aily Jour . If I X VOL. X.-NO. 7. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS t D NAL, r BUSINESS LOCALS. ELM CITY STEAM LAUSDBY just opened by Sing Lea of Norfolk. Aplm SPLIT PEAS, Okra and Tomatoes, Barley , Bago. Lintels, A.. R.JP. Paste, lo uatiop. L F. Souee. Virginia Relish, Caors,Uarry Powder. 0, K. &wvxu. LOST-A $5 00 bill on the street somewhere in the vioinity of the - post-office. The flndr will please leave it at the Jonas office mm v w -w- -.- TTT ANTED A good Boot TT maker at toes. JobuMc: and Shoe- I MC30BLBY. mar2a 1m f ollocK Bt near Middle 4 OfiA ft LBS.' Country Lard at my , UJJJ Stall, lOo. per lb. U.E. Nelson. ROBERTS & BRO. are receiving a Large- Btock of Boots and Bboea, Dry ' Oooda. Urooerle. and Provision!, They buy at headquarters and can give yon Law ., Prloss. au2S NICE lot Refined Mutton Suit in cakes at let, each. 0. E, Nblson. f2Sim J MEW DKTJG STORE. Drugs, Medi JLv lnh and Chemicals, 0. P. Popular froprtetary Medicines. All varieties of ' Druggist's Sundries. Trusses and Braces. Htw crop Garden Seels. tine and Large . Btoek Cigars and Tobacco, all mw. Pre soridtloas accurately compounded (and not at Wab prices), our motto and our-uccess. . U. U. GREEN, Druggist and Apothecary Middle St., four doorafiom Pollock. Jan251y ' THK North Carolina lobacoo f Convention, J. S. Oarr, of Durham, president, is to meet at Henderson ' oa the 18th last. ' So f?r 422 bodies bare been re - covered from the wreck of the immigrant steamship Utopia in -' Gibraltar Bay. By order oi Mayor Grant tie electric light and other wires and pjles are being cat ilovn and re -moved from certain sections of New York. It is very pertinently suggested that while the Italian government is in the recalling business it should recall the Mafia. News and Observer. V ' Winston is pushing the work of mnstrnp.tincr its elaborata Rewerfi . nr ,f A m T'V, A Qrtnfinnl onva O f)it y ' OJOUOUJ. .UOt MDUUIUG1 OiXJ B .TjVVV feet of sewer pipe, of the 20,000 -f:e -in the contract is already down. The Wilmington Messenger says that in the first three months of tho year there were ninety -three , railroad companies chartered in the South. This has a business like aspect. , The cuttlery imports from Sbef- . field fell off to -the amount of ' . 27,000 for the last quarter as y compared with the same period of , last year a decrease of over fifty ' , par cent. This result is attributed to the new tariff law. THE Eepublican party in North Carolina can never succeed while battling for the right of the people to control connty affairs by electing county officers. And this is because the white people will not consent to : a form of connty government which will involve certain counties in a s possibility ; of being controlled by negroes. Greensboro North State. Latterly we have not seen the . uiieign papers. Tbe newspaper ,' "fiend'.' , takes them off before we ean get a glimpse. Wilmington , , Messenger. No one who has not experienced it knows the annoyance 4 It gives an editor to have exchanges s taken from the office. The "news ' paper ; fiend" is a provoker of .profanity, and onght to bs sup- pressed w- More is to be expected in tbe t course of time from the growth 0 , onr white population, undiminished ; by emigration, than . from immigra won, nowever enormont it may - f become, or , wth whatever amount of accumulated wealth it may be acoompanied. The two combined! bowevef, wilt exercise an inflaence , whlchust raise a State like North Carolina tq the very highest pinna cte of material greatness This old Commonwealth, ' which is now no longer losing Us most enereetto and enterprising pirlisbnt, Instead is receiving ; a notable addition from ontside, has t an economic career before It ' which will be marked by cncxanpiea aistinctton ana Bpien dor., . ";' 'V ?':;:---''KK-:-?