A B ft ytl MANUFACTURERS TAKE NOT!CE!r Bend us a list cf your Stoc'i Pine, Ish an Or write to Lamb Bell, ONE BROADWAY, - - - NEW Yv; and we will tell you what dimensions t ? and quote you net cash prices for Suiri, ii kslss THE JOURNAL. Terrible Experience r a Shipwrecked for the old stock as well as the ftQCff7E?8 Jtl P! Crew.5 Ironnir. Your eood indirment will; BOtflU.ILt O Oathfteft B E L BY and SALE S la LIVE l II Sky . ..- ;.- C3 Led .1 im J-M ft on f ThaChilUa UprUlag. A state I As arcky Kxlsta. Lohdoic, March 13. A Baenoa Ayres dispatch says that tbe family of. balmaceda are safe in the Argentine Repulic: Tbe la P3 advices from Santiago wtre to l w effect that the city which quiet bad been maintained by eerere martial law is beginning to be tnrbulenr, owing to the reported success ii the insurgents. An attemp' t to hold an election on last Sund- was a complete failuit?, only government officials unu eniplcie taking part, the ppnu'.e gt-netvi'v holding aloof, oonv'"ced that t be oid regime in Chili is omra; to an end. The insurgents r nti-nm to be abundantly supplied witu inoupv and pay lor all provisions and private property taken ly them. Bepntation. Tbe reputation of a man is makeup of what people ear cf hiiu. la hk oianner the reputation of a lusdreinr depends on what they who h.;vt uini it say. No remedy iu existence l ib ho good a reputation ns a blood ieaiMiy ds B 13. B. (Botanio Blood Balm), i: in n successful physician's t-regcritio uini quickly cures both mild ar.d i nble eases of bad blood. Dr. L. A. Guild, Atlact, (3a . Knlos: ''Wm. Sealock, liviuf? ou My plai-3. hid an uc!v runninc ulcer ou his arm v hicti ordinary remedies faiitd ki k11 As a l8t reeort I placui i.rn vt i t; of B. B- B. and the nicer b. -nan i t't at once, ami effected u ei ;i o iur It 18 R reict dy well '.ortl:y u dence." Dr. J. E. LlaM Dracriit at A On., wtiies: "A ) al f v l)t J. .: hud Bfyeral (if bis beht !bi;r. with Syphilis. He sot then B nnd pronounces them nil well. of A P. & L Railroad handH B withRreat benefit to i . t IT ects ( f swamp 'nAlari.i " Crew. L05C0&, March IS. The unknown steamship which wis reported lost off Start Point, on the southern coast of DeroQshire on Monday last, it has been ascertained was the Miromai of Liver i.ool. The crew succeeded in launching two of the chip's boats and made a desperate effart to reach the ahore. but to no avail. The boat which contained the officers and a number of men had proceeded but a short distance, when a tremendous sea swept over her. and she plunged beneath the waves with all on board. The remainder of the craw in the other boat made a fearful strug gle to make the land. Once she cap sized and. after a number of the men bad been swept away was rightnd tiy tbe survivors. A second time the boat went over with a like fatality and a similar reeult. Finally, hfter almost I incredible suffering and wonderful ! endurance, four Swedish Bailors euc-j ceeled in ranching tbe beach, wherel ons of thuir cumber died from exhaus tioa. Five thousand dollars yonng. Your good judgment will; tell you what else to feed by wey ; of variety. . . . . j . Before von maka no roar vards ' for the breeding season, ermine worth of Variety carefnllr fop "sm bv py " and i " of furniture and house furnishing- g cds. Best makes of sewing ma- for sale at careiollr for "scaley leg," and treat those showing the least signs of having it. This is a disease well known to all poultry raisers, caused by a gathering of, in flnitesimal parasites, which come imperceptibly at first, iu the flir.ei creviuea ueuween me euges oi tuo leg scales, and which iucre;.s rapidly, piling up on theaselves, forming apparentiy grejisb vhiei "arts or lough buuche. Anoint Mm lepR with coalcil and lard and the trcublo will "ilsa; pear alter a few applications. COCt. mai l ili JL v: J. tUENEEsi Assignee. i . 