THE JOURNAL. Some of the London papers hare been bragging over some real estate in that town which U rated at $2,500,000 an acre, which makes the Chics go paper snicker and call attention to some patches of ground in that city which have sold at the rate of 18,157,500 an acre, and ; several large tracts which Bold respectively at $100 a square foot, or at the rate of over 14,000,000 per acre. In relating his experience at Prosperity,' 8. C, Senator Batler said to a Baltimore San reporter that he went there determined to give the people a plain talk on the financial question. He did not employ any confusing statistics, but simply told his hearers how foolish it was for them to be led away with the idea that the gov ernment is going to lend money to every man or woman who wants it without security, and he might have added even with security. Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle. A minister ought to know what he believes. He ought to be able to make a definite statement of . each of the great Bible facts. He ought to have an understanding of the relation of these great facts to each other. Vapory notions arc not creditable, nor can a man de fend or preach a vapor. He will have force only when he has pom tive convictions; such convictions as he is ready to avow with manly frankness. What one is not re quired to do is to declare his phil-' osophies, if he has any; but when one considers how much phlloao phies shape beliefs he will think it desirable to have sound philoso phies. He is not obliged to define the infinite, for that is a contra diction in terms. Bnt be can tell whether he believes in the infinite, and he oan tell where the center of a great truth .is, as one can tell where the noonday sua is, bat can not tell the line where the twilight expands into morning or contracts into night. No one is required to pronounce upon the exactness of things not folly revealed, but he certainly ought to know what is re vealed. Sel. OBEDIENCE. It is oftentimes true that those who are at the age of passing from youth to early manhood look upon jvuiukfj i early obedience as humiliating They feel that tbe rendering of obedience is a surrender of their independence. Herein is a danger, a very great one to young men . The disposition to break through everything that seems to savor of restraint, to ignore the experience of those who are older, "to strike out for themselves," is a charac teristic of a large number of young men in these day. The laudable ambitions peculiar to young men should not be crushed out, bnt they should be under tbe control ot a strong will. Obedience implies the superiority of that to which it is rendered, it also implies the pow er of self control on the part of the one who obeys. There, is tnere fore, weakness in obedience; on tne other hand there is manifest nobility and moral power in the man who recognizes and honors that which is superior. There is as muoh no bility in the soldier who obeys as In the general that commands. When Pope wrote, "The chief his orders give; the obedient band, With due observance, waits the chiefs command," he paid as high tribute to tbe band as he did to the chief. -Ex. THE PEOPLE'S PASTY IX OHIO. The revolutionary tendency of tne People's party is clearly ex - hibited in the proceedings of the 'convention of that party recently held in Springfield Ohio. That Convention not only re affirmed the leading features of the Ocala platform, but it went far beyond it in demands at once viola tive of the . genius of American institutions and subversive of tbe spirit of liberty. Among others equally as absurd this convention adopted a resoln- - .tion declaring that "the right to vote should be given to every ( body irrespective of sex or color, and demanding Government ownership ot all means of trans portation and communication bo tween and by the people of the United States." , "Everybody" is to have the . right to vote. Foreigners just landed are excited, and the women ; jure aroused. The Government is " to Own all the railroads, steam U, boats, canals and wagon trains, for it is to have the .ownership of JTftll the Jneans . of transportation. The Government is to have the ontrol of all telegraph and telej phone lines, of banks and express companies, of letters and. conver sations, for the resolution demands Government