at S .. : r i i'ellvercd , at i. ai4 per nioaUl Lf J . - :..SAU a column f i .el every Thursday at H.M . . .1X3 RATES .DAILT)-One esUnader kUOt "Business . i e,iiisalineforaret.an4 watt a r rsvery subsequent Insertion , .-vertiaemante will be inserted between i iUMratany pnoe. t of Aarrlages of DmUu, not toexos4 i uwinbelneertedfree. All additional c will be charged 5 oenta per line. -, umtiiti for transient advertisements .it t made la idnaM, Becniar adves ; ,aisnts will be collected promptly at the f a 1 w sack montn. - CommunleaUona containing news of tnt r '.eat publis Interest are solicited. 50 c inmuDicatlon moat t ex Dec ted to be ub l ,8iiil thai wbUIbi objectionable oersouel Hies, or withholds ma Dim of the author Articles linger than half column most be raid for. , .-',"'-...'" . Any person reeling aggrieved at anv anon? atom communication, can obtain the nam of th autoor vt application at tola offloe and i.iowing wn&reln me gneTanoetxlita. THE JOtRNAli. Proprietor. : Lecal Reporter. C. T. HAICOCX.' ; SJCW BERKS. N. 0.. JAN. 80 1881. Catered M the Poet oAoe at N Betas. . ui MseosaaVelaseatattn, f 0 - how is m, The Force bill has been side tracked and the Apportionment bill haa the right of way. It cannot have escaped observa. tion that the Force bill ia opposed by the Democratic party. JNexer before in Its history baa the great par I j en juo ucuu bu umtcu as they are now in opposition to this bill. Every Democratic Con gressman "works and votes against u anan every , jjemocraiio legwia tare, protests against it and ic- tracts Us Senators to oppose its passage.' The danger of the hoar is hasty legislation on ot her measures affect ing the public weal ana tne future of parties. There was popular re joicing wnen the silver dm secured the right of way ; but it w as rushed . through like a lightning express, - a.. A ILk t.ant 1m it r .Inn ahaim ' 1 1 Yi uu too iiaua. naa vicai ugaiu. xuc - Apportionmen bill is now before tne Senate, ana it looks ss a it . . V 1. a. a 9 aa! a. wouia oe pat urojgn at loe rate 01 siify miles an hour. The House is, ai ine same nmo, considering one of the several AoDroDriation hilla tif Wftw ' i t.hA Hmft for Damn. araN tA:lui itk.f raflt lAnibt a fT'K n.a is no bill, excepting alone the Force billthat requires such close exami nation and deliberate consideration as these two bills In the4 Appor tionment bill Congress determines the number of liepresentatives to - which, aacb,. State ia entitled. It CTcu mapa on uiatnuio auu ueter mines tneir boundaries. It is a deliberate and palpable invasion oi ine rigacs 01 mates ana is oniy sscond to the Force bill in atrocity. Indeed ilia Census, the Apportion ment, and the Election law consti tute thr triple chain forged in the .. workshop or Republicanism to ia ancle the States and enslave the people.' - Democrats in the Senate should obstruct the passage of the Apportionment bill, because it is part of the plan of revolution, be cause it ; takes from the States the right to determine the territory to oompose each district, because it takes .from the people righfs that from the foundation of the Govern ment have been held as inalienable, and because its passage would clear the way for the Force bill. , a J' Ia the House the Appropriation bills should be thoroughly' sifted. It woald be right to take the po sition, never to be yielded, that no Appropriation . bill shall pass until the Force bill hag i been buried be yond the power of resurrection. Better clog the wheels of Govern ntent than to permit it to plunge into a fathomless abyss. V int GENERAL ASSEMBLY. ' IIoniEISTH DAT. . The Senate was called to order ; Ltu Gov. Holt, and opend with jcr by Eev. Mr. Baranson, of i city. .