LY and SALE STABLES. lEX-AJEEXT OO. . JTfe. . 9 ill MMmMu -if" J Call and. examine our stock which is iiqt replenished with a Fine Selection of Ysung Western Horses and Mules. Also, large lot Buggies (top and open Road (.'arts, Harness, Whips, Robes and none Biansets constantly on nana hi uock buuoid i rices. We make our Livery a specialty. Single or double turn-outs had at all hours, Every thing we sell ii guaranteed as represented. Livery superintended by K. DENMARK. ".GelU. tncl See TJs. COUGH MIXTURE. ATrompt and Efficient Remedy fo Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Catarrh, La Grippe, Etc. One of the most effectual remedies I have ever known lor a cough or co.d In Dutry's Oouou Mixture, it la Indeed a rare com bination of valuable medicines; arresting at once the progress oi a cold and beginning at soothe and heal. Unlike ail oilier, cough medicines there is no u a rcotlo or an; other unpleasant effect experienced in taking It, 1 am more than pleased to be able to recom mend to my friends here and tne public at Urge every where such a sale, pleasant and effectual cure for one of the most prevalent complaints to which kumun Mesh Is heir. Thomas Oates. 4,' R. N DTJFFlf, Proprietor. Mr. R. N. Duffy has called upon me to say something for his Couuii Mkuicikk, now belnL advertised. The least 1 can say is that It is a certnln cure for Colps, Hobe tiikoat, and croup. I recognise iho mixture as be ing identical with a prescription 1 have nsed In my family wltn unfailing success, written by one oi tbe must distinguished physicians oi North Carolina. 1 am opposed to patent nostrums, but cheerfullv recom mend this on account of its scientific origin, and the happy results obtained lroni It In repeated trials In my family. . Mas. .1, K. Wilms. SR. If. DUFPYi Proprietor. I have tried Duffy's cough Mixtukk and take pleasure In recommending it because 1 believe It will do all tnat is claimed lor u by Mr. Duffy, the proprietor, who is a drug gist of long experience and a gentleman ol highest Integrity. 1 do not believe he would advertise any thing that was not exception ally good. This remedy hs certalmy an swered tbe purpose In my case. It cared a eold, an obstinate co.d 1 had, after 1 had tried a number of the principal couh rem- edlea without benefit. ;w. o. hkinmoh. R. W. PUFFY. Proprietor. Dear Bib It affords me gieat pleasure to testify to the merits of jour coi'ini Mix ture. 1 have used It in my family lorsome time and have found It the best oi remedies for Coughs and Colds. fJC Yours truly, F. Winslow. R. N. DUFFY, Proprietor. Mayor's Office, New Berne, Jan. 24, 1S91. X have wed Duffy's Uouuii Mixture in a severe and protracted cold with great bene tit. and with pleasure commend it to the public 0. A. Battle. Lk..6UR- N. DUFFY. Proprietor. Thla Is to certify I need one bolt is ol Duffy's Couoit mixture in the cuss of the "Grippe," and it effected a cure, can cheer, fully recommend It to any one suffering with severe coughs or colds. J. A. FATTEKSON, ." New Berne, N. C, Jan. MS, 1891. Be Bure and call for R. N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, Comer Pollock and Middle streets. Wholesale Agents McKesson A Kobbins, 1 Knltou Street; VVm. 11. Hchlelllly. o ,iu 710 William Street, New Yorkt'iC . ROBERTS & BRO. 'Wholesale Dealers In Groceries, Provisions, ITOBACCO ami S.N IT F, BOOTS and SHOES. We are aUo aeents for STOCK "DIADEM" PLOUK, every barrel wan anted. A large stock of PUKE WEST INDIA MOLASSES, our own Importation. SW Come to see us. or send your orders. Ton will find our I'rlceB aB LOW as tbe Lowest. majttldwtf KOBEIIT8 i BRO. SodaWater on Draught Today at JOnN DUNN'?. New Fountains, New Cooler, and best otall, Glass Syrup lanss. ihe syrups do not come In contact with any metal. Call and try it. tf Execution Sale. Btate of Nortu CAROLiNA-Craven county. Barring ton & Baxter vs. W. K. Skinner. n ..An, te an ATflpnllnn In mw lutml. rui.u"u . ' j .......... fiom 8. B. Street, a Justice of the Peace of Mniitw oiyalnat t.hA flefanilfint. In Ihn above entitled action for $12.59, dated Jnne Htn. 18H, 1 nave leviea on uio imiuwiui u SOTlDSvl property h,jju win avu nu iuo iikhl, A fntarnat lT R&lrl defnndftnt. t.n fluid property, at the Court House in said county. I ?