Daily Journa VOL. EL--NO. 293. NEW BEENE. N. C THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. The BUSINESS LOCALS. OOMS TO LET In most pleasant art of the clt UtM ; suitable lor ooae keeping. Apply at o-ow tli nartofthe elty. furnished or unfurn unad : suitable (or hi JouaaaL office. "1 7 ANTED A good Boot and Shoe- V T marl 8 L Ofinn LBS. Country AJ)J Stall, 10o. per lb. NICE lot Refined Motton Suit in cakes at ots. each. O. K, Nbsos. (25 lm DAVID 8PAIGHT. four doors above R. N. Daffy's old stand. Oysters In all Mikr at once. Pollook St., near Middle. Lard at my C. E. Nklsom. style Fried. Boasted families use by measure, during the Fair. and Hall Shell- Meals can be bad feblS 2m JOHN WILLIAMS is now prepared to dye slothing In fast colors for both ladle and gantlemea. Alo repairing and pressing eio hlo a specialty. Corner Broad and Hern street. feWlf. NEW DhUG STORE.-Druga, Medi elnea and Chemicals, 0. P. Popular Proprietary Medicines. All varlettei of DiUfglst's Sundries. Trusses and Brace. Ne crop Garden Seed, fine and Large Hioek Oigara and Tooaoco, all kew. Pre scriptions accurately compounded (and not at Wab prices), our motto and our -uccess. . C. ORKEN, UrugKlBt and Apothecary, Middle St., four doors f i otu Pollock. Jan2o ly ROBERTS & BRO. are receiving a Large Stock of Hoot and Shoe. Dry Uoeda. Groceries and Provisions. They buy at headquarters and can give jou Low Prtoes. au2(i A BOSTON policeman baa fallen heir to $10,000,000. The severest is reported as land. etorm on record raging in Eog- PAENELL in a public speech fchak.es off Gladstone as no longer useful in obtaining Home Bale. iENATOE W. H. Lucas, of Hjde, his been appointed Chief Oyster Inspector, with a salary of $1,200. THE Spanish Government is about to dispatch G.870 troops to Cuba on aocount of the impending political agitation on the island. Mote up on home industries. Every town in North Carolina should be a veritable beehive. Let us have on every hand cotton factories, carriage factories, furni ture factories, plaining mills, canning establishment and what everelse brings capital and gives employment to labor. Simply to mention every in 6tance in which a North Carolinian is honored would fill the Jouenal, but we refer with pleasure to the fact that Dr. Thomas Hume, of the University, has been invited to deliver an address before the Na tional Educational Association at Toronto, Canada, next Summer on "The Coordination of English Work in Secondary Schools and Universities. Taxation for city improvements is being largely discussed. We give below a statement of the com parative tax rates of a number of progressive cities in the State and out of it. The figures refer only to city taxes. Richmond 1.40: Atlanta 1.50: Fayetteville 1.50: Wilmington 2.00: Savannah 2 25: Augusta 1.25: Raleigh 1.23.: Charlotte 1.00: New uerne u.ou it the improve ments now contemplated are carried out, the city tax of New Berne will not amount to more than 0.85, the least of any progressive city in the world. LOCAL NEWS. ONE THOUSAND six hundred and ten bills were introduced in the late Legislature. This is the largest number on record. Cotton New Berne Market -Sales of 13 bales at 7 1-2 to 8.20 Mr. Ed. Getock has nearly completed repairs to and a thorough repainting of his residence and the improvement shows up nicely. Dr. Chas. Duffy has also painting his residence CONGRESS having adjourned tie The GoidBboro Argus says there is a people of North Carolina may well! ladT in that city 70 years of age who nay to her Senators and Reuresen- 80me time nK had h6r teetn Pulle(1 out tatives, "Well done good and 0 ..