sir -rr w r -(.- . , V , , , Daily 0 URN AL VOL. X.--NO. 70. tfEW BERNE, N. G, FEIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. J r; BUSINESS LOCALS. p EUEBIBEB the Excelsior Hose X !omptn7 tail Friday night down - the Neuse on the steamer Kinston. Befreshmenta will be served, and there will be good mnsio to enliven the oc casion. Fare 25s. Tickets on sale at the Bargain 8tore. 13 2t XCE CREAM and Summer Befresh menta furnished on short notice by the plate, quart or gallon. Lunch fur , niahed at Btilroad depot. With thanks for past favors and a solicitation of fur ther patronage, I am, respectfully, j7 tf M. Shkpabd. THE Residence formerly ocoupied by kir. R. O. . Lodge on Craven street is for rent. Immediate possession given, apply to Latham & Bubrds. lm JUST RECEIVED A choice lot of iiorta Carolina Hms. We sell the bant &uar eared Hama In tne Market. Butler dob. better In the market direct from the Creamery, 80 cent per pound. l!rrakfBt Bacon. 10 cents per pound. mai2S dtf J. J. Tor.soN. SUMMER SPECIALTIES! -Lightning Ice Cream Freezers, Combined Clialr and Step Ladder., Balloon Fly Traps, Wire Wauzs Doors, Gauze Wire for Window Soreens.and a fall line of Hardware, etc., at mayltdtf J. O. Whiti v & Co. JUST BECEIVED. Paris Green for Killing Potato Bugs, at J. C. Whitty & Co's. ARCTIC SODA and Mineral Water at Sam'l B. Waters. NEVE a censure where it is possi ble to praise. ALL jokes about the weather ate deolired off. Ia fact it ia not a joking matter. Ex-Senator McDonald, of Iadiana, Is dangerously ill. Indeed thjre is no hope of his recovery. Ohio is now the political center of interest. The Republicans have nominated McKinley and the Democrats will nominate Campbell for Governor. The Tariff will le the issue of the campaign and the result may materially influence the position of parties in 1892. The Uew York Advertiser, which absorbed the Daily Conti nent rejected the multitudinous small pages of the latter and adopted a four page form of good size. " If the Advertiser is always as sensible as in this instance it is bonnd to be popular and success ful. Hon. Charles M. Busbee, of Eileigh, is critically ill. He was t j have delivered the literary ad dress at the late Wake Forest .commencement, but a telegram was received from his wife, at the last moment, announcing his in ability to be present. Mr. Busbee has reflected mnch credit on North Carolina, and her people feel a painful solicitude in regard to him. We can but hope that the next report from him will be more favor able. . If the mosquitoes of 1891 are to : come in such force as the honseflies, the ants and the moths have al ready come, this will be a terrible year. Will not Uncle Jerry Knsk, who knows a great deal about in ' sects, give the newspapers some suggestions as to how the insect - Burplus may be disposed T Ah 1 there's the rub. The Administra tion dispatched the snrplus in the vaults of the Treasury without difficulty, bat the fly problem will be a long study for the President and his Cabinet. Norfolk Vir ginian. ' ,V ajsswswsMseawMsiiisiBiiwsiiMeMsaa- , North Carolina is to be con gratulated on her colleges. The following 'from, Dr;CroweIl, Presl , dent of Trinity college shows nim to be a man of the right Btampi t"I would rather be a young man or woman 'who goes from house to house with serious, loving purpose, reading the scriptures to the poor or the humble, than be the mer chant ; prince,' ? or - the industrial king, or the walking fashion'plate for womankind, with an income ox $100,000 a year; for my income at the end . would be immeasurably greater when the time comes for the Lord of all the earth to say's 'Inasmuch as ye have .done it to the least of these ,ye have done it nnto Me.'?..1; :,i-X':' " ""' I in'.. 