Daily Journal VOL. IX.--NO. 276. NEW BERNE. N. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 189L PRICE 5 CENTS. EUSIIIESS LOCALS. JUST RECEIVED Freeh Hoisted Coffee, Fine Teas, Chocolate, Cocoa, Mince Meat, Evaporated Apples, Prunes, Tapioca, Improved Jelly, Gelatine, Small iioinlny, Corned Beef, Bugar Cured Shoal riera, BreakUat Btrlr, Codfish. Pig Pork, 40., 40. C. E. ferLOYXK, WAN1ED A. seoond-band tank, to holduuout 5 000 gallons of water. febl9-2t. J. M. HOWARD. KINO'S Rosal Gerruetuer SI. 00 p't Bottle, direct from the Factory. For ala at F. B. Duffy's Store. feblS lw BLVIDSPAIGITT, (our doors above R. N. Duffy's old st uul. Oysters in all aiyleg Fried. Roasted al Hull KheU f tmllles use by n-easure. a-enlscan le had during the Fair. feblSL'ru NEW YORK STATE FINEST BUT 1EB. We have Just recived a Hue ship ment or Butter at 30 cents per pound. Also a lot of Norton Yam Potatoes clienp by the the bushel or half bushel. Try us if you want to save your nlcfels and dimes. UllUKCrJlLL l'AA KEK, Bioid St. JOHN WILLIAMS U now prepared to dye clothing in fast colors for both ladles aud gentlemen. Also ropnirinu und prssini elo hlag a specialty. t'oruer isroiid Mid Heme streets. fLtilf. NEcv EW DUUG STORE Drills. M.di Proprietary Mediclnts. Alt varlctiei of Druggist's Sundries. Trusses and Braces. New crop Garden Seo.la. lino and Large Hiock Cigars and Tobacco, Ai.t, nkw. Pre scriptions accurately compounded (and not at wak prices), our motto and our Miccess. v C. UKKEN, Druggist and Apothernrv Middle St., four doois fioin Police. i. jhu-1 ly TJOBERTS & BRO. are receives n XV Large Stock of Hoots and Shoes. Dry W'ods. Groceries and Provision". They buy a'. hat" qu triers and can give on Low prices. iniJ Kyle succeeds Moody as IT. S. Senator from South DakoU. No election yet of U. S. Senator from Illinois. Situation uncluuigv'd. In a little while the cig.irrette will be a thing of the p:i.u. It will end in smoke. TlIE Government troojia in Chili luve been defeated and the insur Rents arc advancing upon the capital. Protection Democnit i line become so hcarce tlist they now come.; undr r the lu-ad ol poli! ic. relics. It in a self evident truth that, one of tho greatest needs of North Carolina rural districts is good road; the great want of our towns and cities is macadamized streets and paved bidewalks. Bismarck is evidently not wanted in Germany. Let him come to America. But, he will not jcorue. lie made the German Empire, and his devotion to the fatherland knows no abatement. The law of evolution works in language as well as in other things. Twenty thousand words have been added to the English language in the department of biology alone since Darwin's discoveries. THE census returns thus far show that the. negro population of Amer ica instead of increasing with such rapidity as to make negro rule the inevitable consequence of universal suffrage in the gulf states, has in fact been relatively falling off. We suppose it may be stated truthfully in general terms that the best roads in N. Carolina as she was before tho war between the States took place wero to be iouud in those counties where it was most difficult to make good roads and the worst roads in those counties where it was easiest to make good roads. By the same token'' we have now, we may guess, worse roads in Eastern Carolina than are to be found in the mountainous regions of the State. In an article on the late General Sherman, the Detroit Free Tress says: Gen. Sherman has probably been held in more absolute hatred throughout the coast states of the South than any northern leader. This is due, first to Jhe theory ly ing behind -bis march to the sea, that the destruction of all means of subsistence for the South was as .: important as the subduing of its armed troops; next to the number of "bummers" allowed to follow the ' army. The application of the theory led to the