r: THE JOURNAL. NOTHING SUDOE LIKE SUCOLc . DM MI B00ES! L A B B0 !' MANUFACTURERS 0 TAKE MOTBOE! g A Send us a list of your Pine, Ash and Poplar, Or write to T Q.-roV c$2 Bell, ONE BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK,' and we will tell you what dimensions to cut, ! ana quote you net cash prices for same, h'J2m NOTICE. The undersigned, James C. )Un s :i, r lie AdmlnlUrator, has duly qualified as A it -ainlstrator of the estate of Juhu ). i'ouiir, Uesed, and hereby gives notice thni h require! all persons having riii'iiisaauiki tha estate of the sal I John 1 Conner. to pre sent them to the iiu Administrator uul authenticated, for payment, on or hi foie th; JSd day of December, INitl.or else Hi nolwo Will be pleaded In lurof recovery. Parsons lndebtjd t) the et'.ale n.vutray Without del ay. JAMES f. II VKRHON. t'ubll Ait minis'. 1 ato1". JJewDerne N.C.,D.c. S31. Ki and'U'V.-fceyT?.. Itscurodt h.motvli'i out rain. Unofc e.f r;'r tlculars lent 1'RER. D. M.WOOI.l.KY. M U HOME AND FARM, LOUISVILLE, KY. f1. Wfe? Agricultural Journal of tho South and West, tado by Farmers for Farmers. As a record of successful agriculture, Hons axD Farm has no equal. Every topic relating to agriculture is openly discussed iu its columus by the farmers themselves. No erpense is spared in securing a full account of every notable suc cess oc the farm. It is distinctively the FARMERS' OWN PAPER. A record of their daily life, presented in a form and language which make it plain to all. IT8 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the names of the most progressive farm ers of the South and West. They do not treat nf theoretical farminc. but of the actual condi tions which confront us to-day : B. F. Johnson ; Waldo F. Brown ; Henry Stewart ; John M. biani", A. P. Ford ; Jeff. Welborn ; Huc;h T. Brooks ; John C. Edgar; Steele's Bavou ; T. B. Baldwin and 5 host of others make this journal indispensable Moreover, it is equally A HOME MAGAZINE. Krery subject of interest to the home-maker 1; fully treated. Mary Marsdcn, LoisCatesby, Mrs, ttrawn. Mrs. Daviess. Miss Cabell. Miss Mosby, Alice Winston and a score of others will contrib ute reguiariy. FAITH LATIMER Iain chareeof our Children's Department, am the has the peculiar faculty of being both 11! teresting and instructive. THE MYSTERY OF THE NATION Ta a thrilliiip storv aonearine in Home ami PARK, by Joha K. haslet, and is exciting wul attention. Short stones by distinguished writer! appear from time to time. BILL ARP'S LETTERS Appear in each issue, and this humorous pliiloso- poer was never moic ..neii-Miwy m.m time. IX ITS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Horn AMD Farm speaks boldly bad fearlessly it lu-half nf " Farmers' R;!rhts." It favors a rr. vision of the tariff in behalf of the farmer ; bette) Biads for the farmer ; Free Mail Delivery to th, former ; Co-operation anions; the fanners an-l iu aim is to Bust Trusts," 11s mono is Fair Trade and Farirers' Eigbts." ALDEN'S Manifold Cyclopedia A Cyelejsedln of Pnivcrsiil Knov. loilgc, and Unabrldared Dictionary of Ijingiiairo in one, 40 handr vols., large tvne. over 4.W0 iilnstrat wins. CMJa tiindmg, per vol., fiOc, per set t'i4.oo, ' Ball Morocco, pervol., 85e., per get, 34. 