.1-1 ; j- . HE OURNAL :'' VOL. EL--NO. 220. NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 BklLY BUSINESS LOCALS. A LARGE slock of Road Carts jaat re ceived and Koiag very rapidly at low figures. 8peci il drive. Come a ly- deoU-lw M. Hahn & Co. FINE 8:UPPE8NONU WINE (or the Christmas Holiday for Ml at $1.00 per gallon by W. E. Brown. Vaaceboro. Partio anting will de liver order and ta-ksges to Captain I pock of Ibe steamer VAUceboro, which will be returned-on r.n it. IS Iw W. E Buo.y Va&oeboro. JF. IVE3, Ariijcur'H Agent for Dressed Meats, ij.iuoage, Pork, Oreeeed Fowls, Corned Baef , Condented Minoo Moat, io oold storage "VTEW OOOD9 juit received at IN Churchill & Parker's, Buch as Mine Meat. Riiin, Currants, Prunes. Citron, Dried Apple, Spices of all kinds, Bologna 8ui' and Northern Stusages. Tripe, icv.. Maciroui and Cheese, Chocolate ami G iKtintw. All of the above are no and froeb: in fiot we guarantee all our kuo Ih aod prices. Just oome in once aim ( hat we oan do; all we ask is onk tri ,1. V. rv reef) Churchill & Pat.ksr. Hroad st. ROBERTS & BRO. :.m receiviog their fall stocx H. ! av. Shoes, Dry Good j, Groceri.,'3 e.ml P.. visions. They buy nt hea'tqmrter . and cau stive you Low PrioB3. au20 'PHE TAYLOU .UiJU-iFABB SHOE 1 for ladies. N, in ' rsinrvoloua in vntin. Sae a taip!o. N. ARPiN, j 18 tf Opp'Jtiio Joi'KSAi. iMHoe. OLD PAPES1 for ia Any quan titiaa at Journal ofii IT is said that Senator Quay is prepariug iin tl.ibinite Hjiuech io opposition to tho Fitic.i bill. THE Wisconsin S:aH? Grange have adopted a resolut i-m dumand lag the abolition of National Dinks. TRUST him liu! who praises all; him leas who ct ;t . i s !!, and hiin least who is in d il'tu - it to all. Lavater. Republicans iii the Senate demand the boyonet. Daiing the war there was nothing twy bo mach dreaded. IT is stated that C. D. Upcburch, late clerk of tbe Superior Court of Wake county, is tbort in bis ac counts eome $10 000. A holy life is a voice. It speaks when the tongue is silent and is either a constant attraction or a continue! reproof. Hinton. Prayer is the pulse of tbe re newed soul; and the constancy of its beat is the test and measure of the BpiriSual lile. Oaslow. The sale of George Washington relics begun in Philadelphia Wed nesday night, and was concluded last night. There were 449 articles sold which realized ol4 G89. "Indian Agent McLaugalin says there is not and never has been any danger of an Indian oat break." The poor fellows were hungry and they wanted beef. AT the recent Alliance conven tion a resolution was adopted boycotting all newspapers that did not. publish Alliance news and show a friendly spirit toward the Alliance. IT is not by change ot circum stance, but by fitting oar spirits to the circumstances in whicii God hat placed as, that we can be reconciled to life and duty. F. W. Kobertson. OlRRY oat to heart's content, Bool's purpose. Set foot on some path to heaven. Live in harmony With truth. All good things are oars, , Look notthoa down, bat op. The voice Baii'-Call my works tby friends." Who conquers mildly, God benignantly regardetb. Browning. , Thh - Bepablioan Senatorial caucus has appointed a committee to 9sist the Senate Finance com mittee in shaping financial Legis lation." The Republican majority id the Senate are fearfully in want of assistance on several subjects of legislation, especially do they need enlightment on the i elation of the Tederal Government trf the States. . Maryland's : "oyster crop ton tlnue to be dredged to death, and ; the worst of it; is that there is no ovster ; culture to - keep ' up the supply. We doubt if ever a great State showed such monumental folly in the treatment of its largest source of wealth as Maryland has shown in its oyster legislation. There mast be a reform or the yield will be lost forever. Balti more American. A8HKTILLE, N. C, Dec. 8, 1889. The talk of the day in Asheville at present is the Immigration Con vention, which will meet here, December 17th and 18th. Every preparation has been made and the delegates will be given a royal reception. The business men oi the city have responded to the call of Secretary Cameron and have subscribed over $1,200 towards defraying tho expenses of the con vention. Over 1,500 delegates are expected. It will be the biggest gathering of representative men ever assembled in Asheville, and the importance of such a move can scarcely be realized. Its object is to bring capttal to the South. Every county in North Carolina should Bend delegates. State Chronicle. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS D Conqden For pale. W. B. BoYD Important. O. Henderson E. O. D. line. M. Hahn & Co. Road carta. Jno. Dunn To my customers, eto. Cotton. New Berne market Sales of 109 bales at 7 to 8 1 4. Sales for tbe week 852 bales against 889 same week last year. Quite cool again. Have you got any exhibit ready for the Fair ? Go to the Xmas party. See the Tana borine Drill. Peg-Leg Williams is said to have orders for 7,000 North Carolina negroes ti be taken South. The branch line of the railroad has baen finished to the large mill of the Stimson Lumber Company. An enjoyable evening is promised at the baaaar and doll show Tuesday evening. It ia for a good purpose and deserving of liberal patronage. Connected with the Christmas Bazaar Tuesday night will be a Jack Horner Pie for the ohildren, at 5 o'clock, from which the big plums may be extracted at 10c. a pull. On receiving hie commission by last night's mail Mr. Wat tan waa the re cipient of many warm oongratulatioi a by thoae who had interested themselves in endeavoring to eee that right and justice should prevail. Remember the Xmis Party to be given by Saint Ceollia Society at the residence of Mr. Q. H. Roberts Friday evening. Refreshments will be served. Santa Clans for the little folks and a real meiry-making for all. About three miles from Tuscarora station, In a teoluded apot at tbe head of Baohelors creek, between the creek and the pocosin, ia an island known to the people of the vicinity as The Tories Ditches," from the fact that, though a forest growth covers the spot. traoea of large ditches stilt remain there, which tradition, handed down by the older people, affirms were dng by a company of tory sympathizers with Great Britain who sought that out. ofthe-way desolate place for a home rather than live in closer contact with the patriotic oppoeers of King George. Personal. Mr. Clem Manly and wife moved yesterday to Winston their future home. Prof. G. T. Adams and Mrs. J. A Meadows left yesterday morning for Conference. Prof. Adams will return tomorrow. Mr. T, A. Green returned from spending a few days at Conference. He reports good attendance and a pleasant session. Rev. 8. H. Isler, of Goldsboro, came In last night and is stopping at Judge Seymour?. He will conduct the serv ices at the Presbyterian church tbia morning and afternoon, f 4s Benj. Hahn, who has been off in the interest of M. Hahn Si Company, purchased and. aenl on ahead of him a supply of buggtee and road carta. He himself arrived home yesterday, bring ing with him a nloa lot of horses and some of the Saest males ever offered for sale) lathe Iowa, v ; X Mr. Geo. ' H. Bry ant, of Boston, pwminoit'y connected with railroad Interests is spend ng a while In the elty and Is stopping at Hotel Albert. The Superior Court Clerkship. Another person has a petition out for signatures to get himself appointed Clerk of the Superior Court instead of Mr. W. M. Watson, the nominee of the Democratic party. This is the second effort of the kind and we are sorry to sae these attempts. There is no more" excuse for the last than there was for the first one. The parties making them are simply independents and disorgan iiers, and to enoourage either of them or any other person exoept the regular nominee would be subversive of right and detrimental to the beet interests of the party. The place to seek a political office, if it i to be sought at all, is in the nominating convention of the party, and thoae whom the convention sees proper to vote against should accept defeat like men and gracefully fall into the ranks of the party and labor for the success 0; those chosen as its standard -bearers. Ic is unfortunate that any Dernacrat should take any atepa calculated to work dissensions in the ranks of the party. We believe fie genllamen striving for the office to which Mr. Watson has been nominated would discharge the duties pertaining thereto faithfully and to the satisfaction of tho people of the county, if their efforts were by any chance to prove suooessful, (whioh, however, we have no idea will occur) and personally we are as friendly to them as we are to Mr. Watson, but even if the cace was stronger than that; yea, even if we had been in favor of the convention's givirjg tiie nomination to one of the other gentlemen, we would still, under rx isting circumstances, advooate Mr. Watson's claims. The time for per sonal preferences to enter into the question has passed. It is now a quea tion of right, of upholding the author!