is IT: Journal. HE VOL. IX.-NO. 227. NEW BERNE TUESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINES3 LOCALS. PARTIES wishing 10 pay the ass la ment in tbe Equitable Benefit Al locution, due Januur.; 1st. can do bo by calling on S. R.Sthekt. ARMOUR'8 Dr.B.ed Beef, Finest Dressed Tuibfjs ia tho city this se.soD. and Fit L ojni, at J. F. Ire. In cold ftoraee Deo. 20, 1890. KIDGLOVE5 0 Marks, sole sgeot for the celt t rated lister Lsciog Kid Glovti, has just received today a large line, all shades and x z a. Every pair warranted. Price only 1 00; guaran teed to be as good as any $1 25 glove. Joat what any lady will want for a Christmas prtstnt. tlecl9-lw. A8PLENDID DISPLAY of HOLI DAY GOODS can bo seen at tbe New Drug Storo, MiJiSSe t-tieet. teniae O. O. Green MINCE MEAT. Eaaifch Plum Pud ding, Choccclato, T pitoa, Evapo rated Apples, Piunes, Dried Apples', Improved Jelly, Gellni-.e, Preserved Ginger, Raisins. Citron, 1. urr r.t Nuts, Candy, Small liaocs, Br ubfuat Strips, Family Corned Beef, Ci.cilisb, Improved Sardines, Lea & Pu r in ' Sauce, Toma to Catsup, Caper?, ' urry Powders. White Bean?, U.!:el On. Crushed Wheat, Hominy. Mai-ari, Vunnecelli. Spices, Dried Llerb, Frohh Roasted ("offee. Fiuo Tev.s, CoiMi Smak d Beef Tongues, Chipp? H? ' "tior:l Goods. All fresh O. E. Slover HOLIDAY GOOU. Uv burst into developed lift: u cleaner, fresher took you cn'c tiud. Extracts, Toilft Waters, CologneR 471 1, Sachet r'owdor, and a nioe lint of l'luaii Goods Hood Wnisk Brooms at 13 J. ld just to jour purse; consult our uoltcciou. The case is simple: vu cannot allow any other folks to serve jou cither cheaper or better. That' whv worit.i?j- thing at lowest prices alwavs u-vait you at Ciias. C. O keen's dool7 txmaa Ne-v Orug Storo. "VTEW GOOD3 jut reoi-ivtd at 1 Churchill & Parker's, such as Mince Meat. Riisiai, Currants, Prunes. Citron, Dried Apple, Spir.fs of all kinds, Bologna Siuscs an 1 Northern Stusages. Tripe, k. MtouroDi and Cheese, Chocolates ur.d UeUtinos. All of the above are new and fre-eh: in fsot we guarantee all our good 3 and prises. Just come in once ah J eee whit we can do; all we ask is one trial. Very reip Churchill & Parker, Broad it. ROBERTS & BRO. era receiving their fall stock Boors and Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provision. They buy at headquarters and can (th e you Low Prices. au20 Parnell's surgeons report bis injury quite serious, lie may lose bis ejeaight. Dunn & Co. report that trade continues large for tbe season, bat that there is a perceptible loss of confidence: money is close at all points; business failures for the week number 3G3. Insanity seeum to bo on the increase in France. It is said the government is cow.siderirjg a tariff law which is worse and more edio tic than the MvK:n!ey monstrosity, Wilmington Star. Senator Stewart, Republican, has made a strong speech in the Senate in opposition to the Force bill. He maintains that any at tempt to execute it iu the South would be dipterous to both races. AN Omaho dispatch of the 19th says: "The hostiles aro in. the Bad Lands, about sixty miles to the northwest. There arc not more than 500 fighting men. Gen. Carr is close in their rear aid their case ia hopeless.' ' s Dr. Gallinoer expects that the New Hampshire Legislature, when it meets in January, will promptly proceed to elect . him United States Senator. The eleo- tion of Gallinger to succeed Boan erges Blair would be a severe blow to Senator . Chandler. New York .... v Star. The Baltimore Herald says "Mr, Hoar, the venerable bat most ' jaundiced atrabilious Senator from - Massachusetts, views the Southern horizon through - red (spectacles ' Everywhere there is blood. Mr, Hoar should remove his spectacles The Sooth is at peace with Use! . and all the world." ' " DUBLIN," 19. Michael 4 D&ritt, . Iu a telegram denying that lime : was thrown ' at . Parnell at