a- Daily The OURNAL. VOL. IX.--NO. 308. NEW BEENE, N. C TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 I r; BUSINESS LOCALS. WANTED A good Boot and Shoe maker at onoa. Joh bt McSori.ey, aitim f ollook Bt near Middle. onAfk LBS. Country Lard at my iUUu Stall, 10c per lb. C.E.Nelson. !T)0BEBTS& BRO. are receiving a XV) Large Block of Boots and Shoes, Dry Ooada. Urocerlea and Provision . They buy at headquarters and ean Hive yon Low Prices. au2 NICE lot Refined Mutton Suit in cakes at f eta. each. 0. . Nilson. f25 lm NEW DHUO 8T0BE. Drugs. Medi el nek and Chemicals, 0. P. Popular Proprietary Medicines. All varlettei of DrncgUt'a Sundries. Trusses and Braces. ' flaw erop Garden Seels, fine and Large Stock Cigars and Tobacco, all saw. Pre- serlptlons aoearately compounded (and not at wab prices), onr motto and our -ncces. O. 0. GREEN, Druggist and Apothecary, Middle St., four doors ft om Polloos. Jan25 ly 1 OCOANUT MACAROONS, Graham V Wafers. Fresh cakes and Crackers lust ' received. u. k. mlovbu. THAI ED from Fearoe's pasture, a Oblaekand white Cow with one horn. A liberal reward will be paid for her return. marSltf ALfcX McKAY . Senator-elect Felton Of Oal lfornia is a millionaire. . NEW York's new Napoleon of finance ia named Silver. Appro priate and popular. The tion to bill making an appropria te World'd Fair failed to pass the Tennessee Legislature. TUB probability of the inaugura tion of a third national party is arrowing beautifully less as the days go by. Senator Vooehees is of opinion that Gray, of Indiana, or BUI, of New York will be the next r Democratic nominee for President. LOCAL NEWS. Cotton New Berne Market -Sales of 11 bales at 8 to 8.40. A terr peculiar Easter egg indeed was exhibited at the journal office yesterday. Master Ellis Williams can describe it best. The Easter egg hunt at the Fair grounds yesterday was attended by a Urn-crowd and furnished a great deal of pleasure for the ohildren. The revival at the Centenary church is growing. The meeting last night was very interesting. The attendance was good, the sermon direot and for cible, and quite a number of persons presented themselves at the altar for prayers. There will be services this afternoon at 4 o'clock and to night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Q. H. Waters is now turning out at his faotory not only 6srriages, bug gies, etc, but wagons, carts and drays also. We saw yesterday a light but substantial cart of his manufacture. It creatly surpasses those in ordinary use It gives us pleasure to note the increase and growth of manufacturing enterprises in our midst. We hope the day ia not far distant when home-made articles will largely supplant imported ones. Ten Bodies Recovered. The Norfolk Landmark says the bodies of ten out of the nineteen men drowned by the wreck of the large British steamship Straitherley , at Chick- now haun a bark has amioomioo, last week, have been found rible news from Chickamioomico, comes and buried. Among those still in the the sickening and horrifying intelli ...... .i.- .,... .ii .,. ,..,. gencethan another vessel is wieoked . . and eigat more lives are except those saved. in in the balance, while The life saving crew suooeeded in probably gone to pieces. getting a line to the veesei after she The wooden bark, Dictator struck, but the men on board the ship bound from Pensacola, Florida, to were bo benumbed by exposure they Hartlepool, England, loaded with lunv were unable to haul it in. Lieutenant ber. went ashore Fridav durina: a heavv Failing was at the station when the northeast gale and high tide, which ship came ashore and says the suffering sursed. rolled and dashed upon the of the men was heart-rending and the beach just north of life saying station scene of the wreok terrible to behold. No. 8, which is in oharge of Captain E. There are not now any signs of the Drinkwater and a gallant crew, who ship to be seen, she having gone entire- immediately made preparations for all ly to pieoes. I the assistance possible. The