ownership of "all communication between and by the people of the United States." That all this is absurd does not seem to have occureed to the agita tors. The truth is men have lost their roasan. Dissatisfied with things and conditions as tbey are, they go to the extreme of madness. If it were possible for the sug gestions of this People's Party to ba carried out, the United States would be depopulated. People would not live in such a country. There would not "be a rose left on the stalk to tell where the garden had been." We cannot believe for a mo ment that such a party can carry Ohio, but it has placed a tall tick et in the field and complicated tbe political situation. SUCCESS AM) FAILURE. The Hickory Carolinian giveB an account of two farmers whose ex perience is well worth perusing. Look through the statement care. fully and see if it farmers iu this (its any of lhe section of tbe State: "If to some people comparisons are odious, to others they are profi table. AVo write not to iDjure any one, bnt to benefit some one. A few ye:ua back two men purchased farms in a few miles, east and west, of Hickory. One paid cash for his farm and the other went in debt for what was called the poor est place in tbe country. One cultivated tobacco a id other ''money'' crops, while the other raised corn, wheat and potatoes. One wore "store clothes" and talk ed and wrote about "hard times," while the other hauled wood and cabbage and potatoes and thickens and eggs to town and sold them for money to pay on his land. One borrowed money to buy "fertilize" ana to pay for fine, clothes, while the other made home mannre and hanlcd and spread it himself, to make support for his family and something over to pay on bis land debt. One lias riven up farming as an over taxed and unprofitable businea.-i, while tho other has paid for his land, bought stook, sappor ted a medium family and is making money off bis poor farm every year. One is a member of the Al liance and the other never has been. Can you tell us which is which, and why these things are thus! Speak out and speak plainly. A rrool'oCUcTjl. . ven a meay proves itseii a cure for tbe verv worat uhaee of blood nniinn. it sianas to reason that minor effects of bad blood will rapidly disappear if the remedy is used in time. Mo remedy in the world has so good reputation at home or abroad as a cure for all stages of blood poison as 13. B. B. (Botanic Blood ualm). Benj. Morris, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I suffered years from syphilitic blood poison which refused to be cured by all treatment. Pbysicians pronounoed it a hopeless case' I bad no appetite, I had pains in my hips and joints and my kidneys were diseased. My throat was ulcerated and my breast a mass of run ring sores. In this condition, I com menced, a use of B. B. B. It healed every ulcer and cured me Complete within two months. Kobt. Ward, Mazey, Oa., writes: "My disease was pronounoed a tertiary form of blood poison. My face, head and shoulders were a mass of corrup tion, and finally the disease began eating my skull bones. My bones aohed; my kidneys were deranged, I lost flesh and strength, and life became a burden. All said I must surely die, but nevertheless, when I had used ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pronounoed sound and well. Hundreds of scars can now be seen on me. I have now been well over twelve months. " A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, Oa., writes: "I had 24 running uloerson one leg and six on the other, and felt greatly pros trated. I believe I actually swallowed a barrel of medicine, in vain efforts to oure the disease. With little hope I finally acted on the urgent advice of a friend, and got a bottle of B. B. B. I experienced a change, and my despon dency was somewhat dispelled. I kept using it until I had taken about sixteen bottles, and all the ulcers, rheumatism, and all other horrors of blood poison have disappeared, and at last I am sound and well again, after an exper ience of twenty years of torture." For sale by F. S. Dnffy, Druggist, New Berne N. C. Criticised by the Catholc Perss. Berlin. Aug. 6. The German Catholic press are dissatisfied at the reinsal of the Pope to appoint bishops in the United States ac cording to tbe nationality as per the Cahensly 'memorial. They re gard