Y vpcx;--Nd. 91; NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. i . J' J' BUSINESS LOCALS. A BOTIO SODA and Coos Cola at Sax'l B. Watbbs.. v-:.fB. F. E. MORTON will be In the 1TX city few dayt only. Any on wishint bii lervloet in Piano or Organ work will pleue laave their orders at tbs store of Cspt. a B. Waters. tt St OLD papers (or sale in any quantity at the Jodbhal office. tf SUMMER SPECIALTIES 1 -Lightning Ioe Cream Freeiera, Combined Chelr - - and Step Ladders, Balloon Fly Traps, Wire 1 Gaoee boon, Gauze Wire for Window Bereens,and a full line of Hardware, eto., at mayli dtr J. o. Whitty A Co. PIANO for sale ataeaorifloe. Old style, but a good instrument snd in . good order. Num a Nunn. j0d8twU The corn crop of the country is good, and tobacco better than for years. - Governor Bill will go to Ohio daring the 'canvass to assist Gov ernor Campbell. The great London preacher, liev. Charles Spnrgeon is so ill that little or no hope is entertained of his recovery. Singe Emperor William, of Ger many, landed in Eagland there has been an incessant series of ovations in honor of him. - There was great improvement in the cotton crop daring the month of Jane, bat it is still lower thin the average crop. Congressman elect Watson, of Georgia, Is a rare bird. The great diffionlty with Watson is that his articulation is several laps ahead of his thinking apparatus. The Norfolk Landmark says "At last the sews comes definitely - Mat Mr. Blaine is a rapidly dying man withont hope of recovery. We are not surprised. He was sick when in Norfolk, and it was plain that bis career was near its close." It tarns oat that the pursuit of the Itata was without warrant of law. It was not fitted ont or armed in an American port. Mr. Blaine advised against the pursuit, bat blundering Attorney-General Mil ler insisted upon it and Secretary Tracy acted on his advice. So far Acting-Secretary Soley has received appications from three States New York, Massachusetts and lihode Island for allotments on account of naval malitia. Mass aohusetts heads the list with 23S men under organization. California has already passed a naval malitia act, but is having some difficulty in effecting an organization. Thomas Jefferson, a Southern man, 115 yeara ago, last Saturday, first sounded the bugle call of liberty for the whole country. George Washington, another South' era man, led the Americans to final victory and independence. And they were both miserable "rebels" according to latter-day political clap-trap. Wil. Messenger. THE Chronicle's series upon Newborn its great prosperity and bright outlook have attracted at tention and commendation far and -..near. It is a good town; has a olid foundation; and is but upon v the threshold of great development. - The business of the Chronicle is to : write about such go-ahead places, and ahow to the world .the ad vantages offered. Raleigh Chroni- cle.' . The Manufacturers' Record of - this week says the Chesapeake and - Ohio Railway company has closed . a five year contract with 0. Farness, . one of the largest steamship owners '- in. England, for three regular lines iyof steamers from Newport News, Ys, to Liverpool, London and - Glasgo, ' and also for occasional steamers to Havre and Antwerp. These will be the first regular European steamer lines from any - port south of Baltimore. Heavy ' engagements of grain, provisions, jt flour, ; tobacco, lumber and live stock are being made in the West for export by these steamers, one order for sixty thousand bags of floor having Just been booked in Bt, Louis and another of 54,000 bags direct to Havre, said to be the . largest single shipment of flour ever ' made from this country to that port. - The steamers are of 3,000 tons capacity and each line will send oat a steamer every ten days, making , about nine or ten steamers a month, r, on three regular .lines Fer Tr Fifty. Yaarc.: , y Mas. Win Blow's Soothtno Btbop has been need for children . teething. - It soothes the child, softens tho sums, allays ail pain, cares wind oolio, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty fleoenty a bottle. Sold by all drug licit throughout the world. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bargain Store Trousers hanger. Howard Tho olden prioes, eto. A special meeting of the trustees of the New Berne Academy will be held this afternoon at half-past fonr o'clock. A mnaioal concert will be given at the theatre tonight by tbree blind col ored singers that hsre bean trained in an asylum. Quite a number have engaged pas sage for the Ooracoke excursion. The steamer will leave in the morning at eight o'clock' Two steamers, the Carolina and the Trent are now on Howard's large ways, and the schooner Southern Cross on bis small ways undergoing repairs. The new Disoiples Church at Grifton has been completed and will be dedi cated next Sunday. Special trains will be run from Kinaton and Greenville. The planer recently ordered by .the New Berne Furniture Mannfaotnrlng Company has arrived and been put to immediate use. The faotory has also slightly inorsased its force of bands and is running to its full capacity. We bave information that Mr. F. L. Pittman. a civil engineer of the Nor folk, Wilmington & Charleeton Rail road, has been ordered to go ahead and push the work as rapidly as possible. This is cheering news, and we hope ere long to be able to announce New Berne 6 being on a great through line. The Commissioners are in session making their final equalization of the assessed property of the oounty. A large number of property owners were before them yesterday with complaints of the high valuation. If we are not mistaken the new assessment has been very carefully and conscientiously made this time, and will not be altered without good cause. Newsof a very sad event, resulting in a terrible tragedy, cornea from the quiet and aristooratio little town of Lincolnton. Three young men over took the betrayer of their sister while he was riding in a buggy with another person. They opened fire on him and accidentally killed the wrong man. The guilty wretch was only dangerous ly wounded, but not before he bad re turned the fire with serious effect on one of the attaoking party. Personal. Mr. E. H. Meadows and family, Mr. H. J. Lovick and family. Miss Sadie Eaton and Miss Mary Hay returned from Morehead yesterday morning. Prof. W. R. Skinner and family left, moving tfl Seven Springs. The family Jof Mr. O. Marks left to spend the summer at White Sulphur Springs, Virginia. Mr. J. J. Wolfenden left for an ex tended tour in half dozen States in the interest of the Watson, Daniels Land Company. Miss Sallie Ford left to visit relatives in Durham. Mies Minnie Brown, of Kinaton. and Misses Lizzie and May Bell Dixon, of Hookerton, returned home from a visit to the family of Maj. S. D. Pope. ''Big Ike" has mysteriously disap peared again. Where in the world has he gone ? and what is he up to now? The steamer Neuse of the E. O. D line brought in the following passen gers: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bryan, returning from a northern pleasure trip; Mr. J. L. Cooper, returning from a business trip to Philadelphia ; Mr. Otto A. TJJrioh, of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. George Howard, of Balti more, to visit Mr. F. Ulrioh. The steamer Neuse took out the fol lowing passengers: Prof. George W Neal, to visit his daughter, Mrs. John H. Bell, of Washington, D. 0.; Mr. A. H. Bangert, Mrs. Wm. M. Watson and Miss Jennie Watson to visit relatives in Baltimore ana Boston and for a pleasure trip to New York; Mr. C Erdman and two sons to visit relatives in Baltimore, and Mrs. Mary Whit oomb, of Stonewall, to visit friends in Elizabeth City. Mr: JohnT. Patriok, State Immigra tion agent, passed through yesterday morning returning from Morehesd to Raleigh. Mr. M. D. W. Stevenson returned to Morehead last night, and Miss Maud Amyette also went down to spend some time there. Cigarettes Killed Him. Findlay, Ohio, July IS. Harry Cur- ties. glass worker, eighteen years old. was found dead in bed yesterday. An autopsy showed the heart paralyzed, oaused by tbs excessive use of elza rattes. he having been in the habit of smoking three or . four boxes daily, He was from Corning, N, Y. Whether Tqh Travel by Land or Sea You need ' a medicinal safeguard Changes of olimate or temperature. braokish water, unusual diet, draughts from open windows that surly fellow passengers will