1 ,' ? New - Bernb is giving td the r c V- of Eastern Carolina an ob jective Icbsoii of great value. Its rccont sales from her truck farms 63 may evidences of ''thrift. thrift, Horatio," that must awaken more interest in the whole business of trucking. We have in our State news column published some items from the New Berno Journal setting forth shipments from time to time. But it is only by grouping the many sales and seeing total results that you will take in the magnitude and success of the truck ing in that favored section. Six, eight, ten and twelve thousand packages a day are shipped. In one day 9,000 barrels of Irish pota toes were shipped, which fetched $45,000. All kinds of vegetables are shipped with paying returns. And this has been swine on for weeks. Any business that brings lor days $10,000 to $50,000 returns nto one small section is indeed a big thing. Wilmington Messen ger. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Moonlight Concert. Sde the Farmer, etc. Howard A good thing, eto. Naw Berne Collegiate Institute. S. L. Dill Truck train discontinued. Mr. A. M. Baker will soon Btart a mattresB factory in the city. Palmer, of New York, sent the fol lowing truck quotations last night : Potatoes -primes $4 50 to ?5; cukes 75o. to SI 25. Virginia boans 40 to 75c: huckleberries 4 to 10j. A pleasant lawn party will be held at Mr. G. II. Blank's tonight, commencing at seven o'clock, by young ladies oi the Episcopal church, to raise money for home mission work. Rev. Dr. Talmage, the oelebrated Brooklyn divine, passed through to leoture before the Assembly. He re turns again this morning. On his way here he delivered two lectures at Wash ington City. Quite a sprinkling of newspaper men went down last night looking for the seashore. Herbert and Duffy of the Free Press, Latham of the Gazette, Hancook of the Journal, Rosoower of the Headlight, and Lloyd of the Farm er's Advocate. Mr. L, A. Coulter has euoceeded in raising qiov towards establishing a general secretary for the Y. M. C. A. in New Berne. Mr. Coulter has worked very hard towards getting a secretary tare and we know that the Association here feels grateful towards him and the citizens of New Berne for their lib erality. The Exoelsior hose oompany ezcur a ion down Neuse river on the steamer Kinston comes off tonight. The steamer will leave from her wharf t 8:30 p.m., and return about 11:80, Aside from the pleasure to be derived from the trip it must be remembered that the young men give good assistance in subduing conflagrations, and deserve encourage ment in their efforts to equip them selves. The work of constructing the sawers on Middle street from Broad street to the river was begun yesterday. The fall over this distance is fourteen feet The sewer pipe will cost $3,000. There will be a sewer on each side of the street with a sand pipe covered with iron grating placed every 100 feet apart. Tae centre of the street will be rounded and the sidewalks sloped so that the water will readily run to these open ings, and the street will be macadam ized with shell-rook marl. The night school of Messrs. O. D. Bradham and S. E. Roonoe over Dr. Duffy's ofllce has opened with fair attendance. Both these gentleman have bad experience heretofore at teaching. Mr. Bradham is a gradnate of the State University and along with the other studies he gives special .courses in pen manship and book-keeping. For the latter ha uaes "Allen's Forty Lessons" as the text book. This is a good oppor tunity for : clerks , and Others who are employed in the day time to Improve themielvee. The hours observed by the sohool are, from "0 to 10 o'olook and the work Is arranged as near as possi ble to suit tha .convenience of the patrons. "HH .Trick Train DUcontlnned. Special Track Train No. 208 will be discontinued on and after Friday, Jane lWn. . . t B, L. DILL. DDDt. TO DISPBL COLDI. .... ' Headaohea and Fevers, to'olense the system effectually, jet gently, when oostiva or bilious, or! when the blood is impure or sluggish. "to Dermanentlv cure habitual oonstipation, to awaken the kilneys and liver to a healthy aotmiy, witnoui irritating or weaken ing mem, use oyrup or eigi. ChildrenlCtfJoLP NEW BERNE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Past Successes and Flans for the Future. Adding New Depart ments. The steady and healthful