.Daily " Journal. VOL. X.--NO. 86: NEW BEKNE, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. it Si te" .4 ,y, In r !' BUSINESS LOCALS. ' PIANO for Mle atsaoriflo.- Old ( 1, bat good instrument and In good ordor. , - ,- NmiA Xvttr. TBI3 May - Interest Ton.. Cream Cbsese, Lima Jaloe, Fickle, Chipped BeefCfaoloeit TeM Very best Rooted Coffee, Flavor In Extracts, Imported Jellf. ChoooUte; Tapiooa, Cocoa, Corn Btaroh, Grated Fine Apple for Ioa Cream, Beat Canned Goods at Loweat Prloe, Imported- Bar Bam, Cologne, Toilet Soap, Ammonia. It yon wish to bare nice aonp try A. B. O. Patte.Birley, Vermaoelli, Lintels, Sago. Okra and Tomatoee and .otber nioe things to make it of. Lea and Perrini Bauoe, Tomato Cataup, Virginia Reliih. Chili Sanoe, French Maatard. -All offered Cheaper than yon will find them Itewhere. I keep the Very Best Batter onloe." C. E. Bloveb. j45t OLD papers for tale in any quantity at the Jocbnal office. tf WANTED A situation to do anj kind of work. Satisfaction guar anteed. Beferenoe exchanged. Write or apply at Joubhal office- j31 w SUMMER SPECIALTIES 1 -Lightning Ie Cream Freezer, Combined Chair and Step Ladder, Balloon Fly Trap, Wire Gaosa Iloora, Game Wire for Window 8oreeD,nd a full line of Hardware' etc., at mayK dtf J. O. Whitty Co. ARCTIC SODA and Mineral Water at 8am 'L B. Waters. Ex Vice is dead. President Hamlin Eiot between blacks and wbitea in Indiana. The cotton crop at eight, is put at 8,489,331 bales. . The report that Secretary Blaine has resigned is denied by President Harrison. The Charleston has arrived at San Diego having in charge the Chilian Insurgent vessel Itata. Mexico ia on the eve of a revo lution. Many arrest have been made. The revolntion promises to be a bloody one. On Monday, July Cili, thiiteen persons were killed and fifty eight wounded in a railroad accident near Charleston, W. V. Eev. Thomas Dixon is a very bright man and North Carolina is prond of him, but there are not many North Carolinians who will join him in saying, if Beecher is in hell he hopes to go there. The steamship Hayti June 25th In New York porta two hundred that left and arrived July Cth. re- persons put to death just beiore the vessel sailed, by order of llippolite at Port an Prince. The Rev. Dr. John A. Broadas, President of the Southern Theolo gical Seminary, Louisville, Ky., will Bail Tuesday for London, Eng. It is said that Dr. Broad us goes to pay a special visit to Mr. Spnr geon. Here ia what Georgia's Governor Northern, an Alliance man, says of (he Sub-treasury scheme: "I am absolutely opposed to class legisla - tion or Government relief to any business or class of citizens not accorded to all other business and classes of citizens." Gov. Pattison, of Pensylvania, ia deservedly praised in the North- era newspapers for his vetoes, They find in him another Grover Cleveland. If Mr. Cleveland ia not the man in 1892, Gov. Pattison would, do. He is honest and ; capable. Wilmington Messenger. The Fourth of July wascele brated in the old time Btyle in many places in the State. ' Several r speeches were made that have been highly, complimented by the press. Of these the' , speeoh of Dr. Long, , j at Washington, Dr. Battle, at the Guilford . battle ground, asd Mr, Mason, at Baleigh are greatly ftp planded. ? ' Savannah, Ga., July 1. Senator John B. Gordon sailed for New - York- today. He is in bad health and .looks like an invalid just dot of long sickness. uThe Davis r monument fund is going to be big thing," said he. "We are , getting- thoroughly organized and - the South "will respond nobly from present indications." - Chief of Fire Department Rev man, of Wilmington, has sent official notification to the foreman ... of the different companies that members wishing to derive benefit from the Firemen's Association lund must send applications for membership prior to the meeting of the .Association to be held at - Durham in August. Blank appll c :!ons will be furnished by Chief Nawman. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVKRTISKMINT3. ' Numa Nonn Piano for Bale. Howard Assume a virtue, etc The Ooraooke ezoursion will leave on the fifteenth. A number have made applioation for the trip, whloh will no doubt be a pleasant one. Capt. J. A. Richardson has opened his furniture store nearly opposite the Oaston House, and has secarrd the ser vices of that experienced dealer in fur niture and skilled workman, Mr. F. Boesser. A revival is in progress in the Bap tist cburoh ia Goldsboro. Thai far there have been 45 professions of con version and thirty-five aooessions to the ohurch. Four prayer meetings are oonduoted privately each day, namely, the girls prayer meeting, the ladies prayer meeting, the boys and yonng men's prayer meeting and the prayer meeting of the older men. The Norfolk Virginian tells of the death of Mr. W. H. Stanford, the highly esteemed vice-present of the Old Do minion Steamship Company, at his residence in Jersey City Sunday after noon. "He was considered one of the best informed and moat reliable trans portation men in the country. He was always consulted when ratea were dii cussed." The flags on all the Company's steamers were kept at half mast Mon day. tirnpc Culture. Qrape culture oan no doubt be made profitable in this section. They thrive and do well on our light soil, and the splendid flavor they obtain gives them a good marketvalue. For the last year or two it has been given considerable attention aa to whether it can be made a remunerative crop or not. The vine; yard of Mr. Willett shows very beauti ful with its heavily laden bunohes of Perkins grapes, and the yield promises large. Mr. R. Berry has probably made the mojt extensive experiments with the grape. He has tried about a dozen varieties, including the celebrated California Tokay, but he thinks the Niagara aud Green Mountain are .the best. They bear well, are of superior quality, and command good prices wherever they are known. W. C. T. U. Officers. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union organized and elected the fol lowing offioers Tuesday afternoon at Christ cburoh: President, Mrs. L. Ivos, Presbyterian church, let Vice-President, Mrs. 0. N. Barrington, Hanoock Street M. E. church; 2nd Vioe-President, MissQlo rena Smith, Centenary M. E. church; 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Rena Bowdsn, Church of Christ; 4th Vice-President, Miss Emma Jordan, Presbyterian ohurch. CorrespondingSecretary,Mra. Eva Hargett, Centenary M. E. ohurch; Recording Seo'y, Mrs, Peter E. Davis, Centenary M. E. obnrch. Treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Bragg. Delegates to the Convention at Durham, July 15th, lGtb, and 17th, Mrs. L. Ives and Mrs. Julia Jordan, Presbyterian church. Com mittee to soliolt honorary members, Rev. Edward Bull, W. R. Barrington, J. M. Bragg. Work among Sunday schools and ohildren and with temperanoe literature were the branches that the Union de cided to pursue. The 'meetings will be held semi-monthly the 'first and t'lird Tuesdays of eaoh month at 5 p. no. The next meeting will be held at Han oock Street Methodist church. Personal. Mr. and Mrs W, D. Barrington rc- turned from Morehead yesterday morning. Rev. T. P. Rioaud left to visit rela tives and Mrs. Bioaud and Miss Bosa to spend the summer with relatives at Warsaw, Eenaneville and Wilmington. Miss Mamie Patterson of Clinton, who has been visiting at Mr. K. B. Jones', returned home aocompanied baokby Miss Sophia Jones on a visit' Mrs. H. Walker, who has been Work- lag in behalf of the W. C. T. U. In this oity and vicinity left for Greensboro Bev. B. H. Whltaker, editor of tbe Spirit of the Age, who hat been. lector lag on temperanoe and preaohing at Vanceboro, spend a day In the oity and returned to Baleigh yesterday. The protracted meeting at Hancook Street Church having olosed, Mrs. J. D. Carpenter, left to oonduot meetings at Vanceboro. - The steamer Neuse of the' E. CD Una brought; in the following pawn gers en route to Morehead; Mr. Geo. B. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wil king and daughter Miss Edith, of Elisabeth City,, and Mrs. Mullein and two sons of Baltimore. Mr. W, B. Blade returned on the steamer Neuse from a business trip to Elisabeth City. . Mr. Willie Broadstreet arrived from Jacksonville, Florida, to visit relatives. Mrs. L, E. Cleve went down to spend some time at Morehead. " , ' Sirap ofFIgs, Produced from the laxative and nutrt tloos juice of California figs, oombined with the medioinal virtues of plants known to be most benefloial to the human system, acts gently, on the kid neys, liver and bowels, effectually oleanslng tbe system, dispelling oolds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. ChildrenylfQ TURNED THE TABLES OK HIS FOES. A Brawny - Athlete Hows Down "Hazers" on the Stock