not close all. tni breed ailments against wbioh the surest protection is Hot tetter's Stomach Bitters, finest of medioinal fortifiers Sea sickness, land nausea, ars prompty counteracted by thisazreebleoorreotive. whioh la also a capital defense against malaria, the effeots of a tropical or chilly temperature, damp and exposure, Persons of sedentary pursuits mill operatives, mariners, miners, engineers, frontiersmen, persons of every calling involving mental fatigue, exoessive bodily effort, and liability to unhealthy ful influences of any sort, regard it as an inoomparame safeguard. Bilious ness, oonstipation, dyspepsia, rheuma tlsm, sick headaohe and . kidney troubles,: are effectually subdued by the great alterative. 'mm NEW BERNE. Her Workers ami Business Men. NUMBBB POUR. Are there any mii.linbey establish ments in New Berne ? Yes, plenty of them and this city is noted for its beautiful and stylish women, barbers are useful and ornamental. Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, says: 'Doth not even nature itself teaoh you, that, if a man have long bair, it is a shame unto him ?" John B. Brown and W. H. Shepard handle their shears and razors skillfully. Small feet are signs of royal blood. Men and women like to bave pretty feet, but no font oan be pretty in an 11-shaped shoe. There are many siioe- mikers in New Berne and one of the bast ia N. Arpen. It is useless to invite strangers to a olty in which there are no hotels and boarding houses. New Berne has a goodly number of them, and the boarding bouses of Mrs. Hines and Mrs. Nelson are excellent. It is a custom of all civilized com munities to erect memorials (o the dead. Cedar Grove cemetery is a beau tiful resting place of those who have crossed over the river, and all through are to be seen tributes to departed worth insoribed upon monuments from the marble yard of J. K. Willis. The strength of a oity is in the arm of its mechanics. He is a public bene factor who drives a nail in a sure place and builds a house on a solid founda tion. "Musio has charms to sooth the savage ear," and there is no musio like the anvil chorus. New Berne has her full oomplimenc of machanios, "work men that needeth not to be ashamed," aod every man is a pillar in the temple of our prosperity. Erery factory, machine shop and work siioi' augments the power of a city and the happiness and well-being of its people. Here we have the New Berne Eleotrio Light Company, the New Berne Gas Company, the New Berne Water Works, under oontraot, the A.& N. C. R. K.'s Machine Shops, John H Crabtrees & Co 'a Machine works, Smaw's and Churohill & Power's tin ning and plumbing establishments, Meadows' fertilizer faotory, Gray's factory, the New Berne Ioe Factory, the New Berne Improved Cotton Gin nery, Waters' carriage factory, Cook's wagon faotory, Rigdon & Hall's furni ture factory, Fisher's axle, hub and spoke faotory, the Ellis turpentine dis tillery, the Dennieon turpentine distillery, Latham & Burrus' lime works, Dannenburg's bottling works, Moore & Brady's oyster oannery, J. A. Meadows' graincry and other in dustries. No city in the State, and very few out of it, has such mills as New Berne. Meadows' mills four in number have a oapacity of 400 bushels of meal a day, They employ from twelve to fifteen men regularly, and when there is a rush of business it requires f rem thirty to forty hands to do the work. The Saw mills, of New Berne are an important part of the industries of the city. Bohelkey's mill has a capaoity of 20,000 feet a day and employs fifteen hands. Congdon's outs 60,000 feet of lumber a day and employs seventy hands. The Stimson Company's has a oapaoity of from 80 to 40,000 feet. The Company also have two plaining mills, They employ fifty five hands. Clark's mill oan cut 15,000 feet a day and em' ploys twenty hands. Basnight's cuts 10,000 feet. It also has a plaining mill, and employs twenty hands. Cooper's mill has a capaoity of 12.000 feet and employs seventeen hands. Blank's cuts 15,000 and employs twenty hands. Moody's mill has oapaoity of 25,000 feet and employs thirty hands. Blades' mills two of them oan cut 60,000 feet a day and employs thirty men. Ellis' shingle mill has a capacity of 60,000 feet and