0O. Vol. 18- Now Ready The Yolumes thus far issuedviiW answer more questions In the practical every -day life of the average reader, than all ilie- tolume$ of any complete cyclopedia in the BDffket. Test them and see A speel men Yolumc may be ordered and returned If not wanted. S I Q.00 cah w'th order before Nov. 1, -will I O secure the fullsetof A( fra dothWndinr,or$26.00 V Uib. we same oouna in nan morocco, nn noni pn i now ready at once, remainder as issued. "The price is very low, tho form ox eeedingly handy for a work of reference, and the editing skillful and comprehensive." Litararjt VToHd, Boston. - -wiThe literary skill and judicious editor ship which have characterized the undertaking from the outset have been in no degree relaxed." . Sun, New York. "It Is an unabridged dictionary and a Storehouse of information on almost every con ceivable topic. The more weseeofthe work t he more we are pleased." .Educational Momiiy, Akron, 0 j (v. " The convenient form, the excellence of ' - binding, paper, and illustrations, and the skillful arrangement of articles make this a handy cyclo. pedia, which will be used ten times where the bulky 'Britannica' would be consulted once. The J Ulustrations are really helpful, and are very num - arous. No matter what other cyclopedias a writer nbave, 'Alden's Manifold 1 should bo upon hii res The Writer, Boston. ; " It Is a remarkably well made book foi . the price The peculiar shape makes the book extreme y easy to readwhlch is a most valuabki ' thing to the student. The clean cut, heavy faced S used for titles is a good feature and mated. j lightens the task of the Investigator. The accented syllable of every difficult word is plainly J larked and the pronunciation, when it offers any 1 faculties, la set forth phonetically. In a won). il popular work Is most carefully edited ui. J neatly and accurately manufactured." otitiuqi fookmaker. New York. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, NEW YORK, 808 Pearl Rt , P. O. Box 1227. 9uVmMWabashAve.tlanta.73VvndteliallS mm 4r 4W-jrsri. A BANK COUNTERS. TRATES IR COLORS; perfect Work of Art; is; Now ready. Books free, pot tags 15o. iji0allfwlS,t TrltrSVak Tjpi-WrllrT )..tbln,aMkCMS,' SlrlM tm. !( lot. . . i SX CO, 0T. L0TI8, M0., U.S.A. Stock on hand of L L "PT T" Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Fa: ; ir..: i-g r and lei!.i Lino be t ! 'u v Uerne, Eaa- ra North Caii .iina poinm, and i.,ifo!k, li .Iciiuorn, l'uiladtli.hi't aud New York. lliiNL., AND El.i;j.NT il KAM HP lUut t xpri '. v :or iheri.llio, til 1 lltlpl'ovei: is,li..-,:,.a : i :l IU I. v i;.-rii- oul H r.n t,.i i .i .k r 1 : ;hn . Ii 1:; Ui'U -r e Sl : 1 ii'etii .-.,:ial,eni .::;.iitU' oir.loi t of si :: leclitc I!-:. I,.:. rips lit inavi .V Uliy, eoniu-vl::;y: w tin i Tt.e : U. K., aiui n; .V w i.d No: Hi i'xroiui: LfiiVilii, ",V Ljri e ; Vied turu esdfty mal I'll t 0 :t),r Ins alien. :ue ia n. '1 btf Nt'f.8,! St I nd iiliin. i 1,1' nr. !.i:i 1 i-olns! ,,:ti every oiiiturt ud p.i iiiii Schedule In i: li), 1890. The Eastern 1 .c ,u! . ii . isllog of Sou 1 hern the W i 1 in i iii.-: ii - ; ri. r.i K. K, New Vol U. IMi.l 1. n 1 !o!k 11. It anil I'tuinsyivtiiuii K, K.. 01 'u a : eliable and egutar Hue, oiicnns! mi iei lor tuelliUcs for quiet pa's.'iigur uml fret ;lit ti'.iiiKp'jrtHtlon no l.nnbier txoeiil l.lizil:-th City, Ht which paint frcunt win It k-ailnloii cars to o tlirotili to deBt iiuit 10:1 Direct all Koods tc I sLtio Uarollna Ul'spalut. .i!v a-. ;" ws . i;., 1 :ot J7 From New Vo.L, i . North Ktver. Ifrom riiUad'..hiH. v, . A 1:l,:o. U -i lis'M , it. nr.! .H it. U. K., Docs; hi. ou. From liil'luuiro by 1'i'thi., It,, rresldent Mt. f.-x l:n. Frota .Norfolk, bv ,';i.fO:K Kroui lkkto:i. l-.- : -l-.-r.'hants 1: vrt Trsnf w Kt'g'atd nortui:.'.u ;w Vei ls u Kateaai.t.