r n n-- fiMLY OURNAL Itl VOL. IX.--N.O. 224. NEW BEBNE. N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. r 3 r BUSINESS LOCALS. FRESH EGGS today. Call on Noma Nunn, Ueo. Allen's old ttind. I WILL bare SO cords of dry pine wood at tbe depot, to sell at retail, Monday. daclW-8: M Pobteb. ANOTHER of 0ndiee, Nat and Ratios just iih: ived. Fresh and par. Numa Nukn. KID GLOVE J 0 KiJks. soleageat (ox the celebrate. 1 i':;sier Lasing Kid Ulovee, has just ie3tiji today alaige line, all shades and Bz-a. Every pair warranted. Price only 1 00; guaran teed to be as goo J as any $125 glove. Just what any lady w ill want for a Christmas present. deol9-lw. Best Gifts fob the EIolidays-Popu-larand Standard Books. Another lot just added. Nlma Nuks. MINCE MEAT, English Plum Pud ding, Choccolat, T.spioca, Evapo rated Apples, Prune), Dried Apples, Improved Jelly, Uiiliiae, Preserved Ginger, Raisins. Citron, Gurnets. Nuts, Cindy, Small s Br ukfat.t Strips, Family Corned Beet, Codinb, Improved Sardines, Lea & PeirihV Siuce, Toma t Catsup, Capers, Curry Powders, White Beans, Roliel Oato. Crushed Wheat, Hominy. Macuro1; i, Vermeoelli, Spioes, Dried Herbs. Fresh Roasted "offee. Fine toas, Cocoa. Smokt-d Beef Tongues, Chipped Bosf, Canned Goods. All fresh C. E. Slover. HOLIDAY GOODS have burst into developed lift: a cleaner, fresher stock you cin'i Und. Extracts. Toilet Waters, Colognes 4711. Bichet I owder, and a ni38 liae of PIumS Uoods. Good Wnisk Brooms at 15j. lie just to jour purse; consult our colli c ion. The case is simple: we cannot xllow any other folkt to serve jou either cheaper or better. That's why worthiest things at lowest prices alwavs await you at Ciias. C. Green "s iiejl7 txrms New Drug Store. A SPLENDID DISPLAY of HOLI DAY GOOD can be seen at the New Drug 8toro, Mid sle Krtet. tzmas 0. 0 Green " A LARGE stock of lin -i 'itK j int re ceived sud (going very r -Hilly at low figures. S;ci 1 drive Come early. deo'.4-lw M. Haiint & Co. IMNE S:UPPEHNONa WINE for the Christmas Holidays for sale at Si 00 per gallon by W. E. Brown. Vanceboro. Parties wanting will de liver order j and paskages to Captain Ipock ot the steamer Vauceboro, which will be returned on boat. 13 lw W. E. Brow., Vancbboro. N TEW GOOD3 juit received at Ohurobill & Parker's, such as Mince Moat, Riisins, Currants, Prunes. Citron, Dried Apples, Spices of all kinds, Bologna Sausages and Northern Sausage. Tripe, etc.. Macaroni and Cheese. Chocolates and Gelatines. All of the above are tew and fresh; in faot we guarantee all our goods and prices. Just come in once and sea what we can do; all we ask is one trial. Very resp. Churchill & Parker, Broad st. ROBERTS & BRO. are receiving their fall stock Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions They buy at headquarters and can give you Low Frioes. auao "LD PAPER ) for sale ia any quan J titles at Journal office. The Democratic plurality fcr Goveinor in Michigan is 11.526. Heavy snows iu Vinginia,Tenn essee and Western North Garolina. The Pope U asked to pronounce against the Irish GatholiCB support ing Farnell. A correspondent of the Lon don "News" says the cause ol Farnell is lost. Hon. J. L. M. Irby, elected to succeed General Wade Ilampton will be the youngest man in the Senate. The Sub-Tropicil Exposition at Jacksonville, Fla., will be opened on January 15th, and will remain open three months. - Brevet -Major General A H. Terry who died last Tuesday, at Hartford, Conn., was in commend of the land forces at the capture of Fort Fisher, N. G. There are. confiictrng rumors about the condition on the Indian frontier, tut the latest information leads to the beleil that an Indian Vac cannot be avoided. '-.At a late meeting of the Board Trustees of Richmond College, Dr J.L. M. Carry was eleoted presi dent of tho board. No man in the flonntrv Is better fitted : for the position; '. ' ' . ,:.' ,-; " 'nito-ATir "John G. POTTS. s Charlotte committed sulolde by shooting himself with a pistol on Monday He was a good Oonfed erate, a devoted church member, No cause is assigned for the rash detdr Our Exchanges indicate a xery fall attendance at the Asheville Immigration Convention. Graven county and the city of New Berne are certainly well represented, and we trust that good resales will follow. Savannah, Ga., counts on hav ing six new railroads in the course of the next two years. Norfolk, Va., has greatly extended her rail rotd connections. New Berne is between them: She is a little slow, but she is coming. The New York Times Bays of Qen. Wade Hampton's defeat: "This is a result over which there will be no rejoicing outride of South Garolina, for Gen. Hampton has shown himself an able, digni fied, and high minded Senator." The News and Ubaerver says: "The article we copied from the New York Herald, in which it was stated that Mayor Fritchard, ol Windsor, had been tied and whip ped by unknown men, is said to be without foundation and we are asked to beg the State press to deny ihe report." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 Mirks -Kid gloves. Bargain 8TOREToday. H. C. Wbitejiubst Horses. C. E. Slover Mince meat. etc. M. Porter -Dry pine wood. Jno. a, Richardson Statement. NcMa Nunn Candies, books, eto. Hackburn the Grocer My pi ioes. Cotton. New Berne market -Sales of 83 balesat7 1-4to8 8 8. Mrs. Mary B. Gordon is having her residence nicely painted. Mr. D. V. Dixon, a prominent mer chant of North Carolina, is in the city visiting Ms jar S. D. Pope. -Under the new census North Caro- ina will stand eighteenth in point of increase and seventeenth in point of population among the States. A letter left at one of our grocery stores to be mailed was addressed as follows: Miss Dollv Jane, Arraoaho. . C. Go In haste, my dear friend, Remember the entertainment this evening, 18th, at the residence of Mr. Geo. H. Roberts. Santa Glaus will be ready to reoeive the little folks at six 'clock. Music will begin at 8 o'clock. The well known Howard's shipyard and marine railways, formerly owned and ably managed for many years by the late Mr. Thos. S. Howard, will here- fter be conducted by his son, Mr. Thos. C. Howard. The Farmers' Allianoe is bail ding a store, 20x49 feet, at Riverdale. Eight thousand, feet of lumber arrived for it Wednesday and work on it was com menced at onoe. Mr. A. L. Heath is in charge of the work. The money collected for plaoing head stones to mark the graves of the North Carolina soldiers buried at Fredericks burg, 161 in number, amounts to 113.- 50. and has been sent to that oity for the purpose intended. At the M. E. Conference at Wilson a reeolution was adopted appointing a committee to look into the expediency of celebrating the one hundredth anni versary of the death of John Wesley, the great founder of Methodism. Greenville was selected as the next place for the meeting of the Conference. Mr. M. Porter, the briok man, was in town yesterday purchasing goods for hit ttora at Riverdale. Be informs ns that there will be a basket party tonight at Riverdale, at his place, and also that on yesterday he finished burning a kiln of 45,000 briok, being the last of 600,000 he has bnrned daring the season. Edward Fsnner, oolored, had two of his fingers eat off at Taylor's mill on Clubfoot creek. Dr. O. N. Mason, of Harlowe, dressed the wound and he is doing well, and on the same day Sam'l Gibbs, colored, who was employed as setter at Bacon's mill, Adam's creek, was run over by the carriage and badly mashed. " . xi :' llUmrd at Koanoke. Roanoke, ,Va.. Dec. 17 Roanoke's low by the bUHird on Tuealay and Wednesday is estimated at a quarter or a million, The norroiK and western maohlne shops, several, livery stable, and other building had roofs to nil la frost the pressure of the now. one man was killed and seven wounded at the maohina shorn. Oat of thru wreoks, fireman therreU waa killed in a collision on new Kivar Division.- Children Cry for Pitcher't.Castoria. VIEWS OF AN OYSTER TOSGER, Save onr Natural Beds aid Further Develop oar Supplies. A correspondent of the Elizabeth City Economist who speaks of himself as an oyster tonger thinks that his eighteen year experience as a worker in the business of fishing and oystering gives him an understanding of the kind of laws that would prove benefloial to the class of men to which he belongs, and aver that they are crippled by the existing law forbidding the carrying of oysters from this to sny other state in the shell, He says: iWe commenced to carry our oyiters lust iear into Virginia where we got a fair price of from fifty to sixty cents pur tub, where the law regulates the tub to be twenty one inches. We also sold to Virainia vessels, who paid us on our rocks from 85 to 85 cents per tub, we were getting from 25 to 85 cents on the roeks and from 60 to 60 cents in Norfolk. We now have to take from 8 to 20 cents on the rooke and 20 cents in Elizabeth City market and beg them to buy them, and measured iu a tub from 24 to 25 inches. Now then Mr. Ed: it is not worth our while to fatten the fat hog fatter and let thepocr pigs starve, but