employs thirty men. Here we have eleven saw mills capable of out ting 817,000 feet of lumber a day. and employing three hundred and sixty even hands. This lumber is worth on an average twelve dollars a thousand, or three thousand eight hundred and four dollars for what is sawed in one day by the mills of New Berne. It is understood that mill men pay rive dollars a thousand for logs and an average of one dollar a day for labor. Trustees' Meeting. The Trustees of the Newbern Aoad- emy are earnestly requested to meet in fall attend anoe, at the office of the President, this afternoon at half-past four o'clock, to arrange for the next term of the High School. A full at tendance is absolutely neoessary W. to.. WATSON, Beo'y. July 14, 1801. Weakness. How many suffer from weakness! And what a distressful ailment it is. Always praying for strength and yet reeling ontseu growing weaker ana weaker. There is great virtue in o. U. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) as a strength ing as well as a healing medicine. Try it as a tonio and see bow muoh better yon will feel. It will improve both appetite ana aigeetton. it is an excel lent remedy to nse while convalescing. It aids a natural and rapid recovery. In cases where an Invalid has remained long in bed and bed sores or other uloers break out, this remedy will afford Quick relief. W. U. Cheshire, Atlanta, Oa., writes: "I bad a long spell of typhoid fever, whioh at last seemed to settle in my right leg, wbioh swelled np enormous ly. An uloer '. also appeared whioh discharged a oupful of matter a day! I then gave B. B. B. a trial and it eared , For sale by F. 8. Duffy, Diugglst, ew Berne H. v. 'a "The olden prioes and the new." Some old people will tell you of the "good old times long ago" when "things were so cheap aod lasted so long." We do not with to reflect on their love of the past, bat when ever we hear such talk we feel like telling them that prices were high er and Clothing not half so good in the old days as now. In fact at no time in the history of trading were better values to be obtained then right now, and the place to obtain your moneys worth in Cloth ing, Hats and shoes is at, UOWAED'S. Coiiuei'ticut Mutual Xlfc Insurance Company of Hartford, Assets near .00,000,000, Has paid death claims in North Carolina to near 9000.000. Has paid in Newborn, N. C, death claims to the amount of $07,000. Every loss promptly paid with out a single contest. Low rate ef premium as is consis tent with safety. Large dividends (being the largest ot any insurance company doing business in the United States), thereby largely re ducing the amount ot premium. Prompt settlements free of any dis count. Equal and exact justice to all of its policy holders, freedom from any objectionable features in its policies, are characteristics of this company, which has been in operation for over fifty years. I will take pleasure in getting a policy in this company for those who desire safe and reliable insu rance. William H. Olivee, Agent Conncct;cut Mutual Life Ins. Co. Newbern, N. C. jy!2 1m DON'T hang up your Trousers The old way when you can buy a HANGER that will keep them in fine condition at small expense. Does Away with Pressing. Price 50c. BARGAIN STORE Ho! ForOcracoke. The Steamer ALPHA will run an Excur sion toOCRAOOKK WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th. Fare. Including board at the Hotel Tor the entire week, only S12.M. G. E. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AND COUHSELOR AT LAW, Office. Cm veil Street, Stanley Duildlng, NEW BERIE, N. C. Practices In theCourtsof Craven, Cartel et, Jones. On low. Lenoir and Pamlico countleu. the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and me u. o. jjisiriot ana uircnii uourLs. jiyn George Henderson, (8uocessor to Roberts & Henderson), General Insurance Agent. Representing Insurance Company of North America, 01 rnnaaeipnia. Borne Insurance Company, of New York Queen Insurance Company of Kneland. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. North Carolina Heme Insurance Company of IUlelgh. Ureenwltch Insurance Company, of New York. Pbenlz lusnranco Company, of Brooklyn. united underwriters l nsurauce company, of Atlanta, Boston Marine Insurance Company, ef Boston. luly2dwtf Special Gu! Prices, To Close Out My Stock of CAN FRUITS. Former Cut I'lioe. frioe, 8 lb cans i yellow 1'cachcB 3eo lite. 3 lb cans all yellow full stand Feaches, 3.1c. 2"rt. 3 Hi cans California Green Gage 'ttc. 2fo. 3 ir canH " Kge riunis site. zo. Slboans " White Cherries ft' .5, 3 lb cans " I Apricots 3So 23c. 3 lb cans ' Muscat Grapes 3Tio. 25o. 3 lb cans " Prunes In syrup .inc. 2ilc. 2 lb cans Sliced Pineapple 26o. 1:0c. 2 lb cans ' 20c. lie. 3- All of these brands of fruits are guar anteed to be good. JOHN DUNN. sST If you havo not tried my new drinka, GOCA COLA AND GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at once; they are refreshing and invigorating. Uive me a trial. New Berne, N. U. 0 10 dwtf Great Robbery in Newtern. Hnndrsds of people robbsd of their few bard earned dollars wltb a promise of a hundred dollars In return for rfity and sixty. How foolish oar people are to be doped by such outlandish Inducements, Mr. A. or Mr. B. from Philadelphia or Mew York writes to Mr. O. or Newbern to get him ao many name who will pay sixty dollars at differ ent m see ss menu for the next six months, and be will civs them one hundred dollars each In return. How wonderfnl It was that suon things oould- be done, was the oryof our people. So wonderful that some even out their rations down to try. the experi ment, Onaht not common sense teaoh them that the only war to get a hundred dollars worth for sixty or seventy. Ave dollars Is to go down to Big Ike, the Clothing Man, who boys his goods at 9o.. 6O0, and 6O0. on the dollar. Ha he aottold the people time and again that-he la the only 11 ring man eoold doauoha thlug. W. 8. CBADWK'K, Vice President. Liwir, Cashier. Farmers and Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, S. C. Paid Up Capital, - JTJ.OOO. This Bank. Juct orxifnlzeil, n Iters Its ser vices to Banks, Bankers. Farmers, Mer chants, Manufacturers aDd others, and will endeavor to give prompt and careful atten tion to all business connected with banking entrusted to us. Collections a specialty and made on all accessible points on as liberal terms a will be consistent with Jndlclons banking. Business solicited and correspondence In vited from parties desliinir to open accounts In our olty, as well as from thiBe contem plating n change ID existing arran.;emcu7s. very lespscmiuy, X. W, UEWEY, Cashier. HI RECTORS :-L. H. Cutler. Wm Cluvo, O. Marks, P. rl felletlcr, W. S. Cliadwlok, J. w. Htewart, .Ino Huter. P. H. Pelletler, Bank Attorney, my!) lstp Racket 0FFEB3 Inducggngnis TO Cixsi; in e Look to your interest and keep up vith THE RACKET. julylldwtf NEW BEEHS Collesrinte INSTITUTE. An Educational Institution i-or. Kastern North Carolina MALE AND FEMALE. KSTA.HL.IHBED l.'XI. Kight IMstiuct Detriments. Primary, Intormediatn, Academic, Collogiatu, Art, Muuio, InJudUial and BuBinesn. TEN EXPERIENCED AND COMPE TENT TEACUtUS. Vocal nil,! Instrumental Music Prom Incut Feature,. nndr-thu direction of a male professor, with eMlclent usulstantu. Special Course of Instruction for tliose desiring to become Teachers. Expenses very moderau. Hoard fiom 58.00 tol 10.00 per mon tli raclllUi s ci od . Special Inducements to Indigent students. Fall Term Opens Sept. 7, 1S!1. For further Information or lor catalogue. apply to G. T. ADAMS, A. B., (Trinity Uollosei, PRINCIPAL, Julylldwtf Kew lierno, N. O. HOLLAND ii JIRVIS. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. BEST GOODS AT Lowes) Pirns! NEWBEEN, 1ST. Julv7 dwtl ' c. FOR SALE. A Very Valuable Truck, Cotton and Corn Plantation. And some of the land la considered to be aB One Tobacco land as Is In the eastern part of the State three miles from the oltv of .New Berne, on the public road to WiishlDKton and on the A. A N. U. K. B., and one or the moat convenient for shipping in the county. 507 acres, about 250 acres cleared, well ditched and fenced, Id fine state of cultiva tion, the balance In original growl 1 1. Dwelling with six rooms and kitchen; large cistern; brick meat honse; two barnt; stables for ten mulep; hx frame buildings, wltb brlofc chlmneysoomparniively new. for lahorera, together with other ontbut idlngs. If desired. I wilt sell with farm, the grow ing crop, mules and other stock, corn, fod der, hay, and all lhe farm Implements. Also one 60 taw Brown Cotton Gin with Feeder and Condenser, one 8 home power Engine, shafting, pulleys and balling, one 19hor8e power return tubular li.Hi.