-L,.ivn'Alrrfc- MlridAV.on the Twentieth davof June, ioii, viz: 16 Benches, 15 Desks, 3 Clocks, 3 Maps, 1 n.MM l linalA Hnrn.1 I,nt HookH. 4 HlRck- boards, 1 Bedstead. 1 Mattress, 1 Tin Set, 1 pair Andirons, unaris, l ntanu. This 10th day of June, 18!U. W Dm IjAIVIIi Sheriff Craven County, For Eent. The house on South Front street lately . . . ( - UAanHal A - I .r tn maraotf. A. R. DKNNISOK KELSON HOUSE. Q30S BOARD can te prccared at the Helton Boose at $2.50 to $3 per Week, lther with or without room ' Mel prepared nnder the supervision of landlady, and sent to parties in the olty. On and after June 1st we will have differ- ' . ant Creams, ana U oruer m uo bmsiuuj 7 . ... M 1 1 1 L - . -i. nnilln natrnnatra resnectfully A A sum vi I----- " - to Furniture ! Furniture ! Furniture ! One of the Largest Stocks in Kastern North Carolina. Complete in Every Departm't Also, we now have the Agency for the celebrated WHEKLEK & W1LKON and STANDARD 8EW1NO MACU1NKS. l'bey are the latest Improved Light Kunnlngand are unsurpassed by any machine ever placed 1U LUIS nc I , JOHN SITTER. apl2.1wtf Just Received Zeb Vance Corn Stellers, Cox Cotton Planters, Spangler Guano Sowers. Iron Agricul tural Cultivators, Iron and Wood Harrows, Centennial and Keystone Planters, Cotton and Turn Plows of every description Castings, &c-4 and Agricultural Implements! and a full line of Harrows always on hand. Call and see us, or send for prices. J. C. Whitty & Co.. Cor. Craven and South Front Sta., oc29 wtf New Berne, N. C. SALE, EXCHANGE AND LIVERY. Hi. S. Street Has now (on hand a large lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Also, a fine lot of Buceies. Road Carts and Harness, all of which will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Don t fail to come and see him before making a trade. Feeding a specialty. no27dwtf A Thousand Pairs of Shoes at J. F. TAYLOR'S AT LOW PRICE3, BUT ALSO Mail Pouch Tobacco At 2 1 1 CENT3 Per Package. Also a heavy stock of Job Lots of Tobacco, ranging from 15c. ter pound ud. Also, a heavy stock of other goods to meet the demands of purchasers. DUFFY'S CROUP SYKTJP. Rceipe of the late Dr. Walter Dnffy, DIRECTIONS : Dose for a child two or three years old, one teaspooaful; for a child three months old, ten drops; for a child six months old, twenty drops; for one twelve months old, nearly half a teaspoonful repeating these doses frequently if necessary untU relief Is pro cured. This Is to certify that 1 have nsed Duffy's Okoui bYKUF In my family for over six months and I believe It to be a most excel lent remedy for croup with children, espe cially as a preventive, Onr youngest child had a severe attack of croup about a year ago, Insomuch thut we felt anxious about lis recovery, but was successfully treated by our physician, but thinking It probable that other attacks mlitht follow we frequently used Duffy's Croup Hyrup and the child has had no marked symptoms of croup since, and I believe It Is due to the use of the Croup Hyrup, and we now keep a bottle of it at our house at all times, and I cheerfully recommend It to all. K. H. Barhum. Also very effectual In relieving coughs and colds. Fbkpakid and bold sr K. N. DUFFY. JS6W Beru, NT. O. Wholesale Agents-McKesson & RobMns, fllFulten Street; Wm. H. Schtefflln 4 Co., 170 William Street, New York City. SEASON OF 1891. Round Trip Tickets to Morehead City. TO AGENTS A. & N. O. R. B.: Rpeclal Rates of Fare, Round Trip Tickets, from sttttons named below to Morehead City. In effect June 1st, 18DI. Sat. Night 3.00 2.60 2.60 1M From Goldsboro i.i Grange Klnston New Berne To and return. Moreh'dClty Season. t 00 S.50 800 2.00 V. L. DILL, O. P. A. H. L. GIBBS, A.ttorney at Law, Craven St,, next to Journal office. HW BERNE, N. O. Fraotlos In the Conns of Craven, Carteret, Hyde, Pamlico, Jones, Onslow, and Lenoir counties, ud In the Supreme and Federal courts. , ad&wtf. JOURNAL. REBELS REJECT