Daily OURNAL. VOL, X.--NO. 47. NEW BEKNE, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. i BUSINESS LOCALS. JU3T RECEIVED A choloe lot of north Carolina Ham,. We (tilth, bit bulr cured Hmi In the Market. Bntler noh, batter In th, irkettrct from the Craamery, 80 cents per pound. Breakfast BaooD. 10 rents per pound. mijBdtf J. J. Toisok. GHUROHILL & PARKER AHEAD I Extra Fancy Elgin Creamy Butter, 80o. per lb. 80 lw JW. STEWART has a large supply of Buggies, Randolph make, on hand. mayl5dwtf CUMMER SPECIALTIES I -Lightning O lea uream Freeiers, oomblned Chair and Step Ladders, Balloon Fly Traps, Wire Gauze fioars. Game Wire for Window goreens, and a full Hue of Hardware, etc., at mayUdtf J. O. Whitty A Oo. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. A, Kxeontor, of C. E. Thomaa.deoeased, wo offer for alo, for i-aah, tb UweUlns: House. LioU. eto , at Morehead City, n. o , well known a, the "Dill House," near the A. A 0. R. R. and the Atlantic Hotel. The home la conveniently located and la a dealrable reeldenoe either for the snmrner month, or a, a permanent residence. pply at one, for term,, eto., to 0. R. and James Thomas, Executor,, mayvdlm New Berne, N. 0. JTJ3T RECEIVED. Paris Green for Killing PoUto Bugs, at J. C. Whitty & Co s. COOLSODA WATER dispensed day Jor night at Palmer's Soda Fount Hotel Albert. tf AROTIC 80DA and Mineral Water at Sam'l B. Waters. NOTICE. Don't forget the fact that wo are Agent, for 81 OCRS" "DIADEM," the belt Flour In the market for the price. We have on hand a large stook of West India Molasies. We also Keep a toll line of Boot, and Hhoes direct from the Factories. AIM Snuff and Tobacco, Grooerle, and Pro Visions. Call In and we will give you our price,. ROBJSltTa BRO. EW DhUQ ST0RE.-Drugs. Medi- Gen. William H. Forney. Jhn H. Ferney waa never in Congress; William II. baa been for quarter of a centnry. Political interest now centers in the Peoples' Party, inaugurated by tbe late Cincinnati convention. The flag of tbe new party is op, and its followers are showing boundless enthusiasm. The plat form is a popular one, much of it being Democratic. It declares that the right to make and issue money is a sovereign power to be maintained by the people for the common benefit. It demands the free and nnlimited coinage of sil ver: the passage oflaws prohibiting alien ownership of land: equal rights to all, special privileges to none: that all revenues shall be mited to the necessary expenses of the Government, economically and honestly administered: a just and equitable system of graduated tax on incomes: national control and supervision of the means of public communication and trans portation: the election of President, Vice President and United States Senators by a direct vote of the people. N Hranrlaun Medicines. All varieties OI Druggist's Sundries. Trusses and Braces. New erop Garden Seeds, r'lne and Large Block Oigrs and Tobacco, all. mew. Pre acrlptlon, accurately compounded (and not at WaB prices), our motto and our Micoess. O. 0. GKKEN, Druggist and Apothecary. Middle at., four doorsfiom Pollock. Ian2a ly Will oil and water mix? How about the Cincinnati alchemy 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Targain Store Ribbons. J. J. Tolson Just received. Howard Are you grieving a ill. Latham & Burrus Country chants, etc. OUR Mary Jane says it is always the third party that spoils things. Third parties always were and always will be distasteful to the first and second parties. A PEOPLE'S Party 1 Something for everybody. A kind of "forty acres and a mule" arangement. Backup your city government. A man who won't stand by his home don't deserve to have a home. A movement is on foot to build a Preseyterian church at Pollocksville. The Qoldsboro School Decennial cele bration has been postponed to a later has been to some of them extended to lato. an unusual Deriud. There will be service at Christ Church Then 'be present Council his exceed- tonight at half past eight o'clock, when ed al that have gone beford it in the the rite of Confirmation will be admin- persons of tho younger clergy. Promi iktered by Rt. Rev, Bishop Watson. nent