it as a blow at the nationali ties represented in the dreibund. LEMOS ELIXIR. A. r-LKASANT LEMON DBINK. For biliounees and oonstipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foulit omach, take Lemon Elixir. For siok and nervous headaohes, take Lemon Elixir- For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you In any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomaoh, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Qa. 60c. and $1.00 pr bottfa. Sold by druggists. a PBOMINBST MINISTER WRITKS. After ten years of great buffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I have been oured by Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir, and am now well man." . r ReviOi O. Davis, j , ; , .Eld . M. E. Church South; , ,V V1tq-?WAianta,;aa. Up thro' the ntlsU of childhood ' tender memories, Floats a dear vision which I often tee; Morn, noon and night, with gentle benediotion. On sea or shore, it kindly visit me At morn, between the sleeping and the waking. It comes, and hallows all thedaj for me Arm me with hitch strength renewing. My father's face, then fondly do I see. At noon. in all his ruined, manly vigor. Wearing the marks of anxious toil for me Bejrlng the "heat and burden' un complaining That loving face, again I seem to see. And in the twilight, when the day is fading. The children's hour then brings him sweetly near. As at our fireside toil and oare forgotten I seem Main to tear his word of cheer. Bis tender counsel, wise, and true and lovins His joys in ours, his grief at our pain hour 'Neath father's roof-tree, I'm a child again And when the twilight deepens, ere the darkness Folds me and mine 'ueiih coveriog wings of night, I see him bend before tbe old home altar And all mv soul is quickened with the eifchs Of his bowed head, his locks of snowy - whiteness, lias folded palms, aud rsvorent, sol omn air. As from tho Book he loves, he reads the message, Or leads us near to besven 'e gate in prayer! And though the flowers have grown teiweem our faces For long long, fyears, all flowers can never be As fragrant as the memory of my fit her Whose sainted face in vision oft I see! Ellen Knight Bradford, The War Confederates and Federals. An official of the War Department today being asked about the cor rectness of an article, in this month's number of the Century Magazine, to the effect that dur ing the war between tbe States the Confederate was almost as large as the Federal force, said from statis ties available ac the War Depart ment and prepared by a Federal officer it cn be seen that while the Federal force was 3,700,000, that of the Conf-.di?rate,8 was less than 000,000: that of the Federal force 500,000 were foreigners and 178, 000 were negroes, so that the for-; eigners and negroes in the Federal army outnumbered the Confeder ate. He said tho names and dates of enlistment af all the 2,700,000 sol diers in tho Federal army can be seen at the War Department, I ndc Sam'- Increasing1 Postal Re venues, The total receipts of the Post office Department, as shown by the statement of the Sixth Auditor's office for the first quarter ended March 31, 1891, amounted to $17,- 15o,782,08, of which the sale of stamps and postal cards alone made up 116,837,000. This is an exooss over the corresponding quarter of 1890 of 8390,512.39. and an increase of $317,587,49 over the quarter ended December 31 last. This is the largest revenue for one quarter in the history of the coun try. Under the passent system of keeping the accounts these figures were obtained just fifty-seved days earlier than tbey were one year ago, and ten weeks in advance of the preceding statement. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bot tles free at F. S. Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store. Carlyle says: "Do the duty which thou knoweat to be a duty. The second duty will already have become clearer." 