m Jmm Journal. J. t: VOL. X.--NO. 81 ; NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTSi U I , BUSINESS LOCALS. ; WANTED to buy from 500 to 8600 ore of North Carelina Yellow , Pine Timber Lands. Bend foil descrip tion, location and price per acre. I " make spsoislty of timber lands and have oash buyers for the right properties r !, t Charles e. Wobtham, Jb,, - 1117 E. Main St., Bichmond, Va. . jfid2tw2t : . - -i,,, t EXTRA Fancy Elgin Creamery Batter Oa Ioe,80oper lb. 841w ; Chubcbiu. & Pabkkb rCE CBEAM and Sammer Refresh ments tarnished on short notice by v the plate, quart or gallon. - Lnnoh far ' nished at Eiilroad depot. With thanks for past faTors and a solicitation of fur ... ther patronage, I am, teapeotf ally, je7 tf t i , M. ShkpaRd. THE Besidenoe formerly ooenpied by Mr. R. O. . Lodge on Craven street is for rent. Immediate possession given. " apply to Latham & Bdbbvb. lm SUMMER SPECIALTIES I -Lightning loa Oteam Freesers, Combined Chair and Step Ladder. Balloon Fly Traps, Win (MH boon, Gause Win for Window .- Boreena, and a toll Una of Hardware, etc, at meyMdtf J. O. Whitty A Co. ? BOTIO SODA and Mineral Water xx at Bah'l a Waters. Everywhere are seen indica tion! of Democratic victory in 1892. . RiPPOLYTB has effectaally quelled the Haytian insurrection, but he killed 230 persons in doing it. 'The devil never tries very hard . to get a man who has not back 'bone enough to follow bis honest convictions." v IT really looks as if the Third Party would fail to materialize. The farmers, in all probability, will generally vote the Democratic ticket. . Gordon Gumming has been dee cribed by the Duke of Cambridge as "the best soldier in war and the wont in. time of pqpee in the BritiBh army." " The anniversary of the birth of John Wesley, the founder of Meth odism, was celebrated on Sunday Jane 28th, in a good many churches in England and America. , " the weather continues very hot, but it is refreshing to know that ; . the health of this section or the State continues good, and the crops are constantly improving. The estimated circulation of religious papers published in this - country is 4,000,000, and yet there are a great many wicked people who still adhere to the Republican party. . Perhaps the severest earth ' quake ever felt on jthe Pacifie coast - ooenrred last Monday morning. In San Francisco three violent shocks -were distinctly felt. New build ings fell in and old houses tumbled into the streets. s This is the vacation period. The boys- and girls 'are happy. But vacations do not always bring hap piness. It is announced that the closing of the fourteen flint and window glass factories at Findlay, Ohio, gives oyer two months vaca tion. ". It ' is said that there is a dip!o matio puzzle presented to the State Department at Washington in the demand of the Congressional party of Chili for recognition. ? This indi- 1 oatea sad want of ability in the Department daring the absence of ' Mr. Blaine, He , could dispose of ' thejnatter In five minutes. v , , A x bellion congress . has so mixed up Uncle Sam's Treasury ; that the , struggles of a Dime Ad ministration to set it straight are at least pitiful.! The Billion repre sents "the money'! spent and to be spent, and ; the Dime represents the brains available to get ont of the difficulty, The : Wilmington f Star has this. to say or the late local editor 01 the Jotjbsal: The Star Qongrata lates Mr. Roscoe Nnnn, a former employee of. this office, oa his ap pointment as Assistant Observer at the State Central Signal Station at Ealeigb. He is a young man oi flue promise.-.-:Ai:t:;:5 Ix a recent interview, Seoretary of War Prootor, whose home Is In Vermont, said that the Republican farmers of his State would continue ti vote the Republican ticket, and 1' 1 at a convention of the Vermont f - Z7S, held last week, they de- 1 not to form a new party. i Importance of the; - Demo f.srmersof the South standing 'r party is being made more i '.fffit every day.