r ITU JOUKNAL. llovkYourDlood? UU5RY flUD S1LE STABLES. 'Xean lareJV ; w I had a inaStrnarU breaUng out on mv leg bek)w the loee, aad was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of - HEW BERHF, N. (J - The Cradle of liberty gallantly rooked,'; 8. S. S. Otter blood medicine bad fail ed to do me any good. . , j. .'y,Za Wm. 0. Bsatt, Yorkvffie,8, C. And the pennon oi nope spread out to the breeze. '- 09 T3 Ai the steerage of "Ralelgy the waters uniocxea , . And Beared. - the Iale of "FortuuaU ----- is - ; -. -M Fields.''.1' ''' 4 --'.t ' ' - ; s. i-vir.i'v.v.'js And Tyranny hid in the reef of the sail. 43 i M. j That folded to meet the approaoh of the - gale. .--.". -But heart of faith and pride was there. --..r.TiT, O I was troubled from chMbood with an aggravated case of Tetter, and three 5 a ii neat in the ooeom of " Eleanor Dare." bottles ol B. b, B. cured me permsv Nor the waters of ocean with deep sound n. Maniwille, L T. n THOa. a BADBAIb c v -- - ' a tr ! SS f lei--. &3 ah. ' - r i i ing toil . . . - K. Jr 1 1 M Ik.- ,w i3 1. ? jof ------- - .... -i-v Vu?fJi - - - - VI j .y-6,&aaa'.JSgsas8SwC? n ,"r" ' HgrS&j-. Boarding and Day School for Both Sexes. Special attention glveu to Mataem iilos. , - Kiperieaoeittsaeherln Inatruii eatal MobIo ' ". VooS Mutlo a )roinloeat feature - s f ? ,. - ; Art taugM by A proficient teaobtr. - - "' - ' ' - ..Instruction given ia the Exercises of Dumb bells aai Calisthenics. ' ' Mllltar Government for bove. .' s Special eon tract made with those who - An able Uorps of Teachers Tuition, Inclining Boar.l, Washing, Lights; ' AddIt to the Hrinolnal for Cetalozne. Term ioaee January )6th and Spring ,uu. mii iuK wuv iuwuu iuiug lup ucw poDBiuu W. JanSdw - Desirable Dwelling ."For Sale, - Situated on South Front street. House contains six comfortable rooms and recently added new kitchen an! ail desirable outhouses. Lot 70 feet , ; Houe and Lot on Craven street Apply 0 WATSON & STKI5H.T. . dtf Real Estate Aeitm. I' 1 ' y "Vl ' . 1 : : STSXtiW SORffl CAROLINA-Craven County. Superior Court. Kotlce v B. A. Cherry against Hatt:e M. Cherry. To Hattle M. Cherry. Defendant. , "Ton are hereby notified to appear and a i awer or demur to the complaint In tbo above entitled action, wb lota, will be deposited In : the Clerk's offioe of Craven county Rnperlor Court, the first three days or the February teraa, 1891, ol said eourt, beginning on the 3d Monday before the let Monday in March, Ilfl, orlbe plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint. This la an action for divorce A vlncolo matrimonii, upon the grounds of adultery. ' B. W CARPENTER, Clerk Sup. Ct Craven County. AiKewrDAS J. Moobb, Attorney for the plaintiff.' eclddtd 'Notice. Notice is- hereby given that applica tion wilt be made to the General Assem bly of North Carolina, which convenes in the city of Ealelgfi, on the first Wed nesday in January, 1891, for a charter for an Express Company, , Its general and principal office to be located in New Berne, North Carolina i , . This January 7th, 1891. 80d ' Csmau'ssioDBi's Sale of Land, -i Pursuant to a judgment of tho Supe rior Court of Craven couaty, rendered a( Fall Term 1890, in the suit wherein Wm. A. Molntosn and Uiivia A. Mo Iatoeh. his wife, are ' plaintiffs, and Thomas H. Dillahuht, defendant, I will, aa Commissioner, sell at Publio Auction to the highest "bidder, for Cash, at the Court House door in; Now Berne, N C on Monday. Tsbiuary 3d, A D. 1891, at 13 oV.lofik. U.. a certain. tract of land lying and- being on Neuse road, in No. 8 townshio. Craven county, N, C, ad joining the lauds of Miogo Alexander and ,pthers,. containing ". 