3IER.1T WINS. We desire to say to our citizens that for years wa have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never han dled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results ao not rouow their use. rnese remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sale in Newborn by F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. Connecticut Mutual Xife Insurance Company of Hartford, Assets neae $60,000,000, Has paid death claims in North Carolina to near $600,000. Has paid in Newborn, N. C, death claims to the amount of 967,000. Every loss promptly paid with out a single contest. Low rate ef premium as is consis tent with safety. Large dividends (being the largest ot any insurance company doing business in the United States), thereby largely re ducing the amount of premium. Prompt settlements free of any dis count. Equal and exaot justioe to all of its policy holders, freedom from any objectionable features in its policies, are characteristics of this company, which has been in operation for over fifty years. -I will take pleasure in getting a policy in this company for those who desire safe ana reliable insu rance. . WILLIAM U.ULIYEB, Agent Connecticut Mutual life Io. Co. , Newbern.N. U. - f rm a.j0K'j, -tt i tone . -r ELITES PEOm KILLED, A Fasseugw - Trala CollWes With A -v-- Freight. ' Sthacusk, N. Y., Aug. 6. The St. Louis express on tbe West Shore railroad which leaves here at 1:58 a. m met with a terrible accident, three miles west of Port Bydent, this morning, near what is known as the Duchess out. . The train was running at a high rate of speed and at that point ran into a freight tram. The wreck was an awful one and eleven persons were killed. Those killed ourtlght and those who died from theirjin juries were all Italians, out one tne nreman or the prssen ger tram. Eleven Italians .were badly hurt and four will probably die. Twelve cars ot freight train were wrecked and piled up on the tracks completely blocking up the tracks. Woe to the Conquered. The Romans oried "Vae Victi .'" "Woe to the conquered I'' at their triumphs. To-day many of us are being oonquerea our peace, our rest and daily appetite wrested from us by that invader of the stomach, dyspepsia. Succor we sue for from a hundred source. Temporary relief we some times obtain. But a hearty meal, the simplest indiscretion in diet, and the Protean imp returns with redoubled vigor to torment us. A persistent use of the great anti dyspeptic and regula ting tonio, lios tetter 's Stomaoh Bitters. is best oalculated to drive into perman ent banishment every form of indices tion, temporary or chronic, no less efficacious is it for malaria, biliousness, constipation, rheumatism, kidney and bladder ailments. This remedy of specific utility and many uses over comes them all. 'Tis a safeguard, too, against tbe effects of temperature apt to revive an attack of "La Qripps. " It is one thing to see your road, another to cut it. BTJCKLEPf'S ARNICA 8ALVB. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt liheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or bo pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perl'Kct eutisfaction. or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. iorsale in JSowbern bv 1. S. Duffy. wholesale' sved retail druggist. Knavery is the worst, iiu hn; it shoots at its own reputation. WASHINGTON, D, Durham, N. C June 2M, Mil. MR. John N. Wbub. WashlnRion, 1. O: Iear Sir I have known tbe Klertropoln used In a number of tt:flrent cases for various complaluts. In no Instance have I known it to fall to benefit or cure the person who used It. 1 auicot In aDy way Interested in It. My object Is to benefit humanity, and I unhesitatingly say that, from my long per sonal acquaintance with you, as well as from the wonderful onres It baB wrought under my own observation, on various per sons afflicted with various ills, I am pre pared to believe the testimony offered In proof of the wonderful oures produced by the paralstent, Intelligent use of the Kleotro DOlse. and commend It to invalids. Yours truly, ALEX. W'ALUKH. For Information ADDKKS.S Af ABOVE, OR 233 King St., CHARLESTON, S. When Baby was Bick, wo gare her Castorla. Wheo she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When She had Children, ahe ga vc them Castoria STILL AT THE FRONT. Bargains offered in a new lot of Horses and Mules just arrived. See my Boad Carts. I have the best and largest line of them ever brought to the city of different grades from $10.50 to $75.00. Also. Buggies, Har ness, Whips, Robes, &c. J. V. STEWART. 