THE JOURNAL. Mb. GeobqsP Pell, associate editor of the State Chronicle, has purchased f the Yadkin Valley News, at Mount Airy, N. C, and has gone to take editorial charge of the paper, which will be enlarg ed and .otherwise improved. We wish Editor Pell, who is a bright and fertile newspaper man, great success with his new enterprise. It was noticeable, dnring the recent session of the Alliance Oon vention at Morehead, that the Re publicans who had joined the Alliance were the princpipal talkers in favor of a third party. Of course they want the Democratic party divided, because it would probably give them the opprtunity to repeat the carnival of rceoality enacted by their party in this State in 1868. News and Observer, THE PKESS ASSOCIATION. From all accounts, the lato meeting of the Press Association at Winston must have btjn one of the most profitable and pleasant in its history. Topics were ably discussed, aud the standard of journalism lifted higher. Winston displayed her hospit ality to the best advantage, and many an editor will long remem ber the good things at Winstou with grateful heart There was quite a warm contest between New Berne and Char lotte for the honor of entertaining the Association nest year. Oharlotte won in the end, aud bile we regret that New Borne lost, we confess that no bttUr place could have been selected than beautiful and progressive Charlotte. CLEVELAND. Mr Cleveland is today the most Democratic American fore citi- zen. Like all public men, Mr. Cleve land has enemies within his own party. Conspicuous among these is the New York World. It is perfectly natural for him to accept the advice of this very able paper with many grains of allowance. The World is pressing Mr. Cleve land for the Democratic guberna torial nomination in the State of New York, and it is not at all sur prising that the ex-President does not respond to the suggestion with alacrity and delight. Governor Hill lost popularity jd when he declined to resign tne office of Governor alter having been elected to the United States Senate. Indeed it may be said that it was a prime factor in his elimination from the presidential problem. Should Mr. Cleveland become a candidate for Governor, it would be claimed by his enemies as an acknowledgement of his inability to regain the presidential office, and the World would not hesitate to announce that it was fatal to his presidential aspirations. There is no reason why Mr. Cleveland should become a candi date for Governor. If the Empire State needed his services, if there was some State issue of paramount importance with whiob he was personally associated, his patrio tism would induce him to lay aside the higher ambition and go to the rescue of his State. But, there is no such necessity. There are a dozen or more men in that great State upon either one of whom the Democratic party can unite and achieve a glorious vie tory. The suggestion of the World is not the offspring of friendship. While there is no State issue with which Mr. Cleveland is per sonally identified, he is the very soul of the paramount national issues of the day. The country, to a very large ex tent, demands the return of Grover Cleveland to the '.chief magistracy of the nation. There are many good Democrats who disagree with Mr. Cleveland on the silver ques tion, bat the National Democratic Convention will adjust that matter, and its nominee will receive the enthusiastic support of all true ' Democrats. There is no better exemplifica tion of American manhood than that which is famished in the life and public services of Grover Cleveland. Fearless of personal consequences, he acta upon his con vlotlons of duty and crowns pre- eminent ability with a moral i heroism that rings a reluc tant tribute from his betterest opponents- Who but Cleveland would have written ma ever memoraum - men sage on the tariff immediately pre tiee'ps a presidential election! He knew it would make him enemies, but duty was bis supreme dictator, and he went forward in obedience to lis command. Who bnt Cleveland would have saluted the South as an equal in the Union, entitled alike to equal rights and eqaal honors! A disciple of Jefferson with the iron qualities of Jackson, no man is so well suited to lead the Demo cracy, in tne great contest "JU, as the peerless patriot and Statesman Grover Cleveland. FOOLHARDY ENTERPRISE. A Manned Ship to Up Wrecked at Bar Harbor to Test the Lift-smi'iir Service, Boston, Mass., Aug. 1G Spe ciall Bar Harbor is to have a nov el entertainment, consisting of nothing less than a real shipwreck, so as to demonstrate for a consid eration the perfect