Til lAILY OURNA VOL. X.-NO. 54. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY. MAY 31, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. V 'I BUSINESS LOCALS. STB. HO SVABD will sail for Trenton Thursdays ioatetd of Fridays during Truck season. It AGENTS WANTED. Free prepaid outfit to energetio men. Several of our salesmen have earned from $70 to S100 a week for years past. P. 0. Box 1871, New York. It THE Beeidenoe formerly occupied by Mr. B. O. fi. Lodge on Craven street is for rent- Immediate possession given, spply to Latham & Bubrus lm WANTED Local Salesmen in each County in North Carolina. Steady employment and $73 00 per month guaranteed (no book agenoy) $5.00 sample free. Write now. Address box 437, Wilmington, N. O. 8t WANTED. Do you want to live in your own County, and build up a Business that will make you a comfor t sole living, if so address "BUSINESS." Box 489 Wilmington, N. 0. m303twlt GOOD BOARD at moderate rates can be furnished a few gentleman. may28tf Mns. DuauiD. W ANTED-Wheet. Rice or Oat Straw, in large or small quantity. Apply to A. M. Baker. m2Gtf JUST RECEIVED A choice lot of North Carolina Hams. We sell the bast Hugar oured Bams in the Market. Butter none better In the market direct from the Creamery, 30 cents per pound, lir. uktast Bicon. 10 cents per pound, majlftdtf J. J. Toi.son. T w- J .'of W. STEWART has a large supply Buggies, Randolph make, on hand. maylOawtr ; SO UMER SPECIALTIES ! -Lightning loa oream Freezers, Combined Chair and 8lep Ladders, Balloon Fly Traps, Wire Uauze Loan), Oauzs Wire for Window hereens, and a full Hue of Hardware, etc, at inaylldtf J. O. Whitty & Co. Sale of Valuable property. A Executor! of 0. E. Thomas, deceased, wo offer for sale, for rash, tbe Dwelling House, Lots, etc., at Horehead City, N. 0., well known as the "1)111 Boose," near the a. 4 M. 0. B. R. and the Atlantlo Hotel. The house Is conveniently located and Is a ddslrable residence either for the summer months or as a permanent residence. 4 pply at ouos for terms, etc., to C B. and James Thomas, Kzacutors, uiajtfdlni New Berne, K. 0. JU3T RECEIVED. Paris Green for Killing Potato Bugs, at J. C. WllITTY & CO '8. CAOOL SODA WATER dispensed day J or night at Palmer's Soda Fount Hotel Albert. tf ARCTIC SODA and Mineral Water at Sam'l B. Waters. "VIEW DKUG: STORE.-Drugs. Medi- otnek and Chemicals. C. P. Popular Proprietary Medicines. All varieties of Druggist's Sundries. Trusses and Braces. Ne crop Garden Seeds. Fine and Large Hioek Oivara and Tobaoco. All nkw. Pre scriptions accurately compounded (and not at WAS prioea), our mono ana our nucuens. i. 0. GREEN, Druggist and Apothecary, Middle St.. four doors from Pollook. an25 ly Archbishop Croke thinks Home Bale for Ireland is lost. Sweden is being rapidly depop ulated. The flower of the nation emigrating to America. The war news from the Southern republics is every bit as conflicting as Connecticut election returns. Philadelphia is in a remarka ble financial fix. She has three treasurers and nothing to treasure. ,A handsome Kentucky belle has married a Chinaman. And yet the ungrateful heathen refuses to accept Minister Blair.'' Two swallows don't make a sum mer, bat in regulating the temper ature of the interior department, it all depends on what you swal low. . Some of those rickety individuals who Beem to imagine that Mr. Blaine has lost his mind will do well to find and appropriate it to their own use. THE Behnug sea matter is rapidly approaching a solution and the indications now are that Great Britain and the United States wil fttt in concert on the fisheries question. Bolivia recognizes Chilian in surgents, and has signed a treaty with. v the Congressional party to take the place of the old trace that has been in existence between Bolivia and Chili. : judob Brkckinrldoe, of St. Ionia, fell dead last Thursday While addressing the Northern General Assembly of the Presby. terian chnrch. - He was speaking on jthe celebrated Briggs case. The Brooklyn Sunday sohool Union had their annual ''May Walk" last Wednesday May 27th. It was the sixty-second annlver lary, and ' nearly 70,000 gaily dressed children Y were - out. The army of little ones inoVed in eleven divisions 1 with flags flying every' where. .: Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Miss Winnie Davis, and Mrs. Stonewall Jackson received more than 400 representatives of Southern Society in New York and Brooklyn Wed nesday evening of Mrs. Dr. Lewis Mason. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: "Five thousand Sunday ex cursionists have been chased by a prairie fire. Mr. Wanamaker could tell these people that there is another fire for Sunday excursion ists that is not so slow as a prairie fire." The new Hamburg-American steamship Furst Bismarck has arrived on her first trip across the Atlantic, making the passage from Southampton, England, in 6 days, 11 hour 8, and 7 minutes. It is the fastest maiden trip ever made across the ocean. TnE latest from New Ilarnrisliira is that durine a storm recentlv liohrninn- flntArArl a hn rnnat an cat the tails of twenty hens, which so astonished the rooster which supermcenaeu me estaDllsnmeni that he has been as dumb as ex-1 Senator Biair since he heard that China wouldn't have him as min ister. Wilmington Star. Lord Salisbury is quite a distinguished savant as well as renowned statesman. In a recent ectnre before the Chemical Society Of London, he said: "Astronomy is, in O. Brant moaanro tha anianna nfl 0 ' I lOlugS as they probably are, geolO-1 erv is thn R(Mnrft nf f,h in era an r.hAT Drobablv were, cbemistrv is tha ! ... ., , i " ' i owuw vi buiuco aa buoY aiv el I present." To these adds the Electrical Engineer, "electricity is the science of things as they pro bably will be." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEBTISEME NT3. Wanted Agents. For Rent Residence. T. A. Henry Change of business. W. B. Boyd Extra assessments. S. L. Dill To shippers of truok. Str. Howard Chauge of schsdule. Howard What the Stein Bloch Co. say. The meeting at the Y. M. 0. A, will I beheld at six p.m., the usnal time during the summer months. Palmer, of New York telegraphed yesterday, "Beans halves 83.00 to S3.50. thirds $2.00 to 2 50: cabbaees $125; potatoes hurry potatoes." I The special truck train on the A. & N. 0. U. R. whioh was temporarily suspended will bo resumed tomorrow. I It places truck in New York in 32 hours I from the time of its departure. The Afro-American Vindicator is out 1 in its first issue. It is edited by J. A Robbing, col., and was formerly pub lished at Windsor, Bertie county. In the salutatory it claims to be a political paper, looking to bettering the coodi- tion of the publio and the material progress of an oppressed people. Owing to the pressure of school duties on some of the teaohers and the I Hahn vs. Spicer; judgment for plain illness of others who were to have I tiff. Case retained by court and account made addresses at the meeting of the Craven County Teacher's Association that was to have been held yesterday morning was postponed. I The Raleigh News and Observer save that it was definitely ascertained on Thursday that the dead man found on the railroad near Princeton. Who Was . killed by being knocked from the ex oursion train, was Eueene Hood of that city Parties from Raleigh -MSS5 .ction for divorce; certain the man was Hood, although It Te'd " P1" n"ff- ' was with difficulty that he was iden tified. Personal. Mr. John Bangert and his little son, Peroy, . of Baltimore, left yesterday morning returninu home from 1 visit to his sister, Mrs. Wi M. Watson. Mr, Basil Manly returnedllast night us un mm iwaus um ius yniur ear reeentlv nnrehaaad b FraaideDtl ChadwlolT oi.th Atlantlo and North Carolina Railroad, to whioh, plaoe it had been lent to be thoroughly over hauled and nioely fixed tip before be lot brought on for its an on this road. Mr. Oi H. Foster and family pissed through last nlghl from Ealeigh -going down to the