riTBLISHEU AIIOVICIMUT. IU DAILY JOcTsALli a tlx ealuu aape. pabllahad dally, exoapt Monday at IUI rat-rant; tLMfcriUBontbL Delivered MHO lUNtltM It HMU BMtt THKVItk.LT JOURNAL, a M eohuaa aapar.at jokllahad avery Toondav ftt tLM - 9t Sanaa, i " ASYKBTIBmO ATM (DAILT)-Om tavafcawatay Ma.; tor Man abaqQaal - 4vrteaaaaundr haadof -BlUllMM Lia.nltBUalUforarat.aa mk KUular ry tabMnt lnMrtloB Jit advertisements Jlhe lnaerUdbatwsaa NliutttrUurfnN. oUNrVftnftworDMUu,BOttoxaM4 Dm vUIU laaartadfre. All additional fttMrvtUkemam4lMatomUM. FajraMata tor ' transient advertisement savatka atade la advaaae. Recuiar adver ffceBaeaU will k eollaoWd promptly at th al t Man iMala. Ooaataaleationa containing newa of suf. Uut foblla Interest ara solicit. So inmanicatloii moat b axoactad to ba rob that wtalaa obJaeMouabla oareonal liva. er withhold ine mm or tba author At Ualaa longer tha a ball a oolama ma tbe 4M toe. . ' AapaaoafaaUiuiatUTdal any anony a aoaissanioauon oaaobtaln tba nam of tba aaiaor by application at UU offlo aud aMwiai wftarala tna arte vanoe exist. SFIIK JOUBNAL. , a. H4KPBA. C, T. HAICOOK. Proprietor. Local Reporter. MW BXBMS. N. 0.. DEC. 13 1500. tatee4 at the Post oflta at iisras, aj 0 L ftaaaaaaaralaai aattar. MTAETIENT OF AGRICULTURE. J It la interesting to compare the work done by the Department, with tha) erode agricaltaral methods of eV few years ago. In order to talk intelligently as to farming, today, oe seeds to be quite a scientific nan. Be mast have more than a mattering of chemistry ; he should bare a fair knowledge of geology aid he will be hopelessly stupid if . 06, is not Informed in botany. And now there is a department of vege table, pathology, and bucolic ex perimenters will emulate Dr. Koch in the efforts to cure the diseases of wheat and cabbages by direct doasUtational treatment. There doe 'not seem to be any good reason why the effort should not anooeed ; lor there is a close analo 17 between vegetable and animal lift in the important particulars of circulation and even of respiration What will cure the man might, withmodifications.cure the melon Detroit Free Press. . The analogy between vegetable tad animal life is no new discovery Dr. Henry Drnmmond in his great book, "Natural Law in the Spirit World," has traced the analogy; bat, long before bis day, Dr. Benja inii"' fiash made it the subject of more than one of his lectures be fore his medical students. In 1850 attired Alabama physician a moat devot "Kushite" applied the principles of vegetable pithology to hie orchard and vineyard. IThe writer recalls one instnnce of remarkable success. A musca dine Tine showed signs of disease, The bark was hard, the leaves were abed prematurely and the fruit dopp0d from the vine before it ma tured. The doctor made his diagno aia and decided upon "aercij treat ment" of the patient. First there waa copiom bleedings no Rasbite ere failed to begin with the lancet ipdhia waa followed by insert inc into the Tine, near the rootp,the moatdraatiocompounds known to tba materia medica. The result wu wonderful. The plant put on new JUei grew with remarkable rapidity, and produced the largest an A Wont Insnlona fruit ever seen of tbat yariety. Hundreds yisited tba vine and partook of the de liclous grape. Perhaps ninety nine la4tjie hundred of such experiments ' would have failed, bnt a single auecesa should stimulate investiga tion. One diaco very leads on to another, Each atar that science brings to - light ia an observatory from which to look far more distant worlds. We trust tbat the Agricultural Department will go on with its in " TeaUgations. A hundred experi t meats f Jnay result in disappoint ment, bat a discovery in science is wofrtb a fife time of labor. We are - iahe re&tibaleof the temple and . cafincY tell the glories of its inner , He who causes two blades of eraalto grow, where before there waav bat one, is a public benefa torf bow much greater bonor will be bis wbo discovers the elixir of tesetable life and gives to the flower the perfection of beauty and crovti the golden grain with an imparUSable diadem. ' v ' .mitaWHOTHBHI. Ha.'