burning or destruction by other means of millions of dol larV worth of property, and the ' presence of the ."bummers" was . responsible for many atrocities, or what the South regarded as such. The march from Atlanta to the sea was" one of the moBt theatrical episodes of the civil war, but it lacked much of being the greatest. It bisected the Confederacy at a time when snch a result was fatal to the hopes of the South, but it involved generalship rather than danger, and it is by the test of danger that all soldiers are ulti mately tried. Senator Quay has loug been the subject of animadversions. Heretofore he has been silent. A few days ago in speakiDg in the Senate he said: 'Tartly through indifference to slander, a weapon which has never had a place in my political arsenal, and partly by the advice of frieud., who urged me to treat the assassins ot reputation as undeserving of open controversy, I have permitted, withont comment, the passing of the flood of false hood. Its malodorous waters chance at this time to be quiescent, and now, wheu no heated political con llict is raging, when neither hope nor lear can be deemed the inspir ation of my utterance, 1 choose briefly to confront accusations with truth. I would riot allude to this subject in this presence had not members of the other House made it a matter of debate there. Look ing to the future, and knowing that the records of this Congress will remain .for othor generations to read wheu most of us composing it will be forgotten, I choose, for the truth of history, and for that which is dearer to all men than riches, to di pel the mist ot falsehood with the clear light of fact. LOCALNEVS. NE I V A DVER T SEMEXTS. O. II. Guion-S. C. notioes. Bargain Stoke Husbands, etc. J. 0. Harrison Admis'rs notice. C. E. Slover Fresh roasted cotTee. Cotton New Berne Market Sales of 13 biles at 7 3 4 to 8 1-4. A groat deal of painting and cleaning is gom? en. Never a better time. THE FAIR OPEN3 MONDAY, FEBRUARY THE TWENTY-THIRD, TO CONTINUE THE ENTIRE WEEK. A young garden pea about 1J inches long was left at our office yesterday. It grow in Stephen Fonvielle's garden. A good many viaitois are already arriving in the city, preparatory to the fair, i ho cutiooE is that there is going to be a large attendance. Mr. E. S. Street will put on a transfer from the city to the Fair grounds to day. It is for the convenience of all persons having business at the grounds. Rev. D. W. Davis, having concluded his series of sermons at the Church of Cliviat in this city, returned to his homo at Washington yesterday. During tho meetings there have been nineteen confessions and eleven to take member ship at this (hutch, making a total ad ditional membership of thirty. The hydrants through the business portion of the city have been re started. Is is only an instance of the wonderful pluck and determination of our towns mans Major A. R. Donnison. The smoke has not yet subsided from the ruins of his mill, but he has managed some way to start a portion of the ma chinory and furnish water. One of the now locomotives built for the A. & N. 0, R. R. by the Richmond and Danville Machine Works ariived yetterday morning and took an extra freight train down to Morehead last night. It is a third larger than any other on the A. & N. C. road, and is as large as any in use in the State. The other engine is expected Tuesday. Messrs. Barrlngton & Baxter hare offered two more special Fair premiums One silk umbrella for the handsomest baby's sack, and one man's fine suit of clothing to be awarded by the Fair Association at its discretion. The Fair Association also offers another special premium 3 for the best specimen of embroidery by a lady who ia entirely dependent upon the needle. Newfoundland Mad With England. St. Johf'S, N: F., Feb. 18. The New foundland legislature has adopted resolution denouncing the aotion of the British