- LOCAL NEWS. : NSW ADVBRTlSKUt. NTS. Big Ike's Callings. , Bargain Store Hat sale., W. B. Boyd Important notioe. . Howard Small sands, ate. J. W. Blddle-Sohedato "B" tax. H. 0, Stevenson Yacht olnb meet's. Qeorge ' Henderson Gen. insnrance agent. The Athletio baseball olnb of this oity left last night to play a match game with the Washington olnb tomorrow. Mr. J. E. Willis has just received another large lot of marble in the rough by the steamer Newberne of the O. D. line. A yaoht race was gotton op a short time ago but did not come off on ao count of bad weather prevailing at the appointed time and was indefinitely postponed. Why not have it on the Fourth of July ? The Catbolio 8unday school had a plessant pionio at Biverdale yesterday. They returned late in the afternoon all who wished to landed, and the remain der and some others who joined them took a trip up Neuee river, returning about ten o'clook last night. A foroe of twenty men were hard at work yesterday on the labor of getting the ice machine of the New Berne Ice Company in position. There are three oar loads of it and it weighs between 80,000 and 90,000 pounds. It will take several days to get it properly fixed, and then the company will be ready to begin manufacturing. The wotk of putting down good con orete pavements in front of the stores of Messrs, L. H. Cutler & Co., Barrington & Baxter and H. J. Lovick has begun. We hope others will follow suit rapidly and that soon the entire business part of the city will be fixed similarly Good sidewalks in front of either dwel lings or business homes add greatly to their attractiveness. Mrs. Walker, the W. O. T, U. evan gelist, gave another lecture at the Church of Christ yesterday. During the course of her remarks she drifted into a discussion of "Woman Suffrage.' While it was a departure from the tub eot, yet it abounded in thoughts that are well worthy of consideration. The meeting adjourned to meet at the tame place Friday evening at five o'clock, for the eleotion of officers. In digging aoross rollook street yes terday for putting in the sewer pipe down Middle street the workmen brought to light a good sized brick aqueduct running up and down the middle of Pollock street. No one who saw if had any pievious knowledge of its existence and con jeotures were rife as to when it was built, some thinking it of reoent origin, others that it wss possibly a relio of Colonial days. Celebration in Washington. Washington has prepared for a great Fourth of July eelebratlon. Iteomes off to-morrow instesd of Saturdsy. That date being ohosen because the biggest time possible was wanted and it was, believed that end oonld be at tained on Friday better than on Satur day, the . busy day of the week. Exoursiens from different points will be run to it and Hon. Jno. S. Long LL D of this city will deliver the oration at 11 a.m., and daring the day there will be a grand military display, four horss races and a match game of base ball between the New Berne and Wash' ington clubs. At night there will be a balloon ascension and the most bril liant display of fire-works ever seen in that oity consisting of over 200 pieces. Bsren Hundreth Anniversary. The oity of Berne, Switzerland, for which our oity was named by its Swiss settlers, was' founded in 1J91, and li now making preparations to celebrate the 7C0ih anniversary of that event in a patriotic way from the Hth to the 17th of August. , The oommlttee of organiza tion of the festivities have sent an invi tation to the Mayor of New Berne ex pressing a wish that he should tend a delegation representing this oity and giving assurance that they will be re ceived with great pleasure. Do any New- Bernians f expect to take Eurepean trip this summer t , If so, and they can make their arrangements to take in Switzerland at that time, it will be well for tbem to be annotate. . Z '. e f List of Letters . . -.. Remaining , in the poetoffioe at New Berne, uraven county, w. v, June xuh, B George F. Bennett Schr. 8. H, Soull, Windsor . Blount;. :- Mrs. Sarah Bonner. G Mrs. .Charlotte Gates. H Mr. A.' Hill, J. C. Hill, Miss Lizia Humphrey. , ; a' ' I CapU Jli w. , Ingersoll Bohr. J. ft H. HOUll. ' 1 K Miss Laura Ktnseti - ' L Mr. Page Lawson Sphr. S. A. Bo- dolph. ' , K , t . ' M Nanoy Moore. ,. O Miss Naro Odea ' , , P John Peterson. s 8-John W. Smith. ' ' 4 T W. A. Tillman. W Mr. R. R. Whitfnrd. Mill Sarah I Whiker. Mlas Margaret Worten. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised.and give date of list. The regulations now require that one oent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. , WM.E. CLABKfe. P.M. '.? Far Over Fifty Yim. Mrs. Win Slow 's SooTHisa Btbup has been need . for children teething. ; It soothes tbe child, softens the earns allays all pnin, cures wind ootin, tod is the bunt re df for Dinrrhcva. 'i Ave c-'" a f ' ' . r'l ( t . . - - - THE SEW BAILEOAD. Ex-Got. Jartis Speaks on the Route of the Line. The Philadelphia Ledger Rives an aooount of an address delivered by Ex Gov. Jarvis at a meeting of the friends of the projected Norfork, Wilmington and Charleston railroad whioh was held for the purpose of hearing him. The road will run between the coast and the Atlantic Coast Line, and shorten the distance between New York and Phila delphia 100 miles, and will cut through the rioh pine lumber seotions of North Carolina fqrests that have never been touched. Mr. Jarvis described the country through which the new railroad is to pass, its virgin forests and fertile track ing seotion, and mentioned the increas ing prosperity of the South, especially North Carolina. Speaking of the rich trucking section of New Berne, Mr. Jarvis said that when ISO miles had been built the road would conneot with 185 miles of inde pendent roads that at present have no outlet except such as the Atlantic Coast Line chose to give. He said that he believed that properly looated and built, tbe road would pay from the time 130 miles were oompleted and it could be equipped for $12,000 a mile. The chances of the development of the county along the route of the road were discussed. In most parts the line is praotioally out of the territory of tbe Atlantio Coast Line and will not antag onize it to any great extent. Mr. Jarvis closed by speaking of the earning ospaoity of the Atlantio Coast Line whioh pays interest on its bonded debt and 15 per cent, on its stock, and also has a fund out of which it builds branch roads and whose stock is not on the market. Personal. Rev. Jaa. M. Lumley and family who have been visiting relatives in the oity, left yesterday morning returning to their home in Taylorsville. Miss Julia B. Houghton returned to her home in Raleigh from a visit to her cousin, Mrs. B. P. Williams. Miss Annie Chadwlok left to spend the summer at Black Mountain and other points. Mrs. Wm. Willis, of Raleigh, who hss been spending a few weeks at Morebead, came up to visit relatives in the oity. Messrs. W. B. Boyd and W. W. Clark returned from a Northern busi ness trip. Mrs. W. B. Boyd and Miss Katie Matthews returned from a visit ta the family of Mr. W. F. Kornegay, Golds boro. Hon. L. C. Latham and his daughter Miss Louise, and Miss Minnie Skinner, daughter of Col. Harry Skinner of Greenville, arrived last night and are visiting at Mrs. H. W. Wahab. Mrs. Snedeker and daughter, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who has bsen visiting Mrs. O. E. Foy the past few days, left last evening for Morehead City. Mr. Pierre La Montagne returned to Morehead last night. Dr. John S. Long, A. M., returned last night from Cove where he de livered an addrets yesterday at Asbury church, the occasion being the Sunday sohool picnio, whioh Dr. Long speaks of as a magnificent success there being a large dinner, a fine crowd and every thing pleasant. Mrs. T. M. Constable and child, of Charlotte, arrived to visit her father, Mr. W. H. Oliver. Dr. F. L. Reid, of the Raleigh Chris Man Advocate, osme in en route to the Diatriot Conferanoe at Aurora in the interest of his paper. While in- (be oity he is the guest of Rev. B. A Willis. Bev. J. D. Carpenter who assisted last week in some of the meetings at Han oock Street Methodist church, came back last night and will remain in the oity a few days again, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray returned home on the steamer Neuse, of the E. O. D. line, from a visit to relatives in Hyde county. The steamer Neuse took out the fol lowing passengers: Miss Alioe Lambeth, of Thomasvllle, who has been