-t The journal of Monday .. 1 approved. - - - BILLS AUD BE3QLUTI0NS. Tj Mf. Galloway, bilj to amend : ter 221. laws 1889, concerning ztjiontracts; Jadic'ary com- y lit, Reynolds, bill to empow n of detective agencies to .iiinal Drocess.IJadiciary- Ilr. Aycock, amend the Code rC, .... t3 Cii 1 tin to prevent ,tta sitstitatLa cf Oru'i ij fiilinz I prescriptions. Jadiciarj. ! v 1 j II. E. 331, 8. 11. 2C3, resolution concerning the force bill. - ilr. Turner moved to amend by snpstituting the f jUowing ia Jieu of first 11 lines of section 1. That we applaud the 'patroitic efforts of our United States Sena tors and Kepresentatives in Con gress to secure the defeat of the bill now pending ia the Qongress of the United States, and, known aa the ' Federal, Election: ja;or Force bill, v, f Mr. Turner'a 'amendment was adopted. r r"-. The resolution was adopted by the following roterAjes 35, Nays, 5 :;;A(UouTneaa ! t,:,,i H0C8K OW KKPRKSKaTATrVB. ; The Boose was called to order by SDeaaer Donphtorw - - : : sw Prayer byKev. Mn Perry. By Mr. Bridgerij to amend sohoo) law. ,- - ;. , By Mr. Williams, to amend the uoaeas w iees. :. - By Mr.'Mann, to J protect the fish interest; also, to amend', chap ter 25, of the acts of 1889. ByMrBass, to protect, married women.' --- 1:,Jii-HhH By Mr- Sutton, In regard 5to he registration or conaitionai sales By Mr. Brinaon,' to settle "titles. . By Mr. Brinson, for relief agaiost technicalities in land cases. : By Mr. Bryan of Wayne to au thorize Goldsboro to issue bonds. By agreement, it was arranged that the normal school 'bill should come op. ' 4 - ; Mr. Cowan offered'SQme amend ments. which were lost, one provid ine that' each, county, shall have representation in proportion (6 its white . school population, u it desires it, which was adopted." xne uiii passeu bjch oi, uuco t, UUJVHlHVUt Random Hotel Washing-ton and clnlty. Messrs. J. &R. B. Havens hare purchased the "Shaw" property on Main street and the wharf formerly occupied by the E. 0. Divanhouse, and are building a mill thereoa. "Hotel Nicholson' has been dpened for the entertainment of the traveling public. and ia well patron lzed. ;; Five new boarders were received by the sheriff on Sunday last. A large number of vessels of dif ferent sizes are at anchor off the town, were engaged in the Oyster trade, but are now stopped on ac count, of the. late action of the Legislature. , . The town authorities are having the streets shelled ; have ' shelled neatly all of the water part of Main and Market streets. The "Wizard Oil" wagon has been ia town for some days, and the concerts have ' usually drawn large crowds. The Y. M. C, A. has obtained the opera house for their own use, ana took possession on last Tuurs day night, when they, had a large audience and addresses by Mr. N. Harding and U. W. Davis.. On Monday, 26fch the Pasquo tank Rifles were at Washington been looking after the oyster dredgers. ' V, Two of those put in jail on Snn day were jailed for robbing . peddler. i ;t'xi'ft A.n. " The oyster cannery shut down on the 24th, so it is reported. . - Z.B3tOH KLIXIR, Its Wonderful .,. EffMt ea tLt .Unr, StemacbBoTeli, Kldaty and Blood, Dr. Mozley'i Lemon Elixir If a olcu knt lemon drink that positively euros all Biliouanees, Constipation, ' Indiges tion, Headaohe,- Malaria, Kidney Die ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in. Back. Palpitation of Hears, and- all other diseases caused b disordered liver, stomach and kidneys,' the first treat cause of all fatal diseases; - Fifty cents and one; dollar per bottle. Bold by druggists. Prepared only by- H. Mozley, M D.t Atlanta, Ga. ! tHWOV HOT DROPS,',' For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. ,'.. 