Exchance. When Douglas Green's seat on the 8took Exchange was recently sold it was bought bv Charles S. Brvan. junior member of the firm of Sharp & Brvan, of No. 8 Broad street. Broker Brvan made his debut on the floor yesterday afternoon, and, as is the ouatom, was soon surrounded by an exoited orowd, intent on initiating him. In thisinstanoe the efforts of the Jolly brokers were thwarted in a most unex pected manner. Although young Bryan stands only five feet six, be is every inoh an athlete. He is a Prinoeton College graduate, an oarsman and a boxer. When the boisterous throng of hazers tried to rush him he simply mowed a ?atb through the crowd to suit himself, n a series of scrimmages several of the would-be funny men found themselves sprawling on the floor, but Bryan stood his ground. Among those who fell in the various skirmishes was Daniel Bacon, who lost his temper and was abont to have a real bout with the athlete, but bis friends saved him in time. The Bryan rush was voted a complete failure, and the opinion prevailed that athletes will probably be let severely alone in the future. The above is taken from the N.Y. World and has reference to our young townsman, Mr. Charles Shepard Bryan, reoently removed to New York. After having read the artiole, one of our citizens, who has a keen relish for verse, was induced to draft the follow ing: 8IIEI1ARDS AND LAMBS VS. BULLS AND BEARS. A STOCK EXOANOE EPISODE. The custom 'tis, with the Bulls and Bears Who constitute New York's Exchange. - (Wherin is handled stocks and shares) To let exuberant spirits range Whenever a new member dares To go among them. As every novice is but deemed a Iamb To be clipped and shorn and cudgeled too; To yield as tamely as a olam Or else the consequence rue. Has been the custom. Quoth Dr Lancy Tauras to Shirley Bruin "Sharp's young seat.'' partner has bought a "And hence tomorrow, his good clothes we'll ruin" When on tbe "floor" we all do meet Oh ! my ! what fun." The morrow came, and with it Charlie Brvan. Bharp's young partner, who had bought the seat" Who from the site of Palace Tryon Had gone, his awful fate to meet At bands of hazing Brokers. The crowd surged round, the fun began. But to surprise of many there It was'nt a lamb, but a manly man Who stood no nonsense, so he aware And be mowed them down. Those not "floored" looked on amazed Was there ever such temerity As on their prostrate brethren gazed They didn't show the least hilarity At the way the tables were turned Why he is'nt a lamb, nor yet a sheep To down, whom we've been trying, lis a big mistake for which all weep We hnd him a "Shepard" Bryan And he took us in. D. Oookrel. The Robert and Minnie Set Free. Los Angeles. Cal., July 7. Judge Boss, of the United States Circuit Court, yesterday dismissed the eohooner Hob art and Minnie, seized in connection with the Itata episode. The schooner loaded at San Franoisoo with ammn nition for the Chilian Insurgents, which were transferred at San ulemente to tbe steamer Itata and taken to Iquique Judge Ross in his decision says while the fact alleged may bs a good reason for confiscating the Itata, there is nothing to show that the schooner was fitted out for the purposes of war, Commander Miguel Fernada, of the Itata, today officially notified the Fed' eral authorities that through the agenoy of Admiral MoOaan, of the United States Navy, he had returned to be tried for leaving the port of San Diego on Maroh uth without the neces sary permission. The Itata May Go Free. Washington, July 8. The deoision of Judge Ross in the United States Dis trict court at San Diego yesterday dis missing tbe libel against the eohooner Robert and Minnie, whioh vessel sup plied arme to the Itata, was a gteat surprise to the officials in Washington. It was generally believed that the oase against her was muoh stronger than that whioh could be made out againt the Itata, and notwithstanding the reservation made by Judge Rosa in his deoision, it is felt that his action will cause a failure of the original libel lodged against the Chilian vessel, al though she may still be held on some teohnioal charge connected with her escape while under legal detention. The expenditure, direet and indirect in the obase of the itata, is estimated to ran np closely in the neighborhood of 8100,000. Stonewall Jackson's Daughter's Re mains. Lixinoton. Vs., July 6 It his just been learned tbattbe body of