. WbisloWS Boornraa Btkup thotiU alyt be mad for children MUiUiK. Ik sooth the child, softeni it gams, allajn all pain, cure wind oHo, aad is th beat remedy for Diar t&osat; 'TwaMy-five oeata a bottle. lly The SealCaase. Recent financiel experieneea in New York suggest a change of the name of Wall street to "Wail"! street. Why demoralization of Wall street business f Elections! Tariff bill t Alliance power 1 The S3 J may have had some effoot, but ' the Tolume of all stock, grain, meat ' and cotton speculation has decreas-, ed one third during the two years past. Why is this! Have people lost interest in speculation ! No, they never will. The spirit oi speculation is more general and active now than ever. But we have changed the form of specula tion. Instead of going, as formerly, to a Wall street, a Board of Trade or to a backet shop, we goto a real estate office and buy a lot in a booming town, or take stock in some land company, whose agent lets us all in on "the ground floor." The millions that went to New York and Chicago for speculative purposes until of late are now coming South and being invested in real improvements, and for the purchase of property. It is the absence of these millions that has disturbed Wall street. It is the presence of these millions that is building up Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and indeed all the South. This species or specula ting is far more healthy and pro fitable than the Wall street kind. Money in Wall street is like water in a rat hole, never seen again. In real eBtate it is like bread cast upon the waters it will lo gather ed again though in some cases it may be many days hence. There ara always risks, but a deed to a town lot, where the booiu has "busted," is better than a receipt for "margins absorbed.,, Iu every heart there is something that responds to the touch of hazard. The almost universal desire to gamble rests upon thin natural faet. It were better that the youth of the land be buyers of real pro. perty, though for speculation, than that they go as thousands have gone in the past twenty ears, to ruin, through New York's Wall street and Chicago Board of Trade. Norfolk News & Courier. Get an Honest Census One of the first duties to be per formed by the coming session of Congress is to order a correct enumeration of the population of the country. It must be known to every Sena tor and to every Eepresentative that the census just taken under Superintendent Porter's direction is disgracefully erroneous. Bis dismissal should bo demanded for notorious incompetency ; but wheth er that shall be done or not, there Bhould be a unanimous command from Congress for are-enumeration of the population of the United States. The complaint of inefficiency in taking the census came from every section of the country ; indeed from every State and leading city of the Union, and the complaints of de liberate injustice to ..important sec tions of the nation are so emphatic that they should not be disre garded. The short and simple way out ot this national disgrace is for Con gress to order a re-enumeration of the entire population of the coun try, with such safeguards as would be likely to enforce fidelity. If proposed in Congress and allowed to reach a vote such a measure would pass both branches by large majorities, and shall it not be done f Get an honest census. Atlanta Constitution. SPECIMEN CASES. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, bis Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a-xunning sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bncklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said ne was in curable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Bride 80 Years, Groom 61 lear. Pennsbobough, W. Va., Dec. 10. A notable wedding was celebrated here yesterday, the combined age of the bride and groom being 171 years. The bride was Mrs. Martha Dickinson aged 80,and the groom Norman Calhoun aged Ui. THE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done forme. My Lungs wen badly diseased, and my parishioners thonght I could live only a few Weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining zo ids. in weignt. Arthur Love, Manager Love's Fanny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats em all and cures when everything else lalls. The greatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. H. Duffy's drag store. Regular sIew 60c. and $1.00. Children Cry foF PitcheCastdr Te the So&ta Pole. Next year will see an expedition started for the Antartio regions under the auspices of the Australian Government and Mr. Dickson, the well known Swedish promoter of polar enterprises. Professor Nor denskiold will either command the expedition or will be active in pre paring a programme of work it will try to accomplish. A half century has elapsed without any attempt to complete the work of Sir James Boss, who discovered a great An tartio continent from whence arose two volcanoes equal in proportions and elevation to -Etna or mont Blanc No human being has ever passed a winter within the Antar tio zone, and it is yet to be learned whether any land animals exist there. It is understood the coming expedition will try to find a secure harbor where they may spend at least one winter. Exchange. LBUOH ELIXIR' A PUaaant Lemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion end foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For eiok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, ake Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, ohills and malaria, .take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lunta, Oa. 50c. and 81 .00 per bottle. Sold by drut; fists. Prominent Minuter Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley 's Lemon Elixir, hdA am now a well man. Rev. C. O. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 28 Tatnall at. Atlanta. Ga. Senator Qaav is said to be on- posed to the force bill and prediots tnat it it is psssed JNew iorK win go Democratic iu 1892 by from 50, 000 to 100,000 majority. Dyspepsia Hakes the lives ef many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and lrregu fll . larity of the bowels, are aJIStrOS9 gome of the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does Killing requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parllla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Cltlr overcoming the local symp-u i t, toms removes the sympa- Headach thetic effects ot the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat distressed me, or did me r!5alT little good. In an hour bum after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a ou room with fresh paint. Last . spring I took Hood's Sarsa- Stomach riUa took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." Geoeob A. Fagx, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by an dimgglits. SI; tlx for Si. Prepared only brC.L BOOD CO., ajiotheeulei, Lowell, Hut. IOO Doses- One Dollar Notice. Application will be made to the next Gen eral Astembly of North Carolina, whicb convenes on the first Wednesday in Janu ary, 1891, for a charter for a Bank under the name of The Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of New Kerne, with its main or general office at New Berne, with a capital stock of not less than f 75.000. dec2 30d Stmr Blanche for Sale. BeyentT-flve feet long, 18 feet wide over all; draught 80 inches loaded, carries 110 