- ! its cnItsr !;na bvanv Otber lino. Kor 1 11 r 1 Iter 1 :ifo 1.1 .", , n r r i.'y t W. II JDVt :. (((:.. Kiel, i'ratltc Acent. P. It. K M. i, 1 .1 i r:. iMo Manager. GT:o. mi'.I l r --i, Dlvtblou rnb;ai, -igent. r. B. Ii ;'.. S'ulU. II. B.OtM.KJ-".t.incral Krolilit Aent. N. T. P. & N. li. It, :,.r!ii:S.V,-- U.C. UUDU1N.S, Get-orl I'reliiht Ac-nLB I). H. It. Nui iuli. Va. (ii O. HKSDKR80S, Agent, ta'Ml dw Newberao. N. C. Notice- fc-TATEOK Nor.TH VA KOLIS A ) Jr: 11 1 erlc r t'ot.rt county ol Craven. ) Clerk s Omce. Take Notice. That I linvo this dav imed letters declaring .oilier It. rolsom, Cliaries a. uoouwtn ano a. U. Hamilton, jr., and their successors to be a corporation for the purpose and according to the terms nre- scrlbed In Articles of Atreement, Hied e.nd recorded In said office. The nibblunee of said Agreement Is that said parties lt sire lo uecome incorporated under the name of the HtlmsoQ Lumber UomDam: the principal otlice and place of business shall be New tierne. Craven county. North Caro lina, and lis business shall be that of manu facturing, buying and Belling lumber, buy ing and selling timber lands, anywhere In the State of North Carolina, buylne. holdlni! and selling real estate in the Htate of North Carolina, bulldingaud operating woodwork ing factories, etc. ihe duration of the corporation ihall be thirty years. Ihe amount of tho canltal stock t hull be One Hundred Thousand DollarB. divided Into one thousand shares ol the pir value of une nunarco dollars each. Tho stockholders of this corporation thai! noi tie individually liable for its dehr.i. Witness my hand and otlietiU seal nt office iu New l.'L'rne, ILIs 2i'th day of October, itO'J. K. W. C A Krr.NTr.lt, oo22 d Clerk Huo. Court ShcriSTs Sale. Pursuant to an execution in my hands issued ftom thj Superior Courl; of Lenoir ccunty in favor of Henry Rouse vs. Mark McClecse, I will eell at Public Auction t.t tho Court Houie door in the City of Kow Berne, at 12 o'clock, M on Monday the 5ih day of January, 1891, the intprptt of eiid McLw s e In the following described property, to wit: A parcel of land situated in Craven county on north 6ide of the A. ft N. C, R. R., bounded on the east by the Rouse land, on tho p-u(h hy tho landa of B. L Brjaaacd others, coctainipg oca hun drcd ncrrs more cr Kss, and ttna as the HartRfkld Land. Tide Djo. 1 it, lfcDO. td V7. B. LANE, Sheriff, TAT1-: i'V SUKl'U OA ItOLI S A- fravcti Ci-iiiity. .'".upeilor Court. otlce L'. A. Cherry aaiuiit Ilattle M. t berry. To Battle M. Cnerry. Defendant. Yen are hereby not ticd lo appear aninn- swer or demur to the complaint In tho above entitled action, which will be deposited In the Clerk's olllceof Craven comity Superior court. tn iirst inreeoaysor the February lerm, in) 1, ot sum court, oeginning on itie 3d Monday before the 1st Monday In Alarch, iMii.nruic poiiiiiiti iv 111 apply 10 the court tor the re Is: I demaniled In I lie compialnt. Thin IB an aetloa for divorce A vlnoolo mattiiiiObii, uiion the grounds of ndiiltery. K. W CARl'ICNTKIl, Clerk s:ip. Ct., Craven County. Ll'.'lMDAS J. MooliK, Attorney lor the plaintiff. eclti d td lMm 1 la give my friends and customers the pleasure of having the finest Hams in the world for Christmas, I will sell Ctseard'e Elarns during the next days at Those fine INDIAN RIVER ORANOE8 have arrived. J. F. TAYLOX'. tnr Arrival and Departure Halls MAIL CLOSES, or North. West and South, m i, t N. C. R. R. at 8 :00 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 5:80 P. m. For Washington, Swift Creek , Hyde and Beaufort Counties, daily at 0:00 a. m For Trenton, Pollokiville and Mayi- viiie, aily at 7:80 a. m. For Qrantsboro, Bayboroanl Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when nails are.beir.g dia ributed or sent. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from Va m to 5 d. m., and from 7:30 to 8 o.m. SOUTH CAROLINA. j Death of Hon. w. D, Simpson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Columbia, Dec. 26. Hod, W. D. Simpson, Chief Justice of tho bupreme Court of South Carolina, died at his home in this city this morning of heart disease. Lie was a native of Laurens county, and about sixty years of age. Judge Simpson was elected Lieutenant Governor with Gov. Hampton o;i the restoration of the State govern. mcnt in 1879 to Democratic con trol. Ho succeeded to the Gover norship on the election of Gov. Hampton to the United States Senato, and before the close of his term as Governor was elected Chiet Justice, Hon. J. C. Slieppard succeeding him as Governor. TIih tlags are at halfmast ou all public buildings.. Merit wins, as tha marvelous euocet-a of Hood's Sarsaparilla shows. It pos sesses true medicinal met it. Sold hy all druggists. 8 $25,000 for a Horse. Babylon, Dec. 27. At the Babylon sale of thoroughbreds today, Michael Dwyer bought Potomac for $35,000. Racelaed at $7,000 went to the same purchaser. What It Does. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1. Purifies the blood. 3. Creates an annntite. r r 3. Strengthens the nerves. 4. Makes the weak atrong. 5. Overcomes that tired feeling. Q6. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. 7. Invigorates the kidneys titid liver. 8. Relieves headache, induieation. dyspepsia. 5 No man who gives as much as he ought to do ever growls about it. Tub usual treatment of cati.nh is very unsatisfactory, as thousands of despairing patients can testify. A trustworthy medical writer pays: "Proper local treatment is positively necessary to success, but most of the remedtCBin genoral use by physicians afford but temporary benefit. A cure cannot be expected from snuff:), now ders, douches and washes. ily a CreaM Balm is a rtmedy which com bines tho important requeues of quick action, specific curative power with perfect safety snd pleasact'-eeB to the patient. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii Men need moral courage more thau they do higher foreheads. AOV1CK TO niOTIIIiKS. MitiJ. Winslow's Sootuisq Sykup Hhould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is ths best remedy for Diar rhcet. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jsly Tiiere is no worship in anything you do simply from a ri;i :-p ol duty. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorm. When she was a Child, she cried for Caiitoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. For Sale, Ono House and Lot on Craven street, opposite Court Iloueo. lictiKchold and Kitchen Furniture. One fico Piano, oce Horse, ono new Folding Top Buggy, one light Double Seated Vehicle with canopy top. For further information apply to decSdwlm W. M. ASH E:J. UN1TEU hTATEH OK AMERICA, PAubico District, Marshal's Kotici of seizt .'. Whereas, a libel liath been filed .': i lie Dis trict Court of the Unltid Males . i the Dis trlct of Pamlico, on the davoi' 1'i-cember, A.D. 181)0. by W. 8. Chadwick, V. L. Jones and Joseph Oaskill vs. the sham .vacnt fydla,and praying tho utuu processand monition of the court, t- at il persons In terested in the said vessel uer tackle, ap parel and furniture, may be "Ited to answer me premises ana ail due proceeding being had, that the same may be deiu-ed to be sold and the proceeds thereof be lelrlbuted according to law. Therefore, In putOanceof the said moni tion uDder the seeJT'jf said court tomedl