15 2 8 acres, mora or leas, fully desoribed In the complaint, fiWd in the above; entitled auit: it beinz the same land conveyed by Mordeoal Bam and wife to Thomas n. Dillahunt by deed bearing date January let, A.D. 1874. v - - JAME3 0. HARRISON, ... Commiseioner. NewBetna.N.C, Jan. 2d, 1891. tds x . - - - :r ' NOTICE. - State of North Carolina-Craven Conmty. Buperlor Court-To Feb'y Term, 18DU-I The National Bank of New Berne,, .'.; . .v..-. anamst . The Tide Water Land and Lumber Com nnw. and w. .Inrtaon Hrown and Wm. B. (Graves, trading under the Arm name of brown, oraves ana company cisi. . .. To W. Judson Brown and Wni. B Gravest S T.k nntini,. That an action has been In tuid In said county entitled as above for i.,. Mirnrwa rtl cnllecttne the amount you o me plaintiff by reason of acceptance of d t d rawn on you by said Tide Water lnd ...iinm hr oamiiaann ravor of the nlalntiS tmount.ng to about eleven thousand dol I .; ti.t a wrltof atfachtnent has Issued in , antlon, ou are hereby -required to ... ..rt.thr)onrt Hnnsa In New Berne In i i Dim nty , on the Sd Monday before the 1st ) .iy in narcn, ioai,nnu auaww ui uduiu. i, inmnlAlnt. . E. W. OARPENTKB, 1 d.Kild " Clerk Sup. Court. Ctais or North Carolina, 1 In Superior Countj o( Craven. ' - 1 Court, T'-a ri'st rational Bank of Jersey City v?, t ,i iiue Water Land and Lumber Com- I ' T'to the Tide Water Land and Lumber (. . ; nj : ' ; d..fnndftnt.Ths Tide Water Land and X, ' ,.ri on. nny, will take notice that an , s enutiott aa aoove i if , i.. i i the Buperlor Court oi uraven duIu a Judgment aeainsi me : .nt for money pal a on a ran ac I comnanyj the gald defendant that It is required i . i t term of the Superior l (. ,itv, to be held on the 8d i ii, i .t Monday in March. ... i ma t jiinise in said county.ln i.o.M.O.and answer or demur -O ..!nt In khHI ectlon, or the plaintiff y, t to Hie cmirtfor therellef demand- I , .1 cMltl,J'Ut. . . a 1 u- " X1 CARPENTER. C. B. 0. '0 Commercial Law. Book-keeping and Pen- desire an education acd are unprepared to - ; "' etc ,365 to ISO per session of Ave month. .T ...... rerm commencea on the 17th. It la Important euumu start we mst nay, K. SKINNER, Principal. K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIOHr LoHllard and Gail & Az Snufi Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goods & Notions. cull etook and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Great Bargain ! WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE ! A VALUABLE PLANTATION situ ated on the South side of the Neuse river, three and a half miles from the City of New Berne, N. C. One hundred and ti enty-flve acres cleated. GOOD LAUD, SUITABLE FOB TBUGK1KO, Tobacco Raising, or any kind of farm' The balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak, cypress, ana other kinds ol timber. It is also one Grazing Land. . Good dwelling, outbuildings, and ane orchard. It has a fine FISHERY fronting half a mile on (he beaon, where there are high banks of marl that can, never be exhausted, from which vessels can load with ease. i It is a very beautiful and healthy lo cation, presenting a near view to the passing vessels and the A. N. J, Rail rosd. ; For terms apply to P. TREHWITH, Opposite Hotel Albert, ooSO dwtf , New Berne, N. 0. GREEII, FOY &C0. Do a General Banking business. " Niw Biirnifa Houbk, Middle Street, fourth door below Bote - Albert, v . mow BKRirr 'w o feMwly , Ti ComEriBsioners' Sale. , By virtue of a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craven county , granted at the Fall Term, 1890, we will sell at Publio Anotion, at thetourt house door in New Berne, on Wednesday the 11th day of February, 1891, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following desoribed property, to wit: All those lots of land in the city of New Berne and known as Lots Noe. 181 and 183 in the plans of the M. Soott s land, which was oonveyed to Flora Lucas by deed from the Clerk of the Buperlor Court of Craven county and which