Mrs. Julie Jackson-Christian, the daughter of Stoneweil Jackson, was on Friday night, at 10 o,olook, secretly removed from its reating-plaoe In the oity cemetery, and placed in toe crypt m we vault neiiae her distinguished father, whose remains will be placed nnder the Jaokson statue. Her husband on Friday gave his per mission for the removal of the body. Depot and Warehouses Burned CHAKunm. N. C. July 6 A disas trous fire occurred at Statesville, N. O., this evening, v The depot, aeveral ware houses , adjoining, and. two loaded freight cars were destroyed.' The fire was caused by combustion of oil in ware house. Lose estimated at V80.000. , Vr Over Fifty Yanh If bs. WmBLOW's 8ooTmNO Bykup has been used for ohildren teething. ' It soothes the child, softens the gums, alien all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five oenty si bottle. Sold by M drug- guns tniQugBout ue world. , Brilliant Social Event. The delightful sail on Tuesday even ing will long be conspicuous in the social annals of New Berne. There was special atmosphere of sociability during the exchange of greetings, as friend met friend on the "O. D." wharf and anticipations of a good time were heightened by an air o( welcome and sooiableness which never fails to lend an additional charm to the general fes tivities of such occasions. The influence of such environment was not for the momentl Hearts afire and faces all aglow caused susoeptible human nature to imbibe soft touohes of sentiment as the "Kinston" in the sunset glow steamed alowly along the picturesque banks of the Neuse for several miles. A fresh, steady breeze deadened the voioes of merry folks as the moments glided into still evening. Starlit heavens lent inspiration to ardent feel ingsheartache expressed and not ex pressed. Merry-makings and conver sations lightened upon floating melodies of musio furnished by "Cook's little band," merely quieted while refresh ments were served. In ministering to the epicurean appetite they were re freshing indeed. Such affairs are more highly enjoyed when given by a young lady whose worth of character and at tractive qualities of head and heart must ever win for her general favorite- ism from a host of friends who enjoy the influence she wields aright in soci ety. All the invited friends were pleased with the success of Hiss Hen derson's popular sail. Surely not one of those present oan forget this event, which deserves to be remembered. It will cause memory to hang in her cabinet a picture of tbe most pleasant recollections of the varied charms of her much-enjoyed sail. lhe obaperons. Sirs. J. H. Meadows, Mrs. L. H. Cutler and Mrs. G. W. Neal, were diligent in guarding the pleasures and interests of the young people. X. Powder Makers Blown to Death. Ecranton. Pa., July 6. The press mill of the Moosio Powder Mill, at Jermyn, exploded this morning, killing John Louty and Philip For kel, employee. The Marion Sails for Iteriujr Sea. San Fiukcisco. CI.. Julv 6. Tbe U. S S. Marion sailed for Bering Sea yes terday. ALWAYS AIIE.ll IX AM. TlllXtJS. 'on Years. $200,000,000 Business in 'I Newberne, N. C, July 3, 1801. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Associa tion, New York: I hereby acknowledge the receipt. through your State agents. Leach & Worman, of Raleigh, N. C I of your check for $3 000, amount of policy held by Marion M. Williams, deceased, in payment of the same, and am pleased to say is over thirty days in advance. and gives your company another and substantial claim to patronage, and re futes tbe assertion by Old Line Com panies that security of payment must be and can only be seoured by a double premium. Your ten years' experience with 93, 000,000 surplus, and Davraent of 810,000,000 death claims, ought to satisfy the most skeptical. E W. Carpenter. Executor of M. M. Williams, dee'd. Prompt Payment, Fair Katjs Econ omic good management and not Bank ing are our mottoes. Mortgages Cancelled. New Berne, N. C, July 0, 1891. I. James W. Biddle, Register of Deeds of Craven county, N. C, certify that the following mortgages on re cord in my cllbe from Uaokburn & Willett have been duly paid and can celled. Hackburn & Willett 915.000 to Fire Associations of Phil. 95,000. to Oreen, Foy & Co., New Berne, N. O. 87.500 to Green, Foy & Co.. New Berne. N. C. 813 500, -to Green, Foy & Co., New Berne, N. O. J. W. Biddle, Rtg. of Deeds. j7d&wlw 'Assume a virtue