- " neura,,a ana 18 now faithful servants." I ,. . .... jne ecnooner Addle tienry was THE Wilmington Messenger hauled up on Howard's new ways yes- Serious Affair Yesterday. Personal Mr. John Cook, the sawyer at Messrs. Mrs. Thos. Walter, of Wilmington D. Congdon & Co's mill, had soma mis- returned home yesterday from a visit understanding with a young colored to her father, Hon. C. O. Clark. Her man named John Shspird, employed sister Miss Mattie Clark acoompanied there who was heard afterwards to her back for a visit, make threats against him. At dinner Miss Connie Curtis returned to her Shepard approached Mr. Cook and home at Old Fort, from a visit to Miss without any warning knocked him Mary Gooding. down by a blow on the head with a The remainder of Rev. Ruf us Ford's piece of timber inflicting serious injury, family have arrived and they are all Shepard then made his esoape and has now settled in the Baptist parsonage. not yet been traced. The following railroad officials came in on tha steamer Nnnan nf tha F. C, TV Water Works Contract Awarded. ,, . ,, K.. a At the adjourned meeting of the city Duagnr.. and left on the return trin of councilman yesterday afternoon to (k.M.. ,,j.. ... . ier the different propo-1 Chiolev. assistant ceneral freishl sitioni submitted to thtm by several ,. , ,u ..n,0j - ItB VU V VI 1A W CUU SSIIIVBU UUVIQ Stenhena. division freight .rent Pann. establish and operate the works in this railroad) M. K, Kingt maD,ger Norfolk ,y was awaroea 10 air. weo. ,nd Southern railroad, W. W. King, r -.1.1 . n . , c gi 1 I ' O' uiuiuiw, oi spairanourg, a. j nis asseoiates and successors. We are glad to see the prompt way in which the council dealt with this matter. The strong sentiments among our citizens in master transportation Norfolk and Southern railroad, H. C. Hudgins, (gen eral freight agent Norfolk and Southern railroad, R. B. Cook, general freight and naHHAnirAr airenr. N. Y. P. and N. ui puuiiu luiyiuvouicuiu warrnni. .-ji.-.j g rp w.rne, .iee-nrcsident continent action on mis particular one. Wilmington S S Cn What the Legislature Did for New Berne. Shipping News The late General Assembly enacted Arrived Steamer Neuse, of the the following legislation relative to the " u u- llne- w,th passengers and a oity of New Berne: I cargo or general merchandise; steamer t. i . j& i i .L ITliifinnnA nf Inn tJvriA linn TOithflcArcrn ii uuoriercu iwu ubuub lUB HizeiiB I ' i -p. , -. 1 J 1 and the Farmers and Merchants. or general merchandise; steamer Vance- m (J Y UlfS )lUVtlU 111 UIU ... . II IT u :.u - 1 I M. 1 H amended the City Charter and gave uulu 11 uu ,uliCUUtui w"u turKuoi the oity power to suppress liquor sell- IumCer 8na shingles; steamer L. &. ing on the Sabbath, and also to suppress obb, from Urifton, with a cargo of houses of ill fame. It also allows the 00"on! steamer Howard, from Folloks Citv Counnil hnmaf tar tn nnnnint thn I ville US HE!) STATES OF AMERICA District oir Pamlico, Marshal's Notice or Itiizcri. U. 8. DUtrlct Court. In Admiralty. Whereas, a libel hatn been filed In the Dis trict Court of the 1'ntted states of America for tbe District of Pamlico, on the 10th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and ninety-one, hi Samuel Campen, Ksq., vs the Schooner A. 8. raraer.ana praying trie usual process ami monition of the court, tliat all persons Interested In tbe said vessel, her tackle. apparel and furniture, may be cited to answer tbe premises, and ail due proceed ings being had, that tbe itme may be de creed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof be distributed according to law ; Therefore, in puisuanceor tbe said morllion under the seal of said court, to me directed and de livered. I do hereby give notice generally, unto ail persons having or pretending to have any rlgbt, title or interest therein, and to John Byers, master of tbe said schooner. In special, to appear before the aforesaid court, at the city of New Berne, on the 2bi day of March, if it he a court day, or else on the next couit day thereafter, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, then and thereto answer the said libel and to make their allegations in that bebalf, Dated at New Berne the 10th dav of March, In the year of our Lord one thousand oiglil hundred and ninety-one. JOSHUA H. HILL, IT. H. Marshal. By Oiias. B. Hill, Deputy. M. DeW. Stevenson, Proctor. iml2td Don't Miss SEEING THE LINE OF SCARFS Are You Saving Any Money As the Days Go By?