tremen- ihe ship wa consigned to J. U. Foard dous surges of the water, while the cy- (Jo., Baltimore. The survivors Iclonio winds whistled with malevolent arrived at Elizabeth City Saturday, force, prevented the Dossibilitv of reach They are exhausted, unable to travel, and in very bad condition from exposure. If gaa'd it be true that John A. Lo gon has lost $50,000 on a horse race, his truest friends will feel glad that his alive to hear of it. father is not PLEASE take notice that there is an unusual amount of sickuess In Pottaville Pa., attributed to pollntfid drinking water, resulting from defective sewerage. Tee present indications are that Michigan, Nebraska, Wisconsin and possibly Ohio will choose Pres idential electors by Congressional districts in 1892. THEY tell ns that the European war clond is rising. It is always rising, but no portent ate is bold enough to apply a plaster that will bring it to a head. ' The enlistment of Indians in the TJ. S. Army has commenced. They are to serve five years and receive . the same pay as the whites and negroes in service now receive. Personal. Mr. O. F. M. Dail left yesterday morning for a business trip to Snow Hill. Miss Rosa Rioaud left for Kenansyille to act as bridesmaid at the marriage of Miss Pattie Herring to Mr. li. Lof tin of Aft. Olive. Miss Ricaud will also visit relatives at Eenansville and Warsaw. Mr. H. C. Wiggins of Succasumma, . J., who, with his family, oame to the city on a pleasure trip before the Fair, expecting to remain until June, was suddenly recalled home yesterday by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father with the grip. Mr. C. K. F. Bates, of Graham, came in on the steamer Neuse of the E. C. D, ino, from a visit to relatives at Thomp sonville, Conn. Mr. James Redmond left on the steamer Neuse for a business trio to Baltimore. Capt. J. W. Etheridgo left on the steamer Neuse for a trip on govern ment busiaess, His family acoom panied him to Norfolk to visit relatives The following delegates to the Union meeting of the Baptist Association re turned home yesterday: Rev. J. C Nelson of Goldsboro, Rev. G. L. Finch of La Grange, Rev. F. J. Baker of Fort Barnwell, and Rev. J. H. Yernon and Mr. Charles Whitty of Pollokeville Mr. John Guthrie and his daughter Miss Daisy, returned from a trip to Chattanooga, Tenn. The Arkansas Legislature has passed a bill to pension disabled Confederate soldiers and their in digent widows, and to appropriate $10,000 for a soldier's home at Littls Bock. The report that Senator Ed wards will resign his seat in the Senate gains credence from the . fact that he is breaking np his Washington residence and ship- pinr his household effects to his home in Vermont. " Senator Stewart said in New ' York the other day: "If the pro r tectlonists persist in linking protection and gold monometallism ( ' together the entire West will f become friendly to free trade in a t 1 . nigni." The coarse of industrial empire is southward. Capital, somewhat , more cautions than formerly, seeking profitable fields for invest - ment here. Scarcely a day passes 1 " that does not bring the news of the location of some important mana factoring enterprise somewhere in . the South. ' t. The Norfolk Virginian says The i Bayards of Delaware, vithon respect to sex, seem to be invested -w with Wise . heads and pare hearts v A dispatch from Wilmington, to be ; found elsewhere, will j rattle snob ' bery. The daughter of the superb ex-Senator Is to wed a machinis ' sensible girl that she is, and the coming husband's ambitions indl cate that she has won a man, not ANOTHER DISASTEH: Eight Unfortunates Swept i&to Eternity by the Waves. Almost simultaneously with the tet- Another Testimonial of Prof. Bellas work and "Hair Tonic.'' Winchester, Va. I can without hesitation recommend the services of Hector Bell as a success ful hair-dresser and worker in human hair. He is efficient and skillful in his business and known in this vicinity as a peraon of police and respectful deport ment, scrupulous in