A. - ,vi X y for Infants and Cast erla is so well adapted to children that I reoommend itas superior to any prescription known to me.1' H. A. Aacuxa, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. T. "The oss of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seem a work I supererogation to endorse it Few aretke intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. ' Carlos Mahttw, D. D., New York Ctty. 1st Pastor BloomlndaIe Eel ormed Church. CAUTION XV, Tie PffMInw Phtn nv warranted, mi! cvmv r tir Isaii bia name Aud price Httutiitr.4 on !ui;s.iii. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and T.aced Waterproof Grain. The excellence and wcarlnc qualities of this shoe eannot be better shown than by llic strong endorse ments of its thousands of coiiBtant wvarers. SB.OO Gennlne Ilanil-srnril, an elecant and O stylish dress Shoe whicl commends Itself. M JOO Hand-sewed Welt. A Hue calf Shoe T unequalled for stylo anil durability. SO.80 Goodyear Welt 1 tho standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. SO.BO Policeman's Khoe Is especially adapted s for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, Hultou and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES lake's. hSTS been most favorably received since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superler to OBV ahnes sold at these nrlccn. i an Ask your Dealer, and if he cannot supply von send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a 1 for order blanks. or order blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS. Urockton, Mass. v AGENT, Oor. Pollook and Middle Sts. . mar22dUulvl A Great JBargain ! 327 Acres WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLANTATION situ ated on the South side of the Ntuse river, three and a half miles from the City of New Berne, N. 0. One hundred and twenty-five acres cleaied. " GOOD 1-..1KD, SUITABLE FOR TRUCKING. Tobacco Raisingor any lied of. farm ing. " The balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak, oypreii, and other kinds of timber. - It is also fine Grazing Land. Good dwelling, outbuildings, end a fine orchard. It baa a fino FISHERY fronting half a mile on the beach. . where there are high banks of marl that can never be exh,iuBted,from which Teasels oah load with ease. It U a very beautiful and healthy lo cation, presenting a near view to the passing vessels and tue a, a n. v. nan - road. . For terms apply to :B TRENWITH, ' - : ' v ' Opposite Hotel Albert . oc80 dwtf :i "' New Barne. N. 0. ftntit Mni fori imihT0 been midt TeRA. atifl Jho. llnrt, Toledo, OWo. e cutHUeMnreduiitgrMweil. Why mot votl? Kama inrn over tliOO.OO A Lonili, Vnu enndo (he work Uid.tlvt tit liom, whiroveryou m. Kverfbi (rtuvriirGiiHllMrn.tifr (romio 9V.ta dny. A We n)invr yon how .f . iaiii f nrt'yt. Cti work In tiwre Hm Lr m nsH iIih time, liisr atone r for work- Wrf " ', w V.vt aiiH wmiflAi-rtit. rertlrutara free. ,r ss.es l S3 a-g tlls sg -ii 5 BW IV--" - V Si if A w 1 2T2 o 5f- t-S S B(c.o o i fit 1 fcS 2 SgSSEfc ui ;s;3 o-SS sa os - ilU si: 5 si (31 r: w' j-ga Sb cf 3 4 iT Zj io -gE (sa a S Sse s5 51 2! CC ir - ao 5a-a 1- '1 zZ 3 0 Ect3 - ."5 t -V O lf M 1 - 5 52 23 51 MntwwanMMnai -ejusw.w igtfi: t :4h rttniiniiii w 1 f -III I - r lis .-a. rikuni- ToOr -ill ":i .7t Dr'i. " Lai . tat' 1 - L Children Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, Bow Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, aUllaWerma, ftree Sleep, and promotes di- VUhnctoMmediaatioa. ror several years I hare rsessnmeaded Tow 'Castoria.' and shall always oentuue to do so as n has Invariably produasd beneficial wanlta." Kswm F. Farot, M. D., "Tbe rTlnthrsp," ISMi Street and 7th Are., New York City. 7 at Cintace Coicpast, 77 Mubray Stbket, New Took. o S 8g 5 to 0 ? H -lei S as k u W 3 s 8 3. 