The OUR UA1JLY VOL. DL--NO. 291. NEW BEENE. N. C TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1891. PEICE 5 CENTS. . BUSINESS LOCALS. L OSr-While visiting or shopping, a lady's browulU umbrella with stiver toad w and tlk ttssel. Finder will be r wid by living nme at N"onal Ban. matW2t. ROOMS TO LET In most pleasant part of the city, furnished or nnfnrn UheaTsulUble for bouse keeping. Apply t Joubmal office. mais-w ROOMS FOB RENT Apply toC.T. Hincock at Joubmal office. WANTED A Rood Boot and Shoe- T T maker at once marl St. OnfiPi LB3. Country JJJ BtalJ.lOc. per ib. JdHS MC?OBLF.r. I'jllocii tt., near Middle, Lard at my C. K. NII.soN, NICE lot Reflncd Mutton Suit in cakes at S els. each. C. K. Nitsos. fJolm TAVIDSPAIGHT, four doors above XJ K. N. Duffy 8 OKI siana. uysiem mui aiyles Fried, Roasted and Halt Shell rminw nun tv measure. Mealacan bo bnd anring the Fair. febis2m JOHN WILLIAMS is now prepared to dye olothlng In fast colore for both ladles uod gentlemen. &io repumug uu DBOm olo hlng a specialty. Corner uroiyi na berne streets. febtilf. ATEW DttUG STORE. Drues, M?di- il ctnes and Chemicals, C. P.. Popular Pr.inrltarv Medicines. All varletloi of itrmaiai'x Sundries Trusses and Braces New eroo Garden Beds, r'lno and Large uuiKlr iliitin mil Tobacco. Al.l, NEW. I re acrlpllons accurately compounded (and not at Wak price), our mono uu um --"" "o, i i!. HKKEN. Drnzulst and Apothecary, Middle St., four doom fiom 1'ollocii. Jani'i ly ROBERTS & BRO. are receiving a Large Htock of Hoots and Shoes. Dry Woods Groceries and Provislorjs. They buy at hnadnuariers and can k,lve ion low trices. a"'-8 TnB Indiana headlock continues The North Carolina Legislature lias adjourned. Parnell is to issue a manifesto to tho Irish in America. Two thousand Indiauu will be allowed to enlist in the Federal army. The bill before the Legislature to abolish the homestead law was defeated. Governor Hill will deliver the addrens at the unveiling ot the monument of Henry VV. Grady. Nothing docs more to promote the prosperity of a city than good streets and smooth and attractive walks. than in tariff reform. A few of the States produce silver, and in those States free coinage is a sine qua non. Bat in every State in the Union the tariff rests upon the people as a hideous night mare, and men everywhere are struggling to throw it off. A contracted currency is limiting business transactions: the tariff juggernaut is grinding men and women to powder. The Conservatives carried the Canadian election and the Govern ment press is extremly bitter in its denunciation of the annexationists and their supporters on this side of the border. The annexation fever has never been high in tbe United States, but if Canada comes knock ing at the door- we may let her in for sweet Charity's sake. Toor thing ! The whole State of North Caro lina is complaining of bad roads, Until some plan is devised and executed for having macadamized, or other substantial highways, bad roads will be unavoidable in bad weather. It would be economy in the end to construct the very best country roads all over the State. 1 1-.II L hie Wilmington Messenger is to be sold at no distant day. It has done a good work in North Carolina and ought to bo first rate property. We trust that the pur- chasers will keep tho paper fully up to its present high standard. On of the surest means of accom plishing this end is the retention of Dr. Kingsbury in the position he now so ably fills. The State has been redistricted, and it is beleived that the new deal will give North Carolina a solid Democratic delegation in Con Craven takes her place in the Third Congressional District along with Bladen, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Jones, Moore, Onslow and S.impson. Census returns show that tho Silvation Army has 80,GG2 mem bers in the United States, with 329 organizations, 40 church edifices; 2S7 halls, with a capacity of 102,261. .total seating Although Craven had no Dem