X sBagfc, "5- THE mix OURNAL VOLj IX.--NO. 226. NEW BERNE. N. C. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOUALS. rriWENIY-EIGHT mora boxes of fine X Florida Oranges anived direct by yesterday' freight Will be sold cheap by the box cr at retail. deo31-lt Nar the Postcffloe. ARMOUR'S Drts el Beef, Finest Dressed Turktji. in the city this season, and Fie Bo o at J. F. Ives. Ia cold storage. Deo. 20, 1890. I WILL bave SO cor.. a . i dry vine wood at the depot, to sell at retail, Monday. deol8-8i 11. Portkk. KID GLOVE; 0 Marks, sole agent for the celet rated Foster Lacing Kid Qloves, has just received today a large line, all shades and hizjs, livery pair warranted. Price only $1 00; gueran teed to be as good as any $1 25 glove. Just what any laiy will waut for a Christmas present. Jocl9-lw. 'A SPLENDID DISPLAY of HOLI A DAY OOOD3 cm bit-ten at. the New Drag Store, Mid J !e t s reet. txmas V. O Guee.v M INCEMEAT. English Plum Pod- I'-L ains. Cbocc'jlate. I .'iioca, t-vapo- ratod Apples, Prunes, D.i.rri Apples, Improved Jelly, Gell.nrc, Preserved Ginger. Raisios. Citrou, luir r.ta. Nuts, Cindy, Small Qius, Ur tkt t Strips, Family Corned Bei-I. C'.:(3tish, Improved Sirdines, Lea & Prrrin's Since, Toma to Catsup, Caper, Curry Powders. White Beans, Uol.o.l Otu. (.'rushed Wheat, llorainv, Maciir ' . i, V. rcitcelli, Spioee, D.-ird Herbs, i':.'c!i Uosnted "jffe-). Fme Tea., Cocoa. Suk d Beef Tongaea, Cbipptui Beuf, Cuoued Goods. AH fresh C E Swjvbb. HOLIDAY GOODS hava burst into developed lire: a cleaner, fresher stock you can't find. Extracts, Toilet Waters, Colognes 4711, S-ehe. 2'uwder, and a niae line of Pluah GjoIs Good Wnisk Brooms at 15o. Bo ju9t to your purse; consult our colUc ion. The case is simple: wo cannot allow any other folks to servo jou either cheaper or better. That's whv worthiest things at lowest priees always await you at CHA8. C. CrEKN'8 ilecl7txmiS N-jiv Oru; S:oie. TEW GOOD3 ju t received at IN Churohill & P-iiure, eu.i'i as Mince Meat, Rateinj, Currants, Prunes, Citron, Dried Apploa, Spicts of all kinds, Bologna Siusiges and Northorn Siusages. Trips, etc.. Macaroni and Cheese, Chocolates and Gelatines. All of the above are new and fresh; in f ot we guarantee all our goodo and prices. Just come in once and see what we can do; all we ask is one trhl. Very resp. Churchill & Pai-.ker, Broad st. ROBERTS & BRO. are receiving their fall Block Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries-and Provisions. They buy at headquarters and can give you Low Prices. au26 The Emperior of Germany has been made happy by the birth of a sou. The condition of affairs in Ire land becomes more and" more deplorable every day. The St. P.iul Pioneer Press, Republican, "If. is the plaia doty of the Senate to consign the Elec tions bill to deserved oblivion.'' THE Democrats ia the Senate are determined to make all the fight possible in opposition to the infamous, tyrannous Bayonet bill. Able men are baudlbg the subject and some of them in a masterly manner. Wilmington Messenger. AT the Ashevilla Convention there are representatives present flora fourteen States Maryland, Virginia. West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Tennessee. Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Missouri. Bbayeb Shepaed, ot the New York Mail and Express, says that at present he is in favor of the re- nomination of Harrison, bat cir camstances may cause him to change his opinions. The only thtog noteworthy about this is that the Brayer thinks he has opinions ' and has intelligence enough to ' change them. Wilmington Star. If the Bayonet bill passes it wil . - be a positive curse to the whole country, and its results will be seen year, after year to be dangerous .and violative of local self govern ment and if not repealed t may , , really in the end serve to a great - extent to destroy whatever of Re v publican form of Government is ' - left on these shores. Wilmington ' ' Messenger. I : r Blaine appears to be an idea Republican ' candidate .. The New ; York Tribune supports him because he is a protectionist and the Chica go Tribune because he is not protectionist. If there Is any vir tue in selecting a candidate who will satisfy all shades of political opinion the tattooed man from Maine will probably be the next presidential sacrifice. Chicago Mail Democrat. On Wednesday night last the Republicans in their Senatorial cauens decided to take