1 1 1 - .;v.. ..... .... ' . . $ for Infants and "Caster! Is so well Adapted to children that X raoommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchxis, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, H. T. "Tks ate of 'Castoria' ia so universal and it merits to well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the IntoUlcwt families who do not keep Castoria within easy teach." Caklos Minrn?, D.D., Now York Olty. Lata Faster Bloomingdalo Koformed Church. Tn Cnmtm DOUGLAS $3 Shoe FOR GENTLEMEN. Vine Calf and T.accd Waterproof Grain, The excellence and woariiiir mmllttesof this shoe eannot be better shown than by the strong endorse menu of Its thousands ot constant wearers. Sf00 Genuine Ilnnd-fiewed, an elegant and ZJ stylish dress Shoo which commends itself. tMJOQ Hand-sewed Well. A line calf Shoe unequalled (or style and durability. SO. BO Goodyear Welt Is the standard dress w Shoe, at a popular prlee. SO. BO Policemnn's hhoe Is especially adapted w for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made In Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SH0ESld.?s, hare been most favorably received since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and If lie cannot supply you send dlrert to factory enclosing advertised price, or a postal or order blanks. a- I W. I.. DOUGLAS. Rrockten. Hut, .. ; .AGENT, Cor. Pollook and Middle Sta. mar22 dtjulyl A Great Bargain I WILL BE SOLD AT A , GREAT SACRIFICE! ' -A VALUABLE PLANTATION situ ated on the South aide of the Neuae river, three and a half milea from the v City of New Bern", N. C. One hundred : and twenty-five acres cleared. r GOOD LAND, 8 U J TABLE FOR TRUCK. I NO, ' Tobacco Raising, or any kind of .farm in. The, balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak, cypress, and other kinds ot timber. ' It to also fine Grazing Land. ; V , : Good dwellinar, outbuildineR. and fine orchard. It has a fine FISHERY fronting half a mile, on the- beach, - where there are high batiks of marl . that; oarr never- ba ' exhausted,' from which veaaels osn load with caw . I ; tt is a verv beautiful -and healthy lo cation, toreaentintc a near view to the ' passing veisejs and the A. & N. C. Rail road. . - ' . -x : For terma apply to , P.TRENWITH,, , : f Li Opposite Hotel Albert, . ocSOowtf JNew: Borne, n. u. AMntllll IMtnnn.hllvt.b.n4ndftt Willi: iur na,'ly Anna I'nffe, Atwlhi, awl .Ins. lliinn, Tol, Olilo. Si'o nit. OlIifranrmulnKaawau. ny ini.t y,.u) Iti.marani ov.ri0.00 a r l''.V ami winii'rfiit. Pnrllt II Inra tVta. z mil ri'i2 1 Es fella lsa 5 v. 5 U&l wfi 2 w. i-SoS" 5S alt . J 5 ft Q CO S!9 fc Sis 1 1 S H fwp Pl-i'-s gist fa siiy ifJiij iijiiciiiiNi l S5 o C 5 Ll -aS3o a SsS- 7?S &?ii .n Ms II i S if i ij s.si 69 SS 13 S tD o f0f: 3 is gi- -3 8 1 (5 j i Ess Ehtz; w si j s sic ui - Saw tl x& $ 111 1 S I ft 5 T -ggj 3-3 J 8. frS-sg 3 -ca fATTTTftM W. T.. V :inn F.Jiops are S?!5I?ItT!!II!"" h 111 """j"1"''.1, 'MV.'i ''v,'iT. .,!a'r M Yr VnA: m llHK W. L. 5 rl i . . wjmftii!Ut vniL'tUilU)OWorkana.liTS K " JiMttnitd, wlii-rn'tT jrtm art. E.tfbl J j) V n'ttiMisjirc piifjtv carnintf from to f l.(ii!,ir.AIIKti. WoikmrrJihmr ' y , nu1 Mml roil, in work In Mwnllm if r Jf $t nil ili'll:iio. IHk money tm work- j? . . rn. Ki'ilnra imkn'uvn -ftmonff them. ailtitt A C'e.,lJoxilitltS"oriliml.iulo Children. Castoria enres OoHa, Constipation, Boor Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, give sleep, and promotes di- WitioSttajarions medication. For several yaws I hare recommended year ' Taatoria, ' ana aball always centtaue to do so a it has invariably produced beneficial Nttlta," , , EswiH F. PasdU, V. D., "The Wintfarop," 136th Street and Tin Are., New York City. Comtaxt, 77 Uubbay Stout, New Tore. FROM NEW YOltK CITY. Mr. A. K. Ha wkes Dear Plr: Your patent eye-Kl89eB received some time since, and am very much sralltied at the wonderful ch inge tb.it lias come over my eyesight since i nave discarded my old glaises ai d am no w wearing yoarg. ALKXANDER AGAR, Becretury Stat.loneis' Board ol Trade. Alleges ntted at the drugstore of F.S.DUFFI.NewberD.N.0. K. R. JOHES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Az Snufi Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prioea as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction fruarantsed. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY &As acents for owners we offer for sal on easy and accommodating terma the follow ing d escribed Improved Real Batata lnthe Oily of Ne-ir Berne: No. 4. THE IRON FRONT WABKHOTJBX ON OR AVUN HTREET. No. 6. BRICK HTORB AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN bTREKT occupied by R. O.K. A full deicriction of this ralnable proper' ty, together with the beet terms n pon whlsh the same will ba sold, will ba famished on application lo tbe nndersigned at their office t nnoutn rront street. - - AUBO- Two Houses and Lots on Craven street A Farm at Sandy Point. WATSON A STREET, deed dwtf Ins. and Seal Estate Acta, VAIUABLE TRUCK LOD FOR SALE' Abont FORTY ACRE CLEANED LAND. situated within two miles of the olty, salt- Die tor iruoK raising, a great Dargain, Apply to WATSON A STREET. maiH ..Real Eat. Atents. FII1E CLOTHING, 'Fine Hats,: ; " ; ;: Fine' Underweari" : Fine Silk Umbrellas, fiMWeBhoe, IakloUUi4vKnaW W Desk Selected Stoak we aver carried. , , Our prices are the lo wait. : ; Call and be convinced, Agents for ZeilerBros.Shc THE JOURNAL. BUTE'S ADI2ESS TO NA3HI. ! BLTH 1 : 16, 17. 1 Entreat me not to leave thee,'" kar ! Ah whither should I go? A victim to tormenting fear: To wretchedness and woe. Iieturn from following after thee ! What e'er may me betide; S. gioat au evil may not he To wander from thy sidi'. I could not live without tby love, I Thy sweet, thy cheerful smile; The world to me a blank would prove, ! No joy could me beguile. "Whither thou goest'' I will go; I' l eee no other way, Not all the pleasures here Below, Shall tempt my feet to stray. "And where thou lodgcst," I'll alido "Thy pooplo" mine shall be; ask no earthly good beside To love be loved by thee. "Thy God" 'I "Jehovah "Lord" "My God" shall ever be; The Holy Ghost;" "The Loos;'' "Word." The blessed Tiiuiiy. i And "I will die;'' ''when thou hast died;' '.'And then 1 11 buried be; If aught but death,'' do us dividn, 1 he Lord do so to me, ' And in tho gravo we'll sweetly iest- I ill God shall bid me rise; ud then triumphant with the blest, Wo'll meet him in the skies Exchange. I IK NEW li IMPMUKK LEUISLA IV IlE. Hon- Ilie Clerk Will Manage to Give II to the Republicans, Boston, Mass. Dc. 13. A nciiil iioia ('ouconi, New Uamp- ti i re, lour correspondent as it on the best of authority that krk Jewett of tbo House of Ke- urest'iitatives, has decideu to place ud the roll of in c tubers elect of the next liouse tbe "if entitled'' Re presentatives. This will give the House to the Republicans by a arge working majority, and a United States Senator. Ho has ot vet formally announced that this is his determination, but your correspondent is able to give it on uthority which can not be ques tioned. Happy Women. What is it that makes women more smiling and happy lookiDg than men? We meet them on the cars, on tbe streets, in the country, by tbe seashore, always smiling, teeth a glistening, eyes a dancing. Ah! the secret is they aim to please. It is an tffort in many in stances for them to smile, and were u not for a deeire to look pleasing and pretty many would 'never emile again.' Whyr Because in a large majority of nstances they don t feel like smiling. They feil more like crying. With their neryous aches, weakness and bearing down pains, life to them is a burden. What a gold-find to many a physician is a rich sick woman. Why bould be aim to cure her and deny bimself the pleasure of