A MAHUFACTUEEES 0 TAKE MQTIOE A Send vlb a list of your Stock on hand of Pine, Ash and Poplar, Or write to Tjnmh tSs Boll, ONE BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK, and we will tell you what dimensions to cut, and quote you net cash prices for same. n92m B LIVERY and SALE STABLES. 3V. ZKJkJEZISr dh OCX M o o CQ bo u n 03 03 09 Call andlexamino our stock whicli is k o i Yeung Western Horses mid Mules. Also, large lot Buggies (top and open), Road Carts, Harms?, Whips, Robes and Horse Blankets constantly on hand at Rock liottcm Prices. We make our Livery a specialty. Sinplo or double turn-outs can bo had at a'l hours Every thing we sell is guaranteed as represented. Livery superintended by K. DENMARK. Call and See XJs. New StoGk Constantly Arriving Which will be sold very low for Cash or Negotiable Paper. Also, a very large supply of Buggies, Road Carts, Farm Carts, Harness, Blankets, Robes, Whips, etc., constantly Son' hand, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. EVERTHING STRICTLY GUARANTEED as REPRESENTED T. "W. STEWART, ocl9dwtf Are You SaviDg Any Money As the Days Go By? SIX dollari per mouth saved and In month ly payments to the COVENANT BU1LGING ND LOAN ASSOCIATION . Will carry 11,000 stock and will pay you $1,000 IN 83 MONTHS! Thus yon have saved up f'm In small amounts, and that has earned you f IH2. making 81,00(1 In all. Twenty shares, or $'2,00t) Stock, costs $12 per month, and 5 shares, or $5U0stock,t3permontli. Cau you afford to neglect It longer? A3 an investment It offers you Absolute Security With 38 to 30 per cent. Interest. All the money paid in at New Berne will he loaneu here. Why will yon pay rent all your lives when by going Into the Asioclatlon they will loan you money to build with and let yon way It back In monthly payments equal to what you have to pay for rent now, for Which yon Ret no return. Loans cost only about b'i per cent. JfiD. GEItOOK, President. JOS. COM EN, Vice " W. B. BOYD, See & Treas. ' V. II. PELLE Tl EK, Att'y. l5.W.f!AHPENTEK, L.W.WALLSAU, K.P.ROWH, Directors, rcarltf. E.DANENBDRO, I JC.H.HOLTAN, ) Kf For information apply to Directors. 250 Barrels Ptill Weight Mess Pork To be sold at ; Rock Bottom Prices. Agency for Horsford Bread Preparation, Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co , WEOLESAIiB GEOOEE, r , HTDDIiB STBEET, . - KEW BEBNK. N. O. Children Cry forPitclierV Castorfe ma b L 0 8 o rquenlsliod w i t li A FULL LINE OF Heating and Cooking Stoves AT L. H. Cutler & Go. NOVELTIES In latest styles ANCHOR BRAND BHIRT8. CUKES, and COLL ABU, fine NEGLIOlfc OUriNG BHIRTS, NECKWEAR. NEW SPRING GOODS Arriving every day. Come and oall on us before buying elsewhere. I have the agenov lor one oi tne largest unicago merchant Tailoring Establishments, and am able to furnish yon new style clothing MADE TO ORDER, and of best Imported fabrics, almost as low as buying them ready made. Come and look over our samples. W. H. COHEN, Tho Red Star Clothier. MIDDLE STREET. Nrr to Hotel Aldeht, Nbw Bibkx, N. 0. feblMAwtf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. -- line SeLct'on of THE JOURNAL. In Thursday's elections in Ger many for the fieichatag, Prince Bismarck failed of an election. A second election will be held, bat whether the Prince will be a can didate is not announced. In the district in which he ran he received the largest vote, bnt lacked a thonsand of the required majority .A Beelin dispatch, April 16, sa j a that Lieat. Powhattaa II Clarke, of the Tenth United States Oaralry, baa been detailed to serve with the Westphalian Hassor Kegi ment. This is the first instance of a United States Army officer being detailed to serve in a German regi ment, and the incident shows the cordial friendship existing between the two countries. Investigating: the Dictator Wreck Drink water (.'ensured. Washington, D. C, April 13. Lieutenant T. D. Walker. Assistant Inspector of the life saving service in his report of the wreck of the Norwegian bark Dictator, near Sea Tack Life Saving Station, Va., made to Superintendent Kimball, cen sures Keeper Ed. Drinkwater, in charge of the station, for lailure to employ the life car for the rescue of the imperilled people. Tho Dic tator was wrecked March 27tb, and had on board 17 people, of whom seven were lost, including the cap tain wife and child. Lieutenant Walker thinks t hat if Keeper Drinkwater had used the life car there is reason to