op and pass the Force bill as soon as possible. No body is surprised at the effront ery of the Republican Senators when we remember that they hold with Mr. Sherman that anything is justifiable in law or morals that will keep the Democrats out of office and the hands of the Repub- ioans in the National Treasury. The old Democratic theory is the one 6a fe theory that the General Government the creature should never attempt to do for the people of the States the sov ereign creators what they can best do for themselves. Two things should be avoided class legisla tion and a system of Parternalism. hey mean national decadence, a os oi American manhood, the abandoning of the genuine repub- ican, democratic theory of Govern ment. Wilmington Messenger. LUCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ncma. Nunn -Oranges. J. L. Taylor Oranges, eto. Sam. B. Watsrs Christmas comes. Dackburn the Grocer -Union down Bargain Store Hail Merry Christ mas. CoTrON. New Berne market Sale of 5 bales at 7 1 2 to 8 I 4. Sales for the week 430 bales against 4S3 same week of last year. Rev. D. MoLwd, of Beaufort, will preaoh today at the Baptist church. The steamer Cleopatra was sold yesterday, according to advertisement. Major A. R. Dennison was the pur chaser. The New Berne Graded School will continue open until Wednesday. Christmas holidays will begin Christ mas day. The merchants and clerks were quite busy yesterday and at a late hour last night, meeting the demands of the holiday trade. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday also promise to be days of activity in business circles. Mr. Jonathan Havens, tpaaking of the Southern States Immigration Aiso- ciation, said that he had never before seen more talent displayed in a con vention of any kind. Not only in the spoeches was this remarkable, but in all the work done. One of the Government derricks used for oleaning out obstructions in Neuse river, under the supervision of Gen. Robert Ransom, was brought to the city yesterday for repairs to the machinery, which will be made by Messrs. J. H. Crabtree & Co. Everything ia in readiness for the hare and hound chase to come off Christmas day. A large number of gentlemen and a few ladies are to join the chase, and the ride ia expected to be a fine one. Handsome prizes are to be awarded. The young men wishing to contribute towards purchasing the prises are requested to report at the store of Mr. Bell. The Entertainment to ba Repeated. Owing to the earnest solicitation of many of our citizens the pupils or Vance Academy have deoided to repeat their excellent and delightful enter taiament tomorrow night. The entire programme of Friday night will be given and new features besides spe cialties for this ocoaston. Mr. Stanly Oaksmith will sing a comio song nar rating the pathetio experiences of a Coney Island dude, Mr. A. W. Cook will be right there with bran new songs null ced"), and '"Uncle Sam's Dream" has been lengthened, new songs introduced, and the plot changed. The entire programme will be retouched, brightened np and made even more enjoyable than at the pre vious rendition, and all the money raised will be given as before to the Orphan Asylums at Oxford and Thorn- aiville. The heating of the building will be attended to In time and everybody will be rendered oomfortable. ; u Coma out and en j y yourselves, en courage the young people who have to industriously, thoroughly - and die interestedly prepared themselves for this splendid entertainment, and help the orphacs who are to reoeive the money.. , Personal Mr. C R. Alley, the recent assistant operator of the New Berne telegraph office, left yesterday morning to take situation in the offioe of the Norfolk and Western Railroad at Crew. Va. Mr. G. W. Lawrenoe, from Newport, takes the place made vacant in the New Berne offioe. General Gaston Lewis passed through last night en route to Harlowe on be half of the State to inspeot the recently finished work on the New Berne and Beaufort oanal. Mr. T. A. Green returned from Salem, bringing with him his daughter, Miss Maud, from the Salem Female College to spend the Christmas holi days. Mr. James Mc Brinson, now of Colo rado Springs, Col., arrived in the city last night, and will spend the holidays with his parents and friends. We are glad to see him with us again. The following students came home to spend the holidays: Messrs. Rosooe Nunn, Robert Jones and