bales of cotton, and regis tered at Custom Bouse 47 tons gross, 38 net; licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 100 on excursions. Re built in October, 1889. Joiner work and decking entirely new, hull made as good as new. Engine and boiler re built, all wearing and destructible parts renewed ; new crown sheet and tubes n boiler, inspected November 27, 1889, and licensed to carry 86 pounds steam pressure. Propeller 48 inches. angina 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 feet by 00 inches, of 6-16 iron, tensile strength 50,000 pounds. Fully equipped throughout, according to law and in perfect running order, the Blanche is splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught navi gation anywhere, and has shown fine towing oapacityl She " is offered for sale on reasonable terms, and at a verr low price. ' " For further Information apply to Jambs Redmond. Sec' & Treas, angSd&wtfl " New Berne, If. O i j TYLER DESKS-200 New S 10 New Styles. m OABTJTBTB, TA , e.,at BWneri Bates TY UI ROYAL TTPS WRITES BLEfl, CHAIRS, BOOK CASKS, k. us Bperial DiMoute, jDtaloffolSManrmdr. TYLER DANK COUNTERS. ' ' VmIM hr Stfto, .riltf tmt rrttt. inutmtel h Caarti i si'. x io ri;i aT m l OIVE ENJOY Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts rentlv vet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kiud ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Btomacli, prompt in its ajtion and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. HEW YORK, N.r ALONG TEE LIBE OF PH Th.) Taylor Patent A'U'lh! -si Ldio Shoe id tho latent u i l litupmvciietu in that line. It requires no bie.iHinp in. is always comfortable, and retain? its original shape. It is a marvel oi perfection. Simples may be seen and orders left at my place of business on Craven street, two doors eouth of tMexmph office. N. ARPEN, Boot and Shoe M iker, Agt. Consolidated Adjuntabl.-) jyl8dwtf Shoe t'on-r. any. Mrs, J. S3. Slips' Boarding House Reopened. Mits. J. M. I11NES has rt turted to the city and will reopen hur First-Class Boarding House about the 1st of October at same location, opposite Bujitist Cliuroh. miTTl T Y n IT Tl nt T, I T7T il nr.TTTTTH can be had at the ame plucn. J. M. HINES, Agent, eeplO dwtf O. MaAs' Store. There Is Probably More Soap Brought to the town of Now B-rr.ethao any other town in the St.Uo. Why is this? Because tbe people aro deter mined to keep clean, and have every thing about them pure an t nwect. And right here is thn rom n I ksep Tansill & Co. 'a Cigara: thi-y are the purest and sweett st (a;a murle, so all good smokers say, and are pi, sued with them. And don't you forget the $25,000 to be given away on guesses. You may win money. Wm. L PALMER. AGENCY FOR p The Convortible Policy issued by THE MUTUAL BENEFIT Life Instil auce Company inoludes all the liberal features of the Company, with the addition of a guar anteed Cash Surrender value, whicb will be paid at any time after two years premiums bare been paid, if demanded. Every Policy has endorsed upon it a table showing in plain figures the op tions granted by tbe company. 1st option. Cash surrender value. 2d option. Amount that may be bor rowed from the company on the pol ioy. 8d option. Extended insurance for full amount of the policy. 4th option. Paid up policy value. This is the most liberal policy yet of fered and is the safest insurance to be had. Every dollar paid gets a dollar worth of Insurance. No loss by lapses. D. T. CARRAWAY, Agent. Healthy persons between fourteen and seventy insured." J. E. LATHAM, Cotton Buyer and Exporter, Commission Keicknt and Broker. A new stock of Bagging and Ties just received. Correspondence invited. novStf Fine Drug Business For Sale. , Owing to ill-health of the proprietor, an entire STOCK OF DRUGS will ba old on good terms. About 81,000 worth of goods on band, uood