4 - -t - Pi. :.o iim a Wallnau. and b'epairer,' Call and examine our stock wV.ich is k( vt replcci Tenog Western Horses and Mult 3. Also, large lot Buggies (top iiud opciO, Road ('ails, llvi dorae Blankt ta conatnnt'j on l.fir.d at Rock Kottcri Piiets. We make our Livery a specialty. Single or doul1' tarr.-outi Every thing we sell is Riiar'nterd rs rrp:ef:mteu. Livery superintended by K DENMARK. 1 cf.ri ke !:.".! Robes and : t k!1 Lo.iis, Moonshiners. ' Tin moousbioers hnve just ben stir red up in a live y (A.biun m Dup'ii CG'iny aud old of ihem Robert Ed wbi . by rjuerie b&1ly wondtd. A pirl O I'f IcVeUUd tffiotud u ct areot Depi y Col eei"r W. J. Po e and Deputy Mirsoal Z .ci Rundeit did A'ni'K, Nenr Fu iLey i ,a,e up wi.b a duti.lery opeiated by E.wods. T .e lai-er fled, but RhoJen iap . ied hiiu Ai the officer and n c p ive were passing thicu; a a gtla Edwards mi.it u break: and t T6Bpon ibeofli - r sbut him iu iho bhek wiih a rovf ver. Ton wound.td maa i-i toe brother Very aSysii-nously ).appeared. And where he h4B none no one can tell. : The question ws often asked yU!rdy. I KitcfaIt(; at :hs- T.riv .ro-t or Xcslc, in Beri.i.li s Ij.ea .i i Uih c;! y and Will Be plcaKi-o i o l'fcei . e o . : i' 1 a Hatts'i eti fli i c .1. i all a: i o-co.l Mie t, nc;.i the Mt'tb"dlst Have you seen li'iu todi? 'jhe scBWor Was uu. Uue mercuant remarked to another hat be 8iw htm board the western bound train anout 8 o'clock. Just as 1 expected, stid 1 the broiuer mercaant I thought it get- ting time for him to tmv gome uaoKmpt iO"k out at 4(lc , 503. orlK'So on the dollar, I itici I will bet my wtiole s.ock o' t!Ood ih it i the next limn you iiear from him lie will i in n up m Knit iuh or gome t.ther lae iowu with a stuck buugho at S'o. on tho Oo.Ur. Did you notice lilt little pamphlet lately Issued by r.e l-.ast Carolina Fish, (lyster. tiauieand Iudutirial Aseociatioi.? 1 wusat Tracted by a peculiar announce mi n ou pnge ili whtcb refers to so mo fellow whom ihey choose to identity as "Big Ike." What does l . all mean? Who la he, and what g Mr name? There sctraj to be a lot of solid ' -uvhs in whit they say about him, bu; at ie game time the uniclo w.m evidently toi.ti ii'ii.-i. p! J ied iv h. A t: .'.-x udo it B er.ict i tin Octll nci See Um, NewStGG kCoiislliflrrifing To He'p Hetrre w .'.ii'ii' i Xew York, M- on j..- ! k-i Jesse Seligm an die. by c .i teidav on Baron Iler. jli, il' for the 12.000,000 franco o- 100 000 which eji:ipr. t.i;' fund tli e income f wIium : ; .) W ufed to assint poor J rli .v ' ;hii granta in Aumic;:. '! ;;;('. . its immediately henored. A SAPi: IiVK't'.lli Is one which is guaranten; .-. it " satisfactory results, or in c.im- oi' . . ,: return of purchase price. On i i e plan yon can buy from oik auve ' s -ii Druggist a bottle of D,. King's v I)i: covery for Consuinptinti. ' is ;',ua-nr,;. e! to bring relief in every eis. , v lien v:-ed for any aiTwtion of T'i I Chest, bucli as Con.