X 1 HE VOL. IX.--NO. 270. NEW BERNE. N. C FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily Journal, jc 'I Si r BUSINESS LOCALS. ROOMS TO LET In most pleasant part of th oity, furnished or unfurn ished : suitable for noose keeping. Apply at Jodknal offloe. febll-lw. NEW CROP GARDEN SEED JUST received at U. 0. Green's New Drug Hvore. febll-3t. NEW YORK STATE FINEST BUT IE R. We have j ust recived a fine ship ment of Batter at 89 cents per pound. Also lot Of Norton Yam Potatoes cheap-by the the bushel or half bushel. Try us if you want to save your nick-ls and dimes. CHURCHILL & l'AUKER, Broad st. JOHN WILLIAMS i now prepared to dye olothlng In fast colors for both ladles and gentlemen. Also rfin'rlnusnd prcss'us oto hlng a specialty, c. - .er Urou-t nd Heme streets. feMtf. TEVv DKUO STORE -bsu Xl clnes and chetnicam, I'opuiar Proprietary Medicines, ah varlei'.oi ni l)uglst's Sundries 1'rusf" and Unices. e orop Crdn S.-0 !a. 1 ' and Lane Hiofik Oigirs and Towicc, ai.i. stw. lie serlptiona accurately e.o:n;tniid d iund not at WAR prlewi-), onr motto and our uccess. .! O. OKKKN, l)riii lst and Apothecary Middle St., tout doors f mil l'ol'iv .. .laM'J'i ly CEVEN SPRINGS WATCH --V Xpe- O ctflo for dspensl.t (1 ii i y m il bladder tronbluH. Kor :e hv ;. j Jn3 if ROBERTS & l.R ). Large iiotn of :'. 'tjds. Groceries a id !'r At huiuiiUuiiers ant J'rlcjs. i t -. I.' General oasly ill. S3nnE:.iAN is tl i CARDINAL GIBSONS' distressed peoplo in I brought to hita 5,000. a:.j--.'.i ii.iiul No wonder tho F.iniu'is ft' Kan sas know a thiug or t". Tluuv are 11C Allnince iunvs;ipus i;i the State. Col. IIicuaui) il. Luune, for many yeurs the very ;iblo oilitor oi the Richmond State, (in d on tho 9t,h inst., aged 33 Leading llepub'uvnis A the State of New Yoik s;o,ik :!' nomi nating Depew for Govt -ra-.r, :i".d, if elected, bringing iihn K)i,,..i ; .a Presidential candidate. Secretary Noble Commissioner Morgan iu Lid'nn 1: hi no y- wow with tho Dakota Ir.i'.hir.i in Washington last Monday. All the Indians, except one, prefnirod civil to military control at the agencies. IT is reported that Republicans Of the Senane will try and prevent the seating of Mr. Brice, Senator elect from Ohio, on the groud that he lives in New York, but it won't work. He will bo among tho first to answer to roll call. We have been buying 50,000, 030 of Brazil and Felling her $8,900,000, because there were tariffs between. Now that the duty is partially or wholly removed, tho Republicans eay an equal difficulty is to get ships to carry freight. The papers are full of kind ex pressions in regard to tho election of Mr. Hal W. Ayer aa manager of the National Alliance Tress Bu reau. The Chronicle men go to the front. Mr. Ayer knows what news is when he Bees it, and more he has judgment, talent and true news paper genius. State Chronicle. THIS thing reciprocity, over which so much joy i3 being ex pressed, is nothing more than a suspension of the McKinley bill- high tariff as to Brazil that i3 all - Brazil and the United States will now be at liberty to trade freely with each other -that is all. Nor folk Landmark. JAY GOULD is again traveling in .the South. The segacity that raised him from a poor boy to be railroad King is causing him to invest largely in the South. The , Booth gratefully acknowledges her - indebtedness to Mr. Gould, but in - the long run Mr. Gould will owe the South much more than the South owes him. JOHN O. BheehAn, of New York, speaking for the friends of Qvernor 'Hill, says that the Governor is as mnch a candidate for President as he ever was, and that he will go Into the nominating convention ; backed by & solid New York dele gation. On the same authority it is stated that Hill will- not resigo the governorship before December, even if there 'should be a called session of Congress.' Children CryTor Pitcher's Castoria. The cities and