ooratic Eepresentative in the late Legislature, very mnch was done for the eood old county. She was placed in Congressional and Sena torial districts that are safely Democratic. Sugar is going down. On April 1st, when tho duty on ray sugars is taken off, the price of the refined article to consumers will be dropped about two cents per pound, and tbe people will enjoy the cheapest sugar ever known in this country. An exchange says: "Senator Gorman is as methodical as Dutch housewife, lives placidly and calm ly, has none of the small vices, and when speaking, reminds one of a college professor lecturing his class Snd reminding them of the nioe fitting clothes he wears as an illus tration of the free woal theory." The question is asked "Will no the running of an Alliance candi date for President in 1892 result in ihe defeat of the Democracy, and the 'election of the Republican ticket f We think not. It would certaialj take many votes from the Democratic cannidate, but it would add nothing to the Republican vote. It might defeat a popular election, and transfer the contest to the House of Representatives la that event the Democratic can didatea wonld be eleoted. . It is a mistake that the country LOCAL NEWS. AW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lo:t silk umbrella. Bargain Stork Boarfs. Cotton Now Berne Market Sales of 17 bales at 7 3 4 to 8 1 4. Tho LsgiBlature adjourned at 13 m. yesterday. Sine die. Several members of the Legislature cauio in last mgnt on route for their him os. Messrs. Smallwood & Slover returned all the cash premiums that they 're ceived to the Fair Association. The nine last special premiums in the first paragraph of the list published in Sunday morning's Journal were given by Messrs. Holland & Jarvis. Tickets will be put on sale Wednes day morning at 9 o'clock for the McGibeny Musical Family at Bell's jewelry store. The company travels in their own private car. Howard's new marine railways are finished. They were tested yesterday and found to work satisfactorily. It is intendsd to haul up the Ella R. Hill on tham today for repairs. We have reliable information that boat loads of oysters are being taken from North Carolina waters and trans- fared through the canals out of the State. Is the patrol force attending to its duties, or are the sounds too large for one boat ? U.S. Deputy Marshal C.B.Hill ar rested near Tuscarora yesterday Alfred Perry, colored, and his wife Lucy for embezzling a letter out of the postoffioe at that place. They will have a hear ing before IT. S. Commissioner E. G. Hill this morning at 10 o'olook. Mr. G. S. Waters, who is engaged in the buggy and carriage repository of Mr. J. W. Stewart, "has completed a skillful pieoe of workmanship in the construction of an improved oart body. Toe plan is original with Mr. Watei and speaks well for on who is yet in his teens. Mr. J K. Willis, of the East Carolina Marble Works, has just placed an orna mental fenoe, similar to the on he ex hibited at the Fair, around the lot of Mrs. H. G. Bates in Cedar Grove Cemetery. Mr. Willis sold 8700.00 of small work during th Fair week to ouitomers scoured by seeing his ex hibit, $230 of it being to one customer who lives fifty miles from New Berne. Special Fair Premiums. Mrs. C. W. Gatlin, test 10 yards home spun (woolen) 1 calico dress, by James Parsons; Mrs. Joel Kinsey, best homespun carpet, 1 sack flour, by K. R. Jones : Hackburn & Willstt, best display of vege tables, 1 plow, by L. II. Cutler; Hackburn & Willett, best exhibit in Agricultural Hall, t5, by J. II. Hackburn; Richard Hill, best bushel sweat potatoes, 1 ham, by F. M. Bowden; W. II. Bray, best bushel Irish potatoes, 1 clock by William Lorch;Mrs. J. B. Hughes, best collection of articles of curiosity and interest in connection with the history of North Carolina, 1 handsome lamp, by E. B. Hackburn; George Allen & Co., best dis play of marl, 1 bowl and pitcher, by J. J. Tolson; Mrs. Freeman, best display of needle work