'y''"i - - f For sore throat ana bronotulu, take Lemon, Hot Drops ;ljf r- IV,,. lor pneomoma ana laryngeus , mko Lemon Hot Drops. i -.i .'" ' For cohsnmption and Catftrrh,"take Lemon Hot Drop9 ' - .n. - 1 1 . 1 & u .1 AimM m f. L. v ror u turuni auu iuuj uisrerne, Lemon Hot Dropsi rt ". . An and -reliable preparation. Sold by druKgisU. , 25 cents per bot tle. : Prepared by fl, Mozley, U.D.,' At lanta, Oaw- - 2' t Upon' one expressing concern for the embarrassment of an insolvent friend, the latter replied, Yon are mistaken, it is not' l vwno ,;am is my creditors." I m m. f t " ft hat It Docs. ' ' Hood's Sarsaparilla . , . , 1. Purifies the flood. 3. Creates an appetite. ' ; : 8. Strengthens the nerves. -1 ' , 4, Makes the weak strong. 6. Overcomes that tired feeling. . 6. Cures scrofula,' salt rheum, eto. i. Tnvionratf the kidnevs and liver. 8. Eelievjs headache, indigestion. dyspepsia. :'' ' "v '';''rf?J''y', ChiidrenJCry for Pitcher's' tastorjg . litcly ttca re-, : lasci'.iurj alorg tie coasts '1 t J ;;;:y asd L2 Is'ard. lz: :;oi::7;;U to this eect have iar::J?tJat tie Eydrcrraphic cios, tzl taa hydrojrapher desires taatau fea-iarics men will report wLta ail to what exteat they may have est the ease. . ' ... The received reports state that the current has a southerly set, and tnat us strecgta'lsr en Sclent to prevent a sailing yessel from mak ing headt ay aainst it, even wheu beating with a good fouE or five knot breeze. . Of .course, ( when bound southward its presence wonld be indicated by a greater Bpeed over the ground than that shown to nave been logged. tri..,Kvi-t Any additional data with regard to this current will be "gladly re ceived and forwarded to .Washing ton by the officer in charge of the branch hydrographio office ia this city, i case, that the current ex ists as strong and as constant aa has been reported, then it wonld be important for those sailing ves sels leaving Norfolk . for Northern ports, to keeD aa well : clear as pos sible 'of its . limits. Norfolk Vii ginian;1''- '-' v--.-w. To B B B (Botanio Blood Balm) has been ;giYen the credit of curing that terrible symptom of -hereditary blood poieun eaueu oanoer. . , , a i ii. j Allan urant, ttparta, us., writes: "A painful sore earn on my lip which was pronounoed epithelial oanoer by promi nent ppyaioiana, i also baa much pain and great weakness ia the back.. Eight bottles of a u & neaied the sore, gave me strencta ana mane ma wen." U. V, Kellar, . WrlghUville. , , Ua , writes: 'B B Bis curing an nicer on my nose said by ail to be a cancer,", Jamos A. ureer, Athens, Ua, writes: For tea yean ,1 have been ?a sufferer rrora a canoer.onny face, waicndM charged 'offensive matter. . Nothinr tried gave relief. Finally I gave B B B trial. The discharge graaually oreasea ana tne cancer grew less unti now there ia nothing left except a soar THIT say George Washington neter told a lie. It may be so, and yet George courted Martha in hia younger days; i:" l Sea W ... W M B W ! BBBBSSIBI 1 (Ji eWBaJBBBBBBBBSBa ;'); If yon hare made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced te take any other. : Hood's SanaparUla is a .peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar cottblnatton, proportion, and preparation, turaUre power superior to any other article. Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience belows "la one store where I went to buy Hood's . Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy : their own instead of Hood's; hetoldmethelr's ' wonld last longer; that I might take it on ten j days trial; that if 1 did not like it I need hot pay anything, etc But he could hot preraU on me to change. I told him I knew what Hoed'S SanaparUla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with It, and did not want any other. -Hood's : . ' .aVJelMSBBBBBwawaSBasl .- When I began taking Hood's Barsaparilla: I : was feeling real miserable, suffering i a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times 1 oould hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person In consumption.- Hood's Sarsaparilla did ma so. much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, ' and my friends frequently speak of ft." Mas. EttA A. Gorr, 1 Terface Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla' SoUyantnc(bU. l;lxforS5. Treparedenly By O. L HOOD a CO, Apothecarlei, LoweU, Hut. - IOO -Doses One Dollar 4 We Are How in Position To fill all Brick orders. " v we nave uotton- eeea ueai to ex change fer Cotton Seed. - . ' - , , ' Come to See us with your liice if ypu wan t Highest Price, V, u Uir jo P,,BTORTO & : C0.; : Commission Merchants and ? .'j, flvi Grain Dealers, Market Dock, New Berne. Ns X -. " "A FULL LINE OF;, " ' Heating and Cooking Stove3 AT L. 11. G.'.hr G Co. last Call. - ' Your City Tax muatte paid by Feb. 1st or I will have tcjoollect by distraint. 418 tf " " . C lly Tax Collector. A To Get ! i , tf JfTM. !. i , M I I i ,i& i $ ,j .At h 1 ' X k,;! ' ' ""' ' S' sf 1 I 1 . .-., j U-i.J zt. : an; , i , 'i)ifti 'M tii - n tJ '-' ".7 i.l Yt ( V'-;: !-'.'. ' - - M ' J- " ' llKS. J. M. HINE3 has retunied to tLe city and will reopen her First-Class Boarding tlouse about the 1st of October at Mine location, oppo&lte. iiajjtaatliunia. if aaiqipcauou, oppo&q cay aaa be had at the fame flace J.M. HINES, dgent? seplB dwif -t,r 0. Marks' We invite yon to -examine, theigoode that oame last evening. - , " i One of the many bargains we i ffer you toda : A Batia Finish Bright Cut Engraving Quadruple Plated Tea Sst of six pieces, very bajjdome835 fiO. rer daeea from $3500.,. c ,, . ,. .. -One lot of Silver, at greatly reduced prioee. must be sold today? : 'l" - t Ptoklo;Fork, S3 10,. reduced 'Irora 1 Jelly Bpooo, gold jbowL $ duoed from $3 60. 1T r. . e I Jelly Spoon.-cold bowl, 53.30. re duoed from $5.00. .'si i-iv ' 1 Fish Knife and Fork.- 518 00. re ddced from 25 00. , " 1 dca. Coffee Spoons, 89 00, reduced from $12 50. - "J " 1 Pie Knife, $10.25. reduoed from S18B0. . - .... i . 1 Gravy Lidla. 48.00. reduced "from $11.00.. f - 1 Sugar Sifter. $5.00. reduced from The aboxe goods 'are Steriiog Silver. handsomely cased, beautiful patterns and New Ooods. 1 We have no ld gco8 to palm off.-Oar s took is fmh it& stspie as those from "The Uroeer.M a BELL THE : JEWELDRi Boot Md PkM alylce of Boots and ShofeB made to order and on short notlcs. Repairing' St -1 " i " c- J i,t -: ?! jV .; specialty, v, Craven St., opposite Journal offloe. Wanted, A white Tenant te take cbatge of a Farm ttsar the City of New. Heme. A oomfortabie bouia on theplaoe''' yiist-class iaud for Ttuoklug aud Kenerar fuuin.i. Favorable tetmstothnrlKlitptriy. ,. Apply to ii JAMES W. WATERS ; Attoiney at Law, deo28 dwtf Mw Uerue, N. Sale of Standing Timber. Pursuant to a Jodgmtnt of the Buperlor Court of Craven county, rendered -In De oember, l9tf. In the suit wherein' O. E Palmir, Executor of Kdward H. Hill, de cea.ed. Is ulalntiff. and Martha . HU1. and others are defendants, the uaciers' ItommlaJloner, will, on Monday irebrtiry 2d, leai. at tne court nouse ja ine city oi Mew berne, N. O., at 11 o'clock A.M , sell at Pnblls Anotlon to the hlebtat .bidder, for