Castle Oomer on Monday last, says that the troth is he. was pelted with ' flour and mod by the women and girls of the place. The lime throw, ine story, is Parnell's "latest dls - eustiaz dodge to evoke sympathy and divert peoples minds from the .v. real issue. . t The traina are bringing in the darkled from the turpentine farms of Geargia, every day now, to spend the Holidays at their old homes. It is a real circus every evening to witness them being welcomed back, by their friends and relatives, with rousing smacks and regular old fashion bear hugs. The nigger is a curious creature, sure LaQrange Spectator. The Chinese lilies, which are becoming quits a popular flourer in our American homes, are regarded by the Chinese in rather a super stitious light. If the plant blooms before the Chinese Xmas, which is in February, it means good luck to all in the household; if it fails to bloom before their Xmas tide it portends bad luck. Let us hope the Chinese lily will bloom on time fcr everybody's Christmas, this year. Charlotte Chronicle. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bargain Store Puck. C. B. Hill Cleopatra at auction. S. R Street To pay assessments. J. L. Taylor Reduced price, etc Hackburn the Grocbr-Is enough. Bull the Jeweler Announcement No 3. L . . ', V . ( otton. New Berne market-Sales of 45 baleaat714to81-2. Quite a large party of young ladici and gentlemen were out horseback iding yesterday afternoon and they all appeared to have had a delightful time. A negro boy struck one of the tame quirreli at the cemetsry with a stiok, Sunday while be was playing on the fenoe, injuring him so that he is not likely to live. Mr. F. E. Morton requests that all Collegiate Institute musio scholars will please report at their usual hour at the musio roomi on Monday and Tuesday, Dee. t9ih and 80th. Mr. Brice Rowe, of Swift creek, bad a hone to die last week that waa 86 yean old and wai serviceable at regu lar farm work until he died. Mr. Rowe railed him from a colt and owned him the whole time. A few days ago the dwelling of 8. Otho Wilson, of Wake, who ii the traveling representative of the State Alliance business agency, caught fire. Mr. Wilson, while trying to put out the fire, fell from the roof, and is seriously hurt. There will be a festival and basket party at the Croatan Presbyterian church new year's night to raise money for painting the ohurch. Everybody is invited to come with good appetites and plenty of cash. One of the feature! of the featival will be the selling of pretty girls to the highest bidder. The repeated entertainment at the theater Monday night by the pupils of Vanoe Aoademy for the benefit of the Orphan Asylum waa greeted with a good and appreciative audience. There were a number of new featurea brought out which added much to the ocoaaion The Improvement over the previous evening was very notioable. Sneak thieves are making trouble again. We have heard several accounts of their depredation!. Mr, Eugene Tucker had fire ehlckeni atolen from his coop 8unday night, and the kitohen of one of our citizens was raided one night last week and all the food and crockery stolen. There have been other imiliar cases. We have a Mayor that will thioss warm for them if he once gets a chance to do so. A Handaome Monument. Another fine monument has been plaoed in Cedar Grove oemetery by Mr J. K. Willis. It is to the memory of Mr. John L. Jordan, the lamented only son of Col. J. Y. Jordan, who was acci dentally killed while hunting two years ago. In one point this monument differs from any other now in the cemetery All othen are plainly finished at the point of contact between tho die, or upper portion of the monument and the tub-base or lower portion. In this one, both the die and sub base taper inward for a short distance and are nloely molded from the points at whloh they begin to olose lu towards eaoh other to where they meet, whloh has a very pleasing effect. The eornenof the monument are so cut away ai to make the four faces or plaoei for inscriptions narrowgradually towards the topi, eaoh of whloh has a gable finish, and they are relieved at each pornir by a pretty drop ornament supporting the shoulders on which tbe gable rests. 