REVENUE MARINE The Least Known Branch of the Revenue Service. How It was Established the Work It Does. and . OKI ENJOYS Both the method and results when Byrup of Figs is taken; it 4s pleasant : ind refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual At present the Uuited States revenue niaiine is the least-talked-of aud least known branch of the revenue service. You bear much of the campaigns against moonshiner in Tennessee and Kentucky, the newspapers retail at length all obtained information as to the finding of smuggled goods on the persons or in the luggage of ocean passengers, but mention is seldom made, and theu only casually, of the constipation. Syrup of Figs is the revenue marine. Yet of all branches Only remedy of its kind ever pro- ; tbo revenue inarino is the most inlct duced, pleasing to the taste and ao ! eslil and veil(lolg the most thrilling ceptablfl to the siomach, prompt m , . its action and truly beneficial m its , c'v c ' , . , , . effects, rrenared onlv from the most I 11 wa8 established m i08. For ItMirfcv anA .(TroooWL BfiKatonppa ita 1 many wars after that it was iii the many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most pot in of Figs is for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. IQUISVIUE. KY. HEW YORK. K.r HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS - for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, 1 AND POULTET. "' 000 Page Book on Treatment of Animal and Chart Sent Free. , cirm(FeTera,Congrcstlen(.Inflammatlon i A. A.! Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. .1 B.B. ftfraini, Lameness, Rheumatism, '! .C.l)l8teinper, Nnsnl Discharge!. I B.D. Bats or Grabs, Worms. K.K. C'onehs, Heaves, Pneumonia, t F.F. Coilo or Gripes, Bellyache. 4.G. Miscarriage, llemorrhagos. ' H.H.Crlnary and Kidney Discasea. i.I.Ernptive Diseases, Mange. .K.-l)ieases of Digestion, Paralysis. : Single Bottle (OTer GO doses), - - .GO " Stable Case, with Specifics, MannaL r Veterinary Cure Oil and Modlcator, ST. 0(1 i Jar Veterinary Core Oil, - - 1.00 . Sold br Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhers and in any quantity on RoceJpt of Fries. HUMPMHEYS' MEDIOINE CO., Corner William and John Bti., New York. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC fftft SPECIFIC NoiO 1st nut AQ vmih Thfl onlv RnnmHififiil mmHv fnr Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or othr causes. $1 per TiaL or 6 vials and large vial powder, for 25. buui nz ukuihhhth, or sent postpaid on receipt of prloay-BUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Oor, WUliam and John Sta., IT. Y. AH of onr Veterinary Preparations nan be bad of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W cor. Broad and Middle streets, Newbera.N.C pRUNKBNr(E5S i"" Liquor Habit UMlUtE WORM WERE SBJfT OJfS CURE WHtofeS golden specific It can bo given In coffee, tea, or in articles of food Without tb knowledge of patient if necessary! it la absolutely harmless and will effect a perma. 7M ii u Dnt and apeedy cure, wnetner the patient is a jnoderatedrinkeroranaleohollcwrcck. IT NEV KB VAILS. Iloperates so quietly and with such - MrtAlntv that the oatient underiroes no incoo' ' lenience, and soon his complete reformation A effected. 41 page hook free. To bo had of B. N. Duffy, druggist. New Berne. N.C jylSdwy OLD DOMINION Steamship Company, SEMI-WcEKLY LINE. The Old Doutimon Uteanutip Company's Old and Favorite Water Route, via Albe marle and Chesapeake Canal. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, Plilla- delplftla, llotton, Providence, aud Wnklitngton City. f And all point North, East and West. , On and alter 1 L ESLIA i , AfKIl, 14, 181U 1 until lurtiiti notice, -the ; Steer HEWfiEBlE, Cait. Sontbjnte, "iVil'ltlHll I f T 1-11 w , T lil sun uotn inorioiK, va., iornewrjerne, fc : N.C, direct, every Monday and Thursday, V Y-'v,ti!ik-inr nlnre. connection with the A. Az N. C. .j.i'tlt, for all etaliona on that road, and with th 'Steiunrrs Kinstoii and Howard for Kin- A .'... miH nil ntlmr tanrlinoB An ilia bmn, Trenton, and all other landings on the Ncuw and Ireut Kivers. " ' KeHimlntf.will sail FROM NEW JJERNE. ' FOR NORFOLK direct, at 2 p m., Tuesday wnfl I'TKiiiy, mirKing connection with the O. I -ijj.;.J). 