government in refusing the BsnoMon to treaty for reciprocity ne gotiated between Newfoundland and the United (states. ENTITLED TO XHB BEST. All are entitled to the beet that their money will bay, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remtdy, By rap of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious For sale in COo and $1.00 bottles by all tadlrg druggists. . . . . (- : ' . The Legislature and Our New Ball road. We eee from the Raleigh papers that the Wilmington, Onflow and Eastern Carolina Railroad Company are asking for some amendments to their Charter. We do not know what those amend ments are, but we do know that the Northern gentlemen who own this charter have spent a large amount of money in helping to develop Eastern North Carolina, and are locating their road from Jacksonville to this city. It would indeed be unfair to the people of Onslow county and to this city to ham per this road with any legislation that would hinder or delay it. Wo hope the legislature will not repeal any part of tne E. C. L. and R. Y. Co.'s charter, or put difficulties in the way, to delay this road or to try to forco them to build on any particular route. Let our senators and representatives from the East stand together on this Eubject, and let us for one time stand up for the people who have the money and tho nerve to build this road from Wilmington to Now Berne, an enterprise that will do good to the whole Siato of North Carolina and will help to make our people happy and prosperous and content to lire at home- end Exhibits Today. Tho ladies and gentlemen on tho ifferenj Fair committees wish to urge on our citizens the importance of send- ng up all tho exhibits possible today, so that there will be sufficient time to arrange them properly. Today and tomorrow is all the time left in which to work before tha Fair opens. Delay no longer but in this iiitstacce follow tho advice of the old proverb and do not put off until tomorrow what you can just as easily do today. It will 1 lighten the labors of tho workers and materially help forward the Fair if the request of the committees is heeded. Send along all tho exhibits at tho earliest moment possible.- The names the ladies and gentlemen composing the committees is a sufficient guarantee that everything will bo properly cared fcr, so do not wast until the last day when thero may bo a rush but remem ber to send upyour exhibit this morning f it is reedy, or this afternoon if ycu can get it ready by then. Personal, Mr. Edward Dennis, telegraph opera tor at of Richmond, who has been visit ing bis father at Morehead, returned home yesterday morning. Miso Connie Curtis, of Old Fort, N. C., ia visiting relatives and friends in the city. Rev, Edward Bull came down last night from the State Senate toepend a few days here. Mrs. Mary J. Lino, Mr. Chas. Lano, Mr. J. Scbuping, Mrs. J. Schuping nee Miss Mamio Lane, Mies Rosa Schuping, and Messrs. Loith Gordon and Lem McDowell arrived last night to visit relatives and friends in the city and to aitend the Fair. Miss Hattie D.iil came home from Henderson where Bhe has been teaching school. Drain the Swamp. Editor Journal: I saw in the Jour nal of the 12th an article giving a few points in regard to cutting a canal from Bryce s creek to Neuse river. I have thought for several years that the drain age of those rich swamp lands would be the best thing for Craven countv that could happen, and a good thing for the State. The road from Pettipher'a creek by way of Long lake could then be cut. It would be worth to the State a large amount. Three years ago there wns an expert sent here by a company from New York on a project, that was to seo what it would oost to make a wagon road from Long lake to the New Berne and Beau fort road. Tbn object was to make Long lake a place for summer and winter resort, for hunting aod fishing and boating. The company said the