1 - r NAL VOL. IX.--NO. 219. NEW BEKNE. N. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. Tins .Daily our 4, X .jr.. - BUSINESS LOCALS. SMALL HAMS, five to fight pounds, just received. Codfish, Corned Bif , Breakfast Bacon, etc C. E. Blovbb. I7INB SiUPPERNONG WINE for -A the Christmas Holiday! for sale at $1.00 per gallon by W. E. Brown. Vancsboro. Partis-" wanting will de liver order and r.aksges to Captain Ipock of the stoHtner Vinceboro, which will be returned on to it. 13 lw W. E. Brow. Vancaboro. JF. IVE3, Armour's Agent for . Dressed Meats. Sausage, Pork, Dressed Fowls, Coined Beef, Condeneed Mince Meat, in cold storage. '"VTEW GOODS just received at -LN Churchill & Parker's, such as Mince Meat, R.isina, -Currants, Prunes. Citron, Dried Apples, Spices of all kinds, Bologna Saus ige und Northern fiiusaies. Tripe, etc.. Moaroci and Cheese, Chocolates and GjI itinos. All of the above are new aud fresh; in fact w guarantee all our goo is and prices. Just come in onoo ah J ft e u bit we can do; all we ask is one tri ,1. Very reap. Churchill & Pakkeu, Broad st. ROBERTS & BRO. are receiving their fall stock Ho or.i and Shoes, Dry Goodj, Grocmits :uj Provisions. They buy at beadqu mer and can (five you Low Prices. u26 paE TAYLOR ADJC iTABE SHOE JL for ladies New a:i - marvelous in vention. See simple N. Ahpn, jl8 tf Opposite Journal Office. LD PAPER! for s.ila iu any qu&n V tities at Journal offl The House bill authorizing the rebate on tobacco has passed the Senate and goes to the President. "Ex Governor Lee has given to Hoar, Suerman & Co. tber name of "Ghost Dwcers,v ami it tits the ttubject well." The Census Bureau reports the population of the c.-uatrs ;is G3. 000.000, an increase oi K'. OJO.OUO, for the decade. The Department uf Agriculture reports the average farm value ol the cotton crop at 8.G cent: North Carolina's average ia 8.7. WestehN Senators are demand ing consideration of the Financial bill, and the Election bill will proberlv be laid aside for this purpose. "Wilmingtonians should in vest their capital in Wilmington and not in other towns or States." Trne as gospel, and the remark applies to other cities with equal force. A News. & Observer Wash ington special of Dec. 10th., says "The House committee on rivers and harbors today formally decided not to prepare the river and harbor appropriation bill duriug this ses eion of Congress." The Mayor of Cork, after hear ing of the secession of the McCar thy party, sent the following .dispatch to John O'Connor: "Ire land won't allow Eagland to select her leader. This right belongs to Ireland. The Irish won't stand Gladstone's distation." . '- The South is a conservator both ., in finances and politics. Its ma terial development will be to the ... advantage of the whole country t" and the 'battle, it is righting on t ": - behalf of free elections, if success-,- - fnl, will be of enduring benefit to 'rr'the people of all sections. Rich- , tnond Dispatch. THE Wilmington Star says: It is said that Senator Quay is dead against the Force bill and is active ly exerting himself for its defeat. This 'shows that while Mr. Quay may be very crooked in some -things he can be quite straight in others. He will, unless they decide 'to shelve It, offer a compromise substitute. ' -' Gbqver Cleveland, in speak- ."--j ing of the. late' election said: I am ' .convinced that oar dnty to those -. who 'have trusted, ns consists in pushing on continually and vigor : ously the principles in theadvo- ' , eaoy of which we have triumphed, and thns' snnerseding all that is Ignoble and unworthy. Io this way we shall place our - party on solid ground and; confirm the-people In -; the hope that we strive for their ' welfare, and, following this course, we mail ; aeserve una acmyve we uwi)Mwu9 ,; -auu., v-r 1 The newspaper, United Ireland, published in Dublin, was yesterday seized by Parnell, the principal owner, and its edition destroyed, on account ot its persistent advo cacy of the retirement of Parnell; the editor was ejected from the office after an ineffectual resis tance; a desperate row occurred between the kherUTs officers and the sab editors, but the latter were subsequently put out of the build ing; Parnell later addressed the staff, the members of which promis ed to serve him duriDg the remain der of the crisis. There is a deplorable account of the massacre of Christians in China. The Lon Sos Society, after several days ol festivity, consulted their gods as to whether it was right to plunder the Christians, and a favorable reply being given, the heathen fell aboard of the Christians at the Mission House at Loug Tuy Tain, and massacred twenty persons. The Mission House and other structures were burnt, and the corpses thrown Into the river. Much trouble has en suod. News & Observer. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. E. Slover Small hams, etc. Cotton. New Berne mirket Sales of 96 biles at 7 to 8 10. Mr. Wm. Ellis had the goo! fortune yesterday to kill a large deer about six miles from town with a load of bird shot. He also got a fino string of partridges. Wade Hampton has been defeated aid Mr. J. L. M, Irby, the Tilmanie candidate, elected to the U. S. SenAte from South Carolina. The vote stood on the last ballot: Irby, 105; Hampton, 43; Donaldson, 10. A number of railroads in the State have made special holiday rates of travel. This is right and proper, and is to be commended in every corporation It offers opportunities to many who find no other time for taking recreation from their places of business and confine ment, and also to many who soarcely feel able to meet the present rate of travel. Yesterday was clearly indicative of the revival of the busy stir of the holi day trade. The good season this fall will no doubt induce much heavier purchases than for many years, and we have no hesitation in stating that our merchants are as well prepared with variety and quality of goods, and as low, if not lower prioes, than any where in the State. The assertion is made, belieying it to be true in every sense of the word. The Cotton and Grain Exchange held a special meeting last night to appoint a delegate to the Inter-State Immigra tion Convention at Asheville. Mr Jonathan Havens was appointed and is going to attend. Mr. Havene' appoint ment is a very fitting one. He is the author of a book on Eastern North Caro lina and is well posted on the resources and history of this section. Previous to this time Mr. Jas. A. Bryan and Dr, John S. Long were appointed on the part of the State, and Mr. Wm. Dunn and Capt. S. H. Gray on the part of the oounty. The convention meets next Thursday. We hope every one of the gentlemen who have received appoint ment will bs there. If they are New Berne will have a good representation. Church Notice. Hancook Street Methodist Church- Sunday, Dec- 11; services at 11 a. m and 7:15 p. m., conducted by Rev Edward Bull. Morning subjeot: "The Future -Glory." Subject at night "The Translation of the Kingdom.'' Prayermeeting at 9:15 a. m. Sunday sohvool at 8 p. m W. B, Barrington, superintendent. The public are invited to these services and will receive oordial welcome. Personal. Mr. Ferdinand Hahu and his sister, Mrs. L. Salinger, who have been visit iug their father, Mr. If. Hahn, returned home yesterday on the steamer New1 berne of the 0. D. line. ; Mr, Chat. Dulin, who has been studying telegraphy at the office in this oity, left on the same steamer to take a position as assistant train dispatcher in the offloe of the Seaboard and Rcanoke railroad at Portsmouth, Va. - . w Mr. L, H. Cutler returned home cn the steamer Neuse of the E 0. D. line front a trip to Norfolk. TklMriir-ri PSfeliAiJa "'l. Wreck on the North Carolina Coast. Capt J. W. Etheridge, Superintend ent of the Life Saving Service for this, the 6th distriot, furnishes us the fol lowing information in regard to the wreck of the New York sail vessel, Mollie J. Saunders, Capt. David. She was bound north loaded with phosphate rock from South Carolina, and while off Charleston during the heavy north west gale that prevailed last Monday, she sprung a leak that grew worse and finally got beyond control though the pumps were worked incessantly. Wednesday night the sinking con dition of the vessel rendered it so dan gerous to longer remain aboard cf her that the yawl beat wls lowered uni entered by the crow of tea men, who however remained by the tcboor.tr un til seven o'clock Thursday morning, nt which hour the crew cf thu Oregon Inlet Life Saving Siaiion, iu eh-ue if Keeper L. J. Payne, went cut to ihem and assisted them ashore Tlio Captain hoped that by telee,r.'