presenting his hills with the usual regularity. It seems from the following lout tbe urest acd chespttt way for invalid women to regain health acd strength is ny using Botanic Blood Balm (B. B B ) Mrs J. A. white, 40 Wythe street. Petersburg, Va., writes: "I have used B. B with happy results, and others have taken it at my advioe and are de lighted with its curative results." J. N. Gregory, Butler Postofflce, S 0., writes: "My wife had been under the treatment of several good physi cians, but continued in poor health, so I bought four bottles of Botanio Blood Balm, and it did her more good than those doctors bad done her in ten years. She is now doing her own washing, a thing she has not been able to do for four years." - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A gentleman oalled at my store today to buy two pair of shoes, and wanted to take them up for his wife toloik at them. Saya the proprietor, "if you want them you must pay for them, and they don't suit you can get your money back." Tbe gtntleman went oil very much indignant. Now, gen tlemen, if you want Big Ike's goods you must pay for them before you oarry them off. Desirable Dwelling For Sale. Situated on South " Front street. House contains six comfortable rooms and recently added new kitchen and all desirable outhouses. Lot 70 feet front. ALSO -Hou3e and Lot on Craven street. Apply to Watson & Stre&t, dtf . Beat Estate Agent?, CJTATK OF flORTH CAROLINA. Graven O County. . . superior court. ouce E. A. Cherry against Hattfe M. Cherry. To Battle M. Cherry, Defendant. you are hereby nottnea to appear ana an swer or demur to tbe complaint In the above entitled action, wttleh will be deposited In the cierK'Somoeoi uraven county superior Court-, tbe flrat three days of the February term, lStl. ol said oourt, beginning on tbe 81 Monday betorn tbe 1st Monday in March, 1891, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for me renei aemauaea m ine eompminw Tula la an action lor olvoTce a vineoi matrimonii, upon the grounds of adultery. , Clerk Bup. Ct., Craven County, LaomDai 3, Mooei, a ; v Jia - Attorney for the plaintiff. , . aeoiu w the undersiamed. James "M Howard, has , -----. . .' duly qualified aa Administrator of the estate of Thos 8 Howard, and hereby alveajiotloe that ha reanlrea all nnraona havloc elalms sgalnst the estate of the said Thos. 8. How ard.to presenti thenv to tbe saldJames M. Howard, duly authenticated, for payment, on or before she Mtli dav of December. lHill. or else this notice will be pleadtd In bar of recovery, ,. . . . . ,, Persons Indebted to the estate must pay witnout aeiay. ; 3. U. HOWARD, dcc!8d6w Admlnlstrstor, Nature should lie assisted in the spring to throw off the heaviness of theslueirish winter TAKE .circulation of the iblood. Nothing DTTHB SPRING. as Swift a Specific. I have used 8. 8. 8. for a number of veare, and consider It the best tonic and blood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. H. W. Coleman, Of Coleman. Ferguson & Co., Dade City, Fla. Our book Cm Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Qa. ELYS Catarrh CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain aad Inflammation, Heals the Sons. Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell, vi's.uri ur" . i ri HAY-FEVER 1RY THE CURE A particle Is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Frlne 50 centH at DriiBKlsti; hy mall, registered, 60 cU. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Btreet, New York aprldwly J. H. 0KADTKEK. BA6II. MASLI. JOHN H. CRABTREE & :CC ENGINEER1?, Founders acd Machinists Manufacturer), and Dtftitfrs In BKBIKES AD MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Bnlide.s of Engines. Boilers, Saw Mills, Edging & Cut-off Machines Wearo prepared to do Castings of all klnda with promptness. Particular and Immediate attention glren to repal' s of all klnaa. Wo will be Rlftrt to give p'.sr.s and estimator (or anv desoi lption or machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer loan Saw. Also for Q. & A. Bargaiuln's oeie brated Indestrnctlble Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona bv ns. y22 d2aw wly 0RUNKEHtfESS Liquor Habit 0HAjrfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be given In coffee, tea, or In articles of food, without the knowledge of patient if necessary; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient in a modern. e drinker or an alcoholic wrecH. IT NEV Kit KAILS. Itoperates so quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no incon venience, and soon his complete reformation U effected. page oouk. iree. to ug n&a ot R N. Duffy, druggist, New Berne, jy 15 dwy N. C. TO WEMUEN Bnfforine from the effects of youthful errors, euly decijr, vutlng weakness, lost manhood, to., I will send a valiuble treatiBe (sealed) containing fdtl particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. A epienuia meaicai won ; snonia d reaa oj every man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,, Vrot.J?.JVpWLEa, Moodus,Conn,. Atlantic & N. C. Railrnao TIMS TABLE No. 22, la Eflaot 1:30 ,P.M. 17. 1B90. Friday,'. Oct OoiyaEAST. Schedule. Going West No. 51. Pataenaer Traini. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm 8 80 (ioldsboro 1110 am 4 06 4 00 La Grange 10 22 10 25 4 85 4 40 Kinston 9 48 9 53 6 00 6 08 New Berne 817 8 30 7 33 in MoreheadCity am 6 47 Daily. Goikq East Schedule Going, West No. 2. Mixed Ft. & Stations. Pass. Train. No. l.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. am 6 80 6 57 7 05 7 20 7 80 7 48 7 58 811 8 80 8 50 8 65 9 15 10 03 Goldaboro Best's La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newborn Biverdalo Croatan Havelook Newport Wild wood Atlantic Morehead City Atlantio Hotel 7 20 6 24 5 54 5 24 4 25 4 00 8 25 2 54 2 24 2 03 10 33 9 41 0 23 8 59 817 8 00 7 47 pm 6 84 604 5 80 6 00 4 05 3 40 8 00 3 80 S12 180 9 46 9 83 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 62 7 87 715 700 10 31 10 86 11 00 11 05 1117 11 41 1215 8 00 8 87 8 48 4 08 4 87 6 01 516 6 28 8 42 8 50 4 IS 4 42 4 55 5 01 5 21 5 28 717 705 am 5 81 p m Morehead Depot Monday. 'Wednesday and Friday. tTnesdar, Thursday an . Baturday. Train 60 connects with vrilmlnrton A Wei donlTraln trond North, leaving Goldaboro 11:60 a. m aud with men mono a uanviue Train West, laavlnc Uoldaftore a-40 c m. Train 61 eoaassta wltk Rlohmond at DaavIIls Trata, arriving at Goldaboro 2:65 pjn.,ad with wiuningwn ana weiaoa xnua irom tne Worth at 1:10 .. i Train 2 eonneeta with Wllmlngtoa and Waldoo Through Freight Train. Kortb bonnd; leavinf tioidsboro MS;60 p. -a. 8. L. Dill. ii , ; -9pglBtuident. THE BEST KHDWM REMEDY. "H.O.O." Cures Uonorhcea and Oleat In ltoSUaySt wlthont FalBa. Prevent Btrietnreji, Contains no aerld or poisonous snbstanoes, and Is guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Km 8t rln;fr with each bottle. Price It Sold by drOfrglftts. Beware of Sob. ti,nfn. ActTifif)hom.Ort.T,M.,N.O.T,ft 3 G mm f H Clothing ! Finest Lot Overcoats Ever Brought fo this C:!y, In 11 the Latest Styles! Well Selected Stock of AND ALMOST EVERYTHING IN THE Which was purchased for CASH, hence they were bought CHEAPER and can and will be SOLD CHEAPER than ever before. Can be Secured During Call and examine my MAMMOTH where. Respectfully, is. id. sxJIJBJJa.Iv., decll dwtf NEW BERNE N.,Cv S ALE EOTCtE. ALWAYS FINE AND WELL Selected with Care and from Reliable Dealers Onlv. Good Roadsters, And those suited for Family Turposes aud the Saddle. First-Class Carriage and Buggy Repository IN CONNECTION Painting, Repairing, &c., Trained and Txpcriciccd ifhoer constantly on duty. T. W. STEWART. oclMuwif LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. JVC HCASI c&5 CO. Ci CO ilMLiMJ'r Pk FIFTY HEAD YOUNG WESTERN HORSES AND MULES