his dealings and unobtrusive in his manners. I have used with beneficial results his "Bell's Hair Tonio" and can recom mend its use to ladies and children as a pleasant and effectual remedy in clean sing and purifying the scalp and strengthening the growth of hair. Mrs. 8. T. Moore. The Confederate Dead. Our memorial Association is about to cirry into effect its purpose, long since resolved upon, of marking appropriate- The Grip In Deadly Form, Dubuque, Ia., March 27. The grip is prevalent here, and it is ' estimated that 1,000 cases exist in in,,thrtitr.Hi hiitthothmiaht tu0 city. Many deaths have oc of the iminent peril of the crew caused asDiritof unceasios; determination to propel and uphold the heroic men in me frostrauiig Shocks lending every energy to rescue the fast Of malarial fever are not to be counter perisning men, who oouia be seen cling- acted by quinine with any degree of mg wnn me aesperateness 01 despair, certainty, or for any length of time to the mast and rigging, while the boat Tbe eradication and the prevention of oonwnuauy wasnea ana rocaea booui a disease of a miaamatic type are, how by the seas was last breaking up. lhis. ever, ascertained poseibilitiea. Lone lv the craves of all Confederate Dead who mav be buried in Cedar Grove wgotner wim me prevailing wina wnicn experience has shown thot tbero ia in iiuiMjiy inure preventive cincaoy in tne cemetery, or in private lots elsewhere if turrjid waters made the scene one of any such there be. This will be done, extreme misery. of course, only in case of those who are The life saving station did all in their ,.t.; .v, nj power to get a line out to ine etranaea . , vessel with the gun. A line was floated Circle. I from Ihn tpcha! t.n t.h nVinra with a har- The Association knows the location of ret and then a boat came from the ship the craves of the nersons mentioned with part or the crew or four men. below. If the name of any one, who our more .w"e .ub"3tly landed was in the service of the Confederate veg88i jg fast breaking up. states, is omitted from tbe list, the A dispatch received at 11 p. m., says: Association will bo greatly obliged to ,IJu3,; from tne wreck. She has broken up ana toe wrecKage lines tne enure. Out of the seventeen souls on board his relatives or friend for information as to where his body is interred, that his resting place may have like memorial. Isaao T. Attmore, James Berry, Geo. W. Blaney, H. J. B. Clark, Wm. J. Clarke. Dr. Peter Custis, E. G. Cuth- bert, J. Dowdce, Joseph Fulford, Charles M. Graham, li. Tilghman Guion, F. W. Herritage, John Hughes, William Hay, Jas. 8. Ives, James W. fine botanic medicino, HostetterV Stomach Bitters, than in tho alkaloids, drugs and poisons which were formeily the only recognized means of removing and anticipating attacks of fever and ague and bilious remittent. When the system has been depleted by period! cally recurring paroxysms, this agree able restorativo renews the fund of energy, and is not only a positive speoific, but repairs the damage to the general health inflicted by ail febrile complaints partaking cf tlm malarial character. OUSE FOR SALE A Bargain! A Three Storv l!r.p!r ffra rii ling, with two story tear txtension, on Craven street. Terms: $500 00 ens!,: balan in f?. notea, to run 1. ' 3. 4 and 5 vr. pectively, and beariaz 6 Der ennt. interest. Apply to jiu'J-1 latp ll. o. E. LODGE. DUFFY'S CROUP SYKUP. Recipe of the late Dr. Walter Duffy. DIRECTION'S : Uosefur aoblM two or three years old one ....... . , .. uiuuin. oin. J rope; foi naif a tcan Ir, tn 1 V. o ..1.1 i f'lilid bix ruonUis old, twenty y.u iu"iiiu oiu, nearly curlal! "tssary uatu rUief Is pro- cioup about a vear wet telr. ntivlm,..,.n... ;i'ry, but was suces-fully treated by ; cian, ,., tuiLkU.i; it probable that This Is to o in,, i i,r.T",..i r. tuonths ami l.c-Ueve It u, bS a , nost excel lent remeJy for croup with children. eapo- n.i.ia , at!o. lUBomui h that us recovery, our nil vsii-i!, , .., i. . . , "l ""uitniK ii prooab e that. ...... .. ' . : H 1 ice cnud hs HIHri.fll M!.iloi-lR of rmi.n .1. h" to ilia use of the i-.Wlioen a bottle nf it tl .'i!cs, ami I cheerfully 1.' 