IT 0 URN AL i jus jLmi Iji VOL. IX.--NO. 261. NEW BEKNE. N. C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. ml TTTl BUSINESS LOCALS. AT J. F IVES Fresh Sausage, 10o.; Fresh 8ausage Meat 10c ; Smoked Sausage, 12io. FOR SALE AT C03T 9 dcz. bottleB Lemon Eluir, 2 dos. bottles Electric Bitters, 3 " " Mrs. Jos Personi Remedy, 8 " ' Botanic Blood Balm. Enquire at Journal ; ffioe. 27 Iw AJEW DRUG 8TORE. -Drugs, Medi l inwnd Chemici -, C P. Popu- l.r PrnnriAtarv Medicine. All varieties n,notriflt' Sundries Trueees and Baces. New orop Oarden Seeds. Fine ui Large Stock Cigars and Tobacco, aim. nbw. Pri'ocriDtioM accurately oonipouttded (indlnot at wak prices) ourawttoaod out Bucoesf. (' 0. OUEEN, (Druggist nd Apothecary, Middle at., i doors from PjIIoc ' . jn25 ly 2?' BOXES OF O ORANGEY t ker's, ail sizes, to b FINE FLORIDA !. hunhul & Par gold cti"p i 1 uny quantity. CHUKCHII.L & PAUKKK. ilroad st. CJEVEN SPRINGS WAIr'.RA ape ciflo for dvfDff.'in n i nil ki luey nd bladder irouLi r.rsai by j3 U- J (JOODINfl I O BERTS fc f!KO nceivmg their fall stock Hot art-1 hiiocs, They buy at headquarter and can jjivf vou Low Price. u 'lHK Journal: Multum in paivo. We are indebted to lion. William L Wilson, of Wear. Viryiuin. for valuable pubiu! iJocumi uts. Thauksj So far as we cau judge, the Leg islature is doiDg will. A great many bills have been introduced tint will be lost in the committee room, but we tiuac that we tthall fitness "the, survival nt thu titteht." 'PUT your own shouub-.r ! the wheel and then call on Ileicuk." Progress i the order .f ilio day. That State, (Jouuty or (Ji'y that does not praiss tu the front with olid and attractive improvements will be distanced in tha raea. We are in favor ot selecting Railroad Commissioners from our wisest men and giving them an ample salary. A railroad commis cioa in the hands of incompetent man min ll ho Mm carina of endless U1VU V . vwmw confusion and infinite injury. "But do yoa know," said Napo leon, "what happens to those who always exhibit virtue in fiction! They indnee the belief that virtues are never anything but fancies. History has been very often col umniated by hihtoi-iaus thein eelves." THE February number of tne Century Magazine ijs before us with its Uhual display of beautiful illustrations and its rich literary treasures. "Talleyrand and Napo leon" is to ns the most attractive article, and it alone is worth the price of the magazine. "It is said that Charles F. Crisp, who during the tilts in Congress last session went for Autocrat ISeed with such vim, was an actor in his youreer days." "The Crisp Family" nliTAd in Georeia and Alabama when "Charlie" was a wry little boy. The father was a good actor. For the first time since its organization the managers of the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association have secured the lowest rates on all Hues coming into the city of New Berne. One cent a mile. Very W rates (o the befit fair on the Continent. ' Ths layout of Sjnators II jar, isamunas. ee uo. uu mcrjiujum and gag business shows that New . England is not bossing the Senate much these days. The Iresh and nimble West is coming to the front and when she shakes hands with the South the old fossils have to droD to the rear. .viimiugwu ' Bra WEEK the books are ballanced It will be found that Iogalts is not t. if.mi in thft world. He is LUD nVIBU " - - . ARtlonalist. bat as the presedent rnro tern of the Senate he Is digni fled, courteous and impartial. It -1. mdA that hn la tha bitter foe Of bribery in all its forms, and that -ha refused to permit . ine use o .money to secure bis re.eleotion to The Legislature seens to be handling Education judiciously. We are gratified at the passage oi the bill to establish an industrial school for girls. We have not seen the bill, and do not know that we hall approve of all its provisions. The subject is a new one, and it is not probable that the bill is perfect. Whatever defects nay exist will be subject to fature amendments. We have received an illustrated pamphlet entitled ilThe World, its History and its New Home." It is very late in the day to inform our readers that the World is a great newspaper, but it is in order to say that it has recently moved into the most magnificent home known to newspaper history. The height of the edifice is 375i feet, and it was erected at a cost of over There are in the building 250 apartment. The World itself oc cupies 70 rooms. Mr. Pulitzers room in on the second floor of the Dome. LOCAL NEWS. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0. D. S. S. Co. Schedule. J. W Stewart More stock, etc O Marks 3c Son. Copartnership Cotton New Berne Matket Sales of 70 bals Bt 8.20 to 8.25. 8ome higher (inuie. t trices not made public. A party of pfottejjre seekers from PetinBjlTania are in thveeijlf, registered at the Giston Uoune. Mr. II M. Groves, the cle.ver Teller at the binkio ijoufi of Green, Foy & Co., tas been made a Notary Public. At the Church ot Christ last night two joined the church. The subject touiKht is "Why Men Do Not Acoept C'hriet " Ths ladies cf the art committee will pleitso meei at the residence of Mrs. '. E. Stover this (Tueedayj afternoon at four o'clock. The St. Ceoilia mnsijal and dramatic entertainment, to be given Friday night, will no doubt be a delightful evening to all who attend. At the M E Sunday-school Sunday the secretary's report shoved an at tendance of three hundred aud two. Can any other in the State beat that ? We are sorry to learn that Mrs. S. R. Street received a telegram Sunday notifying her of the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. R J. Jones, which had just occurred at her home in Danville, Virginia. The members of the bar are request ed by the Calendar Committee to meet at the o$ce of Green & Stevenson on Wednesday nept at 10 o'clock for the purpose of arranging a CaLepflar for the February term of court, A meeting of the Ladies Memorial Association of this county will be held on Tuesday, the 3d of February, at the residence of Mrs. John Hughes on Broad street, at 12 o'clock, noon. AH members are reqpested to attend, The "Two Orphans" wasendered at the theatre last night to a fair-sized audience, who showed their apprecia tion of the fine acting of ths company by continued applause. "The Old Homestead" will be presented to night. The A. &N.O. R. R. has had such an increase of freight that for a few weeks past it has beeu found necessary to run an extra train nearly entry day some days there have been two extras. The steamers are likewise handling great quantities of freight both coming and going. New Berne is prospering. Mr. M. M. Marks has associated him self with his father in business in the firm namo of O. Marks & Son. Mr. Mortie Marks is quite a young man, scarcely reaohed his majority, but by oloae application, has won an enviable reputation for nne business quannoa lions. This is one of the largest mer cantile establishments in the State. The sermon preached Sunday night at the Church of Christ by Evangelist Davis was an able and profound reve lation ot the Boripture. The eubjeot. "Conversion," was most plainly and minutely discussed from the various standpoints, and commanded tbe closest attention from the large audience pres ent. Tbe series cf meetings are to be continued this week at night. Over 41,000 Pianos and Organg Placed In Southern Homes. If any of our readers are thinking of buying a piano or organ they will be interested by the advertisement of Luddea & Bates Southern Muiio House, of Savannah, G. The enterprise and reputation of the house is so well known as hardly to need mention. They have been doing business in every Southern State for upwardl of twenty yean, and have sold the enormous number of 41,0Q0 Instrument, their prioes are always as low as those of the factories they handle tbe beat known instruments of Amerioa and their term are tbe most liberal known. Write them. ' They will take pleasure in eorresponding with yon. ... " . . ". Personal. Rev. T. M. N. George left yesterday morning to attend the meeting of the Wilmington Episcopal Convocation which assembles atFayetteville today. Major S. D. Pope left for a trip on insurance business at LaGraoge sod in Greene oounty. Tbe steamer Neuse, of the E C. D. line, took out the following passengers on her return: Messrs. A. E. Parsons, C. R. F. Edwards and Wo, E.Smith on a business trip to Norfolk; Messrs. E. Terry of New York and Wiaslow Homer of Scarboro, N. C , returning home from a pleasure trip to tbe city and Mr. E. F. Burcb. of Baltimore, re turning from a business trip. Judge H. R. Bryan returned hat night from Raleigh. Miss Rebeoca Hill, of Ililleboro, came in for a visit to friends in tho city. More Improvements. Tbe Fair grounds show oil nicely Whitewash has been freely used on fences, coops, pens and outbuildings; tbe grand stand has been completed and painted, tbe president's efflce (a pretty little building) is nearly finished, tbe rooms of the main building have been put la aogi order to receive the exhibits, and tbe judges (Hand tjaj been commenced, and as soon as they ars completed nearly everything will be in readiness for the Fair, A vast amount of work has been done through tbe year, thousands ot dollars expended. and now we roly on our farmers, mer chants, manufacturers, mechanics, artists, epsrtsmen, fUbermen, in faot everybody, Indies, gentlemen and chil dren to flll the spaoe provided with exhibits. Show all you pan, come to the Fair yourself and induce your neighbors to do likewise. Mealing of the Democratic Executive. Committee. A meeting of tbe Democratio Exec utive Committee of Craven county was held at the Gaston House, in the city of New Berne, N. C. Deo. 31, 1890. Upon roll call of townships they were all represented except 1st and tjth. The following named gentlemen were recommended to the Legislature for appointment of Justices of tbe Peaoe: First townBhip, E. A. Askins; 2J, Alfred Gaskins; 3d, G. W. Richardson: 5th, L. W. Gilbert; 6th, Jas. H. Hunter; 7tb, John S. Fisher; 8th, Edward S. Street; tfth, L. H. French. On motion the following resolution was passed: We respectfully petition the General Assembly of North Carolina and your joint committee to re-district the State, now appointed, to place the county of Crayen in such congressional district as will secure to Craven county Demo cratic representation in tbe House of Representatives of tbe Congress of the United States. On motion the following committee was appointed to go to Raleigh to look after tbe interest of the county of Craven in re-districting the State, and a regard to the criminal court: W. B, Lane, U. H- Perry, L. J. Moore. Resolved, That tbe committee be and is hereby instructed to ascertain the conditions upon which this oounty can be plaoed in the criminal district with the oountiesof Mecklenburg and New Hanover, and if it can be so plaoed at an additional coit to the taxpayers not to exceed $300 to 9500 they are in structed in their discretion to advocate the same, provided the clerk of the Superior Court is also the clerk of the Criminal Court, and that the February terra of the Superior Court be abolished . No other business meeting adjourned. 8. W. Latham, Ch'm Pro Tern. S. R. Street, Sso'y. Tho Elections Rill and the Closure Role. Washington, Jan. 31. As already indicated in the dispatches, it was found that there was a pronounoed in disposition on the part of a number of Republican Senators again to enter upon what they regarded aa a hopeless struggle, in view of the fact that the Republican "bolters" are still preeuma biy oi the same mind as they were when they voted to lay the Closure rule aside. Consequently it may be stated with positiveness that the managers of tbe Elections bill nave finally deoided to abandon the measure in the interest of important publio business remain ing to be acted upon As a result of tbis decision it ia conceded on both sides of the chamber that the neof ssity of an extra session of Congress disap pears. Tbe decision bas been com munioated to the Demosrats. Office of Old Dominion Steamship Co, Nxwbe&nb, N. C, Jan, 81, 1891, On and after Monday, Feb. Sd, 1891, until further notice, the steamer New bsrne will sail from Norfolk for New Berne, direct, touohing at Roanoke Island wharf: Monday February 2d. Friday " 6th. Wednesday ' lltb. Monday " 16th. Friday " 20th. Wednesday " 25th. Returning, will sail from New Berne N. O., to Norfolk, Va., direct, touching .at Roanoke