cash, all the standing pine timber, not leer than twelve inches in diameter at me uae of the tree, suitable for milling purposes, nowstandluK and erawlng oa the lands of Edward H. UllLlate of Oravea county, de ceased, situated In No. 8 Township, Craven county, between Dover Htation ana jxeise river; said lands containing 6U0 acres, more or less, and described in the Petition filed in the above entitled suit. 1 he purchafler ol said timber will be allowed five or ten years from date of sale to oat and remove the same anrtalsoarlRht.of way over the said lands. Saw uerne jn u r ueo. sist, j em. tdS ; (yOninilssloner, ''' .,1 l Iieadiog Tobacco Merchant, , , j s . n. ' 1 '.'It. 'v'i.' i 1.C09 Boxes Tobacco now on band, 7'r1 ' - V f r 'ill ' and. 600 moro on-,th way, ell giases and prioes. besides various, other goods too numerous, to mentiofaj at Lowest t 4 ii s 1 isno It' PoesiblaPricea. ' ;u ' , :us , 1 Call and examine before baying, and t a i i t u s t.;..! jii j "j' - lave yourselves money . ' - -' ' They Ilava Ccmo ! ' Another Splendid Stock, of tbe 0b1i brated j'.'. Ttj. i Jri Jr Zeigler Shoes. ! Another Lot of Beautiful and Slyjiea Scarfs & Handkerchiefs Another lot ot Elegant 'and Substan tial'.': . t tJ U "! J-1! . XAUUA-as A'loiof f j Biding Legginsif ' i:o r.'OHE EYE-GUSSES IW' i . f r.ilTGIIZLt'G '. . ACKUIn.Pnre.andPTnntlvePfltnertyfor " Pre,:.' 7 .o- "-"'"L'sdnr s,&Resior ' t -ijt'-eS'JittfthtOM. " Ci'rejTc:rr-- i.C.-'-u'r.''rj.E'yj . . T I- J lyts, I. at"i-3 Ey Las:3, i;d r. "3 ; : & r ? i9 r:sj nurr ciai Al-rt, p'Tiiiiiiv m--lns when ritffl In eihef I'-ers, rever roren. vmshiUm nv .'"7 t, ..a. ...i. . nrd W. Anlilty, tr-i , i:,,. a. t c Co V8, A. L, Ure... t- U, t. tvllfi 1 I ;ijiug as A. L, Gri i jif S i o. ( K rice to J. a. Psrry: ' ; The defendant J. S. Ten y. above nameJ. will take notice that an icuuii entitled ee , above hue beeaeoiutDeuced ia the superior Uourt oi tru rouniy.tu obtain ajuas- meut asaluf t me -eld deiei dania lor uoocs Soldaa I e l.Voiid, aud tbe laid defeudut ailltuMaet luke i olioe that he lareqalied to appear at tbe next term c.f the Minertor 4)our pi --yttt wony. trr fi- rn-M on the Sd Monday Deiore inn m juonoay la Aiarcii, the txirt blouse In eaid county, la New Berne, 'itf 0iud tmitr sr dettar to the eompiurut In aald acilon, or the plaintiff will apply to tie court (or the relief de tnftnded lanaldeiuipulnt, , . - t l . This ueo. au, ibto. - aw t jcv.cA5PEiirjB.oao,. i ' -s T-r. : i- " I ' '; ;;' ' wOllCe.'.-, ,- ,. .... iilyv!rtueofaBowfrofta!eeontlrelln, mongaxe eziouted by the Trnaleea of the Dnliv Lodre NnmberW. Ifideoendent Order i of Oood tM-i&arilaas and Uaugblera of b- i marl ot the city of new Hrn, and cf ' Keeorde In the hegleter'a olTloe 1n Craven ronnty, riooa-D-J, l'ngoa wo, iui and a. 1 will : - ii nactiuu vna tiiu hwaoiers flaletfaeilu AnctlenH-ttheOourt Uoaae lnfAlceton and Hoarii lor Kiutitop.Trealon, f the city f fiev Heio.o.-i Mob 'ay. February ?d. U O'clock; AJ the llouae and Lot of lane dwoHbed la atd merUase, which la referred to for a description. terra ou. tuird pmr; balance yi and zi men Die. Interest 8 nr sent. r( JUNATliAH JIAVKNS, Jk , 4 Atty. .VIatoj...a Thfs DeitT.irSo.' lanlOdwtd 111 :: Sfa'TKOF fi0ETH CAE0UHA, ' tr Superior Court JudRment. Fall Term, Elia. CI. W. Custis an! LC Vats vsl ' :kILsVQld et alsX tv3i-ftV, ,i w. Funuant. to 'the . jadgment in the abovs-jnamod action, I will sell at Pnb- lid Auction at the Court House In said Craven county, on Tuesday the 10th day ot .February.1 A.D. 1891; at IS o'clock, midday , all that tract or parcel ot land situated in said Cxawn county on the south eide of Nenee river and known as thef "Spring Warden" tract, bounded and .