-v. v t'J Tonrlsts, , Whether on pleasure bent or business, e .ould take on every trip a bottle of I s mp of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly r 1 eleotually on the kidneys, liver and ljt', preventing fevers, headaohes pr 1 c;her forma of slokness. For sale 1 1 13d. and 1 00 bottles by all leading i. rrl8ts. . ,s ; mar31m. -;. , , ; ' -lj r''-:';'f'r:l,-,:h'vl'j- 'V '',v'"l;A".v LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Miss Harrietts Lane Millinery. Churchill & Parker-Look 1 Live! Howard Spring clothing, etc 0. E. Slover-Split peas, eto. Sing Lee Laundry. Isaac H. Smith For the public. Cotton New Berne Market -Salss 83 bales at 7 to 8 85. There will be a meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Devotional committee tonight at 9 o'clock in their rooms. The ladies composing the Sun Beam Society of the Baptist Church will hold a Clipping Party at the Geo. Allen store to-morrow night. mr, u. u. omaw nas purcnasea tne building formerly occupied as the offloe 01 tne uyae steamer line ana is moving u up to tne vacant lot adjoining Hiss lajior s residence for his tlnshop. Sing Lee, a Chinaman, has arrived I here from Norfolk and opened up the I Elm City Steam Laundry. He finds it quite diffioult to make himself under-1 stood, hut ha annnur tn ho ..r. nmir. teous. We have been requosted to state that there, will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. Hall a meet ing of tbe ladies in New Berne to organize a "Woman's Exchange and Iniuettial Training School. ' All ladies interested are respectfully requested to ue present. 1 Mr. O.taviiia fink ( Pii.i.i. ... ..uuOT.c., , oium oavuruay by the Governor. The Governor also appointed Capt. Adam Warner, of Beau fort county, assistant oyster commis sioner. Capt. Warner has been in charge of the patrolmen on the Nellie B. Dey ever siuce they were sent out. Democratic ward committees for the ensuing year have been appointed as follows: First ward, C. Rsizenstein, Chas. Bell and J. C. Green; Second ward, John Dunn, Edw. Gerock, S. W. Small wood; Third ward, Jas. W. Bid die, Sam'l W. Willis and J. W. Smallwood. The committees for the fourth and fifth wards have not yet oeen appoimsa . i At f!hrik r.h,mh n r.j.. tuA rector, Rev. Mr. George, announced to the congregation that he bad after ' i mature deliberation determined not to leave his charge here, and that in doing eo he felt that he was carrying out the will of our Heavenly Father. At the oonolusion of these remarks the organ psalel forth the old familiar "Praise Goi from whom all blessings flow." The choir leading and the whole assetn bly rose to their f oet and sang it in its complete beauty and pathos there were many who could but with difficulty suppress their emotions, the rector him salf not excepted, at this touohing evidenoe of thankfulness on the part of those present. Justices Appointed. The following name Justices of the Peace for Craven county were appointed by the General Assembly at last session, Their term of Offloe commences augusii next. A . . Townships: No. I.E. A. Askins;No. wmuib, hw. o, noa ardson; No. 5, L. W. Gilbert; No. 8,1 James H. Hunter; No. 7, John S. Fisher; No. 8, Edward S. Street; No. 9. L. H. French. Personal. Messrs. T. J. and F. G. Mitchell of Henderson returned home yesterday from a visit to relatives in the city. Mrs. Luoy Portis, who has been visit' intr at Mr. J. J. Ltssiter'a returned tn W hnma at ariiminirtn- The steamer Nens. brought in ItajyE following passengers: Mr. J. H. Brady oi the firm oi iloore & Brady, and Mr. at. maniy returning irom .ouBinesa turning from a Northern business trip, rtnmlmr from a Tiilt tn r.Uti... .t ;; Mrs, M M. Bliss of New York left on e steamer Neuse, returniDg to her the home from Visit to hsr daughter, Mrs. Isaao y Patterson, ; and , Miss Don j-ujho, ut uiunut vara county, one of tha pupils of vVnoe Aosdemy, left in j.... r . . tor ner nomi on acoonst oi the death of h'hlM.S.6Xi,C:Uf-. 1 Col. A, H. Leftwich, President of tha New Berne Gas Light Company, arrived last night on business conneotsd with Utt vonmsiMr.'