Atlantlo Hotel at More- head. ' t Mrs. W, P Rountrse returned from tiiu iu nra a. a. aiuurar, iw aviu- ton. STATE EXPOSITION AND WORLD'S FAIR. County Exhibits-Shall Craven Have One ? The Governor's Procla mation. It is strongly desired by the broad- minded leaders in the development of the State that the North Carolina ex hibit at the Inter-State Exposition in Raleigh and at the World's Fair in Chicago be complete and, that every part of the State be properly represented so that the fullest advantages my be derived from both exhibitions. Looking to the accomplishment of that desire, the Industrial Convention lately held in Raleigh, composed of able delegates from every quarter of the "good old North State" unani- mously passed a set of resolutions seeking co-operation from the different counties, as such, through the instru- mentality of the oounty commissioners and jUBtioes of the peace. They are requested to make an appropriation for a county exhibit when they meet in joint session to levy taxes for the ensuing year. These offloials of Craven 00untT meet at the court home tomor row at 12 ,clook for that VWOK and able consideration. Counties that make exhibits at the Inter-State Exposition will have those exhibits transferred and exhibited to the World's Fair at Chioago without additional cost. It is an opportunity for bringing our re sources into notioe that ought to be taken full advantage of. In accord with the resolutions passed at the State Industrial Convention, our Chief Executive has issued the fol lowing. Whereas, the Southern Inter-State Immigration Bureau has decided to hOld, in the Olty Of Kalelgh, PI. U Wncinrf iha mAnrha fr f lttnnav and rvst- vember A. D. 1891, an Exposition of Southern products; and I WT V nwnna 4-V r Oan aval A nnam kin Af I xr"."" L'..:n.rr. - iwuu vaivaua una uibud .uuivviMkiuu ,i Jii.r .u. I f 1 t j - - - , i . . i i a . i 1 i . i Exposition in Chicago in 1893. And in accordance witn me request of the progressive North, Carolinians in convention assembled in the oity 0f Raleigh, N. C, May 18th and 14th, 1891, 1, Thomas M. tloit, liovernor or Worth H;F;..wB7fnT,Tr ting with the Southern Inter-State Immigration Bureau, and the com mis-1 alMnm iw. knA f ,I.a I 'nli.mhi.n oiuuuLo iu iuto w uuiumumu exnioic lor iNortn caronna. Ano 11 remiest nroMessive citizens in each county to meet the justioes of the Peaoe and oounty commissioners at their respective county seats and urge the irZj be deeVed neoery to have the resources of eaoh countv f ullr shown to capitalists, manufacturers and noma-seekers that win visit the aoutn- EfLirS ' u '2 "? rJS in 1893. The State appropriation is not 1 iiiiiiiini null n 111 niiiiini naiu nu uini. u m u 1 sufficient to make such an exhibit as this btate is capab eoi showing, mere- in oharge, and all wishing to see this Brand State of ours propery exhibited matter their most earnosLattention In testimony whereof, I have here un 8t my hand and caused to be na - J A I A. M A. 1 C3 A. M affixed the great seal of the State of North Carolina, at the city of Raleigh, this 22d day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and in the one hundred and fifteenth year of our Amerloan Inde pendence. Thomas M . Holt. By tbe Uovernot; S. F. Telfair. Privato Sec'y. Superior uourt. ..Ml I The following are the cases disposed of by oourt Saturday : ordered. Dowd & Bryan vs. Watson; judgment for defendant. R. G. Mosely vs. James 0. Harrison administrator of Lewis Pope, deoeased verdict for defendant Huehei vs. Commissioners of Craven. n . . . . ,oa. -if 1 . 1 1 imh m ana nan. rm mm Hr.rif.iran nnr. I ... . ud plaintifl'e action dismissed accord- nK t0 deion 0r Supreme Uourt. iuo u.muua ui vuo uncriiuuu was taken up to argue cases or uommission- en m vistbu to. a. r. ttiiiibiub, u. vj, wnuenurs. ana srouae 11. ursraner. whioh were decided in favor of the defendant on the ground that the deeds were defective and the action barred by statute of limitation. Appeal taken by plaintiff. rana Rally ioi, mere Will DO a collection sacen up at "uIloe,conduoted b Prof I,M0 u. UU11.U. Services, ll a.m., f ana l.W P.m. T. L 1 1 t !. - J ruuuu inviwu. Rkv. W.J. Jordan, Pastor. To Shippers of Track and Employee, v. . TruoK train ro. wa will be resumed on and after Monday, June 1st, and ran I dally ezoept Sunday until otherwise lff5.ir,i!t. iie5rL ,wtll aboul 83 hours after tearing New Berne. 