- Six Jul r ly PiJui.l: ath t:.vcd ai.d in month- COVENANT 6U1UING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Will carry Jl.m.i f ici and will ray you $1,000 IN 83 M0HTHS! Tlr.is you hive saved up S-VW In small amounts, and thai lias turned you tlVl. inakinx Sl.iin r ail. Twenty shares, or ti,W stoek, costs r month, and 5 shares, or f )Un stock, f ; ( , lomh. cmi you afford to iiPKlect it loL ; : v As an investment It oilers you Absolute Security Willi 'JS to ;;i i- c.!iil. Interest. All the money paid in at :ew Kerne will be loaned here, why will yon pay rent all your lives when by going into the Association they will loan you money to build with and let you ray it b ick In monthly payment equal o what you havo to pay for rent now, for which von set no return. Loaus cost only u'.r.'ut j1 per oi:1 . Kl. CKKiiOK, President. .IDS. t'oHKS, Vice W. 15. litn D, Wee. A Treas. 1' 11. 1'Kl.l.KriEK, Alt'y. K. W.i'AUI'KNl KK, , L. W. WALI.NAl', H. F. KDWK. , l. rectors. tCcarltf. L H. SI' I, TAN, For lnfor:natlun apply to Directors. Windows of the it I says: '-Daring last week ia the South, companies were formed aggregating nearly $10,000,000 The "boom" certainly is on." The Charlotte Chronicle again changes hands, Mr. McDowell re tiring. Mr. V. C. Uowd is now the financial manager, and Mr. D. F. St. Clair editorial manager. 1JKTWEEN issu and lwu. in Alabama, West Virginia, Tennes I terday to undergo repairs; This is the first vessel hauled up on them. They are found to work admirably, Same of our citizens thought it a little unjust yesterday when they were not permitted to hear the aotion taken by the City Council in regard to the ao- loeptance of the contract for publio water works. atartey nortbeutt's residence on Kilmarnock street caught Are a little before eight o'clook yesterday morning from the stove pipe. The fire was die oovered in time to be extlnsuished tax assessors for the city. It passed a bill allowing the city to issue bonds to the amount of $25,000 for sewerage. $35,000 for street and sidewalk improvements, and $15,000 for a oity hall and market house. Eaoh proposition to be voted on separately. The citizens may either adopt or reject all, or adopt one or more and reject tbe rest. If one or more is voted down, what is rejected may be re-voted on, If done within fourteen months. The Legislature also passed a bill to appoint a boiler insptotor and examiner of engineers and firemen for the city of New Berne, and a bill allowing the extension of the Atlantic and N.C. Railroad. It also placed Craven county in Dem ocratic congressional and senatorial districts. For all of whioh we return our thanks. Cleared Steamer Neuse, of the B. C. D. line, vith passengers and a oargo of general exports; steamer Caro lina for Grifton with a cargo of general merchandise; steamer Kinjton for Neuse river landings with cargo of fertilizers and general merchandite. Notes The steamer L. A. Cobb will sail for Grifton this morning, the steamer Vanoeboro for Vanceboro and the steamer Trent for Smith's creek and Vandemers. janlGdwly 33-u.ff-v's 83UGII MIXTURE. A Prompt and EflicieLt Remedy fo Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, NEW BERNE THEATRE ! I Diphtheria, Catarrh, Etc. Thursday Night, Marchl2! THE McGIBENY FAMILY. The Recent Fair The Next One. The press generally gave very favor- Bee, South Carolina, Florida and I before the engines arrived on the spot. Louisiana, the per centage of in-J TheMcGibeny Family of musioians crease was 30 3 per cent, for whites! give a performance at the theatre to- and 17-4 for blacks. n'Sht. They have just given one of their concerts in Raleigh and the mana- Ex-PEESIDENT Cleveland makes 1 8er f the opera house there has tele quite as much money by his pro- UraPhed the management here that it wan me uuuBi, musical entertainment able mention of our Fair, devoting hea,jnK at onoe) and when i had taken ooiumn auer column to ic in glowing two bottles I surprised my friends at descriptions and high eulogy of its my rapid discovery." merits. We can acoount for this una- 11WW- A- Bryant, Moody, Texas, writes: . .. . . . . ... "i naa an agonizing case or oait nneum mmity of opinion in but one way-the for fonr years, which medicine I took Fair deserved it. onlv seemed to aggravate until I found The sentiment in favor of the Fair B. B. B. It