UUEDT and SALE STABLES. lUE. T3LAJEDST dfc ' o M OQ o c? O Q - 00 OQ I. Call and! examine our stock which is kept 5 far lWJli 1 m ?sf V - J 4 ft.-fc3S 03 w Yeung Western Horses and Mules. Also, large lot Buggies (top and open Road, Carts, Harness, Whips, Robes and dorse Blankets constantly on hand at Rock liottoin Prices. We make our Livery a specialty. Single or double turn-outs canbe had at all hours. Every thing we sell is guaranteed as represented. Livery superintended by K. DENMARK. IOtll ctxici See XJs. COUOII MIXTURE. A Prnmnt: and Kfrir,inr, Remedy lb Ooughs, Colds, Croup, j D V,ifJn 0wO IWot TvTr n V T VJOomplete in Every Departm't Diphtheria, Catarrh, Lai Alg0rwe BOW hRve tJAgJCJ for the f1;n X1, 'celebrated WHEhl.EH A WlLxON and tflljJlJB, JJlUi One uf the moat effectual remedies! have ever known tor a cough or co d Is lhitfysl Ojuuh Mixtukb. It la Indeed a rare com-; hlnatton of valuable medicines: arresilng.at once the progress oi a cold and beginning at I aootnes and heal. Unlike all other .congh medicines there la no n a rcoilo or auy other unpleasant effect experienced in taking It. I am more man pieaseu iu ub bujo w wiu mend to mjr friends here and tne public at 1 large every where such a safe, pleasant and enaotuai cure lor uneui iubiuubiio'u complaint to which aumsn uesn is urnr. Thomas uatks. fJaQB" R. H. DUFFV. Proprietor. Mr. B. N. Duffy has called upon me to say something for his Ooumi Mi:iiihsk, now toeini advertised. The least 1 can say Is thai It la a certain cure for Colds, Kokk l hkoat, sad lKOUP. Irecogolie the mixture us be ing Identical with a prescription 1 have aaed in my family with unfailing success, written by one oi the most distinguished physicians of North Carolina. 1 am opposed to patent nostrums, but cheerfullv raeoui mend this on account of Its scientific urlglu, and the happy results obtained from li In repeated trlais In my family. Mks. J, K. Wit.t.ts. JR. Jf, DUFFY, Proprietor. I have tried Duffy's couuh Mixtuks and take pleasure In recommending It because 1 believe It will do all that Is claimed torn by Mr. Duffy, the proprietor, who is a drug gist of long experience and a gentleman oi highest integrity, ido not believe he would advertise anything that was not exception ally good. Tkls remedy Lea certainty an awered the purpose in my case. It cured a cold, an obstinate co.d 1 hd. after 1 had tried a num ber of the prlnolpul cough rem edies without benefit. ;W. O. lllilNSOM. R. W. DUFFY, Proprietor. Dear Bir It affords me gieat pleasure to testify to the merits of jour ( on. 11 Mix tukb. 1 have used .n my family lorwome time and have found 11 the bestoi remedies for Coughs and Colds, EJC Yours trulv, F. WinsloW. R. N. DUFFY, Proprietor. Mayor's Office, New Berne, Jan. 21, 1H. 1 have uied Duffy's Coihih Mixtukk in a severe and protracted cold with great bene fit, and with pleasure commend It to the pabllo. 0. A. Battle. L.L3lR W. DUFFY. Proprietor. This is to certify I used one bottl.) ol Duffy's Cough mixtukk in the case of ihe (irtnnn." and It effected a cure, can cheer- fully recommend It to any one sulleilng with severe coughs or colds. J. A. Patterson. New BerneN. C, Jan. vs. 18'Jl. Be Bare and call for R. N. AlUxX X O tiUUUH lUiAiuiuii Corner Pollock and Middle streets. Wholesale Agents McKeesoa A Kobblns. ui N-nitnn Htreef. Wm. H. Schlemty.& o ,in 710 William Street, New VorkCIC . ROBERTS 6 BRO. Wholesale Dealers In Groceries, Provisions, .TOBACCO and SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES. We are alto aeents for STOCK "DIADEM' VLnTTK. averv bariel wan an ted. A large stock of PUKE .WEST INDIA MOLASHES, our own lmporlation. Come to see us. or send your orders, You will find our Trices as LOW as the mayiMdwtf ROBERTS 4 ERO, Execution Sale. Btat of North CAiioLiNA.-Ciaven county. Barring ton & Eaxter vs. W. R. Skinner. Pnnmint to an execution in my hands fiom B. K. Street, a Justice of the Peace of said county, against the defendant in the above entitled action for ia 5H, dated June th, W9l, lliave levied on the following de scribed property and will Bell all the right, title and Interest of said defendant to said property, at the Court House in said connty. at twelve o'olock, Mlduay.on the Twentieth day of June, ibim, viz: 18 Benches, 15 Desks, 2 Clocks, 3 Maps, 1 Tirntn i tannin Horn. 1 Lot Books. 4 Black boards. 