. X A A vl.. New Bern N. O.. Inrll 6th 1891. ;y We regret to state that by mistake of ours,, tha property of Mr. James Red mond was advertised In the Journal on the 5th Instant for non parment ot taxes. It was dearly an error, , he having paid , his taxes sometime pre vlouj, for whioh we would respectfully apologise. r-Jv'..V'W.B. hum, .v, .' ; Sheriff. Ananal Meeting of the Stock Holders of the Fair Association. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the E. C. F. O. Q. & I. As sociation was held Friday night at the Y. M. 0. A. Hall. Theresas a good representation of our leading citizens present and they showed a strong appreciation of the manage ments and splendid results of the Fair just dosed. In evidence of the fact the present enoombsnta, Meaars Wm. Dunn and Chas. Reizenstein, were enthusiast ioly re-elected President, and Seo. and Treas. the fourth term to those posi tions. The eleotion of other officers was then proceeded with Vice President! Messrs E. H. Mead ows, K. R. Jones and J. A. Richardson Board of Direotors 3. H. Gray. Geo. Henderson. O. N. Ives. Q. H. Roberts. 0. E. Foy, 0. H. Gaion, T. A. Green, r, p. Burrus and Alex Miller Finance Committee Jas. Redmond, f. TJlrioh and W. D. Barrin.ton. Afterwards the following resolution was offered by G. H. Roberts and unanimously adopted Whereas the "East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Assooia tion" has fulfilled the most sanguine hopes of its patronB and friends, having awakened the spirit of enterprise and progress throughout this seotion, and disclosed tho boundless resources of our rivers and seas, as well as the indus trial energy and skill of our people, and whereas the surprising success of this Association has been mainly LV.toTk 0f tbe Association, wiehinii to place opon record Boms evidence or our . . . First, that in tha faithful service of its chief offloer William Dunn".in hit able management of its affairs, his kind and courteous treatment of bothpatreni and strangers, and his annual efforts to bring to the Asooiation every means that sohuld add to its ability and dis play, we haye found a model President. worthy of our conadenoe and deserv ing the sinoeriest tribute of respect that the Association can offer. Second, That our tireless secretary and Treasurer, Charles Keizenstein, is entitled to share largely in the credit of our sucoess. To him we are entitled for the creation of muoh of the life of the Association, the management of its details, and tbe infusion of that nieMAB altMa k(nk ! t 1 A UnwrA and wehereby tender him our gratitude and thanks. Resolved, That these resolutions be siriaA Mfv wha raaAnns rr eet aaannia. tion, and be given to tha press for publication. STONEWALL JACKSON'S LIFE. Mrs. Jackson to Make Arrange ments for the Publication of the Book of Which She is the Author. A book on the Life of Stonewall Jack son, written by his widow, is to be one of the conspicuous publications, of the! present year. mrs. j season nas gone for New York City to arrange for tbe publication of the book. rnrounnoui tne enure noutn, me news that this book is forthcoming will be I hailed with delight. The fame of I Stonewall Jackson as a military leader, I girdles the world. It can be effaced only when history itself dies. Hut, familiar as the world is with Jaokson's military career, it knows but little of his prlrateXife,' and if we understand I Mrs. Jaokson's intentions arignt, the J.. .. All... ... Ia ..11.1 uw..Ku w. . " ' , "li-T 'T";.m; mbraoin. his military career, to make the biography complete, Ex. EARTHS U AliJS Severe Shocks at Quebec nnd Aiong me i. i-nwrence. Quebec. April 2. Last evening a violent earthquake was felt here ana Lawrenoeand extended far Into the back country. News from St. Gabriel oountv. Quebec, and other stations oon firm the faot of the violent shock. parish for several seconds and caused the inhabitants great alarm Good Enough. turned their attention to tbe alien land- I of them. The la w just passed forbids I theoanisition of land by aliens and three years and resident alieos seven I years in which to sell their lands, and orders the lands oonfisoated to the state If not sold before the expiration of I these periods. (Ex.) i . The i Deaths Decreasinff In Num uer. r Cmoiao. ADrU S.