1 Daily Journal HE NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST i$ 1891. .VOL.-X.-NO. 115. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LO0AL8, C.ELUHQ Spring and Summer Olo O thins A.T COST to make room (or Full Stock, at NEW BERNE VARIETY STORE on Middle street, under Photo tograph Gallery. aul5 tf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN New Berne, N. 0., Aug. 7th, 1691. All porsons who have work left with 0. M. founders. Jeweler, which has not been on hand more than sixty days, will please oall within fifteen days from the above date, a I expect to olose business here at the said time. And I also thank the neneral public for their liberal patronage and wish them much euooeas. C- M. 8AUNDBBB, eu8 6t Middle street. INSURE with the MUTUAL BENE FIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Newark, N. J., and get all the bene fits of life insurance before or after death. Forty-six years in business. Forty-six millions assets. Tbe leading Company in the State in 1880 Healthy male persons taken from fourteen to seventy years old. aug&tf D. T. Cakbaway, Agent. CABINET MAKERS. Stabbing & Co., City Cabinet Makers , Uphol sterers, and repairing neatly done. Shops on Hanoock street, opposite Bishop's factory. jv231m NEW DRUG STORE.-Drugs. Medi cines and Ohemloals, O. P. Papular 1'roprlelary Medicines. ;AU varieties of Druggist's Sundries. Trusses and Brae s. New crop Gardun Seed. Vine and Large Htook Cigars and Tobacco, all new. I're scrlpUon. accurately compounded (and not at WAS prices), onr m' tto and our success. O. 0. OKKKN, Druggist and Apothecary, Middle st four door, from Pollock. Jn23 ly SELLING OUT AT C03T.-My entire Stock of Goods will be run off to make room for Fall Stock. jyl7 tf M. H. Sultan. ARCTIC SODA and Cooa Cola at Sam'l B. Watbrs. SO MMER SPECIALTIES 1 -Lightning loe Uream Freesers, Oomblned Ohatr and Htep Ladder., Balloon fly Train, Wire Uenze boon. Oauise Wire for Window Beroons, and a full line or Hardware, etc., at mayll dtf J. O. Wuitty 4 Co . COME and Examine my Large and Varied Stook of Merchandise that is now being sold AT COST to make room for new fall stock. jy!7tf M. H. Sultan. James Russell Lowell, t lie well known anthor and critic and ex Minister to England, is dead. The first essential to political re form in an accurate knowledge cf existing political conditions. Ex Mrs. Jefferson Davis will visit liicbmond, Va., In October to seleot the resting place for tbe re mains of tbe ox-President. Whether It Is JMow lierue or Newborn, let it bo known as tbe city of progress, refinement, gener oiity, hospitality and brotberly love. The terrifio earthquake in Mex ico last Thursday caused hundreds of mud volcanoes to burst forth, and fumes" from them suffo cated children and cattle. The Washington Post ayr: It is possible that Gov. Fleming will find that in the little matter of the Florida Seuatorship the Senate will have the Oall. The Republicans are to renew the campaign of corruption. Chair man Glarkson has been to Wash ington arranging the details of a general campaign assessment. It is said that Quay will lead the fight for Blaine for the Presidential nomination. The Senator is to be the Chairman of the State Execu tive Committee and will use the position in the interest of the Plumed Knight. FARMERS of the North-west have reaped the largest grain crop with which they have been blessed for years. Prices will range high, ' Russia, one of the largest grain pro ducing countries in the world pro hibits the exportation of grain, and the demand tor American grain Will continue to be very great. . bb ? A Ealeiqh correspondent of the Charlotte Chronicle says: "Let me tell yon something. The best way to put a stop, to all this Third Party business and talk is to nomi nate Col. Polk for Governor. It may look like an extreme measure, bat my word for It, it will prove an effective one and stop the talk and trouble,'? :. . : :. The Raleigh correspondent ! the Wilmington Messenger says: "The grape-growers here abouts, andthey ar numerous, 1 are experiencing what may , be termed their first reverse. ( The bottom hai dropped tf out of the market and 'hundreds of thousands of pounds of grapes find no sale. 1 All who .are prepaed . to do so will make wine. There are hundreds of acres of grapes In this township alone. It is safe to say that hereafter-great quantities of grapes will be made into wine. The orop this : season was two weeks late. The rush of fruit,; chiefly ; peaches, to the great markets cans cd the tvmlh in p',' ' LOCAL NEWS. NEW AD VERTI3EMS NTS. Everybody invited. T. A. Green Houses for sale. New Berne Variety Store At cost. New Berne Variety Store Clark's cot ton. The lusty blowing of a tin horn now announces the coming of the ice wagon. A double rainbow delighted sky- gazers Ijc u short time yesterday af ternoon. Mr. Hear j Brineon has torn down his former reeidenoe on Spring street, pre paratory to ereoting a new one on the site. Tbe steamer Newberne, of the O. D. line, presents a handsome appearance after having been thoroughly repaired and attractively painted. There will be another excursion Sun day to Morehead, leaving at 8:45, a. m., and arriving baok at 11:30 p. m. Faro (1.00 for the round trip. Those at tbe depot at train time yes terday morning were enteitained by the hearty singing of "Good-bye, Old Party; Good-bye" by a good number of raembeis of the Farmers' Alliance on tbe platform, who were returuing from the meeting at Morehead. Miss Kate E. Williams secured 75 subscribers to her painting, (the num ber she wished to obtain) and had a drawing for it yesterday afternoon and it was won by Mr. W. B. Boyd. Miss Williams returns thankB to all who patronized or aided her. St. Mary's School, Raleigh, Rev, Bennet Smedes, A.M., Principal, begins its next term September 24th. This is an excellent, finely looated and well equipped aohool, which since its found ing in 1843 has eduoated many of the beet young ladies of the State and firmly established a splendid reputa tion. All the housos situated on the lots roomily sold by the Trustees of the New Berne Aoademy to the U. 8. Gov ernment for the site of the publio build ing and to the Episoopal ohuroh for the site of their rectory will be soldat auo tion for oash next Friday at 13, m., to clear the grounds for the new owners to build. An exebango states that there are now seven cotton mills in Concord and that a company has been formed to fctart another $75,000 one and that 550,000 has already been subscribed to the enter priae. Do New Berne people believe other people would continue to erect new cotton factories if they did not pty well. Let our citizens think seriously of this matter and then let the think ing bear lis legitimate fruit. Personal. Dr. J. D. Clark and his sister, Miss Hannah, returned yesterday morning from Morehead. Miss Fannie Holland roturned from a two-weeks visit to friends at Harlowe Mrs. Nancy Nunn and children and Mrs. Alle Soarboro and child, who have been visiting Mrs. Nunn, left to visit relatives in Kinston. Miss Vivia Wood went up to Kinston to visit relatives. Miss Carrie Mayhew left to visit ber sister, Mrs. L. L. Hendren, in Winston. Dr. G. K. Bag by returned from at tending the Dental convention at More- head. Miss Sadie Eaton left on the steamer Neuse, of the E. O. D. line, to join a party of friends at Provldenoe and take three month's pleasure tour through most of the New England States. Miss Janle Brown returned last night from visit to relatives at Kinston. Capt. Dave Roberta went down to Morehead to visit relative?. Attractive Program of the Elizabeth City Fair. The Eoonomlst'Faloon has Issued good-sized supplement devoted to the Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Eliza beth City Fair which will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Septem ber 16, 17 and 18, 1891. The exhibit embrace horses, oattle, aheep and hogs; floral, art and mechan aoal produots, oablnek work, agricult ural and musical implements and mis cellaneous articles. That premium list it comprehensive and liberal. Racing eaoh day on a half-mile traok will be an interesting feature. One trotting race will be for a pane of 8300; two raoet for panes of 8100 eaoh and others for smaller amounts. There wilt be a grand tournament on the seoond day of the Fair and ball at night, at whioh the "Queen of Lovs and Beauty" will be crowred. Successful knights will also be awarded medals. It promises to be a Fair well worth attending and. now that tnoh a good opportunity is afforded by the trips of the elegant passenger steamer Neuse for travel bet ween New Bsrne and Eliza beth City, we expeot many - of oar peo ple will attend. A SAFB IflVKSTMBrTT. r. Is on which is guaranteed to brln von satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return oi puroiiase prloe. untbla safe plan yon ean buy from ear advertised Druggist bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief la every ease, when used for any affection of Throat, .Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption. Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup,, etc., ato. It is 'pleasant a nr) amM m in naMtl. A. ...1 "ft . vu.u w ' ""i pnH; n-lDi Mill ean always be depended npon. - Trial bot tles freest r. . liunj wholesale and retail orug store. vi't i: ...- .-. -v ... IplindrefLCr FARMERS AD DENTISTS. Alliance Elects Officers Fine Dental Display -Addresses - Graud Banquet. Morehead City, Aug. 14. Anotber fine day yesterday greeted the good people at this favorite resort. The Allianoe had eleoted the President, Mr. Marion Butler of Sampson, And the Vice-President, T. B. Long, of Bun oombe, and had ouly some cf the minor offices to ail. The Dentists were in a humor for en joyment and we all felt like taking tbe day for all it was worth . In our parlor the night before we found the laziest man in the State. He was absolutely unwilling to lay and listen to us talk after midnight. We volunteered to discuss the inoidents of the day, but bo displayed a lazy dispo sition and complained of having to listen. We are uninformed as to whether he is an Alliance man or a Dentist, but which ever he is we shall insist on his expulsion. When men are willing to furnish the breath and tongue to oonverie after midnight, it would seem but reasonable that othors should furnish the ears to listen, and do it without complaint. Tha Sheriff of Bertie is altogether a different sort of a man. He carries the end of a conversation late at night very well and prefers to bve the last end. In tbe Dental display here are splen did exhibits by Tbe Wilmington lental Manufacturing Company, Philadelphia, Chioago and New York, by Alfred S. Robinson, Johnson & Land and Dr. T. U. Allen, proprietor of the Birmingham Dental Depot, Birmingham, Ala. These QrmB all exhibit an attractive assort ment of dental material, including teeth of all the popular varieties. To the pro- fessson these parties are well and favor ably known and for their patronage ana convenience these exhibits are here. The Allianoe poople filled out the ticket by eleoting Mr. Barnes, former secretary, Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Worth was continued business agent. and Messrs. Carr, Alexander. Lindsay and Williams delegates to the national aisembly at Indianapolis. There were some very interesting pa pers read before the Dontal Association at the morning session. " Dr. Crawford of Nashville and Dr. Wardlaw of Au gueta and others made addresses. A grand banquet was sat at the At lantic Hotel, given by tha Dental Asso ciation of North Carolina to the South em Aasociaiion. The exercises began about eleven o'clock and were kept up to the wee small hours. Tbero were three bund red and fifty covers laid. To-day will likely wind up the session of both the Allianoe and Dental Asso ciations. D. T. C, How Newborn Should He Spelt. (From the Washington Post.) "Tbe uncertainty whioh has hitherto existed in regard to the spelling of the wora newDern, tbe name or the busy North Carolina oity, whioh has been variously spelled Newbern, Newberne, New Bern, New Berne, and Newburn. is done away with by the authoritative decision of the board on geographio names, whioh makes it Newbern, the deoision being In aooord with and rest ing upon the spelling of the name in the original oharter of the town and the early statutes referring to it." It will be seen from the above artiole from the Washington Post that New bern is gaining quite a notoriety abroad over this discussion as to how its name should be spelt, whioh is, really, a for tunate circumstance for Newbern, as it brings us more notoriety than we oould otherwise obtain, whioh in connection with the