-.amp I i.' i:it n . of Lunr, Bronchitis, As. i n::i , V,'e .emi ; "if 1 r 'iru ui iuaiiee "uuniiuiiie I liorhllnr. I lifi t rol thn urtlnipt A nv t niin ni.iu wUolJSDytor I .bbt-d the niai.6. yju canget anyllshton the mbjct ple-ic Neal S.iruVl i. 1C iLebiOieteijnbo, ooo, 'pl me know and I will verv mujti Kpjr.. liix: s. .icd """" """"" l:.o iliji- ic. nlaird Alf -i in-ci- I'i rv It h the ci o m ill .' i a . a 'To .0 a ry . a i quor e ch t i. ' t.0 i ui " l 0 U ;; 1 u i i "T . 1 1 ti Which wiil be sold veiy lew for C' ""Also, a very larre supply of Harneep, r;iankets, llobes, Wlsiji? Carriage and Buggy "s-c- ring, Painting, Etc., Dc and Best Worki , A Trained and Experienced Sliser EVERTUISCr STIUCTIA' GUA2ANTE;J . LoPapsr. i1 :m Carts, Repaii An :i.y o:-. : us t'ill'itli: oollidwt.f SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Che Old Dominion Steamship Coir pamy's Old aud f'a-rortt W(c r Kout, ! Albemsrl ad Ohasapeak Cacal. VOB orfolk, utltimon, Xtvt loil, riilla d'lphla, Bogtoa. Pre vitljar o, and Washinxto:i City, And all points, North, East and West On and after TrjttdOAY, l' EU.2Hh, 189 antll farther notloe, ih SUuner KEWfilW dpt. Sculli2at3, Will sail fromNorfolk, Va., for New l!e: ne, J B. ('., dlreot, every Monday and Thurod.y. ') . making oloae connection Willi the A. & xo, t). H.H. lor all stat.ous on that road, ana '2 '!wifli the hteainers Kluston aud Howard for '. Kington, Trenton, and all other landlugaon the Jleuse and Trent Klvers. ": - Returning, will sail titOM NLV.' TlL'HM?, ' FortNOHFULKdlreot.atlOa. m , Tutsgayd ' and Fridays making connection with tne o. D.H.8. Co.'s ships tor New York, H.H. I'. Co. g t ateamers for Baltimore; Clyde Line Phipg for Philadelphia, M. & M. X. Co.'s ships for ; . Boston and Provider ce, . Bteamer Klnston, Capt Blion, wlll.Br.U s for Klnston on arrival cf bteanitT Inew- i b Order all goods oareof O.D. P.H.Co.. 0' ' follcVa, Passengers wlU Ond a gojd table, wan: M able rooms, and every oonrtesy ;ii 'Jn. ' Uon Will be paid them by the officer. ;E. B. ROBERTO, Agent. ' XSSaa, OULPEPFKR 4 TDRNEK, a mmmm vu Agentl) jioifolJr, Va. : . If STANFORD, ,, . Vice-President. Kow York Oily. Just Received ; STeb Vance Corn Shellers, Cox 1 Cotton Planters, Spangler Quano Sowers, Iron Agricul Ji.tnral Cultivators, Iron and Wodd Harrows Centennial and : Turn;..,Plow8-of every idescrintloii-Castings, &c, K iuiA Agricultural Implements, ; and ' a foUf line of Harrows ' always on hand. iCall and gee tu, or send for prices. :J!b;tty-&Co.... Cor. Graven and South Front 5(8. ''Si' Heating LLnE OF nd Cooking Staves AT L. Ei GfiiSer fi 6s. amaiSrsne ooS9 wtf New Berne, N. C, For tho Complexion. For Chapped Iltmds, Face and Lips or ltnuEiiirsg of the Skin. This 's an exquttt io toilet pieparation for me cure ana prevention or o napped and rougn K:a: reinoves f iiiN tiiiK.t, will Keep theCOMi'LhXIUN beuutirully smooth, sof and fair. Thousands of lncilg have used It with the above result. Will you be one among the numDer-f Price 25o. per bottle. For sale by J. V. JjP.PAN, ilrngB'St. R. J GOODING. ilrufKlr.t, and at all of Uie princl pal drug stot iB. L. C. BISHOP, Proprietor, decBdwlm v.a&hlrjcton, 1), 0. 3Fox' Sale! OkE FORTY HORSE ENQINE AND BOILER ! AO BEAT BAR IAIN for cash . Apply to . riMAiMAi nr v Cough, Croup, etc., elc. and ag ceab'e :o Lisle, i. can always he depe'ideii i ties frew at F. ti. DuIVy" r.itnil drug store. 