among tbesu are Revs. Drane i The colored man. Frank Jones, whose StranK. George. Arnold, UukIios, At death bv accident we mentinnfld vestnr- Kla80n anQ rneips. IN Eobeson court a true bill has been found against D. A. MoDou- gal for the murder of bis nncle Simeon Conoly. It is a picturesque if not a prac tical plan ttfat of gathering into a new party all of the kickers from both of the old ones. THE Secretary of War has made allotments of money to several States for the use of the militia, this State receiving $10,135. The way to harmonize is to take the discordant elements of severa parties and fuse them into one har monious whole. Progress ! It is now reported that Com mis sioner Eaum will tender his resignation to the President and be succeeded by Ex Governor Deayer of Pennsylvania. L. L. Polk had his head on when he opposed the present formation of a new party. President Polk is a true Alliance man, but he is no going to forget that he is a Demo orat, a Southerner and a North Carolinian. LOCAL NEWS. Reconnoitring for the If. W. & C. B. A party of gentlemen came in last night and are slopping at the Hotel Albert, who aie taking a tour of ob servation through the territory in which the Norfolk, Wilmington & Charleston Railroad, for which the last Legislature granted a charter, is to be built. Tbe party consists of Mr. A. S. Cadwallader, a prominent business man of Philadelphia, Major Jno. Runk of Philadelphia, who is chief engineer of the road, Mr. F. L. Pittman. who was formerly chief engineer of the Wilmington & Onslow road, and Mr. W.D.Pender of Norfolk, iformerly of Tarboro, who is attorney for the road. The gentlemen drove through the following country: From Tarboro to Greenville (which was the point that the reconnorteriog for tho road really began) from Greenville cn to Snow Ilill, Kinston, Pink mil, Hawlesville, Burgaw and Point Castle, then by rail to Wilmington and back to Burgaw by rail. Then they drove over to Kich lands. Comfort, Trenton and Coro Creek' and then on to New Berne by rail. Their intention was to leave here this morning but we hope they will recon sider the matter ond tarry here long enough to mingle with our ablest busi ness men and largest truckers and in vestigate to some extent our imports and exports, lumber intereats, trucking industries etc. We feel Beamed that the knowledge thus gained would be profitable to them and would redound also to the best interests of Now !?rne. - Personnel of the Council. The body is one of fino .appearanco. both of clergy and lay dolegate. Coa spicuoua among the clergy are tho ven erable Revs. E. M. Forbes, N. (J. Hughes, J. C. Huske and Luther Eborn These are familiar faces to all who have been in attendance upon the Counoils of the church for the last twenty-five years. Truly veterans they are, and a life devoted to their Muster's service DIOCESE OF EAST CAROLINA. Eighth Annual Council J . a a i a a uay, was siuea oy one or the main booms of the hois ter breaking. It struck him on the head killing him instantly. G. S. Palmer, New York, yesterday sent the following truok quotations: N. C. cabbage, $2.00 to $3.25; Charleston beans, $2 50 to $3.00; Norfolk peas 75c. to $1.25. Stop shipment of strawberries Batweea those two extremes there are many, too many to enumerato within the short space al lotted this article, but we must not omit Revs. Dr. Carmichael, Ilaughton, Harding, Skinner and others who have been and are now foremost in the work of the church. Of the lay members thero are several who have seen Ion? servii in this Ihe marling of the sidewalk in front branch 0f the work of the church. Dr. Ul wiotroouyieriau uuurun buu turiiog a J DeRoaaet has been reaularlv in yestera ay. altendance upon the Councils of the Is now without any exception the pret- church for a series of vears embracine v w.w-.o. u - nearlv three-ftriorn: indaRd. a son What a pity all our walks could not be brought up in the faith and fear no w sits i ' -1 , . uxeu id a similar manner I with him, with a head already bearing A lot of stock were received at the honorable blossoms of many summers stables of J. W. Stewart yesterday. Col. J. Wilder