Journal. HE VOL.y.NO. 120. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 181)1. PRICE 5 CENTS. AILS' - , BUSINESS LOCALS. WANTED A firat rate Mattress Maker. Apply to A. II. Bakeb. SELLING Spring and Summer Clo thing AT COST to make room for Fall Stock, at NEW BERNE VARIETY STORE on Middle street, undor Photo-1 tograph (jallery. aulO tl INSURE with the MUTUAL BENE FIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Newark, N. J., and get all the bene fits of life inauranoa before or after death. Forty-six years in baaineei. Forty-six millions assets. The leading Company In the State In 1890 Healthy male persona taken from fourteen to seventy years old. ugStt ' D. T. C ARB A way, Agent. GABINET MAKERS. Stabbing ft Co., City Cabinet Makers , Uphol sterers, and repairing neatly done. Shops on Eanoook street, opposite Bishop's factory. jy23 lm NEW DRUG STORE.-Drugs, Medi and Ohemtoals, O. P. Popular Proprietary Medicines. ;All varieties of Druggist's Bnndrle'B. Trussed and Brio s. New crop Garden Seeds. Fine and Large Block Ulgars and Tobacco, all mw. Pre scriptions accurately compounded (and not at WAR priced), oar nvtto and our snocess. O. O. OBitJCN, Drmrglst and Apotbecary, Middle st four doors from Pollock. Jn28 ly Q ELLING OUT AT COST.- -My entire kJ Stock of Qoods will be run off to make room for Fall Stock. ji-17tf M. H. 8UMAN. ARCTIC SODA and Coca Cola at Saji'l B. Waters. SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! -Lightning loe Cream Freezers, Combined Chair and Htep Ladders, llnlloon Fly Trope, Win Mange Uoors, Gauze Wire for Window Horeens. nud a full line of Hardware, to at mayH dll J. O. Whitty A Co COME and Examine my Large and Varied Stock of Merchandise that is now being sold AT COST to make room for new fall stock. jylTtt M. H. Sultan. The Baltimore Sun in a recent editorial says: A liberal educa tion in letters might be obtained from a study of the Bible alone." James G. Blaine was once able to carry a hod of mortar or a load of bricks to help along a building operation, and did't think hewas los ing any dignity when ho did so. It was only when he had to shoulder the Harrison administration that his knees gave way. Philadelhia Times. Since January, 1891, the actual sbrinkago in the Treasury holdings U $33,000,000. The expenditures ou the other hand havo increased 130,375,000. These are tho figures the New York Finacial Chronicle. That makes a difference against the people and the Govern ment of 8G7.000.000. Such is Kadi o il rale a fraud all through. M. EiFFL, the tower man of Paris, whose 1,000-foot tower was the feature at the Paris Exposition, siys the Chicago Inter Ooean, cabled to President Baker, of the World, s Fair, that he desired to make a proposition to the exposi lion company for the erection of a tower on the grounds. President Baker cabled the answer that he. would beglad to receive and enter tain enoh propositian. The preaent Congress is expect ed to make the tariff issue more clear cut before the people than ever. Colonel William II. Morri son, of Illinois, thinks the House will pass a measure makeing so many changes in the tariff schedule that It will amount to a general bill. This,, of coarse, will be de feated in the Senate, and thus the two parties will appear more dis tinctly even than now in their true colors as opponents and defenders, respectively, of the infamous rob ber protection fastened on the country by the McKinely law Should the Senate, contrary to all expectation, pass this bill, it woald be a case of flagrant, self stulti flea tion, and would show that even Republications were ready to confess that they had burdened the country with a system of oner ous taxation both inexcusable and Indefensible. Theee met at rhe Bible House ; New York. June 25th, the represen tativea ol. a dozen missionary and . benevolent societies to consider the question of ft united religious ex bibit at the Columbian