(described as follows; viz." Begin ning at a stake on the margin of said river ang. funning south 62 west forty p61es to anold marked gum, the origin al oornerot the tract of land, then south 52j west four, hundred and forty-four poles along a line of marked trees to an old; marked paerone of the origina eorner'rbr the tract of land? then north CQHerOTt along a-f line of 'old marked fofes , ta, a, iightwood . stakes now tbe dividing yna.between.tha lands npw or late pt John' Ehem . and said tract of land'; tne north 5 east along the line oftoarkeS trees', tho dividing line be tweeu eaid. lanJ now or late of John Itheta and the said tract of land two hundred and seventy-nine poles to; a gum; then 'north ZS" east to the rivei. then down the river ' to the beginning. ; Terms of sale cash. v. - . Vj M. DBW, STEVEN80N, T. MA '.on. ' rt i : Commissioner, VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY I ' , III. I 'j t . tl 1" , .1 . ' A seonts fur owners we offer for sale oa 4sy and acoomniodallne terms the follow ing d escribed Improved Real Estate in the City of NeT Bernet. :.; v-i'V-p--- No. 4. THK IROS t'ROKr WABEHOUBB OJS UKAVJif Bl tvrOlvJ . . No. 5. BKICK 8T0EE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN 8TREEY cc copied by R.O. K. A lull description of this valuable proper ty; togetner wiut the neat terms upon wnion the name will be sold. II. be furnished rn application to the nnderslgDec St their office .Two HV.16CB and Xiots ou Crave.i street lAira'ktWTt,dy'Pmnt ' " r.tett .fWATBOU A STREET, ;idpcO. aJtj j t; Ins. and Real Estate Agta. HltoltEIJCKllin). FOE SALE Ahont FORTY ACRFS CT.KARF.D LAND. situated within two miles of the city, salt ble for track rawing,, A great bargain,. . ,.i Apply to' ' " - mayi , ,, Real Eat Agents. " Foreclosure,,--,.?; " ParsnahVto'a ladefnent rendered in the Superlot; Court ; of Urayen county, North Carolina, at Fall Term, In an action wherein 0. A. Bengert, guardian for A. H. uangerv, js piainun. ana juezsaian vavis and Borhara his wife-and the National Bank of New Berne are defendants, the land de scribed in the complaint in said action, and in a ceitnln mortgage executed by tbe de fendants Davis and wife to the plaintiff and registered In Craven -county Reootds, N. O., in Book 98. vase 46. will be sold on the Ninth day of February. 1891. at the Court Honse in New Berne, between the boars of 13 M and 1 o'clock P. M., at Pablla Auo'lon, for ash. The said land is Situated In Craven county. on Nense river, and is known as the Harper uuu J ' it n wMrTiiinrrunT . January , 1891. t, l -Commissioner. . I - 4SW THE JODBUAI. OF60CIETY. nt ' kf,Xj . , , .. , R. n MANN. Pronrlctof ' a. fonusBED (Nsw Youe), Eveet TaunroiT v "Between Iht Uriu of rtiUUnt ana cvnfetma fa read rrw (eawna ( Ite, morcuuy and hope." 'The newsiest, brferntwt. Vlttlest wfoest. clever est, most eriginal, . gad jnosb entertaining paper ever puDusneo, . - A oomtifete and mfect larrial for cultivated men and women, being a topical and out Spoken crlllc and chronicle of the cventl, doings, tntereeti, and tastes of the fashionable world. If is always up to dute, and carries with It tho aunos nhera of ba inetror)oiis.!A-u ' :-j In purity and power cf literary style it has no Aoiial o this continent! .-- A veritable syinposiuai cf well-bred ntlre( leftness and daintiness of touch: strength, inde oendence aod 'Ortgliieilts1 'of thonght;' refined Humor; caustio comment; piouanoy or jest: fliort atorios ) nunical,;dramRlic, literary and trt criticism, and topical akelulies. , ,. 