believe that all might have been saved. In not doing this Keeper Drinkwater failed in his duty. "The life car says Lieutenant Walker, " is not an ornamental adjunct; it is for use and if ever there was an 'occasion which demanded its u?e, this was one. A Desperate Battle Fotizlit in Chili. Paris. April 15, Despatches re ceived here from Chili state that a desperate battle resultiug in a vic tory for the Chilian insurgents, has been fought at Capiapo (or San Francisco Do Silva, at. it is also known) the capital of the province of Atacama, thirty miles from the sea- Only meagre details of the battle are given, which say that the" insurgents after a long and deter mined struggle, defeated with heavy loss a force of 5,000 President Dal- macada's troops Despatches which are supposed to originate from an insurgent source adds that the in surgent army is increasing steadily in strength and that it intends shortly to march upon tho capital, Santiago De Chili, as well as upon Valparaso, the principal port of Chili. LEMON HOI' 1)11013. For coughs and colds, tako Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchiiic, tako Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung disoaocs, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists. 25 cents por bot, tie. Prepared by H. Mezley, M. D. Atlanta, Oa. LEMON ELIXIR. Its Wonderful Effect on tli, Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidney,;and Ulood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion, Headache, Malaria, Kidney DiS' ease. Dizziness, Colds, Lots of Appetite, f evers. (Jbilla, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first greate caus of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents end one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. The Emancipation of Woman. What a chango has taken place in the married woman's legal status since the days of Black stone, when she could hold no prop erty without the intervention of trustees, when all she was possess ed of became her husband's by the act ol marriage and when the law gave him the glorious privilege of beating her at his discretion with a stick which should not, such was the mercy of the common law, be thicker than bis thumb. ADV1CB TO MOTHERS. Mrs. "Wikblow's Soothino Strop should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottlo. jaly Banding for War Paris, April 14. It is annonced here to day in high official circles that Germany is exercising her best diplomatic talent in the work of forming a coalition against France, evidently with an intention of again crossing tne ithine. ' Tor Sale. Two Twin Reversible Engines 1280 new cylinders; baianoe in good oraer. - ' jameb kedmoi?d, , ', PVVI t A Idas. i1 Ob JLi At D, O. VJ Jul la the Hick of Tim. ; Seven studenta ol tha school at FarmersTille, Stanley county, went to the Yadkin last Satarday.to en joy a day fishing. They got a boat and landed on a little rocky island about a mile above the narrows. By some accident the boat got adrift and passed through the nar rows, leaving the boys high and dry on the rocks. Shortly after that the river began to rise rapidly, and several of the boys attempted to swim ashore bnt had to retnrn. They spent the night on the rocks and by morning the water had ris en to their waists. Snnday morn ing hundreds of people congregated an the banks and watched with an xiety the perilous situation of the boys. Finally with great difficulty a boat was found and the rescue made when the river bad reached their necks. In five minutes more they would have been washed from their moorings. Each was clinging to the other for support. In this can- dition the result can easily be an stood had not the boat arrived just when it did. Horseradish a Cure for The Grip. A week or two ago a lady of this city wrote a note to the Tribune re commending the nse of horseradish as a means of alleviating the mis eries of the grip, if not effecting a thorough cure. Several instances in which this suggestion was acted upon with strikingly favorable re sults have come to the knowledge of the Tribune. Ordinary grated horseradish, eaten at frequent inter vals during the day and in connec tion with food at the table, if lood is eaten at all, has been found re markably efficacious in banishing the distressing cough that frequent ly lingers after all the other symp toms of the grip have gone. It can do no harm to try it, at all events. The bumble bnt