8. L. Dill, Bupt, he James City Land Suit. In the history of jurisprudence in North Carolina no suit has become more famous tbtn tne Und 8uit jn which Mr. James A. Bryan of this city is the plaintiff, and the inhabitants of James City are the defendants. The land has been held by the Spaight family and their descendants ever since the days of King Qeorge III., and no question of title has ever been raised until within the last two decades. Judge Conner has given the case three months of careful and impartial nnniiMAratinn. hrnusht all of his Brest iejf4i talent and learning to bear upon tne question, and given judgment for tb.e plaintiff, and we are advised that tnera M no principle of law or equity upon which the Supreme Court is likely to reverse his decision, We have ever felt an interest In the termination of this case, and its conse- quences to the occupants of the land . and wa havn tharafora. in view of the many rumors in circulation to tne effect, that the people of James City are to be driven from their holdings, obtained from Mr. Bryan a statement of his views and intentions in the mat ter, of which the following is the sub stance: He is willing to give them the aonooi houses and churches stand, so ion as thev aroused for school and church purposes, and for the aged and infirm who are unable to purchase to remain uudisturbed upon the place; and is not only willing but prefers to make friendly and amicable arrange ments with all parties now on the premises who desire to retain their homes. This statement, we think, ought to put an end to the silly rumors now afloat and satisfy the people of James City that they have nothing to lose but much to gain by a friendly settlement with Mr. Bryan. hi m . m wu unurcn services ioaay( m i , . 1 . t m nr vr ' burial, ouuruu nuv. x.ju.ii. ueurtiu, raprnr Hirir Munnmr uir.r i rm iiu . . Early celebration. 8 a.m. Service and i,,m n . , tM nm tk ... .... . ... . f"""" w " ' ' snown to seats Dy awenuve UBners, Sunday sohool at the (Jbapel 9:30 a. m., ftn a ,t thn nhnrrh 5 n m C 0' Christ, Hsnoook Street, I 1 1 hestnutt, pastor. Services at 11 a m. and 8 p.m. Sunday sohool at 4 p. mM I n . H Ui jieiton BUpt. Young men's . . ,ta'01 m"wuK a. ui. rvBea.y prayer meeting every Thursday night I at 8 p.m. Services at night, conducted by Henry Winfield. The publio are "dift1 invited to nttond the89 B" 1 vices. I Second Adventist Preaching at their chapel on Broad street at 11 o'clock a. m., and 8 p. m., by Elder Eugene Scott Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 I p. m. The publio are invited. Presbyterian Church-Rev. m- Services at 11 a. m., and 4 p. m., conducted by the pastor. The public services. Centenary M. E. Church Rev. R. A. wans, pastor, services at 11 a.m., and 8 p. m., conduoted by the pastor. Young men's prayer meeting at 9:15 a.m. Sunday-school at 4 p.m., J. K. Willis, sup't. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clook. The publio are cordially invited to attend these servioes. y. M. C. A.-Meeting this afternoon at q o'olook. Leader, Prof. O. T, Adams. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. Magnificent Commencement Exercises Throngs of Visiters. Grand Concert. Winston, N. C, May 80. 