1. I. id - i J ji I' M .i a . en., f :t qiin 11-4 1 1 . :e h Via 1 ' - Cilt X, aii i'.iUi i -r ev. r.U" snr. i ou.. ,. hU o'i y was a i 1 I l.: 'je. I !l . I .i ij - -v u i t- r m ...t i-h rx a, in a J .ui c u- y .it o fe v . . s , j lv ' I'. O Ic'MllI" rill'-V" 4 . .. n !rir i ' i iu " T- h if 1 1 . ,HOV ue.1i. i- i : (! t- V" iDrV 0U- IU. fli . Hi-e i-.i i h 'i i i e lue r is i - v V I ' i d n t I H . tl off . en ii bled It - i id In TIME TABLE No. 23, Effeot 1:30 P.M., Friday, Oct. Chur. !i. rss n In int. st s' 1, s .:('' Ks. and oVi 1 MJ -Ili ". Janlaw3m 1 if n B'-ANI) SHrRTS, ill", tine NLGLlOlhi -1 KWrJAR. NEW oPKING- GOODS Arriviutr, tv.ry '! v. i:sv and call onus before bnj ina clt,'l:rre I have tbeagenCY or un .i i lie larj. i,t CUicngo a:rehant eg a;. t) . do in ) e ,i re hirniti i v Curr; spiir-itm: VViiini i e d ... V . ID, J , ' - ti ce , n oo i my iji p ui." i() 11. 0 1 of c.r 'i-i' e v ,i M;?cti)g I. A ou'. or- c . ' i e 17. 1890. GOiyO EA3T. SOHKDIjLK. OOINQ WKI No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Eve. Stations. Ar. Lve. p ra 3 SO Qoldeboro 4 06 4 09 La Grange 4 85 4 40 Kinston 9 48 6 00 6 0 Sew Borne t 17 7 w in i'.orebead City a m Daiiv. 30H2D0LK UOINO WEST No. 2 Tafori ft n(t nrrd or hem 1 . p. ; a . hu inr i hem r uV: uv ,s I t; MID a ishmHiits, soil raw stylo f Ll l it. i iiii-i, dy i i .d ii. cm as ipw ome i.nd look 1110 a m j Next to IIotjl Ai );i :.t 'f.w BEi KB, N. 0. 10 22 10 25! lebi-Jd&wif 3o We Are O 4 : GoiNa Eist o. l.t M.xed Ft. & Fans. Train. Fr'e Coin'-. St. Paul.MiNN., M-i the lloase toiliv liu Reeve, tf Minwi.-- a resoulu ion ti ,, mii,- . ed coinage oi' ivof. T i ' was defeated ly a v u and 43 ogainst. Xo; Alliance incradi'f vo;i ; resolution. 1 1 c ery ITIKKIT ill ;.. We desi.'o to say to oi:r ci.'o.is j: ior years ws have been sel.ii,, Dr. 'iing s "tv? Discovery for Consumpiiou, Dr. K uoj's New Lite Pills, Buckleu's Arnica ISaive and Eiectric Bitters, and Lave never han dled remedies that sci! ;:s well, or that have given such un-verai (atisf.iclion. We uo not hcsiL.tte to guarantee ihsm every tune, and we sUsd i e:dy to refund the purchase price, it" s.itisfactoiy K'stil'.s do not folio w their use. TU se remedies have won lh";ir great popu. a i r pi rely on their ricr'ls . For sale in Kewbf n l v F. S. Duff, wholesale aDd retail .' T'.ie SciVdpapD.-. ( nil KJ.-c-io- A.a esrnr-.eacad ''.- rs ll. :l . , , mac pupm wno nwy i.k news;)'p rs a'' hom?, wli . i pare! with those wao ' c better reada:?, er u f ter graTumari..is, 1 , vc w ' ua tors, and read mo.o oi.il nc .n J " ly and obtai : aprac"c;iH of geography ia ?' nos time it requires, t lis o - .e newspaper i.s d-'d icdly ;ii ant factor in wolm li! will not bs dispuifc'l bv an who has taken tli tu i . o 'o tigdte the matjr 1 . t. Henderson Gold Leaf, " i-d-re t.i ii'i t. i ii i np- '.11 CPs-I'. r.lOKl3I'3 ARNICA SALV3 Th hei.f, SrJve in the world U C.tp, bruises, Core:., Ulcers, fe-.'t I'nenui, i e: : ?Iot?3, T tier, Chnnpud bau'ls, Cl:.ibl,.un Corns, and all Bkiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pjy it qui'ed h is gnrran'.eed to f-ive peifett sttisfacifioi 1 , T. f - or iu ney reiunuec. rrice ":o ceiif ner box. Forsaie in Newbein by F. B. VuHi, wholesale and retr"' drupgi:. Revolt la the Com .oU'm.iK, Zanzibar, March 11 Tue ce groes of Comoro Iilaads, hw revoitea, ana tue aal;an tie Islands has fled f r i-a