'At tbs bottom, the faoea are finished with 1 semi circle in the oenter. At the top. of the monument is a graceful urn and the family name, J ORDan , resti on the first tub bate. The entire monument is unique and sym metrical in design, superior in finish, beautiful in effect, and adds much to the nioe appearance of that part cf the cemetery. Pe'aonal Mr. F. W. Hancock, who has been visiting his relatives in the oity, went uptoTarboro yesterday morning. He will return to New Berne the latter part of the week. Miss Bertha Cutler left to spend Christmas visiting friends in Randle man, and Miss Jennie Steinhelper to eread Christmas with her parent! at Manchester. Mr. C. B. Foy is borne from Bingham School to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents Mr. J. M. Ward, a pupil of the Agri cultural and Mechanical College, went down to his home at Marines, Onslow county, Saturday night, to spend the Christmas holidays with his relatives. Mr. J M. Mewborne, a prominent Alliance man of Lenoir oounty, came in last night en routs oa a business trip to Pamlico county. Mr. W. T. MoCartby came home from St. Mary's College, Belmont, to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. F. S. Dixon, now a cigar maker of Durham, oame in on a visit to h'u relatives in the city. Rev. D. MoLeod, of Beaufort, who filled the Baptist pulpit Sunday, re turned home. Mr. W. H. Oliver went down to Beau fort on an inauranoe business trip. Mr. Wiley Jones, a former typo of the Journal, now of the Progressive Farmer, came down last night to spend a few days visiting his relatives and friends in tbe city. Immigration Convention at A she vi lie Eurrua Journal: The Interstate luiaiiKraiion uouyention, assembled at ABheville. N. C, was composed of dele gates irom fourteen Southern and West ern States, and was, beyond doubt, the anient body 01 men ever assembled in the South. What good may result, time alone can reveal, bul I am clearly of the opinion that no event has ever taken place in the South that will be so far reaohing in in effects, and so bene' flcinl to our Southland aa this oonyen don will prove to be, if the plans de oided upon be fully carried out. Our State is now girding her loins in the great race to prosperity and power, and tbe people of tbe west "are up and do int.. " l found upon my arrival at Aaheville that nearly every part of the State was advertised; punted matter and illus trated descriptive pamphlets and news papers ware freely distributed; but I aw none from new Berne, we live, Mr. Editor, in the very beet portion of the State; nature has been more lavish in her gifts to the Neuie and Pamlioo lections than to any other portion of the State. Our supply of fish and pyi ters is unlimited, we can raise three orops a year, fertilizers are to be found in every swamp, our marl beds can supply the world, and such is the wpoarapby of the country that no farm can be located in our section that would involve the neoeesity of more than six miles cartage to reach water or railroad transportation. -We can raise auooessfullr and nroflt ably all the oereali of the world, and our land will grow clover luxuriantly; all kindi of vegetable!, when cultivated properly, attain enormous size; no oountry in the world can grow better potatoes of all kind! than are railed in our lection, and we have better tobacco landi than can be found anywhere in tbe State. With these facts staring us in the fase, I ask, "why stand we here all the day idle? why not let the world know what our portion of the