cured my hand, which I . . a i . t. i and the determination to keep it at a "emoiee a ournc sunace. aiso high standard was never stronger than had previou8 treatment. at present, as good as me recent air was it is within our ability to make the I List of Letters next one even better, and it is none too Remaining in the postofBce at New early to begin planning and working Berne, Craven county, March 7th, for it even now. Cession as be received from his Presidential salary, and has not one-tenth as much anxiety and trouble to bother his life. DISPATCHES from numerous points in Minnesota, North Iowa, Central Illinois, Southern Wiscon sin and Eastern Nebraska report! New . that the severest snow storm of the I yesterday on the steamer Neuse and w!ntr raorurl Satnrdav niffhfc and oonducted their first meeting last .. v w . . . all day Sunday. of the ceason. Capt IdaCorbett, who a short time previously was appointed to take charge of the Salvation Army work here, failed to oome, owing to the illness of her mother, and was transferred to a station nearer her home and Capt Wm E. Stevens and wife appointed to tha Berne station. They arrived night. T)!liafiAiisi VIm in UTalminnf aw ft US TTaMMAhS l n T.ifAAn ClAAiaflf 1 . j m i. ti j-ett a a i. a ir - I w xnnisy voiiege nas eieciea jur. the aooount 0f the burning on Tuesday ' Jas, II. Crowell, of Beading, Pa., I evening of the Union school house, the Chief Manager: And the Columbian finest publio school building in Wil lilterary Society has Chosen Mr. niington. It caught from adefeotive in a nue ana was totally consumed, una building and furniture were valued at about $13,000, upon whioh there was insurance on the building for $7,500 and on furniture for$2,100. The building was erected lu 1888 the eounty commissioners, and steps A. H. Powell of New Berne, as Chief Marshall of the next Com- , mencement. bf r Spain ier; excited over the pro posed annexation of Cuba to the United States. The Herald says: will be taken at once to rebuild. 'Spain would shed her last drop of I There were40O pupils enrolled under blood In resisting any attempt to Mfn' iupervisoa or Prof.NoMa . . . V . . . . . land nine Othnr taanhera. Tamnarar , r .rrtnA.m.nfi will hi.a f a ham linn. neither Caban revolution nor a war the iohool it w, b. MinntJ !a.L Al - IT Ana.a rwitu tue umiea Dtaces. I Monday morning. Blood Diseases. Blood diseases are terreble on account of their loathsome nature, and the fact that they wreck the constitution so completely unless tbe proper antidote is applied. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is composed of the true antidote for blood poison. Its use never fails to give satisfaction. Mrs. Laura Hart, Beaufort, P. C, writes: "A loathsome form of blood poison was killing me. My appetite was lost, my bones ached, and parts of my flesh seemed as if it would come off my bones. A friend brought me a bottle of B. B. B. The sores began GREAT BAND, SPLENDID ORCHESTRA, FULL CHORUS, THE KINDERGAR1NERS, TEN SOLOISTS. MThev nre a remarkable family, acknowl edged by the profession as greater thin any In America, or even thu world. I. H. (IILMOKK Prices as usual. Reserved Beuls for this Grand Attraction ;it Hell's. Cu'taiu will rise atSo'oloek. General Admlbslon cents. Seals Gallery, 1891. Miss Sue Andrews, -tlr TT n - , .. . i mm oue auurewn, v in, jaeury om-1 , n ml tit, a The plantiBg season is now upon us 0 (c0, x M:89 Martha BishoD. HftailniiartPTS for TobaCCO P"hi and our farmers by judicious selection Brvant James. James R. Brinkley, I I lhts is to ccriny i useu one uottie oi HOUSE FOR SALE A Bargain ! A Three Story Brick Store and Dwel ling, with two story rear extension, on Craven street. Terms: $500.00 cash; balance in five notes, to run 1. 