or embroidery, done by one person by band, 1 tin chambor set, by Alox Miller; Mrs. C. E. Slover, largest and best display of cakes, 1 fins lamp by Bmallwood and Slover; Mrs. J. Dunn, largest and best display of preserves, jellies and pickles, 1 silver Egyptian carap-kettle, by U . S. Bell ; Miss N. Nash best hand made calico dross by girl under 1G years, 10 yards domestic, by J. W Mcsic; Miss Hattio Stanly, handsomest piece of fancy work on exhibition, 1 pair Zteglcr shoes, by Harrington & Baxter, four premiums, 1 sack 50 pounds flour each, by F. Ulrich, were awarded as follows: John Simmons, best and largest display of N. C. hams; C C Spencer, best bushel oysters; W F Crockett, largest fat hog; Hackburn fc Willett, beat pair turli eys. Mrs. Freeman, best shirt made by liaurl, I dozen cans tomatoes by S II Scott; Mrs L J Moore, best display cucnni- ber pickles, 1 breakfast shawl, by Wo Sultan: Mrs. Potter best homo mado hearth rug, 1 handsome album by M H Sultan; W. II. Bray, best N. C. hams, 1 barrel flour, by James W Moors, agent Wylie Smith & Co; Mrs C E Slover, best display of ferns and blooming plants, embroidered dress by Holland & Jarvis Miss C Claypool, best crayon drawing, 1 box toilet soap, by J V Jordan; Sam Eaton, Jr., best pair wild geese, 1 urn brells, by MBlumgardt; W II Bray, best bushel field peas, 1 fur hal, by W II Cohen ; Miss Taylor, best and largest dis play in Floral Hall by one exhibitor, pair hand made shoes by W II Cohen Silas Fulcher, best homo made grapo wine, 1 satchel by E Cohen; Mrs S H Lane, handsomest carriage afghan, 1 ladies work baskot, by John Suter; E S Baum, best home made basket, 1 framed picture, by C E Slover ; D Congdon & Co. largest and handsomest display of dressed wood, flooring, ceiling, moulding, etc. 5, by JCWhitty & Co; Miss Mary Oliver, best collection cut flowers, 1 rug by J M Howard; Mrs CE Foy, hand somest embroidered lambrequin, 1 plush toilet case by John Dunn; Mrs J Dunn, best and largest display of crochet and knit work, by one exhibitor, 1 Smyrna rug by O Marks; Miss Emma Katie Jones, largest and best collection of drawing by one exhibitor, 1 pair shoes by Holland & Jarvis; Mrs. Geo. Howard, best specimen of silk embroidery, 1 pair towels by Mrs S II Lane; D Sampson, greatest curiosity on exhibition in Game room, $5, by Myers & Pitts, Baltimore; Miss Addie Claypoole, best penmanship by boy or girl under 1G years 50c. by E. Dannenburg; Jamos Mason,- $2.50 by II. B. Duffy. Death of Rev. J. M. Atkinston, D. D. Our exchanges bring the sad intelli gence of the death of Rev. Dr. Jos. M. Atkinson, at Warrenton, Friday, after noon. He fell dead with heart disease. He was nearly 80 years of age and was the oldest Presbyterian minister in the State. He was a man of great ability, both as a minister and as an author, was loved and held in high esteem by those who knew him and he leaves hosts of friends all over the State. Dr. Atkinson was a native of Vir ginia, tie entered tbe ministry at an early age and was happily wedded to Miss Sallie Patterson, of Richmond, with whom he spent a long and happy life. He was eslied from Frederick, Mary land, to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church cf Raleigh, in 1S55, and labored with that congrega tion for 20 eventful years. Upon the organization of the Second Presbyterian church in Raleigh in 1876 he was chosen as its pastor and retained that position until he removed to Warren ton last spring. He was a brother of Dr. John Atkin son, wno was at one time f resident or Hamsden bidnoy College, ana also brother of the late Bishop Atkinson, of the Protestant Episcopal church. The Raleigh News and Observer pays him the following merited tribute: 'He had the warm esteem and vene ration of all our poople. And like bis brother was unusually endowed with natural gifts, which he improved by severe study and mental training He was an eloquent scholar, a thorough theologian, and a man of high culture and rare attainments. But