. O. Dunn & Co. say the business failures for the week number 211, against 210 for the corresponding week last year. SRTJP OF FIGS, Produced from the laxative and nutri tions Juice of California figs, combined with the medioal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently On the kid neys, liver and. bowels, effeotually oleansingthe system, dispelling oolds and headaches, and' curing habitual constipation. The Guilford county Alliance last Friday agreed to erect a $10 000 tobacco warehouse. Waan Baby was atck, ws gave hr Castoria. Whea she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Kiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had caaidrea, she gave thamCestorla, lOTllWQ SUCCEEDS . USE SUCOESS. The reason R ADAM'S M3CE0BE KILLED is the most wonderfnl 'medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the sim pltst disease known to the human system. The scientific men cf today claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICKOBES, AND Radam's Microbe Killer Exterminate the Microbes and drives them out of th 'system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination ot diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. Asthma. Consumption, C;itan h. Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kd ney arid Liver liscac. Chillis and Fever. Female Trouble in all its forms, uuri, in f.ict, every Disease kiwwn to the llam :n Fystem Bewire of Fraudnlent Imititions ! See that our tr ads-Mark (Ranie as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "llistory of tLe Microbe Killer,'' given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Coiner Poll.ick and UidtlUe Sis., nioO dwly enrw Ni-w linu-, N. Largest Stock cf GEOCEIill.S on Land, Bold at Kortliern Price?. Agency Bread for H'-.rsford Preparation, Old Virginia Clicroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co WHOLESALE GROOEK, MIDDLE STRf ET, NSW IM K.NK. C. WHAT I WANT IN MY WEEKLY PAPER I XV A NT f A reliable paper thut I enn . buMy tu L.- Ii-.t ruuiil I WANT a. paper which represents II! Ii M I, . . Au.l :-u.' ..! ITtll 'll.lei I WANT Tbe lateit Home Nw, Th latest F ri-ljn Nf.n, Tea tt i i I WANT Reliable Market Report., Reliable quotations of l-"-irui I'pi : Llrs Stock Market,. He ..in-ia; I WANT Beasibl and wmaonable I'.illtort. la Oa PuliUcal, Sm'lul, iu I 11. , 'lll.V.l X; iu! .1 i I wast The oreara of the beat KdltorlfiW InNew YorlcundottierOoHy nn.l ivim: v To let me know wU:it ILcv th:k : i..r.:.o.-.-I WAST flood, reliable Farm and Ocntcn Arti -u-x . . Wrlttcu by IT.i. tu-cl Met! I WANT To know something of the Home Life of Tbe American penple, tui'l ..f t:eir Lite, tboughtB, ouJ oxuLii'.iio.-s t WANT neaaast moral itoriel fortlieToiinf; ivnr.li, Tbattbe children mny look for t.,e pap.v A tiiey do for a (rloii.1. I WAWT Btorles at Intereit for ni Kldern, for we, too, Ulte our hours of leisure THIS IS WHAT I DON'T WANT: I DON'T WANT Lobs; padded News Articles t Tbe padding doesn't add to the value. Ana I karen't time to red tUrm. I DON'T WANT Ilerot, one-sided Editorials, Written bj special pleaders. Who can see nothing rood la an side but their own. NOW, WHAT PAPER WILL FILL THE BILL? Wl AKSWERl THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WITNESS ITIBT TIME. tTOJTLY $1 A YEAH. 2 The Wlissss Si tost She paper for Farmers, Farm Its' Wives, Farmers' Sons, Farmers' Daughters, Conn ft Merohaats, Oonntry Store-keepers, BUtcksmttliH. Darpenten, Builders, Stone slasons. and all other laborers, whe form the backbone of our Country nn.l Ssf bsjine WnUk tkorou'll, I0 111 wuat u wins The WITNESS aflera ene of the most vain -Ihle pranln lists at any paper In America. Iverr article naraateed and nwajr below letatl prices. Bend for a free copy. Saniple soples sent free to any address. c Address JOES D0UOALL & CO., ISO Rasaaa St., New Verb, GUARANTEED CURE FOR CATARRH! ALLAN'S IMPROVED PINE NEEDLE CIGARS AJTD CIGARETTES Nature's own Kemedy for Acute or Chronic Catarrh. Send for full particulars. ATDBKBS r ?. Harrell, Iseley & Co. 'i Oroenlro, N. C, For K. 8. O. and Ala. it. ? MAHTJFACTUnED BT PINE NEEDLE CIGAR CO. BOOKS! STANDARD WOMS! How to Get Them Below Cost. Having completed arrangements with one of the largest Publishing Houses iu New York, we are now enabled to furnish Standard and Popular Books at prices that are Low as the Lowest. Is Your Library Complete? If not, visit tbe Journal office and examine our collection and learn lerms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as you will fine mentioned in the list below. We haudle them iu two editions, the "Ked Line" and the "Franklin." ed Line Your choice from this edition on payment of $5.25 for one year's subscription to TnE DAHjjjf JOURNAL, qr 11.75 for THE WEEKLY JOVEFAL. If sent by mail, 10 cents extra will be required: Iryanr, Hums, lSjron, drowning, Mrs. Uunjan, Dante, Elliott, FuniouB PocmH, Favorite PoomH. Go!Jmith, Uocthe, lit iuc, Hugo, Homer's Illiad, Irish Humorous -Poem8, The above are full gilt and look in all rupee's. 'C.'C Franklin (Edition: Cloth binding, gilt back, and most of them g ood, large, clear print. Ton choice given by paying $1.50 for one year's subscription to THE WEEKLY Journal, or $3.00 for The Daily Journal. 10 cents extra if sent by mail. Andersen's Fairy Tales. American In Iceland. iEsop's Fables. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Bryant's Poctioal Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Children of the Abbey. Dickens' Child's History of England. Emerson's Essays. Famous Poems. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Gulliver's Travels. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Uypatia. Half Hour with the Poots, Hoyle's Games. Ingoldsby Legends. ' John Halifax, Gentleman. Kingsley's Sermons. EOOES! Edition: Jean Ingolow, Keble. Kingsit'y, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, Scott, Scottish Humorous Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. handsomely embellished.? A beautifu Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poe'a Tales. Poo's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Eob Boy. Robinson Cniboe. Scottish Chiefs. : Swiss Family Eobinsdn. Sidereal Heavens. -' iSketohBook. - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under tha , Sea. , Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thomson's Poetical Works, - " Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. -Tom Brown's Sohool Days at Eugby. Vicar of Wakefield. Wesley's Poems. JL aVfrl '-ft A) "stjiaid for DO cents. ' FREEHOLD, N. J, a- w(4

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