Jos. Duguid from the State University at Chapel Hill ; Mr. 8 M Brinson from Wake Forest College; Mr. Henry Brown from the Agricultural and Mehanical College, and Miss Carrie Claypoole from Peace Institute, Raleigh, and Miss Willie Ferrebee from the Greeneboro Female College. Miss Jane Brown came home from teaching schuol near Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Eaton returned from New York. Dr. John S. Long, Capt. 8. H. Gray, Messrs Jonathan Havens, Wm. Dunn, and J. J. Wolfenden returned from at tending the Southern Inter-State Im migration Convention at Aaheville. Is Raffling Proper and Ought it to ba Countenanced P During Christmas seasons ra filing pre vails to a greaser extent than at any othor time. It seems to us as truly gambling as a lottery or any game with cards or dice, but as it is sanctioned by polite, fashionable society and tolerated and practiced to a greater or leaa extent even in religious circles there does not exist as strong a publio sentiment against it as there does against many other games of chance, but many ministers and churches are discourag ing the practice and becoming mote earnest in advocacy of its entire aban donment. Is not the drift of rs filing in the wrong direotion V Does any one be lieve that it does not excite desires to try other games of chance, and does it not thus bave a tendenoy to lure those who practice it towards a gambler's life ? Is not raffling gambling ? Gambling ia any kind of a game or scheme in which thoBe who participate invest something which they agree to forfeit without receiving any recompense therefor if they should prove unsuo ceasful in the ensuing contest. The successful party becomes the possessor of what is invested without putting the other party in possession of something of equal value. Ii not this feature, which makes a gambling scheme of whatever it enters into, an essential element of a raffle ? Webster defines the word ruffle thus: "A game of chance, or lottery, in which several persons deposit or furnish a part of the value of something, and it is determined by chance which of them shall become sole possessor. ' Is not one who op' poses gambling bound thereby to take a stand against raffling V We leave the reader to decide. We invite the Journal readers to a careful perusal and consideration of the ideas advanoed above, and also of the following account of a South Caro lina occurrence: "A small sensation was caused in Greenville.South Carolina, yesterday by U .Uh asT 4-1 a mimtflftAVaW SlsMftAlatiAl 110 sMVaull Ul VU UilUWIvan MvwwanvewM oomoosed of the pastors of the Baptist. Methodist and Presbyterian ohurohes in making a formal request of the Ladies' Memorial Association to give up the raffling feature of . the coming bazaar in aid of the Confederate monu ment to be erected at this place. . The executive committee of the memorial association held a meeting yesterday afternoon, and after due consideration reolied that ther did not oonslder raffling immoral or sufficiently objec tionable to oomply with their request. A arest manv artioles had been donatea that conld not be disposed of otherwise. and to abandon the proposea rams would subject them to severe pecuniary loss. Each or the aDove- mentionea pastors called the attentions of their oongregation this morning to the com ing baiaar. and after urging them to stive it all the aid ther possibly oouia renptotfully asked their ohuroh mem' bers not to participate in the raining. " CHILDREN BHJOY - The pleasant flavor, gentle action and aoothina affects of Sf run of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and it the father or mother be oostlve or bilious the most gratifying results follow It use, so that it I the best family remedy Known ana every family should have a bottle. k Children Cry for PitchesCastorfa: Church Ssrvices Today. Centenary M. E. Church Rev. R. A. Willis, pastor. Services at 11 a.m., and 7:15 p. m., conducted by the paster. Young men's prayer meeting at 9:15 a. m. Sunday-school at 3 p. m., J. E. Wiljia, sup't. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 7:15 o'clock. The publio are cordially invited to attend these services. Baptist Church Set vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m , by Rev. D. McLeod, of Beaufort. The publio is cordially in- ited to attend. Sunday-sohool at 8 m. Presbyterian Church Services at 11 dock conducted by Dr. J. D. Clark. Sanday -school at 8:15 p. m., Wm. Hollister superintendent. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. George, reotor. Fourth Sunday in Advent. Service and sermon 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. A oordial invitation is extended to the publio to attend these services. Attentive ushers. Sunday school at the chapel 9:30 a. m. and at the church 3:30 p. m. Church of Christ, Hancock street L. Chestnutt, pastor. Services at 11 m. and 7 p. m. Sunday-school at p. m., B. H. Melton, Sup't. Grand Fox Chase Projected. The Raleigh Observer says; "Ar rangements are being made for one of the greatest fox hunts on reoord in North Carolina. The hunt will come off in the next three weeks, and the hunters will make their headquarters at Wrishteyille, in this 8tate. Packs of hounds from North Carolina, Vir ginia and Pennsylvania have already been entered and others are expected. Foxes are abundant around Wrights- ille, and the country exceptionally fine for the chase. An invitation to lovers of the hunt throughout the country to participate has been ex tended." The Behrlng Sea Trouble Washington, Deo. 18 Everything points to something decisive being done in the uehring Sea dispute before very long, and those who hold close relations to the State Department say the govern' ments of the United States and Great Britain must soon reach an agreement to arbitrate or come to an open rupture. The negotiationa were discontinued last summer, the United States refusing the proposal of Great Britain to proceed to investigate the subject on the basis of a partial or temporary surrender of the claims which the United States has maintained ever since the cession of Alaska by Russia. There has been correspondence since the conferences here were broken off, principally, it is said, concerning the effect of Canadian poaching in the seal waters. The State Department had been stirred up by recent reports of Professor Elliott as to the danger of the total extermination of the seal fisheries and is preparing for a vigorous policy in case no settlement of the question is in process of arrangement before the new season opens. The British Gov ernment, it ia said, is equally deter mined to uphold the Canadian nsber men, and altogether it is predicted there will be lively times in case an ar rangement is not reached this winter. Cleveland our Next President. The signs of the times show plainly that Grover Cleveland will be our next President, and the greatest evidence of the fact is that Big Ike, the Clothing man, has equipped his force of seven olerks with Cleveland white beaver hats, whioh they will wear in all parts ot ths city during business hours, and any one striking or knocking off and damaging one of these hats in any way will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Two of Big Ike's olerks are small boys, and it would be well for all the parents of New Berne to notify their boys that there is trouble ahead for them if they trouble one of these boys in any way.- Parents, take warn ing and keep your boys out of trouble and raise them right. SHIPPING NEWS. ARRIVED, Steamer Stout, of the Clyde line, with cargo general merchandise. Steamer Howard from Trenton with cargo cotton. Steamer L. A.Cobb from Qrifton with cargo cotton. Steamer Nettie W., from Kinston. Schooner Henrietta Hill, Capt. Jos, Smith. IN POET. Schooner Wm. Applegarth, Capt Joseph Hall. , Schooner Clara Garret, Capt. John MoPherson. Schooner Casper Heft, Capt. John S Owens, Schooner James M. Hall, Captain E. M. Halleck. Bohooner Virginia, Capt Lewii Schooner John R. P. Moore. Capt. Jos. Gasklll. . OLIAEBD. Steamer Eaglet, of the E. C. D. line for Philadelphia with cargo lumber. Schooner Haiti E. Hlles, Capt. David Ireland, for Ply month. Bohooner Regulator, Capt. William Gillikin. . .. KOTBS."; Steamer, (Teuse,( of the E. O. D. Hoc, will arrival today ..and rail tomorrow at 0:80 o'clock. . V Steamer L. A. Cobb will arrive to morrow and tail Tuesday morning for Griftoo. . " i - J -' 'i "Hail, LlerryChrislmas To all around, Let all be glad And good cheer abound. ' May wealth and happiness Come hand in hand. To all our friends Throughout the land!" Onoe more the circling year has brought around the happy Christmas tide, and the great heart of humanity glows with genial warmth and loving kindness. This week we will offer suitable presents at the following prices: Alarm Clocks, 89; , worth 81 25. Box Paper, fins L'nen, 19 j., worth 30j. Real Irish Linen N te Paper, by the pound (100 sheets), 25o , worth 50o. Ladies' Black Astrakan Capes, 91 99. Ladies' Silk Hemstitched Handker- chiefs. 