more than this, his soul was the mirror of sinceri ty; he was humble and gentle and lovely in his character. Personally we were exceedingly fond of him, as we suppose all others became who were brought in contact with him. Gen. GordonJoing the Alliance. Atlanta, Ga., March S. The an nouncement is made tnat Gen. Gordon became a full fledged Alliance man on initiation in the Edge wood sub-alliance today. This aotion was predicted some time ago, it being understood that his promise to take that step was an impor tant faotor in his election. The initia tion baa been postponed time and again, but today he rode the goat. Blood Diseases. Blood diseases are terreble on account of their loathsome nature, and the fact that they wreck the constitution so completely unless the proper antidots is applied. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is composed of tbe true antido'e for blood poison. Its use never fails to give satisfaction. Mrs. Laura Hart, Beaufort, P. C. writes: "A loathsome form of blood poison was Killing me. My appeute was lost, my bones ached, and parts of my tiesh seemed as if it would come eff my Dones. a iriena urouRut me a bottle of B. B. B. The cores began healing at once, and when I had taken wo bottles I surprised my friends at my rapid discovery." W. A. Bryant, Mocdy, Texas, writes 'I bad an agoniziDg case of Salt Rheum for four years, which medicine I took only seemed to aggravate until I found IS. a. B. It cured my hand, which resembles a burnt surface. It atv cured my two children of itch, which had restated previous treatment. ' LA GRIFFS AGAIff. Daring the epidemie of La grippe last season vr. Kings new discovery for con sumption, Coughs and Colds, proved to b the beat remedy. Reports from the many who used it confirm this statement They were not only quickly relieved, bnt the disease left no bad after results. We ask j 03 to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisfied with reaults, . or the purchase priee will be re funded. It has no equal in La Grippe, or tny Throat, Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles free at F. S. Duffy's drug .More. Personal. Mr. G. T. Farnell, of Pamlico arrived on the steamer Neuse of the E. C. D line Sunday from a business trip to Norfolk. Mr. Farnell expects to locate in insw tseme. Mrs. rarneu came up from Pamlico yesterday . The steamer Neuse took out tho fol lowing paesengers yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edwards, moving to Nor folk; MeesrB. John and Henry Scheer and Jeremiah Baker, of New Jersey returning home from spending a few weeks pleasuring in the city; Mr. J, M Aokerman, of New York, returning home from spending the winter in New Berne, and Mr. John Gerwick, of Zsnesville, Ohio, leaving from a bust ness trip. Rsv. F. S. Becton, of Pamlico circuit went down to Beaufort to assist the Methodist pastor at that place in con- ucting meetings. Rev. Edward Bull, our Stato Senator, returned home last night to remain, the Legislature having adjourned sine die. Sugar from Beets. Last summer we published several articles showing the adaptibility of our lands to the growth of sugar beets, their great yield, the advisability of starting a beet sugar factory (on small scale at first, if necessary and let it grow afterward), and tbe great profits to the manufacturers and tbe immense benefits that would aocrue from the factory to the farmers and incidently to our other citizens. We are moved to allude to tho mat ter again by seeing the announcement that the initial steps have been taken for the formation of a stock company In Winchester, V., for the manufao ture of beet sugar. The capital stock will be $350,000 and It is expected the works will be in operation by next fall. New Berno is very favorably located for such a faotory and we would be glad to see some of our capitalists mov ing in the matter. The development of manufacturing industries is the main thing that we need and we hope that at no