0 d lis T1 0 M 3 OS 5 IS! ftyl a to O.O. 3 P.3T3 P i lllliflii! h ?s: ;. OS 'S ri TtA Ha FROM NEW YORK CITY Mb. A.. K. Hawkes. Dear hir: Your patent eye-n hisses reeelved some time slnoe. and am very much gratified at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight suffered with, rheumatism in rayeboul ZoVUrtsH my m 8la"e8 dt,r8 and cnoraI deility. Five bottles Ai.rxanuek Agar. Secretary statlone s' Board of Trade. All eyes fitted at the drug store of F. S. DUFFT.NewberD.N.C. K. R, JOKES, HEAVY AND LIOHf Lorillard and Gail & Az Snufi Sold at manufacturer's prioes. Dry Goods & Notions. Full itoak tt4 Urga assortment. Prioes m low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed' VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As aKents for owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating t rms the follow ing a escribed improved Heal estate in the OllvofNeiv Berne: NO. 4. TUB V'KUN I' W AK1CUUUBJ1 1 ON (JBAVH.N STREET. No. 5. BH1CK HIORK AND DWELliINO ON CRAVEN BTREET ocoupled by R. O. E. LiOdge. A fall description of this Tamable proper ty, together .with the best terms upon which the same will be sold, wlh be furnished "D application to tbe undersigned at their offloe neonin rront street. A.LSO,- Two Houses and Lots on Craven street A Farm at Bandy Point. deoa dwtf Int. and Real Estate Agia. VAIUABLE TRUCK LAO FOR SALE' Abont FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND. situated within two miles of the city, suit- Die tor trues raising, a great oargain. Apply to WATSON A STREET, may 16 Real Eat. Acente, FINE CLOTHING, Fine Hats, , Fine Underwear, Fine Silk Umbrellas, Fine Shoes, In faot the. Finest and Best Selected I Stook we ever carried, s Our prices are the lo west, Call and be convinced. y Darringfin fif Baxter. Agents f i : ' .onoea THE JOURNAL. LET7EN FECI. HOJIZ. j. w. c. Dear father, mother, I must leave you, i I'vn just time to say goodbye, For tho train for me is waiting, ! I from my home must fly. My dear old home I love thee, Ou earth the dearest spot; Brothers, sister, you'll remember, 1 Let me never be forgot. The old apple trees are waving, Their branches grandly to the sky, , Beneath your shade how oft I've rested, I You, too, I'll bid goodbye. By the wicked oath of woman, By the guilty plot ot man, I am driven from my home, A wanderer in this laud. But God iu His truth and mercy, He knows the guilty one; ne will tiack their cruel footsteps, Aud justice shall bo done. For at the bar of Judgment, The wicked cannot llee; The guility shall be punished, Tho iuuocont go free. And now, my friends anil schoolmates, I bid you, too, farewell; Will you, iu kindness, think of me, Wheu I among strangers dwell? And now goodbye, my home aud loved ones, Thus (or 1110 lias f,Uo decreed; " I must leave you or must sillier For another's cruel deed. The Largest Ever Held. Mr. John f . Patrick, secretary of the Southern Immigration Asso ciation, says tbo Inter State meeting at Asuevilie on tbe 17th, ltu and rJcu ot tuu present niontu will be, iln-l-ircestever held. There will be the greatest gathering of railway men ever seen in the South. The beado'iarter.s of the Immigration Association will be at Raleigh until tho 8th; after that date at Asheville Patrick is a worker, and is devoting his whole time to this matter. Twin City Daily. Do You Know Itovr It FeeUI