Atkinson ha3 been a Mr. Stewart handles a large number of familiar figure in the Councils, and hie horses and mules, and has built up a voice often raisad in the progress of the large trade in this section. Right re-1 business of the church for many ses- cently he has made sale of three very sions, and enjoys experience drawn fine horses, included in which was a from his beloved father the late Bishop beautiful Hambletoman. Col. N. B. Whitfield has been faithful Mr. L. A. Coulter, Y. M. C. A. State to tbe duties enjoined upon him by his Secretary, is in the city looking into parish, and no mora punctual delegate the feasibility of locating a general graces tha assembly secretary here. Anyone holding this There are many others who might bo office gives his whole time and directs mentioned, but spico not want of in all lines of work. When such a man material forbiis THIRD DAB. After morning prayers the Council was called to order by the Bishop. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. Rev. Dr. Huske, on behalf of the committee on memorial of Rev. Israel Harding, made a report which was re plete with feelings of the sad bereave ment sustained by the Diocese at large and tne numerous members of his spiritual charge. Dr. Huske bore sesti mony to his devotion to the Master's cause in words that were ordered to be spread upon the Journal of the Council together with the report and accom panying resolutions. Rev. Dr. Carmichael read the report of tbo committee on the state of the church. Rev. N. C. Hughes, jr., of the com mittee on memorial to Rev. R. B. Wicdley made a report and submitted resolutions which were seconded by Rev. N. Harding in a brief but brilliant tribute to the memory of the deceased. These were also ordered upon the Journal. Messrs. J. B. Bonner and Fred. Wol- fenden, delegates, arrived and occupied their seats in the Council. Various motions and amendments to canons were offered and discussions of them consumed the remainder of the morning session. About one o'clock a recess till four waa taken. AFTERNOON SESSION. The routine business of a Council about to close its deliberations were now being pushed through. Dr. A. J. DeRosset was re-elected Treasurer of tho Council, and Hon.U. It, Bryan, Chancellor. Col. J. W. Atkinson offeror! the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Council are due and hereby gratefully tendered to the rector, wardens, vestry and congregation of Christ ohnrch, New Berne, for their thoughtful and kindly considerations for the comfort and convenience of the Council while in session, and also to tho citizens gener ally for the unbounded hospitality which has been accorded to the mem bars of this Council during our sojourn among them. Rev. T. B. Haughton offered a pre amble and the following resolution which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, We have with us tho Rev, E. M. Forbes, the senior Presbyter in the Diocese, now in the 56th year of his ministerial lire, Resolved, That we, the members of the Eighth Annual Council of the Dio cese of East Carolina, render most hearty thanks to Almighty God our rieavenly father for the good work which He has enabled our reverend Father in God to do and for the preser vations of this His servant, and pray that the period of his usefulness may still be extended for eome years to come. Mr. J. B. Bonner, special agent for raising funds for a dlooese oollege made a report and he was continued. The Gloria in Excelsis was sung and after collects by the Bishop the Bene diotion was pronounced and the Council adjourned sine die. A Wreck on the Western N. C. Railroad Express Mesaenger.Killed. Asheyillz, N.O.. May 20. An acoi dent oocurred on the Murphy branch of the Western North Carolina Rail road th'i morning, caused by adefeo tire rail. The combination Express and Accomodation car of train No. 64, left the track when near Jarratt's, the cart urning bottom side up Express Usisenger A. T. Rector was caught un der one corner of the overturned oar and crushed in such a horrible manner that he died before the train reached Jarratts Two other passengers were slightly injured. The