notoriety we have already ob tained from our grand success in tbe truoking business will give this section and onr "beautiful oity by the sea world-wide reputation. Therefore let everybody say, think and write what they like about how Newbern should be spelt, and about our truoking advant ages, the great advantage the Charles ton and Norfolk railroad will bring to this section, and the great advantage to be derived from our now famous fish, oyster, game and industrial Fair, which is also helping to bring about the boom 'Whioh is surely ooming. Therefore let all take a deeper interest than ever In our next fish, oyster and game Fair, and don't let us quarrel with eaoh other or get exoited as to how Newbern should be spelt. New been. A Trestle Hives Way, Delaying Trains. Greensboro, N. 0.. Ansrasi 13. The trestle at Buffalo Creek gave way to- nignt ana no trains oan go orer the O. V. and Y. V. Railroad until to-morrow afternoon. Heavy rains and hail storms are reported at Graham and at other points in that violnlty. - Children Enjoy The pleaaant flavor, gentle aotion and soothing effects of 8yrop of Figs, when in need of laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the nest ramiiy remedy known and every family should have a bottle. STEAMERS NEWBEEKE AND ANNIE - The steamer Sewberne will not re sume her trips by leaving Norfolk on Monday, August 10th, and Newbern on Tuesday. August 11th, but the Old Do minion Calendar will be inserted a short time longer. Contlnulne the cal endar will announoe the following dates for the steamer Annies , .. The steamer Annie will leave Norfolk for Newbern, touobing at Roanoke Island and Washington, Monday, Aug. 10th, and Friday. August 14th, 1891. - . Returning, will leave Newbern for Norfolk, touohing at Roanoke Island, Wednesday, Aagust 19th, and Monday, August 17th, 1891. .-. : - , The Annie does not oarry passengers, a. u. kodsrts, Agent. Xen City Ordinance Relating to Restaurants-Reward Offered. At a special meeting of the Board of Counoilmen, held August 13, the order heretofore given the oleik ''not to issue lioense to restaurants and eating saloons oonduoted in buildings where liquors are sold" was rescinded and the follow ing ordinanoe was adopted : Chap. 6; sec. 0. It shall be unlawful for any restaurant or eating saloon, be ing oonduoted in a building where in toxioating liquors are sold, to be opened for the admission of any person between the hours of twelve Saturday night and four Monday morning, and if any way of ingress and egress connecting with or leading to euob place nhall be found open and persons seen passing in or out between eaid hours, it shall be deemed a nuisance, and upon conviction the proprietor or one iu control of such place shall be subject to a fins of fifty dollars. Attention is called to the following, which will bo rigidly enforced from tbis date: Chap. 8: sec. 8. Any person who shall be found guilty of loud hallooing or screaming or making any loud or extravagant noise, exoept in oase cf fire, in the city in the day cr night time ehall be fined three dollars. As spoileiPflsh have been repaatodlv found on Hanoock street, presumably thrown from fish wheelbarrows, I will pay $5 for the deteotion und conviction of any person caught in the act of throwing any fish or olTal on any of the streets of the oity. Wm. Ellis, Mayor. SCHEDULE OF THE S.YIMNCN Of llic Sleaiiiern of Clyde's North faro. Una Line from Itnltimoru (o New Borne, N. ('., Month of August, 1SUI. Str. Defiance, Saturday, Aug. 1. Btr. Ueo. II. Stout, Wednesday, Aug. 0 Str. Defiance. Saturday, Aug. 8. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Saturday, Aug. 15. Str. Defiance, Wednesday, Aug. 19. Str. Ueo. H. Stout, Saturday, Aug. 33. Str. Defiance, Saturday, Aug. 2'J. Returning, leave New Berne for Baltimore: 9tr. Geo. H. Stout, Friday, July 81. Str. Defiance, Wed needs? noon, Aug. 5. Str. Goo. H. Stout, Tuesday, Aug. 11. Str. Defiance, Friday, Aug. 14. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Wednesday noon, Aug. 19. Str. Defiance, Tuesday, Aug. 25. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Friday, Aug. 23. Avoid breakage of bulk and ship via the only direct line. 8. H. Okay, Agent. MKllIT WINS. Wc desire to say to onr citizens tln.t for years wa have been selling Dr. King's New Diflcovery tor (..onriumptum, j ip. lvinfj.s New Lifo Pills, Bucklon's Aruica Sr.lve and Eluctric liitleri, anil have never han dled remedies that ai l! ea well, or that have given such universal Hatinfaction . We do not liopitc.to to guarantee them every time, and we nu:id ready to r-'luno the purchase price, il Hutiai ictorv results do not follow their iw. These remedies hnve won their great popularity pnrely on their merits i'or salo in Newbern hy F. 8. Dully, wholesale and retail druggist. Children Cry'forPitcheVsCaitona "Why is dust atd ashes proud A reasonable pride should always be encouraged, at least have piiJe enough to dress as will as you can afford. And when your prido tells you, you need a new suit or other things to complct your waudrobe, do not fail to try Howard, new lot while Lawn dude bows just in by Express they are beauties. Samples Suspenders, Shirts and Socks, (Wollon ones) at 'ew YordOost. J. M. HOWAKD. HOUSES FOR SILE! The Committee ap pointed by the Trustees of the New Berne Acad emy, will sell, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, at 12 o'clock, on the Grounds, corner of Pol lock and Graven Sts., all the Buildings now situate on said lot. Said Buildings must be removed from said Grounds within twenty days after said sale. Terms Gash. T. A. GREEN, Chairman Com. S. R. STREET, Auctioneer. Everybody Invited. To the grandest plo-nlc of tha season to be given In Newbern on next Batnrday I Cool ana reiresning annas, sucn lemonade, Ae., will be furnished K REEof charge. Seven lnterestlna sneakers will be to attendance and address the people on the moat Import ant issue of the day Finance. They wlU Inform the people how to aet more money and make It so runner. The opening ad dress will be delivered by Bur Ike. flla .ob ject will be, "Who the devU 1 her and where ne came iromr- xie win endeavor to enow the people the advantage of the cash systom and now It la he oan give a SK o.nt pre. am to ail who trade a dollar with him. Be will explain to the people way he has reduced the prloe of his 86, Sft and 61) cent women and ohlldren shoes down to SO, SS and M cents a pair. . Bring yonr ohlldren along and get Ibem a pair and let them see Big Ike and enjoy a oool and refreshing glees ot his lem onade. Mow, If the merchants who credit can afferd to lose from t to ao dollars a week by crediting, then Big Ike, who buys ao many merchants out at 40, 60 and e74 eents en toe dollar and sells to every living man for cash, can aflord to give the same amount to his trade that other merchants loee. Bear In mind I advertlae nothing but facta and a vl.it to my store next Saturday will eon vlaoe rou, . POWDER Absolute y Pure. Thi ponder never vtulee. A mar . e! panty, sireupth nnd wlmlesomeiHKB. More eaonoinlral thai! tl:e mrtiniirv Mnds. an.l cannot be sold In ojiupfe'.lllon vllti llm mul titude of low leal, emu' nelu'oi, alum 01 t pbonphRtn ihiwiIith. Hold onlv In i.ir.H ! KOYAl. llAK.Mi POV'I'IUI :, 1"'. Willi at. N. Y. yii:1.. lw!i' iii-ullp I mi i sv Clark's 0. N. T. Soool Oolton, Only FOUK Cents, AT New Berne Variety Store, Under Oerook ' Th" auglS dwtf loyrapii Oiilo; y ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, K. 3. The Advent Term Begins September 21 . atiKl5 dw2m CAMP MEETING LANE'TITRS. Str. Kinston, Capt. T. O. Dixon Tbe bteamer Old Dominion Kiualon will loave the Stearaiihi;) Company's Wharf, Sunday Mornic-g, August 16 At EIGHT o'clock, sharp, for thb Camp Uround, and returning will leave the Camp Ground at ' p ia. uharp, no iw to get all heme in time for evening ser vice. No one cttn take tnu Uip without being bonofii-d bodily ,:nd spiritually. Ice Water liberally furnished, Tickets hslt'-dollnr lor tho round trip. Children urdor twelve yours of uge, half price. Tickets on suit) al ciU.u, or pur chased on tho wli.ff before toing on the steamer. all 8t i'.. V:OI.'F.KT-. .sent. TO-DAY Mr. DAVID M. JOKES Of Beaufort, N. C, Will take charge of our .tork as Man ager, and will be ploa?:cl to moot hie many friend a for Clothii. lihoes, Hats, etc. Charlie Huberts will amat him in handing out the Bargains. wmm store. Get Year See Tickets! For the convonienoe of Patrons, Ioe