1 Bedstead, 1 Mattress, 1 Tin Bet, 1 pair Andirons, 9 Charts, 1 Stand. This 10th day of June, iSfll. ; W. B. LANK, Sheriff Craven Couuty, For Rent. Thu hnnae on Bouth Front street lately Osonpled as Marine Hospital, Apply to maraotf. A. B. DKNNIHON, HELS0NH0USE. - OJOD BOARD can le prccared at the Nelson House at $2.50 to $3 per Week, jllther with or without iojm Heals prepared under tbe supervision of Hndlady, and sent to parlies In the city. On'and after June 1st we will have differ entOreWntjfcndall orders will beearefully A Share of public patrota?e resiieotfully olieited. my241m GIBBS, Hyde. Pamlico, Jones, Onslow, and Lenoir hountlM-and In the BUpreme and federal CO. replenished with Furniture! Furniture ! Furniture ! One of the Largest; Stocks lantern North Carolina. STANDARD HEWING MACHINES. They are the latest Improved Light Kunnirand are unsurpassed Dy any machine ever p.aced in mis mar set apl2dwtf JOHN STJTER. Just Received Zeb Vance Corn Shellers, Cox Planters, Spangler Guano Sowers, Iron Agricul tural Cultivators, Iron and Wood Harrows, Centennial and Keystone Planters, Cotton and Turn Plows of every description Castings, &C'( and Agricultural Implements, and a full line of Harrows always on hand. Call and see us, or send for prices. J. C. Whitty & Co.. Cor. Craven and South Front Sts., oc29 wtf New Berne, N. C. SALE, EXCHANGE AND LIVERY. aO-a.. ft OP tv-L l Has now on hand a large lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Alio, a fine lot of Buggies. Road Carts and Harness, all of which will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Don't fail to cotno and see him before making a trade. Feeding a specialty. no27dwtf SEASON OF 1891. Round Trip Tickets to Morehead City. TO AGENTS A. A N. C. R. K.: Special Rates of Fare. Round Tilt. Tlcltets. from stations named below to Morehead City. In effect June 1st, pj'JI. Bat, From To and return. Moreh'dClty Beaton, gl on 3.5U a oo 2.00 Night Ooldsboro SI.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 f.4 Orange Klnston New Berne L. DILL, G. P. A. Public Sale of Land! In obedience to ajudgmentof the Superior uoun oi uraven county, in the suit wherein James C. Harrison, Administrator of John I). Conner, deceased, Is plaintiff", and Julia A.Conner and others are defendants, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction to the hlynest bidder, at the Court House In New lierne, .N. u., on Monday, July Ath 1H91, at 'Iwelve o'clock, M., the following realty uciuusiuh to me estate CI JOlin V, Conner, deceased, to-wlt: A certain tract of land lvlnz and helne on Dover Road, near Core Creek, In Wo 3 Town ship, Craven C3unty, N, C, adjoining the lands of C. L. Welherington and others, fully described In a deed from Fred McCov to John D. Conner, bearing date October i Jin, iMi. recorded in craven oountv records. in Book No. lol, folio 407, containing one unuurea &crea, mure or less. Terms of sale: One-half cash; balance on acreditor six months with note for same. Tine reserved until lull payment Is made. New Borne, N. C, May 22d, 181)1. J A M EH C. HARBISON. may23 Ills Adm'rof Johh D Conner. North Carolina Craven county. Iu office Clerk of .Superior Court. Notice Is hereby given of the Incorporation of the New Berne Ice Company; that the names of the Incorporators are William uuon, ueorge jn. lves, Charles Kelzenstein, James Redmond and P. H. l'elletler, and such others as they may associate with them; that tbe principal place of business shall be New Berne, N. C, and its general purpose and business shall be the manufac turing and selllnK ice and, manufacturing any othe commodity of whatever nature or kind that the stockholders may at any time uBiuruune; inaii tne auration oi the said corporation snail be thirty years; the cap! tai stock is nrteen thousand dollars, wltb privilege to increase from limn to time to one hundred thousand dollsrs, divldod Into nitres oi me par value oi one hundred aol lars. maj27 6 W. M. WATSON, C. H. C Executor's Notice- The undersigned having this day duly qualified as Executor of the last will and testament oi jtmma runups, all persons holding claims aval net said eatata ara hum- by notified to pyesent the same for payment w iub uu or ueiore tne loin aay or May, lblll Or this notice will be Dieaded In bar nf ra. co very, Persons Indebted to the estate are requeBtea to make immediate payment. May 14, 1801. thomas