workings of the life-saving service. The details of the exhibition shipwreck have been arranged by W. G. Milliken, a boss wrecker. The performance will take place immediately after the firjt storm following August 10 chat raises a heavy sea, and the craft selected to be sacrificed is the old schooner S. P. Adams, 150 tons. This old craft, which was built twenty-seven years ago will be sent to sea with n volunteer crew of fool hardy sailors, who for a paltry con sideration, risk their own lives to entertain others. The old boat will be allowed to drift ashore and cast herself away on the rock just east of Otter Creek Point, nod the life-saving crew from the station at Cranberry Island will be on hand to fish the bold mariners by meams of mortar, lines, breechers bnoy, life lines, &c. The affair promises to be a great success, aud all the wealth and beauty around Mount Desert and vicinity will attend. There have been many objections raised to this careless jeopardizing of valuable lives, but as tho volunteers are satit fled every one else seems to be also. The main objection is, however, should any wreck occur near Cran berry Island,dunng the exhibi tion, the victims will have to hustle for themselves, for the live savers will all be at Bar Harbor. LEMON ELIXIR. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliouneas and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indfgestion and foul it omach, take Lemon Elixir. For eick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir' For sloeplesenees and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss cf appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, cbiilo and malaria, take Lomon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you la noy of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. Ft. Mozley, Atlanta, (in 50c. rmI 1.00 py.r bottle. Sold by rugmists. A I'BOMINKNT MIKISTUU WHITES. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervouB prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley 's Lmon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. O. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Churoh South, No. 23 Tatnall 6t., Atlanta, Oa. The sea has a net population of several thousand millions. A SAFE INVESTMENT. In one wLlcli is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in caso of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advortisod Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, it la guaranteed to bring reliyf in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always bo depended upon. Trial bot tles free at F. 8. Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store. A Pittsburg client has sued his lawyer because he lost his case. 1185 If. . Art., WASHINGTON, D. C. Dcriiam, N. O., June 2M, 1881. Mr. J ' i l n X wxisii, Washington, 1). V: lear Htr I have known tbe Kleotropotse used In a number of illfl'erem cases for various complaints. In no instance have I known it to fall to benentoreure the person who used It. 1 amaot In any way Interested in it. My object is to benefit humanity, and I unhesitatingly say that, from in 7 long per sonal ac()UAlntanoe with yon, as well as from the wonderful onres It has wrought under m.v own observation, on varloub per sons allllcted with various Ills, lam pre pared to believe the testimony offered In proof of the wonderful onres produced bv the persistent. Intelligent nse of the Eleotro poise, and oommend It to invalids. Yours truly, ALEX. WALKFB For information AUO&KSH AH ABOVE, OR I King St.. CHARLESTON. S. C 2f There are over thirtyone thousand promises in the Bible. Hale aud Hearty. These two adjectives by no means imply the possession of great musoular strength. There are many men and women of alight build and inferior stature to whom the terms "hale and hearty" perfectly apply. Their com plexions are elear, eyes bright and vi vacious, pulsee tranquil, step elastio, movements steady, sleep undisturbed, appetites sound. These indicia of hale nesss and heartiness Hoetetter'a Stomach Bitters will assuredly bestow upon the feeble, the nervous and the dyspeptic No tonio of the century compares with it in popularity, no oth er rivals it in eflioacy. As permanent invlgoration means also the previous regulation of disorder in the system, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters must also be regarded an chief among regulators. It oonauerfj&od prevents malaria and rheumatism., overcomes lnvactlvitr of the liver, bowels and kidneys, - and promotes the acquisition of flesh ai well at vigor. - - A Ballon Bursts In the Clouds Dknteb, Col., Aug.lG A bal lon a