State la. -The Gods help those that help themselves." I suggest that a meeting of the Cotton and Grain Exchange be called, and an invitation to all citizens who are inter ested to meet with the members of the Exchange and fix upon some plan to let the world know the advantages of our section. Capt. 8. H. Gray and Mr. Wm. Dunn have been thoroughly in formed by Mr. Patrick, chief of the Immigration Bureau, as to the , modus operandi of advertising each section of the country. The plan was well con sidered before adopted and, is effective and cheap. Either of these gentlemen will explain the plan at the next called meeting of the Cotton and Grain Ex change. Two of our delegation were appointed upon Important committees, Mr. J. J. Wolfenden and Dr. John S. Long. Tours, . J. H. THE US WRITTEN LAW. . ". A MAN WHO KILLED HIS WDTE'S SEDUCER . IN MISSOURI JUSTIFIED IN HIS . ACTION BY A GRAND JURY. Nashville. Deo. 80. It will be re membered that sometime ago H. R. C. Foster, attorney, of . Hernando, Miss , shot and killed another attorney, O. R. Bryice, owing to domestic troubles, In which the name of Foster'! wife was implicated; After thoroughly Investi gating the ease, the jury deolined to return an Indictment against Foster,9 on the ground thai he aoted the part of a 'a-nslble and sane man. who vindi oated the law and aoted- ia accordance with the sentiment of every honorable1, brave, nobis and virtuous man." ' SY.?' 1 "'" si mutiiiii T Children Cry jbf PitcKer'slCastorti THE INDIASS- The Mews Rather More Interesting sad Apparently lore Reliable. Minneapolis, Deo. 20 The Journal's Rapid City, S. D., special says: Gen. Mile has received advices from Gen.JBrooke, that five hundred friendly inaians left ttna Kidxe yesterday to attempt to bring in the bos tiles, ,. a uiepaion irom lieutenant uoionei Drum, at Foord Gates, announced that the Indiana there were quiet. Thirty more of Sitting Bull's Indians, who left the Agency Monday, have sent in word that they will return. GenCarr has thrown out a cavalrv force to intercept the band now re- girted moving across the reservation to ad Lands. If the foroe fail to inter cept them they will be pursued and arrested. Gen. Miles ears no advance will be made until the result of the Pine Ridge embassy is known. Bin Foot and Humo surrendered and returned to the Agency. No Indians except the band mentioned are now going to the hoe tiles, and the cordon is constantly tightening. lien. Miles discredits the reDort of a large band of Indians in the vicinity of Crook, on Little Missouri river. No further encasement reported from lower ranches. The Government herd has been located at Alkali Creek, and a force of twenty men leave here today to round it up. live companies of the 17th Iofantrv. from Fort Russell is expected here this afternoon and will alone follow the forty-five Cheyenne Soouts from Pine Ridge who started for Cheyenne this morning. Tbe available force a'onsr Cbevenne under General Carr ia about one thou sand five hundred. Colored School Commiitee. mjiiu guuiuiAi.: mnetv-nve ner cent, of the colored population of the 8th school district is desirous that the oounty board of education appoint for tne coiorea race a colored school com mittee. Ninety-five per cent, of the white race if not all, certainly have no onjection, and 1 suppose are heartily in lavor 01 tne move. We learn that the colored neorjle have out a petition favoring the appointment 01 a coiorea committee. We learn that our wortbv board of education will not for one moment hesitate to give eaoh race a school com mittee If properly petitioned Is there any. reason wbv the whites should refuse to give the colored people a acnooi committee, when competent men can oe seieoted t Why, no I We learn that our county superintendent and our whites generally favor the move giving each raoe a school committee Ihera are & raw