TERMS. Iqtjique, Jane 11. The amnes- proposed by the American Minis ter at Santiago to B&lmaceda was not accepted, bnt the latter offered to entertain a proposition for an arrangement, he indicating its basis. To this the Congressional party refuses to assent. London, Jane 11. A lengthy circular note addressed to the European powers by the Chilian provisional Junta, or government representing the insurgent party of Chili, was published in England and on the continent today. In this note the Chilian Junta appeals to tbe powers to recognize the in surgents as belligerents. A private letter from Santiago, Chili, states that all the papers in Santiago have been suppressed except the two government organs while only one newspaper is allow ed to be printed in Valparaiso. Mr. Kichard J. Trumbull, repre sentee of the Chilian insurgent party, had a long interview with Secretary Tracy yesterday. Mr. Trumbull made a strong plea for the insurgent cause and sought to have the arms on the Itata still remain in the custody of Admiral McCann until a judical determina tion of their ownership can be reached. Ofcourfe tbe uncondi tional landing of the arms in Chili would be preferred by the insur gents but "failing in this; they are anxious to prevent their return of the weapons to the United States. PHINCE OF WALES. He is Condemned by the Scotch Radical Liberal Society. LONDON, June 11. The Liberal Radical Society of Scotland, has forwarded to the Prince of Wales a resolution adopted by the Society condemning his action with the baccarat case demanding that ho resign his army commission. THE RELIGIOUS PRESS, LoNDOn, Juue 11, The Chris tian World, a religious weekly paper, representing all denomina tions of Protestants, says of the Prince of Walesj inconnectioh with the baccarat scandal: "The throne rests upon the foundation of public opinion only. A few more scandals like that of Tranby Croft would destroy this foundation and Edward VIII would never bo crowned." AND STILL ANOTHER. London, June 11. At the an nual conference of the Congrega tional churches of Glamorganshioe, Wales, resolutions have becd adopt ed denouncing the Prince of Wales for his connection with the baccarat scandal William H. Oliver. Agent for the National Board of Marine Underwriters of New York. The following Companion represent ed: New York Mutual Ian. Co , New York. United States Lloyds, New York. Ins. Co. of North America, Philadelphia. Delaware Ins. Co., Philadelphia. Providence Washington. Providence. China Mutual Ins. Co., Boston. Boyleton Ins. Co., Boston. Thames & Mersey Ins. Co , Li. Liver pool. British & Foreign Marine Ins. t'o. Ld. Liverpool. Reliance Marine Idj. Co., Ld. London. London Assurance Corporation, London Industry Mutual Marine Assurance Co., Ld. London. Western Assurance Co.. Toronto. Mannheim Ins. Co., Mannheim, Gar many. Switzerland Marine Ins. Co., Zjrich. General Ins. Co.. Dresden. In the event of loss or damage to ves sel or cargo report immediately by tel egraph or otherwise to me, and it shall have immediate attention. , William H. Oliver. Newbern, N, C. j7 4csun VICTORIA'S DISPJLEASUBE She Demands an Explanation from Albert of the Baccarat Business, London, June 11. It is said that the Queen is so deeply stirred np over the baccarat Bcandal and revelations that she g has directed the Prince of Wales to make an early personal explanation oi his conduct, and that eome of the Prince's associates in the game may be made to feel the royal dis pleasure. The Secretary of State for War baa been overwhelmed with letters demanding tnat action betaken against the implicated officers. Escape of Prisoners. The report that prisoners have been and are-constantly escaping from that malignant gaoler, liver complaint, is fully corroborated by the self-liberated captives. Hosts tter's Stomach Bitters re, they say, the means by which they get rid of their fetters. Few altogether avoid the bondage of this ailment, and few are nnacquainted with its signs, vis.: pain through tbe right tide and shoulder blade, furred tongue, yellow ness of the eyeballs and skin, sour