visiting Mrs. J. B. Clark, leaving to visit rela tives at Pamlico; Mrs. J. B.Clark, to visit bef father,. Mr. D. C. Way, at Haslin't Miss Lizzie and Master Robert Ward to visit relatives at Haslin, and Cspt. Wm. E. Stevens and wife of tne Salvation . Army. ' who . have been stationed bere, leaving for their, new appointment at Petersburg, Va. BTJCKLKB'B AKtlICA IA1T1, The Beet Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bhenm, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all BMu Eruptions, ana post' tively cures Piles, or no pay required, s It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. if or sale in aewbem oy jr. o. uuny, wholesale and retail druggist. .. v ' Yacht Club Meeting, ; , Tbe regular monthly business meet ing of the New Berne Yaoht Club will be held at my residence this evening at nine o'clock. . All members are request ed to be present,' as business of Im portance will : be brought before the meeting. .-; r - - XL C. Btbvkhsoh, Beo'y. TO DHPK& COLD1. , 1 Headaehea and Fevers,' to clense the system effectually , yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood ie impure or slugszleh, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken :e kidneys nd liver to a henlthy otivity, .wivhoot I.ifitt:.'iig or weaken- t'-.iin, use fe'yrup of '-;: ;v t . f :v Resolutions of Appreciation. On Sunday last, during tbe session of St. Paul's M. E. Sunday School, tbe following preamble and resolutions were introduced and adopted by a ruing vote of the School: WHKBIAB, Bt. Paul's Sunday Bcbool did, on Friday Jane 26th, run an ex cursion to New Berne, N. C, and did receive from Centenary Church and Sunday Sohool, through the Pastor, Superintendent and Committee, cour tesies equaled by few and surpassed by none, Therefore tie it Resolved, 1st: That the sincere thanks of St. Paul's Sohool are due, and are hereby tendered to Rev. R. A. Willis, Pastor; Brother Jos. K. wiius. Superintendent, and their excellent committee of ladies and gentlemen, who gave us such a hearty welcome. unremitting, painstaking attention and elegant hospitality. Resolved, ad: That this baa Deen tne most delightful visit we have ever made to any people or community, and, that your unbounded hospitality so rioh in its unselfish kindness and thoughtfulness of others and so gener ous in its manifestation, has enshrined upon and in our hearts and memories a people we shall ever loye and whose rare Christina, graces we shall strive to cultivate more faithfully and largely in oar own hearts and lives. Resolved, 3d: That this Sunday School sends christian greetings to Centenary Sunday Sohool and begs that she will honor us with a visit, and thereby afford us the opportunity of expressing in acts our appreciation of their kindness which words are power less to oonvey. Resolved, 4th: That to the officers of tbe railroad and steamers, and to all who in an v wise contibuted to our safe ty and pleasure, we are profoundly thankful and grateful. Resolved, 5th: That these resolu tions be spread upon the records of St. Paul's Sunday Sohool, and that the Secretary furnish a copy to tbe Cec tenary Sunday Sohool, of New Berne; to the Goldsboro Daily Argus, and to the New Berne Journal for publica tion. Mrs. .1. 1). Ciirpcnlor. Editok Journal: This gifted lady has been conducting a series of meet ings at the Hanoock at. M. E. Church, to the edification of its membership and the benefit of those, generally, partici pating in the meetings. The attendance is unusually large, and on Tuesday night there was a crowd of "seekers" at tbe altar, and two happy conversions. Thus far there have been four accessions, and the in terest increasing. Mrs. Carpenter is unquestionably en dowed with a vigorous intellect, won derful "gifts and graoee," and has made an impression for good that we believe will prove lasting in its charac ter. Attendant. Important Notice. There will be a meeting tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the hall over J. M. How ard's store, of all those who hold cer tificates in the United Order of Frater. nal Co-operation and the Fraternity of Financial Co-operation, Let all interest ed