rnlnroH "nrnliara out of every hundred who will raise this point, 'The whites pay the taxes I Tbe whitea pay the taxeal" and they ougnt to oontroi it. But the thousands of dollars the colored race pays for State taxes in a general way and has no voice in con trolling the same and in fact does not get any direct benefit from it. These oroakeri blindfold themselves on this big mountainous point, Woll, to latiafy you I will put the appointment on the ground of paying taxes. "Annual Apportionment" School district No. eight January, 1890, col ored, $1,032. We have 1,317 colored polls in the 8th district paying $1.50 eaoh, and $232,118 worth or property paying 12 oente on the one hundred dollan valuation Tbe "oroaker" aayil did not know this! Granting that every poll pays, the colored people of the 8th district pay annually $2094.03 school taxes And on property $290.14. Grand total $2123.17. County superintendent and worthy members of the board of education with this showing do you not think we are entitled to a school committee r Many Colored Voters. Cleveland our Next President. The signs of the times show plainly thatGrover Cleveland will be our next President, and the greatest evidence of the faot is that Big Ike, the Clothing man, has equipped bis foroe of seven olerks with Cleveland white beaver bats, whioh they will wear in all parts or tne city during Dullness hours, and anyone striking or knocking off and damaging one of these hats in any way will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Two of Big Ike's clerks are small boys, and It would be well for all the parents of New Berne to notiry their boys that there ia trouble ahead for them if they trouble one of these bora in any way. Parents, take warn ing and keep your boys out of trouble ana raise them right. '', there's the Dlancr Bell. What a clattering and a chattering ai the ohildren answer the dinner bell and rush into the dining room. Oh! the gratification a good appetito affords as out- noon day's meal ii let before ui. But, this vacant ohair, what does it mean "Oh, that is Uncle Charley's seat. Guess he don't feel like eating he's got dyspepsia, ton know." Dys pepsia!, horrors! Deliver us from dys pepsia. What's the use of being plagued with suoh an ailment anyway What's tba use having a atomaoh ao irritated and sore that even one bite of food gives. it distress? Why not heal the soreness and allay thi irritation and strengthen its, muscular processes, by using Botahio Blood Balm? f Will it oureY- Is certainly will. Many, many a former dyspeptic owes bis enjoyment of life to B. H, 0. , Give it trial. ' 1 writes; "No one entt afford to be with onfc & ft, who, pishes an appetita. I oonld searoely.. eat single iaoutt for breakfast, llftOe? liking a B. B. Oisaa ins Whom 19 to pea." . v l.j :. lit Iimi'I 'i t For brseWg bptbefnerres, purifying tbs blood andtutlaa slek beadacbeand dyspepsia there Is: nothing-' equal so uooaa Banaparuia. ...... q SHIPPING NES. ARRIVED, Steamer Neuse, of the E. C. D. line, with cargo general merchandise and paseengen. Steamer L. A. Cobb from Griftou with oargo cotton. Steamer Vanceboro. from Vanceboro. with cargo thing je. Sohooner Geo. Home, Capt. Compton, from Philadelphia with cargo material for E. H. & J. A. Meaiows' fertilizer factory, 15 PORT. Schooner Virginia, Capt. Lewis. Schooner John R. P. Moore. Capt. Jos. Gaakill. CLEARED. Steamer Neuse, of the E. C. D. line, with cargo general expjrts, and pas sengers. Sohooner James M. Hall, Captain E. M. Halleck, for Providence with cargo lumber from Jos. B. Clark & Co. Sohooner Wm. Applegarth, Capt. Wm. Hall, for Washington, N. C Steamer Stout, of the Clyde line. with full cargo cotton, lumber, and canned goods. NOTES. Steamer Newberne. of tbe O. D. line, will arrive this morning and sail at 12 m. DIED. At his residence on King street in this city, at 3:30 o'clock, Sunday