ofpobtcbitt. Inquire at Journal offloe for informa tion. : novl dwtf FOEUBJ (K3LY! ArUdl HIE General an KEKVOUB DEBILITY I fl'l I f TJ Weeknaea of Body and Mind: ElfeoU J J S-VXJ ef Error, or tntun in Old or Young. itatMt, Kobl. AflHOOD fully RMtoml. Him to Inltrn '(rrtkMiWKAX,liNI)KfFIX)iT.IIH(lANRPiFlT85(BOUr, I Wlulalt Mhllla llltlK TltHATHKI.T-Bf.ffU I k ?. ' atwUrtrina4I gtIM, Trrrltorlr., Vonlga CmutrlM. m1mU m. 4mm f HUlGAt CO- BUFfALO. .T, miUPI I f i PROFESSIONAL. DB. O. IT. BAOBY, oE?H Dmif ! Office, Middle strw. opjsite Baptw I church. dec 3 dwtf NEffBERN. N. O. P. H. PELLETIEE, T T o it y E Y A T L A. W , AND il ON? Y BKOKEft. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty maue In negotiation small losns f.ir iLort tlLa-. Will practice In the Uonnt.ee ot Graven. Oar teret, iono. uns'.ow and I'amllco. United Riatea Court at New Heme, and Supreme C.iurt of tbe State. febl dtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, NEW BBBHE, N. C. Offloe on Cravtn street, between Pollock and Broad. dw GREEN, F0Y & CO.. Do a Qouoral Banking business New Bankdjo Housk. Middle BJ.r-.-jt. fourth door below Hote Albert, fuMwlv WKfV BERJ" N-C - - m wmm. A a 'VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Bogs, Eogs, AND POUXTBY. S00 Face Book an Treatment of Animal and Chart Heni Free. cities ( T'pvrrn.Conicstloni.Tnflammation A. A. i Spinal AlenliiKitie, Milk Fever. JS.B. sirnlns, Iiameneee, Rheamatlem. t'.C lUstemper, Noeal Ulscharsea. 11.1). Hots or (irubs, Worm.. E. K CoiiKhs, Heaves, Pneamonla. F. F.Colle or Gripe, Bellyache. ;.;. Miscarriage, Hemorrhage, ll.ll.rviiiai y and Kidney Uisea.e. l.l.Erinnivo Diseaee. Mange. J . K.--lieuscs of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .60 Stable ( nse, with Specifics, Manual. Veterinary Core Oil and Medlcaeor, S7.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 Sold by Drngglst; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Reoelpt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John St., New York, IET72IPHBE.7S' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No.60 In um SO ve&ra. Tha onrr mwsfTil rtmBrlf far i Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other causes. SI per vial, or 6 vials and larra vial powder, for S5, Sold by DntrooisTS, or sent postpaid on receipt of prlco.-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Cor. William and John Sta, N. Y. All of our Veterinary Preparations can bo bad of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W cor. Broad ana Middle streets, Newbern.N. O mi K. WILLIS, PUOrttlRTOR OF EASTERN NORTH UABOLIHA ISTcw Berne, 1ST. O. Italian and Amerioan Marble and all qualities of material. Orders solioited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. Q. E. Miller is my agent at Kinston. and Alex, Fields; regular traveling agent. J. A. BRYAN, Pres.TIIOS. DANIELS, Vice Prci G. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK 0P NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jab. A. Bryan, Chas. 8. Bbyan, Taos. Daniels. J. H. HiCKBURN, Q. H. Roberti. Largest Stock of GROCERIES on hand, Sold at Northern Prices. Agency for, Horsford firead Preparation, Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co WHOLESALE GEOOEB, N1W BEBNE. S. 0, f.TlSAAfKU. m wmmm Shamsaip Oonww r r Tilt Old Ooaiblc. witefcj,, re ' pi.y'l Old fiitI Wir Rants, via iitj-!..,ri. -r i CnsipH; 'ijli! aorfnlit, Bsltin.-or-, rv cru Phlla 1 ilrlphla. Button. Pj, vd uck and Wasliiuictoa 4'tf;. And all point. North. fc:.r Wt On nd after MOXL'AT, SEfT. 8ih, li0, until fnrtber notice, 'be Stsunsr SEWBEBKE, East icnthgate. Will sail fr..m Xorfolk. Va i for New Ieiu, n, V. direct MOMUA1S ai d THTJcM- UAY!t. maku n oloaa eon. eetlon wltb tbe oteamer. Kli ston and Howard for Klustnn, Trenton, and all other landings on the fieuee and Trent Rivera. Returning, Will anil IU1 NhW BKSNS Kurt NOHr'Ol.K rthecu TUESDAYS and FKIDAYS at T ELVK, M , (noon) making connection with tbe O. 1). H, H to. 