V 1 ..,' HE OURNAL. VO& X.--NO. 85. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily ! 1 'V BUSINESS LOCALS. WAHtED-A Good Cook. JOUBltlL office. . Apply 8 81 THIS May Interest You. Cream Cheeae, Lima Juloe, Pioklee, . r Chipped Beef, Choicest Teee, Vary beat Koattad Coffee, Flavoring: " Extracta, Imported Jelly, Chooolate, Tapioca. Cocoa, Corn Starch, Orated Pine Apple for loe Cream, Beat Canned Gooda at , Lowest Prioe, Imported Bay Ram, . j-Cologne, Toilet Soap, Ammonia. If yon - wiah to hare nice eonp try A. B. O. ' Paite.Birley, Vermaoelli, Lintels, Sago. i Okra- aad - Tomatoe. and other nice things to make it of. Lea and Perrins Bauoe, Tomato Oatsnpirginia Relish, . Chili Sauoe, French Mustard. All offered Cheaper than you will and them elsewhere. I keep the Very Best Batter on loo. ., 0. E. Slovkr. j45t OLD papers for sale in any quantity t the Journal office. tf U7ANTED-A situation to do any TT kind of work. Satisfaction enar- ' anteed. Reference exchanged. Write or apply at Journal office. j3lw ICE CREAM and Summer Refresh ments furnished on short notice by th. plat., quart or gallon. Lunoh fur . nished at Rtilroad depot. With thanks for past favors and a solicitation of fur ther patronage, I am, respectfully, je7 tf M. Sbepard. SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! -Lightning lee Cream Freezer, Combined Chair and Step Ladders, Balloon Fly Traps, Win Oaaia JJosre, Game Wire for Window Bereens. and a full line of Hardware, etc., at mayU dtf J. O. Wmitty & Co. ARCTIC SODA and Mineral Water at Sam'l B. Waters. Wk are glad that Governor Till man and Ben Terrill are going to - meet at Spartanburg, S. 0., and discuss the Sub-treasury scheme. Friendly, free and manly discus sion will do good. Let nothing be condemned without a cause; noth log approved withont good reason. Svbprisb is expressed, by Re publicans at the moderation of Democrats in regard to Wana- maker'a complications with the Keystone bank. The truth is we blush to say anything. Repub licanism is rotten enough, but we did expect that the immaculate Wanamaker would escape the ' general corruption. But, alas, no man oan handle tar, and not be denied. Immigration to this country for eleven months of the current fiscal r year is largely in excess of that of the corresponding months of last - year, and the increase is largely composed of non-assimilative ele ments Italians, Poles, Hans and other offsoourings of Eastern JJarope. A contemporary thinks U imperative that Congress should be called upon to deal sharply with this rising tide of invasion by an alien and servile horde oj European mercenaries. And yet many thrifty And industrious mechanics are shut oat by the contraot labor law. In an editorial article on the Harvard University annnal cele bration the Boston . Globe says: "Bat it was a Sontherner, Hon. Randolph Tucker, of Virginia, who made the gratest impression at the dinner, Chief Justice Fuller's . thoughtful review of the history of " the high office which he so ably fills " Was followed with interest, the eloquent . Virginian with enthusi- asm. His warm plea to look to the r fature and not back at the past, and - his earnest hope that hereafter Massachusetts and Virginia might stand together always were ap . plauded to the eohp." J I bis speach at Goldsboro the other day, Col. Polk sought to array the Alliance against the News and Observer, telling them that while professing to be friendly to the Al lianoe, ' we in an underhand way were making war on it by attack. log him and other leaders of the r order, thus seeking to bring the Alliance into disrepute. News & Observer. We read the News and ' Observer closely, and we have seen nothing in it to give 'offense to the Alliance. The New? and Observer ia fearless Democratic journal, - and it owes its high position to its Advocacy of sound principles and . popular ; tights. Democracy and the Alliance is or onght to be one and inseperable at the South y. The New Haven tradesman who sought to seenre the-debt whioh was due him by a Tale student by attaching bis diploma just before it was to be delivered showed himself to be a man who had a shrewd insight , into human nature. If the attachment had been -restricted to the student's .trunk or his books he might have gone off withont raying his bill, but as it was his Ionia, the ope thing which about f t time he considered the most vi ' .Lla property in the world, be n r r'ltled his debt ''bathe, h io- i poney , 7 f ' 1 1 :i Bhcppskin LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTI3KHI