.'hmf; t i lij" Jler ritt Wrfckmg Company of Norfolk and procuring a tug; that bid vessel miht bj saved, but t-Lo v.eiit down in trie o'clock t hursduy in V) i( ; cf wa'i r, bdtwetn New an! Oregon l::!tts, ID miles outh of jNiig'rt IL:r1 and -1 niib at sea from Dodio'ti Island, :x-A is a total loea. The Pes IiUnd Lifc Station crow nleo went cut early in tho morning and they remained with tl.o vcel until 10 o'clook, and then seeing th-.t hor caio was hopeless abandoned her to her fat: Christmas Bazarr and Doll Sho.v. Remember the annual CliriHci'i? Bazarr next Tuesday niirht by the. adici of the Presbyterian church, and the doll show in connection witti it by the Lidies Auxilary for lb- b:u :i: ol the Youn:, Men's Chiutian Aeaoi i ilion They will be held in tho han.Iaoiao hn commodious Y. 11. C. A. rooms. It will be an enjoyment to iouk around at the lovely articleti that wili ) . for sale. There will bu esquit itir ancy work of all kindd from that which is expensive down to that which is within the reach of every ono. The Japanese department will a wi.11 supplied with Japaneso work of every deecription. Tea and chocolatn will also bo served in this dopiuioK-Lt, and witb eacn cup or eitner bevorag!) iho cup and saucer will be given away. One of the novel features will bo an orange tree in full fruit, tho choicest of which may be plucked by tlioaa who pay for the privilege The ladies will be f!ad to havo the young men and ail others tai;o supper at the bazarr. There will bo an abund ant supply of delicious refreshments which will be served from the oirly hour of six o clock until tho close so as to give everyone who choosec, a chanco to do so. The refreshments will consist of hot oystars, turkey, chiekon-Balad tea, chocolate, icee, creams und best cake served in the latest tty!e. There will be no chirgo for tho stylo, and no danger of the supply cf oysters becoiu ing exhausted, Come out, old folks, young folks, married and single, boja and girls everybody come. Come early and see all thore is displayed and supply your self for Christmas with jour choice of all the nioe and beautiful things that will be there. A Cowardly Act. It was found by examination yester day that the trouble at tho electric light works the night before was not caused by anv defect in the pump as was at first supposed, but was owing to the fact that the motion pipe which leads to the river had been tampered with by some one. The globe valve had been taken off, the pipe filled with rags and the valve replaced . It is plain that the act was done maliciously to annoy and injure the company. The trick was also fraught with peril, as tho scarcity of water might havo caused an explo sion of the boiler. It is to be hoped that the miscreant will bo discovered and severely punished. The peniten tiary or any other penalty that tho law provides or such conduct would be too mild for him. A cowardly underhand ed attaok like this, endangering the lives and property of others, is the worst speoies of deviltry, and if the viie wretch is caught the sentiment of the community ought not to permit him to remain in our midst after the law gets through with him. There is noexousefor him even if he did not realise what disastrous consequences might have resulted. He knew that he was wantonly and sneakmgly dama ging others in a way that is not justifi able under any oircumstances. A Strike for Wages. Annistos, Ala., Deo. 11. All the employees of the United States Rolling Stook Company in this city struck yesterday. About one thousand men are out. The oompany has not paid any of the employees lor four weeks, and could give them no satisfaction as to pay. -.A publio meet when they could pay. Apublio meet Connection of Southern Sieamship and Railroad Lines. A meeting of the officers of Southern steamship and railroad lines was held on the 8,h inst. in Baltimore at the office) of the York River Steamship Company on Light street, to settle dif ferences and misunderstandings that have arisen between these rival corpo rations concerning trafflo arrangements with Southern connections. The conference lasted several hours, and was participated in by Wm. H. Stanford and W. L. Guillaudcau.of the Old Dominion Steamship Company; F. U. Emerson, of the Atlantio Coaet Line: E. F. Warner, of the Wilmington Steamship Company; W. K. King, of the Norfolk Snnthnrn RilrnaH- W P. Chadwick and S. L. Dill, of th At lantic & North Carolina Railroad, and J. W. MoCarrick, S. H. Gray and Reuben Foster, of the Clyde line. At a meeting of the same interests a few weeks ago a schedule of rates wad agreed upon.butthenaatterof inter changing business between Eisfcrn and Southern points, though discussed atthtt time, remained unsettled. T.Sii has boiii a vexed question between these cumpctitjjj lints uad has caused several ;neetir.s to be held uf late. At the last one, of which wo are speaking, a siti-factory arrangement as matters now stand was eetablished for th? present, all the companies represented entering into the agreoment and connecting with the A. & N. C. R. R. at the rates estab lished by the E. C. D. line. There is to bu another