pungent horseradish must have been made for some good use. Chicago Tribune This world is so planned that a man can do moro for himself by doing his full share for God. He can accomplish more, for example, in his daily business in six days than he could in seven if the sev enth day be devoted to rest and worship. Nmetenths of his income will be a surer support lo him than ten-tenths would prove-if the other tenth be religiously devoted to God's service. The world's ad age, "prayer and provender hinder no man," has its basis in this truth- The one portion of a man's duty that can least safely be neglected by him is the portion that belongs distinctively to God. II. Clay Trumbull, D.D. Chained to the Koclc Promtheeus was chained to tho rock while vultures gnawed his entrails. So are many people chained to the rock of prejudice while all manner of violent medicines inflict injury upon the sen. eitive lining of the stomach and intes tines. They are apparently immovable in the belief that to experience benefit tbey must keep dosing with drastic medicines. Unless the action of these is powerful and excessive, they are not satisfied. They would distrust a remedy or gentle action, however ef fective. It is not by such purblined extremists as thee? hat the acknowl edged merits of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are recognized. That benign regulator of the stomach, the bowels and the kidneys appeals to the rational not only appeals, but is awarded a just valuation. Constipation, liver complaint, dyspepsia and kidney troubles yield to its aotion. So also do malaria and rheumatism. The Manipurig Defeated by the British. Calcutta, April 16. A dispatch from liangoon states that Presgrave who was reported to have reinfor ced Lieutenant Grant at Fort The bar, has met and defeated a force of 300 Manipuris. Captain Pres grave's mounted infantry detach ment pursued the Manipuris after their repulse and killed fifty of them. There was no loss of life on the British side. Electric Bitters. Thii remedy is becoming so well known aid so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicino does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and Kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from tho system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters . Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50o. and $1.00 per Dottle at i . M. uutty s drug store. In 1800 Charlotte contained G5 free persons and 56 slaves It had a court house and a jail. In 1792 Wilmington had about 1,100 inhab itants, according to Gen. George Washington's diary or itiierary. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been under tbe care of two prominent physi cians, and used tneir treatment until he was not able to get around. They pro nounced his case to be. Consumption and incurable, tie was persuaded to try Vt, King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that he wis much better; he oontlnued to nse it and is today eo joying good health. . If you have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction.; Trial bottle freo tf . a. uasr drug iwt..Wi w How are tne Folk? ' 'Oh, they're all well exceot Mother. he's about the same. Poor Mother, ' worn out by household cares, exposure I and overwork. No wonder eh gives up at lait and takes to her bed. But ob! how mueh brighter the family I fireside would be if mother's chair was ' not vacant. The doctors don't seem to ' be doing her any good. She says their medioines don't seem to so to the spot. 1 She feels so weak and !ons for strength. "Oh! give me strength," she ' murmurs. Why not n've her the rem-! edy her system craves? Her impover- j ished blood and shattered nerves are ' starving for just such ingredients as are contained in B. B. B. (Botanic! Blood Balm). Then try a bottle of this j excellent remedy. It is truly woman's best friend. It quickly relieves pain ' and restores health, strength and func-1 tional regularity. James W. Lancaster, Hawkinsville, Ga., writes: "My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and as many more dillerent patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B has cured ber." I For sale at wholesale by F. S. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. I "There's a place for you. Bill," said the tramp, laving down his newspaper. "What is it T" "An actress advertises for a walk ing gentleman. You've had a pile of experience." BUCKLEY'S AHS1CA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Bheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required . It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For gale in Newbern by V. 8. Dully, wholesale and retail druggist. Furniture ! Furniture ! Furniture ! One of the Largest Stocks In Eastern North Carolina. Ooinplete in Every Departm't Also, we row have the Agency fir the celebrated WHKELKK 4 W1L.HON and STANDARD HEWING MACHINES. Tbey are the latest Improved Light Kunninand are unsurpassed by any machine ever p aced In this market. apl2Jwtf JOHN SUTER. An Unparalleled Offer! 1 or tho next thirty days we will eell SOLID GOLD HIDING BOW FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH Fl 113 T 'QUALITY LEN8H3 AT $2.50 Per Pair! BELL THE JEWELER. OLD BOUOfS Steamship Company SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. rhe Old Dominion Eteamehlp Con paay'a Old and Favorite Wmter Kout. via Albamarlo cad Vhoaapeak Canal. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, Phila delphia, Boston, Provtdenc. and Washington City. And all points, North, East and West On and after TUESDAY, AIUIIL Uth, lSil until farther notice, th Sterner HEWEERNE, Gapt. Sonthgate, Will sail from Norfolk, Va., for New Berne, N. ()., direct, every Monday and Thursday, making clOBe connection with the A. & N, U. K. H. lor all stations on that road, and with the Hteameri Kluston and Howard for Klneton, Trenton, and all other landings on the Neuse and Trent Elvers. Returning, will sail HOM NEW BERNE, FOK NORFOLK direct, at 2 p. m , Tuesdays and Fridays making connection with the O. D. 8. 8. Co.'s ships for New York, B. 8. P. Co.'s steamers for Baltimore; Clyde Line Ships for Philadelphia, M. & M. T. Co.'s ships for Boston and Provide! ce. Bteamer Ktnston, Cnpt. Elxon, will sail for Kluston on arrival of steamer New berne. Order all goods oar of O.D. a. 8. Co.. Nor folk. Va. Passengers will Had a good table, comfort able rooms, and every oourtesy and otten t on will bo paid thum by the office. ;K. B. ROBERTS, Autnt. KIOSKS. CULPEPPER TURNER, Agents, Norfolk, Va. '. 11 STANFORD. Vloe-President. New York City. $100 REWARD ! I have the largest stock of Watches, Jew8lry, Silverware and Clocks, In Eastern North Carolina. These goods were bought for BHOl' CASH and will be sold lower than they oan be bought from any other house lu North Carolina, as I em ploy more workmen than all tbe other watchmakers In the city combined. lean doyonrwork promply and with despatch. Come and see the largest stock and lowest prices at SAM. K EATON'S, Opposite Baptist Church Middle St. SALE, EXCHANGE AND LIVERY. Has now on hand a large lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Also, s fine lot of Buggies, Road Carts and Harness, all of. which will bo sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Don't fail to coma and seo him before making; a trade, - Feeding a specialty. . nov27 dwtf EXECUTOR'S SALE. 1 will sell at nubile auction at the wharf of Mrs. M. B. Ellis at Union Point In the city of Newborn, on Monday, April 37to, 18i, at 12 o'olook, M. the Schooner Melvln, her taokle, apparel etc. Terms of sale Credit of Six Months with Approvsd 8onrlty, K. P. . ELLIS, txmutxttof JCIUah Ellis. dto'd.' OLABlt A olabk, Attorneys. - Children Cry for. Pitcher's Castoria? MUtm "1 Nature should ne . TAnt ' "v assisted in ths the heaviness ot ; the sluggish winter .circulation of the blood. Nothing does it so well, so prompt or so safely Jas Swift's Speciflc. I have used S. S. 8. for a number of ;' 3ars, and consider it the best tonic and l,lood remedy that I ever used. In fact '. rvould not attempt to enter upon a .s'Aring cr summer in this climate with eut it. H. W. CoLSMAir, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., Dade City, Fla. Our bock On Blood and Skin Diseases 'Jia'led free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. : "EXECUTOE'S sale. STATE OK NORTH CAKOL1NA; Cra vt n Cou nt j-. RANDALL 8TAT0N vs. ISAAC H. SMITH. In obeill 'lice to an execution In my hands Issued In the above named action, 1 will sell for cash at public auction at the Ojurt House In New Kerne, In said county, on Monday the 4th day of May, A. D, 1MI1. all the right, title, Interest and estate of the said Istao H. smith in the following described real and personal estate, t i-wil: tine house and lot oituated on the South s'deof Jolirsou strict In the