breath, sick headache, dyspepsia and constipation. Hostetter's Stomaoh Bit ters puts a prompt period to these, brings them to a fall stop In short order. Whether the trouble is chronio or tem porary, this i medicine . is equally effective, regulating' the . liver and bowels thoroughly. It is likewise a sovereign remedy for rheumatism, kid ney complaint, malaria, heartburn and nervousness. x-ctH, 'f ? DEATH IN A LOTTERY., Patljetie Note by Jaesb Bonnet the Suicide. Baltimoee, Mdn Jane 9th Jacob Bonnet's suicide as a defaul ting Secretary of the Rothschild Building Associations has been fol lowed by the assignment of his son Ernest M., the boot and shoe deal er. The pathetic note, written in German; which was fonnd in one of the elder Bonnett's pockets, was addressed to his wife and children, and said: "I hare made yon all unhappy through this disreputable lottery playing. God will be with you. I alone am the guilty one. I always thought that I would win a few thousand dollars in order that I might pay my debts. God be merciful to you. You are innocent. You creditors take all that belongs to me and divide it among you. I warn everybody against lottery playing, This is my last word. The lottery has swallowed up the whole money, for I wanted te win. I cannot live any longer. My debts are too great, but I lost everything. Bonnett's defalcation amounted to almost $100,000. A Japanese Prince in (Washing' ton. There was a distinguished visitor in the city yesterday in the person of Prince Kotohito, a member of tke royal family of Japan. The gentleman is making quite a tour of investigation for the purpose of inspecting the different systems of military defenses and equiqments in use in various countries. He came over from New York Tues day night, and was yesterday taken by the members of the legation through the Departments. The prince holds a rank in the Japa nese army equal to major, and is only about twenty years of age. Wasliingiou Post LEMON HOT DROPS. For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngotis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists 25 cCnta per bot, tie. Prepared by U. Mszley, M. D. Atlanta, Qa. LEMON ELIXIR. its Wonderful Effect on tbe Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidney,' and Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, i evers, thills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first greate caus of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents end one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by U. Mozley, M. D., Atlanla, Ga. A man never gets so bad but that he likes to hear somebody say there is still some good in him. HAPPY HOOSIEKS. Win. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising irom Jiidney and Liver trouble. John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same olace, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man. J, W. Gard ner, hardware merchant, same town, says Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don t care wheth er ho lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite, and felt just like he had s new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle atF. S Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store The hardest of ali things is to get a man to stop and look himselt squarely in the face. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow 's Soothing Syrup hss been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens tha gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoo. Twenty rive centy a bottle, Sola by all drug gists througnout the world. Many men have ended by be coming scoundrels, who began run ning in debt. BTJCKXEN'S ARNICA. SALVE The Best Salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. Jf or sale In Newbern by jr. B. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggiBt. People who never worry do a good deal of missionary work that they don't get credit for. LA GRIPPE AGAIN. During the epidemic of La grippe last season Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, proved to be tne best remedy. .Reports from the many who used it oonflrm this statement. They were not only quickly relieved, bnt the disease left no bad after results. We ask you to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisfied with results, or the purchase price will he re funded. It has no equal in La Grippe, or any xnroat, unesc or iung'J rouble. Trial bottles free at S. Duffy's drug store. Large bottles, 60c. and 11.00. ,v;;;v ;. i, ;j (Mldren . The Cotton-Seed Cure. : "' j A Florida writer describes tha following remarkable cure for con-1 Bumption, which may be of interest to manj: j "A medical friend eent a young man to me with a note, requesting j me to employ him in my mill and, ' as a last resort, feed him on cotton- seed oil. The boy appeared to me to be far gone with throat and lung disease. 1 didn't think he would live six months. 1 gave him light j work, and told him to eat all the oil he wanted. In the course of a ; few weeks I noticed a great change, j His cough had left, and he gained ( strength enough to do heavier j work. He had increased in weight , so that be began to fill out clothes which had hnng on him like a pole when he came first. He worked with me all that season, and was to j all appearances well. For over eight months he ata nothing bat , i , . . . . cotiou seeu on ana uaKer sroreaa.' ; When liabr was sick. -avo ter Castoria. XliL-n she was a Chill, sho cried for Castorla. When he became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Cliil Jren, she gave them Castoria. North Carolina. Farmers' State Alliance. MEKTING IX GOLDSBOUO, June 127il, 1891. A N. C. R. Co . Superintendent' Ofi- h i New llerne, N. C, Juno lllh, 1MH. To All Agents, A. & N. C. K. K. You will sell Tickets to the above from your Station to Uoldfuoro and Keturu at Tariff No. 4. Tickets on sale June 2tith and 27th: uood to relnrn Including June :iwii, Jmu. . L. U1LL, C. P. A. DUFFY'S PROPERTIES : Anodyne, Carminative, Antiseptic nnd Mildly Astringent. It corrects bowel disorders by relieving pain and griping, and by disinfecting mor bid matter in the Intestinal track. It Is especially useful In dlairhreaR and dysinterles aficr the bowels have been freely evacuated naturally or by the use of simple pnrgaUves. DOSfe, for adults, one teaspoonful with water; may be repeated In one hour, jar Shake vial before using. Prepared by R. N. DUFFY, may28 dwlstp New Berne, N. C. REFRIGERATORS, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Fly Fans, Wire Dish Covers, Fly Traps, Lawn Mowers, Bath Tuhs, And other Summer Goods. L. B. CUTLER & CO. NEW BEENE. 2T. C. Change of Business. The NEW BERNE DIllO COMPANY having purchased the business formerly CJUductcdby R.J. GOODING, fit the old established stand of K. 11. Meadows, Oor. Pollock and Middle Sts,, respectfully notify the public that the same Will hereafter be oonductcd under the above management. Mr.T. A. HENEY, Pharmacist will be In charge, and special attention will be given to dispensing physicians' prescrip tions with accuracy and at reasonable prices. A full line of DRUGS, MEDICINES. TOILEt ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, PATENT I MEDICINES, CIGARS and TOBACCO Will be kept constantly on sale. We make a specialty of the CELEBRATED SEVES SFRISG3 MINERAL WAVER, Mhlch Is kept on draught. ma j 31 d wtf 75 Cases Tomatoes, 40 " Peaches, 100 " Brandy Peaches SOLD CHEAP. Reduction in Old Vir ginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. WHOLESALE GEOOEE, MIDDLE STEEET, NBW BEENE. N. O. W. D. McIVER, ATTOENEY AT 1AW, .ChildrenXry'foPitcher'slCastorla! TVntiire should te assisted In the ispring to throw ol the neavlnea of the sluggish winter circulaiioa of tbe iblood. , Nothing does it welL inivtmnt rvr Art R&: fftlV. SPRING. (as Swift's Specific. I have used S. 8. 