Island wharf : Wednesday February 4tn. Monday " 9th. Friday., ' 18th. Wednesday " 18th. Monday.. " 281. Friday " 2Tth. E. B. Roberts. Agent. ChildrenCry forPitcher's Castorli THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Extract From Proceedings. By request we publish the following remarks of Senator Edward Bull in the Senate during the discussion on tbe resolution not to appropriate any money for the World's Fair at Chicago if the Force bill should become a law: Mr. Bull said that he was born at the North be was a Republican, be bad inherited it; be was proud ot it. Tbe wealthy, intelligent majority of the North were Republicans. Democratic States were so from iguorance, the working olaes, Irish Catholic and French infidels. He came here in 1869 as a teacher and minister of the gospel. He did not come as a fugitive from justice, but because he thought he bad a right to live wherever inclination called him. He had- maintained his in tegrity since he had been in the South. He did not favor the resolution. He never dodged a vote, and if called upon to rote on the Lodge bill he would no doubt do so as on any general election law, but when the roll would be called he would have to make up his mind during the call. He did not believe in negro rule, be never saw a man who did. A crisis was pending something had to be done. Education and intelli gence must accomplish it. lie would never draw tbe color line. He favored education as a basis for exercising the ballot. He bad been engaged in teach ing moral elevation, endeavoring to ad vise the negroes to live honest, pay their debts, &o. .He feared tbe passage ot the Lodge bill might precipitate the impending crisis on the color line. He strongly favored an educational re quirement to vote. Mr. Ayoock bad hoped that when the foroe bill came up in Congress there would not be a white man in the South, Republican or otherwise, who could or would espouse the cause of such a bill. It had been asserted that fraud was prevalent in tho counties of Eastern Carolina by Republican Senators. He burled such back as slanderous to tbe good people of the East. Mr. Aycook asked Senator Bull if he had not said he favored white supremacy. Mr. Bull replied he did. Mr. Ayoock as-ked him if he did not say he had never scratched a Republican ticket. Mr. Bull said he did. Then Mr. Ay cock charged Mr. Bull with voting for a negro to repre sent big congressional district in the United Pastes Copgrena. lit. Bull ad mitted tuat he voted for tho negro Cheatham. Mr. Wilcox spoko in reply to Mr, Bull's words that Democratic States North were so by ignorant working clasiec SHirriMJ NEHN. Steamer L. A. Cobb from Grifton with cargo cotton. Schooner C. C. Davidson, Capt. Mason, from Wilmington, Delaware, with material for fertilizer factory. Schooner C, Capt. L B. Phillips, from Baltimore with cargo fertiliser consigned to Agent of tho Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. Schooner Cornelia, Capt. Jas. Hill. 8chooner E!la R. Hill, Capt. Ben. Hill. Schooner Nina, Capt. JamcB T. Salter. jn pour. Schooner Neptune, Cpt. E. J. Evans. Schooner Melvin, Captain Samuel Howland. Schooner AJdie Ilcnry, Capt. Wm. H. Hill. Sohooner Rjbert J. McAllister, Capt. Jos. Morris. SchQoaer Clara Garret, Capt. John MoPherson. CLEARED. Steamer Howard for Trenton with aargo general merchandise. Steamer Nettie W. for Hookerton with cargo fertilizer. Steamer Carolina for Qrifton with cargo general merchandise. NOTES. Steamer Stout, of the Clyde line. will Bail today. tteamer Elko, of the Clyde lint), will arrive tonight. Steamer Newberne of the O. D. line, will arriye tbis morning and sail to morrow at 13 m. Very Mysteriously Disappeared. And where he has gone no one can tell. The Question was often ashed yesterday. Have you seen mm touay? ihe answer was no. One merchant remarked to another that he saw him board the western bound train about H'ji o'clock. Just as I expected, said tbe brother meronant, l thought it was get Una: time for htm to buv some bankrupt sUx-k out at 40o , 60c. or HV2o. on the dollar, and I win bet my Whole siock or goods that the next time you hear from blm he will