8. S.Uo.'sKli)i)slorew xorK, B. . r(o.'s j, w'i 'stemueiil lor Ballimnre; Ciytle Line Ships for v!h Hl.lL,IJnl,L Af 1. TLf V IV. .kin. f..m II. - Y' toil and Providence. i FtetMtr Kinaion, Capt Diion, will sail for Kinaton on arm al ot steamer Newberne. Crier alt good cure of 0. D. S. S. Co., NnHolk, Vn. u . ift Faengen will find a frond table, oomfort- a ' r l ie room, and eveiy coin t ay ana attention i i. will be paid them by the orhVers. . f K. fi. ROBERTS, Agent ',' Jl KESRS; CULPEPPER & TURNER, ''" Ageuie, Norfolk, Va. , VT. H. STANFORD, , Vice-President, New York City, aamrn sr "Bar vrTavnni , ( Pr.arHinor Hm ico y f' REOPENED. ' ' Hub. J. M. HINES has recponed a -First-ClaBi Boarding House in the city, ' opjx te Baptist Church. Tie Pioneer Daiis SeiinrMacMne, , Can be had at the tame place. - v J. M. HINES, Agent. J, B. DKOWN, , " -FXMX CtASS ' DARBER SHOP. Noatly fitted up ia th best ofilylo. Batt i. rooma with hot and cold water. ;K t I nniCK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. eyes of the public constantly, nntl ils doings were iniule the basis of many an exciting novel. For those were the days of smuggling of the ancient bold anil hfc-riskin;r kind, there were great 6pi'cds of canvas and no steam vessels. Rakish looking craft, built for speed, hovered about the coast awaiting a chance to laud a cargo of goods without the expense of the duties. And the business of the reve nue marine was to see that the goods were not landed, and, if possible, to catch the smugglers, llencc arose sea fights and land lights, in which blood was spilled and a vast quantity of shot and powder used. So revenue-marine officers and men had a great reputa tion for bullot-fiicing courage. Be sides, there was all the charm of the 6ea tho old-fashioned sea, with its craft stately and ghostly from wide stietchinjr sails. And all these things have passed, leaving only an occasional yacht race to suggest tho glories of the days that were. And smuggling, at least that dcliant piratical sort of smuggling, has passed also. As the general public supposed and still supposes that suppressing smuggling was tho chief end of the rcveuuo marine, that branch of the revenue service passed from sight. And although it has since built up a new field for itself, equally interest ing and almost as daring as tho old, the general public has not regained interest. So tho officers and men of tho revenue marine have done their deeds of heroism in obscurity, and have had only the satisfaction of do ing as a reward. For the government pnys no pensions to the revenue ma- t ine, not even in time of war, when it has to co-operate with the navy against the foe. To pa!rol the long coast-line of this country requires a considerable num ber of vessels. As tiic work set for them to do is of a most important character, the vessels arc of the bes1 possible kind. They are, for the most part, small, compact, cleanly built steamers, painted black with wh'te trimmings, and lying low in the water. Their masts arc rakish, and I were it not for tho very suggestive looking guns, they might be mistaken for swift steam yachts. ' The servico is under tho treasury ' department, and in no wny connected with the navy. Tho duties are to sup press smuggling, to assist in distress, to enforco quarantine laws, to see that all the rules for the government of ships in United States waters are obeyed, which includes tho suppres sion of mutiny. The sea coast vessels patrol each its own district, and form a picket line nt the outer edge of gov ernment jurisdiction, which extends tlireo marine leagues from the shore. Harper's Weekly. of tho young colts. It happened by the merest chance that three droves came in together with the stallions leading. Naturally the three joined, and at once arose tho question ot leaderahip. This could only be set- I lied by a battle, aud before the herd, ers could begin to form any plan tor separating them, the three stallions were engaged in fiercest battle. As lescribed by those who