NTS. Howard. The shoe, eto. Wanted Good cook, Y. M. 0. A. Meeting tonight. A. M. Baker Baker Mattress Co. Mr, L. H. Cutler- is oommencing to build a dwelling on the north side of Broad street, midway between George and Berne streets. . A business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held at their hall tonight at half past tight o'clock. Beside other important matters, that of engaging the newly reoommended Secretary will be considered. Two young colored women had a lively fiat fight on South Front street, near the railroad, yesterday. Their arrest put a cessation to hostilities, and the trial will take place at the Mayor's court this morniog. Sparks from the smoke stack caused the roof of the New Berne Lumber Company's saw-mill to ignite yester day. The discovery was timely, and the fire was speedily extinguished by the workmen with buckets of water. Mr. J. S. Baenight has bought the entire interest of the other members of the New Berne Lumber Company, of which Mr, H. W. Steinheiper was for merly manager. The old name of the business, New Berne Lumber Company, will be retained. The trustees of the New Berne Aoad- emy, at a meeting held yesterday after noon, sold the lot between Dr. J. D. Clark's residence and the site of the publio building to the Episcopal church for a rectory, which will soon be built. This is a pleasant and admirable loca tion for it, immediately communioating, as it does, with the ohurchyard. When the reotory and the publio building are both completed it will make a great improvement in that neighborhood, and that corner and the opposite one on which Dr. F. W. Hughes' residence is situated, will probably be the two pret tiest ones ia the city. Prof. W. R. Skinner has returned from Seven Springs, where he has been perfecting arrangements for his school. The first floor of the building to be erected will be taken up with a large chapel or assembly hall, office, and hat and wrap rooms, and the upper floor, on which the teaching will principally be done, will be divided into five rooms. Prof. Skinner informs us that the standard of this school will be raised and the name changed from Vance Aoademy to Vance Collegiate Institute, and that the school is backed by the wealthiest, most influential men of that section. The Proposed Hotel, Mr. Pierre La Montagne informs ns that he is meeting with very enooura- ging aueoesa in soliciting subscriptions to stock in the Winter Resort Hotel, and that he reoeived subscriptions amounting to about $7,000 yesterday It is expected to locate the hotel on Mr, Wm. Dunn's land in the suburbs of the city, Mr. Dunn having subscribed lib erally to the hotel and generously do nated five aorea of land beautifully located on the river front. A number I of our most prominent men have taken stock, and it now remains for the re mainder and our citizens generally to do likewise. Such a hotel could not full to be of benefit, an J the enterprise should meet with the enoouragement from every one that it deserves. Personal. Mr. J. Gooding, who is now located in Philadelphia, is in the city visiting relatives. Miss Sadie Whitford who has been spending a few weeks at Morehead, re turned home yesterday morning. Mr. Gay Styron returned from a pleasure' trip to Morehead. Judge Geo. Green and wife left jes- terday morning to spend the summer in the mountains Mrs. W. H. Psarce and daughter, Miss Anna, left on pleasure trip to Rileigh and other points. Dr. F. L. Beid, editor of the Raleigh Christian' : Advocate, who hat been at tending District Conferenoe at Aurora end spending few daje in the oily returned to Raleigh. Miss Sohenok, of New York, oame ia on the steamer Newberne to Tiaii at Mr. Enoch Wadsworth's, and Misses Lizzie Southgate andBaeSpen eer of Norfolk on pleasure trips. Mr. J, O. Kiddell, who has been in the city representing the Biblioal Re oorder, left for Morehead last night. . M. FmI. Hnfltar. of Handaraon arrived but night and Is Visiting at Mr.' N. 8. Biohardson'e. ; Miss Mary Jarria, of Baltimore, ar rived to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. H Roberta. " ' 1 . Mr. H. A. Creegh, of Raleigh, but formerly of New Berne, la spending e while In the city. - - Mortgages Cancelled. - f i New Berne. N. O.. July fl. 1891. ' I. JmM W. Blildle. Raristar of -Deeds of Craven county, N. O., certify that the following mortgagee on re cord in my offloe from Haokburn et Willett have been duly paid and can celled. Haokburn Willett 115,000 to Fire Associations of I tU. 15,000, to Green, Foy & Co., New, Berne, N. V- 