Exposition in 1893 and the erection of a suita- t ble - building 7 for such an exhibit. Letters were read approving the - proposed project on the 'part of a number of societies whioh were no : able to send representatives. The following were appointed as a com mlttee to gain ; further Information . and to call a second conference at a later date: Rev. Josiah Strong', general sesretary Evangelical Al j liance Rev. Joohua Kimber, secre tary Protestan Episcopal Mission' ry Society: Bev. Adna P. Leonard, secretary Methodist Episcopal Mis alonary Society; Rev. H. L. More. house, secretary American Baptist Home Missionary Snciety; . Bev, Alexander McLean, secretary American Bible Society. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Howard Variety, etc. Mrs. Jerkins Private School. A. M. Baker Mattress maker wanted The excursion to Morehead leaves this morning at 8.45. One dollar for the round trip. The Journal staff returns thanks to Mrs. Jos. Nelson for a nice treat of delioions loe oream and cake yesterday afternoon. We are requested to announce that H. Smith, delegate from the Colored State Sunday School Convention, will make his report at 5 o'olook' this after noon and that the publio are invited. We have received a oopy of the New Berns Collegiate Institute Catalogue. It makes a very fine showing with 275 pupils. The Fall session of 1891 will open on September 7th. The corps of teachers numbers eleven. We have reoeived from J, W. Den mark, business manager of the Progres- ive Farmer, a groupe ploture of the 'officers of the National Farmers' Al- ianoe and Industrial Union. It is handsome and finely executed, worthy of a plaee in any home. It will make fine ornament for any subordinate Allinnoe'or other labor organization if nicely framed and hung in their hall. A 1 Alligator. About midday yesterday as the steamer Kinston was coming to New Berne from Einston, a large alligator showed himself in the Linkfield ohan- nel, Neuse river, four miles from the oity, and Capt. T. O. Dixon, of the aforeiaid steamer, after repeated firing several of the balls taking effect in the head of the ugly monster succeed ed in killing him, and the huge otrcaw was brought to tho city. His weight was variously estimated at from 6C0 to 800 pounds. He was pre oisely 1H feet in length and he meas ured five feet around the body, 1 feet around the largest pait of his tail, and the same around his legs, and it was li feet from the outer part of his j iws to their junction. An effort was being made last nifcht to have him taxidermized for the col ored Fair, which begins here on the 35th inst. Personal. Mrs. E. Snedeker and daughter, and Mr. Bob t wick, of Brooklyn, N. Y., oame up from Morehead yesterday and are visiting the family of Mr. C. E. Foy. Maj. D. T. Carrawny, who has been reporting the proceedings of the State Farmers' Allianoe and the Dental Con vention for the Journal, returned home yesterday morning. Rev. R. A. Willis and Miss Minnie Willis returned from attending tbe Sunday Sohool Conference. Rev. N. M.Jurney and family who have been spending some time at Beau fort, passed through on a trip to the mountains. Mr. Hugh Lanoaster, editor of the Vanoeboro Star, was in the oity yester day in the interest of his paper. Mr. O. D. Bradham left for a pleasure trip to Wrightsville and other points. Mrs. Geo. West and daughter and Miss Nannie West who have been visit ing Mr. Eugene Tucker returned to their homes at Caswell. Misses Bessie and Bertha Tuoker accompanied them back for viiit to Miss Nannie. Miss Lena Glover returned to hir home at Cove from a visit to the family os Mr. F. J. Hardison. Mrs. W. E. Lewis returned from visit to Johnston's Mills. Mr. T. F. Willis, who has oharge of the telegraph offloe in this city during the absence of Miss Mary Bryan, went down to spend Sunday at his home in Morehead. Mr. D. Bell, of Morehead; who met with the misfortune to slip down on the pizza of the New Berne House while it was wet with rain, was in the oity yesterday reolving medioal atten tion for the injury. Church Services Today. Centenary M. E. Church Rev. R. A Willis, pastor. Services at 11 a. m and at 8:15 p. m. oonduoted by the pastor. Young men's prayer meeting at 0:15 a. m. Bunday-school at 4 pm., J. K. Willis, Sup't. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8.15 o'olook. The publio are cordially invited to attend these servioes. Christ Church Rev. T. M.N. George, reotor. 13.h Sunday after Trinity. Service and ermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer, 0 p.m. The publio are cordially inyited to attend the services. All ser vioes are for the present held in the Chapel on George street. Seats free. Sunday school at the Chapel 9:80 a.m. Presbyterian Ohuroh Rev.' 0. G Vardell, pastor. Servioes at 11 a. m., and 6 p. m. Sunday sohool at 9.80 a.m. The publio are cordially invited to these services. Y.M. C. A. Pray ereetvices this after noon at o'olook. Leader, H. M Groves. Alt men are cordially invited. t - Admitted to Partnership. - Mess. Latham ft Barms, wholesale grocers, have made ohange in their copartnership by the admission of their bookkeeper, Hr. Claud L. Hpenoer as partner, . The style of the firm is now Latham, Burrus ft do., and they do business "at the same old standi For Over Fifty Tsars. Mas. "Winslow'b Soothtko Btbcp has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, end is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five oenty a bottle. - Bold by all drug gists throughout the world. . STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION. Elegant Banquet Excursion to Wilke. boro-Charming Trip Cordial Reception. Wilkes boro, N. C, Aug. 13. The .Winston banquet given to the Association last night was a most bril liant affair. The splendid hail of the Twin City Club was gorgeously arrayed and the number of guests present must have been three hundred. The toasts lasted about two hours and they were most heartily received. Never did the speakers acquit themsolvei mare credi tably. In every sense of the word it was a royal feast. Tc-day an excursionwas run to Wilkeeboro, seventy-six miles distant from Winston. It was a delightful trip. The route is a lovely one, winding along In sight of brushy mountains and beside the rippling and dashing waters of the pioturesque Yadkin. Arriving at the old, elegant and salu brious town of Wilkeeboro, we were warmly reoeived and shown every cour tesy possible by the genial, hospitable, open-hearted citizsns. H. THE FIVE THOUSAND FEU. At What Stairc or the Miracle Did the Mii nculous Change Take Place -W hen and Where Did tho In crease Tako Place In the International Series of Sunday School lessons, the above topio is set for August 16th, based upon the passage in John vi.: 1-14. Dr. Alexander, tho writer of the ex pository notes in the Sunday Sohool Magazine, published at Nashville, Tenn. in commenting upon verse 11: "lie dis tributed to the disciple a and the disci ples to them that were set down, "siys: it woum De interesting to know just when and where the increase took plsoe, whether in the handB of Jesus, or as he passed tho pieces to the disoipleB, or as tne aisoipies passed them to tbe people. or as the people divided with each other, and passed portions of what thoy bad reoeived to their neighbors, Who can answer this question and give good reasons r" I no not propose authoritatively and Bnally to sottle this vexed question, but use jod s friend, rJIibu, to show mine opinion, and i hopo to give some good reasons." Tbe prinoipal clew to the solution is probably to be found in connection wr.h the "baskets" mentioned further on. There wore in that country no publio housss, restaurants or hotels after the manner of the present day among us. What were called oaravan sarieB naitmg piaoes for oaravans were infrequent, did not furnish