city of New iierne, N. c , where suld issao H. Smltn no resides, luljoinln the lots of Kdward Richardson and oilutrs mlly detorlbed In a ct'rUlu Deed from ( lnr T Justice to Isaac li. Smith, recorded In Craven County ..ccordK, Rook No. !).', folios (i.t and S4, to vihtcli lefcieuoo Is had tor a mere foil de scription. '1 be upper part nf the house and lot, being pito mi .no ,m, situated on tne W estern Side of Mludle Btreet In the city of New Kerne, N. C, fully described In a cer tain Deed from Mayer Hahn to Isaac H, smith, recorded In ;ravcu County Records, Hook ro. ill, folio 488, to which reference la had tor a more complete description. The buildings and Improvements on W' at str et in t lie city of New Berne. N. C, on the land of K. M. Forbes, adjoining the let and premises of ifollister West and Hnsan WlilllleM. One frame house on Queen street In the city of.New Berne, and also one building known as shop lit on leased land being tame described In bill of sale from Martha l'ste to Uaao H. Smith, recorded In the Records of Craven County, Bcok No. 96, folio 111), to which reference Is had. W. H. LANK, Sheriff. Bring Out Another Horse I Randolph Staten For the Public. Isaac II. hmiih. ) Randolph Staten claimB that I should pay him thirteen hundred dollars for two boars of bis time. For falsely swearing that he did not sign a csttain mortgage; it Is true that hewHs i pon icy allidavitin custody for two houis. Mr Editor. I notice throrgh your paper that the public is Invited to the Court Jbouse door on the 1th day or May. 1891, toa sale. The public should know mat the property in question is sol 1 subject to mortgage ana Interest amounting to seven thousand five hundred dollars, nu t a prior Judgment f three hundred and tweuls-iwo dollars. It is true, Marlha 1'ats Mild me a shop, bnt I sold tbe ehop for four dollars ard fifty cents and save the money to the Church Militant long ago. 1 own one-fifth interest,,ln the house en West street. This mill staten owes run ono hundred and twenty-five dollars. You all see tlia a clumsy elephant could leap over the 'ncillc oeean easier than taten can gel one cent noni tne juugmeut apr7-lt ISAAC H. SMITH. Very Mysteriously Disappeared And where lie has none no one can tell. Tue question was often asked yeBterday, Have you teen him ioda? 'J he answer was no, One merchant remarked to another that he sw him hoard the western bound train noout h't o'clock. Just as I expected, said the brother mercnani. i mougni li war gei tlner time for him in buy some bankrupt eto'-tc out at idc , 'Ma. or i.i!..e. on tbe dollar, and I will bet my whole stock of goods that the next time you hear from him ne will turn up In Kaleluh or some other large town with a stock bought nt bile, on the dollar. Did you notice the little pamphlet lately Issued by ifco East Caiollua Fish, Oyster, (lame and Industrial Association? I was at tracted by a peculiar announcement on page Hi which refers to some fellow whom they choose to Ideality as "Big Ike." What does It all menu? Who is he, and what Is bis name? There seems to be a lot of solid truths In whil tbey say about htm, but at the same time the artlele was evidently written In a soirit of malice Who was tbe merchant that wrote the article? Any time you can get any light on the subject, pleat let me know and I will very much appre ciate It. Good mom lug, Jones. J. F. TAYLOR HAS ANOTHER Big Drive in Tobacco. POUNDS NOW OK THE WAY. BARRELS NICE FRESH FLOUR NOW IN STOCK. ALSO, A THUNDERING 13ia LOT OF COFFEE, BOUGHT JUST BEFORE THE RISE, FOR SALE LOWER THAN IT CAN BE OBTAINED ELSEWHERE. Country Merchants, loolc to your Interests. Call early and lay in a hit; supply. Just Received Zob Vance Cora S tellers, Cox Cotton Planters, Spangler Guano Sowers,, Iron Agricul tural Cultivators, Iron and Wood Harrows, Centennial and Keystone Planters, Cotton and Turn Plows of every description Castings, &c and Agricultural Implementsi and . a full line of Harrows always on hand. Call and see us, or send for prices. ; -t J. C. Whitty & Co.V Cor. Graven Bnd South Front Sts., oc29 wtf New Berne, N. C. THE TOITED ORDER Fraternal Go-Operation F f g Kit -1 j , SPRING. IN THREE MONTHS, $56 Profit : ;i; " Upon the Payment of $19, 50 fj Members in Ono Week.. 1 Do not -fall -to make your weekly monthly payments on tomorrow.tlie 23d an Inst W. It. BOYD, hOUL BE0KITABT, . Harl5iWlNf. " 'Vs .. .:! . WV.. tj;V Mifii-V ' ?- ".Hi r,r