meeting held in Baltimore at an oarly date to arrange further de- Uild as to permanent rates and di visions. A Komautic Marriazc at Greensboro in tho McAdoo Hotel Parlor. Particulars were received here yes terday of tho marriage of Mr. Herbert L. Noma at Greensboro, which turns ut to havo been a delightfully roman tio affair. The young lady, whose name could not bo obtained when the firat mention of the affair was made yesterday morn ing was Jiiss tmnia ((urns, of Pitts boro, one of North Carolina's rarest and most accomplished beauties. Ihrt affair was quite romantia and i euririio to all ponies interested exoep the happy couple themselves. A few days ago Mr. Norria went to Ptttsboro prtteumably on business and also had hit buggy and splendid pair of horses went there. Un the morning of the mar rnga ha called for Miss Burns in his buggy, and they started oil together for a drive. As the hours wore on and they did not return, suspicions began t3 be aroused, and finally when the evening darkened into night the con viction began to steal upon those who were posted about the affair that Miss Burns had deoided to becomo Mrs Norris. Sure enough the next news that was hoard told the story, and it was to the effeot that the young people had driven to Siler, on the C. k . & Y. V. railroad about fiteen miles distant, where they took the 3 o'clock p.m. train, and ar riving in Greensboro the same evening were married in the parlor of the Mo Adoo House. They took the night train for New York city, and will spend some time at the Grand Central Hotel. Miss Burns is well known in Raleigh and has many friends here. She is a young lady of exceptional beauty and vivacity, and charms every one with whom she is thrown. Mr. Norris is well known as one of the most solid and prosperous young men of Wake county. He is a prominent young at torney and also operates extensive farming interests in this oounty. Con gratulations from all sides are showered upon the happy pair. News and Ob server. Tragedy in France. Pakis, Deo. 11. A terrible tragedy was enacted today at Clermont-Ferrand. A wedding procession was on its way from the church where the ceremony had been performed, when suddenly two shots were heard in quick succession, and before the startled guests could realize what had hap pened both bride and bridegroom fell lifeless to the ground. The assaesin escaped undetected, but it is supposed that the awiui act was committed by a rival suitor of the bride- J. F. Young Not Guilty. May's Landing, N. J.. Dec. 11. The jury in the case of John F. Young, of Philadelphia, on trial for the murder of his wife in the hotel at Atlantio City, by snooting her on the discovery of what he believed to be convincing evi dence of her unfaithfulness, returned verdict of not guilty at 11:30 this morning. The jury had been out sinoe 4 o'olock yesterday afternoon. MARRIED, Mr. J. A. Fridgen and Miss Amelia Hardee were married at the residence of the bride s mother, Mrs. S. E. Har dee, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clook. Rev. J. B. Harrell officiating. The ceremonv was performed in the presence of a few friends only. A supper was given the attendants at the residenee of the groom at a later hour or the same evening. Mr. R. B. Dunn and Miss Carrie Isler were married at the residence of the bride's mother, in Jones oonntr. Wed nesdsy evening week at 8 o'olock, Rev. Simeon lsierror uoidsboro, offlciatinir The waiters were: Mr. Paul Hodces and Miss Florence Wooten, Mr. W. R. Miller and Miss Nannie Isler, Mr. Robert Wooten and Miss Budie Dawson, Mr, Clyde Dunn and Miss Carrie Mav Cox, - "UB,""wrPyatne weoamg mu ousie Hunter piayea the wedding SHIPPING NEWfc. ARRIVED, Steamer Nettie W., from Kineton and Neuse river landings with heavy cargo cotton and naval stores. Schooner Mattie E. Hiles, Capt. David Ireland, from West Indiej. Schooner Henrietta Hill, Capt. Joe, Smith. Schooner Robert J MoAllister, Capt. Jos. Morris. IN POET. Schooner Tillie G. Cruse, Capt Gandy. Schooner AJdio Henry, Capt. Wm. Hill. CLEARED. Steamer Neuse, of the E. C. D. line, with full cargo cotton, lumber, naval tores, and other exports, and passen gers. NOTES. Steamer Neuss. of the E, C. D. line, will arrive tomorrow, Steamer Nettie W. sails for Kinslbn his morning at daybreak. Hugh J. Lovic!.'. Treasurer, iu Account with City of .New Berne. For Month of Novemheu, 1890 Du. To balance S8j7 S8 Nov. 10. loc h f m tax collector 166 85 17. 503 49 421.50 425.49 40.55 21. Dec. 1. 