11 a . audco.iU. I'KH'II:!.;, v ,.,,.,,. 0 l N-Di ri V. , v iiori.W.O. Wliolrsilc Air, r.:,:- M,. hi Iff 1 ; !, l l srliiMlllin .. :i w York City. "' ! no sn i 1 i;p;icvo ., ,. I'ruiip Hyrup, nun , at our lfH'.M' ;u a 1 recomii,fn:i ,v to II bull- ITU Willluin BUGGY AKD CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. i: r. ii,.: I M.i!.ul. U;r am now i n In. In--..I t.. I ' Hi:;,c y "i .1. 1 11 fin. ' iiiul Carriage W. (Stewart, 1 for mmi The prettiest line of CHILDREN'S JERSEY SUITS ever offered on nine are saved. Eight persons were lost. "The Dictator is a Norwegian bark She was on her way into Hampton Roads in distress, leaking, having en countered a series of Kales and hurri cans Bince the 12th of March. Capt. Jorgensen never left the veesei until she broke up. Then he lashed a - m 1 I J lire preserver arouna nis who buuni n -nr 1 lashed his child to his own body. The WG a 6 W UerUG iVlcirK6l. waves and surf washed both to eterm-1 n 1 . . ty, and when the Captain was picked mU tt UUtJ llUtJ USliUfL done better than ment Of YOUths' Slli tS. rni J: j n I iney uiu uu uicu i a f fn. i could do with the facilities at their il flCW Supply OI aiegier UUUJUiltUU HUltUaB. YlllUiaUi Ql J j oiiurjb arriveu yesier All Kinds of Work ClISIIOVI no fpiTtiiliy, ami Jonas. Thomas Mavhew. T. K. Oliver. Cicero S. Primrose, R. H. Pully, Sam'l uPhe was ""' ' . No men could havo k. street, ueo. kj. mevenson, irea a QO!n p. lislnle, nitgreaves Attmore, lticbard T Berry, Wm. G. Bryan, Jr., H. J. B. Clark, Jr., John C. Court, Pennant Custis, Geo. 8. Dewey, W. W. Fife, Thos. H. Gaskms, J. F. Banff, Luke ravins-the French Snoliation Awards Herritage, N. Collin Hughes, Albert G. Aged people Made Happy Hubbard, Wm. a. Jones, Dr. a. Mallet, The first payment under the recent Alexander Miller, Henry 8. Nunn, F. appropriation act, making provision for OF 1XIE11EM TO MANY. day. Barrington I Baxter. Osgood, Dr. Robert S. Primrose, Wm W. Roberts, Wm. J. Street, R. Smith Easter Sunday . This anniversary of Christ's resurrec tion from the dead was observed in this city by the Baptise, Methodist, Episeo pal and Catholic churches. They were THE "ALDINE J) f The City Election. The time for this interesting eyeat is drawing nigh and city politics are warming up. Rivals for the candidacy for councilmen from the different wards are entering the arena and being zealously championed by their friends and supporters. We hope that wise selections of good and competent men will be made at the primary meeting and that all will abide by the decisions reached. The nominating convention is the place to work for favorites and those who fail there ought to accept the will of the majority with good grace, and of oourse they will. The oity is to be congratulated on the efficiency of the past year's adminis tration. His Honor, Mayor Battle, has at all times upheld the dignity of his offloe. Firm and wise In dispensing justice, conscientious and unflinohing in the diioharge of every doty and diligent in working for the city's welfare, he baa thoroughly identified himself with all the city's best and moat progressive interests. No better man for the posi tion can be found and he will no doubt be re-eleoUd to the offloe ha haeio worthy and satisfactorily filled. The board of counoil has been com posed of intelligent, broad-minded, publio spirited gentlemen who have spared neither time nor endeavor in working for the city's advancement and highest interests. While a few have expressed dissatisfaction at some of their acta, in the main they have the commendation of New Bernians for the forward impetus they have given the oity. ine uttie opposition aroused It no discredit to them. Men differ, and it ia better to. have a board with baokbone and energy enough to atrive after better things, than to have one composed of men afraid to move for fear some one may disapprove of their Motions. Some of the old board refuse to serve another year, bulk wa hope their places will be filled by-other progressive men who with those re-elected from the old board will tike np and '' carry forward with zeal the work ao nobly began. ; v J.f I'im iii ; mid l'alntlnea .I.oiw Shoeing trive,, '! attention Minciiif; all around jj o . 