attend. W. B. Boyd, Sec'y- A Foreign Invasion. Terrible winters throughout Europe brought forth bitter fruits that ripened in America. "La Grippe" with varying violenoe broke forth here, and the mor tality lists show its shook ing ravages in aggravated cases. An alooholio princi ple embodieias a medioated stimulant in the form of Hoe tetter's Stomaoh Bitters has and will ever prove the best speoifio. Leading continental and American pbysioisns declare that a medicine with a spirituous basis, such as this, affords the surest guaranty against the tremendous inroads of this shocking malady. When we consider that a slight change of weather is apt to renew it, that it attaoks those easily vulnerable organs, the lungs, that its progress is tremendously swift and destructive, we must admit the neces sity of repelling it at the outset with a sure preventive. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is also a safeguard against malaria, dyspepsia, rheumatism, liver and kidney complaints. Children Cry,forA Pitcher's Castoria. George Henderson, '(Suocessor to Roberts & Htnderson), General Insurance Agent. KennsentlnK Insurance Comcany o( North Imerlca, of Pniladelphla. Home msnranoe company, oi xvew iorK. OiiMn InHnranee Gomnanv of Knsland. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Haruera. forth Carolina He me Iosuranoe Company of Raleigh. ureenwitcn insurance company, ui m York. Phenlx Insnrance Company, or Broosiyn. United Undertakers insurance Company, nf Atlanta. Boston Marine insurance company, si Boston. lolyaawtf Big Ike's Gullings. Pleaaa bear in mind that I make It my nanial bnilneia every Monday morning to go through my stock of Shoes and take ont an inoee int myv wvu bu.u ujwu w ivui and nve pair oi a Etna ana aiose mem out iu my customer at any price I can get for tham. This kind of atoek has accumulated on my hands to tne enormous amount oi four or uve nnnureu pair. uu juuh iro hjiu at onee. I have been charging w. ou ana two. nnrDnlr.bat my aesire to get mem on uas been o great that I am now offering them at ID, oo a.id duo. m pair, jdir x wut uuijr notify nis menas oi inn wonaeriai reuuo. tlon. and will take great pleasure In show lng these goods. Delays are dangerous; ntaaaa come at onee. Remember, if you call at mi store next Saturday, yon ean gel a drink of nloa cold Ice water while you are trading. 1 keep mor everyooay. Dont let your Children go Barefooted f - i - At ' '-- '.- " Wo have put styles Men's ' ; about Fifty Different Straw Hats In our Bhow Windows to ' Close Out. The SEAL worth of these Bats from Mo. to 11. 60, but ALL WILL GO ;:,.At 50c. Each; OTCH Schedule "B" Tax. NOTICE. Office or Register of Deeds, C'rmven County, N. C. July 1, 18111. All merchants, traders. 11a aor dealers. keepett of ferries, commission merchanta, auctioneers, aod all others In Craven coantr, who are required to list tbelr;purchascs, re ceipts or sales, as the case may be, under Schedule "B"oi the Revenue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby notified to list the same at my office during the First Ten Days Id July, 1891, for six months ending June 30, ltsui. J. W. fllDDLE, Reg. of Deeds of Craven Co. Jj2dwtd "Small sands the mountains And trifles life." Youno. It is not the big things that make np life but the triSes. So it is in dress. There are some trifles that are indispensible. They con sist of neckwear, underwear, foot wear and headwear. Are you troubled about getting a pair of suspenders long enough for you, if so, call on us, we have some long enongh for a seven footer. New lot of Black Silk Orenidine Wind sor Ties just in, also Windsor in Summer silk, poDgee, and sateen. 75 Dozen White lawn ties at 25 cents doz. at HOWAKD'S. WATER COOLERS, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Ice Chisels, Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fly Traps, Wire Gauze, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Cook Stoves For Wood, Coal and Oil. Smallwood & Slover, MIDDLE STREET. .Ume28 dwtr Special Gut Prices, To ulose Uut My Stock oi CAN FRUITS. Former Cut Jrioe. lrice, !h cans yt yellow Peaches sec 2tc. th caua all yellow full tiland reacneB. o. lh canB California Green Gage :trH'. V-c. cans " KffiE flums she. Zic. lb cans " White Cherries 35c, i5-. S lb cans .Aprioots ;i5c, ic. 8 ib cans " Muscat Grapes :iro. 25c. beans ' Prunes in syrup hoc. 