towns of North Carolina need good paved streets and sidewalks. We notice that most of the upper towns are com plaining much of the mad. It used to be very bad in old times, and we judge from the various complaints that it has not tecome better as the years roll by. A good paved street is a great convenience and comtort to pedestrians and those on wheelj. It is good economy besides. Wilmington Messenger. Henry Watteeson, the very abl s editor of the Louisville Con tier Journal, has written a strong letter to Governor Ilill in which he says: "My judgement is clear that, if yon could reconcile it with your judgement and feeling to make peace with Mr. Cleveland and to take a iLIigation to the national convention in 1S92 to put him in nomination, you will save the party and place yomself upon an eleva tiou yoti can never attain if you fail to do it. You would bo received by thy country with enthusiasm; be accepted a; once as a Warwick, and I do not see how you could be kept out of the succession. On the other hand if you succeed in de f'catiug the nomination of Mr. Cleveland, you will stand upon sinister and dangerous ground, with a stormy future before you." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bauoais Store Drummeri. CoTUN New Berne Markot Saks of 21 bilcB st 8 to 8 50. Tha students of Trinity College have u! ctc.i Mr. A. H. Powell, of New ti.rt.0, chief marshal for the approach- tip; commencement. I: ii almost a universal fact that wherever there is a united publio spirit on the pare of a community, there you will find tho hnppiost people and the least suffering. The work of putting up the arc elco- tric lights for the approaching Fair was begun yesterday. They will be placed as follows: One at the center of the grand stand, one at tho north-west and one at the south-west corners of the grounds, one near the President's office, one between the entrance and main building, one near tho band stand and one at the Fair station on the rail road to light the stroet leading to the Fair. Tho ladies of the culinary depart ment of tho Fair have gone to work in real earnest, and appear to be deter mined that the exhibits in this line shall excel all past efforts. Every variety of of edibles, Buch as breads, cakes, j allies. preserves, etc., aredesirod. Additional premiums to those in the regular pub lishcd list will be Riven, and every one, whether they expeot a premium or not, should do their part towards making the Fair a success. It is only through this channel that it can be of the high order that we all desire it to attain. The Fair is nearly here and right now is the time to' commence making preparations, and let eaoh one do his share. It is not right for a few to do nearly all the work when the whole enterprise is for public good and not individual. Special Premiums. The following special premiums havo been of offered in the culinary depart ment of the Fair: A special premium will be given for the largest display. A special premium for the greatest variety. ' Special premiums will be given for fancy dishes, not named in premium list; such as piokled oysters, chicken salad, etc., etc, A speoial premsum of $2 will be given for the handsomest ornamented cake. Glass-Blowers at the Fair. A company of Bohemian glass blow ers havo written to secure space in the Fair to manufacture and sell their articles. A circular reoeiyed from them states that they are the only company who have delighted thousands in all parte of the world in this wondorfully peouliar style of entertainment. It is said they will make the most beautiful ornaments simply by the eye, using no mould or models to work by. They manufacture all kinds of designs, suoh as wine glasses, pipes, deerr. dogs, birds, and all other artioles la glass, and also give exhibitions of netting, working, weaving, spinning and blow ing hundreds of carious ornaments of