food for travelers, scarcely lodging, little more than shelter. Henoe it was the usual oustom. born of necessity, for travelers on a journey to carry provis ions with them in baskets. Christ and his apostles in the prosecution of their work were sustained by the hospitality and voluntary gifts of the people among wnom tney ministered. Judas was their treasuror, and handled the contri butions in money other donations went into the baskets of the "twelve." Mr. Barnes says: "It is probable that eaoh or the apostles had one." when the time oame for their even ing meal, the vast multitvdo were ar ranged with military exactness. Five thousand men fifty ranks, a hundred in a rank reoiined at length, aooordine to their unvarying custom, upon the grassy plain sloping down from the base of the mountain to the sea. The large number of women and children were arranged and fed in a separate oompany. They may have been equal in number to the men, swelling the aggregate to ten thousand. Now when this orderly arrangement had been effected, it would soem most natural and therefore most probable, that after the blessing Christ distributed "the loaves and likewise the fishes" to the disciples (apostles) by breaking them and plaoing them upon o cloth or oover spread upon the ground. It is hardly to be doubted that now and here is whin and where the increase took place. From this increased and bus. taming supply the disciples filled their baskets and "distributee to those who were set down." As each reaohed forth his hand and took a portion, it was, as in the days when the manna fell in the wilderness, "aooording to his eating. Aa there was a certain parallelism be- tween the feeding with manna in the wilderness and with the loaves and fishes in the desert, we might look for a similar analogy in respect of the portions in their hands. He who had helped himself largely had nothing over, and be who bad taken little had no lack. All were just satisfied "filled." There was no occasion for the people to divide with each other or pass portions to their neighbors. The expression in the thirteenth verse They gathered them together and Bllod twelve baskets with the fragments whioh remained over and above unto them that had eaten" is perhaps sometimes misunderstood. The word "fragments" is proper because the loaves end fishes had been brofcett bv Chritt at the first, but the idea must not be entertained that they were tethered from the orowd like the broken viotuals from a pio-nio table. They were no doubt taken from the original inoreased plle,-eaoh apostle filling his! basket, and were of the same appearance. Quality and condition as that distributed to tbe multitude. Mr. Scott Bays: "On these broken nieoee we may buddoso to at unriat ana his disciples made after wards many a contented and thankf a) meal." In closing this artiole I add this re mark by Mr. Henry: ''There was more real grandeur displayed by the Master of this feast than by Ahasuerns in .his royal least, which was intended to abow the riohes of his glorious kingdom and the honor or bis excellent majesty." Edward Bull. New Berne, N. O., Aug. 14, 1SBRIT WINS. We desire to say to onr citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, 'Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bueklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bluer j, and have never ban- died remedies that sell as well, or that have given snon universal satisfaction We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits.-? For sale in Newbernby F. S. Dully, wholesale and retail druggist. FARMERS AXD DENTISTS. Convention.1! Close Third Party (Ques tionDental Ranqaet-Ofll-ccrs Elect. Moreiibad City, August 15. The Dental Association and the Farm era' Alliance have oloeed their conven tions and many of them have left for home and other parts. They have both had a most delightful session and a profitable conference on matters per taining to their professions: I do not know what aotion of a polit ical nature tbe Allianoe took, If any, but from conversation with some of tbe members I think the Third party move ment has but few followers in this 8tate. The Democratic party is strong ly Allianoe in its make up. And the Allianoe is almost entirely Democratic So it would seem difficult to frame a Third party out of either. From the tenor of remarks mado by members in an unofficial way, I draw the inference that the strength of the order is to be concentrated on legisla tion for the improvement of the farm ing interest. The universality of the order through out the State, and in fact throughout the United States, gives it an excellent opportunity to work out reforms, and they seem determined to do it. Of oourse some unwise suggestions will be made, but there is an element of con servatism that may bo relied on to gov ern and oontrol their actions and bring all down to the one great purpose of the greatest good to the greatest num ber. And this has always been the slo gan of the Demooracy. The Banquet given to the Southern Dental Association by tho North Caro- ina Association on Thursday night was one of the lsrgest spreads evor had in this State, and it is much to the credit of the profession that no excesses marred the pleasures of the occasion. Solid en joyment was tne order ol the evening and waa realized by all present. The North Carolina Association elect ed the following officers for tho ensuing year: 1 resident (J. W. Alexander. First Vioe-Preaident C, A.White. Seoond Vioe President Frank Boyth Secretary J. 8. Wyche. Treasurer J. W. Hunton North Carolina State Board of Duntal Examiners: J. W. llunton, V. H. Tur ner, J, E. Matthews, J. T. Griffith, J. tl. Durham, L. L. Hunter. v. c What I Fame.' The reporter of tho Stato-Chroniclu, writing from Morehead City, speaks of Uov. John Todd Browne, quotes some pretty verses of his, and repeats tbe opinion of Dr.Areudall.tbat ho was the most brilliant young minister in tbe State in his day. Evidently the reporter had never heard of him, and even our good friend Dr.Arendall has almost for gotten him if he gave his namo a Browne. But who that ever looked into his speaking faoe could forget the gifted John Todd Brame, the scholar, erator, poet and thinker, who was the very magioian of his holy profession in his time and generation? He gave to the writer his first lessons in Latin, and was the first star of his boyhood, liow is it possible to forget bim? He was the first honor graduate of his class at Randolph-Maoon, and was easily the master of every body of men and of every department of learning. With a small, alert figure, a high, retreating forehead, soft, gray eyes, and the sweet pure oountenanoeof a woman, his brain was loaded with lightning and from the pulpit his scholarship and eloqnenoe glowed together. Be was one of those celestial lights that set early ,and which North Carolina manages so easily to forget, lie died in Washington in 1844 or 45. His sacred dust sleeps in our cemetery here at New Berne. Tbe brick work that supports the marble over his grave is rapidly decaying, and we hope that our Methodist friends, whom he so highly honored by his gen ius and his learning, win repair bis tomb. John S. Long. "Variety 's the verry spioe of life shall gives it all its flavour. "Cowpbr, Wo have just received by Kail a Variety of sample goods. They consist of the following articles. Linejaand damask table covers, Un der shirts and top shirts, Pooket books, parses, Card Cases, long pocket book, Writing tablets and blank books, Whisk brooms, Hair brashes, Cloth brushes, Shaving brushes, naif Hose, (Cotton and Wollen.) All these goods will be sold at N. Y. Cost. Also just in a new invoice of Fall Scarfs and 4 in hand ties. At J. M. HOWARD'S. Private School. MRS. A. T. JERKINS expects to re aume the duties of her sohool some time during the