USHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT I HE DAILY JOURNAL ia poMUhed : T, wcept Monday at $5.00 per year; i50 r six mouth. Delivered to city subscribe! ; M)eent per month. - THE WEKLY JOURNAL ispublUhed vf ry Thursday at $1.50 per annual. ; Notices ot Marriages or Death not to ex fed ten line will be inserted tree. All d- uoual matter will be charged 5 cts. Pr ' Payment for tram-ieut advertiKemeiits must 1 e mail iu advauue. Ut-gular advertise tuenta will be collected promptly at the eud f each month. Communications containing news ol suffi cient public interest aro solicited. No com munication must be expected to be published that eoalaiits objectionable personalities, or withhold the umc of tho author. Articles longvr than halt column must paid tor. Auy perxou leeling uggricvf jut any anony mous communication cau oK.iin the name of the author by implication at this office and showing wherein the grievance exists. THE JOURNAL. CE. HARPER, C T.HANCOCK, - . Proprietor. Local Reporter. Entered at (he Postulficc at yew licrne, , ti. ai am'iii-aW Mallei: PEARLS OF THOUGHT. Fortune is not moro fickle limit nrc her wooers. -ft Now is tho timo to do whatever you fllslike to do. - Dyspepsia fear? a buekr.v more (ban a pill box. Opportunity is a slow coarli tli:U geldom overtakes, but may readily bo overtaken. j ,.,., . , , ' ' Lne love or "!orv can onlv create a ficro; tlie contempt of it creates ', great man. I ' A rich man despises those who flat- ter him too much, and hates thoso who I rln not 11 ;il tor liiin at all. I Cutting one's garment aecordin- to ' tho eloth is noor nolicv. unless one I - i . i happens to have a sufficiency of cloth. If yon wish to appear agreeable in society yon must consent to be taught many things which you know already. There arc manv vices which do not i j , f ' , ., flnnr i'c us of fi-ir-iii s: Ilium ni-n 111:111 v . virtues which prevent our having any. There a: e two things ta which wo never grow accustomed the ravages of timo and the injustice of our fellow men. ' The reputation of a man is like his shadow gigantic when it precedes him, and pigmy in its proportion when it follows. I The errors of great men and the , good deeds of reprobates should not ; be reckoned in our estimates of their ' respective characters. j He who cannot feel friendship is alike incapable of love. Let a woman I toewarc of the man who owns that ho loves no ono but herself. i To succeed in the world it is much more necessary to possess the pim-ii-;t- ' lack of morals in politics. There is tion to discover who is a tool than to ' i place yet discovered, even out of discover who a is clever man. j politics, where there is an over-supply. It is sometimes quite enough for a I Cif.ivasser Can I see the good man man to feign ignorance of that which of the house, madanie? Mrs. Nag he knows, to gain the reputation of gers No, you can't. There isn't any knowing that of which he is ignorant. ! good man in ihe house. There's only A great capitalist is like a vast lake, ' '"' ll,lsua"d upon whose bosom ships can navigate, A story at hand, describing a lovo but which is useless to the country, scene between the hero and heroine, because no stream issues thence to fcr- , says: "He woced her with a will." tilizc the land. Carrying Milk In a Paper Hair. "Here you are, two pounds of chops goou Beam wcigui. saui me merry Cranston street grocer to tho young j man of family who had brought iu an j order from his wife, "and now for j your milk; w here's your can?" The young man of family protested that he hadn't read tho order, and had not been equipped with a can. ''Never mind," said thc grocer; "here, hold on to it," and he dexterously slipped one paper sugar bag inside of another and filliped thc corners into place. Tho two quarts of milk were poured Into the inner bag. "Tho grease in tho nil lk prevents it from going through the paper, as water would," explained tho grocer. "I had hard work to get people to believe they could carry milk in a bag at first, and had to let it go at my own risk. I've " loot it so half a milo by slow transit; till I'd advise ycu not to stop to tell any long atories on the way home." Providenco (Ii. I.) Journal. lue cnrtii'S Age. .. The age of thc earth ii estimated from the increment iu tho temperature as wo penetrate its crust. Tho rate at which tlie earth cools can onlv bo de termined by making use of data cou- feBedly Imperfect; but from these Sir ; .William Thomson find that 100.000.