this most brittle material into every conceivable shape. Personal. Messrs. L. Harvey and W. C. Fields, two of Kineton's leading business men, arrived last night. Mrs. J. A. Richardson returned last night from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. M. Manning, of Durham. Prof. O. T. Adams, of the New Berne Collegiate Institute, and his class in civil law, returned from a visit to the Stato Legislature. Prof. Adams also visited tho schools of Raleigh while there. Mr. Kob't B. Nixon returned from a business trip to Wilmington. Mias Mollie Duffy, of Cathariue L-.kc, is visiting in the city. Ths Onslow Eailioad. Now for the road ! The Wilmington Messenger of last nitfht brings the fol lowing cheering intelligence: 'Mr. F. L. Pitt man, chief engineer f. the Wilmington, Onslow and EaBt Carolina Railroad, took the field yester day with an engineering corps and ia locating the Wilmington, Onslow and Eist Carolina Railroad from Jackson ville to Newbern." It gratifies ua to learn of thij forward move, hver since tno eurveys of the three proposed routes wore made we have boon interested to learn which one would bo decided upoa and anxious to see the road reach New Berne. We hope now that we will be able in a fow days to inform our read- rs how the road will come and we hope that the work will progress with rouidity, so that ere long we will have this much desired Southern outlet aud communication with tho productivo county r.f Onslow. Fine Sto:k for tho Fair. A letter to dpt. Matt. Manly from Mr. James Norwood, proprietor of the oelebrated Poplar Hill Stock Farm in Orange county, says his farm will be represented at the Fair by two car loads of stock and farm products. Mr. Norwood has brought from Ken tucky some of the best bred standard trotters and the meat fashionable strains of thoroughbred etock, notably Wcodburn-Hamblotonica. grandson of the groat Ilambletonion, and Calash by Phaeton, the sire of Ten Broeck, the greatest raco horse of his day in America. Our citizens will have an op portunity of seeing some horsosof the very finest quality and most spproved breeding. ur. Norwood will also show some pure blood Southdowns, Cotswoldj, and Berkshires. Among the horses from Poplar Hill Stock Farm will bo Sominole by Wood- burn-Hambletonion, dam Rebecca by Blucher (thoroughbred), and Bay Cott (3 years) by Norfolk son of Nutwood. We trust that Dr. Wm. R. Capehart, of Avoca, will also show somo of the produce of his great mares, the sons of Steel Eyes and Arcturua, and his fine kennel of greyhounds. Rev. Fred Thomas in Virginia. It ia a matter of interest to any com munity to hear of the success oT its native citizens whom limes' changes havo caused to locate elsewhere, and we know that many friends of Rev. F. D. Thomas will bo glad to hear of the esteem in which he is held in Basic City, where he has been pastor of a church six months. Basic City is one of Virginia's booming towns, and a recent sermon of Mr. Thomas' seems to have been prepared with a view of being applicable to the exigenoies of the times. The Basic City Advance comments on it as boing gocd and timely, and states that "it was an earnest appeal for more Christian piety, more consecration to good works and for greater charity," and says that the sarmon was further a warning against the danger of becom ing absorbod in sslfiah interests and thuB losing sight of churches and the need of them. Mr. Thomas' congregation are about to build a new house of worship, which ths Advance notices as follows: 'The plans for the erection of this edifice have been accepted, and about ,000 has been subscribed for the pur pose of building the same. The site has been selected and the work of con' struotion will be begun at an early a date as possible. The members of the Presbyterian congregation here are aotively at work, and it is almost need' less to say that the