rected and delivered 4 do hereby give notice generally untw an persons having or pre tending to hveany rjght,, title or Interest therein, awd to R. V. Pierce, owner of the said yacht Nydla, In special, to appear before the afo" said oonrt at the city of Hew Berne, on the 7th day of January, 1891, If It be a conn oay, or else on the next conrt day thereafter, at twelve o'olock, noon, then and I here to answer the said libel and to make tbelr allegations In that behalf, Dated at New Berne this 2id day of Decem ber, A.D. 190. Joshua B. Hili., TJ. P. Marshal, By CHAs. B. Hill, Dept. Marshal. L J. Mooie and M. De W". fetevenson, ta Prootors. SSOOO. Ofl I.Mt m,t, bT Ji n. VQoodvTln,Tro;.N.V..ml work for u. kj.. Iroumnjt But niiko much, but v cm iMch yon quirk Ij. how to cm from St to 1 lUy ! tha .l.rt, nd more oo to on, Both mim, all KM In ay prtf America, yon can eommenc at home, jrlr. Int all your llm,or apara aiomniU onl, to . tho work. All a now. Grwt pay St US for "J . yon, rornUhlnl I -A -J fi : ',7,lllI,r- ssiLT,8rED(i.iiMrncr. manaeu liwaia onriipiBini,. . -. . . C-W.SHSSOS to.", twiuu, -fiBEM did I 'jS. W.CARPi.xNIEIl.OB.C. 4 S - fcS'W IIWV1 , f a V alll IIJUIiAIIH a K rr. K Ai1i(m .t. I 'I hla I n.n I f Ikll 1- , i i ... i i , A ) ID'tl II a ' ' I f 1'W i -1 H H The reason K MICKOl'i: Kli the most v., medicine, i - I has never i . ' instance, i'u what tic ':'- LEPKOsl : . plest di i : ' ' th lrurp.i i todfy claim an', rrovo t'. ;. CAUSED BY MIC:: AND- Radani's Micro; F.xtermtti;.: them c;t v : dona j u. utter , ciso of M': diseases, v.u as e treat . lie .Mtcru t Ue svl;. ii, a -..:ot have :u .' : tha disiase, tria Fever or a e tie them all j a1 dif.est i tic v ; nr. ,1 I T :-. ". :.'''. u. Coiliyf We.--: To -.!! i Ve ii ;: ' .: ciisnj-e f.-r Clti-. ' ("OIU" t P"0 :n : . : want liihfi t I'ii ' t, W. P. BUEEC .: Cf 1r.n1i.uot1 J'pn i Miikct Do..!;, N.-- CMTKl) SI'ATK'i I T '. i l.vlKUT OK 1 . -1 d MAtthtlAl.'S Sol tl 1: 1 . V.'here s, 11 libel lntli bef i. tiiet Ooiirt of tho f 1. It 1 ii M. trlct of P.iinlico. on I l.c l.:ii, l.er, A. II. Ihirl, bv I: V. I llui Kclioontr Juliii It. I', pray ins the lifunl I r e of toe court, that all lie-; in the slid veisel, l.i . pirel Had tuinittire, nniy ! . the premises inl nil cut . haV, that, tho Fnp.ie nmv I sold ami the pincvtds li i according to la'.v. Therefore, in pu' sua rice i ; Hon unuer the seal if sci-i rected and delivered, 1 do h-ft generHlly unto all perMi,s'! tending to bnvoai.y l'e'h:. . tlieroln, and to Capt. Jo :'. of the tald rclnom r.ir!.: special, lo appear h ! -court at tnc city of '.veu- ; day of January. IMd, it : or else ou the ;u 'it . afler, at twelve o'clce';, ; more to nnswer iim-m i n their allegations In Hi it b i jlatsd al New I'liue t!.: . cetnber, A.U. ismi. ..'OSII I'A H 1:1! t , I l!y Cll.'.s li. !i.l i. Cl.A'.tK & CI. An.. SALS, Si I -t- y ' Has j'lft r.''tynii-d JV .i aFINiCI.OI'id II .. ' Also. ;. I'liii! ,i Carta atid 1 i -unrf i 'ii soil a LOW A 8 i 1 ! ; ' ; Don't fill to pi :. : maVir.j; n trtid.'. Feed in;; r ep . state orN. . v' .'i;..- -,: !- upci : t 1 r'i Tue "sat :oi : v Til Till . : '' , I''' pany, ' v Urav. :rf- . i le Brov. . tti o ToW. i .,!?, .1- ,. ., ,, n Tat; i. im: . I'.,at a:. , sl!tv;.