scen8iou at Manhattan Beach, a summer resort near here, this afternoon, came near resulting fatally for three persons. Several thousand people had assembled to witness the ascension of the mam moth airship, which was to carry, besides Prof. Kinjr. a couple to be married in the basket just before tne rope was cut. Tbe ballon shot up in the air, and at a height ot s,uuu reet it encountered a storm and burst. It fell for over a mile like so muoh lead, then, tortunate ly for the occupants of the car, the suit, tormed ltselt into a parachnte, thus stopping the rapidity of the ian. ah three alighted in a corn Held about seven miles from the city, but with such force that they were unconscious for several hours afterward. Hot Springs. Have you ever visited Hot Springe? Alas' you meet while there so many instances of terrible blood poison, evi denced by disfigurement of face and form. Hither rush sufferers from scrof ula, syphiliB, eczema, sale rheum, ul cjre, blemished skin, twisted and ach ing joints, limbs made crooked by rheu matism, etc., etc. Some find relief, some do not and come away poor in purse and grievously disappointed. It oosta money to visit and sojourn at Hot Springs. The experiment of going there oinnot be indulged in without consid erable expense. How thankful then should everyone be to know there is a remedy even mote beneficial in cases of blood poison than Hot Springs. We re fer to Botanio Blood Balm (0 B B) as to its merits thousands will testify. 7. T. Hallerton, Macon, Ga , writes: "I contracted blood poison. I first tried physicians and then went to Hot Springs I returned home a ruined man physically. Nothing seemed to do me any good. My mother persuaded me to try B. B. B. To my utter aston ishment every ulcer quickly healed." Jas. L. Bos worth, Atlanta, Ua., says: "Some years ago I contracted blood poison. I had no appetite, my diges tion was ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs so I oould soaroely walk, my throat was cauterized five times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit and my life was one of torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and surprising as it may seem, the use of fire bottles cured me." The Kinzua viaduct on the Erie Road is 305 feet high. Bl'CKLEX'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per oox. iorsale in rewbern by 1'. B. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. William the Conqueror couldn't wnie his name, iTIBKIT WINS. We desire to say to onr citizens that for years ws have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, lr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve aud Uectnc Bitterj. and have never han died remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction We do not hesitate to guarantee them overy time, and wo stand ready to refund tlio purchase price, if satisfactory results uo not roiiow tueir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on tueir merits, i-or sale in Newbern by F. S- I'uiTy, wholesale aud retail druggist. Mike: Fwhat's a; microbe. Pat! Pat: Sure, 'tis the most invisible thing ye iver was. For Over Fifty Years. Mhs. Winslow's Soothing Syrcp has been used for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe beet remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five centy a bottle. Sold by all drug gists througnout the world. Wedding rings are not Dut on church bells until after the mar riage cermonj: Children Enjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. SCHEDULE OF THE SAILINGS Of the Steamers of Clyde's North Caro lina Line from Baltimore to Jfew Borne, '. ('., Month of August, 1891. Str. Defiance. Saturday, Aug. 1. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Wednesday, Au g. 5 Str. Defiance. Saturday, Aug. 8. Str. Oeo. H. Stout, Saturday, Aug. 15. Str. Defiance, Wednesday, Aug. 19. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Saturday, Aug. 23. Str. Deaanoe, Saturday, Aug. 29. Returning, leave New Berne for Baltimore: Str. Geo. H. Stout, Friday, July 81. Str. Defiance, Wednesday noon, Aug. 5. Str. Goo. H. Stout, Tuesday, Aug. 11. Str. Deflanco, Friday, Aug. 14. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Wednesday coon, Aug. 19. Str. Defiance, Tuesday, Aug. 25. Str. Geo. H. Stout, Friday, Aug. 28. Avoid breakage of bulk and ship via the only direct line. S. H. Gray, Agent. A NEW DISCOVERY. Spirlttlne Balsam. The Great Family Medicine. A pure Extraot of the Pine and Cedar Tree, public safety demands that only honest add reliable medicines should BE PLACED upon the market. I. T. Mclver Esq., Wilmington, N. 0. was troubled with Rheumatism and Neuralgia, and many other medicines had been tried but no relief, and two bottles of BPIMTTINE BALSAM cured him, Mrs. E. Kuhblank, Wilmington, N. 0., was troubled with Asthma ani Coughs forsmany years, she had tried many other medioines prescribed by different Physioians but no relief oould be obtained and two bottles of pebsiar inhalent cured her. Mrs. H. B. Jewett had the Grippe and one bottle of the persiah inhalemt cured hbb entirely, and many hun dreds of other testimonials oaa be produoed for- other diseases, where the SpmrrrwE Balsam, and (he Pebsiabt Inhaled! have made astonishing cures, when everything else fails. Guaranteed to give satisfaction if properly used or money refunded. , Bold by ait Druggists.; t i? r J. V. Jordan, Druggist; 3 . New Berne, N. C., Agent Children" Cry for PitcherVCastorta! THE C HILDREN. Ab! what would tbe world be to us If the ohildren were no mors? I We should dread the desert behind us .Worse than tq dark before. ! Ihey are better than all the ballads That ever were sung or said, For they are living poems. And all the rest are dead DISASTROUS STORM. Crops Rained by Wind and Rain aud Hail-A Hall Stone Two l'cct in Diameter. St. Cloud, Minn., Aug. 15. Tne storm proves to have been muoh more serious than at first supposed. Hail first began to fall when tbe storm which came Irom the North reached Samuel Oilmen's farm a bout three miles northeast of Sauk ttapids and from there almost to Elk river in the extreme southern portion of Sherburne county a dis tance of about ten miles, it was a perfect fury. In Benton county its width varied from a one-nan mile, and as it began to spend its force it broadened out to about four miles wide. All the corn and standing grain in its path were utterly ruined, im mense stones crushing them into the ground, and the gram in shocks also suffered severely, that being shocked in parallel rows with no caps being nearly threshed. Grain shocked with caps was not dam aged so severely. Many men in the hay and harvest fields were badly bruised and cut about the head by tbe devastating down fall of bail. Twenty hours after tho storm's passage, Capt. William Smith, Of Winden, brought to this city a huge lump of snow and ice which he picked up on his farm. When he started from home the monster was about two leet in diameter. No conservative estimate can be made of the damage accomplished but it must of necessity reach into tbe thousands. When Buby was sick, we tfave her Castorla. When she was a Child, Bhe cried for Castorld. When she became Miss, she clung to Cratorla. When she had Children, she gave thorn Caatorla Sometimes when a man is put on his mettle the material is brass. Soiling Out at Cost. Now is the time to make your pur chases for Dry Goods and Notions. Owing to the large stock to bo procured this fall, the balance of goods on hand must be disposed of positively at cost to make room for my goods. tf M. H. Sultan. I Am Happy to See You And take pleasure in Informing you that J. C. WHITTV & CO. Have Inst received a Car Load of the World Kenowned DANIEL PBATT COTTON GINS, and are now prepared to take orders for these oelebrated Gins, together with the "BOSS" COTTON PRESSES, which com bined maKe the most satisfactory outfit for ginning cotton ever used In this country, ihey also carry a full line of Belting, Ma chine Oil, Lace Leather, together with a complete stock of Hardware. Bend for prices and come and examine their stock. Ihey guarantee to please you. J. o. whitty a no.. Cor. South Front and Craven Sts. A F e"m wtt IIIUHNHHi, CLOCKS AND Jewelry. NEW BEENE, N. 0. Repairing Heatly Done. June27lwtf An Unparalleled Offer! For tho next thirty days we wlU seU SOLID GOLD RIDING BOW FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH K1B3I 'QUALITY LENSES AT $2.50 Per Pair! BELL THE JEWELER NORTH CAROLINA Craven County: Bnperlor Court Fall Term, 1891. Green Foy A Co. vs. William Oasklns, Berth janv uuuu, aim wua. Service of Summons by Publication. The defendants above named will taka notloe that an action entitled umvhu been commenced In the Superior Court of uraveu uouaty, to foreclose a oertain mort gage deed executed to Green, Foy A Co. on tba 6th day of September, 18U8, and doly re corded Ui the records of said eounty in book W, pages 17, ete. And the defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear at the next term of the said Su perior Conrt of raid I'ounty, to be held on the 13th Monday after the ist Monday In September, 1881, at the Court House of said eounty, in Newborn N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint which will be filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aald complaint. , - W. II. WATSON, " Clark Sue Oonrt IJrnvnn fYi Owck H. Ociok, Att'y for Plaintiffs. , xnis ina win aay or Aujnsi.uwi. ri ow Administrator's Notice.1: Havtaa anallflsd as administrator of Knla Nunn, daeeaaed. late of Craven county, M. O, this Is to notify all persons having elalms against tbe estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 21th day of July, 18K2, or this notloe will be plead In bar of their reoovery. - n jvphj i . un, Administrator. , Th!s SUh day of August, ltstn. 