ia fully desoribed in the complaint filed in the action of D. S Roberte and S. G. Roberta vs. J. Lucas, Flora Lucas and D. Stimson, referenoe to said complaint Is hereby made for more perf eot description of said land. Hour of sale, ia o'clock noon. - .,: Jan. 13, 1890. JAM W. WATERS, - P. H. PELLETIER, janlitd " Commissioners. ITctic Application will be made to the next Gen eral Astiembly of North Carolina, whtoh convenes on tue nrnc Wednesday in Janu, arv.lHHl. fore charter for a Bank under the name of Tbe Farmnrs' and Merohante' Bank of New Hrni, vith Us main or general oflloe t ew 1 -i-tie, with a capital stock of notlessthant'&.ifcMl . . deo23Ud Nor the lightning's flash that lit the dark - aky: - Could break the peace surrounding the - soul, v Nor the light of freedom that shoue in the ere. And the chief looked forth to the darken ing west. Where a star appeared o'er the "Iale of the Blessed;" Brighter it grew as they sped with the air, And flushed was the cheek of "Eleanor Dare." Springing, at dawn, to the foremost prow, That rose and fell with the ocean's breath The sunniest calm that ere touched brow, Was theirs I aa they aaw the vine clad heath. The ships are moored in the harbor near And the davits turn, their boots to clear And tho sailors rush with "prepare, The chieftain's boat for 'Eleanor Dare." ' Firm aad glad as she neared the spot. Where her comely form was soon to stand- Not one of her sex shared her lot- Alone! her nrint marked the sand. And when it touched the strange white shore. The love of freedom spread her o'er Dbe sported oft in the woodland green. And nursed tbe thought of freedom's queen And was not the mother true, W no first did brave the stormy deep ? Did friends and compeers bid adieu, As free to go. made her pulses leap. Here hopeless man received her smile And here she bore her only child The Infant breath that breathed the air Her name's enough; Virginia Dare ! And near three hundred years have rolled, Their ovale o'er old Roanoke Isle. When Raleigh's banners there unfold'd, And there was born tbe oaxon child. No mark of mem'ry now you'll find The same the child has left behind, Is all and when a "stranger visits there, No slab is seen for Eleanor Dare BUCKLER'S AHHICA SALVB The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Braises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Son. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures files, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newborn by F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. . 9. . Children Cry tor Pitcher's CastorL Prof. Eugene Wallnau, FIRST CLASS Piano Tuner- and Repairer, Educated at the Conservatory or Music, In Berlin, has located In this city end will be pieasea 10 reoeive orders. Bauaraeuon anaranieea. OaU at Middle street, brick house Beit to sue custom iionse. janidwsm CALL No 1. Bonds of Craven County, Mil Carolia Notieeis hereby given that flveCra yen county bonds of the denomination of five hundred dollars and one bun dred of the denomination of twenty-five dollars have been thie day drawn for the sinking fund of said aald oounty, in accordance with the act of assembly authorising tneir issue as follows: Five hundred dollar bonds numbered 83 103 189 175 - 178 Twenty five dollar bonds numbered 89 40 44 300 274 275 276 277 835 411 S01 202 204 200 234 225 226 234 285 886 247 826 837 838 845 891 893 893 894 895 401 403 403 404 495 406 407 408 409 10- 418 413 414 415 431 433 433 434 435 450 596 ,597 598 608 609 610 658 878 874 45' 49 51 53 54 65 161 163 14 105 191 193 194 195 198 197 199 278 279 288 - 811 813 814 810 816 817 818 819 820 821 '823 249 250 251 269 270 272 838 273 . 