body of the un fortunate man will be taken on tbe midnight train to his home in Morgan-ton. Children Cry for Pitcher's" Castoria. RIBBONS. Just received, a full supply of All Silk Satin Edge Gros-Grain Rib bonsall colors and widths. Prices lower than before. BARGAIN STORE Country Merchants! Farmers1 Alliances' L. H. CCTI.LK, Froident. T. W. Dewey, W 8. CHADWICX, Vice President, Cmhler. Farmers and Merchants Bank NEW UKKE. JT. C. Paid I p Capital, - - $13,000, This Hank, Just urBuulzeJ, offers lta ser vices to Hanks, Banners. Farmers, Marc-hauls, Manufacturers ard others, and will endeuvur t ye prompt and careful atten tion t- all liuslLtiib connected with banking entrusted to us. Collections a specialty and made on all acceBsltile points on as liberal terras u will be consistent wiiu judicious banking. Business solicited and correspondence In vited Irom parties desiring to open accounts In our city, as w.-u as from those contem plal'.ug n change in existing arrangements. Very lespec'.fiiliy, 1. W, DEWEY, Cashier, IKKKC'rOKS:-!,. H. Culler, Wm.CIeve.O. Marks. !'. ,1 lellc! u l-. W. H. Oiadwlck, J. W stcw ii : , .1 no suter. Y. H. IVIU tu r. Until; Attorney. my9 lstp notice ! City Ta Colllctou's Office, ) Now Uernc, N. C, May 18, 1891. f AH persons in arrears for City Taxes ore notified to call and settle the same without dixay before transfers of the property are made. Those subject to License Tax for tbo various trades, pro fessiono, ca!!iE,t:i and occupations are requectcd to procure thctu for the month of Slay. Dray Liceno that have expired must be renewed at on i:. Parties occupying cUlle in the Fish Markot aro reminded that their RENTS ake uvi: and payable for the current month. V. 1). WALLACE, mayl'Jlw City Tax Collector. W. D. McIVER; ATTORNEY AT LAW, n;-v r.!;.-:: i:, n. c. maj d u i r is employed a marked development is noticed in all of the Association work, inoluding lectures and entertainments and along both social and religious lines, The following cities in our own State now employ such an officer: Qoldsboro, Wilmington, Durham, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Greensboro, Henderson, Conoord, Reidsville and Personal. Rev. Jamo3 Thomas left yesterday morning for Rocky Mount, where be will reside during tho summer and have charge of a church there and two others at Ashevilla and Littloton. Mr. Chas. Edwards came in on the steamer Neuso of tho E. C. D. line Asheville. Three years since but two movin back tolh city from Norfolk And All Other Buyers! Wo wish to draw your attentiou to the MANY BARGAINS wo are offering. Oar stock of HEAVY and FANCY GROCERIES, HARDWARE and IMPLE MENTS is very complete. We are Millers' Receivers of FLOUR, and can give yon higher grades for less prico than our competitors, who do not buy from first hand. The bargains we offered in our last "ad." are not all sold. We have so many goods we cannot FOK TO-DAY, iU'n'd Black and White Yachts, 50 " Blnck Sicilian Coats and Vests. Lull hula, tooth pick lasts, 1,25 Gooilyear Welt Shoes, as cood aslunJ nia'Io Smooth lnncreoles, 3. 00 Lmlieb' Don.Toia Bulloti. 1.0(1 Do3j;ola Button, Wauken phsst lant, Ki.iootu Innersoles 2.00 DonRola Ti 'S, smooth in nersoles, excellent value, 1.25 Donaroia Button, Fronch pro cess, bf st uver oflered at 1.50 Also ti r,:c ! line of Gents Readv-made Clothing, HirtiW Hats, etc. Come.early and get a pjrt of these bargains AT D CITY'S, Pollock Street. DUFFY'S CROUP SYltUP. Kceipe of tho late Dr. Walter Duffy, This country is making wonder. ful progress and at wonderfa speed. There is a Macedonian call for new men, new measures, new policies, and above alt progressive. present-day statesmen and states manship. The bourbon is a back j number, a stranded wayfarer, an j arrested growth, a spent force, an engraved corpse, an. anticlimax, ' and a relict from a day that is past. Shoot it I Washington Post. I? "V:'r''i - ' C Jackson: Forney. Things will get mixed. A poem entitled "My wife and child," written by Gen. Henry R. Jackson, of Georgia, is generally attribnted to Gen. Stone wall Jackson; and even so accurate a writer as Gen. William A. Cox, in his