let us keep them all in a thriving condition. What we want is the following laws: First. A law to prohibit non resi dents from going on our rocks and catching oysters with dredges, drags, ccrapus, scoops, tongea, or with any thing by whioh oysters may be taken, second, A law to prohibit anv resi dent of the state from employing non residents to catch oysters in any shape, iu the waters o. North Carolina. Third, A law to prohibit the use of dredges, drags, scoops, or anything ex cept the ordinary tonges, Inside of the reef from Ocraooke Inlet to Oregon Inlet. Fourth, A law to prohibit the taking up ground to plant oysters within one mile of any natural oyster rock. Fifth, A law to regulate some stand ard measure, to buy and sell by. Sixth, A law to give the resident of the state who is industrious enough to c jtoh tho oysters from the natural oyster beds a privilege to sell their oysters in the best market obtainable either in or out of the state. In an article on oyster protection the Norfolk Virginian makes the statement that the Alliance people of North Caro lina propose to urge the Legislature to press a very important act to stop piracy and abuses and says that the proposed aot "make it unlawful to remove be yond the limits of that State any shell oysters unless the same shall have been planted in some private ovster-beds in North Carolina, for at least two years prior to removal, and in no ease shall it be lawful to remove any shell oyster out of the State under two and a half inches in length, nor to buy or sell oysters under that longth, unless for planting in private oyster-beds there The aot will also make it unlawful to take from the waters of North Carolina any oysters between May 1st and Oo- tooer lit of each year from the natural beds, except for the purpose of return' ing them to be planted In some of the private oyster beds in North Carolina." Interest in the fate of the oyster in our own stataand in Virginia, was never more thoroughly aroused than now and it is well that it is so, for the crisis is at hand. Our oyster business is soon to be largely developed or destroyed, which thall it be. That is the question to be decided and it is one of the most im portant to ua that will oome before our Legislature which is to meet next month. By proper ventilation of the subjeot and careful interchange of opinions and reasons therefore we hope wise solution of the debated plan may be consummated. The Entertainment Tonight. The pupils of Vanoe Aoademy had a dress rehearsal last night, and the readiness with which they go through the respsotive parts is an indication of the thoughtful etudy they have be' stowed upon them and the careful training they have received. Be sure to Attend. You will haye an evening of pleasant enjoyment, be encouraging a home institution in its efforts to ac oomplish good and be helping the orphans at Oxford and Thomasville, to whom all the money will begiven.Every charaoter represented is nicely and ap propriately costumed, and those who remember how well Prof. Skinner pupils acquitted themselves at his last commencement do not need to be told that this entertainment is going to, be good one. It you want to sse the sav age red man in the pride or many feathers, a Chinaman pig-tail and all an Irishman that Is more like an Irishman than an Irishman himself, the negro charaoter; taken off by school-boy as good as you ever saw Jt done by a professional, to have some Jolly laugh and to see some good acting by preity young ladies, attend this entertainment. " 3 Terrific Storing. ; Nw'ToRx,'Do.'l8.-Tejriflo saow storm are , reported- throughout the Northwest and along the Atlantio coast all the way to Savannah, Qa. -Fears are entertained as to vessels at sea. SHIPPING NEWS arrived. Steamer L. A.Cobb from Griftou rith cargo cotton. Steamer Vanceboro. from Vanceboro, with oar go cotton, lumber and shingles. Schooner Cupar Heft, Oapt. John S. Oweu, from Baltimore with cargo lime consigned to A. & V. O. Railroad. . Schooner James M. Hall, Captain E. M. Halleck, from Providence, R. I. Schooner Henrietta Hill, Capt. Jos, Smith. IN PORT. Sohooner Virginia, Capt. Lewis. Schooner John R. P. Moore. Capt. Jos. Oaskill. Schooner Tillie G. Cruse, Capt Gandy. Schooner Nina, Capt. James T. Salter. Sohooner Mattie E. Hiles, Capt. David Ireland. NOTES. Steamer Newberne, cf the O. D. line, will arrive tbis morning and sail at 12 m- Steamer Neuse, of the E. C. D. line, will arrive this morning and sail at 6:30 o'clock. Steamer Stout, of the CI) do