60 HI III',' liM ; T: Sni: il, 1h re-Hpeclfully !. H. WATKKH. We Are How in Position TO KM, I, ALL IIKiCK OHLKRH. ,,T?..P."ve..-",.!,,: :' M.al to fxchanea lor Cotiiiii , c, Cum in .ot, ,,a Uiiieot rrWv. to exchange if you want W. P. BURRU8 & CO., Commhbion Mr rch.miH ami Grain Dealers Mari.c; I inch . ; w n,. m . ! ii ive the i;:iv;ist sti 'Ti r)i of atclies, Jewelry. Silverwaro and docks, "BARGAIN STORE." janlGdwly the settlement of the French spoliation claims, was made by the Secretary of the Treasury yesterday. It was in favor of Mary Ann bmith, of Philadelphia administratrix of John Smith, Jr., and m nn n fori tn 13 51 fl Mrs. Smith is a lady eighty-nine years ,a 11 INK h I N r. Kill oM vhnan fftthnr .Tnhn .Smith. Jr.. was I a merchant in Baltimore at the close of Button SllOe-Oljera and th lnnr. r.nnturv. and who. with his I x all nioely decorated, and a sermon ap-1 brother, General Samuel Smith, a noted I (QTnm QT1 SGnSG Lasts propriateto the oocasion was proached meuiunr u vudSi) uum luo ishh a a i. in the morning at each one. ' r,ZTW At the Baptist church the exeroiees UhiB appropriation was made, was com were highly entertaining. The floral I manded by John Rogers, then in the itAnr.lmna warn nnf. laviati huf. nlAaa. merchant service and afterwards so ing. At eleven o'clock, the pastor, Rev S!aCUOU8 ia our navy 03 Commodore Rufus Ford, delivered a very able die- The second payment is for 7,000, to course from the text. "Go quiokly and Mrs. Harriet E. Wilder, of Worcester, tell Peter and the disciulei that He is Mass., bIbo in her ninetieth year, whose risen. i e eveumg ey. g. x. ,0(jt TeB8el8 ftnd careoe8 by like oaaer, oi rort earn wen, preaonea an Frenoh depredations excellent sermon on "The vail of the! Two drafts together for $10,000 are to James F. Breuil of Fhiladelphia. grana m l.j.lil. rou ul iranum uieuii. a uicuu xiu a one sermon was biso preaonea at we i .amnnTarv . c,t,nhfin oirard. The Centenary Methodist ehurch by Rav. elder Breuil lost largely by loans to F. M. Bhamburger. of Kinston. The the French Republio which were never it nnnftnii . nmtna ...nni nf reoaid. bs under the act of ioo5 re . . , ... .... . I co very can only be had for illegal uistumwuMiicuuiw. i im, captures and condemnations of neutral plants in niuum at tuis eeasuu iuj nronertv were tastilv arranced and oresented a I Two drafts for $8,777,50 are for Jos Ahavmi'nff annaaperiAa Than 1?aala nf. IT. Brobson. of Philadelphia, grandson vaataa uiiufk uuvaieiuvwt ju uuu tvt vi i , Starr, Jr., of Wilmington. Del. Mr. MemDerS 111 One Week. Drobson s iatoer wan mo imi Do not fall to make your weekly and , L, , . ?rt" o!lna These goods were l.ou.;li for Sl'oi' CASH and will be fo.,1 !,,uei- llian Ihey can bu bought lrom anyolherhoune iu North Carolina! as I em l.ii.y luoro uoiknieii llian all the other i.;,. nlJ coiuoineu. , v. iiik proiupiy ana n.ue run bee uif UrK I llct ll til I can with despatch. jst Btock and lowest W. K EATON'S, Ci jiosito IJHpt-st Cluircli Middle Ht, SALE, EXGHAKGE AND and able advocate for these oases prior to marlad&wtf. W. IS. BOYl, Local Beckktary. feringa at this church aggregated 8431.00, and there are atill other envel opes to be received, which are expected I friend of John M. Clayton, of Delaware, I monthly payments on tomorrow.tbe r.d inst, to considerabl v increase this amount. the n10" cogent The day was much more elaborately Cr"" observed at the Episcopal church than I at the others. The edifice was filled to A SENS1TI0NAL CASE. ita iitmnat nanacitv. Thfl miiniri waa of vii ii .1,- Henderson. N. C. March 26. H. T . i. Iij ij Jenkins, a former resident, Bnd Dan cuuron was uauuouuioiy ueuuratou wmu d.t.ntive. both of At