'iTha fame of Its financial Department, ts the most rellabb, authority on financial sub iect investments aua specuiauon, vs world-wide. Its Interest is by no means local: being tbe rec bgnlzed Jonraal American soelety, t is equally ontortamlng in all partsof thnconntrv. For sale each week by all Crstrclaas newieali s Jo America and Kurope. Every newwlnler will teep and supply it if requested. Neivn-iealere rrppHed by the American News Co. 89 Cliamiirs t.T-Hnt. New York, and bvau other news com imiiim. " Rn-rular' uhr.rlplion may be sent direct lb oliUa ot publication, ortnroupa any newsnemer or subscription acencyi One year.$4.0t); six mouths, jjyj turee montus, yi.oo. oaiupiea iree, Afldrefls: TOWN TOPIf. " 21 West 23a St., New York City, N. V. " Eale ci Land. ; Pnrsnant to a certain Judgment In the Su perior uourt ot uraven county, at r ail xerm, lht)0. in an action therein pending, wherein Islnh Wood Is plaintiff and J. L. Carroll Is defendant, I will sell for cash, atf the Coart House in Newborn, North Carolina, at 12 O'clock, M., on the Uth day of February, 1601, the land dexcrlbed In the complaint, tbe same being situated la said county, on Core Creek, and la fully dencrlbed in amorianee executed bv Jag. la. Carroll to Isaiah Wood, uc&. hiii, in i. mm r''KiHirea in tne tteoorus of aula county in Hook No.Uji, pnee iJ), to which refer for rtcscriptlon, containing loo acres more or ices, Jan. Blh, lcitH. .: V?. W. CLARK, 80d ; : .. ; 1 Corjimlsiiontr. mm MM). ? V to weai ail if J rke Old OemiDtec Steamiiiip Com ry' Old aaa Favorite U'eUf ' ' i ate, Tla AlaeMrie eaa - . ' ;CheaapeAe Caial.. : V rca . - v. : : eoUt Balliatore, law erk, Pnlla- , delpkta, BMta,PrrldtaM, ; ", , ead WMitloiitoa Cllf. , .; -f And all points, North, East and. West. -tWlh. 18S9 ' f .aU further nouee,ho t t. Irr.TiTTiTtrtVTi -. ' in.m 0V3iZ.Sr till ULlUlIi, t&pi, cCulilfili,' . .. will sail from'Norfolk, VaJ mA',' mT 'ur "ew Kerne. .r-i ; fT - - inreoi, making eioce con- . end all other landings ou lh Neuae and Trent Elvers. - - KetorulDK, wllf sail EO WW WKBf 8 ; Ky jNOMFOtK dlrert, at T M tLV E, JU ,,, . ... (noon) rcaklug connection vrlth tne O. IK ' a, B. CO.'a khli for ew York, H. H. P. Co. 'a " ' steamers for Baltimore; CIoe L4m Bhlpa for Philadelphia, M. sM.7, Co.'a ships foe ; ' Boston and Provide ee. - " bteamer Klnston. Capf ttxoB,'lll aall ; "' :. for Klnston on, arrival cf kleauier ew ' berne. . . - . - Order all goods ears of O i. B. a Oo.. Hot- ' .,,..,.-,.,.,..... . Paasenjors wlU And a good table, comfort. able rooms, and every eonrteey and a tie a- tloa will be paid them by the oUtoera. . '. ;B. B. BOBEBTB, AgenU v amsxs, oulpepper a tpknkb, i - ... Acenta, Hotfttlk, Ta.' : .Wi a' BTAWFOBD. - X i. At . v l i ' ... a . Vloe-Preeldont, fiaw Torn Cnty. ", ? if , Then; Freight Lin IffiSOEAKTS acd SEr?EL3,AKS KCTICI ; f .On and after Octet l lfK, this llnewll. i , - resume utwu regniac - SEMT-WEEKLT TBEKH !''' " . '': :-'! twskh; '' Baltimcre ' tni Kev'ljQerne Leaving BaMmore for lew Berne. WED, v WJUSI-'A I , BAXUHDAY, at BIX P.M.. Leaving 'New Bern for Baltimore. TOES- - . - DAY, 1SATURUAT. at BUf. P. M. v ; This Is tne only 1)1 hi. CJ-line out of Sew Berne for Baltimore without change, and oa -their return trip from Baltimore come dlree. to New Berne, stopping only at Not folk, oen neotlnglhen for boston, Provldeboe, PhJlsv ; delphia, Richmond, and all points North East and West .Making cioae oonneetloav ' tor il point by River and RrUontof w Beru-. ,. a: 'V.'-.. ... .. 'Agents are follows: ''y,- BEDBffiN rUdlKS,(ien'I Manager, - w , WLlghtBt.,BaJtlmora:" MB. W. MOCARR10K, Agt,. Noriolk, Va , wharves Co'' nU,Ml,1Phla 12 '""N1 ' New York A Balto., Trans, Wne, Pier ' North river. v.. . , , E. Sampson, Boston, SS Central wharfs rf -f. H. Rockwell, Provldenoe, R. I. Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and s)atardar . . " New York dally. . " Balto., Wednesdays Paturdayj -, - Philadelphia, Mondays, V, rdnea u .. daya,Batordaya. Urt ;t Piovldenoe, Hatordaya, - Through bills lading glveB, and rales gnai , nteed to all polnu at the differint offiees e the oompables. , . , f AVOID BRKAKAOB 09 BfLK Art I ; ,.: SHIP VIA W. O. LIRE. ft 'i !. B, H. GBAY.Agsnl,. . , , E3. O. 33. .lltilfi.: ' tastern iaroima'i-ispitcn.,r ; v Fast Passenger and Vrelnht Elne Between - - j Eaitern Korth Carolina Points., and. .all .' FS.VBYLVAKIA RAILBOAtI, Iii'.- ' New York, Fhlladelphla, Norfolk, Baf-' ' j s . uutore a tseston v Tbe OSLY, TrlWeekly Line Owt af , .'. Itw Berne..--. .,' THB NEW AND ELEOANTLY EQCtPPKD Basss,(.i ;t i Neuse?i;.iM J ,.',:, Sails from Hew Berne ,i ..f,,! .' " ' MONDAYS, . . , - ' FAIDAYf, i f: Stopping at Roanoke Island each way, and ,.J ' . - lurmiuK oioce oonneotion who the ' : I v fioifolk Bonthern Railnad. . . j : ' The Eastern Dlsoatch Line, eonslatlncr of: .. 1 the Wl imlnston b. B. Co., Norfolk Bom hern 1 ' ' ' 1 R. Rj, New York, Phila, aud Norfolk R. R., . J and Pennsylvania R, R.. fotm a reliable and v ' " " egniar line, onering superior faollltles for. qulok paisenger and freight transportation.' no iruosier except at jtUEabetn 'City, a ... Which Point frelsht will ha nAeA nit mrl tn .-' go through to destination. .: '..v uireoi ail goods to be shipped vieEastern.. Carolina Dbpatoh dally as follows : From- New York, by Penn. tt ll Plat 81 i- North River. From Philadelphia, by Fhlla W, 4 Balio. ', ... R. R.," Dook bt. Btation, .. From Bainmore by Phlia wlli Balk , it. R,. President St. Station. . . From Norfolk, bv Norfolk Ronthen, R B - ' . i From Boston, by Merchants Miners Tram portation Co.; New York and New Knglai d v Kates as low and time Qlloksr, thin by any oUierltne. :;.- , : . -. . ',. . '' For farther information arp'y io' : Wj H.- JOYOls (Oen, Fgt. Tramo 'Ageat, ; P. R. R.). G . in Trafflo Manager, , t GEO. BTEPfllf A3, Division freight Agent'. " P. W. B. K, It., Phila. ; B. B. OOOKK, General Freight Agent. S: T, P. 4 N. R. It., Norfolk.Va- . H.a HU1H3INB, General Freight Agent. B ' B. R. Rn Norfolk. Va. . . , . jh t r. ' ' GEO. HENDF.RRON.' Agent, . ' febSOdW . ' Newberae. N. 0. ' " Ilcxt! Peof. W. H BEEPARD atd ctmpe-: tent aseistsnts in the teneorial art will give you a . -ITair cot for.....'. ........ ........ SO cents," Shampoo........ ........ 20 " 4. Shave see vess gweeaeea wfeeewaes Gatton Bonse aiLer Shop i-i New.Bzene, N. a t ' " :'' ' ' . . NORTH CAROLINA. p In the f Buperlor Court. - . V; ' r. Craven County. 1. 8. Banns 4 Co. vs. J.Q. fclada tt ala. ' ' ! - . ' ' . Notloe. ' To J, G. Blade and Fatsey glade. . ( . m rsb rioiice. , , ' The defendant above -named will fnke pn- . tloe that an action entitled ss aiiove Ins been commenced In the Superior toiirtcf Craven county, 1o fortclose certain mort. gages executed byrouon lands in iti eounty: and the snid iletondHnta v ill fun. thertake notice that tliey arereqi.f l t ! appear at I lie nrxt term of the -r1' r Court of fftld county, to ba held on in, l Monday before the Ht Monday In I w , 1WU, ot the Court House of said con Nt-wr ( erne, N. O., and answer or (. r . i ton coTiplnlnt In said action, or tlie i in. n-i ii apply to ttie court for the re. i . m n(i'l lu atld complaint. ' ins the lilt Ii dav of Doc., Ifllf). uJ w JK. W. OARPENTEn, C. S. C, X t

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