'Mc. 2 tb cans Sliced Pineapple 25c. H'lc. tb cans ' 20c. 16c. 49-All or these brands of fruits are guar anteed to be good. JOHN DUNN. r it you have not tried my new drinks, OCA C0L1 AND GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at once; they are refreshing and invigorating. Uive me a trial. New Berne, W. U. 0 10 dwtr Lucas & Lewis DEALERS IN CHOICE GROCERIES AND Farmers' Supplies. ALL KINDS Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. "terms cash. Corner South Front and Middle Streets. 5" Goods delivered in any part of the city. jiin27dwt NOTICE. Tbe Board of Eanallzatlon ol Graven oountr, oompoeed oi tbe Board of Commis sioners and the Chairman of tbe respective Boards of Ust Takers and A Me Mors of the Mveral Towashlps of said ;eonn ty, will meet on tne iintu ausuai in juii ror tne parpoae of receiving th returns of the Llt 'imiers uu unwh aura rqueiism tne Tklnailon of the Dionertv of th eoantv. ae. eontlng to law. v , .. Ana aiso ine rjoara or commissioners will meet on the BBOOND MONDAY In JULY and revise th tax list and valuations re poned. when all persona objecting to the valuation of their property oan be heard. No eometlons ean ae made after aeon re vision la oompleted, - By order of the Board Oommtntoners, ' i JuoSOSar i. W. BlJUiX.B.01erk.- Timothy Hay. Just received, per Schr. Cornelia, 25 Tons Prime Timothy Hay. Having gotten an extreme low rate of freight on this shipment, will give purchasers the benefit of same when buying, CHAS. B. HILL. East side Market Dock, Second largest hay dealer in jjneSOdlw New Berne. CASHJSALE ! H. B.DIJFFY CONTINUES THE SALE OF Embroidered Skirting, Laces, Etc., at a sacrifice. In order to reduce stock, he is offer ing Dress Qinghams at tic , Challies at 4c, Shoes at 50c, and many other arti cles at astonishingly low pneep These goods are sold for cash, and a visit to his etore will convince you that he is taking the lead. Everybody Come! jun21 tf Watch Si, CL00KS AND NEW BERNE, N. C. Repairing Neatly Done. june'27 Uwtf Excursion to Elizaljoth Gitv. STEAMER XEL'SE. Special ratea to Eli. iliet'- ity tor uly 4th. Round trip, Oi), for thofiu attending tbe lUcrnst uarlo Park. The managers of tne raceti guarnntoq the fastest mile ever made on this tn.cl. . For information of ranes auu onirics address T. ti. WIUE, Manager, Elizabeth City. N. C. 'lason'! revei Fruit Jars L. H. CUTLER & CO. NEW BERNE. N. C. . II. OCTI.KR, W H. CHAnwIC-K, President. Vlcel'reBliloiit. T. W. Dewey. Caehler. Farmers and Merchants Bank NEW HKltNK. N. C. Paid Vp Capital, - - $ 75,000, This Bank. Int orKunlze.l. r iinrs Its ser vices to banks, Hankers, Farmers, Mer chants, Manufacturers atut oihers, and will endeavor to give prompt and careful atten tion to all buslneHB connected with banking entrusted to us. Collections a specialty and made on all accessible points on as liberal terms as will be consistent with Indlrloua banking;. Business solicited and citrrettnondence In vited Irom parties desiring to ojien accounts lnourclty, as well as from those contem plating; a change In existing arrangements. very lespocumiy, X. W. UEWKT, Cashier. DIRECTORS Ij. H. Cutler. Wm Cleve. (. Marks. P. rt. felletier, W. 8. CUadwIck, J. w. Stewart, .Ino Kuter. P. H. Pelletler, Bank Attorney. my9 lstp L. S. AVOOI), Formerly 18 years with Qeo. Allen & Co. DEALER IN General Hardware AND CUTLERY, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES and WHIPS, Farming Implements, Pollock Street, next to National Bank, NEW BERNE, N. C. june2uuwti Livery and Sale Sfabies U. IIAIIU & GO. Large and Well Selected Lot of HORSES AND MULES KEPT IN STOCK. Also, large lot Baggies (top and open), Road Carts, Harness, Whips, Bobes and Horse Blankets constantly on hand at Rock Bottom Trices. We make our livery a specialty. Single or doable tarn-oats can be had at all hoars. Every thing we sell U guaranteed as represented. ' Liverjr superintended by 'K.. DEN MARK, 'sl, , 1.1 ,r Call and See