admirable address on Gen. Banseur, gives, honors to Gen. John 11. Forney that ' belong to points had general secretaries, This shows conclusively how tha issue is growing in favor with business men. Seven Springs is coming rapidly into favor as a health and pleasure resort and the owners are making it a very attractive place, and its work will go forward. The Kinston Free Press says that Mr. Jas. A. Bryan of this city was there and with other gentlemen organ- ized a stock company to develop the Seven Springs property, with the fol lowing directors: J. A. Bryan, J. W, Grainger, S. H. Lofton, W. B. Moje, W. O. Fields and L. Harvey. Mr. L Harvey was eleoted president, and Mr. W. C. Fields seoretary and treasurer. Mr. James W. Biddlo returned last night from a visit to relatives at Fort Barnwell. Mrs. Irene Hammond left on the steamer Newberne, of tho O. D. lino, in company with Mrs. S. T. Hand, jr., to spend a month at Virginia Beech. Dr. Albert Potter and wife, of Chepachet, R. I., left on tho steamer Neuse, of the E. G. D. line, returning home from a visit to Mr, S. K.Eaton and family. Messis. C. T. and R. N. Dickinson and Mr. E. W. Simpkins left on the steamer Neuse to engage in the nursery agency business. Mr. O. J. Scheelky left on the steamer Neuse on a business trip to Norfolk This company was duly Incorporated by the last , legislature. The property I Church Notice. will be stilled further improved, and Hancock Street Methodist Church among other Improvements will be nioe Sunday, May 24. Services at 11 a.m bath houses, ; -1 and 8 n.m.. conducted bv.tho Dastorv Sunday HIGH ENDORSEMENTS. Boll's Hair Renswer And Scalp Cleaner Stands Pre-eminent. Henderbon. N. C, April 10, 1890. The "Eureka" soalp cleaner and hair purifier, prepared by Prof. H. H. Bell is. I think, all that he claims for it, I have used it for diseased scalp and headache with satisfactory results. J. D. Stallings, With W. W. Reavis. A CONGRESSMAN WRITES. Harrisonburg Va. The bearer of this, Heotor Bell, Hair Dresser is a worthy man and a good citizens. I have known him for several years and he is regarded by the people of Winchester Va., amonx whom he was born and raised as a reliable man and is highly respeoted by them. I think I can with safety commend him to the people with whom he may have dealings. Uha3. T. O'Farrall, Sept. 7th 1886. DIED. Will F. Daly, at the home of his father, Mr. J. W. Daly, in Lenoir county, May 16th, 1891. ew young men are marked by such modesty and energy, and few have more of the genuine principles that make up true manhood. While ecaroely a man, in years, the duties and respon nihilities of business manager of the Progressive Farmer had been placed upon him. Proving himself equal to tbe emergency, his reputation was pointing him to fields of greater useful ness, when, on the 2nd day of October. 1890, the day he was 23 years old, he was taken sick. Then like all human ity, he could only patiently await the final result which came May 16, when mortality gave place to immortality and a noma with the redeemed. Kinston Free Press. DIRECTIONS : Dose for n chiM two or three years old. one easiioonmi: or a child t!re months old. ten dro s; for a child six months old, twenty drops; for ono twelve months old, nearly hair a leaspoonliil repeating these dotes ffPnllfltlllv if tuiivBtiirv lmtl. raHof la well itemize. Please bear in mind, cured. This Istocei llly Hint 1 have used DUFFY'S Ckoi i' Hvni i' lii my family lor over six months nod 1 believe it to he a most excel lent remedy tor croim with children. esDe. dally us a prevent Ivu. Our youngest child had r severe attack or croup abont a year ago, Insomuch that we felt anxious about Its recovery, but was successfully treated by our physician, but. thinking It probable that other iittaefeH might, follow we frequently unfit wuu y a y loup .