JUST RECEIVED. Fine drivers, draft and farm Horses. Also, large lot Buggies (top and open), Road Carls, Harness, Whips, Robes and Horse Blankets constantly on Lar.d at Rock Bottom Prices. We make our Livery a specialty. SiDgle or double turn-outs can be had at all lours. Every thing we sell is guaranteed as represented. Livery superintended by K. DENMARK. ,c "".OdiU etrLcL See TTs- THE Dickens ! $3.00 for tlu' Works o.' Charles Dickens, handsomely printed and finely bound, and with over 139 illustrations, doubtless seems fabulous tc many, but it is one of the recent harDV products ot Alclen s Ltit- erary Revolution-. The "Boz" Dickens. Dickens. The Works of Charles Dickens. "Boa " Edition In six vols., amou 8ro, good type, with numerous Illustrations, well printed on fall paper, cloth, $3.00. List of Vols 130 Illustrations. i Dombey and Son, 4. Mutual Friend, Mttle Lorrlt, Reprinted, Kdwln Drood, K Pickwick Papers.' ltarnaby Rudge, Sketches by Boa. uia uunosiiy anop. Bard Times. I David Conperlleld, unrisimaa stories, Tale of Two Cities, Uncommercial Traveler. V Nicholas Nlckleby, Martin Cbnulewlt, S.OIlTer Twist, Great Expectations, nkak House, Hclures from Italy. American notes. This " Boz " edition of Dick ens is printed from the same plates fis Appleton's Popular Library Edition of this same author, their . published price being $10.00 a set. The paper used is a trifle lighter and a little cheaper in ' quality, but both are good. , .' , i -The books may be seen at the office, of Ai?papt,ortBpfeoimen volume returnatiie, will be sent postpaid. for 50 COntSe J Clothing! Lau' Dress Gool . t the Fridays ! STOCK before purchaeiog'elue- f ON HAND BROKEN HORSES, Good Draft Horses. WITU LIVERY. Done in Best Workmanship HOME AND FARM LOUISVILLE, KY. tho Leading Agricultural Journal of tha South and Wait, Made by Farmers for Farmers. . As a record of successful agriculture, Hovst nd 1 arm has no equal. Every topic relatlag to agriculture is openly discussed la its colassSS by the farmers themselves. No expense is spared in securing a full account of every notable saie cess on the farm. It is distinctively the r FARMERS' OWN PAPER, V A record of their daily life, presented In a foraa and language which make it plain to all. ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS " Contains the names of the most progressive (ares ei s of the South and West. They do trot treat of theoretical farming, but of the actual Condi lions which confront us to-day : B. F. Johnson ; Waldo F. Brown ; Henry Stewart ; John Yf. Stall; A. P. Ford ; J efT. Welborn ; Hugh T. Brooks : Joks) C. Kdgar ; Steele's Eayou ; T. B. BaMwist aae I host of others make this journal indispensable Moreover, it is equally ' -- A HOME MAGAZINE.' "w '... Vvm snWert of interest to the home-Msker fully treated. Marv Mareden, LoiaCatesby, afra Brown, Mrs. Daviess. Miss Cabell, afi MS jnesta Alice Winston and a score of others will eoatrib- ute regularly. FAITH LATIMER Is in charge of our Children's Deesrtmeat, aai she has the peculiar faculty of being fcoUl tercsting aud instructive. u ;;i-tta rtasrj. THE MYSTERY Or THE BT10 V e Is a thrilling story appearing1 In ,1 Hbisrdrk lrm, by John B. alaslck. and is excitiag wids Farm, attention. Short stories by distinguished writttV appear from time t : to time J - .a . Jtv s BILL ART'S LETTCRS '' Appear in each issue, and this btimomral pbBbse; pher was never jkiote,. IntoreBtlng. tkasv-aa tht- . W rrs tortt)Mit !1rtlAdS(f ' Home ARK) fKkH speaks bbtdTy aha fearleisl it , behalf Of 0 Parnters' Hlghts." It fawf a Ta vision of the tariffin behalf trftSe (anatar; a - roads for the farmer i Free. Mail Delivery U t rarmer : co-operation among ine iarmera, asa ra aim l!''pustts.' IattottotoT,,r 4 ralr trsot ana farmers kllats. At my shop on Middle street Plenty of water, hot or cold, and good largo room. .. ,. x. - .. junlldtf ,T " J B.