f. McCarthy, it ay 18 6w Executor, A New Ice House Open on Broad street, nest door to Mr unas. ewert s ueer titan. i-1 am prepared to accommodate the public with ice daring the Bummer season, ln- uiuuiug oauuaya. x reRpectiuur ask the eititens for a por Je7 4w JAMXS D, BARFIILDJ ChildreffXrylfoPitcheVCastoria: a I ine Selection of JOUKNAL. SEW BITEB ITEMS The oyster indnstry is still on the boom. Nearly every one Who has sot garden is trying to get one. One man entered one a few months ago, at acost of abont $12. and in a few weeks sold it for 150. when he thought he was doing well; bat the man to whom he sold it. got $ 400, in about a month afterward. The price of oyster gardens vary fron $ 100. and even more. The people have planted more oysters than nsnal this spring. Lewis Morris W. N. Marine, E. S. Smith, U. G. Canady, D. L. Grant, David Oanad v, J. A. Mattocks and Cap John Hill, are onr largest oyster growers. while the New lilver oyster Copany, under the Sopehntendance of Mr. L. M. Landen, are planting a large area in Sotn's Bay' Mr. E. 8. Smith picked np a piece of plank the other day in his garden, which had forty eight live oysters on it. This shows how prolific the waters of New River are. It in estimated that 3,000 bushels can be planted on one acre, and two at a cost ot not more than ten cents a bushel, when in two or three years they can be taken np and solp from Tocts to 1' per bu8tiel. There will be a big banks party on the east side of New River banks on the fall moon in Jane. They will arrive at the banks on Monday evening 22nd inst at 0 oclock, in time to see the moon rise, and re main all night. Bring along your tents and baskets expected. A. lartre crowd is There will be a big Alliance pic nicand public Speaking at Mew Kiver Academy near Sneeds Ferry on th 3rd Saturday in Jane 11. E. King and other prominent Alliance men will be there. Every body is invited to come and enjoy such a big time as the good people of Stump Sonnd usually have ou &uch occasions., Ool. W.D. Harrison of Swiuis- boro' was down here a few days ago, We understand that he two is interested in the oyster grounds of New River, and has been offered a very large percentage on the money invested, for his interest. - - - - Cold Waves. Cold waves are those sudden changes from high to very low tem perature which constitute the most i noteworthy feature of winter weather in the United States. They are produced by the ilow of masses of cold, dry air from the regions East of the Rocky Mountains in British America, towards the south or southeast. During the long win ter nights of the Artie regions dry, clear air accumulates in deep lay ers which is cooled by radiation to a temperature many degrees below zero; and then commences to ilow towards any place where warm air is ascending, as it does in the low pressure areas or storms which con stantly pass from west to east across the United States. A "low" is produced by the air somewhere becoming heated from unknown canses, above the sur rounding atmosphere. This exces sively hated air ascends and air is drawn in below from all sidee to replace it. That drawn in on the south to east side is warm and moist; that drawn from the north to west side is dry and cold. The cold wave follows after the low area as it moves eastward. The severer and prolonged cold waves are associated with exten sive areas of high presure. Their rate of progress averages eight hundred miles in twenty-four hours. It is of great advantage to many business and agricultural interest to know in advance when tho tern perature will fall quickly and decidedly, besides affecting the comfort and health'of thousands of people. LEMON HOT DROI'S. For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis1, Lemon Hot Drops. take For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Said by druggists. 25 cents per bot, tie. Prepared by H. Mazley, M. D. Atlanta, Ga. LEMON ELIXIR. Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidney ,'and Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon arms that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion, Headache, Malaria. Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Lots of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blotches. Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all other disease caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first greate caus of all fatal diseases. Fifty oenta and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggist. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanla, Qa. There are times in life when the soul, like a half-grown climbing- vine hangs hovering tremulously, stretching out its tendrils for some. thing to ascendbyt , . ; t ChifcrfCry fo EDITORS 13 TBI CH1II G1NCU Q City of Mexico, June 15. A telegram from Gnatamala states that the President hat caused the imprisonment of Nicolas Cifuentes, Manuel Alfaro and Ventura Paz, who were the editors of El Popular, of Guezaltenango, one of the prin cipal towns in the npper districts of Gnatamala. By his orders they were chained and thrown into pris on, and are made to sweep the 6treets with ball and chain locked to their feet carry heavy stones and do other degrading work. It appears that they published an article in their paper nnder the heading of "Thieves Authorized and Unauthorized," which attack ed the quasi Government of Baril las. At once their office was seized and the editors were cast into prison. The incident has caused marked indignation, and the feel ing against Barillas has increased intensely. The revolutionary talk is stronger than ever over this outrage. City of Mexico, Jnne 13 The chief cause for the revolutionary spirit now existing in Guatemala is said to be the desire of President Barillas to have Francisco Aguiano who resigned from the Cabinet a tew days ago. sncceed him. The latter is thoronghly hated by the people, and they object to Barillas forcing him on them. Moro Chinese Outrages AtCaPks on Christian missions. London, June 15. Dispatches from Shanghai announce fresh ex cesses upon the part of the anti European element in the popnla tion of China. Attacks upon Chris taiu missions iu the interior con tinue. In one case tbe Chinese troops sent to repress the rioters aided them and made matters still worse. Moie serious rioting has accurred at Takatang, where the lady mis sionaries were compelled to flee lor their lives. The ladies arrived at Kin Kiaug, one of the treaty ports on tse Yang tse Kiang river, There is a great excitement among the Chinese in the vicinity of Lake Poyang, near Kin-Kiang. Several missionary establishments Lave been looted and burned by the riotous Chinese. "Dinner for Two. Appetite for One !" Said a dyspeptic to the waiter, ordering for self and friend. And suppose be bad bad an appetite, it would have ago nized him, subsequently, to gratify it. O! the abominablu pangs that even a lit tle meal causes tbe confirmed victim of indigestion. Purgatory on earth no less. Altogether unnecessary, though Begin at once, systematically, a course of 11 oe tetter's Stomaoh Bitters, ye un fortunate! with refractory stomachs. In saying this we merely echo tbe record ed experience of thousands who bare used the great stomachic to their lasting benefit. For tbe inaction of a sluggish liver, and for tardy or irregular action of the bowels, both very apt to accom pany dyspepsia, this fine regulator is equally effloient. Malarial complaints kidney trouble rheumatism and neural gia depart when a resort is had to the Bitters. Hint to Spring Poets. 'I've got a poem," he said when he.had secured the attention of the editor. "My dear sir, that pigeon hole is filled with poems awaiting publica tion." "But this describes the peculiar virtues of my medicine and I wil pay $1 a line to have it printed." said the author. ''Ah, charming! I'm glad to see you turn your attention to verse. I wish all had your gift." THE RADE ifcRK.) THE LIFE-WORK OF AN EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, IS AN INSTRUMENT FOB THE Cure of Disease Without Medicine KASED on new theories of tbe eante and cure of disease. It dealt with tbe electrical and magnetic conditions of tbe body and the g&aes Burroundlng it In the atmosphere, controlling tbete condition at wiil It la not electricity, niSEASK la lectroDolae cons sIdidIt Imnalred vltalltr. The ElectroDolse constantly adds to tbe vltalltr and only assists nature, In nature's way. totnrow off the trouble. Nothing Is easier of proof than that, wltb this treatment, cures are made which by au otuer Known mean ore iinpossiuio. ACUTE CASES of all kinds are cured In Dours by its random use. One-tenth tbe intelligence and perseverance de voted to ordinary methods of medication works miracles in an unavn it; vasks. 