saw it, this battle was so savage and ao bloody that it teemed certain that at least one of the combatants must be killed. It lasted a little more than 20 minutesi and when the "smoke of battle" drifted away and the ligh'. was done, a big gray Percheron called Napoleon was seen to bo the victor, and he it was that, with uplifted head and proudly curved tail, led the company of mares and colts to tho pastures, while the two defeated ones inarched together like whipped curs, dejectedly in the rear. In this instance, although tho light was an unusually desperate one, and all three horses were badly cut aud torn, none of the throe suf lered moro than temporary discomfort- Harper's Weekly. How the Great l'hk'a?o Fire Started. A Chicago gentleman says he is the owner of tho only true story of the origin of tho great tire, remarks the Chicago Tribune. Here it is with a patent: 'A few days after the lire I had a womin working for 1110 who had lived in the vicinity of Mrs. O'Leary's. The woman had better luck than Mrs. O'Lcary, in that she was not burned out. "She told me that a family living in the back part of the O'Lcary houso were giving a party in honor of a young lady who had just arrived from Ire land. When refreshments were served it was discovered that there was no milk 111 the house. A young man present said that was easy enough to supply; that Mrs. O'Lcary had a cow in the barn, lie volunteered to milk the cow if any of the young ladies present would hold a light. One of tin ladies agreed logo with the young man. "They went to the barn and placed the lump 0:1 the floor near the cow. The young man proceeded to his work, when the cow kicked and the lamp was knocked over. Tho blaze ignited the hay and the tire started. "Mrs. O'Lcary was in bed at the ti'iie, and that is why she always de nied the story. Sho did not know anything about the cow yarn until sev eral days after the ii c, and she didn't believe the story and denied the truth of it because her name was connected with the milking incident. She was not in it, but her cow was." Where Shrimps Come From. You can find a good many things ia Fulton Market that you are not likely to understand unless you know some thing of the inner secrets of the lish business That was the experience of a reporter who happened down thero Ihe other day. He saw a portly, red faced fish merchant assorting a stock of canued shrimps. Now the re porter knew that shrimps were shrimps, and that thev came from somewhere, and that they were good to eat. At that point his fund of knowledge ran out. As he was in search of information he appoaled to the merchant for some facts. "Shrimps," said the tish dealer' are caught in the (ulf of Mexico, and your inquiry is timely, for it it in about this season that the industry is at its height. Tho season lasts four months, two in the spring and two in tho fall, aud in that time a tremen dous bu'iness is done in the way of catching and canning them. In New Orleans, which is the headquarters of the trade, 100,000 cans a day of these little lish are packed. The shrimps run in large schools down the numerous passes leading into tho (lull' of Mexico, where the fishermen catch them with their seine4, frequently bringing in nt one haul enough to till one of their peat boats. They are then taken to the canning factories. The shrimps aro placed in large troughs, (iii-ls who arc experts in their line take them in hand. With one twist they lake oil (heir heads, and then with a pressure at the tail the shrimp is forced out. The gil ls are pa'd by the pound, and they make very good wages, too. "After being taken from the shells Ihe shrimps are put in :i vat of salt water, and are cooked by means of steam pipes running through Ihe vats. Then thev are put into little gauze hags, each bag just big enough to til inside the cans used, there being so much phosphorus in the shrimp that unless some precaution is taken the tin would be eaten through by its ac tion. "After tho shrimps are placed in tin; cans they are hermetically sealed, this work being done by machinery. The cans are then put into a largo tank, and once