efy. T.i slaves have decired thei? fiee '.oin. Kijiht Hitr Law 1 1 fin tad The b.ll making Hrn b day's labor in Pennsylvania iiis i tutions under control of the hMi passed finally ia the Senate T1;um day. ABV1CBTO MOTHERS. MRS. WIKBLOW'B ROOTBINO S5RDP nomd always be used for caildren teetbing. It soothes the child, softens tbe gutrs, allaye all pain, oures wind oolio, and Is the beet remedy for Diar rhoea. Twenty -fly e cents a bottle, jaly Hero Worship. If. Focms natural lor man to have somo ideal hero to reverence, and it is somewhat amusing to note the f i unite some men put ou heroism. Tun ideal changes with the man. . Out) man reganis physical ptow-.'-K :i.h tue jiand (!es;d ratiiin; while iiuoilii'i' Hfdo-triH tlia pobst'spiou of we.il.ii or powei- us tii one thinj t.'i nil Ohiieil. Whatever trait oi - - i l cr. iiiuve!' oienumiiiates muiviuudi man Ijeneeks to deify in his idea! hr'., Toe hero rtfl.-cts the wor shiper Wide wealth and n'w have sycophantic and servile followers, who bend the preguant hinges ol the knee that thrift may follow lawnitig." the true man, who fears nothing except to do wrong; who seeks position only to magnify it by his worth; who honors his age and people by devotion to bw and right; brave, tender, loving, daring; he is a king among mu who.e iuhrren-38 reaches out into the ages that )o!'ow after him, whose lame shines with rinher luster than all the gems ol "Ormus or ot lad." Tne most lasting power is that gained by aright use of thefacul ties given to man for the better ment of his own condition aud that of his neighborp;the most real. endur ing wealth that which comes as the i-vereston a virtuous, well spent ITo. CUB Ririi FOIt HETOLT. Itnmo s In New York that an Ont brtakiiai Alieady Oecurred. New York, March 12. Enmors ct an outbreak iu Cuba reached here today. It is said that the disaffection is widespread, and will not only include Havana, bnt Matat zas, Cienfuegos, and the most impoitaut parts of tbe island. At the c fflco ol J. E Ward & Co. it was said that no cables received had any reference to the outbreak, beveraie Uuoans , im tne city say that the tinre , is ripe, but deny knowledge of any outbreak, Balp P'-.g circles are more or less excit ed over the report, which seems to have considerable basis. Poultry. The most beautiful, useful and popular of turkeys is the bronze variety. Tbe gobbler, , when ma tored, should not weigh less than twenty-five ppuuds, and the hen sixteen pounds. They are brilliant bronze in plumage, and the gobCiers should not have a trade of white on any part Iu yodng birds the legs are dark, but sometimes changes to flesh color in adults. Tbe edging of the feathers oa bens is generally a dall white or gray. , - , Were cows are kept,- of coarse Sour milk can be provided for, the growing chicks ; tley are fond of it and they improve on' it wbndert fully. For solid food,- even how give them wheat;a:id scalded" oats. Potatoes are plentiful; boil i the small ones and work tbem op with the ground feed, wbich should , be given in the ' morning; wheat and oats and a little eora at night. Thia f Bystem of feeding ; la good Mixed Ft. & Stations. Paes. Train. am 6 30 Goldsooro 7 20 pm 6 57 7 05 Beet's 0 14 6 34 7 20 7 30 La Grange 5 54 6 04 7 48 7 63 FalliiiR Cicecf 5 24 ' 5 80 8 11 d 8t Kinston 4 26 5 00 8 50 8 55 Caswell 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 Od Dover 3 25 