-At noon to-day but sixty-five deaths were reoorded at tne neaitn aepanment, aa aia.usv yesterday. s Registrar Tomlinsoa pre- d lots that unless mere is a return oi tne the grip epidemic will soon be a thing horrible weather of the past few weens Of the past. . ' . .. ' Wkea Baby was atek, we gate her Castoria, , "Khn ah. was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Whea she became Mis, the elung to Castoria, Whea ta bad Children, she gave them Castoria, IMMIGRATION. Italy Leading All Other Coun in the Numbers Landing at New York. New Yobs, April 3. -Superintendent of Immigration Weber says the immi gration from Italy is rapidly increasing, and in fact is leading that of all other countries. The fiiures of Maroh are: Italy, 7,869; Germany, 7,087; Great Britain and Ireland, 4 396; Hungary, 8,689; Austria, 3 4S4, and Russia, 2,925. Total 29.833. Sixteen hundred and seven Italians were landed at the Barge office today. MARRIED. In the Episcopal Church at Snow Hill, Tuesday, Maroh 81st, Mr. C. C. Taylor, of Virginia, to Miss Sallie A. Grimsley. Bright's Disease. This insidious ailment, if too long neglected, will undermine the strong est oonstitutiod and bring the victim to a premature grave. Heed the timely warning, and regain health at once by a use of the proper restorative, that great strengtener of the urinary and digestive organs, v. is. a. (Bo tan 10 Blood Balm). David Ruskel, Cullman, Ga., writes1 "I used a hundred dollars worth of medicine for Bright' dieesse, but it did me no good. I then took B. B. B., whioh relieved me. My appetite is restored and I unrinate without pain." J. A. Maddox, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had great trouble in passing urine which was filled with sediments. My back and loins gave me much pain and I lost my appetite, strength and flash. I became nervous and unable to sleep sundly. Twr bottles of B. B. B. gave me entire relief." Thomas Williams, Soddy, Tenn., writes: ' I was troubled with severe kid ney complaint and confined to my bed. Six bottles of B. B. B. made a well man of me." BELL'S HAIR RENEWER AND SCALP CLEANER. testimonials: Durham N. C. Sept. 7th 1883. I have used Prof. Bell's Soalp Cleaner and Hair Purifier and am highly pleased with it. I found that it releaved my head of pain. It is a good thing. Itespeotfully, Mrs. C. W. Westbrook. READ WHAT THE WIFE OF A PROMINENT EDUCATOR HAS SAID. Mr. H. H. Bell has done work for my mother, sisters and myself to our entire satisfaction, and I take great pleasure in reoommending him to the public. Mrs. Dr. Jas. A. Duncan, Front Royal Va. April lath 1883. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This is to certify that I've used "Eureka," Prof. Hector H. Bell's rem edy for dandruff of the soalp and find it entirely satisfactory in effect. I was troubled with diseased scalp for a num ber of years and my head at the present time is free from dandruff, therefore I oheerfully recommend "Eureka" to all sufferers desiring relief from dandruff. I can further say that Prof. Bell has the I reputation of being a perfect gentle-1 mtn. Most Kespeotfully, H. O. Crosby, Plymouth. "When you want a reliable article always go to a reliable House." Oar stock of men's, boys' and' Stirinc nlnf.hintr in now arriring and is the best assorted stock we have had in several vears. Wa have " fnll ofnnL- f nh-ink , ""v, .v Black and Blue fancy Cassimeres ana w orscea, ana some jsiu.uu sun that are worth more money, they are as good as most 12 and 15 dollars suits. Have a fall line of samples from Kogers, Peet & Co. the largest Clothiers inN.Y.and ,f yOU are narci to lit call and see the nnmnlAs. Will cnaranfpie a fit n. n. aaia t nra tn tumlu fre J011 Dny HOWAED. Millinery Opening! and, Summer Goods. lflss HARRIETT K LANE will display an Unusually handsome stock of fine Upring and Bummer Millinery uooas on Thursday. April 9th, to which the Ladles of New Berne and sur rounding oountry are oordially Invited. bhe nopea an win come, wneiner tney Wian to puronase or not. prrPo , T,nw flo f,p Hnfllitv "lCeS aS IjOW as IHG Uailiy of the Goods will Admit. aprTdlw It ' n , i ,i tt I - pnilg UUt AIlOlQer Horse ! KanuoipnBwten i iiaae H." Bmith. i For the Public I Randolph Buten claims that t should pay - a.