church will be one of the handsomest in the State when oompleted. Rev. F. D. Thomas, pastor In charge, is quite a favorite with bis people here, and it is their intention to demonstrate their appreciation of his labors among them in the manner above described." Sain Jones's Brother Acquitted. Cqattinoooa, February 10. Charlie Jones, brother of the Rev. Sam Jones, wae late Friday night acquitted of murder at Cartersvilte, Qa., the family home of the evangelist. Some months ago Jones shot and killed one of the most prominent negroes in the town, and for several days has been on trial. The jury was ont but a short time. It waa proven that , the negro was ad vancing on Jones with a knife in his hand. Superior Court. The case of Bryan vs. Spivey et als was concluded today. The case did not go to the jury: counsel arguing that as the questions involved in the controversy were mostly questions of law, that the Judge should decide the case as to any question of fact that might arise in his investigation of the case so as to enable him to final. y dis pose of the case as to both law and facts. Decision pending and fixed for Siturday. I. H. Knight vs. Emily Knight; ac tion for divorce: Cate submitted to the jury. Judgment for plaictitl, L. J. Mooro for the plaintill. Hobbs vs. Atlantic auJ N. C. Rail road. Non-suit. Smith vs. Palmer; a-jtioa of claim and dolivery. Mistrial. Stokes vs. Causey; action of eject ment. Jury empaneled. Plaintiff con cluded his evidence today; defendant offering hia eyidenca when court ad journed. Manly and Stevenson for plaintiff aad L. J. Mocra and W. W. Clark for defendant. The Fair for the State. We hope that every section of the Stata will feel that it has an interest in the exhibition of tho East Carolina Fieh, Oyatcr. Uaruo aad Industrial Association. Exhibits, as well as visi tors, will be welcome from everywhere. Every county in the State has tho right, and is invited to compete for the 850.C0 premium for tho best county exhibit. We hope many of them will do so. We hope also for many individual exhibits from a distance. Newspapers in differ ent localities have urged such a course upon their patrona. The Fair begins aionuay auer next ana wnatever isaone must be dons promptly, 'lhe Wilming- ton Messenger urges the matter thus upon us reader: "TheNew Berne Fair is rapidly ap- proacning. it win do neid on the met. and will continue for aix davs. it j. mart vm, F,uh Ham nri n.. ter Fair and even embraces the in- auatrieaot tt.efctate. it is not intended to be a local exhibit embracing Newl1.00 to ?'.!. U0 to make Berne and its eurrouading country merely, but it is for all over tho State for the Cape Fear section ea well. What are our people in thia portion of North Carolina going to do about it V Will they heartily co-opsrate as they should dj ? If so they should be active now in preparing for it, and they should make the very beat exhibit possible. Heretofore the fair has been crod liable Let our people work to make it more so this year. It is a Winter and not a Summer Fair and should be, therefore, anpnidll v n&t rr.nirad Rna fn il: frianrla " i uupiu aJKii auj lllllisj. f l I t): a I A lew days ago a prominent thoueh illiterate farmer bv tho name of James Carroll, of Preston county, West Vir- ginia, astonisbea the Judgo of the County Court by presenting a petition vuav ud uo uauKcu ami tuabiuo cuuiti set the date. The paper was signed by 250 of his acquaintances. It turned out tnac Barron was a roaa surveyor ana desirea to resign, lie asked Dr. James a., toi tu araw up a paper to mat t. i j . .. effect. Cox is a wag, and knowing vuat umiuii ivuiu uui ioau, uo mow up a petition asking that he be hanged, .nH arait-arl onrirtnalv lt aaa l,sn nnnn people would sign it without knowing ... . J . . . J what thev were doinor. About 150 signed the paper without reading it. np. j , . . , lhe remainder