again the shrimps are put through a steaming process, this time leu times hotter than before. Af" tcr this the shrimps are thoroughly cooked, and when t!:e cans cool they are tabled aud put in boxes. Next you sec them here in Kulton Market, ready for the table of any one who has the price." New York Recorder. BaWaTkJaf WaoaTar Om Hmnerred OoIWi toward for t!, T,0?,.0" caj" be cored br UU14 HalTs Catarrh Car a. F.J. Cunir Co.. Props., Toledo. O. TVe, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In aU biMinoaa tiona, and financially able to carry out any ob- Toledo, ligations made by their firm. & Tbuaj, Wholesalo Droggists, Waadijco, Kiks&n & MiHVIs, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the Mood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price T5c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. The degree of success obtained may often be ascer'aiued by the amount of jealousy which it arouses. 'The Best Mrdiclne ITc Ererllaa. rUi.TFOr.n, Cos Arril H.19P0. J received joorMimpIo Lo'itlt-of rloraiilox ion. and bajvsed iwo bolt ie ot vour noble medicine, j must Lay it is the best medicine 1 have had yet. hziiA V. Bakni m. V ivrantiiii is the spocuj and vt-ruiaueiit rure for trick lieadaciie, Jndicestion. Dnsiet sia, BHiounesi'. Live.- Complaint, Nei v ms iie liilily and Coui-umptiori. It is tho only sure ture ior these 1 omplaiuU. Ask j our druut lor it, and gel well. If the power todn hard work is not a talent, it is the best possible substiiute for it. Malaria cured and eradrcatrd from the system by lirowu's Iroa Dittors, which en riches the blood, tones the nerves, aids diges tion. Acts like a charm on persons in geniirol ili lualtd, giving new en rgy and siren.h. The certain way to lie cheated is to fancy one's seit more cunning than others. TWO atopped free by Dr. Kline's Omul Sekvb itW'fOitUi. No fits after first day's use. arvelous cures. Treatise and l trial UotUe free. Ur. Kline, C31 Arch St., t'hila., l'a. Meu of charncler are the conscience of the society to which they belong. There's a patent medicine which is not a patent medicine -paradoxical as that may sound. It's a discovery I the golden discovery of medical science ! it s the medicine tor you tired, run-down, exhaust ed, nerve - wasted men and women ; for you sufferers from diseases of skin or scalp, liver or lumjs it's chance is with every one, it's season always, because it aims to purify the fountain of life the blood upon which all such diseases depend. The medicine is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The makers of it have enough confidence in it to sell it on trial. That is -you can get it from your druggist, and if it doesn't do what it's claimed to do, you can get your money back, every cent of it. That's what its makers call taking the risk of their words. Browm'8 Iron Bitters curei Dyspepsia, Ma laria, Biliousness an 1 lienonil Uebdity. Hives Strength, uides Digestion, tonea thtt nerves e.rea es appeiite. Tae uest tonic for Nursing Mothers, weak womeu and children. He must be an obscure and commonplace person who hus no enemy. If iifTi'etf d with 'oreye" mso Or Nnac Thomp. son'sKyeW nter.l)ru grists s - i 1 nt p -r but 1,1 j The noblest mind the best contentment lm. A Kemarkahle ar Drum. John Crosby Brown, the well-known banker, lias just received at his coun try Rent at St. Cloud, West Orange, N. J., a remarkable relic. It is a na tive war drum from the interior of the New Hebrides group of islands. Af ter great difficulty, caused by the superstition of the natives, Mr. Brown's emissary succeeded in getting' possession of the relic and shipped it to this country. It is a big log ten feet-long and two feet in diameter at the larger end, tailoring gradually, and at the smaller end it is finished in the shape of a rifle bullet. The entire exterior is covered with inscriptions of hieroglyphics and Indian "totems." 