distant day we will become a manu facturlng elty. A Bill to Discourage Medloms. Boston, Maroh 6. The senete iudicia ry oommitte of th ex-legislature gave a hearing to day on tne question piritual manifestations, a bill being presented providing ror fine ana tm prlsonment for personating th spirit of deceased persons, or presented any sueh manifestation, by triok, fraud, or connivance. Several Spiritualists were present who laid that a large proportion or alleged spirit manitestion are iraua dulent. HAPPY IIOOSIKIIS. Win. Simmons, postmaster of U&vil ino., wriU's: Eilectric lmers hns done moro lor niu than nil otaer nu'dioinos combined, for thnt bad I'eelipg arising trom Kidney and Liver troubla. Join Liesne, tanner and stockman, ot same place, snys: "rind Electric Bitters to In the best Kidney anil Liver medicine, mad. me feel like a new man." J. W. (lard ner, hardware merchant, same town, euvr Electric Bitters is lust tne ininc- tor a ipnii who is all run down and don't care whetli er ho lives or dies; he found new streni'ili good appetite, and felt just like lm had u new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle nt 1 S Duffy's wholesalo and retail drugstore. Are You SaviDg Any Money As the Days Go By?. Sil do!! j , j nr ly nij'nicLi'.s tu t: .ml in month- COVENANT BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Will can j and vi'.il pay you $1,000 IN 33 MOJJTHS! I'ln.s you have saved nn f,(K in 0rv,n auioiiutH ti in ii, tins e;.rntd you HU2, maKliiR tl.'i. o .ii an. Twenlv Kli.irea. nrH! imm k.c.isIsm: per month, am! ., .. .fa. ' nr i ' ler niomii, ran yciu aitord to ! r As si. i. v.j.... Mini stoc nei-lreL It Absolute Security V.'U! IllOt! i t i .i p.-r cent. Interos. All the cy ivu.l in hi Wi. i- ., i i , ,., '"re. v hy will you ,.y rent ull your lives wiieii t.y bmIui; lolo Ui; Association they will you m.iiiev tn Innld u-lih unit l-r Von cay H ,1U.; u, ,,!, I, y . , y .,.. . you haw i,, ,;iy for ieat now, for u k.i no return. Loans cont unly per. cut J-..'. lihK'H'K, President. I s. C"H K.N, Vice IS. !M l. H.v.,v.Treas. i:. w, v!.,i.M;:,l; ,'u-M:r:A I-. VS . V.M.I V ai " what which ahout i:. 1- . k.iwk K. 1AI- Hi; K. Il.sri.T.w, K,ir I.. f..r:. i : irs. ,ir.arltf. I :y to rirectors. LOUT AND Don't Mis SEEING THE LINE OF SCARFS Now Displayed in the Windows of the W. 1.. PALM lot ling im.y, .1 to the aioreon Pollock kii'im i 1 v o lijnus west of the PO.1101 -PUT, wl ere he he happy to linve all ills o 1. 1 1 i-u i j m- ami ni:w onks call on Mm. Tolne. o. Ot.ux Candles. Krnlla. P.oIll. dVo!! Hi ;nliK,Ac Pipes, of all kinds, stenm, II i Us. a ml .-.moiiera hi (lelea generally. TANML1.M Chi.i.;'.KATKU PUNCH I'KiAKs. J (Tv-thin;; is and cfT of order. Come and fcee in... K. spt-CtitlllJ 1 hilie, iwiiriitf. W L. PALMER. ii a jsnlOdwly NEW BERNE THEATRE ! Thursday Night, March 12! 8hipping News. Arrived Steamer Newberne, of the . D. line, with passengers snd cargo general merchandise. Steamer Neuse, of the E. C. D. line, with passengers and cargo general merchandise. Steamer Stout, of the Olyd e line, with cargo general merchandise. Steamer , A. Cobb, from Grif ton. Cleared: Steamer Neuse, of the . C. D. line, with passengers and cargo lumber, cotton, etc steamer Stout, of the Clyde line, with cargo eeneral ezpoits. Steamer Howard for Trenton with cargo general mer chandise. Steamer Kinston for Neuse river landings, and steamers Carolina and L. A. Cobb ior Grifton, all with oargoee fertilizsr and general merchan diee. Notes: The steamer New Berne will sail at 10 o'clock this morning. They are a remarkable family, acknowl edged by the profession as greater thau any lu America, or even the world. P. H. (ill.MOKI" Prices as usual. Reserved seals for tills Grand Attraction at Hell's. Curtain will rise at 8 o clock. mar, in DIED. Sunday, March 8th, at his residence near Stella, of typhomalanal fever after an illness of ten days, Mr. Edgar Johnson Mattocks. Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effeotually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in'GOo. and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. marSlm The Petersburg Battlefield. Phtkhbduhg, Vs., March 0-Th Petersburg Battefleld and Improvement Company has been granted a charter William A. Jones, of reternurg. president, and C. A. Pfair, of Phlladel phia, ia general manager. Th purpose for which the company I organized is the purchase and preservation of th forts and breastwork in Prinoe George and Dinwiddis counties, and tbe mark' ing by appropriate monument and sign-boards of th positions oooupied by f ederal and tJoniederate troeps. . suitable (it is to ba donated for soldier' home, to be managed by board of twelve governors composed lually of Federal and ez-Canfederate Mdiers. THE GREAT BAND, SPLENDID ORCHESTRA, FULL CHORUS, THE KINDERGAR1NERS, TEN SOLOISTS. Headquarters for Tobacco! My store Is Headquarters for Tobae. i. avo a tremendous lot of It at Low Prices ! I bJs) have In sto;k a few thousand por.r ds As nice as were ever paoked In Hs,ltimoie Wishing to give my friends and patrons A Chance to Live Good, I Invite them to oome down and get ft sup ply at 12 cents per pound. ,T. F. TAYLOE. HOUSE FOB SULE A Bargain! A Throo lUory Prick "tore end Dwel lmg, witu two Kiory ri'3r extension, on uravon street. Ti:km: ?.:'ito mi cabii; balance in five notCH, to iu;i 1, 2. o, 1 and 0 years res- po. 'lively, and benrinc 0 por cent. Apply to j n-1 lstp K, O, E, LODGE. 250 Barrels Full Weight Mess Pork To be sold at Rock Bottom Prices. Agency for Horsford Bread Preparation, Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co Is'. tririLcIi, WHOLESALE GltOOEK, KIDDLE STItEET, NEW BERNE. N. C. DUFFY'S "r CUOUP SYRUP. Kceipe of tbe late Dr. Walter Duffy, DIRECTIONS : Dose for n child two or three years old. nun teah.ioonful; ior a child threo months old. ten drops: for u. child six inonlha nhl iini. drops; for one twelve months old. nearly cair a teaspoonlul repeating these dOBei frequently if ntccibiir. until relief Is procured. Tills Is to certify that 1 have used Duffy's Citor i' sviu:i' in my family for over six months nrd I believe It to bo a most excel lent remedy for croup with children, espe cially as a preventive. Our youngest child had a severe attnek of croup about a year ano, Insomuch that we felt anxious about lis recovery, but was Riic?esfully treated by ourpliysician, but thinking it probable that other attacks might follow we frequently used Duffy's Croup Syrup and the child has had no marked symptoms of croup since, and 1 believe It is due to the use of the Croup By rup, and we now keep a bottle of It atourhouso at all times, nnd 1 cheerfully recommend It to all. K. H. Barnum. Also very etlectual In relieving eougbs and colds. Fkri-akeii and sold nr U. N. 1JUFKY, New llorn, If. O. janJ dwOm A new line of stylish Derbies. Spring Cloth ing, Neckwear and Fine Shoes at Barrington & Baxter's. For Sale, Two Twin Reversible Engines 12x80 new cylinders; balanoe in good order. James Redmond, Sec &Treas. N. &T. R. S. B. Co eep26 tf E. J. GOODING, incceisor to E. II, Meadows & Co., Wholesale and Hetail Corner Pollock and Middle Sts. PROPRIETOR OF COCIIINES COUGH CURE, This preparation contains no opium and la : a certain cure for coughs, hoarseness, o., and if it does not effect a cure after taking one bottle, tho money will be refunded tn purchaser. optimus oiNTJiKNT.for chapped hand and every skin trouble i keep everything in the Drng Line, and large and well Belected stock of Toilet Ar tloles, Hoaps, Sponges, Perfumes, Chamois 8k Ins. Hair liruahes. etc A mmni.t. .tb- of Patent and Proprietary Medicines, O'KW- uii imura, nns nu rine uni. BmoklnC Tobacco, good, Perlqne Tobacco, Imported Cigars, an i the l'..6t 5c. and 10o. Olgaisln North Carolina. rebl4-8a is more interested in free coinage Children, .CrJof.PjtcherXCastori Children; CrJopPitcherlCastoria2 Children Cry forPitGherslCasto'rI iiftrge potties, ovo. ana i.w.