caught on" and allowed the paper to go its rounds. Wintli- Itlannano niuiti iiM(.usts. The mortality from what are called - . ..I "" u.ddqduo " co.ijr conuioi. uougns, uoias, croncnitis, ana oore Throat make up fully one-half of the a,u ju , t-.. UDU lObO. AJXV. UI U1Q 1IUU1 X LOU" moma which lirst began as a bad cold" than from Consumption. It is not all due to the carelessness of the people or the severity of the climate; a chill, an exposure, a cough or cold, should not produce those sad results unless they are negleoted or bsdly treated. The worst treatment is "let ting them alone," the next worse, is drugging or dosing with inefficient drugs and mixtures. The great want is the particular specific, which will allay the fever, the congestion and the a t .u u-rt"1""" inflammation of the thin membrane, at first involved, and so prevent the ex tension of the disease to the substance of the lung, and thus a cure takes place in a natural and harmless way. For this purpose Humphreys' Specifies Numbers one and seven, for Fever and Inflammation, for Coughs, and Colds are sovereign, curing promptly, mildly, safely and effectually, and thus arrest- inrr Pnanmnnm aa hitnrfvAHa rf tW, si A UwUlilviilt UD IIUUUKJUO Ui MiUU sands testify. They have been in use for many years, and have so universally met the expectations of the people that we are almost "carrying coals to New Castle" to thus speak of them. Ex change. febl3d&wlt. ''Eureka'' as a Head Dressing. Lexington. Va.. Aug. 18. 1885. I take pleasure in saying that I em ployed H. H. Bell to trim and dress my hair. I found him polite and gentle manly in his deportment, and well skilled in bis profession. Mas. Jas. D. Anderson. ENTITLED TO THE BEST. All are entitled to the beat that their money will buy, So every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family . 7f-LC r r 6v!.r v 1 system when costive or bilians For sale in 50o and $1.00 bottles by all leading drngglsts. pi!t j ... n.. , , n . , viiiiuibii yry iur riicner s oasion'i tcbio-im DIED. Thursday, February 12, at the rest denoe of her son, Mr. Samuel Parsons, Mrs. Amelia A. Parsons, aged 73 years. The funeral will take place this after noon at 3 o'clock from the Centenary Methodist church. Mrs. Paraons was a faithful member of ths church for many years. 8he has reached the bright mac;cn in heaven Whiea the Saviour for her did prepare, Add she, who on earth was e'er faith ful, la at rest with him over there. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. '1BHERS When through with their trips usually close their SAMPLE HATS to some live merchant at say i per cent, less than cust. he in turn sells them to his customers at WHOLESALE LMtlCES, thereby giving them tfooil bargains." This is tin- I'SL'AL wav merchants obtain their SAMPLE HATS, hut HERE IS THE WAV WE (JET OURS: Manufacturers have their lines of samples in marlcet and. as soon as orders are ALL t . i j. .i ii .... . maue u p put uieir tt.virs m the AUCTION ROOMS to b.- soui lor UA5ll to tho 11 S BIDDER. A feature of these aitctio is is, they are put up in a ot and soul at so much EACH "take them as they come' Tin- gentleman who represents US in these auctions knows the VALUE of a HAT, havir,' grown from a BUY to a MA X ia tho hat trade and as a buver is SECOND to NOF ill I " W YORK CITY. This wit h nlont bf ready CASH ia his hand'., enables him to send us hundreds of FINE SAMl'LF, HATSnt Vorv nvv nrir-os.-m,! tht j w ,vl,v J 1 , ' aro now oitenno- you hats at trom 7.jC. to $1.5 each tha icohu ine inanuiacturer Hum BIRGAIH jnnlOdwly ORE. 17 A (lew Lot d Samp! 2S AT NEW YORK COST AT J. H. HOWARD'S, consisting of Memorandum l-'oolis, l'oclci I Ladles ShonDlnir Bans. Hair llrusln"!. riotl Brushes, and Shaving Brushes. A few very nunnsomo mmo aim oia rovers, .lien .s Overalls, Vmlcrweiir and Drawers, ii l' Boy s Bhtrt Waists tn the lot, wintkr clotiiino at cost to m a k k koom for ouh bi'Kinu stock. A urst class blurt, ail 8:7.?fl, 1 1 to 111. at I. 