2, 3, 4 and 5 years res- pectivelv. and bearing 6 per cent- interest. Apply to jan24 lstp R. O. E. LODGE, of the nortions of their fields best Emma Brooks oare of Miss bailie Byrd, adapted to certain crops and by special Mr. Joe Dukes, Miss Mamie Duttern, . llS L. . Miss Unity Cox, Andrews Edwards, oare and cultivation can make some CQpti E Everett Toiepn Hatoh, Miss astonisning exnimts. ine annual pre- jennatta Hatch, Miss Virginia Mc miums for the best artioles on exhibition Daniel, Robert Macky, Peter Murrell, J. W. Hurry, Uapt. a. n. fond scbr. Pt Wklt. mnA Rlna O, V Pnhardi orops are valuable and well worth m.u TnrDir making an effort to secure. I Persons calling for above letters, will Then again, it is now an appropriate I say advertised, and give date of list. time to begin making preparations for sffb the live stock exhibits and to secure nf attu Uttr .H,n,nri. improved breeds of horses, cattle, sheep, Wm. E. Claekb, P. M. hogs, poultry etc, if you are not al ready supplied and raise some fine ones for the next Fair. It will be well for everybody to keep the Fair in mind and lay plans for their exhibits as far in advanoe as possible. Another point we will touoh upon. No matter how good a Fair is, if there Jnff JfeCkwear and Filie is a sameness about it from year to year 1 ' it will not oontinue a succeis. New oflOOS OX features must be introduced to obtain n , , O n i 1 the best results. This rale has been llflrrislStOsI U IS&XtCF Si J i-ui .1 .j k w9 myEiBuiv vudvitou vjr uur niuv awake effioient publio spirited Fair officers and it has been one of the prime causes of tha unparallelled suooess of tha Fair. This plan will ba continued. It ia too early yet to say what tha new features will be, but we have confi dence enough in tha able and time-tried My store Is Headquarters for Tobacco. 1 have a tremendous lot of It at Low Prices ! I also have In stock a few thousand pounds of As nice as were ever packed In Baltimore. Wishing to give my friends and patrons A Chance to Live Good, I Invite them to come down and get a sup ply at 12 cents per pound. J. F. TAYLOK. One of the most etloi tuul reiiicdles I have over ktiowu lor a counh or cold is Dukky'8 COL'iiii Mix'it'Kic. u is iiuletd a rare com bination ol valuable tiiedlelueb; arresting at ouee the progress of a cold and beginning to soothe and heal, t'ullke all other cough niL-dlclnea there is no narcotic or any other unpleasant ellci-t experienced in taking It, 1 am more than pleased to he able to recom mend to my friends here and the public at large every where such n safe, pleasant and llectual cure lor one of the most prevalent ompluiuts to which humnn tlesh Is heir. iUOUAM (JATES, It. N. IH l'h'Y, Proprietor. Mr. 11. N. IHilly hus culled upon me to say something tor his l oi oit Jt : i 1 1 ink. now belnj. advertised. The least I can say is that it is a eert tin cure for Coi-i'-, Kokk Throat, Hid t'nori. 1 reeoKiiiie t he mixture as be- lnt? Identical with a prescription I have used in my family with unfailing Buccegu, written by ono ot the most distinguished physicians ol .North Carolina. 1 am opposed to patent nostrums, but cheerfully recom mend this on account of its selentlllc origin, and the happy remits obtained from It In repealed trims in my family. Al liH. ,1, K. WILMS. It. , Dl'FPl'i Proprietor. I l-.ave ti led 1 Hn- Y's Cot i.ii MlxTt;ua and lane pleasure in recommending It became 1 believe it will do all that is claimed for It by Mr. Dully, the proprietor, who Is a drug gist of long experience and a gentleman of highest Integrity. 1 do not believe he would advertise anything that was not exception ally good. This remedy bus certainly an swered the pui pote in my case. 1 1 cured a old, an obstinate co d i loul, alter 1 bad tried a number of the principal cough rem edies without heutlil. W. O. liltlNSON. U. IN. DUFFY, rrprle(or. liEAK biR It nllords me gieat pleasure to testify to the merits of jour coL'ini Mix- ti'kk. 1 have used 11 In my family for some time and have found it the best of remedies for Coughs and Colds. Yourstrulv, K. w isslow. It. N. DUFFY. Proprietor. Mayor's Office. New Berne. Jan. 21, 1K91. 1 havo ufed Duffy's Coi ;h Mixture In a severe and protracted cold with great bene- tlt, and with pleasure commend it to the tc. U. A. BATTLE. It. N. DUFFY. Proprietor. DuiFY'.