1 A hollow runs from the top to the bottom, and it was used as a drum during the magic incantations before Hie beginning of a war. It was found in the interior of the island of Anely tum, one of tho New Hebrides group. Mr. Brown intends presenting it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York Observer. A Horse Battle. The herds of horses on a Western Much, roamiug over bo large a space, rarely encounter ono anotner. When they do, tho mares evince only the smallest possible amount of curiosity, but joiu and graze. Different is It with the stallions. With but a mo ment's preparation, tlioy rush wildly at one another like mad bulls, neighing in what seems the mockery of a neigh, and with head in air and tail curving proudly, they rush and plunge and rear, kicking and biting, stamping one on the other until the ground and liorse9 are covered with blood, and exhaustion of ou forces a surrender and retreat. At 1 have said, the fickle mares march off with the conqueror at their head, while tho dcteated lags woarily behind. One of the most ter rible battles that probably ever took place between ranch stallions occurred near tho . home ranch of the Little Missouri Horse Farm In the spring of 1888, at . the- time when the sevoral bunchos or droves of. horses were being driven In from tho ranges for an account of stock and for the branding The Emperor's Num. An old lady died in Russia late in tho winter, untitled and unknown, but tho Czar of all tho Russias fol lowed her remains on foot through the snow, in the teeth of an icy wind, to tho cometcry, and brushed toars out of his imperial eyes when ho frozen earth fell on the hot-house WoBsoim which covered her plain cof fin. Sho was the old English nurse who took care of tho Emperor and his brother when they wero children, and the royal family of Russia has ever manifested a most kindly regard for tho servants of their household. What a Thistle lid. A Scotchman living in Australia anil visiting his native land, carried back a thistle, the emblem of Scotland, as the reader is doubtless aware. A grand banquet was held in Melbourne by 200 Scotchmen, and the thi.-tle, in a luv;o vase, occupied tho place of 1 onor in tho centre of the table. It was toasted and cheered, and the next day it was planted in the public gar den with a great deal of rejoicing. ; The thistle grew and thrived and in due time its down was scattered by the winds; other thistles sprang from ' the feed, and their down was scat tered, and in a few years the thistle lind made itself thoroughly at home in all parts of Australia. It lias rooted out the native grasses on thousands, I could almost say millions, of acres of pasture land, destroyed sheep runs by the hundred, and caused general exe cration of the Scotchman who took so much pains to import the original. In a similar manner the watercress, the English sparrow, the common sweet brier and other exotics have proved very troublesome and caused immense losses. The watercress lias choked rivers, caused great floods and im. peded navigation; the eweetbrier has become a 6lrong and Icn icious bush which spreads with great rapidity, de stroying the grasses; and tho inno cent daisy has boon nearly as injurious as the thistle. Chicago Herald. Let Him Down Easy. 'Well, did you jfet tho money from Short?" "No," Bald tho collector, "but ho mado his refusal plcasanter than I ex pected." "Pleasant! What do you mean?" "Why, he was careful enough to have a nice thick rug on the floor, so that when ho threw me down stairs ; I f el) on the rug and didn't ; break my nock, oi he inteuded.'V;ft;sr W hy the Lobsters Died. Auont the examinations now in pro gress in San Francisco of applications for positions under tho tish commis sion, the following story is told on Commissioner Redding. When he was first appointed tho commission decided to import a quantity of a particular breed of lobsters to be planted iu the bay, and Mr. Redding was chosen to superintend the details. Tho lobsters were shipped in tanks, and to keep them from killing each other on route, as Iobstor3 are wont to do, rubber bands wcro fastened about their claws, so that they wore poworless to do any injury. On their arrival at San Fran cisco Mr. Redding had them carefully dopositcd in tho bay, but negloctod to have tho fastenings removed. Tho ro ittlt was that every lobster died rPkayuuo. ; ; , -"; .