87.600- to Greeni For ft Co. New "V. r"V 'v,V: ': '"" v Jlsni sT-fT; IMPROVED CATTLE. Wood Cow A Stock Farm Fine Breeds Pay A Drawback and Suggested Remedy. Stock raising has not in the past re ceived from our people the considera tion that it deserves but they are grad ually waking up to its importance. Mr. John Fearoe of Polloksville owns a n,8n Rrade Jersey cow that gives reg ularly three gallons of milk, from whioh more than a pound of rich yel low butter ia made daily. On the 26th ult. she gave birth to a fine calf and started on another term of giving milk without ever having stopped or scarcely slacked np. The cow was sired by a Jersey owned by Mr. W. H. Pearoe and her mother was a large cow that Mr. John Pearoe sold to Mr. H. G. Staub of this city and which has given more than three gallons of milk at a milking. Mr. John Humphrey, one of Craven county's most intelligent farmers, has for years kept high grade Jerseys and made and marketed in this oily as beautiful, fine-flavored butter as ever oame to the city and it finds ready sale at the highest market prioe. Good stook like the above is the kind that pays. Their keeping costs no more than the common kind that furnish only half or a third as much milk and butter, and the extra yield is where the profit oomes in. Messrs. Haokburn & Willett are doing more in this line at their combined stock and truck farm two and a half miles from the city, than any one else in this region. They have a monthly sale in this city of over $300 worth of milk at wholesale prices and they own magnificent, pure bred HoleteinB, both imported and of their own raising, the largest of which would bring as high as $75per head, simply as beef oattle and much more for breeding purposes. They have also some Jerseys and many beautiful grades of these breeds that could not be distinguished by an ordi nary observer from the full-blooded animals. One drawback to the general intro duction of improved cattle is that they are liable to contract a fatal disease known as Texas fever, the cause for which is unknown and for which no remedy has been found, though the United States Veterinary Surgeon is seeking by experiments to discover both. The prevalent opinion is that the oattle are subject to the fever only when first brought into the country and that if they escape an attack for a year they will by that time be thoroughly acolimated and enjoy im munity from the disease, Suoh is not the case, however, as instances have been brought to our notioe of cattle having died with it after having been imported three years. The fever does not attack native stock nor the off spring of those imported. These thoughts are suggestive and the remedy obyious. Improve your cattle as fast as possible and place your main reliance upon those of your own raising and when you wish an infusion of new blood make your purohases of the needed animals ss far as praotioable from Southern stook farms. ANOTHER NEW ENTERPRISE. The linker Mattress Co. a Candidate For Public Favor. Our enterprising townsman Mr. A. M. M. Baker has moved his plaoe of busi ness to South Front St. between Middle and Craven where he will engage in the manufacture of mattresses for wholesale and retail trade. For the last few months Mr. Baker, haa been giving the establishment of suoh an industry his careful study and now proposes to push the business to its fullest oapacity after equipping nim self with a more extensive outfit. All grades inoluding the beet hair and pine fiber mattresses will be manu factured to meet the demand. We welcome the new industry and it should be given the heartiest en conragement and support of our oitl- zens. Every dealer in New Bern should give it their patronage and help build it up. Stand by your home institutions should be the motto of every New Bernian. They give em ployment to the people and keep them from seeking other places for work. Death of an Estimable lady. Died, at Willow Greene In Greene county, on June 27th, at 8 o'olock, the estimable wife of Dr. E. H. Hornady. Mrs. Bornady stood in the front ranks of everything good , As a wife she was loving, kind and true. As mother, devoted to every want and pleasure. As a neighbor to both white and black the sweet smiling disposition always greeted all with a hearty welcome. And in the dark hours or grief and anxiety, that sweet Christian spirit. always dispelled even the darkest doom, and made the bright sunshine oome out in bold relief ia the life so recently dark and sad. As a unristian sue bad a strong aim in