'inis is an lnexnaustiDie name treatment, For testimonials from people TOU KNOW ana au runner lniormauon, can on or aaaress . ELECTROPOISE, 1425 N. Y. AVt.. WASHINGTON. D. C, Many good people all their lives entertain more or less superstition bat so little is it compared with the truth that makes up the staple of their lives, that it does them the slightest injury. It may be but an excessive yielding to that which, in its proper exercise, makes them beautiful. HAPPY IIOOSIERS. Wm, Timmcns, postmaster of IdatllU. lad., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising irom money anuiiiver trouDie. John iiesue, farmer ana stockman, or same place, says.- "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me reel like a new man.". J. W. Qard ner, hardware merchant, tame town, lava: Electric Bitters la just tbe thing for a man wno is aii run aown ana don I care wheth er he lives or diet; he found new strength, good appetite, and felt just like he had a new lease on lire. : Only 50c. bottle atF. S Duffy's wholesale and. retail drugstore 0 60 DEAD, 200 INJUBED. An Excursion Trail Plunges Thrdngh a Bridge Into the Elver. Bekne, Jane 14. A most horri ble accident ocenrred on the Mcen chen Stein and Bale Railway to day through the collapse of a heavilyloaded excursion tram. The train was crowded with people on the way to attend a musical fete. Sixty persons were killed outright, and 200 were injured. Two engines and the first oar plunged into the river, and all tbe passengers in the cars were drowned. Two cars re mained suspended from the bridge. All tbe trainmen were killed. Thir teen cars were saved. Paraell-O'Shea Nuptials. London, Jane 13. It is rumored to-day that Parnell's marriage with Mrs. O'Shea will take place the coming week. Parnell has sub sided somewhat of late, the rea son being that he is spending nearly all his spare time in the company of Mrs. O'Shea. That lady is said to look rem arably well by those who have seen her lately, and as being elated over the pros pect of her marriage to Parnell. The daughters, however, adhere to their father, contrary to ,the pre valent improsssion, and will, it is stated, have no more to do with their mother after the marriage. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Biu ses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peilect satisfaction or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. i or sale in .Newborn by if. S. Puffy, wholesale and retail druggist. Happiness is a ennbeam which may pass through a thousand bosoms without losing a particle of its original ray nay when it strikes on a kindred heart, like the converged light on a rairrror, it reflects Itself with double bright ness. Happiness is not perfected till it is shared. LA GRIPPE AGAIN. During the epiilemic of La grippe last season Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, proved to b the be3t remedy. Keports from the manv who used it confirm this statement. They were not only quickly relieved, but the disease loft no bad after results. We ask jou to give this remedy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisfied with resnlls, or the purchase price will he re funded. It has no equal in Ln Grippe, or any Throat. Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles free at V S Dulfy's drug store Large bottles, 50c and $1.00. lietter loiiow tne surnness ot a truth than the glittering delusicn of a lie. Men often follow lies be cause thev shine. When Baby was sick, wo ?avc her ("Astoria. TVhnn she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Fifteen Different Colors Of Surah Silk, original cost C3j. to $1.50 per yard, for sale at 25j. to 40o.per yard at BIO IKE'S Clothing Store. Large lot Ladies' Blouses and Collars for sale at $2.50, retailing all over the city at Sfa.uu to Sb5U. Have reduced the price of my ICo ribbon to 5c. per yard. Don't let your children go barefooted ; brine them down and get a pair of our 80, 40 and 50o. slippers. Ball's Corsets, 75o., Dr. Warner's Nursery Corset, SI. 00; Dr. Strong's Tricora Corset, 75o. All other brands reduced in proportion. Change of Business. The NEW BERNE DRUG COMPANY bavin; purchased the business formerly C9nducledby R.J. GOODING, at the old established stand of E. H. Meadows, dor. Pollock and Middle Sts., respectfully nollfy the public that the came will