1une9 dwtr I Am Happy to See Tou mm And take pleasure In Informing ton that J. C. WHITTT & CO. Have lust received a Car Ixad of tbe World Henowned D ARIEL PRATT COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to take orders for the celebrated Gins, tocether with the "BOSS" COTTON PRES9K9. which com bined mak the most satlafwtorv outfit for finning eotton aver used ta this eountry. hey also carry full line of Belting. Ma ohlne oil, Lao Leather, together with a complete stook of Hard war. Bend for prices and come and zamlna their stook. They guarantee to please you. J J.Kl. wurrn a uu i . .Cor. South Front and Craven 8U. Children'CrforlPitchefflCastoHa! c WIWU EFECXFXO, ji) J coated me to scratch for tea months, and has been cured bv a Jew days use of 8. 8. 8. - - M. H. Woirr, : ' Upper Marlboro, Md. Swift Specific I was cured several years ago of white swelling in tny leg by the use of 8. 8. 8., and nave had no symptom of any return of the disease. Many prom inent physicians attended me and all failed, but 8. 8. 8. did the work. Paul W. Kjrxpathici, Johnson City, Ten, Treatise on Blood Skin Disease mailed free. 8 WOT Sracmc Co., Atlanta, Ga. Special Gut Prices, To Close Out My Stock of CAN FRUITS. Former Cut Prloe. Prioe. 3 t cans I-.; yellow Peaches 80c 2Cc. 8 tt eans all yellow full aland Peaches. 89c. 23o. S lb cans California Oreen Gage D6c. SSc. 9 lb cans " Kgg Plums 86o. 23o. 3 lb eans ' White Cherries ilfic. " -. 3 lb eans ' Apricots K6o. 25o. 8 lb cans " Muscat Grapes Xo. 2fto. 3 lb cans " Prunes In syrup Xllc. 2l)o. 2 lb cans Sliced Pineapple 2fio. 20c. 2 H) eans " " 20o. 16o. 43r All of these brands of fruits are euar- anteed to be good. JOHN DUNN. mW If you have not tried my new drinks, COCA COLA IB GRAPE PHOSPHATE, do so at onoe; they are refreshing and invigorating. Give mo a trial. Mew Berne, N. C 6 16 dwtf Keep Cool, Keep Cool. For Iced Teas Use Churchill & Parker's OBEExV and BLACK TEAS. Try our Roasted Coffees, THEY ARE DELICIOUS. Don't Be Led Off By Others, but come to see us, and see that we are selling First-Class Groceries AT STARVATION PRICES. So eive us a trial and help the hard working young men of the town oat. Don't forget the fact that we do our own work, and oan afford to sell goods Cheaper Than The Cheapest. Another important item: Everything we eell we guarantee to be as repre sented or money refnnded. Thanking you for put favor, and trusting you will giye us a share of your future trade, We are, very respectfully, Churchill & Parker, Broad Bt., 1st door East or Railroad. June2tidwtf. Racket Store OFFERS Unsurpassed Inducements TO Custo xml e xs. Look to your interest and keep up with THE RACKET. Julyll dwtf Jas. Redmond WHOLESALE DEALEli IN WINES, LIQUORS end CIGAIIS, South Front Street, Two Poors East Gaston Bonse , - . Never broken Kabo. The "bones" in the Kabo corset are made of it warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. O. M1EKS & SON. Lucas & Lewis DEALERS IN 0B0CEI1IES AND Farmers' Supplies. ALL KINDS Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. TEEMS CASH. Corner South Front and Middle Streets. tS" Goods delivered in any part of the city. juii27dwtf Atlantic k N. C. lUllroad HIKE TABLE JVs. 23. In Effeot 1:30 .P.M., Friday, Oot 17, 1800. Ooiva East. Sohedule. Going West No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 60. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm 8 80 Ooldsboro 1110 am 4 06 4 09 La Orange 10 22 10 25 4 35 4 40 Einston 9 48 9 63 8 00 6 08 New Borna 8 17 8 30 7 88 m Morehead City am 6 47 DailF. SonBDULB UOIKOWSST, No. 3. Going East No.l.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Mixed Ft. & Stations Pass. Train. am 6 iiu uoldsDoro 7 ao p m 6 67 7 06 Best's 6 24 6 84 6 30 7 SO 7 80 La Grange 5 64 6 04 7 48 7 53 Falling Croek 5 24 5 30 811 8 80 Kinston 4 25 6 CO 8 60 8 65 Caswell 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 03 Dover 8 25 8 40 10 81 10 86 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 11 00 11 05 Tusoarora 2 24 S 80 1117 1141 Clark's 3 03 212 13 15 8 00 Newbern 10 83 180 ;8 87 8 42 Biverdale 9 41 9 46 8 48 8 50 Croatan 9 28 9 4 08 4 13 Havelock 8 69 9 04 4 87 4 43 Newport 817 8 27 4 61 4 56 Wildwood 8 00 8 05 6 01 5 01 Atlantio 7 47 7 62 516 5 21 Morehead City 717 7 27 6 28 6 28 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 715 5 31 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tXuesday, Thursday ana Batarday, Train bUoonneots witb Wluninnon A Waj, don ;Traln brand North, leaving Ooldsboro li:ou