-d 1:, : .sicl e ,untv i. i til i pitrp is- it eoileel oioi l.e oUint !! by r, . ..: ;rift dr., mi en you by .1 '. I'.i i . ' - ;- Coni.:iey in ;: -ujiiot. -i : to i.iioul i -i iaif, l nil a win of at'in 1 nali! not .on, Von ai'" i ap" :i r at t!;e Cotirt I lou sniil e-uinty. on 1 be :! l M Monday in Mntcii, I-:i! . i r - en to tho com; lalut. c!:i I ! ;l; : cleeCS id Stats of Kokth C'.vi.t ii.:a f Bupcrior Court lo l ebniai : Jryln West vs. I.oii,n:i.i V. t To Kosanna Wcsl: Take Notice, That nn n e ii :i mer ct d In the abovH-i.anu '; asnboveset foith.for dl' bonds of matrimony on the tery. And you are reii'.iircd : Court 1101130 in sewbern, li tho 8-1 Monday before the March, A. I). Ih91 (the sain day of February, A 1). lb'! I .it il : uennir 101113 coin p, a I in. k w. i:.vi'rt;' Clerk Pup. Court, ciavtti Dec. 2th, 1880 Urem itBtevensoa, Ati'ys I ;r 1 Statb of Nobtii Carolina, ' County of Craven. I ( : Edward W. Ashley, trading nnM.i & Co vs, A. L. Gregory and ,i. : . ! trading as A. L. Gregory & Co. Notice to J. S.Perry: The defendant J. 8. Perry, a! ;.vo . will take notice that nn action enn. above has been commenced in tb" btip Court of Craven county, to obtain n j nunt avalDRtthafald defer dim'R l') : sold and d.llvered, and the nal.1 I -1 . will further take toticc timt. nn mn-,' tnanwiir attbe next term i f the ? i.i- Court of 8ald connty.to be belt! o i Monday before the lt IHondny In . ;. 1891. at the Conrt House n said en n -New Kerne. N.O .and answer ir d is i tbe complaint in said aollon, or tho p i t . will apply to the court for the lAU manded iilald complaint. . ThlnDan. V 1.1. h :.-, ; ... did 1 tSi W. OARPISJSIEJB.a i!;:&ifflDARD''W ' s t;' ii; tii-raujjciuents with one of tho largest Publishing Vf.rk, ha etc now enabled to furnish Standard and c-iiivs that :ire Low as tho Lowest. ibrary C our l ' : Ii . ,(ui!NAL offico !, , i : , jioet of any i. ) list below. ; ho "Fraiiklin." c lc? i o ii ii-oiii ibis edition on pajacnt of $5.25 for one year's !t. Tiiv. j)Air Journal, or 11.75 for The Weekly !.. ; r- r.i Ly mail, 10 cents extra will be required: :i::i!, oc , '':-i'V, . .-- !ll::ta, .ii.iotcr.h iNieuiF, : full tii It r?--rectr. :',nd ran i', 1 i ii::, rill back, and most of them good, large, clear pint. Toil pvui by pay in 1.50 fc T one )ear's .subscription 10 THE WEEKLT ;NAL, cr 5.00 for THE DAILY ;jorENir 10; cents extr it tBt ' : L' airy Talcs. : hi Jcclaud. .'u-:.; ' i Xighti Eiitcrtainui'.'Tj((. lh Pet-tlcal Works. .I.';'.-; Pronouncing Diolionary. he ---a Fifteen Dcoisive Battles. -..n .11 iu,, iiuun, y:-i Guild's Ilintory of KngarcLl Famous PoemH. l.'rii.'!,ii's Fairy Tales, 'htiitvev's Travels, t'.ili'iuith's Poetical Works. rjp:i;ia. I !::'f Hour with the Poets, lloylo's Games. ii.'golJhby Legends. Ljl.n Ualifax, GcntlemaD.. Iviogsley's Sermons. FXB- t "i JOTIfflU, ' i " '':vy:"A "V:..-,. - x . ; Be t Them Below Cost. omPlete? and examine our collection and learn distinction is on hand, as yon will find We handle them in two editions, the dit ion : Jean Iugclow, Keble. Kingsley, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Tee, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, Scott, Scottish Humorous Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. Lan-Ja-nioly (mbcllif-hed. . Attautifn dition : Longfellovf. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poc's Tales. Poe's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poet ry of the .Sentiments. Paraiise Lost. Poetrv of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Rob B oy. Robint on Cruboe. Scottish Chiefs. Swiss F amity Bobiusoriv Sidereal Heavens, Sketeh 1 took." Twenty 1 thousand Lesgrtti TTftder the Thaddeus of Warsaw. , 5 5 Thomsor Poetical Worts' , Tennyeoi.'B Complete Poetictl Vorkl , ; ., , Tom Brown's Sohoel Days ftk Bgb7. Vicar of "Wakefield. Wc8leyTr Poems. 0IFICE jfT ! 'V; V f,a-h'. : ::.C- V:vv : i;.tr:: :.r. .'.: v:,-?' . l'v-' :W-,;-.::-'-' " eV:- . V.