3 40 10 31 10 38 Gore Creek 2 54 3 00 It 00 11 05 lueoarora 2 24 2 80 11 17 1141 Clark's 2 02 2 12 12 15 8 00 Newborn 10 33 1 80 j3 87 8 43 Riverdalc 9 41 0 46 B 43 a oo Uroatan y 2d U 83 4 08 4 ia Havelocfc 8 59 9 04 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 5 01 5(11 Atlanta 7 47 7 52 5 16 5 21 ?!orebead City 7 17 7 27 5 23 5 28 Adantio Hole! 7 05.7 15 5 31 p su Moreht nd Dupoi, am 7 00 Mcnriay, V ednesday ami Friday. ITuesdav. Thursday an Huturday. cwiu-?sition TO KILIi AM. HI I:'K OROKKS. vrn !.. ''o' ou k . ii Aical to exchange for t'otlou Sei; Come to m. with yi-nr Eice if yon waat Hlghtl I'rice W. P. & CO., ComniiJtlun ' nv h-rni; i nd O lain Dealers Mii. Uc. ii. c, )S ew II, me, N. C. Xri-.in at) oonueov witb Wlun.utun ct W?i- doi) Train b-nnd North, leavlnj? Goldo'icro 11:50 a. m., aud with nici.mond c L'aavlllc Train weet, ioaving OoldBboro L':40 p. in Train 61 csnnects witb Klchrrfina St Lr.itlle Train, trriving tttGo!dsbcroi:5ri p.m., aud v, ith Wiiminston ana weilcn tritln froia the ,'iortu at U: 10 p.m. Train t conneets wttn wiirninntn nnd Weldoa Throuc FrelKht Trln, North bound; leaving doldsboro atS:50 p.-u. ti. l. m.n, 'i r .i-mtfiad-'.t A new Imo of stylish Derbies, Spring Clotli insr, Heckwearasd Fine Shoes at 8g .1 UNI rfcU STATK8 OF AMERICA Distkict Oi' Pamlico, MARSHAL'S NOTICE OIT tEIZUBS. U. S. District Court. In Admiralty. Whereas, a libel hath been fileu in the t!s trlot Court of the Unitsd mat. 8 of America for the District of Pamlico, on the 10th day of March, in the yuar of our Lord one thou gnd' eight hundred and ninety-one, b Samuel Cam pen, Esq., vg Uii Sohuoner A, B. Parker, and praying the usun process and monition o: the cuuri, that all periens lnieresieu in me said vessel, ner tackle. apparel and furniture, may be cltid to answer the premises, and ail due proceed ings being bad, that the sime may be de creed to be sold, and the proceeds thereof be aistriDuieaaccordlnK to law: Tberefore. in puisnanceof thn eaid.moi iiion under th seat of said court, to me directed end de livered, l oo hereby give notice generally. unto all persons having or pretending to nave any iixni, uue or lint reBt me rein, and to John Byeis, master of tbe said schooner, in special, to appear before the afo-esaid court, at the city of New Heiun, on ihe'2,Uh day of jlaroh. If it be a court day. or else on the next coint day thereafter, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to answer the said libel aud to make their allegations ui mat oeuaii, Dated at New Berne the lOtb rinv of March in the year of our Lord one thousand, "ight uunurea ana nineiy-one. JtJHHUA B. HILL, TJ. R. Marshal. Br Oh as B. Hill, Deputy. M. DbW. Stbvbnson, Proctor. ml2tl Headquarters for Tobacco ! My store Is Headquarters for Tobucco. have a tremendous lot of it at low Prices! I als j have In sionk,a (ew thousand pounds of As nice as were ever parked in Baltimore, Wishing to give m friends and patrons I Invite them to eome down and get a sup ply at 12 penta per pound. . v ;ri'ii "- . ! I .. '-.'ii ,.' . ::(. When Baby was sick, we cave her Costorlan.. 'Wh'sn she'was L Child, she or led for Oastoria. . 