lake filled the bill in every respect, but no road could be made until tho lands were drained. Fish can be caught every month in the year; wild geese are plentiful in the winter, and deer and bears are very thick. Citizen. We are pleased to eee that a bill was introduced in the Legislature Tuesday to drain the lands referred to by con vict labor. We hope for the sake of the inhabitants of that neighborhood, for the good that will ensue to this entire section and the Onslow region djaoent, and to the State itself, that owns most of the lands that will be made valuable by this drainage, that the bill will be pasecd without oppo sition. Harry Lindley. This old time and favorite comedian will hold the boards at the New Berne theatre all next week during the Fair On Monday evenimr ''The Castaways' will be presented and epeoial soenio effects will be introduced. . Secure your seats in advanoe, as they are now on sale at usual- place. Prioei as be fore, SOo. Reserve seats. Children Cr.for Pitcher's" Castoris. JOUNSTOfl'N AGAIN. ANOTHER PZLCQE THREATENS TUE 1LL TATED CITY. Johnstown, Pa.. Feb. 17 Another deluge threatens the city, caused by heavy and increased rains. Thousands of people are rushing for places of safety amid the hills and high lands. This morning, quite unexpectedly too, the flood assumed a most serious aspect, startling the whole community, which last night reposed in the fullest neme of security. John L. Sullivan ou a Rampage. Richmond, Va., Feb. 18. John L. Sullivan ended his dramatic engage ment in this city last night. While breakfasting at his hotel this morning he became restless and began swearing at a negro waiter named Miller. Miller told bim that he must not swear in the ladies' dining room. Sullivan then mado a break for Miller. The nettro had a colfce pot in his hand and hurled it at Sullivan's bead. Sulli van dodged the pot and jumped to his feet. Miller grabbed at a chair and was obout to throw it at Sullivan, but suddenly concluded that discretion was the better part of valor and made a hurried exit and hid himself. Bold Robbery at 31 1. Airy. Danville, Ya.. Feb. 17. The leis ter has information cf u daring case of robbery at Mt. Airy, N. C. Harry Taylor and an accomplice named Stone, entered the residence of Taylor's grand mother, Mrs. Samuel II. Taylor, and one of the rascals hold her ou the lloor while the other robbed tho safe of 3,100. The robbers escaped. Two .Millions in l'resents. Philadelphia, Feb. 17. Tho Antor Willing marriago whh solenii.;-d at one o'clock. Tho wedding gifts ap(.;n gate two million dol'nnt. Hipper .lack Arrested. I London, Feb. 14. Jack the Ripper hon Kaon m i r rl nnil n? ua rViia mnrninfr uken by 8cotland yard poiic9 orco from a Spanish vessel lying in port Competition. Editor. Journal: Wo ntticc in yesterday's Journal that a puir of while shirts is elfered for tho laret hog on exhibition at tho Fair. Wo wish to augment that offer by giving a bushel of corn to said hog to go under Slid shirt. Wo will aluo givo to the InofjCftt man attending the Fair, an elo gant Domet 6hirt of our own manufac ture, Bi'za of nock 2S inches, breast measure i)2 inches, length 7 feet. This shirt is now on exhibition at tho Racket i:T :!;!:. l'or S;i!e, Two Twin Reversible Enginos 12x30 new cylinders; balance in good order. James Redmond, Sec. &Treas. N. &T. R. S. 13. Co sen2G tf I have been troubled with chronic catarrh for years. Ely's Cream Balm is the only remedy among the many that I have used that affords me relief E. W. Willard, Druggist.Joliett, 111. I have been troubled with catarrh for ten years and have tried a number of remedies, but found no relief until I purchased a bottle of Ely 'b Cream Balm consider it the most reliable prepara tion for catarrh and cold in the head. Geo. E. Craodall, P. U., Qjonochawn taug, K. I. Notice. The umtnrslKned, Jamos V. Harrison, has Inly qualified as Administrator!)