line, will arrive tonight. Steamer L. A.Cobb will Bail this morning at 0 o'clook for Grifton. Steamur Carolina will sail at 7 o'clock this morning for Grifton. Steamer Vanceboro will sail for Vanceboro tbis morning at S o'clock. Steamer Howard for Trenton, at 8 0 this morning. Steamer Nettie W. for Kinston 12 m. The Qnestlon Solved. Editor Editor: A Ibave not seen any solution to the problem given in the Sunday morning s Journal of De cember 7th, by the Collegiate Institute, to whose students the problem was given, I will herewith give you as brief statement as I can to the problem in said paper. The 14 rails to the rod is the only basis given to ascertain the answer; therefore mensuration is the only rule I can find to solve the ccse: Una mile 820 rods. Then by multi plying 820 by 820 and divide the result by 160 the result will be 640 acre to the square mile. Then by taking one side of the square mile and multiply 330 rods by 4 the number of sides and by 14 the number of rails to the rod. we get a result of 17930 rails around the square mile. Then by taking the 17920 rails and divide by 640 the number of acres in the square mile the result will be 23 miles to one side of the unknown square. Then 28 mile multiplied by 820 rod will result in 8960 rods to one side, and the 8960 rod multiplied by 8960 rods and di ided by 160 will make the answer 501760 aores. Then 23 miles multifled by 320 will result as before, 8960; then multiplied by 4 the number of sides and 14 the number of rails will make the answer 501760 rails. The problem can be worked with any number of rails to the rod. hot in stance 10, 12 or 16, eto. The problem can also be worked with a board fence, the boards to be ICi feet long. For m stanoe, the fence to be 5 boards high and the board b one rod long, and the number of boards around the field and the number of acre in the field, will be the same. Also any other number of boards, as 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, eto. Another point is that the number of miles to one side of the unknown square is always double the number of rails or boards to the rod, used in the problem above, the one mile square. Very respectfully, H. 8. Gordner. New Berne, N. O., Deo. 17, 1890. The Great Inter-State Immigration Convention. Asheville. N. C., Deo. 17. The Im migration convention i the greatest industrial gathering ever seen in the South. There are about one thousand dele gates here, and they are from every Southern State. It is a fine looking body of men. When the oonvention assemoiea to day Gen. R. B. Vanoe was made tern porary onairman, ana mr. uuiott, oi Florida, temporary secretary. Addresses of welcome were made by Nat. Atkinson, Esq., and Gov. Fowfe. The Governor was brant ana witty: made the best speech of his life and oharmed the enthusiastic visitors. The response was made by Mr. James Lyon, of Riohmond. Ool. W. H. 8. Burgwyn, ohairman ot the North Carolina'delegation, and Mr. W. 8. Primrose, of Raleigh, spoke for a big exhibit at the Columbian expo sition, and resolutions fsvoring suoh were unanimously adopted. The permanent organization waff ef fected tbis afternoon by electing M. T. Bryan, of Tennessee, president. Fourteen states are represented. Attacked ny Indians. DknvBR. Deo. 17. A news courier from the camp near Daley's ranch has the following front the camp near Daley'fanoti:...H -?H t Rapid City, Dakota. A ranch man hat jnst fcrrtred la great bait and re norts to our commanding officer that a command of cavalry has been attaoked and two officer ana any men are killed, but the Indians were repulsed with heavy losse. The number of Indians- killed ' 1 not known, . , The Indians Were put to route. This report Is probably' credited. ' It is not known whioh command it was, probably that of Major Tnpver. ot tnp sixm oavairy. and hltthru troop. . .One hundred1 and forty men of our command maroh to their assistance at onoe. t Senator Gorman's House Buried. Balttmohk, Dec. 17. A special to the Sun from Laurel. Md., taya that about 2 o'clock this morning a fire broke out in 8enator Gorman's resi dence and it waa not discovered until the whole dwelling was enveloped in flames. The inmates narrowly escaped with their live. The house and con tents were nearly totally destroyed. Hi wife and daughter escaped in their night clothe and did not save any thing. The senator waa not at home at the time. For bracing up the nerves, purifying the blood and ouring sick headache and dyspepsia, there' is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. 