1891 Ed. Journal; This is a gala time in Salem, it being commencement time 1 in Salem Female Academy, an institu I f lAn vtlABJi Hiatirv AmT,n tha uttntn. Ian1 whnaA itliimni flrurM 11 n tntAn I " j ww.v.w wuv vvuvum w thoufland, Four hours previous to the opening jjj between Winston and Salem and as the ,.:.... fill- tnft nnmmft(1!nil. 0h,nu the scene presented takes even excecta tion Dy surprise. The Hnhonlhussnaltflnd anna nfnnnll mnnntinir to nmn thrnn hnnrlrnrl unA fifty, but some having gone to their homes for the vacation tbe number now 0n the great platform sums up about two hundred and fifty, all of whom in th decked in the yaried Iquet I Tha nnrnmnnnnmAnt avArnlaAn will extend over eii day. and from all indi- 1 nations tnia Tear win onc-strin an rnrmer exnnrlitlnns nxtoiirllnff hank tn I T tha first vaara of tha nreseni oantnrv. Uniwaal preparatione have been made in the mnsioal department nnder tbe aireotionof Prof. George Markyraffe. is musioisn thoroughly equipped in the oonservatorT or uermanr. and the crand concert to be given on wednes I day next by the large yooal class, ao- t?t?.'!i m??.!! uiKS I forward to at the Important mnsioal 'event of the Bute. W. P. O. Extra Assessments. There will be an Extra Assessment of TWO DOLLARS in the Fraternity of Finanoial Co-Operation, and one of ONE DOLLAR in the United Order of Fraternal Co-Operation. due MONDAY. JUNE 1st, 1891. It W. B, BOYD. Secretary. Change of Business. The NEW BKKVE DRl G COMTASiY having purchased the business formerly conducted by II. J. GOODI.VCi, at the old established stand of E. H. Meadows, Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts,, respectfully notify the public that the same will hereafter be conducted under the above management. Mr. T. A. HENRY, Pharmacist will be In charge, and special attention will be given to dispensing physicians' prescrip tions with accuracy nnd nt reasonable prices. A. full line of DRIG9, MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES, FKHI'littKRV, PATENT MEDICINES, CIGARS and TOBACCO will be kept constantly on sale. Wo make a specialty of the CELEBRATED SEVER SI'KI (o MINERAL WATER, which Is kept on draught. maj :!1 d wtf "We don't etarvo qaaility to feed price." That is what the makers, The Stein Bloch Co., say of their Cloth ing, we keep it. luey lurtuer more s;iy, "A principle of our house is that every garment wo make must be thoronghlv qood. ,;The fabric must stand every known test to prove its strength and dnribil- ty." "Every Beam must be stitched with silk thread." "Every button hole must be "hand made." "Every button firmly sewed on and wound with linen thread." These Clothes are found only AT HOWAltD'S, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS are not complete un less you have a nice WINDSOR TIE to go with them. We have the Ties from 3c, to 49c. They Hust Go. I will sell for the next 60 days, to make room for the tremendous large stock I have juBt bought at 50c. on tbe dollar 99 pairs Woman's Shoes, cloth and half-cloth, button and lace, 2'e, 3's and 4's. at GOc. to 90o. per pair. 75 pairs Misses' low quarter Shoes, 8 to 12, at 50o. a pair. 100 pairs Children's low quarter Shoes, 5 to 8, at 40o. a pair. 70 pairs Infant shoos, low quarter, at 25c. a pair. IT WILL PAY YOU to bring your children down and examine tbese goods. BIO IKE is determined to sell them and if he can't get his price will take less. It will pay jou to come and see him. For Rent. The house on Sonth Front street lately occupied ai Marine Hospital, Apply to mar2Utf. A. H. DKNN1HON. 75 Cases Tomatoes, 40 " Peaches, 100 Brandy Peaches SOLD CHEAP. Reduction in Old Vir ginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. JP XnbriLeli, WHOLESALE GEO0EE, MIDDLE STREET, NBW BERNE. N. O. Coopers Wanted. One dozen Coopers wanted imme diateiy by the Bsvboro Barrel Menu factoring Company. Apply at Caho & Leigh's office in New Berne, or at tbe Faotory. F. P. GATES & CO., majSOdwlw Proprietor. CCTLEE. ildenr X. W. Vl W 8. CHAD WICK. Vice President. wey. Cashier. Farmers aad Merchants Bank EW BSUNE. 5. c. Paid I u Capital, - . 973,000, This liank, Jutt organised, offers Its ser vices to banks. Bankers, f armers, Mer chants, Manufacturers aui oi hers, and will endeavor i.. givu prompt und careful atten tion to a.l l.