25c. Gents' Silk Hemstitched Handker- chiefs, SOc. Large Silk Mufflers in elegant de signs, SI. 25. Choice hand painted Xmia Cards, 10c. and up. Gents' Silk and Four i.n Hand Soarfs, 24o. Silk Embroidered Suspenders, 24o. The Aldine Ladies' Fine Kid Button Shoe, $2.00. Our $3.00 Men's Fine Calf Shoes, reduced to S3. 75 for threj days only. And many other Novelties suitable to gladden some one's hearts, at SUR PRISINGLY LOW PRICES, at " BARGAIN STORE." deolft tf "Christmas COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR." Call and see my beautiful line of Meerchaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, &c, Just opened. Also a line of the Finest Cigars and Smoking Tobaccos in the city. Brands too numerous to name. I also havo a Full Frtsh S(o;k of Fine Confectionery, Chocolate Mixtures, French Candy and Pure Stick Candy, Fruits of All Kinds, Bananas of the finest, will sell during the Holidays at 20c. per dozen, 3 for a nick. Malaga Grapes, Figs, Dates, etc., eto. All Fresh Stook and Fine Goods. SAM. B. fATERS, d21 MIDDLE STREET. ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE FINE Indian River Oranges Expected for Christmas. Also Cassard's Pig Hams, the finest in the world, and many other things to make a man happy, at Lwest Prices for uasn, at J. F. TAYLOR'S. Holiday Goods ! I have opened a lot of Holiday Goods and would like you to call and examine them. Satisfaction guaranteed as to prioes and quality. . Just reoeited A fresh lot of (.Au drey's Chemically Pure Flour De Riz for the toilet. R. J. GOODING. Union Down," s a Good Ono," And it caught very well, But not like My Low Prices for Fine Goods. "And My!" Didn't I have a rush yesterday. Advertising does pay when you do it judioiouely. "The Grocer," E. 8. HACKBURN. d 16 lstpixmas D. HASSELL Proposes to swap GOOD GOODS for GREENBACKS on REASONABLE TERMS. d20d4t Horses. Three Uo;bos and one Mule to be sold at once for cash. Very cheap. Very good for farm use. Can be seen at Street's Livery. Apply to H. C. WHITE HURST. dl9 Attorney at Law. ANN0UNCEDENT7 No. 2 We are prepared to effer jou today the Most Elegant Line of Fine Gold Goods it has ever beou our pleasure to show in this city. Our NEW STERLING SILVER WARE is very handsome. BELL THE JEWELER. TO MY CTJSTOMEBS AND THE- UBLIC. I wish to say that I am in position to sell them First Class Groceries at prices as low as any responsible dealer. Any nrices advertised will be cheerfully met by me. I will sell Wylie Smith's cele brated Royal Crown Flour in 10 b. lots at 35c. A ticket criven with each 10 lbs., and upon the return of 25 tickets, 15 lbs. given to the holder face. The Finest Butter in New Berne only 3Cc. Call and examine mv Fine Stock of Xmas Specialties. Prices lower than anv house in the cjtv. JN0. DUNN. Dec. 14. dwtf Accident Jnsurahco ! OLD LINE COMPANY. A Policy of Insurance will be issued on payment of $5.00 PER $1,000 For Twelve Months. No Dues ! No Assessments ! This policy will cause to be paid 81,000 in case of death from Accident. 11,000 in oase of loss of both arms, both legs, or both eyes. $500 in case of one arm, one leg, or one eye. Also indemnitv for time in case of being disabled by Aocident. no medical examination required. Moral: Take out an accident policy. William H, Oliver, Insurance Agent. Newborn, N. C. novSO ev sun4t - NORTH CAROLINA, l' ",?ftlthe Crave .i, County. ( Superior Court. l). 8. Barrus A Co. vs. J. Q. Blade etala. To J. Q. Blade and r,atgeyfl'e.i, -XI ollceJ-..'.'.;V:i J J me aeienoaai aneva. named will take no. aar above has uos ini action entitled Deeaeommenced lntto nsMr Court of Craven county, to foreclose, certain mort. groexecniei oy roa on umm in oravae eounty: end tb said dafeaaaeta will ror ther take notloe that they sr notloe thai l hey are required U to appear at the next Mru'of: the an ; ina unpen rlor court or said eounty. to held oniiiatd Monday before thsolat Holiday In March, 1891. at tb Court Uoase of sajd'oountj, i New Berne, N. C.and, answer or damurto tna complaint is aald action, or the plain. tin wlU apply to the oouit for the relief de. mnded Lo saldoomplalni Knaaain aaiaoomniaina. This the 9th day of DeelR00. d2U0w - W.OA.WENrER.C.B C, ., ' :! t' 1 I' t '? n