holding up the light of God. And when the summons oame to go aorosa the river, she accepted it like a true and faithful soldier of Christ. - When the last hour came and'the dark cloud over shadowed that, onoe bright and happy home,: and while, her wasted form was enduriog protouna (weakness, ana au bad. gone but a bright hope of blessed immortality beyond the grave. ' -She calmly: called her devoted and loving family with friends around her dying eouon. spoke words of love and oheer, points cU to the golden gates that stood aisr. soon to open wide ana ad' mit bar sweet pure spiria which as then-preparing to be escorted by convoy of angels to the glad preseaoeof God, there to sing bis praise for ever in the city of the new Jerusalem, and while her voice was weak in this life mA pntsiog' Qo4 toaad. fetMt whits "jvl thNM hsswd, ,-- & -ajr. Bum, Children Cry for PitcherVCastorl WASHINGTOJi'S FOURTH. Magnificent Celebration. Trenieudous Crowd. Distinguished Visitors. Grand Address. Base Ball Match Game. Brilliant Pyrotechnic Display. Washington, N. C. July 6, 1691. Editor Journal: Washington has just held one of the most successful celebrations in an ner nistory, ana as New Berne contributed so largely to its attractions, permit me to pencil a few notes on the days' doings for your readers. Ten thousand people, it is estimated. assembled from all parts of this eastern section to honor the founders of our free government. At 10:30 a prooession consisting of cornet bands, military, the speaker, Hon. Jno. S. Long, and esoort, distinguished visitors, city council and officers of celebration in carriages; visitois and citizens on foot, and parsphernaliad boy marshals on banker ponies, marching while the bells rang, the whistles blew and the cannon roared, made a pageant superb. At 11 o'clock, on the aoademy green where he played when getting his first inspirations that have led to his present distinction as lawyer and orator, Hon. Jno. 8. Long, made the master speech of his life. Spaoe does not permit ever an outline, but I must tell you that it was characterized by thoughts ad vanced and profound, logical, chaste in diotion, and every period beautifully rounded. His audience embraced many distinguished lawyers, ministers and citizens, and even supreme court judges, as well as the honest yeomanry of the land, and the wise captivated from the start I have never heard such universal compliments to any man. Beaufort county his birth place, and Craven the home of his adoption, are justly proud of this scholar, jurist, orator and splendid gentleman. In the afternoon the trotting and running races were drawing cards, and the game of ball was witnesRed by the largest gathering that ever attended a game at this place. The New Berne club made a splendid impression on all our people. It is composed of young men clever and gentlemanly in the extreme. No party away from home ever so captured a whole town aa did they. They played wo 1, but our team is a little too much for tliom, but they took defeat like men. The first four innings were played as well as profes sionals could do, but latterly the heavy weight of our boys began to tell. The best of feeling exists between New Berne and Washington. May it always be so. At night the celebration concluded ith a gorgeous pyroteohnic display. The bridge was illuminated from end to end, and for an hour and a half the demonstration of fire works delighted thousands of spectators. Ihe celebration was a success, and to the Gazette, the credit is due for origi nating and perfecting the programme, and to that young and talented lawyer, F. W. Whitaker, chairman of the com mittee of arrangements, for his vigillance and untiring energy in the same direction. R. Y. M. V. A. The members of the Y. M. C. A. are notified to meet at their hall at 8:30 tonight, as business of importance is to be transacted. By order of the President. H. M. Groves. Secretary. ALWAYS AHEAD IX AU, THINGS. 