-, , Tiny, little, sugar-coated granules, are what L)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are. The best Liver Pills ever invented ; ac tive, yet mild in operation; cure sick and bilious head aches. One a dose. Every Farmerhis own Roofer CHEAPER than Shingles, Tin or Slates, Reduces lour 1NSUUANCE, anil Perfectly Fire, Water and Wind Proof. tSTEEL ROOFING. V CORRUGATED ekq ram aum ilvw - Catalogue & trices Our Knoll ng Is wiily formed for the Bnlldlnf, mill ran ho applied ty Roy m. Po not bar any Honllnii iii. vial wrlto in"' for our Ttpwrljp tlve CuUlotti'.p. i'r!e M. AUFSfTS H ASTEB. ENJOYS Both the method and results when Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act fentiyyetpromptly on the Kidneys aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is ihe only remedy of sta Kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ts effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ite many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and 1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, 0AL. Mwsnut.KY. oral i nuLAw Writing. Typ-wrl s, PrWCTICAi, W rt,y,LJlind Om .' , y3 Hemes ly nd Nlfol P S"Iom. Bmtlbdr.l I COLLEGE. Richmond, Va. requires Addition of AM EQUAL PART OFOIll OK nninTiinpBd pviBTiseo in law stmt crux j Where wi have no Agent will nrrmirc witi. any active Merclinnt.- 1.. cfc SI. K. V ANewU&B for Petroleum The most mflrrclloiw results are now being obtuiucd from the vise of petroleum in ihe trcitmeiu of catarrh t-f the lies'! i. nil ihiurtt aud Hun; trouble. Send for l ;i;r.nhlvl free ili nbini; the new treat- li'.tut to the Hf-.u.tii il l Br ITPI.TE-'. CO.. idw.iv, New York. I BAGGY KNEES Adopted by itudenti flt HnrvarU, J i.'ulligt, alto, br profeailunul and i YOU WAHT T3 MIKE- MGHEY FACT AND DON'T KNOW HO.V. Hnd I Or. forcnlalngui', to W. 1IAIM K (iULLM. Mli'lilKiin Ave., Del roil. MMi. TON SCALES OF $60 BSNGKAMTOM V Beam Box Tar Bejm Vt N. Y. POSITIVELY RbMBDIRD. 'ant Stretcher. Amhcnt, and othor Lulli'Kt, alto, br nrofeailunul and buiiiai men aver Wbere. Knot for sale Jh your town icndMWuto m yttRJ&Li, 7UWualno Strut ?Mft Weak, Nkbvovb, Wretched mortals get wen tuiu Kti weii. leium neijfcr tells how. W cts. a year. Sample cop? fret. Dr. J. II. DYE, Editor, Buffalo, N. Y. SI3K UHll I J R01D WAG9NS Ottawa III At Wholesale Prim where we have no Agcnta. jkmaiorti;ataioEue to ct tu BUY STAMPS. I particularly want the ?Mniiii lined ilurisaj I In- lute Wa r. It Is worth your while to look ovw your old papers, a I pay as high a.s 5.00 aplec lorbome. Address ii. II. CALM AN, I'eiirl Sireei. New York. t'ew k-lt, v. ill mail fni l;,-. pach to rl.,:v. '-jMtJHHt la. ti leNtxuc( lov the iriHsHeh ronniufcal.' 1891 Cook Book wwwwmhhmmmmmm r and Fathers an m tltled to 813 a mo.' Feo 110 when you trot your moMT. BUuiki tree. U. UI'ITKU, lltr. WuklwKM. ft. C. eo ere to rmi'LK mit jhimiiku. rrlCC scuil addriYH to iniu Matriucwml Wolll.r, Omaha. Nebraska, for MlKF. COPY of the bent MiirrlUM arid CmTet.jonoiice iiapcr publish!. EI?" DOWN WITH HIGH PR5CES. WHY not buy from the) I.arcent Factory cf it Ulna in the C1UC Jfliddlrmen'n or world, and OHIL Dealers' uroflls. Over 1,000 Articles l divert to roiuumeri, thereby .urine 30 to 30 per cent. orrict na lllftMY KIU. RtFRIGEBATBM Tin WOKOtlirUL I fuKr J&rniE3"'d aireri 10 ronnumeri, thereby MCtJJtW t! itj3" p" ccnt XJVYVlllll M Iii I XX" Ell I iwAiir f i i ! CMIM. iSmmi n I THE WONDERFUL LUBURG CHAIR Combine. raom.full of Chair la one. beeidc making Loance, Bcd,orCeneh. Invalid appUanen 0 every description Pancy Chain, Rockers, dto. tOT Write at one for t"atalot ue. Bend MnmiM and mention qaodt wanted. THE LUBURG MANUFACTURING CO. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Dept. A 103, Bios. 341, 33, 35 North 8th Street. m. m Boa( Coifeh Modlcino. Reoonjmeaded by Phrgiciana.'- tf PiiMia iuIiam nil a1 an f i 1 a Plf.fltun'' rnrl nmiAnnhia Vt cv j nt 'U .'il. j. ..At. J , . ' HJ CHIGHB8TW8 ENGLISH, RtO CR088 f DIAMOND 80 A ..fHl ojiaiNLNotHUiHr. tin ., rut Lun m ta tOj Sim ribtea. T.k. iL.r!.7. .T . T 9 J M4 hi ell LmoI UrmaaUta. CHICMtaTIR CHtMICfl Co., V-m