- tttive action of the party, and of stand ing by one who accepted that action in good faith. Sometimes vhen there is an appoint ment to be made and there are two or more candidates for the position, there U a disposition of tbe appointing power to turn aside and put in some other man in preference to either of the rivals. This oourse ia well enoueh here the candidates stand on an equal footing, neither having precedence over theother in any way ,but this not the case in this instance. Mr. Watson possesses a business training and is thoroughly competent to fill the position with efficiency, and bis opponents have not asserted and dare not asssert the con trary. He was endorsed by his party f jr that office, having received its votes bjih in the convention and at the polls, and the Democratic County Executive Committee is now a unit in his behalf, and he ia as much tho regular nominee of tho Democratic party for the office after tbe rejection of Mr. E. W. Car penter's bond as he was prior to that event. He is its candidate until the olose of the contest no matter what phase it may assume. His party nomi nated bim, not as a figure-head during the campaign, but to fill the offloe of Superior Court Clerk if it had the power to bestow it upon him. No one has worked more faithfully during the en tire campaign for the success of bis party than he has and if he, the repre sentative of his party, is deprived of the fruits of the victory, it would be a teri rible preoedent to establish and would work incalculable injury to tbe party in the future, beoause the will of the majority being set aside in one instance there will be no telling when it might be done again and one of tbe strongest incentives to united, harmonious, en thusiastio effort would thus be ex tinguished and a powerful advantage given to the enemy. Later Slnoe the above was put in type Mr. Watson has received his notioe of appointment to the office. His commission from Hon. Fred. Phillips, Judge of the second judioial district, arrived last night. Right has won, principle has triumphed, the party is solidified. Let this be a warning against any future attempt to thwart the ex pressed will of the party, Prompt Settlement. Received, Newbern, N. C., Deo. 5, 1890, of William H. Oliver, agent of tbe Lancashire Insuranoe Co. of Eng land, Five Hundred dollars in settle ment of loss by fire Nov, 14th, 1890, of my stock of goods at Fort Barnwell, am under obligations to Mr. Oliver for this prompt and satisfactory settlement. Through him I am enabled to pay portion of my indebtedness and I thank him for it. W. v. whitb. "J mat aa Good," . Say some dealers who try to sell a sub stitute preparation when a customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do aot allow any such false statements as this indooe you to bay what you do aot want. Remember thatr the only reason for making it Is that a few ocnts more pront will he made oa the substitute. Insist upon having the beat medioine Hood's Sarsaparilla. It Is Peculiar to Itself. : .:, 8 Children Cry for Pitched CastoriaT Clement Manly, Isq. This gentleman and bis accomplished wife took the train on yesterday for Winston, where they will hereafter make their home. Their elegant house here on the margin of the Neuse has been the headquarters of refined and generous hospitality, and host and hostess will be missed from the intelli gent social olrolee of New Berne. Mr. Manly, though a yonng man, has played an Important part in the publio affairs of Eastern North Carolina. Graduated with honor at Georgetown University in 1876. tbe centennial of our national independence, he has de voted himself with patriotio zsal to add to the growth of the country. The ven erated principles and traditions of the Law came to bim as an inheritance. In the same office with his distinguished father and Hon. F. M. Simmons he was compelled to lay the foundations of his legal attainments dsep and strong, A complete knowledge of the law, both as a science and a practise, became a ne cessity and a pleasure. And Mr. Manly soon evinced his keen avidity for both, He rapidly tock rank at the bar. Quick, perspicuous and analytical, he showed both before the ccurt and the jury his rare ability as a counsellor and advo cate. But as great a vacuum as his depart ure will make at the bar, we believe he will be still more greatly missed from the social life o. our city. His courtly manners in the company of his friends, his easy, sunny spirit in the exhiliration of entertainments, his familiarity with literature and music, and his most ex cellent gifts in both, caused him to be a charming acquisition to any