Us. 1 FiT DUFFY'S CROUP.SYRUP. Rceipe of the late Lr. Walter Daffy DIRECTIONS : Dote for ft ciiiid two or three yean old, od teaspoonfnl; (or a child three months old ten drors; for a chlid six months old, twenty dropB; for one twelve months old, nearly half a leaapoonlul repeating these doses frequently If necessary nntll relief la pro cured. This Is to certify that I have used Dnrrv'i Group bYBUP in my family for over six months and 1 buileve It to be a most excel lent remedy Tor croup wlih children, espe cially as a preventive. Our youngest child bad a severe allium of croup about a year ao, Insomuch that we fell anxious about lt6 recovery, but was successfully treated by our phyhlcJf.n, bu; thinking it probable that other attacks imgbt follow we frequently used Duity'B Croup fynip aod the child has hud no luHrked symptoms of croup since, mid 1 bcllevo It Is due to the use of the Croup Syrup, i.ud v.e now keep a bottle of it ; hi our iiciuoe at a.l Limes, and 1 cheerfully recommend It to all. K. H. Habnuk. AlhO very ellnctun.1 In relieving coughs I and colds. Hkkta uki and bold bt K. N. HUFFY, JPfmv iernt N. O. Who.csaio Agents- McKesson k KobblUS, Fulfil girevt ; Wni. II. Hchlefllln A Co., 17U William Street. Ntw York City. Keep OosI, Keep Cool. For Iced Teas Use Churchill & Parker's ui;i:ri aiut u:.ack teas. 'ii'y tViir BOdSt.Ci'I ,V!uE iiK. Ooflfees, IOUS. j Duii't Bt L.d OfF By Others, 1 but com to ui. &u& see dulling that we uirst-U'-itSP urocenes A" : STARVATION ?EICES. So Kivo : wothirit v D-iii'i .' i 0 7.-U W.j .i. Anl or wr rh :riai end b n;- the hard meu of th. i.ov- a out. fact tl: wc ao our nl goods eapest. irything - ad repre- i'i adotv IdliUh...,, tiumiuK you --ill your futuie tru.'. , .vors, and va U" a share of We ar. very roBpi'Ctff.lly Ctardi??.! & Parker, !!- t'l .s' 1ooi East of liullroad d Business. Tbe NEW B2l; I"Itr- rOMPAIfV : brtvln.: purcLiuitl ino ImelneFS formerly ooiiitui'lt-iHiy ii.J. U(C1I0, ut the oli) tBll'.llllSli'.t) 8tit:l o." i.. i). Mg.uIoub, I Oor. Pollock ami Middle Sts., j rc-K.'Uui'y liOl ly I1: hat the Punie :idvr tli e aho e ffir.T. A. HENRY, rharmacist Will li- 'n r .. "I ,'', H'lil Kprtriu! nfl' llllon will be kiVii t(. airipenems phyBii-Ians' prescrlp ttouB with - accuracy and at reasonable1 prices. A full l.ce Of OKI ltlRDlCINBS. TOILET AUTICLKS, PKRFl'MKRY, PATEM MKDICINEK, CKJAKS and TOBACCO will be feept conslantly ou sale. We make a Bpec lully oi tlm CELEUUATECO SF.VEJf 1TI1MCUAL U ATRH, Mlilch Is kepi (in drftuirht. mar SI ilwtf Tne Housekeeper's Friend, A Kerosene Stove. Kt onft tor !'t'c.,or dl ciinl your ktlfhcn htovp and t,;el an OH Htove larpe eiiotiffh to cook every thing, and have no not kllithnn in summer, it Is Bafd. ami is mor econonitcal timti a wood stove LisliiH witu liLMt h'-;tt. Aunt her good thlug jam now a SD-caudio Jsickle Lamp, tne 'Mtile Koyai " tartht-'ii Kettle fnr fruits, rice. etc. Supe rior :u an nun p ( for conking any food; all nice cooks ami housekeepers appreciate them. V Iro JMkIi sovctk, Jco Ptcka, Ex tractors for lemon jui"ef Wire Broil ert, Keiitlicr iiNter. 'lehTHted Kanner Lamp, Halo and Hrlslmni," 1'cnrl Top ChimneyH, cheap lot I S. I'hlija I'ialcs, CupP, Saucers. KimllKh rorcelain Ware, plain ainl decorated Never Craze. cliitinhui Sets. l-t i'ttns, l 'rockery, Lem oiiMile, Berry and Ice (foam Sf U, etc. liouaekecper'8 t onvi-nlcncea and Neces sities. Als'), Paper, Pens, Ink. Poncl'H. Rubber Bands, Lett at Papei , quite and up. Box I'fiper, Knvelop-'s. A' so, rush Boxes with or without truyn. 'lin Warf. locks, Tools, Knlvesantl h orks. I'ooket Knives, Machine Oil and Needles, etc. All at J1. K. AVIIITKHUHST'S. iiurJi) On Pollock Ht.. near PofitOilloe. -that's why Kabo is the only) thing for corset "bones". If one of them breaks of kinks or shifts, within a year,'; vnti'H Vinvf irriir mnnwi liarlrJl J -" - -" J V . f J wuw. . More than that! Wear a' Kabo corset for two of three';, weeks and see if yod like it; , If you don't you can return it to us, and get your money. ,- It's . a hundred to one yOuj won't do it but you hare the: privilege?. ' ', ' ' '

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