- . 5ianottign a esrtaln mortgage; Tt is true that he was npon my amaavit in custody for wo .f, , ZlultSJ door on the 4th day bf May, 1891, to a sale. . 1 las PUDIII .auuia I The pobiie should know that the propertr I tn question Is sold subject to mortgages and I Interest amounting to seven thousand five I hundred dollars, and a prior judgment of n sold me a shop, but 1 ituree nunarea ma n lis true. Martha Pate I told the shop for four dollars and fifty ctnts i ana save in money io tne unuren militant i. . . . .. ... i long ago. iown one-uitu interest pa me This m HtBtm owes me one hundred a -,.nt.v- au. . 7 xonauieeina a ciumsy aiepnani coma leap over wi raoino ocean easier man I ataUn ean get one eent from tha judjrmeuV aputs . ' s, -c w&au a, rnuixa. LOOK! LIVE! AND SAVE YOUR MONEY By Dealicg With Us ! We hava just bad a lot of new stables built In the rear of our store which offer free to the trade, generally, an. a '. we ask. to convince you ibat we can bed you goods cheaper than any house In the city, is to Give Us a Trial. We are doing our own work aud can afford to sell cheaper tnanany one else. Don't fail to give us a trial. -We are catering for the couuiry trado. Ilithest Prices Paid for Country Produce. -Brtng your Chickens and Ef gj to us. Very Respectfully, Churchill & Parker, Broad 8t , 1st door East of Railroad. aprTdltwOm. Very Mynterlously Disappeared. A.nd where lie has gone no one can tell. The question wss often asked yesterday. Have you seen him today ? 1 he answer was no. une mercnani remarked to anotber that be saw him board the western bound train about H o'clock. Just as 1 expected, said the brother merchant, I thought It wa get ting time for him to buy Borne bankrupt stock out at 10c, 5'Je. or ti')ie. on the dollar, uu l win ubv my wmne hiock or goods that me next, ume you near nom htm he will tuin up In Kalelgb or some other large town with a stock bought, at Mc. on th ilollar. Did you notice tbe little pamphl, t lately Issued by tbe Kast Carolina Fish, Uyster. Game and Industrial Association? I was at tracted by a pecullaranumuieementon pnge 16 which refers to some fellow whom they choose to Identity as "Big Ike." What does It all mean? Who is he, and what Is bis name? There seems to be a lot of solid truths in what they say about him, but at the same time the article was evidently written In a spirit of malice Who was the merchant that wrote the article? Any time you can get any light on the sul.lact, ploaie letme know aud I will very mmli appre ciate it. Good morning, Joues. Proposals for furnlsblne sIiId rhamliiTv. rations, and coal for revenue veesel. Cimtoin House, New Heme. N. C, Collector's ( nice April 4tb, 1891. Mealed proposa's will be re ceived at this oflHe until 2 o'clock n m ,,! Tuesday, April Hth, IN91, for supplying shin chandlery, rations, and coal for tho vessels I of the U. 8. Revenue-Cutter Service in this collection district during the fiscal vnar endljg June 30, 1KU2 The coal furnished to be anthracite or bituminous, as may be re quired, of best quality, uniform in characlei; to weigh 2,210 pounds to the ton: to be de livered on board the vessels at such times ana in sucn quantities as required at local ities reaony accessible to said vessels, and to be subleot to inspection as to oualli v mni weight. Bidders will name the prices for both steaming and stove coal, and also their facilities lor furnishing tbe vessels with fresh water, and their charges therefor The right la reserved lo relect anv or mi bids, bohedules of ship chandlery can be bad oy application 10 una omcc. Kohehi Hancock, j r , collector. CFEASTER IS OVERf BUT Barrington & Baxter CONTINUED TO SELL Children's Jersey Suits At Prices to Suit Purchasers. -O- ALSO A FINE LINE OF Youth's Spring Suits. ;f -ANOTHER SUPPLY OF Ziegler Shoes, Call and see us and be suited. HOUSE FOR SALE A Bargain! A Three Story Brick Store and Dwel- iiuga wibu bwu uiiUrj roar cjLiouDiuu. uu i Craven street. inn. w uaiauuo iu uve fl . AeftA A A .1. . I C I Inotes, to run 1, 2, 8. 