Rheumatism. Every one has beard the word. "How's your mother':" Oh. ibe a well exccDt her rheumatism." How carelessly the answer is given Do you know how it feels to have rheumatism? Ob! it's terrible, the swelling and the excrutiating pain of ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder, just as if each point was a bundle of irritated nerves, each one seemingly bent on giving more pain than the other. Lay ing awake all night longing for day light, aching too severely to sleep, ap plying liniment every half hour to tem porarily relieve the agony. Praying, cursing, turning, twisting, but no ease, no comfort. What is it that causes rbeuruatixm? Ah. there are a thousand onuses. What is it that cures rheuma tism? Thank Qod, there is at least one cure. It is called D. B. B , or Botanic Blood Balm. It has cured more cases of rheumatism than any other known remedj. Try it. Do not suffer longer. J. H Laing, Dawson, Ga., writes: "I B. B. B. improved my health and the rheumatism left me. " J. P. D.vie, Atlanta, Ga. (West Eod) writes: "I consider that B. B. B. has permanently cured me of rheumatism nd Hciatiaa." Jacob F. Spender, Newman, Ga., writes: "B. B. B entirely cured me of rheumntiem fn my shoulders. I used ix bottle"." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria A FULL LINE OP Heating and Cooking Stoves AT L. II. Cutler & Go. Desirable Dwelling For Sale, Situated on South Front street, House contains six comfortable rooms and reoently added new kitchen and all desirable outhouses. Lot 70 feet front. AL90 House and Lot on Craven street. Apply to Watson & Street, dtf. Real Estate Agents. 1j 9 LL2l - - TYLER DANU COUNTERS IlLOSTRATtD TN COLORS;; a perfeotWwkofsrtl 150 Pscjes; Mow ready. Books free; postage IS. I Cabluta, Ckulnt Rook Cum N Si jlo, tltt, must UM. tylxs desk co ex. ww, no., t..a. Nature should be assisted in the spring to throw off the neaviness of the sluggish winter circulation of the TAKE blood. Nothing IS TBS SPRING. does it so well, so prompt or so safely as Swift's Specific. I have used S. 8. 8. for a number of rears, and consider it the best tonic and blood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. H. W. Coleman, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., Dade City, Fla. Our book On Blood and Skin Diseases aiailed free. Swot Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. ely'8 catawrH CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages, allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sorts. Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell, HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURE A particle is spoiled Into each nostril mil is agreeable. Iflee 50 cents at Druggists; hy mall, registered. 60 cts. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street. New York aprlddwlr J. D. OKABTHBI. BASIL MANLY. JOHH E. CRABTREE&CO! ENGINEERS. Fonaderu and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in mim AD H1CBINISTS' SOFILIES Builders of Engines. Boilers, Saw Hills. Edging Cut-off KacblMes We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds I wtthpromptne.. to repays of all klBds foranydesoiTptlonofmaohlnery. We are thnnirnTitii fnr t.hA a!a nf thM Amnr. I ortedTudellruotibfe We kIto satlsfactorv snsrantee for ail wori done DV us. d2aw wly PNKEHdESS Liquor Habit- anumwojrumoiSBVTOjfaJu C mi E5 GOLDEN SPEGFIC. It ran be elvenincoffpe.te&.nrln artlclpsnf tnnA ithout the knowledge of Datlent if ner.exatLrv is absolutely harmless and will effect a Derma. urnv aim npeeuy cure, wnemer me patient is a moderaierirlnkeroran alcoholic wreck. IT NEV ER FAILS. ItoDenUes so ouipilv and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no incon venience, and soon bis complete reformation is effected. 