- 000 or 200,000,000 years ago it first " began to be crusted over by a solid fli-A. at rnrdca: that 10.000.000 year afterwards it was still ' M hot that tho tcmperaturo incrcaaod two degrees Fahrenhoit for verjr foot vertically descended below the tone of constant tomperatnro. The ' present rate of increase averages about , : l.fll of a deirree for overv foot. r.SL LouU Bepuhllc. Tke Han Whs Canst Laarb. There are some Individuals we really can't adore, ' ' ' And the chlefcst of the number it the very , trying bore, Who when you're feeling jolly and a bit of fun would poke. Will never see the point until you diagram your joie. His cyo assumes a vacant stare until he thinks awhile With great deliberation, then he dons a faded smile. O, it would be a pleasure just to write the epitaph And bide away the presence of the man who cannot laugh. How like a biting frost that chilli the roses in their bloom Arc sombre individuals who wear a cloak of gloorh; Who cannot comprehend the worth of just a spark of fun. Who shrink from joy and pleasure aa the bats avoid the sun. The devner sober thought within the heart should have a place, lidt let glad laughter now and then the cares of life erase; Away with him who cannot sift the kernels from the chaff! Tt e world could wag along without the man who cannot laugh. HUMOROUS. It lacks point A circle. An empty pepper-box is out of sca iii. Tlio mano part of a horse is the back nf if a m.L- An echo is like a woman, always tie . , , J : lerimned to have the last word. "I've oono through a great deal," remarked the saw as it emerged from the log. The man who tried heroic measures f,n,ml lhu' were several sizes too largo for mm. "Thank fortune," a' the man said when his money opened to hiin the doors of society. Lillleshort Ah, Mr. Cutaway, how d'do? What's the condition of trade this season? Cutaway (brieflv) ' v - Cash. When there is ro hawk flying around the biggest thing in the barn yard is the strut of tho smallest rooster. Young lady (to young man who kis.-ed her) Thai's very singular, sir. Y'oung Mm Ah, well, allow me to make it plural? ' Why do you object to (lerniau opera? It is full of vigor; it braces me right up." "That' my objection to it; it is Teutonic." "Anything new on foot?" asked one politician of another. "Yes," was the reply. "What is it?" "Our baby. He's just learned to walk." There is constant complaint of the That's a good way, especially if the wooer is old and tho will is iu her favor. Physician (with car to patient's chestThere ia a scroro swelling oyer thc regioil of thc u,.u.t wlliuh llmst bo reduced at once. Patient (anxiously) That swelling is my pocket-ho k, doctor. Please don't reduce it too much. Tho other day a philanthropic New York lady found tho following appeal' among her usual grist of begging let ters: "Dear Madam Will you help me to get a position ns teacher to sup port myself and two little ones? Also tell me where 1 can buy a parrot one vcarold." Faucirul Derivations. H.o Knn A,.,r.l T,.v K n I nrrwiaa 6 '' says: "Hie term 'greaser, ns applied to Mexicans tf thc lower classes, was not started, as many suppose, as a sig nification of disrespect, but was ap plied by a witty war correspondent iu 1846, just after the battle of Palo Alto, to those Mexicans who had fo: csworn allegiance to their own country and t in preference to lighting taken tho task of loading and unloading provi sion trains, which then consisted mostly of bacon. In this way they gained tho name of the 'greaser brig ado.' " Whatever the term implies, it is much older than tho Entcrpriso sup poses. It was known to tho United States volunteer ; who came to what is now tho Indian territory in 1831, at tho end of the Ulack Hawk war. The atory that tho name Maverick, applied . ,. ... i to cattle, was given on count of tho head of the San Antonio family of that liame, is equally fabu- Ions. It was in uso in Louisiana ba- fore) that stnlo was a pari of tho United States. rbalhis (Tqx.) Nis. A GREAT BARGAIN! 