! Uie estate f Lt wis I'ope, and hereby elves noilce that ho requires all persons having claims against the estate of tho Kttiil Lewis Pope to propent them to the inld.lamesc. Harrison duly authenticated, for payment, on or be fore the 20th nay of rehmary, iwi'j, or else this notice will be pleaded in b ir of recovery. I 1'ersons indented to the ft late must pav without delay. .1 AH. U. HAKIUBON, Administrator. February 2Utli, 1MH. liw. X'OTICK. Stata of North Carolina Craven County. Superior Court. 1 Francis Warren against Joseph Wlealns. and Mary J. Wiggins his wile, plaint Ills. The defendants abovo named will take notice, that an action has been commenced n the Superior Court of Craven county, for he foreclosure 01 a mortgage deed executed to the plainlilfg by them, on the 8th day of January, isai, and duly recorded In the records ot craven county lu book No. KU, page SIB, conveying therein certain land lying In the county of Craven and State of North (jaronna, ana rnliy described In said mortgage deed. And they will further take notice that they are required to appear be fore the next terra of the Superior Court cf said county, to be held In the citvofNew Berne, on tne izui Monday alter tbo first Monday In March, ISU1 lt being the 2ith day of May, at the court house in said city, and answer, or demur to the complaint which will be tiled In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for Ihe relief dt- rnanted in tne said complaint. W. M. WATHUM, Clerk Superior Court OWKN II. GUION, Attorney for I'laintlirs. This 18th day of Feb., 1891. feb2Utd NOTICE. State of North Carollna-Cravea Comity. Superior Court. Samuel liacon, 8. H. Bacon and Lavin I Itacon, plalnlili. against Greenleaf Johnson, Greenleaf Johnson, Jr. and 11. N. Johnson, defendants. To Greenleaf Johnion, Greenleaf Johnson, jr., a. j. jonnpon : You will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenoed In the Su perior Conrt of Craven county, for the pur pose oi compelling tne specino periormance of a contract to convey to the plalntlira cer tain traots of land lying In the county Q,f iraven hdu luuy uesonoeu in a oeeu exe cuted to you by E. R Stanley by deed dated the 21st day of Feoruary, 1SH3, and duly re corded In tne reoordk or Ciaven county, on the 19th dav of Maroh, 189U. which said con tract to convey was duly executed by yon to oneB Hostler, and by said Hodler assigned to plaintiffs. And you will further take notloe that yon are required to appear at the next term of tne Muperioi court oi sum county, to be neia on the 12th Monday after the first Monday In March, 1891, lt being the 25th day of May next, at the conrt bouse In the city of Mew Berne, N.C.and answer or demur to the complaint, which will be filed In said action. or plaintiffs will .apply to the said oourt for the rener aemanaea in mta complaint. W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Conrt. OWKN H. GUION. Attorney for Plaintiffs j nil lotnuay oi ten., iwi. ieuauid Eusbands, do you care to know what will molrA m:r ii Aixa.A.c juui wjio iuvc you better? Young men, do you; care to know what will make the young lady you are in loe with look more favorably on your shirt? Men of all ages, do you care to know what will make you more comfortable than you now are ? Mothers, do you care to know what will lighten your load ? If you do watch this space tomorrow, snd you will find two words that will answ each question. 5T" jmlO d ly AND Ml. .lust, arrlvi d, a new In: ol Children's Suits, fromJ..V) lo ; .."