41 paga book free. To be had ot R. N. Duffy, druggist, New Berne, N. lylodwy TO ITEM HEN Bnfferlng from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will Send a Tslnsble treatise (sealed) containing full ptrticnlars for home cure, p R EE of charge, A splendid medical work : should De read by erery man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,, Jf. F.JFOWIXB, Moodus, Conn, A.tlantlc oi N. C. Railroad TlltS TABLE No. 23. In Effeot 1:80 P.M., 17. 1890. Friday, Oct. OOIOEa.T. SOHEDUU. QOIMO WK8T No. 51. Pa$tenaer Train. No. 60. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. p m 3 80 Uoldsboro 11 10 am 4 00 4 09 La Grange 10 22 10 25 4 85 4 40 Kinston 9 48 9 63 0 00 0 08 New Berne 8 17 8 30 7 38 im Morehead City am 6 47 Daily. Qoisa East. Schedule Going West No. l.t No. 2. Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Mixed Ft. & Stations. Pass. Train. am 0 80 0 57 7 05 7 20 7 30 7 48 7 58 811 8 80 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 03 Golds bo ro Best's La Grange Falling Creek Einston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora . Clark's Newborn Biverdale Croatan Havelock Newport Wild wood Atlantio Morehead City 7 20 pm 0 24 0 84 5 64 0 04 425 "6 00 4 oo 4 05 825 840 10 81 10 36 11 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 2 54 2 24 2 02 10 33 9 41 9 28 8 69 817 8 00 7 47 717 705 2 80 313 I 10 1215 8 00 180 9 46 9 83 8 87 8 42 8 50 413 4 42 4 55 5 01 6 31 5 28 3 48 4 08 4 87 4 51 5 01 510 5 23 0 81 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 52 7 27 Atlantio Hotel 716 700 p m Morehead Depot a m Monday. 'Wednesday ani nd Friday, fXaesday, Tbursday an ' Batnrday, Train 50 oonneets with WllmVnrton a Wei donJTraln bTmd North, leaving Golds boro 11:60 a. m., and with Rlohmond A Dan villa Train west, leaving ooldsboro ft 40 p. m. Train ol oonaeots wi m Ktcbmona a usnvius Cn"T.'HonarrX-Cm. !.. TralB, Wllmln Horth Train irain s eonneois wiia wuniqwn ug 8. L. Dill. tuMrlrtendent. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY, H.O.c. Cures Oonorhcea and uim in iw a uaysu wtthant Fstln. Prevents Stricture. Contains no aorldor poisonous substances, and sruaranieea eed absolutely harmless, I by physicians. Best Sy wftheaohi bouia. Prioeli 0 preaonoed rlnre Bold bv drasvlsts. Beware of Bnb- tltntm. Aemo Ohem.OoXt(l.,N.O.T,ft FtvtRjyp Clothing ! Clothing-! Finest Lot Overcoats Ever Brought fo this City. In All the Latest Styles! Well Selected Stock of Idles' Dress Gc:f AND ALMOST EVERYTHING IN THE Goods Line ! Which was purchased (or CASH, hence they were bought CHEAEi2R and cau and will bo SOLD CHEAPER thau ever before. v Special Betrg-Etixis Can be Secured During the Holidays ! Call and examine my MAMMOTH STOCK fore nurthasinr ib.. where. Respect fully, decll dwtf SAL! ALWAYS IT I til" ftMr liirt I r HE MHU Vv C L ! Sfi fiP.tpH With Ho v.uuuu iixijj. uiim uuu liuixi XbrjiiauiU JJCaitlO VUlVi flftArl PAorlcfovc tZrrA Tr. f TT " suited for Family Purposes and the Saddle. First-Class Carriage IN CONNECTION PaintiDg, Eepairiog, &c, Don-a iu Eest Workmaushiu,. Trained and Fx jiei iei oed hlicer coitaiitiy on duty. J. "W. STEWART. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. So S ?&bli -1. 