if you have it not," Shakespeaius. Thin is exactly what some Olotb.es do. They appear well at first and look as though they would prove equal to any emergency, but at the critical moment they disap point yon. The important point is to go where reliability is regarded as of the very first importance. If yon do this yon get yonr money's worth. At this season yon can buy a Bait cheaper than at most any other time. If yon want a bargain bring yonr money along and see how well yon can do, AT HOWARD'S. HOLLAND & JARVIS. STAPLE AND FANCY DKY GOODS. BEST GOODS AT Lowest Prices! NEWBEEN, 1ST. O. THE SOKTU CAROLINA College of Agriculture AJND MECHANIC ARTS will befcln Its third session on Beotember 3d. 18U1, Willi Increased Jaoilltles and equip- manta in every aeDarunem. xne Dial sue- eassfnl year baa given farther eyideaoe of lta nraetleal value, ana its young men are already In demand for responsible position. Total noai, fiw.iu per year, nacn uonnty Superintendent of Education will examine applicants fer admission. For catalogues, address ALKX. q. BOLtOAT,;Prldent, 7 RALEIGH, V. V. lw W. D. McIVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N1CW naya dwtf . .. BERNE, NV o. STILL AT THE FRONT. Bargains offered in a new lot of Horses and Mules just arrived. See my Road Carts. I have the best and largest line of them ever brought to the city of different grades from $10.50 to $75.00. Also, Buggies, Har ness, Whips, Eobes, &c. J. W. STEWART. flinty dwtf S, 7. WILLIS, Keeps Everything on hand usually found in a First-Class Grocery, Middle St. New Berne, N.C. una du-tr , George '(Successor lo Huberts A- Uemli'rsoiil, General Insurance Agent. HepresentinR Insurance Compauy of North merlcft, of Puitadclphtn. Home Insurance Company, of NVw ork. tlueen Insurnitce Company of KiirIhi.iI. Hartiord Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. North Carolina lit mo Iraurauce Com puy of Raleigh OrcenwiUli IriBurnnce Company, of New York. 1'ueulx hiKiirnnei! Compun v, of Brooklyn. United Underwriters Intmraure Company, of Atlanta. Hob tun Marine I nnurnnr Com pain , f ItoRlon. lulyildwtf WATER COOLERS, Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks, Ice Chisels, Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fly Traps, Wire Gauze, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Cook Stoves For Wood, Coal and Oil. Smallwood & Slover, MIDDLE STREET. lune28Uwtf Special Out Prices. To Ulose Out My Stock of CAN FRUITS. Former Cut Prloe Price 3 Iti cans y, yellow Teaches 31c. 2LC. 3 Hi cans all yellow lull suina Peaches, 3c. Sib cans California Green Cage 3dc. 3 m cans ' Ege Plums Sf c, 3 lb caus " white Cherries sbc. 3 lb cans " 1 Apricots 35c. 3 lb cans " Muscat Grapes too. 3 lb cans " Prunes In eyrup 'M)o, 2 ibcana Sliced Pineaptle Zbc. 2 lb cans ' " .20c. 15 , 2ic. 25c. 211c. Slue. 15c. - All of these brands of fruits are guar anteed to be good. JOHN DUNN. f1 If jou have not tried my nt drinks, COCA COLA AND GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at once; they are refreshing and invigorating. Give me a trial. New Berno, N. O. 6 16 dwtf WE MEAN YOU. Stop and look at oar line of SOU YEN SPOOKS. Ask for Paul E. WlrU' FOUNTAIN PXKS, fresh lot Just arrived. I forget to aay I havejuat received a fresh lot of those ROLLED COLD CHAINS, warranted for six years. We give a written guarantee with each chain. My STOCK IS WAV UP, anil PRICES ARK WAT DOWN, Come In and see me. SAM. K. EATON, Middle 8t opposite Baptist Church, may Xl dwtf ChildroriCQrJorPitcherCastorIa. THE BAKER Mattress Co., South Ficnt Street, nXTeA Born BAKER, 'i:o1'I:if.toi:. Mattresses sold at Wholesale and Retail. We mauufactuio by our own process First Class Mattresses, and sell them at the Lowest Possible Prices. Mattresses made to order of any size, style or quality. Call at our Factory ami let us quote you prices. Hair Mattresses, Either bound or il;iin, black, cray or white hair; fr a the cheapest to the priced standard goody. hi best Pine Fiber Mattresses. If you have ever used one of these you know how much like a hair mattress they are; what solid comfort there! is in them. They are durable and cost much less than hair. All Cotton Mattresses. These are much our process they are lumpy formations ked. lu rid of the fnnerally nake a dr lound m such, and lightful bed. Excelsior Cotton Top Mat tresses. This grade with us has as much caro given its manufac