-.ibittss couiirtttd with banklnn cat mated us. Collections a specialty and made on all Rccthsiti'.e points on i,8 liberal terms as will bs cunsisit nt wiih ju ji.-lous banking. Business solicited and correspondence In vited from parlies desiring to open accounts in our city, as well as from lho oontem p.arujj eunnse lu existing arrangements. e:y respectfully 1. W. DEWEY, Cashier. 1"LRt:S71',,ls '' duller. Win Cleve, O. MarHs. 1'. (l. I'eiletirr. W. . Chadwlck. J. W Mmarl.Jno Suter. P. H. l'eiU-tier,Jia!ilw.ttorney. my9 lstp A Full line of Ladies' , ad Gents' Umbrellas JUiT RECEIVED. Also Mundell's Chil dren's Shoes and Ladiec Zekrlsr tllioes. w 7 Kvi:r.Y ;'ir . arm 'i :v FiPit-Claes i.; x'iiLiiie. or a utyx Baxter 1 X 10 Allli;y:ii. C.n illlna.I . ,-. A utl .fiitlc ami Mil ly .4trln;;eil. It corre.'ta Imwol dlsnnliT: In rpllfvinir pain inn! uripni", hv d ' ati cllug ruor- lilil niniu-r In Uii.li.U'ht'.r.iil iuc. It IS CilH-v'i.-.liw 1:1 i'.iu rh(tas and Hit- huwi'iri iiave beu ilurii.ly or by the use of ilyaliiterifa hi , 1 frouly evHi'imi il simple pnru'nt , , IMJMp., tor 5, 0110 ! i-pen'.r i! npo'icfiil with iu one hour. water; inny Lh' HliHl:e vial in 1'reimrPi! by miiyils ihv-lht.p it. .v. Ni IK Fry, vv liciiiv, IV. C. JOHN KcSOELEY, SIiss tlaker, ah I'OLLOCK STBEET, y.i:w ukk.k. ic, o. Havins? kpci'm-1 iiio sciviriB of a Bkllled Mechiinb- i-.uil l.st -Cliiss Workman, Irom New York. I mu now lully prepared to fill promptly all orders for line Custom-Madh Boots akd Shoes. The many yearn lliat I have sutls'actorlllr supplied 1I10 wauls of inv iiuiuerous patrons is 1I10 best Kunraiiieaof the eharact jr of my work. lli-piilr in:; a npcri. ly (lotio. ; 'Hilly and prompt !.0. McSOKLSY. may (1 dimiKlj. ;ah you. Jt:r l.iui r svvE?fitt A - : f.,r : Pls..S, frts.li '. .'us' arrive ). I for.;el ! o rhv I ,i,r. i ! re,'. v I a fresh I'M of IhoFi: ttOJ, I.I.I. .i)LD CHAINS, witrranteil bii m. yen:-., ic;:,vea written i;uaruutee with eai h elyin, My STOCK IS WAV I IV ! I'HICEg Mltu tt.1V 1WH.-V, 1. .-my in KLd Bee SAM, K, LAION uldie iiwir pposltj Jiaptlst Church. W. D. McIVES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, xikw is 1: use, x. c. mny'J dwt: YOB : TO-DAY. Men's Clack and "White Yachts, 50 " Black Sicilian Coats and Veste. " Duff Bale, toath pick lasts, 1.25 " Goodyear Welt Shoos, as cood as hand made Smooth Inncrnolea, 3.CO Ladies' Dongola Button, 1.00 " DorjRoia Button, Wauken- pha8t last, Smooth Innersoles 2.00 " Docgola Tit s, smooth iu neraolea, excellent value, 1.25 ' Doncola Button, French pro cess, beat ever offered at 1.50 Also a nice line of Gents Ready-made Clothing, 8trw Hats, eto. Come early and got a part of these bargains AT DUFFY'S, Pollock Street. iy DUFFY'S CROUr SYKUP. Eceipe of the late Dr. Walter Daffy, DIRECTIONS : Dose for a clillil two or three years old. nna teaspoonfnl; lor a child three months old. ten drops: for a rlill.l six months old.twnntr drops; for one twelve months old, nearly (lull l icttoiiuwuiui .rontlll ineH uOflSS frequently If necessary until relief Is pro cured. - This Is to certify that I have used Drrrrr'a Croup 8 y iter In my family for over six months acd 1 believe It to be a most excel lent remedy for croup wllh children, espe. dally as a preventive, Onr youngest child naa a severe shuck or croup about a year ago, iiimmucu umi we ieib aDXlOUSSDOUt 1 w recovery, but was successfully treated by our physician, but thinking It probable that L. U. r'n- other attaoka might follow we frequently used Duffy's Croup Syrup and the child has had no marked symptoms of oroup ilnee, and I believe It Is due to the use of tha ' Oroup Byrup, and we now keep a bottle of is at our house at all times, and I cheerfully recommend It to ail. K. H. Bamum. Also very eUeotual In relieving eougha and colds. Pbkpabed and sold BT ' B. N. DUFFY, exr Bern, K. O. -Wholesale Agents- MoKesson a RobHIns. 91 Fultcn Street : Wm. H. Bchtefflln rv. 1 170 William Btroet, New York Olty. , ' !. 1' ... .A'- . ' .-,.t-

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