'it ia a 2 o9snSS 8 a FIFTY HEAD YOUNG WESTEKN Fine drivers, draft and farm HorRcs. Also, largo lot Buggies (top and open), Horse Blankets constantly on hand at Rock We make our Livery a specialty. Single or double turn-outs can be had at all hours. Every thing we sell is guarnteed as represented. Livery superintended by K. DENMARK. .Call trxcl See XJs. THE ickens ! $3a00 fr Works o' (Tharles Dir.kmH. handsomely i , ..., i i , piiiifccu ami mwiy uuium, ami with over 130 illustrations. doubtless seems fabulous tc many, but it is one of the recent , i' i Al.l TU arani Ttmnhdmn. I " The "Boz" Dickens. Dickens. The Works of Charles Dickens. "Dos " Edition in six vola., small 8vo,jfood type, with numerous Illustrations, well printed on tail paper, cloth, $3.00. List of Vols. 130 Illustrations. L Dombey and Son, Old Curiosity Shop, t. Mutual Frlond, Little Eorrlt, lleprinted, Edwin Drood, 5. Pickwick Papers.'' Rarnaby Rudre, Sketches by Boa. 6. Oliver Twist, ' Great Kxpectatlons, Bleak House, PlSures from Italy. naru limes. 1 Darid Copperfleld, Christmas Stories, rale or l wo uities. Uncommercial Traveler. y Nicholas Mcitieoy. Martin ChnuleWit. Amerioaa Notes. This " Boz " edition of Dick- I en8 is Printed fr0m 6 Sflme elates as Awleton's Popular l . , autnor, ineir puDiisneu Deinff a set. 1JQ6 paper used is a trifle lignter ana a little cheaper in quality, but Knfri nrA rrrwL . or , . ., The books may be seen at tne office 0f this paper.or a specimen jt . . i v-olume, returnable, will be sent postpaid for 5Q COlitSe new BERNE, N. 0. -HANGED ON I1AM)- nnMlvni iiakhmm HHIIft f'RJ 7 w a w va and Buggy Repository WITH LIVERY. HORSES AND MULES JUST RECEIVED. Road Carts, Harness, Whips, Robes and Bottom Prices. HOME AND FARM LOUISVILLE. KY. The Loading Agricultural Journal of tho South ass Watt - Made by Farmers for Farmers. As 9 record of successful agriculture, HoMB akd Farm has no equal. Every topic relating to agriculture is openly discussed in its columns . by the farmers themselves. No expense is spared -in securing a full account of every notable SBC cess on the farm. It is distinctively the FARMERS' OWN PAPER. A record of their daily life, presented In a forsa and language which make it plain to all. IT8 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the names of the most progressive farm ers of the South end West. They do not treat of theoretical farming, but of the actual condi tions which confront us to-day: B. F. Johnsoa; Waldo F. lirown ; Henry Stewart ; John M. StahU A. P. Ford ; Jeff. Welborn ; Hugh T. Brooks ; Johl C. Edgar ; Steele's Bavou ; T. B. Baldwin and host of others make this journal indispensable: Moreover, it is equally A HOME MAGAZINE. 4 4 Every subject of interest to the home-maker v j, fully treated. Mary Marsden, Lois Catesby, Mrs, Brown, Mrs. Daviess, Miss Cabell, Miss Mosb-yJ Alice Winston and a score of others will COSttrib ute regularly. , FAITH LATIMER ,; Is in charge of our Children's Department, atte, , she has the peculiar faculty of being botn id terestingand instructive. "f THE MYSTERY OF THE NATION -f ' ,- " Ts a thrilling story appearing fat Horn A1VS'1 Fas V, by John K. Music k, and is ezdtiaf widt- , sttention. Short stories by distinguished writes.;, appear from time to time. BILL ARP'S LETTERS , Appear in each issue, and this humorous phfloe s v oner was never more interesting; uu n uss IN ITS EDIT0RUL BEPASTMSSI .. A. A Home and Farm speaks boldly and fearlessly ti' Dpn.il m pnrmpTT Kitrnri.- j uim i r vision of the tariff in behalf of the farmer t tetter' Vi, I- l.l.HD.. T. m want .A la .'-'. Pair Trade aad Farmers' Klgkts." , , , Bath Rooms At my (bop on Miaaie trees. rifM v ' of water, hot or cold, and good lary) . roomB. Jjunl.'dtf J B. BROWN.