4 and o years res- rr.iVnri bearing 6 per cent, interest. Apply to jan24 lstp R. O. E. LODGE. A FULL LINE OF Heating and Cooking Stoves AT 1. 1!. Culler & Co. For Rent. The house On Bouth Front street lately occupieu as marine uospitai, Apply to maraiu. a. it. .umiNmauCT. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 1 The average boy is a natural aatraorA. 'I'hnf. in whir hn ta .n linn little-ihaver. beinsinthe barbaronu . ..... I , -"jv-v-w ChlldrenJryJor.Pjtcb t if An Ideal of Perfection Realized. WE CLAIM OUR "ALDINE" S2.oo LADIES BUTTON SHOE TO BE A STEP IX ADVANCE OF ANY SHOE EVER BEFORE OFFERED for the same money. It is equal iu quality to any $3.00 shoe in this city. .bargain Store. $100 REWARD ! I h ive t ne largest stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks, In Eastern Norili Carolina. There goods were bought lor spor CASH and will be sold lower Ui:in thev can bi bought frou any other house iu North Carolina, as I em ploy more woiEineu than all tbe other watchmakers m me cilv combined. lean do your v. ork pnruply ami with despatch, tome and seo Hie largest stock and lowest prices at SAM. K EATON'S, Opivrsito nnptist church Middle bt. J. TAYLOft ANOTHER m mm I'OrXDS NOW OX THE WAY. BAEUKLS XiCE I-MIKSH 1LOUK NOW IN STOCK ALSO. A TinTXDFIJWrt sit; lot '' coitek luirr.HT iitst BEI'OKi tii;: IMSE, l'Oli SALE LOWEi; THAN IT CAN DE OBTAINED LSEWHEUK. Co'.intrv Meii'bnm." :,,ni m . CjiUearlyad lay ma big supply." ",te'tslB- R. J. GOODING, Biiccotsor to E, H. Meadows & Co.. YiiujJ!-.:-(Ai.j-; AND KETAlJj Corner Policck andMirlrllfiRf-. l'KOPKIETOR OF COC1IINES COUGH f!TTR.nv This preparation contains - . , i,,m ., acrtaln cure for duello, l.oxrsenesa An one bottle, tho money will be rfifnnrtH t! purctinser. omMUS OiNTMKNT.for chapped hand, and every skin trouble laeepeverything in tho Drug Line, and arge and well selec ted stock of Toilet Ar- It 1'erfumes. ChamoU f .Ur 1 r,,,lleB. etc. A cotnp ete stock ot I'atent and I'roptietary Medicines. C ew- 8 Jooacco, i-ii,g aud Fine Cut. Smbi lobacco, (rood. I'erluue Tnlinmi l ...!; 'Igars, an . tho best 5c. aud lUc. iMiErVin Sortli Curollna. febll-2m THE UNITED ORDER OF $ raima! Go-Operation IN THREE M0HTHS. 5Jdu Front Upon the Payment of $19.rtO. Members in One Week. Do not fall to make your weekly and monthly payment, on toaorrow.the 23d lnst. VV. It. BOYD, marlod&wtf. Local 8eci:ktaht. An Unparalleled Offer! lur Hie next filitj- days we will sell SOLID GOLD RIDING BOW FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH F1KST QUALITY LENBSR T $2.50 Per Pair! BELL TEE JEWELER. In latest styles ANCHOR BRAND SHIRTS; CIlbKs, and COLLARS. Ann TJimr.Tm v OU1INO SHIRTS. NKCKWEAR. NEW SPRING- GOODS Arriving every day. Come and call on hs before buying elsewhere I have the agency tor one of the largest Chicago merchant Tailoring Establishments. and am able to furnish rou new style I clothing HADE TO ORDER. and of best imported fabrics, almost as loW as buying them ready made. Come and look over our samples. W. H. COHEN, The Red Star Clothier, luiiuur. BXXSBJtST, Nk?TkTI0T.i,i:'Albkbt' NkwBkbiw, XT.0. a v .-u Uk it i I The B. H. Grnv MfttinfAAtnptns will sell lor cash at puullo auction aithe aieo' in Craven county, Btatei iJSSSiJSSS "- ..,7.-'-..c-:"r: -- u" ware Mill with all oi their msoolnery and tools therein, situated tn Craven oountv. . B, U. URAY, President, i . Hew Berne, .fj, mar24td 1'-::' ;.-t'i'!.