growth of patronage ever since its establishment is one of the foremost and most unmis takable evidenoes of the hold the New Berne Collegiato Institute has secured and maintained upon the esteem of the public whioh esteem is well deserved, having been ably earned. The Institute opened in New Berne for the first time in September 1889, with only 40 pupils, but by the end of that scholastics year 143 had been en rolled. It re-opaned last September with 125 in attendance (be first day and before the end of that week the number had inoreased to 151), and it kept in creasing until 275 names had been enrolled, and at the close of the year the attendenoe was larger than at any former period in its history. The work performed has been of a high order. Especial attention is given to high class vocal and instrumental musio and to the art department. None but first class instructors, strictly adapted to their part of the work, preside over any department and the end they seek is not to drill empty words, dry sentences and stereotyped rules and formulas into the minds of the pupils, (whioh without lucid ex planations might be meaningless to them in some instancies) but to see that each student grasps and mentally assimilates the facts, stated and ideas contained and intended to bs imparted. To show how successfully students make use of the advantages offered we will state that the average grade of Miss Rasa Dail who won the scholarship priza, a year's tuition, was 99 and others fell but little short of this high mark. The Institute not only fully prepares its students for college but carries them through the course of studies prescribed for the first two years of college life, known as the junior and sophomore years and though its course does not extend beyond the point stated and their is no intention of a ohange on that line, it is nevertheless a faot that the faoulty of the Institute are competent to give as advanced education in math ematics and some other branches as is furnished by some oolleges. Though the Institute has already at tained a high degree of excellence, made a wide spread and enviable repu tation and is established on a solid foundation, there is no inclination on the part of the management to rest satisfied with the suooesses achieved and the position already reaohed, but the aim is to still further broaden its sphere of usefulness and reach forth for grandor triumphs than those of the past, and in furtherance of that end it has baen determined to add two more departments next term, an Industrial and a Business department, whioh will make the Institute direotly and fully equipped for all its purposes. In the past the Institute has maintained classes in book-keeping and oommeroial law, these will be oontinued in the business department, and stenography, tele graphy, etc, added. The Industrial course will embraoe sewing and wood designing. New Berne is a healthy city and the health reoord of the Institute is a re markably good one for such a large number. With the exception of the measles, whioh at one time prevailed to some extent here, there has been yery little sickness and not a single death in the school sinoe it was estab lished. The Institute had patronage last year from 14 counties. There were 40 board ing pupils, nearly every one of whom exoept those who are to go to college will return in the fall and some of them will bring others with them. Prof. Adams believes that if he pos aessed convenient, suitable and amply boarding facilities their number could easily be increased to 100 at the next session. With iti able and popular corps of enthusiastic teaohers, and the wise policy they have pursued and the oon- fldenoe they nave established thereby anions the mends or the -Institute, there is every reason to believe that it will and . no reason why It should not reaoh the attainments sought. The outlook is very enoouraging. SPBOiniEIf CAIBS. S.H. Clifford, Now Oassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism his Stomach was disordered, nis llver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and ne waa terribly reduced in flesh and strength-. ' Three bottles of Elee trie Bitters cored aim. ' ' Edward Shepherd, Hanlsbursr. Til., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. uea tnree Dotuea oi JSieetne Bitters and seven boxes of Bncklen a Arnica Salve, and Ma leg Is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on bis lees doctors said he was In curable. One bottle Eleotrlo Bitters and one box Bneklen'a Arnica Salve cared Mm entirely. Sold at F, S. Duffy drug store. TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. Trolling for Mackerel Fine Opening Address -Cowplimeatary Sail. FIRST DAT Mokeuead Citt, June 18. Yssterday morning the sun shone brightly, aid the sharpie Fleet were promptly at the Hotel wharf with their sails shivering in tho South-west breeze, ready for the demands of pleasure seekers who migut feel inclinsd to take a morning sari or for others who wished to take a trial out at the inlet' Several successful expeditions against tke Spanish mackerel the day before had given this sport a decided boom and quite a number set out Having never experienced any great success in the trolling amusements I concluded not to o. Besides this I always had a warm re gard for mackerel, or rathor a regard for warm mackeral, which impelled me to take no hand in the relendless war upon them. The Bulletin announced that at 11 o'clock the opening address would be de livered beforo the Assembly by Rev. Dr. Sandeilia, so 1 determined to while away the morning in the cool breeze that meandered through the halls of the Atlantic Hotel reading obout the mercury climbing to 97 in New York 'J8 in Boston and to 107 in Providence! There is nothing like reading of arctic exhibitions by the side of a glowing grate or discussing heated terms sitting in a refreshing sea breeze. Promtly at 11 tke Assembly assembled in their hall ana after Keligious serrices by Rev. Dr. Skinner, President Molver ntroduced the orator of the occasion Rev. Geo W. Sanderlin. The doctor was in fine "mood, and "tense, and for an hour held the audience shall bound excep occasional bursts of applause or an out burst of unsuppressible laughter. His subject was; "Tho importance and die;' nity of teacherv as a profession and. the honor duo the toacuer.'' To say that it was a good address, is to but feebly con vey the full measure of praise to which is entitled. It was excellent. At the conclusion of the address Secretary Hai rs! made gome announcements for the ay, which included the complimentary sail at 3 o'clock tho Annual addrecs in the evening ; and particulary requesting all to examine the Educational Exnosi ion in Iho rooms below when tho morning session was closed. The afternoon was taken up by the complimentary sail given bp tho sharpie fleet of the harbor and all who went had nice time. On account of the late arrival of the train no Eveuing session was held. The ann ual address .tv tho President will be made at 10 o.clock this morning About three hundred visitors came down last night and in the crowd a good number of New Bernians. I have met here Dr. R. II. Lewis and F M. Harper old friends of the Jouknal. Also Bev. Drs. Crawford and Dixon both friends of New Berne ; people gou erally. Personal. We had a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. H. A. Latham, editor of the Washington Gazette, and Mr. W. J. Grumpier, of tho same plaoe. Thoyl went down to Morehead last night. Hon. C. O: Clark and daughter. Mies Mattie, returned from Raleigh. Mr. Clark was in attendance of the Board of Directors of the penitentiary, Mr. J. S. Basnight left yesterday morning on a business trip to Fay- etteville. Mr. F. E. Morton, accompanied by Mr. Oarlyle Hanoock, has gone dawn to Morehead on his yacht "Thetis," firing the colors of the New Berne Yacht Club. Misses Carrie Mayhew, Mary Ben' dren, Fannie Willis, Katie Matthews and J. W. Duguid left on the exoursion yesterday mornintr to remain some time at Morehead on pleasure. airs. u. Xi. uwunwou, vi ja.o.u, V t fx ni l .11 T.I7.U .M.1 Mn. Soenoer, Mi8B Carter and Mrs. m ww a l Murray, w ujub suuutj, sun me Steamer fieuse neuuesuaj uimu j j i , th. .u.,.Mii train f nr iuk am m. Morehead where tney win spenu tne summer., , m m mr jueBBrB, txmnj a. wwbi t u Uartnyana wm. U mien reiurnea on last nicht'l train from attending SOhOOl at St. Mary's College. Belmont. N. O. Mr. McCarthy graduated this year. He will take a course in law at the new Oatholio University at Washington City next yetr. NOW TRY THIS. It will cost you nothina and will surely do you Rood, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any' trouble with Throat, Chest or Langs, Dr. King's New Discovery for Uonsuminion, uoagns ana uoias is guaran teed to rive relief or money will be paid back. Hafferers Irom t Urtppe founa it Just the thing; ana unaer itsusenaa a MY OPia0B at tha TWO ODTBUILD nwiftHr and nerf i ict recovery. Xrra aamplelTNan. on craven street, now occuoied by bottle at our erpense and learn for your- irji Wnl a thWftla Trlftl self Juat how good qt1 DOtueti , iroo hjbi di i;uj LarireialieaOoJiandtl.COi ' Hancock Street M, . Church Sunday School Picnic and Excursion. Wednesday morning, in due time, the teaohers and scholars of the school, under the leadership of their superin tendent, W. R. Barrington, marched to the steamer Trent, commanded by Capt. Roberts, and then followed a crowd of passengers. The arrangements on the boat were in good keeping with the usual skill and taste of the captain. We reaohed Spring Garden in due time and were most kindly received by Mr. Arnold, who resides there, giving us the privilege of his beautiful grove, and refreshing draughts from bis excel lent well of as good water as we ever drank. After dinner was announced, the orowd with admirable propriety gave complimentary evidenoe of their good skill and taot, as evinoed by Messrs.! Barrington and Ball, judging from the way the edibles disappeared. On the eve of returning a vote of thanks was given Mr. Arnold for his many courtesies, and after giving three hearty cheers and a tiger, started for home at once. Arrived in New Borne in good time, and repaired toour several homes with thankful hearts that we had been per mitted to enjoy the excursion. There was plenty of the good things. and something .to spare which was properly distributed. It was certainly one oi tne best managed things of tho kind we ever enjoyed, and nothing transpired to mar the pleasure, but on the contrary from the youngest to tne oldest tne universal sentiment was, "Msy we be spared another year to enjoy a similar event, and especially under tne man agement of Messrs. Brrrington and Ball, and Capt. Roperts of the sttamer Trent. uom. 'A goed thing at the cost of a poor thing is business." That is what we aim to do at times, good goods at the ri price. When you want anything in our line, give ua a trial. New goods constantly arriving. We have the best uulaundried shirts in the at me price, uur .a "Big Six" only "0c. Do you need a Straw llat. we are selling them at a reduction. We have some Collars at 50c for half dozen and Caffs at cents per pair. AT HOWARD'S. NEW BEISNE Collegiate Institute. An Educational Institution Eastern North Carolina. MALE AND FEMALE. KHTAUMHllH) ISMI. Eight Distinct Departments. Primary. Intermediate, Academic, I Collegiato, Art, Music, Industrial and rineee I TEN EXPERIENCED AND COUPE TENT TEACHERS. STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE. Thoroueh and nractlcal Instruction In all departments. Students prepared for tho active duties of life and to enter tne blRher I classes of College. i . Practical Business Comae, em I hraolnn Book-keeping, Penmanship. Bank ing, Commission and Brokerage, Commer eiai Law, Matnematioi, I Vocal and Inatrnmental Mnalc From I Inent feature, direction oi a male professor, with efficient assistants special Course of instruction for those desiring to beooine Teaohers, I Moral and Religious advantages unsur- I passed, Expenses very moderate. Board front $8.00 tot 10.00 per month faollltles good Rneclal Inducements 'to Indigent students Who are aesiroua oi procuring an euucauuu For further Information or for catalogue, apply to G. T. ADAMS, A. B., PRINCIPAL, Junol9dwtf New Berne. N. O. Auction Sale. George H. white, Esq., win be sold w the MBheat bidder, for etsh. or negotiable note UtTnic,on SATURDAY, the iwtn lnston . i e premises av li o oiook, m, 1 JuneHTds OEOBOK GRB.BJI- TO ALL LOVERS OF MUSIO AND PLEASURE. HbrnSIhf Concert. STEAMER KINSTON, T''E.5DAV, i3. . at C:;.'0 P.M. REFRESHMENTS. TiCKi:r or; 1AI.E atS. B. WATERS Sec le Farmer n his mortgage . it;' I see him as he i il ilrou togetherall ii b they pledge n. iK.i no more mort is, t Lilt the CUHh IVfl Itiri'li'il. : u lu shi-cul nig ! s Llll I I!:!' ' . '. Halt's i.i l" : i.b r m lam is t Li1 ':. , v t 1 a. r ii' 1 in suci-ess. Yes, It - In- at ar wile say, there r, inn whom so many , : is h meanest man i : .!(18 to credit at all. Rv l 'i": th or south, east 'v . hut I am Informed vi-iiiy niiTchants oat at ii" ilolhir, and that he, ; xuitlrVd linen shlim i i, "y size. Sc. The sn.i io, !; i, and v., Inw iiiarier, 2b, SO : N. C". plaids, lo. per : ii-i-1 1. ubo lew Hues will !nivi au Iron Bafe for bought at 50c. seem- in me. 1 ai B H IL.l'P'.i ill! in ... peuj It ii ' ' isi- !Mi i sii n t.) n, in i i i ii- W he! . t ;t" w i i" i Weil . I i'ii ni'l l :i IB liu lllM ;i il t ill 10, "'J anil i mi l!Mi !! !., ; . --r ill Tv. :t -;i. !'L, ii . . preUlt-fcl l:i. cil' ... hlMr. n s , Ului nil : :i I.' i. s, l i yaiil. ''!... HM-, please r 'liner i '-'1 A Hale, pi :i "ii liif (1 STORE. Hiivlt u , t;.Ld :i MVA and OOMl'LETE 81'OI'K if DKl'US, HKlHCiNLSaml CHEMICALS I respiTilnllv rail your attention to the fol lowing fur's : Mrsi, timi vim v, ' i find u' my NEW I'KUti hiokc ii: i: v. goes in make up a FiKST CI,.V-.,i l-iUr.MA'-Y, and that my facllllU-s lm i iv! r, ,. i. ,n work are UN8UK I' ASM-, 1), l .in ini ji, nu n iisi d lining gnaran leed us to p,ii ii v ami .irriirury of prepara tion, unn MKii'li.i iN Ad'OKDANUK WITH nil; i-uw.MAVij 1HE8CK1F TlOS Ami t'.nt up in -r t ic ftiirht llnf of Ex I i Hi'ts. iohi i Wnins. ( omi;in8. Kuoe Pow deiH, mi.i ii,: I'u. r t ct preparations at all tiniHfi. t,. n , ...,.t the wants of our MiKloiin i '. ir . nuirii. their patron nsr h n ; , Hi, hi iiiitlifviily at all times. V. C. i KEEN. i'ri-.' :ist t'U'i Apothecary, r.'c!, i nors huh I Ii of Pollock NKW hhUNrt, O. .Mi.; s: l :i n !rt I: elf, Wash Well. Chami-fy Muslins, YARD. BiftMIM STORE in uunn. Wholesale and Retail CONFECTIONER, FANCY AND FAMILY Grocer, AND- OEALElt IS CIGARS and TOBACCO. Store on Pollock street Opposite the Episcopal Church. Gives good Bargains to customers, and extends cordial greetings to all. INew Berne, N. (J. 6 16 dwtf STEAMER "CAROLINA" FOR SALE. Pursuant to a judgment of the SUDerlof Court of Craven county, N. O , we will sell at the wharf at foot of Houth Front street. In the city of Newborn, at Twelve o'olock, Mid day, on the Twentieth day of June, 1891, the steamboat "Carolina," her tackle, apparel anil furniture. Terms Casn. h or further particulars ap ply to O. H. GUION," audit. DkW. STEVENSON, Jnnli td Commissioners. L. II. Cbti.kb, W. 8. ChADWICK, l'resldent. Vice-President. T, W. Ukwkt, Cashier. Farmers and Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, IT. C. Paid Up Capital, 75,000, This Dank, Just orKanUed, offers Its ser- vices to Unn Hi, liankers. Farmers, - Mer chants, Manufacturers and others, and wlU JO enaeavor u give prompi ana careful atten- - tion to an Dusmess connectea witn banking entrusted to us. Collections a sceclaltr and mada nn ait . accessible points on as liberal terms aawlU be consistent with Judicious banking, , ri Business sollcltoa and correspondence In- ' vlted from parties deslrlnn to openaocounte ' In our olty, as well as from thote con tern- ' plating a change In existing arrangements.''1 Very lesptotruUy, X. W. JJtfWET.Oashler. DIRECTORS !-ti. H. Ontler, Wm. Oleye. O. Marks, P. a. Pelletler, W.B. Cbadwlok, j W. Btewart,Jno. Suter, , ' i P. H. Pelletler, Bank Attorney. myJlstp-