824 These bonds will be paid prinolpal and acorued interest to January 31 1891, upon presentation of the same at the National Bank of New Berne, New Berne, North Carolina, on or before Feb'y lit, 1691. Interest on the above bends will cease on and after January 81st. 1891. r::lliU By order of Board of Commissioners, j j auiu) a. unian, unairman. Dissolution of Gopartnersnip The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name and style of Roson ft Taylor baa this day been dissolved by mutual consent, 0. C. Roaoh retiring f rom tnt oasiness. .t-rt-i , J --ii.- ' v- O. O. Roacb, , .Chas.' H. Tatlob. "J -1 ' esjxsaM- . To my friends, customersand the pub lio generally: a Having purohased the Interest of llr, 0. C, Roach, my retiring partner, I beg leave to say that I will continue the businesses formerly carried on by the old firm, at the same stand, and as I have In the past tried to merit their patronage, I hope to continue so to do by strict attention to business. ; . , t : Very truly yours, ' ti Chablks H. Tatlob. January 5, 1891. j Itaw4w Our oook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. t Swm flPKciyic Co.. Atlanta. Ga, 1- H. ORJLBTKO BiALMlHLTi OHN H. CEABTKEE &:C0 ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists kfaaufactarers and Dealers In tssim n licmisT.' supplus BwUaleaw ef Eacliiea. Boilers, Saw Kill, ptdglBg Ct-tT BUeaUstM Wears prepared to do Oaatlaasof all kinds an in promptueaa, Particular and Immediate attention given to repairs or svu kinds. We will be clad to give Diana and estimates ror any ueeoiipuon oi machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican saw. Also for O. AA. Bargamlu'a eela- Dratea inaesiraeuDie auea valves. We alve ss tlsfsfitnrr guarantee farallwor aoaabvea. Urgldaawwly Atlantic V N. C. Railroad TIMM TABLM Sc 22 In Efleot 1:30 P.M., Friday, Oot. 17. 1890. Go if a East. Sohksuli. GootaWiBT 51. Pcutenger Train. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. 8 80 Goldsboro 1110 am 4 09 La Grange 10 S3 10 35 06 4 85 4 40 Kinston 9 48 9 53 6 03 New Berne 817.8 80 m Morehead City am 6 47 COO 7 88 Dailv. Gorsa East, Soheddlb Going West No. l.t No. 2. Mixed Ft. ft Pass. Train. Mixed Ft ft Stations. Goldsboro Pass. Train. 7 20 pm 6 24 6 84 am 680 6 07 7 05 Best's La Grange Falling Creek KinBton Caswell Dover Gore Creek Tusoarora Clark's Newborn Riverdale Croatan Havelock Newport Wild wood Atlantic Morehead City Atlantio Hotel 7 80 7 30 7 58 8 80 8 55 5 54 6 04 5 24 'J 80 4 25 5 00 7 48 811 8 50 4 00 3 25 254 2 24 3 02 10 33 9 41 9 28 8 69 8 17 800 7 47 717 705 15 10 01 10 81 10 88 11 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 12 15 00 87 8 42 8 50 413 4 42 4 55 5 01 0 21 0 28 8 48 84 08 B7 4 51 101 516 0 23 p m Morehead Depot am Monday. 'W ednesdav an dFrl Friday, tTuesday, Thursday am Saturday. Train SO connects with Wllmlncton A Wei- donjTraln brnnd North, leaving Goldsboro 11:60 a. m.. aad with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 2:40 p. m, Train SI eonaeeta with Blchmond Dsnvllls Train, srrlTlnf at Goldsboro pjn., and with Wilmington i on and Weldon xnua rom the North .SI:10 n. Train eounecta with 'Wilmington and weidon Through rreigut Train, ortn bound; leaving Goldsboro at 1:50 p.na. S. L. DLU, Superintendent. Notice. I will receive bids at my office until the let Monday in February. 1891. foi the putting out to the lowest bidder, undertaker to bury paupers per capita, and also to furnish medicine for poor house per month, for the ensuing two years. Jan. th, 1801. J. A. RICHARDSON, jlltf Reg, of Deeds. Tho Ccnvcriiblo Policy --' samMSMSSsaa) The Convertible Policy issued by THE MUTUAL BENEFIT Life' Inaat ance Company includes all' the liberal features of the Company, with the addition of A guar anteed Cash Surrender value, which will be paid at any time after two years premiums have been paid, U demanded, , Every Policy has endorsed upon it a table showing in plain figures the op tions granted by the company. , uu, ; 1st option. Cash surrender valuei id option.' Amount that may be bor rowed from the company on the poi- Sd option'. Extended insurance for full amount of the policy. ;, v. , V 4th Option. Paid up policy value. .. , This is the most liberal policy yet of fered and is the safest Insurance to be had. ""..ra-'-,'-'Y-..