2. city marshal 82.215.76 Cr. C. A. Battle aa u H. J. Lovick ir, fl7 M. Harget 25.00 E. Gaskill 80.00 M. T. Roberts 80.00 K. Land an .00 J. L. Willis 25 00 John C. Green 25 00 W. R. Waters 25.00 David Stalling 20 00 Robt. W. Williams 20.00 Atlantic Eng. Co 10 00 New Berno Journal 5 00 Jane Hargrove 75 h. E. Disosway 22 50 New Berne Gas Light Co 50 40 New Bcrno Journal 50 S. W. & E. W. Smallwood 61.10 James Manwell ' 21.00 Atlantic Eng. Co 24 00 J. McDaniel 3 30 Sam. Cook & Son 2.00 J. M. Hargot 3 53 V.S.Richardson 14 00 Paul Williams 3 10 S. H. Lane 65 New Berne Eng. Co 10.00 " " 2.25 H. J. Lovick (orders paid) 129.00 Paul Williams 11.25 W. E Snellings 12.12 H. J. Lovick 100 00 By balance 1,449.30 S2.215.76 '"'(Orders paid) is wages advanced weekly to street bands, pump inspector and engine drivers. Hugh J. Lovick, City Treas. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of December, 1890. William H. Oliver. J. P. Tax Notice. Your City Tax is now du, and must be paid on or before the First day of January, 1891, I will be in my office from 10 to 2 and 3 to 5 each day to receive same. S. H. LANE, dl3tf Tax Collector. For Christmas LET YOUR PRESENTS BE t You can find it in our NEW GOODS just received, consisting of Kid, Spring Ten, Jersey and Scotch Wool Gloves. White and Black Silk aud Linen Handkerchiefs, A beautiful line of Scarfs and 4 in hand Ties. British and Balbriggan H. Hoso. Sus penders. Garters, Overgaiters, Collars and Cuffs. A new invoice of Scarf Pins and Col lar and Cuff Buttons. Walking Sticks and Umbrellas. All wool Underwear, regular 1 f e preservers. Leather Coats and Shooting Jackets Stacy, Adams & Co. 's Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Rugs. Trunks and Valises. J. F.l. HOWARD. oc25dwtf $100 for $44! EXAMINE OUR PLAN. Apply Early That your Certificate may soon mature. Are you looking for an opportunity ? Bere it is. $100 for $44. g.R8TREEr, Agent. New Berne N O The Fraternity of Fiiiancisl Co-operation COSTS Initiation and Certificate fee 3 5.00 Contribution to Relief fund 10.00 Expense Dues paid SI per month.. 6.00 Weekly Dues 81 per week 28,00 To'al $47.00 Pays in fix months $100 00 S ; '." . i.oo Urv. 1 " 150.00 Ninety three members in New Berne. For further information spply to dl0dwtf W. B. BOYD. A gentleman called at my store today to buy two pair of shoes, and wanted to take them up for his wife to look at them. Siys the proprietor, "if you want them you must pay for them, and if they don't suit you can get your money back." The gentleman went off very much indignant. Now, gen tlemen. if ycu want Big Ike's goods you must pay for them before jou carry them off. Bishop's Camphorino. 1 lie best nfll Tncm..!.. PLEXION. for CH APPED HANDS FAOT skinLIW' r U0UGnNs OF rat HAmnrT'''!." W l's the FACE AND HAN Dh SOFT AND SMOOTH during the lutl 6ISf iTtp 7- will fild it SORENESS? CHAPPING and Price 25e. per bottle. r or sale by J. v. Johdan druggist. R. . houdinc, drufist principal drug stores. and at all of tht ' -' BISHOP. Proprietor, deO, dw-hu Washington, D. C. BUY YOUR PIANOS AND ORGANS from a Carolina House. High Grade Instruments At Most Reasonable Prices. We Can SavflYou Money. Chas. I. Gaskill & Co. Middle St., opp. Baptist Church, oc26dw3mfp NEW BERNE, N. O. WeAre Now in Position To fill all Brick orders. We have Cotton Seed Meal to ex change for Cotton Seed. Come to see us with your Rioe if you' want Highest Price. W. P. BURRUS & CO., Commission Merchants and Grain Dealers, Market Dock, New Berne, N. C. For Sale, Ono House and Lot on Craven street, opposite Court House. Household and Kitchen Furniture. One fine Piano, one Horse, one nsw Folding Ton Bmnrr uuo iiuii uuuuiu oeatea venicie with canopy top. lor further information apply to dec2dwlm w. M. A8HER. A LOT OF FINE Turkey Creek Grove, Indian River, FLORIDA ORANGES, The Finest Orange in the World, for saia at J. F. TAYLOR'S. All who wish to enjoy them, come soon. , For sale by the Box only. NOTICE. National Bank of New Berne The Annual Meeting of th Ktnlr' holders of this Bank, for the election of 5) Directors and the transaction of mnk . other business as mav noma hfnra them, will be held at their Banking M House on the Second Tuesday, beings the 13th day of January, 1891. Poll win ne opened at 12 o clock, to oloM M1 1P m . -. G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. ' Deo. 8th. 1890. . r: at SALE, EXCHAIQF AJiD - - 4. LIVERY: Has just returned from the West With : a r in a uj r or uohses and MTJLE3. Also, a fine lot of Buggfe Road 1 Carta and Harness, all of which kill h- sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. .' Don't fail to come and Be him before making a trade. - 4ji t