6 Horses. Three Horse and one Mnle to be sold at once for oash. Very chesp. Very good for farm use. Can be seen at Street's Livery. Apply to H. a WHITEHURST, dl9 Attorney at Li w. We offer Special Drives in Ladies and Gents' Silk Eandkerchiefs and Mufflers. Our stock is large and varied, and prices ange from 25c. to $1.38. Nothing will make a nicer or more acceptable Xmas Present. 11 BARGAIN STORE." deol6 tf (Uty Prices Are Certainly Telling! Never before have I had such a TRADE. LET THE GOOD WORK GO ON. I am happy. The Grocer," E. B. HACKBURI3. dl6 lstptxmas STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County, I, Jno. A. Richardson. Register of Deeds and ex-efficio Clerk ef the Board of Commissioners of Craven county, do hereby certify that tbe following ia a correct statement of the amounts, items and nature of all compensation audited by said Board of Commissioners to the members thereof severally, the number of days the Board was in session, and the distance traveled by the members of aaid Board respectively and charged for attending tbe same during tho year ending November 81st, A D. 1890, as per reoords of said Commissioners, to wit: James A. Bryan, Chairman. Attendance at meeting. 13 days at 83.00 5 20.00 Signing vouchers 12.00 Supervising court house and jail. 50.00 8S8.00 E. W. Smallwood. Attendance at meetings, 23 days at2.00 $ 46 00 Signing vouchers 13 00 Supervising poor bouse GO.OO $118 00 J. A. Meadows Attendance at meetings, 15 day at 82.00 S 30 00 Supervising bridges 80 00 (60 00 Daniel Lank. Attendance at meetings, 18 days at 53 00 .3 86 00 Mileage 7 20 843.20 Wm Clxyk Attendance at meetings, 12 days at 83 00 9 21 00 Mileage and ferriage 15.75 830.75 I further oertify that the Board was in ession 88 day, and that no unveri fled account were audited. Tit toltnaaa wharnAf I kav K.r.nnln One hundredirob0Tibd my name at offloeln New Berne on tbe loth day of Deer., 1890, dl :. Jno. A. Richabcsosv Clerk, Holiday Goods ! I havM opened a lot cf Holiday Good atd woull like you to call and examine them. Satisfaction price and quality. Jut rectijed-A fresh lot of Coo- dray's Chemically Pure Fleur De Rii for the toilet. E. J. GOODING. ANNOUNCEMENT. No. 2 We are prepared to offer you tcday the Moat Elegant Lino of Fine Gold Goods it haB ever been our pleasure to show in this city. Our NEW STERLING SILVER WARE U very handaome. BELL THE JEWELEE. For Sale, isvo lynnaer Hollcn., L" ; ft. diameter. 20 feet loDg, good ag new. Due BulHnoe Wheel, 9 ft. diameter, 12 Inch fa.ee, weight 2.10J lbs. One Flooring Machine. In good order and ready for Immediate use. Also, circular Saws from best known makers constantly ou hand and for sale by declldlwtit l. COJOL)ON & BON. For Christmas LET YOUR PRESENTS BE t You can find it in our NEW QOOD3 just rosoivod, consisting of Kid, Sprinsr Ten. Jernov uriil Hnntnh Wool Gloves. Whito and Mack Siik and Linen Handkerchiefs, A beautiful line of Scarfs and 4 In hand Tiee. British and Balbriecan H. Hooe. Rn.. penders. Garters, Overeaiters. Collar. and Cuffs. A new invoice of Scarf Pin nH ri. lar and Cuff Buttons. Walking Sticks and Umbrellas. All wool Underwear, regular life preservers. Leather Coats and Shooting Jacket. Stacy, Adams & Co. 'a Shoes. Clothinir. Hat. R Valises. J. N. HOWARD. oc25 dwtf TO MY CUST0MEES AND THE PUBLIC. I wish to say that I am in position to sell them First Class Groceries at prices as low as any icDijuusiuio ueaier. Any prices advertised will bo cheerfully met by me, 1 will sell Wvlie Smith's brated Royal Crown Flour ia 10 lb. lots at 35c. A ticket iriven with each 10 lbs., and upon the return of 25 tickets, 15 lbs. given to tho holder fjee. The Finest Butter in Naw Berne only 3Cc. Lall and examinn mv Finn Stock of Xmas Specialties. rrices lower than any hous9 in tho citv. . , JNO. DUNIiV Dec. 14. dwtf The Fraternity of 1 Financial Go-operafi:n COSTS - i f Initiation and Certifloatfe..v..$ 5.04 Contribution to Relief fund.......U. 1ft 00 Expense Dues paid $1 per month.., 9M nevaiy juuob 91 per wee;.M. ..., 0.Uft Total :;t...'.f47.0Q fays in six monlhe....,.i....ttlT6tf Or " " " , X ., ... -....a.?150.0 four 150.0 Ninety three member in NewBerser For further, information applf to ' diodwtf ';. : , ,w,aiBoriiai v ,Tax H6ticiS Your Pity Tax is now dn, nnrj wuv be paid on or before the. First due, January, 1891. w. ' I will be In my office from; ft tVf m4j v u eacu uy to receive earn? vu " 8tH.-LANE;.4 vwtTe QolleetorM dl8lf

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