'i I laumiried Toe. our mu nixkuiktio- I laumiried at 6 o. febi2d&wtf.i J. M. now : I '. v i r i i liaUU. OcllG ! uy vlrtlio oradecreoof the Snpeiior ( ourl r Nash county rendered in lhe neilnn I Wlld'elll W Hart and oiliers were plain I I itlri And (1. 1. k 1 1 Iphrew flint ntlipru wi-.. .1., feuditnts, we will sell at Uis Court House door In New Berne, N. C , on Monday, .Mariii 'o f;""wl"K described reau-stnie: i 'iju unci wi mint suuairj i n i. nn on ( ui; il i on the south shleoi Xeuse river and on Until landHlocumb creeps, contalnliiR 1,'JdO neien more or less, iieing iraci oi lanu convoyed I J 1- '""'BW " Ullllini oy AllloB I wado. Kor a mow particular description U?f"e5ceJ? made lS!lld fed asreeor.ied in iuMjn. a. . i i, I'njiDa i,, auu t-M, Jm Hitl til i ijeeds onice oi craven county I Terms oiRaie: une-unni cash, balance on cr . . ftn,,l,two 'eirus' f'rred pay menta to bear Interest at 8 per cent, f.on I Jy Of Half, J MA TTLr:, 1''. A. WOOHAKD, Commissioners. Wilson, SAL, reh.f.lh, 1891. feb!21 1 In lalfst styles ANCHOR BKAN'U SlilRTS. CCKKS. and COLLAR'-, tine .NtULIOIh OUTING BlURTS, N EC'KWJSAK. NEW SPRING GOODS Ar,rlvlIl? e,very, aay: Come and can onus before buying elsewhere. 1 have the neoncv lor one or Iho largest Culcayo merchsnt Tailoring Establishments, and am ablo clothing to furnish you new btyle BaBiS I and of heat liported fabrics, aimastar. low B" Dyin them raady mada. tome and loan 1 v ' W. H. C0HEI, trtiiii m9 MIDDLE STREET. Next to Hotil Aldeiit, Kmc Uk;; Kr N. C. lebiza&wu ELM CITY I UnJer the peisonal supervision oi(i;w. Bennett, of Sew York, a fully competent and Pratloal Laundryman, our patrons can 1 "lynpon recolvlng only first olass work, I done by the most approved Laundry methods. ATRIALORDERSOLICITK;), Tale i The : of the ...g are only a few many Bargains we are : o:v- a; we don't own a ; v. n't give them all; oifering: ou'.v a i'ev Kt: th.m: A. i- i"c. sack. " .'. lb. and ami up. i :!: a'. a ..ugs at vo been v. and up. pa vnig. th, ;n New discon- v wnl i .nu. business. a on ay ait will in ! ') call at our of .Middle I).-.::, .tier Shell lame 1st; if ands, .'on wan 'j d'Jaw wly 1,000 Genuine ARRELS fi Enrly Hose P0 rp , JH. i. r A J .i : jd. T. IV; ablo i;ri:v. r jiurity i,f th upon for . I'T Jin ('.!, ly. V. I a J i: .". .'. vr,-- f.-ov.-n bv reli 'A hci ,ir. ';niu-n for the si L. r.:.,; pi iy bo relied ' ,;: Hi ml in your A. 'VS. M0V3CO. is ,: .j Ono Twc-Cent iStamp to Ghas. L. Gas--1! & Co., Few Berne, Hi. C, and learn how soho cliild can become tilO GT7liCr nf n. hand- sonic i'ano;: Ors'an. TV Stool and Instructor niC!7 VTTr.TT- Prism. ;.A;oiiivt,iV iit-t", ji'jdwlm .V. THOUSAND 1'RF.sn c.nr.n& NUTS just l,ujik'I frinn Schooner Mel vin, for hhIl' ch:'nn in ;.nv nuantitv hv j'lhot tf i.l'.'AS& LEWI9. Tin W.::?.ri fi! Ccmpiry is ia Town. SO IS Sri with tui; Largest Stockcf Tobacco TIIK CITY. IT'LL LINK groceries. i oi:.' hopp;!-: hupp; .'umptnir. end and tut happy lllllllll by liuyinn you -r. li TAYLOR'S. als, SlilrSs g Cellars! We JH--t received .1 larire Stock of Late Style Derbies, ail sliai"s, for old aiij young. Also a full linn of ANCHOR BRAND SHIRTS AND COLLARS. The balance- of otir WINTER OLOTfl IN(I we will aell AT COST. t'- XJS. .?j Barringfon g Baxter. 3eed0ats. 1,000 Bushels Whito Spring, 1 000 " lied Rust Proof. For sale by J. A. MEADOWS, jan23 lin Union Point Mills. E FOR SALE '!! ths A Bargain ! A Three Story Krick Store and Dwel ling, with two story roar extension, on Craven street. Terms: 500.00 caeh; balance in five notes, to run 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years res pectively, and bearing 6 per cent.1 interest. Apply to jtn21 lstp R O. E. LODGE V'-U 4v y .'.f.'. .'V-.,-vr'

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