327 ACRES WIJX BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLANTATION situ ated on (the South side of tho Neuse river, thrco and-a-half miles from the City of New Berne, N. C One hundred and twenty-five, acres cleared. Good land, iwUibis for Ticucl-ing, Tubaoct i fiutttug, or any tind of furming. The balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak, cypress, and other kinds of timber. It is also fine Graiing Land. Good dwelling, outbuilding, and a fine orchard. It has a fine FISHERY fronting half mile on the beach, where there are high banks of marl that can uever be exhausted, from which vessels can load with ease. It is a very beautiful and healthy lo cation, presenting a near view to the passing vessels and the A. & N. C. Railroad. For terms apply to P. TRENWITH, Opp. Hotel Albert. HEW HEME, I.C. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF arble Works NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marble and all Qualities of Material. Orders solicited and given prompt at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Boarding $ House i Reopened. Mr.?. J. M. HINES has returned to the city and will reopen her First-Class Boarding House about the 1st of October at same location,opposite Baptist Church Tlie Pioneer Daris Sewing MacMne Can be had at the same place J. M. HINES, Agent. O. MARKS' STORE. Mark Thaaa In Blnln. And all things whatsoever re shaYl isk in prayer, believing, yo hhali re teive. Matt 21 :2'2 Then shall ;e call upon me, and y thai I go and pray unto m and I will hearken unto you. Jer 29:12. He uiakoth me to lie down in green rsntnrfls. he Inadoth ma bnsidn the atill ualt ra P -'2 waters. UW.a ..... , I will open rivers m high places, and fnnnfaina in Hia tniluf nf t.ha voltava 1 i 1 make the wilderne-ts a pool of wa ter. and the dry land springs water. Is 41:18. The path of the just is as the shining light, that Hhincth more and more nntc the perfect dny. Pror 4:18. We glory in tribulation also, knowing that tribulation marketh patience, ant? fafionee experience, and experience hoj e R"m5:3. thon not, for I am with thee: be n"t diiinaveJ, for I am thy God. la 41 :10. Jones Wa Kigiit Abont It. Brother, some pei'p'e think if yon start out to be re iiom yon have to give up everything, and yon can't make any money yn can't do anything; you have to give the whole business, np. X was talking to a follow soiuo time ago, and bo said : "Jones, the church is putting my as sessment a little too hiprli." I said: "How much do yo' pay?" He said: "Five dollars aoav." "Well," I snid, "how long have you been converted r 11 . a T 1 1 ... il 1 "8 KttlQ : X UAve DOU COnverieU ; now about four years." -Well, what did you do before yov was converled?" "I was a drunkard." "How much did yon spend fti whisky?" "I spent about $27)0 a year." "How much were von worth "I rented land and was plowing a. steer." "What have you got now ?" I havo got me a good plantation ana a pair of horses." "Well," said I, "you paid the devil $250 a year for the privilege of plow ing a steer, a;d now you don't want to give God $3 a year for plowing horses. You are a rascal from the crown of your head to the sola of your foot." There are a great many people tha'. way. l have never known the L.ord to DaoKrupi a man yet. x nave never known a man that couldn't do better. everything being equal, as a Christian "inner. flam Jones. I , . mm , , . .. . The ipread of women's crabs through- I rotttoBtahMbdMn!OUttTho1iw. umer to prepare a practical guide which Is to contain dlrectiotw for organizing a mutt," suggesnon w, proper luuuagB- ment and a form of constitution ' roady lor use. The manual will be the only one of ita kind extant. ."'T PROFESSIONAL. DR. C. K. BAG BY, Surgeon Dentist, Office, Middle Shred, opp. Baptist Church, NEWBEH9IE, H. C. P. H, PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV, AND MONEY BROKER. PMlfiih Ctl0t Two Door South of Lid FEU UliGlT, Journal Offloe. specialty made in negotiating tmall Joan for short time. Will ipractive in the Counties of Craveu, Carteret, Jones, Onslow and' Pamlico. ser-United State Court at New tterue, and Supreme Court ot the blale. DR. J. D. CLARK, IDElsrTIST, NEW BERNE, N. C. JSOIlke on Craven Street, between Tollock and Broad. 