lanta THE UJKITED ORDER OF Fraternal Co-Operation I IN THREE M0HTHS, $56 Profit Upon the Payment of $19.50. Headquarters for Tobacco! My store Is Headouarters for Ttbicc,). I have a tremendous lot of it at Low Prices ! I alsa have In stock a few thousand pounds of flowers banks of them In the windows I qSii were ai rested here yesterday at and the altar abundantly suDnlied. the instanoe of Col. Wm. H. S. Bur, The rector's sermon was from Romans UT". president of the bank of m n ..mi. uiu , j ,. , .. .Henderson, charging them with false 0:9 11. The children' festival whioh . V,,m - v1.it tn waa a choral service throughout, waa Atlanta, and for circulating untrue and in the afternoon. The entire Sunday I damaging reports reflecting upon his aohool, each class with a lovely banner, character, and calculated to injure his containing the name of the class and a " . " in- wag h,ld toda. before suitable motto, formed a procession in Clerk of tbe Court Perry. The trouble tha nhnroh-vard and nreoeded bv one I a-rew out of a aum of money which Col ii.. ..ni. t,..in . h.n.nn.a Burcwvn claims the Henderson To Vti IUD PWUVIHIO lVSIilUj w uwuudvuiv I t t i j , i . floral cross marched in the church to "80 ber Thig Jenkinl theoortion reserved for them at the Mania, and brinca a counter chars-e front. The main feature of the cele-j against Burg wyn, alleging fraud ana i BALL ftiiU ajAla L . ., Hall was in the employment of Jen orown,eaonciasa auppiying b portion kjM workng up tha" CMe. Able of it. Frizes were awarded to a num-1 counsel were employed on both sides, bar of thaoholara for oerfeot recital of I the nlaintiff beinir represented by W o.lR. Henry. A. O. Zolliooffer, W. H. were exceedingly interesting but space forbids onr particularizing, LIVERY. a ?T8r w bn han1 8 larBe lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Also, a fine lot nf Rni,;. tarts and Harness, all of which will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. uon t rail to como and sab him hfn making a trade. Feeding a specialty. nov27 dwtf An UnparaileEed Offer! I'ortlien.j.-.t thirty dajswc will sell SOLID GOLD RIDING UOW FRAMES SPECTACLES Ym'H Fllisr (iL'ALITY LENSES AT .50 Per Pair! BSLL THE JEWELER. As nice as were ever packed In Baltimore. wishing to give my friends and patrons A Chance to Live Coed, I Invite them to come down and get a sup ply at 12 cents per pound. J. F. TAYLOE. R. J. GOODING, fiucceisoi- to K. II. Meadows & Co.. WI10LKSALE ANU KETAIL Corner Pollock and Middle Sts. PROl'KIETOR OP COCHINES COUGH CURE. I'hls preparation contains no opium and la and If It does not ellect a mire after taking one bottle, the money will bo relunded to Ol'Tl.MUaoiXTMKXT for ,. .. ami every Hun trouble """"" 1 Keep every thing in the Drug Line, and a arj?e and well selected stock of Toilet Ar- ...o v,, hub nun rine cut, Bmok n robacco. good, Perlque Tobacco, Imported tigara, an.i 1119 best 5c. and lOo. n ira.V'a In INorlh Carolina. fehu-!2m For Rent. The house on South Kmnt. Btreaf lat.l.. occupied aa Marine Hospital. Apply to Ax K. Dlf4NI80N. The Catholic ohnroh waa alao deco rated for the ocoasion, High mass waa celebrated and an Easter sermon preached by Father t, F. Price. Cheek and J. H. Bridgera, the defen dants by T. T. Hioka of this place, and II. V. Lanier or uxrord. The case was continued, the defendants being held in a bond of $5,000 each, which they have failed to give at thia time. Col, Bnrgwyn gave bond In the aum of 110,000 to answer damages. Just arrived, a new lot ol Children's Suits, from J2.50 to (5.50, and with. each cult we will give A BALL AND BAT. J. M. HOWARD. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castori? mnr2utf. Eor Sale! TheS. H. Gray Mannrnnt.nrinv r. will sell for cash at nublln TfiJ&r?Z.ZiZl ! "tsr. State 7; 01 meir macninery and tools ttieretn. situated In Craven county! For further partlcula s enquire of ouu'' o. ii. ukax, President, Naw Berne, M.C mar2tdl Children Cry for PitcherjDastorIaT

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