., anil Willi eai li tutt v.e v.ill :;lvo A BALL MD BAT. J. M. FQWAKD. febllM.Vwtr. Hafs,Shirtsft Collars! We have just receivul a lare Slin i: i f Late Style Derbks, all shapes, for old and young. Also a full line of ANCHOR EIUliD SHIRTS AO GtJLLARS. Tlie balance of our WINTE1I f'l.nTll 1NU we will sell AT COST: ta, SUE XTJS. -? Barrington & Baxter. K. J.OcTlTN( tiucetsor to E. II. Meadows ,v Co., Wholesalo and Ketail Comer Pollock and Middle Sts. FROPRIETOIt OF COCHINES COUGH CURE. This preparation contains no opium and Is a certain cure for coughs, hoirseness, Ac., and it it does not ettect a :mre after taking one bottle, the money will be refunded to purchaser. uniiuuM uiiM AiiiNT.ror chapped hands and every skin trouble l keep everything in the Drug Line, and a large and well selected slock of Toilet Ar ticles, Hoaps. Sponges, Perfumes. Chamois skins, Hair Brushes, eto. A complete stock of Patent and Proprietary Medicines. C ew- mg looacco, riug and Flno Cut, Smoking Tobacco, good, 1'erliiue Tobacco, Imported Cigars, and the best 5c. and ldc. cigais In North Carolina. fcbH-2m ELM CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Under the personal suporvislon of O, W Bennett, of New York, a fully competent and prantloal Laundryman, our patrons can rely upon recolvlng only first class Work, done by the most approved Laundry methods. A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED, feblO-lm. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Just Revived Zob Vance Corn Shelters, Coz Cotton Planters, Spangler Guano Sov.-ers, Iron Agricul tural Cultivator. Iran nnr Woe ows. Centennial and lir-'stni: Pi anters, Cotton ana 'mm ?lowS-of every descripticn-Cr.ELir.gs, &c , and, ngricult:;-.-;.: Implements, and a fuh line of Harrows - ana !co us, cr send to r prices. J. G. 7hitty Sc Co.. ' ::h Front Sts , .'Vrne, N. C. J v. ) J :x;ixe '' :' Apply to " - I', ill M'r.rt, :i-''.-i...-k, s.c. ii THEATRE" cilay, Feb. 23, :-:novn LiBLEY : ins NEW' r i 1 1 CjiiIvJ Till la it it mpany, ' 5 7ri ; ii;.?r:iToiRE. I .-i:ivlm- IGHT, ii si !'jnn n y- . Tho T.u.: .-up . Wreck ! '. '. i'S I' SlIiRTS, M'.t.l.Uilfc; L ; J i v V ?. I goods ."ill on u4 ill' :l(!rncv ''ham TV 'i incuts, style fit mi ist us low nil) and look I V. . II. G0HEN, E M' .'a rnoiii!.;: ki.kt, 11 NE, S.C. .' ,v .v i : 4U euou v sYuui. of i. Walter Duffy, c i ;. ears old, one '1 1 1. ii months old, ... i. t;:s old, twenty '''''!- i Id, nearly i' ' i: ; t lime doses j u:.,i, ii :lef U pro- I II I I' USi il HCFKY'fl 1 ' i t over six i 1 11 i h inost. exoel- ' li . nl Ulien, t'Hpe Ml o:ni;ist child i i '. up .-iliom a year :: r. n x ions about '" i s luiiy treated by K.m .1 piubiilile that 'i.ow wi' freiiiently iii' :t:ul the rlnln has ins o r croup since, if to tho use of the "W l;ri'i a bottle of It -i s, ui.il I cheerfully K. 11. ItAKNCM. :i r.'ii n, n coughs . : si. t.i i iiv vv iivrn, N. C. I. ii -Ir-.. . ; lr.ii.i-; n-r ..: Mil; II I. n; r.V.y a run .1. 'I'll is is r . ' ' ' M I.I months n: .1 ! lent I'i'iii, , . ; 'ia!!y :is ii h II 1 1 11 N t- , It; agn, Innoniuc us ivr.ni-ri , i "ill'.!i; si, i , "tiur iiII:i.'K. Usui liully's i hail no uiarn and I lit'ih v, Croup syrup, at our hi.usi' ri'connnt'inl ; Also V'y and I'o.ils. i - K. X 1)1 , il s. tn it is mum '5 A Hi: i . i: .ry i ; . ; in, wi'.h t . : t,,r-. !Uor. : nl Dwel ir i xteueion, on : b.ilaru'o in fivo Mid .') yt-ars res- ,; 0 i-'t-r cent. Craven stref r Term-;: :. .'a :. ...i (-, note.i, to id . i . ::. ;; pectivtly, i:Ld ; .. intorett. Apply in j in?l loLp ! U. O. E. LODGE. 1,000 barrels"'" Genuine Early Rose POTATOES, F O Yl K D . These Pot.ttora wtr.i crown bv reli able grower?, who are known for the purity of their stock, and may be relied ' upon for Bted purposes. Send in your orders early. E. II. & J. A, MEADOWS CO. iml8 dwtf Sc8d0at3. 1.000 Dushcls White Spring, 1 000 " Hod Rust Proof. For 6ale by J. A. MEADOW8, jan2S lm Union Point Mills. Valuable Machinery for Sale Ono Sow Mill complete; 25 force power F:ngine and Holler. Cylinder of Engine 10 xlii; 5 ft. fly wheels. 10 and 12 In. face. Per fectly good condition and running order. tor further particulars apply to . . OWKN II. GUION, .' icb8 2r Attorney.;

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