's ship (or New York, H. H. p. Oo.'s gteamera lor Baltimore; Clyde Line Phtps for Philadel phia, M. & M. T. Uo.'s ships for Boston and Provide ce. Stesmer Kinston, Capt. l ixon, a 111 sal for Klneton on arrival tf steamer Kew berne. Order all goods care of O V. H. s. o:.. Ntif folk. Va. Passengers will 5nd a good tale, comhirr able looms, and everv rotrtvitv ini it-., ! Hon w;llbepa!d them by thcoitcois 1 B. E. KOEKET8, Agen-. 1 atissx. ' C f vp:.j; ,1 TrKVKtt, I Ast'tiU, "iorfoik. V v. Vice-: Pf, 1,-l.V y- T-S oitr. EASTEKfi V.-. hi.'. The Fest Freirfci ift- w Ber.. t"i5!, .r,: Paints, frrfolV, .-.,oi Phil!r.l;,h)n i ork.Eo i . Kte.-vln t-rxt. ftty a (. Comment Ing ilotn :'J', June 18th, Mi Eaglet and Vesper una will run on soteiltiie time. pg? U.h.:U,;i .New Brrce ever MOISDAV UKIIUVCH ax and KKIDAY afternoone, at FuUK o'clock for KllzaoeUi Oity nnd returu arrlvlna on' BDNJJAY. THUKHUAY and HAXUKUAY. xuntKt nu uir. in coiiDfcciiou lin Ule AUantlo 4 N. O. K. H.. Norfolk Hoothern K. B., New York, Phlla. and Norfolk R. R and the Pennsylvania K. H , (orm a rellnble and regular line oHorliiK aujitrior faoiUUea foi quick transportation No transfers except Kt EJlsabetn City, at whloh point freight ill be 'OHded on oars to go through todestlcKtion. Direct ail goods to be shlpred vis. fail em Oarollna Dliipatcu daily m follows : From New York, by I'enu. K. R :nei S7. North River, from Philadelphia, oy J'hlla.. W.ABano K. B Dook Bt. Htatlon, From Baltimore by Phlla.. ffli. A Haiti . K B,. President St. Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Houthern K. it. rom Boston, by Merchante Miner Tran. portallon Co.; New York and JJow tnglanJ Ratesa low ar.ri tince quicker t n b any other line. W. H JOYCE (Gen, Fgt rrme Agent. P.K.R.1.U um 1 TraffioMauagfr. '"u, gpw8&b! ivhiiir1011 ""ieht Auat BAWt' '''" AtU n r f. Oi N. K. It., Nui'fnlk,Ve l.0.11iF1I'1w 6"Kr''l Kielght .igont. S Oil). HKJ.-HKRHOH. Agent. T.ewberne. O. febSOdv? The H. 0. Ft sight Una KEECHAilTS atd &EI?rS23,:TAZE NOTICE On and after ctot-r 15. lw, thlk ili.ewll resume their regular SEMI-WEEIOjT TEIP8 Baltimore and New Berne Ua?J?,vIiB,nior for New Feme. WW) NfcbUAY, BAXUllUAY.at BIX P. M, Leaving New Bi;rne lor Baltimore, TDEB DAY, SATIIKDAY. at hlX P. M. This Is lae only DiHtCT line out of Kew Berne for Baltimore without change, and on their return trip from Baltimore cdme direc- . ZZ?Z,,ra6lltoPVlDZ 0Dly l NoWolk, con. napttng then for Boston, Providence. Phila delphia, Richmond, and all point North-tSS-rSSX"!' "ttklnB oiose connection, JJj oiiMmu urn oat or piev m,A'.e.l,, fts follows: BKDBAUN FOdlfiK, Gen'l Manager, 5 n I-,1 20AER10K, Agt.. Morlolk, Va wnarves t!o., Philadelphia, 12 Bonth No?tnrlv0e TT , Ule' K. Sampson, Boston , 63 Central wharf. 8. H. P.ockwell, Providence, R. I. Ships leave Boston. Tu esdav a .ni u.tM. " New York datl9. ' .'. SSf7y?(Jne.s.day Saturday " Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednev days, Saturdays. Piovldenoe, Saturdays, ."r5n.gh V.IUs ladln8 Klven, and rat as guar nteed to aU points at the dlOennt olfloea o the companies. , . AVOID BREAKAGE OF BTJLK AM 8HIP VIA N. C. 1INB. -B, H, GRAY, Agenl, NewEeine.N. C. mm m AUanta. , Ql I and TVMskfiB ttm. , Iltaenredathomewltk ontpala. Book of tlonlars sent FRED. B. M.WOOLLH V. M.Ik Offloo 6W Waueuall 84, fsTTP TTWC ah VUM aj yE Sferliiig Silverware Is the Largest nni. iuusi nrusuc ever - ,. .....Vvif! shown in this fiifV .We offer special drives Tomorrow. t BELL THE JEWT1T.1?P' ' - inwan,' ; Next l " um. Prof. W. H 8HEPARD AD fi ftVtaa. tent asaistanta la tbe toneorial art will ! give yon ; . - .. Hair out for., (. 20 centa. Bhampoo.. .i vn 8h.Tf.V...... in . 'Gaston Hooa Hmber Shop' 1 ,-;Vfl-."" TT a TT