ture as the higher priced Roods. ; They are very sightly. We use 1 three styles of ticks. Straw with Cotton Tops. In this grade we use dry selected .straw; the cotton is carded and stuffed. It is the most saleable goods we make, gives perfect satisfaction, and is low priced. We use six stylos of ticks. Our Eight and Ten Steel Sprmgs Is strongly mail well finish es v a of spiral cd, and has three springs. Our X Woven Wire Mat tress Is our most saleable Spring Bed. Wood framo nicely fin ished. Carefully woven and cabled with three rows of spiral springs. Our 2X Woven Wire Mat tress Is the samo as X without the three rows of springs. Do you want old Mat tresses renovated, steamed, whipped, and made as good as new, If so send them to the Baker Mattress Co , Factory on South Front St. If you have Hair, Moss, or any material you want made into a Mattress, send it to us. We will make you as pretty a Mattress as you ever saw. These goods have our personal attention. Our prices are as low as you can wish. They are well made. We want your trade, it vou are not already using our goods srivo us a trial and you will be pleased. We sell Feathers, Feather Pillows, Moss " Cotton " Bolsters in either of above grades. cnurcn uusnions, xacnt Cushions, or special orders of any kind shall have PROMPT ATTENTION. We rill these with Pure Hair, Cotton, Moss or Excelsior. Crib and Cradle Mattresses .made to order. " jul8 dw3m F0RSALE. A Very Valuable Truck, Cotton and Corn Plantation, And so mo of tbe land U considered to bM ' tine Tobacco land as is In the eastern part of tbe Htate three miles from the oity of Kew Berne, on the public road to Washington : and on tbe A. A N. C. K. K., and one of tbe ' most convenient for chipping lo the county. 54)7 acres, about '450 acres cleared, wall ditched and fenced, Inline stata of cultlva tion, the balance in original growth. Dwelling with six rooms and kitchen; large cistern ; brick meat boose; two barns; stables for ten muled; six frame buildings, with brick clilmneyscomparatlvely new, for laborers, together with other outbuildings. if desired, I will sell with farm, tbe grow Inn crop, mules and other stock, corn, fed der, bay , and all lue farm Implements. Also one liU saw Brown Cotton Gin with Feeder and Condenser, one 8 horse power Engine, shafting, pulleys and belling, one ly horse power return tubular Boiler, and one Fower I'ress ail in good order, Wilt sell with or without farm. Terms, one half cash, the balance In one and two jears time. Address K. B. COX, ju!7 d.Imwlt Box :Y1, New Berne, N. C. CASHSALE! H. B.DUFFY C ONTINUES THE SALE OF Embroidered Skirting, Laces, Etc, at a eaciiBcc. Id oilier to reJuco utock, be is offer ing Dreta Gi:ii;liams at 60 , Challies at 4c, Khoes at "ulc, and many otber arti cles at aalonieliiogly low prices. Tkc-ue goods are Mid for cash, and a visit to his store will oonvince you that he is takiDg the lead. Everybody Come ! jun21 tf Watcb.es, CL00KS AND Jewelry. Repairing Leatly Done. laser' Fruit Jars L. EL. CUTLER & CO. NKW IlKKN'E. S. (J. j . II. (TTI.KU, I'm sulfiit T. V. W H. ('II A nw if'K, Vice 1'reKliloiLt. LKWttV, , Cashier. Farmers and Merchants Bank NKW I!KltK. N. C. Paid Capital, $75,000, This Hank, lust nrKnizcl. ' irern lta ser vicer! to Bunks, HauLere. Karraeri, Mer- tianis, MimufRcturere mM others, aud will endeavor to give prompt and careful atten tion to nil business connected with banking en t runted to us. ( olleettons a specialty and made on all aocessliilo points on ns liberal terms a will be consistent with Judicious banklnx. Business bolicited and correspondence In vited Irom parties desiring to open accounts In our city, as well as Irom those contem plating a change In existing arrangements. Very icspectfuUy, X. W. DEWEY, Cashier. niKKCTOKS :-L. H. Cutler, Wm. Cleve, O. Marts, I', il. Pelletler, W. b. Chadwlck, J, W. Stewart, .Ino Huter. P. H. Pelletler. Hank Attorney. my9 lstp L. S. WOOD, Formerly 19 j oars with Geo. Allen & Co. DEALER IN General Hardware AND CUTLERY, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES and WHIPS, Farming Implements, Pollock Street, next to National Bank, NEW BERNE, N. C, June20ilwtf Lucas & Lewis DEALERS IN CHOICE GROCERIES AND Farmers' Supplies. ALL KINDS Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. TERMS CASH. Corner South Front and Middle Strata. 6" Qoods delivered in any put of the city. ' , " jan27dwtf i