-r, and one Power Press all In good order. M ill sell with or without farm. Terms, one half cah, the balance In one and two years time. Address K. B. COX, Jul7 dSmwlt Box 32, New Berne, N. C. 75 Cases Tomatoes, 40 " Peaches, 100 " Brandy Peaches SOLD CHEAP. Reduction in Old Vir ginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. JS XTlvieli, WHOLESALE GROCEB, KIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. H. 0. I. U. OCTLEB, President. T. W. Store Children Cry forPitcheVs'Castoria J. RICKfiRDSO 1 FURNITUR Best GroodLs -AT- LOWEST PKICES! Sets of from to 9 pieces, $13.00 and up. : Chairs of all zisesj anu ualitieis from 25c. ! up. ! All othor Furniture : at corresponding rates. tylldwtf EN Kit.- 0 H o o I i ,-. SJi Furniture ! Furniture ! ' FURNITURE! j Oas of the Larficit o: the In Eastern CC Complete in Every Depart; Jt; A1BO. wo now have tho Am.rv 'iir "... colcuruted W11KKI.KK . WIl.s'uS ...ui Sl'ANUAI D SKWI.MI M VlliNl.a. 'Jlj are Hie lalest linprovi'd Light KuvjiunK ii:ic are unsuri'aH.il by any llmiliiiM, ever pl'..-.,.i in this niarliut. o-.uiw,, JOHN SUfEE. mim "COOLERS, ': Ice Cream Freezers. Ice Picks, Ice Chisels,! Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Fly Traps. Wire Gaiise, Hardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Cook Stoves For Wood, Coal and Oil. MIDDLE STREET. Iune28 lwtf we mm you. Stop and look at our V.ub of S1 t IMIil SPOONS. Asi for l'aul K. V, ;tth Ful .', r.ll.n PiNS, fresh lotJUbl arnved. I forget to say 1 have .lust receive ! h fresh lot of thoso ROLLED (iOLI) CHAINS, warranted for six years. We give 11 written guarantee wltW each chAW. NySTOeKIS WAY VP, aul PiUCES ARK WAY DOWS, Come la ni m me. SAM. K. EATON, Middle 8t oppoulte Baptist Church. my22 dwtf S, W. WILLIS, Keeps Everything on hand usually found in a First-Glass Gros.ry, Middle St. New Berne, N,0. Iul3dwtf THE BAKER .ltress Co., South Front Street, ZKTo"w Bern a M. UAKElt. ri;on:iETOR. Ma.uic. r,os sold at Wholesale ukI Retail. 0 rmuuiuK'.; are y our own ;s Fir.;t Uittresses, the Lowest hi'id sell tln -l;i. : r si.. :u . li 1 i in order of ui.dily. Call I h't us quote !e (,: "i v mi' i or Ijuiind plain, of wake hair; from to tho highest cl ffoods. ; est !:uu!a:' Closes. I you ii:t 0 .: vr.l) !-,, -Ul' m:lHr; : I fdintovr. v dlliv :. I!..- h.'Y eviM- used one of v.- how much like : they arc; what their is in them, tie and cost much All Coltoi M-:tre-ss. much liked. lliesi) ..ui- v-e loan'! in "'"villi'.,' Fx; ;' : are By ;uv ri'l of the .Mil : generally make a tle- Mat- ' h nas as "- !' ; i ianufac priced goods, sig'htly. Wo use tiei.1. ,11: : i'.lli r , l e . 1 ; V' ' Cotton Tops. 1 1 10 we use dry v h.el' el tho cotton is c.il-'I'.'J .'.ii -UuiTod. It is tho mi .t ,'h!o goods wo make, :,ivt.-: "'i!eet satisfaction, and 1- low priced. W'o use six styles el tick;;. Our Eight and Ten Steel y made, well tinish iiireo rows of spiral , cd, and Iki'i jl'nP-. Oi Woven Wiro Mat- i tress l.i our most saleable Spring 1-y.d. Wood tramo nicely nn ished. Carefully woven and caHed with three rows of spiral springs. Cur 2X Woven Wire Mat- Is t!ie same as X without the three rows of pring-;. Do you want old Mat tie&auu 1 ei.ov titu, steamed, whipped, aud made as good as now, ?f so scud them to the Dakf.r IVlattrtsa Co , rectory oa South Trent St. If you have Hair, Mobb, or any material you want made into a Mattress, send it to us. We will make yon as pretty a ?dattrc88 as you ever saw. Those goods have our personal attention. Our prices are as low as you can wish. They are well made. Wc want your trade. If you arc not already using our goods give 11 ; a trial and you will be I'ieasOil. 11 Feathers, Feather Pillow, Moss " Cotton " Bolsters in cither of above grades. , Church Cushions, Yacht Crr.!' ens, v r special orders of nnv I ind f-h.i'l liavo TROMPT .Vl.'T.-JN-t'iON. Wc fill these; with Pure Hair, Cotton, Moss: or Excelsior, . ? Crib and Cradlo Mattresses' made to order. 4?ts" jul8 dw3m "i Vi til.