8. for a number ol 3ar, and consider it the best tonic and liood remedy that I ever used. In fact 1 would not attempt to enter nPn spring or summer in this climate with- ut it! H. W. ColkmaW, ; Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., , Dade City, Fla, Our hock Pn Blood and Skin Diseases , aiailed free. - t ; Swq-t Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE! j r r 1 1 -.1.1,1 I ' i.ifir Y our laAaUiOB 1 v. The uniV rained having been appointed ,i Lilsl laaer lor no. iuwh ii, """ - limits of tin? cltvofNew Berne, ror me yer , lSSl.herPDy no-.iHes all tax payers that ha . . will attend m the Court Housa In Hew , Berne, JUNE 1st to JONK 80, Inclusive, for-.; the juirpoHo of receiving from tne taxpayers r of said portion of eala Township a list or Keal Estate nnd Personal Fropeity owned ... by thein on the 1st, day of Jane, alsolnstr Attention is ra led to the followlnjf SX ; - tract from tne Machinery Actof 1889: . u..i.. ",1 ..All m.rnna ivhn ATA llBiDlA . for a poll tax and Bhall wllfnlly fallto give -themselves in. and all persons who own property and wilfully fall to list It within , the time allowed before the List Tskeror i. ..... 1 .Vmioalnnwi aVift.ll tlA DCl 1VU J. -- ,, IUO XWUlll ,., . deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall he fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoucd not more than thirty days." All persons falling to list, their Poll or Property will be prosecuted according to lawr JONATHAN HAVKN8, ' insj-17 lm LlstTaker.. MEETING Korth Carolina. Teachers' Assembly. AT MOREHEAD OITY,N. 0. Atlantic & N. C. Kailroad! SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, New Heme, tf. C, May 15,1891. Clreuhir-To Agents A. A N. C. R. R.: Hpeclal rates of Fare to the members f the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly from points named below to Morehead City and return, Tickets on Rale Juno 13th to 23d Inclusive. Hood to return uplo and Including July 2d, 1SIU. Uood only lor continuous passage In each direction. Goldsboro Z.W Uesis 2 W La (jrange L'.ii Kalllng Creek U.V" Kinston 2 l.i Caswell 2.1'j Pover 2 00 Coie Creek 2.W Tuscarora ...82.00 Newbern ......... 1.45 KWerdale 1.10 Croatan 1.1)0 Havelocfe .. .76 Newport 45 Wlldwood . .40 Sell Iron-clad Tickets when shown certifi cate of membership. S. h. DILL, Q. P. A. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. :Nev Berne, N. C, Juue 1st, 1891. To Aiiknts A..t N. C. H E : Through Kates of Fare, Konnd Trip Tick ets, from coupon statloua below to points named on the W. V.ti li. It , Htason or 1891. Tickets on sale .Tune 1st to Sept. With, 1891 Inclusive, (rood for return patsaee on or before Oct. 31st, IM'l J ItOM o a St 0) 'A mm IS 35 1 l.7(J TO: o a 2 $11.10 11.95 13.S0 13.85 11.50 16.00 Hickory, N.r SM.25 Morganton, N. C... KU0 SI0.60 11.8V 12.70 13,25 18.00 1640 Old Kort.N.C. .... IB. Hl'k Mounl'n, N. U. 17 00 Ashvl.lo.N. C IT 15 Hot St rings, N. C. 1U.15 lr,.!5 1VJJ 17 10 Children under tlve years of ags, frea. Children of live and under twelve years of age, one-half of tlie above-named rates. . 8. L. DILL, G. P. A. iiSinerv! Mrs. E. B. LANE, Having opened her NEW STOCK of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, respectfully invites her numerous customers and the public generally to call and examine her " New and ElegantHats Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Pins, etc and be convinced that her goods are as Pretty, Stylish and Cheap as any In the city. M Unparalleled Offer! f or the next thirty days we will sell r SOLID finTJj ni"nTWfi TitwBr.' FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH yiKST 'QUALITY LENSES AT $2.50 Per Pair! BELL THE JEWELER HAJ. PALMER'S- Tobacco and Cigar Store Is now looated in the South Store of HOTEL ALBERT, on Middle Street, and he is prepared to furnish - Delicious Soda Waters'' from his exoelent Apparatuj-Fountaint. All know what he keeps in his Store, so when in want come and get it. . iou pays your money and takes you choice. ,,.,5. , , TTT T Y 1 T WIS " ! apr23dtf New Berne. N. 0. " Residence for Sata! Finest Location in the Citv. North-west corner of Neuse and 107 ft. 34non Neusei and. z 14 it, 6 in. :on Middle St. divided to suit purchasers, . ; y ' t-.:r EASY TERMS. - Apply to ROBERT O. HEIIOE, or vik':'Y $:: H 0. WHITEDURST, ' mi is ns HI. ! ! 'I. mi.. '-!),

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