1 When she became Miss, she clung to Caatorlai . When she bod Children, ahe gave them Oastoria. ' AFrompl ai.tl lillitiieDt Itemedv 'fo Gougb:, Golds, Croup,: Diphtheria, C Oi ! Ihrotit 'h, Etc. One of the ano-. !!. tu 1 reijcdu k I hive ever known m: : c i-i.ii i i o i! is I CI T'H Couiili Mlxn'i.K il 1 r.ceidfc, luiei'im. biuation ul vi.HiubL' ujuSi in sirettlug at once tlie piogr no a cu i unci Lnnlnumg to soothe utiii km. I.'Vil; , ether crush mtdlclm s H ere '.uno mroi .r oi unv other UUpioHiant i tlect, epti lt-necd in taking it. I am mi.ru '.!in pl an d 10 he ;ible lo reoom mend to my filmOn beie and li,e public at lui'ise every where sue h a n .IV, pleatsari and elttctual iu:e lor one qi Uh- n oet. prevalent cornplainiii lo which buniu; lleth is heir. . 'J homas Oates". K. K. Dl'FPY, i'ropiUJor. t Mr 1.. N. JMll h'S ci ili j upon me to say something 10 lis icron MKDicinr, now beiut, adv.-r'i-e.i i ih- -.h t I n say is that It lb a ci'i'tiin cure lor conns, horb 'j HHOAT an j i koiii- lrecog:jl ( ilie mixture as be ing ldcut ci,' wuh r ' j, i fciipi.ion I have us?d in my fnunl. iti, uujuUing success, written b one u, ti e m si dihllngulthed pbjblclauao Ni;t)n.Ho , w. 1 em i pposed to intent ncs'iiiiiiR, In. t hi rfnlit recom mtnd 'hinou i v t.;,t ot hi te;e . lie. rlgin, and the happy r?.-io is i htMned Irom it, in repciti'd liiam in n.y I'an-ily mks. J, K. Willis. R. ti, nrppy, l'ropiteior. 1 have tried Iiuffy's uoogu AliXTCBaand titte pleasure in : K ommenoiiia It became I beleveitM-ill uosil tbut is claimed font by Mr.Dufl;, the propr.t to', vi o in adrug glst of long experionce and a eDtlman of nichcst lni eri'y. ! ro not believe he would advertise anytb.nt that was not exception ally good 'ibis lenieily b's certainiy an Bweied tepurpo e in my ci.so It cured a cold, an obstinate o d I h.d. after I had tried u number of Hie pilsripul couh rem' edlcB witnout bei.tlii. w. O. BRTK801T. - It. r. DUfPY, Trepiletor. Dear Fir It afTJrdB me gieat pleasure 10 testify to ihe nn.-iis of jour Ootjgh Mix ture. 1 have used it in my family lon-oma tlmu and have found ll the bisl of remedies for Coughs and colds. ,. Yours trulv. f. WIS8LOW, Prcpiietor. . Mayor s Office, New Heme Jan 21, 1891. 1 have med Duffy's Coton MixruKjt a severe and proltaoud oid' with geat bene fit, nnd with pleasure eummend It to the public. o. A. Battljbi H. N. PUFFY. Proprietor. This Is to certify I nsrd one bottle of Duffy's cough mixtokk in the cass of the Oilppe," and it r fleeted a cure, can cheer fully recomm; nd it to any one suHeilna With severe coughs or colds. " hi t, . J A PATTBKflOirJ i New Berne, N.C., Jan. i8. itwi. . Ue sure aud call for R. JJ, DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTUBB, Jorner Pollock and Middle streets. oii. f83'? AEenti-JHcKessoa Bobbin. 91 Fnitou street; Wtc. fl. schiefflln 4 Cn 170 WUUm Street, Kew York City! " t0" JttbiO dw6m ' SALE, EXCHAEGE ' AND LIVEEY. ; K..S. Street Has now on hand alarrralot of flna MULESand HORSES, raised I in W$f. ERN NORTH CAROLINA. ' j - Also, a flue lot of Busies,' Road Carts and Harneiis, all of which wiU bn Bold as LOW A3 THE LOWEST. Don't fail to come and see him before wn.unv a out), Feeding a epeoial(y. : to?t d wtf SICOEWARD.l r j. 1 have Uielargest stools of Watches, Jewelty Silverware 1 w " -and blocks, 4 " " In Bastern North Collha' Thifa' were bought for 8r-or CASri'aftd f wWhi soldlowirr than Ihey ran be bonBhrUL1" an v other house lu Nortlv CerUSe'Si" 2T ploy more wo kmen lhan all th? Mil?'. watchmakers :h the cltv coinhi.t 0,,ll,r do your work promply a.d with de ni i?B . y sam. n mm:, ' tebMAw tf,1 Bftptl8t ChMcn 'Wdle 1 1. 'iV.