a. m., ana wim racnmona A Danvuls Train West, leaving Ooldsboro 2:40 p. m, Train 61 connects with Richmond i DaavlU Train, arriving at uouuDcro p.m., and with Wilmington and Weldon Train from the norta wiu p.m. Train 2 eonneots with Wilmington and weiaon inrouga r reiRnt 'iTain, Jsorth bound; leaving Ooldsboro at 8:50 p.m. 8. L. Dili, Saperintsadent ANNUAL MEETING U. C. Stats Farmers Alliance Round Trip Bates to Morehead City, August Stb, 1891. ATLANTIC & If. V. RAILROAD CO., New Berne, Aug. 1, 1891. To AgontsA. &N. C. R. R. Co.: Tou will sell tiokets to the above from your station to Morehead Hty and return as follows: From Goldsboro 82.40 I Tusoarora... .$2.00 uescs 3 40 Ularks LaGrange 3 25 New Bern. ... 1 45 railing Ureek. 3.35 Biverdale ... . 1 10 Einston 8.16 J Croatan 1 00 Oaawell 2.00 ( Havelock 75 Dover...... 3 00 ( Newport 45 r l- A n. I OTV.1 . . uuraviwi s uv i nnawooa ... ,eu These rate to supercede rates issued July 21st, 1891. Tioketa to be sold Aug. 8th to 15th inclusive. Good to return at any time np to and including Aug. SOth, 1891 . 8. L. DiIX, G. P. A. An Unparalleled Offer! For tbe next thirty day we will sell SOLID GOLD SIDING BOW PEAMES SPECTACLES WITH FIRST 'QUALITY LKH8EB AT $2.50 Per Pair ! BELL THE JEWFJR "R SALE, EXCHANGE "-: ASP '' LIVERY. EL JS Street 5??t E2W ?Un! hwge lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised In WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA : Alan, m AfiA 1a a t. . r Cart and Harness, all of whioh will b uiu wwnag ran iaiwjsbt. D0fl fall 11 mnmm nA t.(M Lf - , , " wmw www HUH vgiWV making a trade.- - r. roMing peplalty. noT27dwtf THE-BAKER-, Mattress Co., South Front Street, JST&w Bern A. M. BAKER, Proprietor. Mattresses sold at Wholesale and Retail.' We mauufacturo by our own process First Class Mattresses, and sell them at the Lowest Possible Prices. Mattresses made to order of any size, stylo or quality. Call at our Factory and let us quote you prices. Hair Mattresses, Either bound or plain, of black, gray or white hair; from the cheapest to the highest priced standard goods. Pine Fiber Mattresses. If you have ever used one of these you know how much like a hair mattress they are; what solid comfort there is in them. They are durable and cost much less than hair. All Cotton Mattresses. These are much liked. By our process they are rid of tho lumpy formations generally found in such, and make a de lightful bed. Excelsior Cotton tresses. Top Mat- This grade with us " has as much care given its manufac ture as tho higher priced goods. They are very sightly. Wo use three styles of ticks. Straw with Cotton Top?. In this grade wo use dry selected straw; tho cotton is carded and stuffed. It is the most saleable goods wo make, gives perfect satisfaction, and is low priced. We use six styles of ticks. Our Eight anoTTen Steel Springs Is strongly made, well finish ed, and has three rows of spiral springs. Our X Woven Wire Mat tress Is our most saleable Spring Bed. Wood frame nicely fin ished. Carefully woven and cabled with throe rows of spiral springs. Our 2X Woven Wire Mat tress Is the samo as X without the throe rows of springs. Do you want old Mat tresses renovated, steamed, whipped, and made as good as new, If so send them to the Baker Mattress Co., Factory on South Front St. If yon have Hair, Moss, or any material yon want made into a Mattress, send it to us. we will make you as pretty a Mattress as you ever saw. These goods have our personal attention. Our prices are as low as you can wish. They are well made. , ... , We Want vnnr trarla. It VA11 are not already uainir nnr o-w?a give us a trial and you will be -A We sell Feathers, FeatherNPillowf, ' Moss : Cotton " Bolsters w-ww- wr MBSVTV V ' grades. ...... , rf . , Church Cushions, Yacht Cushions, nr onDti'al AttrlAwa jvf - anv kind Rhnll hnvAj PROMPT ATTENTION. We fill these with Pure Hair, .Cotton. Moss or Excelsior. ,, ',,', ., ,. .. 1 7 -( f!rih ' ftnrl firnrlln ; Uattmi. made to order. . : 5 j . '. - jul8 dw3m . ' ; -f ROBERTS & Cr.9. Wholesale Dealara In; Groceries, 7 Provisions TOBACCO end JiCPF, BOOTS aniJSHOE bJ,? ot r STOCK "DIADKM'. PLODH, avery barrel warianted. A Iaree stock of PUHB .WEST rwni MOLABBEM, our own lmjoraUOB. , ls,M Come to jim us, or send your onUra You -will And on Prioe M tow aa thl , mvawwtfs; 5 lowers Bsc .