-:.-''' Every dollar . pall 'geti ' dollar's worth of Insuranoe. No loss by lapses. D. T. CABRAtT AT, Agaat, ' Healthy rjersone' ; between fourteen and seventy insured. NOTICE. . , ; : The nnderslmed. Bobert Q. Hosier. Ir.. baa duly qnallfle as executor of tbe estate notice that he requires all persons laying claims against the estate of the said Ann Loftln, deceased, to present them to the said Robert G. Mosley. Jr , duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the 1st day of Jen - uary, 18a, or else this notloe will be pleaded Persons indebted to the1 estate taust pay Ja8. A. BhtaK, Withoutdelay. :-T . ;,,nak, m RnVAl ROBKKT O. MO&LKT. Ja 1 Ikecntor. Deo.JO.l6ln). ; . , w' FIFTY HEAD"WOUNG WESTERN i' ine drivers draft and farm Horses. Also, large lot Buggies (top and open), dorse Blankets constantly on hand at Rock We make our Livery a specialty, bingle or double tuic-outs can lo Ltd at all hours. Every thing we sell is guaranteed as represented. Livery superintended by K. DENMAF.K. OeStU SLiOLdL Clothing ! Finest Lot Overcoats Ever Brought fo this Gily. SHOES J&JSTJD HATS In All the 'Latest Styles ! Well Selected Slock of AND ALMOST EVERYTHING IN THE Dry Ooods Hjixio ! Whioh was purchased for GASH, and can and will be SOLD CHEAPER than ever before. Can be Secured During theHolidays ! "Call and examine my MAMMOTH STOCK before purchasin? eise- where. Respectfully, ILVE. E. SULTAN. decll dwtf FINE AND WELL Selected with Care and Good Roadsters, SALE h EXmmQE. si .J'&Jih ?g e ..... mmim 7 00 " Y,:$X- -J ALWAYS O i HAXD And those suited for Family Purposes and the Saddle. First-Glass Carriage and Buggy Repository IN CONNECTION Painting,- Eepairing, &c,, Trained and Experierced bhoer constantly on duty. ' J. W, STEWART. twiv until PROFESSIONAL. DB. Q. K. BAGBY, SUBGE0H DENTIST. Offloe, Middle street, opposite Baptist church, ; deo8dwtf NEWBERN.'K. 0. P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONE r BllOKER. Craren St.,? two doors South of I '! . :v Journal office. A sueelaltt made In negotiating small loans for short time. . Will practice In the Oountltscf Craven, Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. united Biattee uoura as new sers., ana Supreme Court of the Btate, febldtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, HE VT .BERNE, N. O. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. ; .y; - J. A. BRTlllJra.'rfiOS. DASIELS.Viee Fret - .B.E ROBERTS, CaiMer. THE HATIOIIAL DANK ! OF NOT'.BEENE? NaO T 'Mi ISOOPORATfD 1865.' m.-.'.c.; v.- I Capital, 'i r.r.") $100,000 I tW; - 1 RnrrtlTiS ProfltB. ' 88.700 ottPillB froflw' J N :4y:iiik.iy,J!TTi- ''. DIRECTORS. Thos. Daniels.! Ohas. B. Bbtak, J.H. Hackboen, Q. U. ROBEETI, . 4 .. n on o HORSES AXD MCLES ,!CST HECT-lVKIi... Road Carts, Iliii rs. Whins. Robes and Bottrm Pilots. See XJs. Clothing ! Ladies' Dress Goods, bence they were bought CHEAPER NEW BERNE, N. C. BROKEN HORSES, from Eeliable Dealers Onto Good Draft Horses, WITH LIVERY. Done in Eest Workmanship JOE K. WILLIS, tPHOI KIEIOR CFj EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Harblo Works, New Befne, N.O Italian and American Marble and all qualities of materiel. . , Orders solicited and given promt t attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. O. E. Mum is my agent at Klmton, and Albz. Fields regular traveling agent. , Bath Rooms : At my shop on Middle street Plenty of water, hot or rooms, junl dtf cold, and good large J B. BROWN.