1. . KYin.'KC. TMOl. DANIClk. VICC-PUCS. c. M. aoatNTa. CASHICR. The National Bank OF NEWBERNE, N. C. JNCOKPOKATEU 1SU4. Capital, - . $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bryan, Tnos. Daniels. Cha8. S. Bryan. J. H. Hackburn. G. H. Robert Alex. Miller. L. Harvey. GREEN, FOY& CO., BANKERS, Do a General Banking Business. NEW BANKING HOUSE, Middle Street, 4th Door below Hotel Albert. NEW BERNE, N. C. Bastera Carolp DM Fast Passenger and Freight Line between NEW B E R IM E , Eastern North Carolina Points, uud all Con uectiAas of tlie PE.WSVLVAIS1A nAILItOAQ, New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bal timore ami Uuiton. Th ONLY Trl-Wrckly Line Out ol New Berne. The New ami Elegantly Equipped Sleamet IsTBTJSB, Sails from New Berne HOBDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS, AT FIVE P. M., Stopping at Itoanokc Jslnnd each way and loruiing rlos! coiiiR'Ulion with tho Niirlolk Soutlii-jn lUilrond. The Eastern Dispatch Line, consisting r the Wilmington S. S. Co., Norfolk Southern It. It., New York, I'liila. mid Norfolk It. H., and Pennsylvania It. It., form a reliable and reguhir line, ottering sujHiiior facilities (or quick passenger r.nd freight, transportation. No transfer went at Klijil.eili -n which point freight will be loaded on car's" to ! B.thriiuh to destination. Direct ail goods to be shipped via Eastern 1 Carolina Dispatch dailv as tdllows: Krora New York, hy Penna. K. li. Tier 27 K'urlli ' ' loin Philadelphia, hyPhila., W. and Balto. K. 1!.. Dock HU Hint inn. From Hallimore, hy IMiiln., Wil. and Balto. It. It. President St. Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern It. Tt From Boston, by Merchants & M incrs Trans- fsMtntion Co.; New York and New Knrlaiid Lit. JE-Kates ns low and lime quicker than by r.ny other line. For further information apply to W. II. Joyck, (Gen'l Freight Traffic Agent. P. K. R.) (ienerul Traffic Agent. Gko. STKriiKNs, Division Freight lAgent P. W. & It. It. It., Philadelphia. ' B. B. COOKIC, (ion 'I Freight Agent, N. Y- P. It N. It. IL, Norfolk, V. II. C. IIUDOLNH, General Freight Agent N. S. R. It, Norfolk. Va. GEO. HENDERSON, Aoknt, New heme, N. C. The N. C. Freight Line Steamers Geo.- E. Stoat, Defiance & Elko. On and after February Jst, 18P1, thl line will make regular SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS IIETWKN Baltimore and New Berne Leafing Baltimore for New Berne, WED NESDAY, SATURDAY, ot 0 P d. Leaving New Berne for Baltimore, TUES DAY, SATURDAY, at C P M. Berchanls and Shippers, lake lotice. This ia the only DIRECT line out of New Berne for Baltimore without change, (topping only nt Norfolk, eonneeting then tor Boston. Providence, Philadelphia. Richmond, and all points North, East, and West. Making close connection lor all points hy A. & N. C. Rail- road ana Uiver out ot New uerne. I - Airents art a follows: Rkudkm Fosteb, Geo'l Manager, ! v W Light tit., Baltimore. w. mc';ai?bicx, Agent Norfolk, va. wyw rwiaaaipDia, u noma t Now York and Balto. Trans, Llna.iriar : siom river. I'l 6im rnWH, Boston, 63 Central whkrf, ' S. U. llookwell, Prnvideuoe, It. I. Ship leave Boston. Toesdaya and Saturday. " , New York daily. . M " Balto. Wedneaday A Batnrdaya H " rhilarielpaU, Mond.a. Weduea- ' days, Saturdays. 1 . 1 " . ." i ProvldeiMr.'Satnrdaya, '4 Throngh billa lading given, and rate guar anteed to all points at th different otQeea of tb companies.. tm, f; ' -irs-. . Her Avoid Breakage ot Bulk and Shij vin N. C.,Hne.frU':f !'- ... ! g, U. GRAYt Agent, Beraa, N. m i !.,.. i. , ii..., , ,, , " - - " for Infants CastarlahsoweQ adapted teehfldreaiaas IrmaommMdltaauperiortoaayproriptioi knowmtome," H. A. Aacmxa, at 111 So. Oztord St, Brooklya, K. T. "Tka aa of 'Caatorte is so aarrcnal aad Its Biarita ao wall known that it Bee mi a work mt aopararoratloa to cadon tt Few are tha latslltffant famine who do aot keep Caitoria wHUataay reach." ' Caataa MaTtjr,IXD- New York Oty. Lata Pastor Bloomlngdal Betonned Churqb. Tb Cktau fflURHA Land and Improvement Co. DURHAM, N.C. J.S.CARR, A. B.ANDREWS, R.H.WRIGHT, President Vice-President A MOST. LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The "Consolidated" Controls Of Land immediately adjoining Tlie Cnmpiu of Trinity College, which has been surveyed into 1 LOTS 50 BY 140 EET. The Lots are well located and are situated upon Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. The location Is admirable for Stores, Restaurants and Dwellings. Persona desiring to " buy or build," In order to educute their boys cau do no better than buy one or more of these lots. IT 18 THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLIDATED TO OFFER, for the present only. 800 OF THESE LOTS, and to guarantee that when the 800 Lots are sold, to erc-t npon some suitable portion rf tho property, sufficiently far removed from tlie residential portion, one modernly-butlt, well-equipped Cotton Factory, to cost $100,000, and to supply the Cotton Factory with a CASH WORKING C APITAL of $15,000, making total outlay for COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 One Knitting Mill for the manufacture of Hosiery. Underwear, Ac, to cost 950,000, and to supply the Kntttlnir Mill with a CASH WORKING CAPITAL of $33,000, making total outlay for ; KNITTING Mil 575,000 A GUARD TOTAL OF 200.000 IN IMPROVEMENTS " 1 in the lino of Industrial Enterprlsei upon the property. TO EVERY PURCHASER of $400 of this magnificent property, the " CONSOLIDATED " wilt ( FIVE SHARES, FAB, VALUE 823 PER SHARE, - - - $125 JQ nri I full paid and non-assessable in the f'Ston Factory, and I rcSGnl 3 THREE SHARES, PAR VALUE 8U3 I'ER SHARE, - 973 I full paid and non-assessable In the Knitting Mill, Making a return to each Purchaser of $400 of the Property, of $200, well invested in Good Industrial Enterprises. For every dollar invested in West End Town lots, adjoining the' Trinity College property, the purchaser realizes 50 per cent in Flrat-Ciaas Industrial Enterprises, which will enhance the vulue of his investment. The "CONSOLIDATED" confidently believes that the abovo is the most liberal and at, the same time the most legitimate offer that lias come before the public. In faot the ofl'er Is so liberal that we do not hesitate to say that in our opinion, the opportunity will be promptly taken advantage of by those who haveyten waiting for the BEST, or persons desiring to secure flrst-clasa educational advamVges for their Boys, on the most advantageous terms. Maps showing tha property and Price List of the lots cheerfully famished on epplicutlonto R. H. WRIGHT, Saoretary, DURHAM, N. C. REMEMBER , that every purchase of StOO carries eight shares of Stock in two well Equipped Industrial Enterprises pur value of frJOO. POINTER. In buying a lot you are also making an Investment, the Dividends upon which will most likely aid materially to educate your boys. A HINT. The building of two large Industries npon thc Property, and the completion of Trinity College ought largely to enhance the value of the lots. A SUGGESTION. Now is the time to purchase. The lots may all be gone if yon wait, and you will miss the opportunity of buying from first hands. I. H. CRABTREE. BASIL MANLY. JOED a CRJBTOEE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers in Engines and MacMnists' Jiipplies, Bulldera of Engines, Elollera, Saw Mills, Edging V Cut-off Maohlnaa. We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds with promptness. , Particular and immediate attention given to repair of all kind; We will be glad to giv plans and estimates for any description of Machinery. "We are th agent for the sale of the Amer ican 8a w. AUo tor O. & A. Bnrgnmln' cel ebrated Indestructable Mica Valves, v We give satisfactory guarantee for all work done by os. N EXT! , Prof. W H. SHEPARD and competent assistant! Ia tha tentorial art will gift you a , , . f Flair Cut for Shampoo " ' 1 fehavo a n 20 Cents. 20 " , iO , BAiTOX ROUSE BIRBIR SHOP. : - NEW BERNE, N. 'vt and Children. 5 ajatorle eores Ooflo, Ocosftpattoa, ' l ' Sour Stomach, Diarrhea. Jj-uetauon, Kills WeraG, fin ateap, aod prauotaa B- 'itoutinJ injurlooa aaedlcatioa. For sewral years I hare reeonimraded . ywsrartoria. 'and (ball always eentiMtie to . do to u aa InTariably produced bsoafloial resutta." ' Eswn F. Paiutra, K. IX, " the wTnthrop," Data Street aad Tta Are, Kw York City. CoaTAjrr, TT Mubbat Stbut, Xrw Teas. ill CONSOLIDATED Secy and Treasurer. Boot and Shoe Maker. AM Styles of Hoots and Shoes mads to order and on Short notloe. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. N. ARPEN, H I" fi? CHAYEI ST., opposlta lonml Officii K. R. JONES, , i . HEAVY AND LIGHT , GROCERIES. LoriUatd and Gall 'ax ShS . 1 t ,1,1 Sold at Uanutadkrerj Prim. - ; : . . - . ....if'..- Dry Goods & Notions, Pull S took and Large Assortment, J, ' Prices aa lew as the Lowest ' "all and EMmlne'my fitook. ' ' Satisfaction Auarantssd, " WW-': iVr. ?:'r':Rl::ij.;; ''i'k-

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