circle whero he entered. The parlors and drawing-rooms of our city will find it difficult to replace him. Ho never filled any publio efflce, and never sought any so far as we know, although he was given a most flattering endorsement by his county for Superior Court Judge. But he always served the publio in this section with ability and cheerfulneja- His addresses before the schools were eloquent and finished productions. His activity and zeal in the first establishment of the Graded School in New Berne was one of the winning features in that struggle, and should never be forgotten. May all good fortune accompany Mr. Mmly and bia amiable wife to their new home. Church Ssivicea Today. Church of Christ, Hancock street L. Chestnutt, pastor. Services at 11 m. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday-school at 3 p. m., B. H. Melton, Sup't. Young men's prayer meeting at 9 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:60. The Sisters Working Society will be at the usual place Wed nesday at 3 p. m. The President de sires a full meeting as there will be im portant business to transact. The pub lio cordially invited to attend all the chnroh service. Presbyterian Church Services at 11 . m. and 4 p m., conducted by Rev. S. H. Isler, of Goldsboro. The publio are cordially invited to these services. Sunday sohool at 3:15 p. m., William Hollister, superintendent. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. George, reotor. Third Sunday in Advent. Servioe, sermon and Holy Communion 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m. A cordial in Station is extended to the publio to at tend these services. Attentive ushers. Sunday school at the ohapel 9:80 a. m., and at tne onnron o:su p. m. Baptist Church Servloes at 11 a. m.. Sunday-school at 8 p, ra.,0. C. Clark, Sup't. Church of Christ Services held at tbe poor house, con d noted by Elder W. H. Spencer, at 11 a.m. and Snm The publio are Invited to attend these services. Y. M. O. A Devotional servioe this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Subjeot, "How, and Not What We Give," W. M. Bonn tree, leader. Gentlemen are cordially invited to Da present. SHIPPING NEttfe. ABRIVED, Steamer Howard from Trtnton with fall cargo cotton. Schooner Neptune, Cspt. E. J. Evans, IN PORT. Sohooner Till Is G. Cruse, Capt Gaudy. Sohooner Aidie Henry, Capt. Wm. Hill. Sohooner Mattie E. Hiles, Capt, David Ireland. CLXASKD. ' Steamer Vesper, of the E. C. D. line, with cargo cotton, lumber, eto. Steamer Stoat, of the Clyde line, with, fall cargo cotton, lumber, and canned goods. ,. steamer , Nettie w., with cargo general merchandise, : Sohooner Robert MoAlieter.Capt. Jos, Morris." . i KOTES.' ' ; Steamer Neuse, of she E. C. D. line wilt arrive today and Mil at 6:80 o'clock Monday evening for Elizabeth City. For Sale, Two Cylinder Bellerk. Vi ft. diameter. 20 feet long, good aa new. One Balance Wheel, t ft. diameter. 12 Inch face, weight J, 000 lbs. One Flooring Machine, In good order and ready for Immediate ate. Also, Circular 8a we from beat known makers constantly oa hand and for eale by IMPORTANT 1 I have 441 assessments to colleot on Monday the 15lh Inst. 277 of these as sessments must be paid on that date or suspension will positively follow. fersons owing these assessments upon whom I do not call can pay them at my bouse. All of the 184 members of the Frater nity of Financial Co-operation must pay one dollar on tbe above day or they will be suspended. There will be a meeting of the mem bers of the Fraternity of Financial Co operation, held at tbe Hall over the store of J, M. Howard, Esq., on Mon day, Deo. 15, 1890, at 7i o'olook. p.m., for the purpose of organization and election of officers. W. B BOYD. Dec. 14. It TO MY CUSTOMERS -AND THE PUBLIC. I wish to say that I am in position to sell them First Class Groceries at prices as low as any responsible dealer. Any prices advertised will be cheerfully met by me, I will sell Wylie Smith's cele brated Royal Cream Flour in 10 lb. lot3 at 35c. A ticket given with each 10 lbs., and upon the return of 25 tickets, 15 lbs. given to the holder f aee. The Finest Butter in New Berne only 3Cc, Call and examine my Fine Stock of Xmas Specialties. Prices lower than any house in the city. JNO. DUNN. Dec. 14. dwtf Tax Notice. Your City Tax is now due, and must be paid on or before tho First day of January, 1891. I will be in mv office from 10 to 2 and 3 to 5 each day to receive same. S. H. LANE, dl3 tf Tax Collector. For Christmas LET YOUR PRESENTS BE TJXji ! You can find it in our NEW QOODS just received, consisting of Kid, Spring Top, Jersey and Scotch Wool Gloves. White and Blac k Silk and Linen Handkerohiefs, A beautiful line of Sctirfd and 4 in hand Ties. British and Balbriggan H. llote. Sus penders. Garters, Overgaiters. Collars and Cuffs. A new invoice of Scarf Pioa and Col lar and Cuff Buttons. Walking Sticks and Umbrellas. All wool Underwear, regular life preservers. Leather Coats and Shooting Jackets Stacy, Adams & Co. 'a Shoes. Clothing, Hats, Ruga. Trunks and Valises. J. M. HOWARD. oc25dwtf $100 for $44! EXAMINE OUR FLAN. Apply Early That your Certificate may soon mature Are you looking for an opportunity Here It ia. $100 for $44. , R. STREET, Agent, New Berne, N. C aeoiu dwtf A LOT OF FINE Turkey Creek Grove Indian River, FLORIDA ORANGES The Finest Orange in the World, for eale at J. F. TAYLOR'S. ' All who wish to enjoy them,' oome soon. For sale by tU Boi only.'- 3ZS. O. ID: Eastern Carolina Eispitcb. Fast Passenger and Freight Line be tween New Berne, Eastern North . Carina points, and Norfolk. , Kiliimore, Philadelphia and New York. THC NEW AND ELEJAST STEAMSHIP Built expreislv for out with sll modern Improvement! forth comfort of paasengeri, heated by team aid eleolrlo lighted, will mat. tw!sIAtS Tripe between New Berne and KlUabeta K-JtVno New Berne with the AtUntlO and North Carolina R K. ivlBB.,eT Be'De every Monday, "Wed FnMt? "y evenlnS8at0.30,iiturn. The Neuse Biaj.a at Kianoke Island coin - ana returning, and the trip anorda Svtrr Schedule lu Effect December 10, 1S0. .JhlFa8,teraDlsPltcl1 Llue eontlstlng of K. K New 0rk, Plilla. and Norfolk B. R , ?,,r.ernM9ylVla,K- ,orm a reliable ai regular line, offering niperlor facilities for quick pai sanger and freight traneportatlon. Mo transfer except at Kllzabeth City, at which point freight will be loaded on car to to throagh to destination. NoV.0 " " " from Philadelphia, bv Phlla.. W. & Bai-n K. R.. Dock Ht. Htatlbu. ' 4 0 "n Baltimore by Phlla., Wll. A Balio II R.. President St. Htatlon. W' ' From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R.B. From Boston, by Merchants Minen Trail i- portatloD Co.; New York and New Kng lata othtrUi!n":OW tIm 1a,ok";ihan by any For further info -matlon acp:y to W. H. JOYUK (Gen. KgU rimltle. r. K. K.). CI vm.l TrafflftMnnnaa. ' H-U. ilUlXilNS. General irelirht l..t w B. R. H Norfolk Va. UJV.. HKNDi.RTOH, Agent, ewberne. R.Q, feb20dw The Fraternity of ial Co-operation COSTS Initiation and Certificate fee $ 5.00 Contribution to lielief fund 10.00 Expense Dues paid 81 per month.. 5.00 Weekly Dans Si por week 26.00 Totdl ; $47.00 Pays in fix month? $100 00 r " ;' " " 160.00 r,. four " 150.00 Ninety three numbers in New Berne. For further information apply to dl0Jw'tf W. B. BOYD. A gentleman called at my store today to buy two pair of shoes, and wanted to take them up for his wife to look at them. S:ivs tho nronriolnr. 'lf r -K J VU vant them vou must pay for them, and tney don t suit you can get yonr money back." The gentleman wank if vory much indignant. Now. area- tlcmen, if you want Big Ike's goods you must pay for them before job carry them off. Accident Insuranco! OLD LINE COMPANY.1 A Policy of Insurance will be issued oa payment of . $5.00 PER $1,000 For Twelve Months. No Dues ! No Asseiimepfgt This policy will cause to be paid :fV5 81,000 in case of death from AcoIdent.',: $1,000 in case of loss of both arin. both, Inm . Unit. - " ' ego, u, uuiu cjen. $5C0 in case of one arm, one leg, of one eye. !,J i Aleo indemnity for time in daa nf being disabled by Accident. -'. No medical examination required. - Moral : Take out an acoident policy. William H. Oliver, T u T Insurance Agent, j Newbern, N. C. nov30evsan4t !'in Bishop's Camphor.:: The best of all Cosmetics fo'the'cOBI? PLEXION. for CHAPPED HANDS, FAC and LLPS, or ROUGHNESS OP THa SKIN. . ..Kin.fl Ladies will find it keena the fACIS A Vr HANDS SOFT AND SMOOTH daring the roughest weather. Gentfrmen will fled K a DELIGHTFUL APPLICATION AJTEB SHAVING to PREVENT CHAPEIHG and, SORENESS. "i f?r Price 25o. per bottle." For sale by J. V. JO&VtoPWavrlml W. J. GooDrao, druMist. and at ill n rk. principal drug stores. -'" " iiH Ni Ij. V. BISHOP. Piwiitir 'a dec6 dw4m ' Washfan. lVC; We Are Now in fosmS- iiv an .ii 'I..'"';' -ii1 i'wS;' f we have. Cotton .Seed Meal io i4ZH change fcr Cotton 8eed.t b: I, vome to tee as with your ,JUae. if f q-j want Highest Pi joe, t jn93n WP,tBURRtJ3 6,1C3:r Commission Merohsnta and 1 ' ' v -, ' Grain Dealers, H'"' Market Dock, New Berne, N. C,

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