Tickets will be issued from this dale at a quarter cent per pound. va salo at John Dunn s store, at fac tory, from delivery wagon or C. Keizenstoin. No tickets sold for lsea than twenty pounds. all lw NEW BERNE ICE CO. UNIVERSITY OFJMIH CAROLINA The Next Term Ueglns Sept. 3. Entrance Examinations, Sept. 2. Tuition $H0 per terra. Needy young men of talent and character will be aided Willi Hcbolarshlps and loans, Besldea-lhe Ueneral Ooursoa of Study, which offer a wide range of elective- studies, there aro courses In Iviw, Medlolno and Engineering. For catalogue, 4o., address the President, (JEO. T. WINSTON, auUdlwwit Chapel Bill. N. C. Carriage and Buggy Factory Having secured the scrvioes of an Experienced Trimmer, I am now better prepared than ever to furnish First-Class Work. sHTRepair work a specialty. aolldlw O. H. WATERS & 80N. Chas. L. Gaskill, TEACHER Or INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, HARMONY AND COMPOSITION. Will Introduoe Doctor Ward Jaokson's "Fioger Qymnastlcs," a oourse ot incalculable benefit to the beginner, and to the advanoed student who desires to render more artistically. The New England Conservatory Method will be strictly adhered to, Class now forming. Jyaodtf Apply ia person. ACADEMY Of the Sisters of Mercy. NEW BERNE, N. C. Th Oon: so of Instruction ombracfca all the I j bunches lecexanry to tho ucUlalllnii ol a j solid and rt-flut'd t-tlucatlon. I JMrtVienroB of rel'Rtnn ill not he rt n inlr.I ! ; tn the .irimtfiBlon of puplln j I Drawing, Uook-keeplnii, Weil (tinal.: (In i I ruiss;, l'iln nnd Fancy .Viediewerk Ij not , ! form extra charges. j 1-esBoneon r:ano and Oiran, l'alnlin in ' OH and Wator Colors, 1'iwlel and Ornament tl Art, cx'.rn. Fall Term open S ! For f "Hher piu!!i-Ki s lt. S!I1. lo the IUr( e-bul-'1 Iwif tress t i AcademjT. mil Jars, QUART SIZE, 75 Cents Per Dozen. M1DDLH 8TRKET. une2s ilwtf FtjSlHE UDiES ! We nave stiti a small lot of Ladies' i Ga'jze Vests. Co jii, Lisie and Bilk, w iich i wo will sell less than' j Cost. Barrington & Baxter A new lot of Silk Umbrellas just re ceived. Eag gone West again to purchape another lot of H0ESES AND MULES. All those wishing to buy should wait about ten days to make their selections. 0 ill H Eh rBsBB o H 05 O o H m stall AFTER lore Stock! Wg WjLLIS Keep3 Everythillg on hand usually found in a First-Blass Grocery, Middle St. New Berne, N.O. I u i:i il w I f ' HOLLAND I JIRW. STAPLE AND FANCY smv GOODS. m:sT(iO()S)s AT Lowest Pi'krs! iNKWHERW, iST I .: u ! 7 tl w 1 1 C. .fslfi mmu BUXTURE i'Ri.l-K. Cm :Si .it ic liilr ii a (I cuuy iiior- i threats anil iinve btisjo y the use of 'Me If ifip, -iiTa with iih liour. . 1H civ ii Ol 114'. F0EJL1LE. Valuable Truck, Cotton " Corn iIantpaion, ' I ' 1 1 i Mt c-fdlo bM 1 ' . - u-rn part of 1 ! -f :ni: ( . r.i . i iiv of New - (w i'v. 1 i - Vjifiblni;tin - . ! .;a .n- or the . ; ' 'A 1' Hi i county. .''! .'!; r!-4ioJ. well ! i' ;:n tf eultlvifc- i'..Hl'- . ! ... . r lOHtll. : -. h k::iI kltchec; i i. '.'(. . iii'iis, ; iwo harnh; i1! . : 1 . ()' lDi!dtn?N, .- .1-: - i id .MVciy liftW, for v i. u l il 1 1 1 1 L f i uh. . w - . v ,. i in. ti.,- i;rov - ..ti , " ! ; r n, r il- ': - i . ....r1.s i . i X t. ilii with i'l - l.n -B .:.Wr il. , r..ji . - l-'ltiiiLr, tmo i ' - i , r i I I - j . And ' . ': - . . i,l r. 111 i ..id,. If - II V ;. T, r.iif. HI. J t i ;j in one SOI I. MR Aalr for i;. v.it, lifit arrlvi,d. I foiiret to fl:iy '. Iiuvfjurt reeelvod ll freplt let or IlieRi lilll.l I I .01,l) CHAINS, warrant). I for Ms years. We ulv n written mmruiileo willt i-acii '-i-.Hltt. nySnX'KIS V. p. nn,t PHICKK AUK WAY liOW.N. I'm,,,, In r.d seo me. SAM. K. EATON, J tlT-'Mt'- Hajiftfi! riinrch. na.' lwtr For Rent. The limine on sonlli l- n.iu Rlreet lately OCMipletl .h Marine 11ob-i!:,. Appiv In tnar2lilf. A. K. PI.nSisoN. 75 Cases Tomatoes, 40 11 Peaches, 100 " Brand y Poaches SOLD CHEAP. Reduction in Old Vir ginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. V7 UOIJid 4 Ubi OKOOEB, Mir. : R SiKr.E'!', N KW BiiKNK. N. O. RiOISiROSOn. Goods AT LOWEST PRICES! Sets of from 7 to 9 pieces, $13.00 and up. Chairs of all sizes and qualities from 25c. up. All other Furniture at corresponding fates. lylldwtr FUTURE ! ChildreCryfoPitclier's.Cc