-i Coi.dii MiMt'Ki: lu the case of the Gritipe," and it ell'ecled a cure, can cheer fully recommend it lo any one suffering; with severe coughs or colds. J. A. Patterson. Kew Uerne, X. C, Jan. is, IM'l. l?o sure and call for R. N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE) Corner Pollock and Middle Bireets. Wholesale Agents JIcKcfsod Kobblns, 91 Fulton Street ; Wm. 11. schielllln A Co.; 170 William Street. New York City. Jaunt) dwlim ntiirPY's ji A new line of stylish OROTTP SYRUP. Derbies! spring Ulotn SALE, EXCHAKGE AXD LIVERY. Street on hand a large lot of fine Has a now Rceipe of the late Dr. Walter Duffy, mules and horses, raisod in west- 1KJAVX.1 1 V- IV 1 it JHI-Ul.kX Also, a fine lot of Buggies, Road Doae for a ohlld two or three years old, one flnrta nrl IlarnfiRs. nil of whioh will ba teaspoonful; for a child three months old, M r.nw ASTHl'T.OWFST Don't fail to come and see him before making a trade. Feeding; a specialty. nov27 dwtf rors: for a child six months old. twenty droDs: for one twelve months old. nearly a teaspooniui repeating tnese uosea frequently If necessary until relief is pro- E. J. GOODING, Incesasor to E, II. Meadows at Co., Wholesale and Mail Mi a m A VftTW.-WtlWT ia An fnoft 'tft o-Iva I lOTinsiS, raicsuue w ma JOWB. ah juiw- should take onavarr trina hnttla of tendon is invited to join in' the gift. Sjrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly ' Negotiationi hare 1 been with the countries of Continental land other forma of sickness. For sale Tlnrnna. and ? Prlflnfc TTa.rr1f.mi in B0o. and ,00 bottles bj all leading ,r ' , . T . -7; aruggists, ; . uamm. baa been asked to tire his Influence - ,, JT"-' -j, ten a: drop half free,' eared, This Is to oertlfy that I have used Duffy's Okoup Byrup In mv family for over six months and I believe It to be a moat excel lent remedy for croup with children, espe daily a a preventive, Onr youngest child had a aavere attack of oronp about a year lw reoovery, but was auocessfully treated by W atClieS, J eWelrV, SllVerwarfl I have the largest stock of other attaoks mlsht follow we freqnently used Dnrxy'a uroup syrnp ana ine cnii i has offlolals of the Frir to feel assured that Corner Pollock and Middle St8. and I believe It la due to the use of the they will secure something that will b. I PMnmw ,or . ShouSertK novel and not one whit behind tha COCHINES COUGH CURE, recommend n to an. k. h. barnum most internting feature, of tha Fair .IttMSW fJr just held. and if it does not effect a enra after taking K. N. DUFEY, ew Bern, N. V. . "mr . IT one bottle, the money wlU be refunded to Wholesale Agents- McKesson a Bobbins, a neiguiy lamuj. "iiSS.rjfta v.-j. BlFnltrn street -, wm. tt. ecniemin 4 Co., Mr. Brantly Saundari Uvea down in .nd .vartTn tronbi. ' """" 170 wmwm BWf Swa X0TK wy- i ini iTirTuiiDi ia uii urn nine, anas " Ho. 6 township, and it is safe to say that tha combined weights of tha mem bers will aggregate mora than any other family in North Carolina. Ha and hit wife together weigh 400 pounds; and Clocks, In Eastern North Carolina. These goods were bought for SPOT CASH and will be sold lower than they can be bought from any other house In North Carolina, aa I em ploy more workmen than all tbe otbar watchmakers In the city combined. lean do your work promply and with despatoh. come ana see me largeBt stock and lowes prices at i SAM. K, EATON'S, large and wall selected stock of Toilet Ar-1 tidies, Soaps. Sponges, Ferf nines. Chamois to the enterprise. advice to kiotiiers. Mbh. 'Wibslow,b Boothino Syrup should always be used for children teethine. It soothes the child, softens four sons weigh 670 pounds: and four oners, and the Uit o. and loo. cigars in I the gums, allays all pain, cures wind Skins, Hair Brashes, etc. A. complete stock of Patent and Proprietary Medicines, 0w lnt Tobacco, Ping and Fine Cat, Smoking Tobacco, good, Perlque Tobacco, Imported BIJ01SM SJ3HMIJ JOI Kst U9iniiiirSlnhtere pull-the c ,;r'VTM -v zru jT-nnuj juoncord Time. oale v to 815. North Carolina. febl4-2m oolio. and is tha beat remedy for Diar I rhoej. Twenty-rive osnts a bottle, jaly Opposite Baptist Church, Middle Bt, fob21d&tf. For SaTe, Two Twin Reversible Engines 12x80; now cylinders; balance in good : order. James Redhond. v Seo. & Treas. N. &T. R, 8. B. Co eepSS tf ChlldrflnlCrylfor.Pitcher'slCastoria: