i The Daily Journ VOL. X.-NO. 77. NEW BEKNE, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1891. CENTS. 'V i' 4 IN 3 V BUSINESS LOCALS. LOST Between Middle Street and Depot. lady'e nickle watch with sold chain. The finder will be mutable i .warded by Jeering the eaine at the JOCBNAL Office. 262t EXTRA Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter On Ioe, 30o per lb. 241 w Chubchill & Parkek XCE CREAM and Summer Refresh ment, furnished on short notice by the plate, quart br Kallon. Lunch fur nished at Railroad depot. With thanks for past favors and a solicitation of fur ther patronage, I am, respectfully, je7 tf M. Shrpard. THE Residence formerly oconpied by lir. K. O. . Lodge on Craven street is for rent. Immediate possession given, apply to Latham & Bubrcs. lm JUST RECEIVED A choice lot of North Carolina Hams. We Mil the bst Sugar cured Hams In toe Market. Butler none better In the market direct from the Creamery, 80 cents per pound. Brtakfaat Bacon. 10 nent per pound. Inaj23dtf J. J- Tolson. SDMMER SPECIALTIES ! -Lightning , lee Dream Kreezer. Combined Chair I ..1 T .u... K.i l.w.i. Klv Trana. Wire (hD Uoore. Oaum Wire fur Window mayiidtf J. O. winrrv & Co. titst RP.nFtVF.n Paria Oreon for Paris Green for s. at ' Killing Potato Bugs, at J. C. VVmtty & Co s. AROTIC SODA and Mineral Water at Sam'l B. Wateks. There is no room in Sorth Car olina for a third party. Virginia is preparing to ereet a monument to General A. P. II ill. AT a meeting of the executive committee of the North Carolina Tress Association it was decided to hold the next annual meeting of tuo Assooiotion at Winston on August lltb, l-'th and L'ith. The Democratic party was never more necessary than it is today. From the beginning of its career to the present moment it has been the champion of the people, the defender of the Constitution and the fearless opponent of centralisa tion and monopoly. President Palmer says that it may be necessary to open the world's fair on Sunday, and adds that though he is not without moral doubts as to the expediency of doing so, ho is afraid that the other 1,100 commissioners may not have similarly strong objections to such Sabbath desecration. Mr. Palmer is clearly afraid that Chica go piety will not be able to with stand New England depravity. The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company have listed for municipal, State and county taxa tion property placed at a valuation of over $ 00,000. This is a purely voluntary act, it haying been decided by the highest judicial tribnnal of the country, the Supreme Court ot the United States, that this corporation, under its charter, is absolutely exempt from all taxation. Wilmington Star. It is in order for Col. Polk, Pres ident of the National Farmers' Alliance to rise and explain. The Milwaukee Sentinel reports Col. Polk as saying in his speech at La Cross, ,lThat every step gained by the Alliance in the South was almost in the face of shotguns in the hands of Democratic leaders." The Journal is a friend of the Alliance and has a high regard for Colonel Polk and we trust that he will promptly repudiate language put in his mouth by the Sentinel. A special cable to the Journal of Finance, dated London, says: One syndicate organized here, and having Paris interests allied with it, has sent a representative to the United States with authority to in vest 828.000,000 ia grain. One of the heads of the Eothsohilds, Paris, is interested. The Duke of Marl borough is largely interested through. English capitalists, who join the. pool on his recommenda tion. Marlborough is to visit America again. lie brings a large amount of capital to invest in the 1 Southern States. Full of years and honors, Dr. K. P. Battle retires from the Presi dency of the State University with the welcome plaudit of his country men, "well done good and faithfnl 1 servant." Characterized by conser vatism, with a loyalty and love for the institution over whose destinies ; he so wisely presided, his career has been and will go down in history as conspicuous for the nnbroken chain of success which has blessed tv out State i Universiy for so many tf yean past. He accepts the Chair of History, for which he is peculiarly fitted In every way, and upon which the, University is to be congratula ted ' as well as the . stndents- Favettevllle Observer. ' LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMl NTS. Fifty dollar reward. Excursion to Elizabeth City. A. E. Bibbard Watches, etc. Churchill & Parker Keep cool. Grand auction sale at Darham. Lucas & Lewis Groceries, etc. M. Hahn & Co. Horses, mules, etc. The attendance and interest in the meetings being conduotcd in Hancock Street church is on the inorease. Mrs. Carpenter makes very interesting talks. For enterprise and pluck the city of Durham is a wonder. A quarter page advertisement on the fourth page of the Journal shows one way how her progressive people have made Durham what it it today. The temperance lecture that was to have been delivered at the Y. M. C. A. hall this morning has been postponed . . ..;,,., , Mr. Walker, the lecturer The announce- raent of the time when it will be given w'" be made later. Tbe steamer Neuse of the E. C. D. line and the A. & N. C. R. R. both had shipments of cantaloupes yesterday the first shipped this season. Messrs. Huckburn & Willettsent off 30 barrels, sums were brought down from PoIIoks ville also and shipped. The monument erected at the grave of Gen. T. J. Jackson will be unveiled at Lexington, Virginia, with appro priate ceremonies, on Tuesday, the 2 1st day of July, 1891. All survivors of the Armies and Navy of the Confederate States are cordially invited to be pres ent and participate in the ceremonies of the occasion. Tomorrow is the last Sabbath before t'le adjournment of the Teachers' As sembly. It is set aside as the Woman's Christian Union day and there will be a general discussion of all matters re lating to the work of that organization as pertaining to schools and colleges. The special Sunday train to Moiehead tomorrow will leave here at 0 a.m., arriving at Morehead in time for the religious services and addresses, and will start baok at 9:30 p. m. "Aunt Hetty" the old colored woman who for many years has sold fruit, etc., at each passing train had a narrow frcm death yestorday morning. She was standing near the train and one of the passengers was starting to make a purchaso from her when the train started. Finding that his time was out he sprang quickly aboard and in doing this struck against her and she fell in front of the wheels of tbe moving oar, but fortunately was so quickly pulled out by bystanders that she sustained no injury. Church Notice. nancock Street H. E. Church Rev. T. P. Ricaud, paBtor. Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., conducted by Mrs. J. D. Carpenter. Prayer meeting at 9 a. in. Sunday school at 4 p. m., W. R. Barrington, Superintendent. The publi3 are invited to these services and will receivo a cordial welcome. Personal. Dr. Jno. S. Long A. M., returned home yesterday morning from deliver ing an address before the Teachers' Assembly on "Compulsory "Educa tion.'' Mrs. A. B. Ferrebee returned home from attending the Teachers' Assembly. Mr. John S. Thomas returned from the Assembly accompanied by his friend Prof. Geo. S. Wills, of Oak Ridge Institute, who comes for a short visit to him. Rev. J. D. Carpenter went up to Kinston yesterday morning to resume his regular work as oolporteur of the American Traot Sooiety which he tem porarily ceased to assist in the protraot ed meetings now in progress in Hanoook Street Methodist Churoh. Miss Mattie White of Harlowe is visiting relatives in the city. Mr. E. H. Carter, who for some years past has been living at Goldsboro, came down yesterday on the excursion train and will remain in the oity hie old home about a month visiting relatives. Editor Daniels of the Raleigh Chroni cle came up from Morehead to spend yesterday in the city and return last night. Mrs. W. B. Boyd left to visit the family of Mr. W. F. Kornegay at Golds biro. Mr. Matt Manly, Mrs. Basil Manly and children, Mrs. John Dunn and Mill Marion Radoliff and Mr. B. S. Gulon went down to Morehead last night. The steamer Neuse of tbe E. C. D. line took out the following passengers: Mr. F. C. Roberta leaving for a business trip to Baltimore: Mrs. F. O. Roberts and Miss Mary to visit relatives in New York, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bragaw, returning to their home in Washington from a visit to their son, Prof. S. O. Bragaw. . Loathsome Leprosy. London, June 24 The leprosy com mission in India ii making; some interesting disooveriei as to the origin of tbe disease ana metnodi or sappress' log it. In one instanoe they found family that had been leprous for Ave generations. The female Of tbe family remain apparently free from the taint until about IB year of age. and are uiualiy very attractive for Hindoos. As they gel married about 12 the taint is spread to other families, and the plague baa thus oeen spread through an tensive district . ; ' Children r Cry ITprl ntcheVCttstorfa! , v if.. r;.,, viit The Daily Journal Enlarged. , With this issue of the Daily Jol blal it goes oat enlarged to a seven column paper. Our increased patronage in advertising, for which our thanks are expended, has necessitated the change, and it will be our endeavor to meet this mark of esteem. The Jocrmal has been established in New Berne nine years, longer than any other Daily here we believe, and during that time it has held uppermost the development and advancement of the section in which it circulates. With all its short comings and imperfections, we are afforded no little gratification and pleasure in knowing that tbe Journal still has warm and true friends who have sub stantiated the fact more fully than by mere words. The Journal is not what we would like to have it, but its field of useful ness can be no greater than public patronage will sustain. We have yet to know of the Drst puplisher who has not pride enough in hia own paper to expend about all of its resources in endeavoring to make some improve ment. To make still others additions towards getting up a lirst-class Daily is our desire, but as yet we deem it impracti cable further than this immediate undertaking. On our editorial staff, Gen. C. A. Battle, with his wide and varied infor mation, will keep up with the public questions of the day and Mr. C. T. Han cock will continue as local gatherer. The Picnic from Goldsboro. The Methodist picnic from Goldsboro arrived here a little after 11 o'clock yesterday. There were 250 excursion ists on the train by actual oount, the moat of whom were members of tbe Sunday school of St. Paul's church. They were mot at the junction of Hancock and Neuee street by the New Berne reoeption committee, and escort ed to Centenary church ns planned when the programme for the day was agreed upon and announced. It had been determined to have no speech-making. There were simply words of hearty weloome tersely ex pressed by: Mr. J. K. Willis, superin tendent of Centenary Sunday school of this city, and brief appreciative replies by Mr. T. R. Robinson, superintendent of the visiting school, and by Uev. B. R. Hall, pastor of St. Paul's church. A splendid dinner was partaken of it 1 o'clock at the Academy, where prepa rations had been made before the arri val of the visitors. After dinner a trip on Neuse river was given the visitors as guests of Cen tanary Sunday school, the steamers Neuse and Trent having been chartered by the reception oommittea for that purpose. Refreshments, consisting of orange and lemon ices, were eorved on both steamers. At 0:30 p.m. tbe picnicers started home. All seemed to have enjoyed their trip and our New Berne people are delighted at their visit. Polloksvill Items. Messrs. W. D. Burns and R. W. and Chas. Haywood have returned from Wake Forest College; the latter grad uating with high honors. Good for Charlie. We ure glad to see the young men of Jones county coming to the front in educational matters. The farmers in and around Polloks yille who have been engaged in trucking this year, are happy and gay, on account of their bountiful harvest and good prices which they obtained. Messrs. E. M. Koonce, principal of Polloksville High School, and his broth er Charlie, who has been attending New Berne Collegiate Institute this year, went down to Morehead City, a few days ago to attend the Teachers Assembly. Get ready for the picnic, which will be next Wednesday at Lee's Chapel. Husbands, come and bring your wives and all the little boys and girls- Young men. come and bring your well you know-what I mean so be on hand. Be sure to bring your baskets filled with good things. Mrs. Susan Bryant on the morning of the 17th inst. died. The spirit of this truly aimable and christian lady took its flight and joined the number of the redeemed on the other side of the river. Mrs. Bryant was born Nov. 10th, 1S37, and was nearly fifty four years of age at the time of her death. She was happily married to Mr. R. W. Bryant, Jan. 8, 1857, and was to him a kind, loving, affectionate wife and gave pleasure and comfort to the home over whioh her queenly presenoe presided. She was a kind, indulgentfand affec tionate -mother, a consistent member ot the Presbyterian churoh and adorned her profession by an bumble walk and a pious conversation. Mr. Bryant, her Christian husband, is a better man by having been wedded to such a devoted Christian wife. "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep." B. H. M. The Chinese Troubles Confirmed. Washington, D. C, June 24. Ad- vioes reoeived at the Navy Department from Admiral Belknap, commanding the Asiatic squadron, confirm there ported trouble in China. Admiral Belknap has three vessels in Chinese waters, the Alliance, Palo and Mono osoy, and should the danger Of the situation Inorease these vessels would not be sufficient to protect American interests there. Good Looka. Good looks are more than skin deep. depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the Liver be lnaotive, you have a Bilious Look, if your stomach be disordered you have a Dyspeptlo Look and if your Kidneys be affected you have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and von will have good looks. Electric Bitters Is the great alterative and Tonio acts directly on these vital organs. Cares Pim ples, Blotches, Boils andglvess good com plexion X' boiq at jr. . vutry s Drug store, SOo. per bottle. TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. The Masons County Superintendent's Day Ladles Thanked Ex Gov. J arris Absent Able Hi s cosslons. NINTH DAY Morehead City, June26. St. John's Day was duly observed by tbe masons of Beaufort and Morehead. A joint in sulation of officers of Frank lyn Lodge of Beaufort and Ocean Lodge of More head. An address was deliyeied by Mr. L. A. Potter, and re freshments were spread after the ser vices Thursday was County Superinten dent's day. I noticed Dr. Long, of yeur county oame down in time to take part in the discussion on "Compulsory Education." I s9e Psof. Adams, of your High Sohool also here' There are but few, if any Professors who stand higher in the Educational work of the state than Professor Adams. TI-IE MOB.M.NO SESSION was.opened by divine services by Rev. Mr. Clements, of WakeForeut. Resolution of thanks to Mrs Momming way and Miss Bradly for the munifi cent benefaction to the people of Wil mington were offered by Prof. Noblo of that city and unanimously adopted. Prof. Noble, gave some account of this great benevolence, which the modesty of the donors bad, prevented him or any one from knowing the ex tent of. Enough was known however to state that a property f worth S5.000 and an annual expenditure of over $5,000 had beenfor years contributed by those estimable, women to the cause of education and had been at times in the past the only place in the city, where white children could obtain schooling free ot cost. Rich fruits from it are to be found among the busi ness men and the educated women of that city who had their education en tirely from this source. County Superintendent, P. M. Pearsal Eiq, of Jones County, was called to the chair and the programme of the day taken up, "What is Moral Training?" was discussed by Prof. Merritt, of Chatham, in a well prepared address. "A Four Months Public Schools'' was discussed by J. A. Gilmer, of Burke, ' The Teacher out of the School Room" by Prof. J. O. Atkinson, of Elon Col lege, and President Mclver, "State Institute Conductor. The next subject was "Compulsory Education'' which was post poned till to night whon it will be ably diacuesed by Supt. May, Bun- oombe and John S. Long, L. I.. D. of Craven when it is known wo shall have a fine discourse. "Difficulties in my Work ".was ban died by those who knew it best, the Superintendents themselve. Telegrams were read from Hon. 7. J Jarvis, now in Philadelphia, expressing his regrets at not being able to reach here to make the address upon the subjeot assigned him "What the Pub lio Schools Ought to Accomplish." In lieu of this address Messrs Way and Long will entertain the aasembly upon tbe subject stated above. Prof. Way for and Dr. Long against we know it will be ably handled. Wednesday night a beautiful waiter of flowers was presented to P. M. Pear- sal by the ladies of Morehead City, for his able efforts to have the next annual assembly meet here. C. Firty Dollars Reward. To any churoh or Y. M. C. A. mem ber that will prove by the Word of God that I can be a Christian and make or sail or drink intoxicating liquors or vote with a party and for men that will make) laws to protect the bell-born traffic. R. H. Morse. It For Over Fifty Venn. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Syrlt has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five oenty a bottle. Sold by all drug gists througnout the world. Keep Cool, Keep Cool. For Iced Teas Use Churchill & Parker's ORE EN and BLACK TEAS Try our Roasted Coffees, THEY ARE DELICIOUS. Don't Be Led Off By Others, but come to see ns, and see that we are selling First-Glass Groceries AT STARVATION PRICES. So give us a trial and help the hard working young men of the town out. Don't forget the fact that we do our own work, and can afford to sell goods Cheaper Thau The Cheapest. Another important item: Everything we sell we guarantee to be as repre sented or money refunded. Thanking you for past favors, and trusting you will give us a share of your fnture trade, We are, very respeotfully, Churchill & Parker, Broad Bt., 1st door East of Railroad. Jun26dwtf. Excursion to Elizabeth Citv. STEAMER NEUSE. Special rates to Elizabeth Oity for July 4th. Round trip, $3.00, for those attending the Races at Albemarle Park. Tbe manager, of the raoss guarantee the fanest mile ever made on this track. For Information of raoss and entries address T. 8. WHITE, Mansger, Elizabeth Oity, N. O. A. E. HIBBARD, Watches, CLOCKS AND Jewelry. NEW BEKNE, X. U. Repairing Neatly Done. JuneS7 dwtf Lucas & Lewis DEALERS IN CHOICE GROCERIES AND Farmers' Supplies. ALL KIMS Fruits, Confectioneries, ' Cigars, Tobacco, &c. TERMS CASH. Corner South Front anJ MiJJle Street. EsT Goods delivered in any part of juriCT.Iwtf I the city. Livery and Sale Sables ! M. HAHN & CG Largo and Well Solcrttvl Lot ol HORSES AND MULES KEPT IN STOCK. Also, larpe lot BuftieH (top nml op Road Carts, Harness, W'npi, Ii. .1 ; Home lilanketa constantly on liai.il Rock Bottom PrireR. 'i make our Lirery a M'ccinltv. S i o-l , at ! or aouuie turn-oulM cun uo una ut all hours. Every thirjf,' we sell is gimr.mtcu! a.s represented. Livery superintended by K IEN MARK, Call and See Us. Special Gut Prices, To Ulose Out My Stock of; CAN FRUITS. 1'oriner J' II Of. 3 lh cans ', yollow reaches 3 lt cans all yellow full ulund PeacbfH, :"'. 3 Hi caDHUallforulaOreen (in?o :(. HlhcanH " KfEK I'luiun :tAc. 3 lh cans ' White CliL-rrltn 3.V. 'l th cans .Apricots :;;'x .'ttttcana ' Muscat Urn, en '.in.. 3 l' cans ' Prunes In syrup 2 li'cunsBllceU Pineapple 2r.v. 2 lb cans " " vmv. All of these brands ol fruits am nnleed to be good. 1 il'. :nur JOHN DUNN. ST If you drinks, have not tried my new COCA COLA AND GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at once: they aro refreshing and invigorating. Uive me a trial. j New Berne, N. C. G 10 dwtf Mason's Improved Fruit Jars -AT- L. H. CUTLER & CO. NEW BEltNE. N. C. Telegram from Raleigh, i June 2'2d, Mill. Hill Humphrey, Kaq. Can 1 close my en tire slock tuyouat liargalu. Answer. The above account for Big lke'e nnxletv to reduce Ills stock. It la lmpoaalule for III in to relieve any merohant who Is financially embarrassed unt il lie reduces hla stock. He now tana ihe third larttet atock In the city of New Berne. Two atorea, on on top the other, both rhook-a-blook with good bought at 10, 50 and 1)7 .;,, on the do 1 1 nr. lli 1 ke ubk two Iron Bares, bought at 500. on the dollar. Any tracker who has more money limn he would like to put In the bank wonld do arel I to examine them, Oome and aee lilm. He Is now offering goods cheaper than nny merchant In tbe oity oan buy them. iu Oatttns, ulcria and Twiil Silk:., with natu ral and c::idized nan- dbs. Just for hot weath ier showers - a . i 1m Clyde Star: :. Ealu ; i - Th. Il.T'l IMI1J-' ItDhtl itiol. Muh. A. A Mt-i J A. W v.imr n V tf to IT Whit -id- ered fte. AT They rr- .1 ri over ivl... Sain ck .-it':. I. i H. in ,:ii-. i.i T. . Farmer:; KuA" ;r' r.iiu i;i .-.! Pniii t ji ( iipii.ii, Tbif Kinr,. : ... , vi. i - In ; : I,-., I ' 1,1 rlu.n'K Mill' l: i. -ri., - -,::nV; lili f,'l!l,!H! III ' Hl.MUChs Mil V1 t.-il lioni in t-iir i-;l . . . pliiiu,.; n i-:i ,, V-.i., i 1 1: l I : - Muilis. I', il W Mi -Will I , .1 1 1'. H. IVIli :u L. I'ornuii', s )(), i V Co. Ge are CUTLERY, HARI75S?, CADDIES BRIDLES r.nd WHIPS, Fa; ir.it IVliock r.L: Liiijilcmca!: :'. 1.) :.;i;i- NEW UEENn, K, c, NEW 6 Kavit j: ..j i i Hln K i,( DKKiS, 1 i:iHL'lM l ri'KinM-lfii'ly cull yoiir ;i:nl l !ii:.Mi( AI,S id 'U1 :i 1,1 f.,. lowing lin-Is : Kirn, thril yo'i w i!l l1' I'll! (1 Kl'olt!; :r.l llii.l fiKST-Cl.AH-t I'llAK.M , v i," , I ti ll . ii lo inn 1111, 1 I urilllles lur l t'i'si'1' ; ll, n w, : k I'AssKU, lii- im-iiii lm i. ns, l I Ii e,l us In ,;ir ! i- tin, I it,.,'iir.,,'v Hon. iiml sri. IC'I'I.V i wnii Tin; nn.-ii'i.vN's TION- Aml t' :.l. v,. h ive r. - (lUl'IB, Toilet n!,-l i n! rr CnM tl !i i":;irHi i,l pri'j'irp l i'KI'AM r. ruisi-HM'- ,.r i a- I'nW- ,i hi i, : i ilerw, Hllil ml nl lu r I n : Units. U I- li I-, i,i, IMIStilllUTA. ni,,l h,,,"1!' i ui;e by st-i vni:: il:. m l g i i ll. ill ii V. Hl'lli'Uint " rii'l , full r ii I A t Ii... iry, Mhl.l 9 J n ii In 1 in ' I iiilocli N i-. W i' ana l'iidl'KH 1 11;.-' : Anolyiu , Cni-illlnnllt c, AiitKi ITIHi'ly Aalrl.;;im. It coirects liowi'l illsnn'i'is I . r,.; oving Cain unit uriplne, anil by iI'miii. i tiu nnir td mailer lu the Inleslli nl 1 1 . It la especluliy nrti-iul In in.i riinMs and dyalnteries uftrr Hie b iivrln Imve been freely evnennted nnluinilv or by llieuseot simple p.irittitiveR. HOHK., for ndulta, one innipontfnl with water; may bo rp'ii:d lu one hour. Hlmke vlnl hel,ire uplnf; l'ronaredby li. N. IM'FFY, liiliyilwlulp ttw Her ne. N. C. i it good . to dre reai well is t: i 5 properly is beat." E. Busy Wall l h s is the advice of one of the U ?: dre wed men in New York "Dress Properly." If yoa need any Clothes or Hats or Shoes, giTe us a i.i ve m11 try and dresa yoa propork. W'e have some Tory prober" suits and at a small oost, a:u ilats acd Shoes. Do not fail i j s.-o ;:s it yoa want a bogy robe or ii'.rts or collars or cuffs or hand kerch ;!' or socks or ties. They art ail y :'!.' nht price. AT IKXWAKD'S. rV DUFFY'S 41 CROUP SYRUP. ll'T.-c ot tln late Dr. Walter Daffy, D1HLCTIONS : h nr 'I twu or three yean old, one ! . a en, Id three months old. ' i.il sli moDtba old, twenty i''"- :vixi montna old. aearly i , rrprutlnit tbeae doaae cii,ry until relief la pr- I ' ' ' ' y li. m I have uaed Dcrvr's 1 in iny family for over six ' I i"'i It in be a moat ttoei- ' i i imp wiin children, eape- ' '!. Our youngeat child u . ft f i-ruup about eyenr - i :''i we felt aDxlousabont r . uufi Miresfully treated by i , i : linking It probable that 1 i i ' -ks nishi follow we frequently i - i,,i.p syrup and the child baa ' - .ni :ii ma of croop alnee, ilue to the Qae or the : ; . .uid uv bow keep a bottle of It ' '! times, anil I cheerfully 'i ' i"U. K. H. Babhcm. I i :u-jl In relieving oougbs ' I'Ht I'AI.Il) AM) bOLD &r v. i fFV. w Bern, H. O. ,. Aueuth- Mckeaaon a KobJ.lna, Win. 11. Bchlefflln a Oo., -!. ct. New York City. !mp?m23.tothe Public commence k-rtat on Saturday LOSING OUT SALE ON ..'k and 'cummer Goods POSITIVELY, ' !!; following: !.;! lViy 's Suits, t ii d iiud Boy ' Shoes, ii,-1 hbi9 and Slippers, ' .!. of Straw Hats, ut l.'utii'rt' Ureas Ooods in ni ..eincuit; of Bome beautiful It- iirirttup. if Ladies' and Chil :i I ','i;trf. - . t v,!iit this ad. says, il ii'i'uru ooino special :o:il..- Baxter dwtf M- ii'i I Sot V alcr on Draught T. ii i.t JOHN DUNN'S. Now ! ountains, New Cooler, and beat of nil, I ilatiii Syrup Tanks. Tna syrups ilo n ji cjir.e In oontaot with any metal. Call liLil try it. tf m MEAN YOU. our line of SOL Y EMIR ,'"r l . 1 1 K. WlrlB' KOHNTltl ,:. 'ii-mi l,,l nisi arrived. ii .iri y I have Jiut received a freSU M,n KOI.I.i:!) ;L1 CHAINS', ii!i -i lur six ji arn. We Klvea wrlttan ii. i- v. It.. . in Ii chain. -TOi li is WAV HP, anil PBICKS i tuv:N. Come In and sea SAM. K. EATON, i ...! s: j,HiHiie Baptist Obarcb. of Business. I n KU BKItNK DRUG COMPANY jlinvin; .,:i -.-ii.ikc ,1 the hualnasi formerly "ni'.ii - Hi. U.J. GOODING, attbsold k;:iMi-'!i .! hiiiml of K. H.Meadowi, or' i;ilock and Middle Sts., ; in 1 'y the nubile that the same i r I f conducted under th above h , T. A. HENRY, Pharmacist 1 lm m i-i, irai-, mid special attention will lo iiiHienelni! pliysli'lans' preserlp' t i s w. u : i nccuraiy aud at reasonable ir.rc'i. full line of nillJUS, MEOICINBAi TOll.l.T AUIKXES, PKRPCIIKHT i a i i;v r Bii.DiciMKs, CIGARS and i oiukxi will be kept constantly on sale, Vi inaliu a specialty of the ( M.KRKATED SEVEW 8PR1NO NINERAI. WATER, -,i !s kcp. on draueht. ma, 31 dlrtf The Housekeeper's Frieni, A Ivi mom lie stove, get one for 90s., or dun . i e.-ird ymir kitchen xtove and get an Oil hi ivi' in:;,,, eunuuli to cook every thing, aoe niivi' p,i I,,,'. kiii niMi In summer. It 1 ate,j I iiinl Is ui'Tv economical than awoodatoy I 1.1: 1 1 1 1 wl'n little beat. Anothar (ooel ll, mi; i i.t mm a mi-caudle M)ckle Lamp1, tiie- 1. lu,,' Knyal " , Krirt hi-u Keiilea for frulta. rloe.eto. fnnr aa rlnr in a n Iron pot lor cooking any food: its ' ana uouaoKeeper appreeiacer : I'leh Covers, Ice Picks, Ja V lemon liilce. Wire HrallaM 5 r I'ciitlu I nisi. i-8, "Oelehrated KaunerlAtnp, ' 1 Hate nml l!rlillnt," Pearl Top Chimney,' .' Irhenploi T S.China Plates, Cups, Bauoart, , i Kiicli-I Porcelain Ware, plain and deoorated 'J I Ncvoi rn'..'.e. . iliiiinlini Seta, Ited Pans, Crockery, Lm' ' onmle, Kerry and lea Cream Met, eto. ' HouBkeeper'H Conveniences and Neeee'-? eltlcN. i A.H.i, l'uper, Pena, Ink. Pencils, Robber' .". Knnda, IipkiiI l'uper, ll)o. quire and np, Box '' Paper, Knvelopea. Also, (Jaah Knxee wltht or without trays. Tin Ware. Look. Toola, Kn Ives and Forks, Pooket KnlTs. Uaohiutr . Ollund Needles, eto. All at , til. B. WIIITKBURST'B. jan'i) On Pollock 8U. near Post 0lto, ' -j1 ':t..r"Jr'.-- ' ' ..V' :''-'';" :,l'r...J-':-.:i"V-"',f,:"-'

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