200,000,000 Business in Ten Years. NewDERNK, N. 0., July 3, 1S91. Mutual Reserve Fond Life Associa tion, New York: I hereby acknowledge the receipt. through your State agents. Leach & Worman, of Raleigh, N. C of your check for to UUU, amount of polioy held by Marion M. Williams, deceased, in payment of the Bame, and am pleased to say is over thirty days in advance, and gives your company another and substantial olaim to patronage, and re futos the assertion by Old Line Com fanies that security of payment must be and can only be seoured by a double premium. Your ten years' experience with $3,000,000 surplus, and payment of $10,600,000 death claims, ought to satisfy the most skeptical. E. W. Carpenter, Executor of M. M. Williams, dee'd Prompt Payment. Fair Ratis. Econ- OMr, good management and not Bank ing are our mottoes. "The shoe which suits is the shoe which sells." Bring your feet with yon and have them fitted to a pair of our common sense shoes. The shoes sold by as are the old reliable Staoy Adams & Go's, they not only wear well bnt parties who have been wearing them for the last 8 years are not troubled with corns. We have them at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. If yon need any goods in the men's line, give ns a trial. We will treat you right every time. Cloth ing, Hats and Shoes. AT HOWAKD'o HOLLAND & JARYIS. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. BEST "GOODS AT Lowes! Prices! - ' - THE JKOKTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture ti MECHANIC ARTS Will bekla 1U t hlrd MMlon on September 8d m, With Inoreased laolUtlea nd equip ment la every deuerimenl. Tbe neat eae. eenefal yeu bee given further evldeaee of lu preetloal v.lne, and Ita young men are already In demand tor reeponalble position. Total eoet, iiuu.uu per year, juaen uonnty Bnperlntendeat. of Kdnoallon will examine eppuoanur ter eumiesum. or eauuoguee. aaareaa ALEX. a. BoUiDiT,,FmMMt, T - - RALEIGH, jr. U. 1W THE BAKER Mattress Co., South Front Street, 3NTexv Bern A. M. BAKER, l'nnrmETon. Mattresses sold at Wholesale and Retail. Wo mauufacturo by our own process First Class Mattresses, and sell them at the Lowest Possiblo Prices. Mattresses made to order of any size, style or quality. Call at our Factory and let us quote you prices. Hair Mattresses, Either bound or plain, of black, gray or white hair; from the cheapest to the highest priced standard goods. 'ine Fiber Mattresses. If you havo ever used one of these you know how much like a hair mattress they are; what solid comtort there is in them. They are durable and cost much less than hair. All Cotton Mattresses. These- are much liked. I!y our process they are rid ot the lumpy formations general ly found in such, and make a do -lightful bed. Excelsior Cotton Top Mat tresses. This grade with us has as much caro given its manufacture- as tho higher priced goods. They arc very sightly. We use three styles of ticks. Straw with Cotton Tops. In this srrade wo use dry selected straw; tho cotton is carded and stuffed. It is the most saleable goods wo make, gives perfect satisfaction, and is low priced. W e use six styles of ticks. Our Eight and Ten Steel SpriDgs Is strongly made, well finish ed, and has thrco rows of spiral springs. Our X Woven Wire Mat tress Is our most saleable Spring Bed. Wood frame nicely fin ished. Carefully woven and cabled with three rows of spiral springs. Our 2X Woven Wire Mat tress Is the samo as X without the three rows of spriDgs. Do you want old Mat tresses renovated, steamed, whipped, and made as good as new, If so send them to the Baker Mattress Co., Factory on South Front St. If you have Hair, Moss, or any material you want made into a Mattress,' send it to us. We will make you as pretty a Mattress as you ever saw. These goods have our personal attention. Our prices are as low as you can wish. They are well made. We want your trade. If you are not already using our goods give us a trial and you will be pleased. Wo sell Feathers, Feather Pillows, Moss , " Cotton " Bolsters in either of above grades. wunurcn uusnions. x aeni Cushions, or special orders of any kind shall have PROMPT ATTENTION. we nil these with; Pure . Hair, Cotton, Moss or Excelsior. . .- .,:,,., - Crib - and Cradhj" Mattresses made to order. , - jul8dw3m ? STILL AT THE FRONT. Bargains offered in a new lot of Horses and Mules just arrived. See my Road Carts. I have the best and largest line of them ever brought to the city of different grades from $10.50 to $75.00. Also, Buggies, Har ness, Whips, Robes, &c. J. W. STEWART. unei dwtf " S. W. WiLLIS, Keeps Everything on hand usually found in a First-Glass Grosery Middle St. Iul:d'.! New Ecrne, N.C. George Hendersor, '(HuccesBor lo Huberts A: IlenUiTbon), General Insurance Accent. Keprr sen tintj IiiBurancc Company ot North iiierk-a. of I-nliadHp!n;i. rtome Jimuraijrc Company, of New rk, 'fueen IiiKurniice Compuny of Knuluinl. tiRilloni l-lru luMirani' Cuiiipuuy, uf Hartford. North CuroihiH JIc mo li:fi'.nanct dun pa y of lUletfju. Ureenwlli h IiiKiiranr Company, of .Yr York. i'll'Mitx hiSiininff Co:n:-:iliy. o: I !.'