-, ruj) Hua lUt) CUliQ naS had no marked symptoms of croup since, and I believe It is due to the use of tha Croup Hyrup, nnd we now keep a bottle of It al our house at, all times, and I cheerfully recommend it toall. K. II. Uabntjh. Also very etlectusl In rellevlne couuhs and colds. l'HF.rAKEo and sold ur It. N. DUFFY. New lleru. N. O. Wholesale Agents- McKesson k Kobblni. m Kultc ii Htreel; Wm. II. Schlefflln A Co.. 170 William Street, New York City, however, and don'c forget it cr go elsewhere before giving na a trial : that we bave a Complete Line of Groceries, Hardwarr, Irri' plements and House Fur nishing Goods at ASTON ISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Come to see us, or write to us lor prices: Very faithfully, Latham & Burrus. jan9 d2aw wly The Ladies , Delighted. rrayer meeting at v a. m Tttenleasaat effect and the nerfeot 8oh001 p. m , W, R. Barrington safety with which ladies may use the Sup't. The publia are invited to these liquid laxative, Byrup ot Figs, under services and will receive a cordial au conditions make their favorite .innn.a MAmAM ' T. lm I ... . , , iviunuji u h jamiUK tu iu jo auii ids; on tne kidneys, uver and bowels. ", i viiiiuiciiurj jyrrjiuuersasiunE "Everv one can master a grief but he that has it. "Shakespeare. II you are grieving still about the last Clothes you bought, that a. i!r . j.1 i. : Were HOI BailBiaClUry, mat IB, tUHl. Having secured the services of a skilled did nnr moor rnn la wpII an thnv 1I!t'lllin"1 aai' Kirsi -Class Workman, lrom QUI UOO wear you as Weil as lliey New York. I am now tully prepared to mi nnrrht. (inmA to ns for vonr next PriM,J u" UIJC1S 101 lluo . ... . I Custosi-Madk Boots and Shoes, ouiu, uo a. t.iai, no nciifj The many years thiU I have satls'actorlly and sell von nomethine that will 8ipHod um lams of my numerous patrons aim sou juu ouuiciuiug lumu m l8 lMO uegt gllllrallU!0of the charaotur of my nlaaRfl vnn as far aa looks, nrine 1 wort. r ' 1 I KpnmnK a sjtcin and wnar fm concerned, unr ivuone Clothing is the World famed pro ductions of the Stein Block Co Our Shoes tho old reliable Stacy Adams & Co's, If you want a bugy robe give us a call. Notice to Truck Shippers. Speoial truok train No. 208 will be annulled after Saturday, May 9th, 1891 until otherwise ordered. Truck ship ments commencing Monday, Mar 11 may take the mall and freight train until 308 is resumed. .-j S. L. Dill, Supt, JOHN McSORLEY, Boo! and Shse Maker, POLLOCK STREET, xi:w iu:ke. n, c. mayti illmlstp character of my Neatly and prompt JNO. MC30RLEY. WE MEAN YOU. of SOU V EM III Stop and look at our line SPOONM. Ask for Fanl E. Wilts' PjlNS, fresh lot Just arrived. I foreet to say I have lint receive 1 afresh lot Of 111060 HOLLED UOLD CHAIN!.. warranted for six years. We give a written guarantee wita eacn chain. MvSTOKlS WAIT UP. and PHICKS AKK WAY DOWN, Come lu and tee. me. SAM. K. EATON, Middle St., opposite Baptist Char h. may22 dwtf NOTICE! List Your Taxablesl The undersigned having been appointed I.int. Tnker for No. S Tnivi.n itn. ortfhln th. HOWAKD. limits of the city of New Kerne, for the year ' mm, nereDy nounes an iax payers mat he will attend ot the Court House in New Kerne, JUNE 1st to .IONK SO, inclusive, for the purpose of receiving from the taxpayer of sn'.d portion of said Township a Hat of Keal Estate and Personal Property owned, by thorn on the 1st) day of June, also their polls. Attention is culled to the following ex tract from the Machinery Act of IK8; FOUKTAIM Section oil "All persons who are liable for a poll tax ami shall wilfully fa I to give themselves In, and all persons who own properly una wimiiiy iau to list It within the time allowed betore the List Taker o? tho Hoard or Commissioners, shall be deomed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shallbe fined not more than fifty dollars or Imprisoned not more than thirty days." au persons ianina to list their Foil or Property will be prosecuted aoeordlng to law. JONATHAN HAVENB, , miyUlm LUt Taker. - REMOVAL! HAVIN G REMOVED MY Stock of Confectioneries toltbeALLEIC STORE, t shall be pleased to oontlnae retiring my former friends na omionMis, niajilH ' Dt KISSEL NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Stook holders of the Neuse and Trent RiTtr Steamboat Company will be held at the Board of Trade Rooms, on Graven street, Tuesday the 26th day of Mar, 1891. at Three o'oloek, P.M. . , l JAME3 REDMOND, V td Seo. and Treat. mm ,i; ',":