hereafter bo conducted under the above management. Mr.T.A. HENRY, Pharmacist will be in charge, and special attention will be gl ran to dispensing physicians' prescrip tions with accuracy and at reasonable prices, A foil line of DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMER V, PATENT i MEDICISES, CIGARS and TOBACCO wlU be kept constantly on sale. We make a speolalty of the CELEBRATED 8EVEJI SPHI.GS miNEBAL Water, Abloh Is kept on draJgh majSldwtf Residence for Sale ! Finest Location in the Oitv. . Northwest oorner of Neuse and , v Middle Streets, c 107 ft. 3 in. on Neuse,' and ,214 ft. 6 in. on Middle St. The whole with Improvement, or divided to suit purchasers. 1 , V' ' f EASY TERMS." ' Y v - Apply to ROBERT O. EEIIOE, or ' - , Q, 0. WniTEUURST, " ':;. ' ' Att'y at Law," aprSSdtf New Borne, N. C. Nature should tse assisted in the spring to throw off the lieaviness of," the sluggish winter . circulation of the . iblood. Nothing (does it so well, so prompt or ao aafel v v las Swift's Specific. I have used S. S. 8. for a number o 7'iars, and consider it the best tonic and ciiood remedy that I ever used. In fact .1 would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. H. W. COLEMAW, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., Dade City, Fla. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases :3ia;led free. . r. t Swii'T Sfecictc Co.. Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE! : List Your Taxables! The ur.J rshrnd hr.vine been appointed 1.1st raaer lor jo. 5 j owls ip, . wunta ui 1 ..... r .. r ..... ..:.. ..f n' . . - n.,M,A a .Via Wil. hereby uotittts all tax payers that ha will alteud sl i:-h Court hones In New Berup. JUNK 1st to .1 1'NK SU. inclusive, for - the purpose of iecelvlug f'om the taxpayer of said portion of saui Township a list of Keal Estate and I'ersonal 1'ioperty oWnad. . by ttieiu on the 1st. dny of June, alaotnelr ; pons. . . Attention is ra'ed to tbe following ex. tract from tne Machinery Act of I88U: Section .ill "All persons who are liable for a polliax ami shall wilfully fall to give themselves In, and all persons who own , property and wiliully fall to list It within ino tuna Kiiovt.u uviuia iud ajjbw iMorvr .. the ltoanl of CcmuiUsloners, shall be , deemed guilty of n misdemeanor, and. on conviction shell be fined not more than fifty . dollars or imprisoned not more tuau thirty, days." ' - - ,' au person failing to list meir roil or Property will be prosecuted according to law. JONATHAN HA.VKN8, maynim List Taker. inerv! Mrs. B. B. LANE. Middle St., opp. Baptist Church, Having opened her NEW STOCK of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, respectfully invites, her numerous customers and the public generally to call and examine her - - New and Elegant Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Pins, eto. ' and be convinced that her goods are as Pretty, 8tylieh and Cheap aa any in tbe city. MAJ. PALMER'S Tobacco and Cigar Store Is now located in the South Store of HOTEL ALBERT, cn Middle Street, and he is prepared to furnish Delicious Soda Waters from hia czedent Af.parp.tue-FountaIns. All know vthat lie keeps in his Store, ao when iu vvutt come and get it. You pays ycur money and takes your choice. W. L. PALMER. aw23dtf New Berne. N. O. 75 Cases Tomatoes, 40 " Peaches, 100 " Brandy Peaches m,f li it pa - M LB BtaT Reduction in Old Vir ginia Cheroots. Also. Horsford Bread Ski V rW A M WAVMf . . J?. Uli-icli, nTTT.N r Tin a t t.i rynrrrrm n n i ii'HA iii itniii nin. MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. O. North Carolina, Farmers' State Alliance. MEETING IN" GOLDSBORO, June 27tli, 1891. A. & N. 0. R. (Jo .RcraiiiNTEUDKNT'sOlfl'Ica New Heme, N. 0.tJune 11th, I8VL ( To All Agents, A. & N. C. B. R. ' , You will sell Tickets to the abeve from your Station to Ooldsboro and Return at Tariff o. 4. Tickets on sale June ?fitu and 27th; good to return Including June !10lh. 181)1. . ... 8. L. DILL. O. P. A. " REFBIOERATOnS, ; ice Creani Freezers, Water Coolers,' J : Fly Fans, , ; Wire Dish Covers, Fly Traps, w WW li ir Bath Tubs, And other Summer Goods. L. H. CUTLER & CO. NEW BERNE, N7 O. An Unparailelsd Q(7:i! For the nest thirty daji we will seU SOLID GOLD ' RIDIXIO tOX7 FRAMES SPECTACLI3 WITH K1R3T 'QUALITY LENSES AT " $2.50 Per Prirl IAKL V ': ra thb " l

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