month of September, of whioh opening due notioe will be given hereafter. Former patrons, and others who propose entering pupils, will please notify her of suob intention at an early date. August 16. It Everybody Invited. To the grandest ptc-nlo of the season to be given in Newbern on next tetania; !' Oool and refreshing drinks, such as lemonade, Ao., wilt be furnished FKKEof oharge. Beven interesting speakers win De in attenaanoe and address tbe people on the most import ant Issue of tho day Finance. They will lnrorm the people how to Ret more mouey and make ft go farther. The opening ad dress will be delivered bv Bin Ike, Dll snh- J eat will be, "Who the devil Is he? and where ne oame iromr" so wui endeavor to snow the people the advantaseof the cash svstem and how It Is he oan give a 36 eent present to all who trade a dollar with him. lie will explain to tbe people why he han reduced the prloeof bis SB, 86 and 60 cent women and children shoes down to SO, 35 pOr. Bring yonr children along and get tbem a pair and let them see Big Ike and enjoy a cool and refreshing glass of his lem onade. Mow, If the merchants who credit ean afford to lose from 6 to 20 dollars a week by crediting, then Big Ike, who boys so many merchants ont at 40, 60 and Vi oents on tne dollar and sells to every living man for cash, ean afford to give the same amount to his trade that other snerohants lose. Bear In mind I advertise nothing bat facts and a visit to my store next uatnrday will con vince you, - , , mm B IApYALiat 1 P0VVD Absolutoiy Pure. Tills powder never varies. A nirvi l ol pnnty, streugtli and whoIeBciijient sH arm. coouumloaL than tuo ordinary Muds, and cannot be sold In cimpellUon with Die mul titude of !w teat, short wolnht, alum ov pnoephate powriern. 8o)it oulv In cum;. Koy.41. Ham. si; I'owdkk Co.. liiri Wail m. N. Y. auKl:: dwly Lim!i HOUSES FOP; SHE! The Committee ap pointed by the Trustees of the New Eerne Acad emy, will sell, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, at 12 o'clock, on the Grounds, corner of Pol lock and Craven fits., all the Buildings now situate on said lot. Said Buildings must be removed from said urounas witnm twouty days after said sals Terms Cash. T. A. GSEEN, Chairman Com. I 8. S. STEEET, Auctioneer. Down With Wigh Prices JIark's O.N. T. Spool Cotton, Only FOUR Cents, AT Hew Borne Variety Store, Under (iorook's I'hotcgrgpii (Jalliry. auglS dwtf ST. MARY S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. The Advent Term Bceins September 21. nutU dw2m CAMP MEETING LANE'SJTUEH. Str. Einston, Capt. T. O. Dixon The bteamer Kinaton will Icftvo thi H'.eaniuhip Company's Old Dominion Wharf, Sunday Morning, Augost 16 At EIGHT o'clock, sharp, for the Camp Ground, and returning will leave the Camp Uiound at 5 p.m. Bharp, so as to get all home in time for evening ser vice. No one can tako this trip without being benefited bodily and spiritually, Ice Water liberally furnished, Tiokets half-dollar for the round trip. Children under twelve years of age, half prioe. Tiokets on sale at the olHoo, or pur chased on the vliarf before Koitig on the steamor. al l 8t E. n. ROBERTS. Aannt. TO-DAY Mr. DAVID M. JONES Of Beaufort, N. C, Will take charge of our stook as Man ager, and will bo ploaecd to meet his many friends for Clothing, Hhoen, Main, etc. Charlie Roberts will osni.-t him in handing out tho narguiiis. BARGAIN STORE Get Your Ice Tickets! For the convenience of Patrons, loe Tiokets wijl be issued from this date at a quarter oent per pound. - On sale at John Dunn's store, at Fac tory, from dolivery wagon or C. Reizenstein. Ho tiokets soli for less than twenty ponnds. 