!; 1 V 1 1 . I Inttcil liutli-rwi i1. crs I iimi ranee Coin pa ny, ot Atlanta, Hor-l-'iii Marine Insiiraiirt Compuny. of lioRUm. luly'J dwtf Ice Cream Freezers, j Ice Picks, Ice Chisels, j Preserving- Kettles, j Fruit Jars, Fly Traps, Wire Gauze, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Cook Stoves For Wood, Coal and Oil. Smallwood & Slovcr, MIDDLE STKEET. jime28dwtf Special Out Prices, To Close Out My Stock of CAN FRUITS. Former Cut I'rioo. riu-e. 3 lb cans y. yellow Peiiclioe ac 2u 3 ir oana all yellow lull uland Peaches, 3'tc. 3 lh oans California Orepn Gage S.V. V ic. 3 lt cans " Kkk I'lnnia Mc. Hie. 3 lb oana " White Cherries Sfic. i . 3 lt cane " lAprloota 36c. USc. 31hcans " Muscat Urapes .loo. &)C. 3 ft cana " Prunes In syrup ma, 2ic. '21bcanaBllcedPlneaple 2Sc. "io. 2 lb cans " ' aoc. lie. W All of these brands ol frultB are guar anteed to be good. JOHN DUNN. fri" If you have not tried my new drinks, t COCA COLA AND GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at onoe; they are refreshing and invigorating, (live me a trial. New Berne, N. C. G 10 dwtf we mn you. Stop and look nt onr lino of SOUVKN1R SPOONS. Ask for Paul E Wlrls' FOUNTAIN P KS, fresb lot Jubt arrived. I forget to say I have Just received a fresh lot of those ROLLF.D COLD CHAINS, warranted for Hz years. We give a written guarantee with each chain. BIy STOOK 18 VAT VP, and PRICES ARB WAY DOWK, Oome In and see "V! SAM, E" EATON, -. Middle Bt opposite Baptist Church, maytt dwtf FOBJiALE. A Very Valuable Truck, Cotton and Corn Plantation, Ainl smut: of the land Is considered to b m tkie Tobacco laud as la In the eaHtern part of tQ; Btait three mile from the eity of Hw Herne, nu the public read to WaahlDgtou and on the A & N. C. H. K., and on of the most convenient (or shipping in the county, 507 acres, about i"0 acrts cleared, well ditched und fenced. In line state of cultiva tion, tlio balance In original growth. Dwelling with six iooms and kitchen; large cistern; brick meat bonee; two barna; stables for ten mules; hIx frame buildings, with brick chlmneyscomparatlvely new, for laborers, together with other outbuildings. If desired, I will sell with farm, the grow ing crop, mules and other stock, corn, fod der, hay, and all Ihe farm implements. Also one On saw Brown Cotton Gin with feeder and Condenser, one 8 horse power JCnglne, shafting, tmllrjs and belting, one 19 horse power return tubular Boiler, end ono i'ower Press all In ood order. Will sell with or w ithout farm. Terms, one Imlf cash, the balance In one ana two years time. Address K. II. COX, J ii 1 7 dimwit Box :J2, New Iterne. N. C. GASHJALE ! F. B. DUFFY CONTINUES THE SALE OF Embroidered Skirting, Laces, Etc., at a euorifice. In oriiur to reducu Block, he is offer ing Drops Oinghnma at Gc , Challies at 4': , Kihorti &t "0., unii many other arti cles at astoninhinglv low prices. Thciie GGris are rioM for cash, and a visit to his etord will convince you that he in taking iho lea J. Everybody Come! jun21 tf E. KigBARD, '7U atch.es, CL00KS AND Jewelry. .NHW HKKNK, N. J. Repairing Scatty Done. improved Fruit Jars L. S. CTJTLEU & CO. NEW liKKNE. M. O. 1.. H. I'l r l i ii, W H. CIIAnwic'K, i r. s'.tiMit Vl(Hi-,'rtKlUtnt. T. W. Lkwkv. Ciufhlur. Farm or s and Merchants Bank m:iv iekhnk. n. c. I'ntd I i Capital, - - $13,000, This lianlc. Jus! organize-!, oilers Its aer-vh-cH to liiuikH, Hankers, Knrmera, Mar HiuntH, Manufacl urera bihI others, and will endeavor to give prompt and careful atten tion to ult business connected with banking odi nistnd to us. OilleelionH a specialty and made on alt ft(VhKihl pointB on an liberal terms aa will he consistent will) J utile Uu h banking. HuKineBs solirited and correspondence In vited from parties desiring to open accounts In our city, at well an from those contem plating a change m existing arrangementa. very leepeciinuy, X. W. UKWKY, Cashier. li RECTORS :-U H. Cutler. Wm. Cleve. O. Marba, l il. relletier, W. H. Ctiadwlck, J. W. Slewftrl.Jiio Suter. 1 It. l'elleller, liank Attorney, myy latp L. S. WOOD, Formorly IS j oars with Geo. Allen ft Co. DEALER IN General Hardware AND CUTLERY, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES and WHIPS, Farming Implements, Pollock Street, next to National Bank, NEW BERNE, N. C, junezOdwtf Lucas & Lewis DEALERS IN CHOICE GROCERIES AND Farmers' Supplies. ALL KINDS Fruits, Confectioneries Cigars, Tobacco, &c. TERMS CASH. . ; Corner South Front and Middle Street, - fy Goods delivered, in toy part of the city. ' V ' jan87dwtt

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