turn up In Kalelgb or some other large town with a stock bought at 5Co. on the dollar. Did you notice the Utile pamphlet 'lately issued by tbe East Caiollna Fish, Oyster, Gam and Industrial Association? I was at tracted by a peculiar announcement on page 18 which refers to same fellow whom tbey choose to Identity as "Big Ike," What does It. all mean? Who Is he, and what is bis name? There seems to be a lot of solid troths In what tbey say about blm. but at the same time the article was evidently written In a spirit of malice Who was tbe merohant that wrote the article? Any time you can get any light on the subject, pleaie let me know and I wilt very much appre ciate It. Good morning, Jones, MARRIED. Sunday, February 1, at 6 p. m., at the residence of Mr. F. J. Hardison, Mr. J. R. Bragg, boatswain of the reve nue cutter Winona, to Mrs. Oora Sat- terthwaite, Rev.T, P.Ricaud officiating. Caid or Thank". Our thanks are most cordially ten dered the fire department and the oitlzens generally of New Berne who ao generously aided in extinguishing the nrt t our saw mill Saturday night. J AUKS B. CLARK $ CO. 0. MARKS & SON, SUCCSSSOES TO O. MARKS. Ihvthls day associated with nffifln tbe DRY GO0D8 and hhdk h.i ,,,v sou, Mr. M. M.MAKK8. The Arm heretofore existing aa O Marks will be continued under the uauu. ot O. MARES & SON. Thanking my many customets fur past patrouage, aud askluu a continuance of the same for our new firm, assuring all that no enort will be spared loglve perfect satisfac tion In every department of our business. Very respecttully, few dwlw o. SI.UK-i. Benefit of St. Johns Lodge. NEW BERNE THEATRE. FOTJn NIGHTS. Monday, Tiiesday, Wednesday & Thursday Feb. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Kngagement of tho chin inlnj; Utile M'lle .Ax ne Ably supported by her own SUPERB COMPANY In a repertoire of POFlLt!! IM.AtS Change of I'lay each night. Admission, as., -,)c. aud 7 rved seats now on sale without an estru charge at Hen's Jewelry more. Hals7Shirts & Collars! We have just received a large Slock of Late Style Derbies, all shapes, for old and young. Also a full linn of ANCHOR BRAND SHUTS AUD COLLARS. 'i'iie balance of our WINTEK CI 7'.'. (NO we will sell AT COST. 4V JBEU TTS. " Barrington & Baxter. Gocoanulsl THREE THOUSAND FRESH COCOA NUTS just landed from Schooner Mt.1 vin, for sale cheap in any quantity by jindl tf LUCAS & LEVVH. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that cation will be made to the present Oeu - ami Aaoamh v rf PJrtr.V. i . -..) . . f . charter for a Bank to be known aa the Citizens' Bank of New Cerno, N. C. January ."0, . :,0J NEW BERNE THEATRE. "ST. CECILIA" Musical and Dramatic Entertainment. Feb'y Gthat 8 P. M. Admission R8i'rved seat. 50j ; chil dren 25c. Tickets will be on Balo at Oooiing's Drug Store on Thursday, Feb. 5th, at Oji.rn janSOtd COUGH MIXTURE. A Prompt and EflicientKemedj for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Etc, One of the most effectual remedies I hue ever known lor a cough or cold Is Ui. kfv's CofdH Mixtcke. it Is Indeed a mro com bination of valuable medicines; arresting at once the progress of a cold and beginning to soothe aud beal. Unlike all other cough medicines there Is no narcotic or any other unpleasant effect experienced in taking It. I am more than pleased to be ablo to recom mend to my friends here and tne public at large everywhere such a safe, pleasant and effectual cure lor one of the most prevalent complaints to which human llesh Is heir. TllOHAH CiATFS. R. H. DVFPV. Proprietor. Mr. R. N. Duffy has called upon me to sny something for his Cough Mkhicinr. now belnj, advertised. The least 1 can say la that It Is a certain cure for Coj.ds, Hokb Tit boat, and Croup. I recognise Hie mixture as be ing Identical with a prescription 1 have nsed In my family with unfailing success written by one of tbe most distinguished physicians of North Carolina, 1 am opposed to patent nostrums, but cheerfully recom mend thlson account of Us scientific origin, and the happy results obtained from H lu repeated trials In my family. Mks. J, K. Wu.lis. R. tf, DTJPFV, Proprietor. I have tried Duffy's Coniiii