11 lw NEW BERNE ICE CO. UNIVERSITY OF NOR -H CAROLINA The Nest Term Uegins Sept. 8. Entrance Examination!), Sept. Toltlon 130 per term. Needy young men of talent and character will be aided with scholarships and loans. Besides the General Oonrtes or Btndy, which offer a wide range oi elective siuaies, mere are courses in law, jaeaioine ana nnsineenna. or catalogue, dks., address the President, GEO. T. WINSTOTf, ftadlwv Chapel HUI.S.C. ACADEMY Of the Sisters of Mercy. , new berne, n. c. j TheOours'; of Instruction embraces nil tlin branches neoesHftry to the arrjulnlUon ol a solid and ri'llntd oduoatlon. 1 'iir-renco4 of religion will not bo reg irdr il in the fttlnilBKlon of puplli;. j itrawlup, lo.)k-kteplnu. V.m-u MukIc (In elttss), Plain ntij Fancy .ed it-work t not I form extra chargoB. j IxiBKonflon Plunu ur.d (rftn, 1'aintlriK tn j OU and Watr4 viora, PwUe! and '(ruHinent- ! al Art, extra. ill I lertn o;.wis S( jt. 7, lssi. Kor rurtbor pttrtirulHis itpH to tlin Mrtr troBs of the AcatUmy. nu't iwtf irs, QUART 7S Cents Per Dozen. .MIDDI.K SXliKLT. ,lv." FOU THE LAD! We small Gauze have lot of DL1 li Ladies' Coil Vests, Lisle and Silk we will seli Less than Cost. Barrlngfon & Baxter A new lot of Umbrellas iust re- ceiyed. AFTER ore Stock! JUL. Halin Has gone West again j to purchase another! lot of HORSES AND MULES. All those wishing to buy should wait about ten days to make their selections. o H m O o W m 31 H Fruit S W. WILLIS, Keep3 Everything on hand usually found in a Firsf-Olass Grocery, Middle St. New Berne, N.O. HOLLAND 6 J&RVIS. I STAPLE AND FANCY ! DRY GOODS. I I5KST (K)ODS LowgsfFriis I NlOWliERM, 1ST. Jul7 ilwu c. mmu isxture Kill i nive, AitiUeptlc mid .Mtrl.iKlil. Mil' y ITfPtH biW( it hpnnterH hy relieving ml urii'li':--, ana ' il L't.T III irifll Mnit cLluK mir-ilia- rhman and t in m;i I H Is ! h'i.V siitX' iy unHuI in IKS till' ilf'Wt'lR llHVft lHfU nut.- it i.Murnny or y UieuHoof '-in1 tnapjionufn with hour. Mr lilt'. a. ft. lM'PFV, FOR SALE. .able Truck, Cotton rn Plantation, i T Is .jifiit.-n A u he an - i'i i .-HciMt-n vart of . . t-. fi i:n '-u.. di New ...;.c it.,:-. i 10 xshiDvtoii N '. tl. i'. n:itl 'tun ! the . - i it i ; , T : r.imty. . -."-' i. ti !, Veil 'fit, i:i i'.nu t-.tu.te tif cultlvu i . ; " -!!.' iii i.'W. ii. t i. -u.n ami kitchen; i' i; iu..i!, two burnt; ,'! , 1'iHHMt hUUtllUHK, ii i ;v.'I new. for " wits c'lifr oniinilliilii(rn. 1-. ' ii wttit fm in. thet;row it!t(i I'll,- ftrn. fxil- lll' ,':it l' ll-'I'VllM'nth. t .j nv, ; t M li .in With : --iki -, Mt-o k (niVKe power ' i, ii-j-i .ii 't 'Kilting, one. rtnn-n ' i r iMier. ami . u-...ii -irvitr. Vil nr. .In. .1 . l,7 l.'l . .... ( -!.U' ill, 1 en : I !"' , 1 Ijii .1:11 liv-- !ui-.r w : lurt:... rtMt'.rn; in i iniiiei- li-ii i M'r'li -I: c :n. If Knir.'.) :hl rr'j. !,. ()-, l a ! i A iSo (tin1 V. .ler nr. Hi lift: J.'.V liif 1. en in mio i;. it. v, w mm you. r'I'rji 'iti'l ,'i . i,i finr lino in Mil vr.kin A!t f-r I'm.-: K. WIiIb' POI'NTAIH l'lt.s,fiiMli I., Juki urrlvoj. I fur'-'l. to Nuy I liHVr.itihl rcrilviiij afresh lot or III.. H" KOI.l.tai .lll.l I IIA1NN, I warnuiUMl i.ii tlx jntiM. We nlve a written ; y, mnii.leo ivlti. i.ii.. ii .'liRln. j NyVfDrK IS WAV IT, nml THICKS iik w i v nw.. I'cint) In and ss SAM. K. EATON. Vi.l.ll I vi r i(...Kii. raj.ilBt rimrch 75 Cases Tomatoes, 40 " Peaches, 100 " Brandy Peaches SOLD CHEAP. ; Reduction in Old Vir j ginia Cheroot3. Also, Horsford Bread j Preparation. ITlrfeli, whoi.kpalkgrooeb, MlDlil.K STIiRKT, NBW HKRNK. N. C. For Rent. J !,e In l,-..i.l... marril .rili l-'iont rtroet lately . lli.Hilliil. Apply to A. It. DKNNI8UN. Carriage and Buggy Factory H iving soeur. il the services of an Experienced Trimmer, I sm now butter pri p-mul than evor to furnish First-Class Work. tiTIierftir vrork a specialty, anil dwl fl. n. WATERS & 80N. Chase L. Qaskiil, TEACHES OF HSTRHMEITIL MUSIC, U.VRHOIHY AM) COMl'OSITION. Will introduce Doctor Ward Jackson's "Finger Gymnastics," a course of incalculable benefit to tho beginner, and to the advanced student who desires tn render more artietioally. The No w England Conservatory Method will bo etriotly adhered to. Class now forming;. JjSOdtf Apply In person.