morning, air. j. uoooing, aged 02 years. Mr. Gooding was a native of New Berne and entered the dru;. business here about forty years ago and con tinued in it until he became as good a druggist as there wss in it and one of the prominent ones, being continuously in the business for about forty years. ith the exception ef a short period during the war. He was a modest, unassuming man, correst and upright in his dealings, and a pleasant, kind hearted companion and neighbor. These qualities won for bim many friends and we have yet to hear of a single person who had any dislike towards him. Rest in peace. For Sale, Two Twin Reversible Engines 12x30 new cylinders; balance in eood order. James Kedmond. Seo. & Trees. N. &T, R. S. B. Co. sep26 tf ii PUCK 99 Is the name of a xtylish Misses' Hat we are now offering in beautiful plant effects at HFTY CENTS, and in silk and fur at ONE DOLLAR. They are "beauties," and will make glad the heart of any little Miss. See them at " BARGAIN STORE." deolG tf o M O - 03 xo f-l o - 0Q U CD pi t o vd CD D. HASSELL Propose! to swap GOOD GOODS tor GREENBACKS ... on SEASONABLE J.:i;. I v.- ' '- . ,-o).t"5il TERMS. 120 Hi ANNOUNCEMENT. No. 3 See our New Goods that came in by Express lost evening 1 Gold Head Canes, Sil verware. Gold Goods, Etc., Etc. Watch for our Bargain List in Wed nesday 's ieiue. BELL THE JEWELER. Pric : Reduced 1 To give my friends and customers the pleasure of having tbe finest Hams in the world for Christmas. I will sell Cassard's Hauia Juiicg the next four days at . 12i Cents Those fine INDIAN RIVER ORANGES have arrived. J. F. TAYLOR'S. UNlTKl) STATER OK AMEKICA. I Pamlico Uistrict. U. 8. District Court. In Admiralty. James H. Rooks vs. The Steamer Cleopatra, lie. .(I.ICl.etL'. Puruant to a writ of venditioni nrxu. this day issued to me from tte tald court, I ... b i uuiiu uciu)n, ai isriDson s Wharf lu the City of New IWiie, on tbe 23rd day of December, 1890. at 12 o'clock, Midday, the Steamer Cleopatra, her tackle, apparel, engines etc , us ehe lies at said wharf Terms Cash. Johiu-a Ii. Hn.T., V. P. Marshal. By OHAs. B, Hill. Dept. Marshal. Dec. 2-Jd, 1890. t jg NOTICE. The undersigned, James G. Harrlunn Pun. He Administrator, hag dulv qualified ai Ad mlnlstrator of the estate of John D.Connor, dececsed, and herehy gives notice that he requires all persons having claims against the est te of the said John D. Con ner, to pre sent them to the salit Administrator duly anmeniicaica, lor payment, on or before the 23d day of December, 1891, or else this not:o will be pleaded In lar of recovery. Persona Indebted 1 1 the estate must pay without delay. JAMF.8 C. HARRIBON, I'ublln Admlnlstiator. New Berne N, C, Dec. 23d, 1890. w "Christmas GOMES BUT ONCE A YEAR." Call and eee my beautiful line of Meerchaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, &c, Just op one j. Also a line of the Finest Cigars and Smoking Tobaccos in the city. Brands too numerous to name. I also have a Full Freeh Stook of Fine Confectionery, Chocolate Mixtures, French Candy and Pure Stick Candy, Fruits of All Kinds, Bananas of the finest, will sell during the Holidays at 20c. per dozen, 3 for a nick. Malaga Grapes, Figs, Dates, etc, etc. All Freeh Stook and Fine Goods. S A f.l. B. HATERS, d21 MIDDLE STREET. TO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC. I wish to Bavptblt I am in position to Sell theirs First Clasa Groceries at prices as low as anv responsibly, i .Any prices advertiser! tv-ilf wf cheerfully mir. h-xr' mo ! r;'l l will sell wyiwfjShiith's cele brated Royal Crowaf Flour in 10 lb. lots at 35c. A,,tk:ket triven with, each arid upon the return of 25 tfaketsr l5 lbs. eiYen tc- the holder fieV. 'Tber-'-FirjeBtsButifer in New Berne only 30Qemj,t -Cali- arm-examine my Fine Stocfc'ldf 'XMas Specialties. u PricfsRlotwr'tlMn anyhouso 1 ChiTdrefT Cry' of Pitcher's Casforfc,