MlXTrni and take pleasure In recommending it because 1 believe H will no all that is claimed for it by Mr. LHUly, the proprietor, who la a drue gist of long experience and a gentleman of highest integrity. I do not uelieve he would advertise anything that was not exception ally good. This remedy has certainty an swered the purpo.e In my case. H cured a cold, an obstinate co d 1 hd, after I had tried a number of the principal cough rem edles without benefit. W. G. Hilt NS3N. It. N. DUFFY, Proprietor. Dkar Pir It affords me gieat pleasure to testify to the merits of jour cough Mix ture. 1 have nsed It In my family tor-onie time and have found It the best ot remedies for Coughs ana cold j. yours truly. r . WtNSLow. R. N. DUFF F, Proprietor. Mayor's Office, New Berne. Jan. 2), 1S91. 1 have ueed Duffy's. Govern Mixture in a sever and protraoted. cold with great bene fit, and, with, pleasure commend It to the public. C. A. Hattlk. R. N. DUFFY. Proprietor. This is to certify I used one bottle of Duffy's Couoh mixture; in the cass of the "Grippe," and It effected a cure, tjan cheer, fully recommend It to any one suffeilng with severe coughs or colds. J. A. PATVBKSON'. New Berne, N. C, Jan. VS. livU. Be sure and call Tor R, N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTUBE, Corner Pollock and Middle streets. Jan29 dwtim TO-MORROW v, ;en a CHOI' I". I. IN.; 0f Strictly All Wool Cassliixeres, Spring Styles, SuitL1 'e for Pants. I'Kli'l, . n i . i-: n.ii.M $90c. Pur Yard to $1.00. " BARGAIN jitllGdu lv Seed Oats. l-Odi) I'.ut-iielrt Whito SpriD, m " Red i:u6l Proof. I - r ki;. by J. A. MEADOWS, jar.'s ha I'nioa I'oiut Mills. ELM CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. Now piqmrid to do good work on Collars, Culi"s and Shirts. Lase Curtains laundried .tOo. to $1.00 per pair. Whito Spreads, lT.j. to 50cv each, Woolti. wanhed without shrinking. Liundry in charge of competent wcp.n n. ELM CITY STEAM I.At'NDRY. j in'5 dive DUFFY'S 3 : V il V O 1 O 1 Ik I I J w Ksoii'i- of I lie late Dr. Walter Luffy, DIItLCTIONS lo for n ehild two or three jvars old one- enT"','"",'1 "'r ,a,. ,ilrp' rconths'oUl! tendrois: for n chlhi six months old twenty Imps; for lw,.lv months old near J Hit J. easiool,l -repealing these dows "oeessiiiy until relief la n. d. Tl Clio Is t I'llfy tllllt I have liar..! IhTroV. SVI.t r to mv f,iK- f... . .,' eiit r T . ""lleveit t he a most excel lei. remedy lor croup will, children, espe ih lyK pievenfve. Our youngest child I h,I a severe nltmn of croup about a year S '!!" w- tell anxious W us re oer, hut v,:is Kuc-es-fiiliv treated by ' 'k.nK it prVbablefha j inlilil follow we freciuentlv -d riu,,, , ,, ,,,, the ch'l f.Dhaa no marked k mp.oms of croup since n 11 he, eve it is due 1 the use of the I 2i, ''' ' ow keep a bottle of It t our house at times, and cheerfully r.coniniend It toiiil i.- n i7.;,J., 7 ,-!, eui'ri im in re evlnir nnixflni kcu eulds. I'KKI-AIIHI) AM. sol.ll uV It. X 1U-FKY. New Boru.N. O. .i.lh I dwtim 400 Barrels Early Rose SEED POTATOES, Home Grown, from Best Selected Stock. Trior, 10 barrels an,1 under $4.25 per barrel; larger lots, $4.00 per barrel. Sample potatoes can ho seen at drug store of Ii. J. Uocdihb-. Also orders cn be left there. J. I. KHEM, i21 AT FARM. HOUSE FOR SALE A Bargain! A Three Story l'.rick Store and Dwel ling, with two story rear extension, on Craven street. Terms: 8500.00 caeh; balance in five notes, to run 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years res- utjuuveiy, aua uearing tj per cent. interest. Apply to jin24 lstp R. O. E. LODGE. 1,000 BARRELS Genuine Early Rose POTATOES, FOE SEED. These Potatoes were grown by reli able growers, who are known for the purity of their stock, and may be relied; upon for Beed purposes. Send in jour orders early. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO. janl8 dwtf Truck Farm For Sale or Rent I have for sale or rent, at Bavelock. . C J a Fourteen Acre Truck Farm. On It are good dwelling, stables and store. .; Good neighborhood, and ohuroh audi schools near by. Apply to y O. H. HUNTER, ianaidwaw Boxlwo.jr.o,: r

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