8w WrETSSPECIFIO. A tfMlhkwWra Sarin illllMM VI caused me to scratch for ten months, and has been cured bv o few days use of 8. 8. 8. M. H. Wolff, Upper Uarlboro, t&d. Swift Specific I was cured several roars ago of white swelling in ray leg by the use of 8. 8. 8., and nave had no symptoms of any return of the disease. Many prom inent physicians attended me and all failed, but 8. 8. 8. did the work. Paul W. Kimpatbick, Johnson City, Ten. Treatise on Blood Skin Diseascf' mailed free. 8wnrt Sraomc Co. , Atlanta, Oa. Special Cut Prices, To Ulose Out My Stock of CAN FRUITS. Former Cut Price. Prloe. 8 lb cans yt yellow Peaches 8Co 2Cc. 8 Id cans all yellow full stand Peaohes . 20. 3 lb oansOallfornlaOreen Gag e 8.rc. vto. 8 lb cans " Kkb Plums 86c. 25c. 3 lb cans " White Cherries 86o. 8 lb cans " Apricots 86o. 25c. Hlboans ' Muscat Grapes 85a. 3 lb cans Prunes In syrup HOc. 2i)o. 2 lb cans Sliced Pineapple 26o. 20c. 2 lb cans " 20o. I5o. 49- All of these brands of rrults are guar anteed to be good. JOHN OUFIfl. ST If you have not tried my new drinks, C0S1 COLA AND GRAPE FEOSfHiTE, do so at once; they are refreshing and invigorating. Give me a trial. New Derne, N. 0. 6 16 dwtf Keep Cool, Keep Cool. For Iced Teas Use Churchill & Parker's GREEN and BLACK TEAS. Try our Roasted Coffees, THEY ARE DELICIOUS. Don't Be Led Off By Others, but come to see us, and see that we are selling First-Class Groceries AT STARVATION PRICES. So give us a trial and help the hard working young men of the town out. Don't forget the fact that we do our own work, and can afford to sell goods Cheaper Than The Cheapest. Another important item: Everything we sell we guarantee to be as repre sented or money refunded. Thanking you for past favors, and trusting you will giye us a share of your future trade, We are, very respeotfully, Churchill & Parker, Broad St., 1st door East of Railroad. Jnne2Bdwtf. Racket Store OFFERS Unsurpassed Inducements TO Look to your interest and keep up with THE RACKET. Julyll dwtf Jas. Redmond WHOLESALE DEALEK IN WINES, and CIGARS, South Front Street, Two Ioo;a East Oaiton Uonse 2IJeT7 rms, 17. C. . Listen to plain facts about the Kabo corset. You can't break the bones-for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. Soft cyc-lets-that's another.thing that can't be had with other cor sets. And hear how it's sold: if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. O. MAKES & SON. Uason's Improved Fruit Jars -AT- L. fl. CUTLER & CO. NEW BEKNE. N. C. APE Villi QlPlf 3 DO vou want Mtlt lUU olblVrTo know now YOU lr V GUT WELL WITHOUT MEUICINE I Full and complete Instructions lor self treatment sent on receipt of 6Cc. Postal Note Is b;st. Yon will be delighted. So common sense. It acts like a charm In most cases. Keller from first treatment. For Hhenmatlam, Malaria, Kidney Disease, UyBpopsla. Consumption. Catarrh, etc. You run no risk. Money returned If not satis fled. Address Ada in Lulin, 11th Ave , Altoona, Fenn. jy'2ldwlm Tiie Housekeeper'.-! Friend, A Kerosene Stove, get one lor !H'o., or dls oard your kitchen etove and get an Oil Stove large enough to cook everything, and have no bot kitchen In summer. It Is safe and Is more economical than a wood stove Lights with little heat. Another good thing Just now a 80-oandte Nlokle Lamp, the Utile Royal " Earthen Kettles for fruits, Hoe, eto. Supe rior to an Iron pot for cooking any focd; all nice cooks and housekeepers appreciate them. Wire Dish Covers, lee Picks, Ex tractors for lemon Juice, Wire Broilers, Feather Dusters, "Oelebrated lliinnor Lamp, FLOWER POTS, BOWLS AND PIT CHERS, New Style PORCKLAItf AND I. . CHINA. 91.00. Chamber Bets, Bed Pans, Crockery, Lem onade, Berry and Ioe Cream HetB. etc. Housekeeper's Conveniences aud Neces sities. Also, Paper, Pens, Ink, Tencl's, Itubber Bands, Legal Paper, lUo. quire and up, Box Paper, Envelopes. Also, Oa&h lioxee with or without trays, Tlu Ware, Locks. Too:a. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. Machine Oil and Needles, eto. All ut itf. K. WIIITEHUKST'S. Jur.3) On pollock St., near Post ( lli:-e DEALERS IN CHOICE GROCERIES AND Farmers' Supplies. ALL KINDS Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. TERMS GASH. Cornor South Front and Middle Streets. sBT Good a delivered In any part of the city. jan27dwtf SALE, EXCHANGE AND LIVEEY. 3ZS JSL Street Has now on hand a large lot of fine UULIS) and UUKSttS, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Also, a One lot of Buggies, Road Oarts and Harness, all of whioh will be sold as LOW A8 THE LOWEST. Don't fail to oome and see him before making a trade. Feeding a specialty. oov27dwtf Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Bnperlor wihti ui uniTHa oou.uiy, renaerea at tne i-nrlna Term. 18U1. in an action entitled T. a. Green and D. N. KUbaro, Trustees, against iu i.un iu Aroiik luvor BieainDoat com pany, I will sell at the Court Bouse door In the City of Newoern, on Saturday the Hun day ot September, 1881, at Twelve o'clock, M., for Cssb, to tbe highest bidder, all the property both real and personal of said Steamboat Company, consisting of one Iron Safe, on Manifest copying Press, all office furnltnre, two Engines, the Wnarf Property at Becton Old Field, tbe Warehouses In the towns of Trenton and Pollooksvllle, , u Also the following tracts of land: Ouetraot lying and being la Pitt eounty, situated on Uontentnea Creek and Neuse Klver, com. monly known as "Jolly Old Field" or Free man tract of land, containing 108 acres more or lass. Also three trmata In Lhninnntnnf Jones: No. 1 In Trenton, being the sam land wblch B. Askew and wife sold to the Trent River Transportation Company, br deed dated August 18th, 1880. No 'i- la Pol- looKivma, oeing ine same land whioh N. P. Smith and wife told to lha Tr. nt niv.r Transportation Company, by deed dated February 10th, U81. No. 3-In Pollooksvllle, being the same sold by a. Hudson to the Trent River Transportation Company by deed dated Feb'y ID, 1881, Also the tract or parcel of land lying and being la the any of Nawbern, N. C, known as the "Planner Wharf Property," and as parts or water fronts Nos. 15 and 16 In the clan of theaald elty of Newborn, being the same lota of land soia 10 vne n euse ana Trent Kiver Hteamboat Company bv F. T. Patterson and wife and others by deed dated June 6th, 18BJ. - The manner of above sale as to the por tions or else of lota, will be made known at the time and plao of silo as above men tioned, - , . ' .-:.'. T. A. GEEKN, Commissioner, ! Owi H, Guiok, Att'y. au!3 30d . Lucas & Lewis THE BAKE P Mattress Co., South Front Street, A. M. MAKER, I'rohuktor. Mattresses sold at Wholesale and Rotail. We mauufacture by our own process First Class Mattresses, and sell them at tho Lowest Possible Prices. Mattresses mado to order of any size, style or quality. Call at our Factory and let us quote you prices. Hair Mattresses, Either bound or plain, of black, gray or white bair; from the cheapest to tho highest priced standard goods. Pine Fiber Mattresses. If you have over usod one of these you know how much like a hair mattress they aro; what solid comfort thoro is in them. They aro durable and cost much less than hair. All Cotton Mattresses. These aro much liked. By our process they are rid of tho lumpy formations generally found in such, and mako a de lightful bed. Excelsior Cotton Top Mat tresses. This grade with us has as much caro given its manufac ture as tho higher priced (roods. They aro very sightly. We. use three styles of ticks. Straw with Cotton Tops. In this grado wo use dry selected straw; tho cotton is carded and stuffed. It is the most saleable goods wo make, gives perfect satisfaction, and is low priced. Wo uso six styles of ticku. Our Eight and Ten Steel Springs Is strongly mado, well finish ed, and has threo rows of spiral springs. Our X Woven Wire Mat tress Is our most saleable Spring Bed. Wood frame nicely fin ished. Carefully woven and cabled with three rows of spiral springs. Our 2X Woven Wire Mat tress Is tho same as X without tho three rows of springs. Do you want old Mat tresses renovated, steamed, whipped, and made as good as new, if so send them to the Baker Mattress Co, Factory on South Front St. If you have Hair, Moss, or any material yon want made into a Mattress, send it to us. We will make you as pretty a Mattress as you ever saw. These goods have our personal aitennon. uur prices are as low as you can wish. They are well made. We want your trade. If you are not already using our goods give us a trial and you will be pleased. We sell Feathers, Feather Pillows, Moss -Cotton, V Bolsters in either of above grades.-, x - tr Church . Cushions, Yacht . i . viuuivusivr rjpeciai oraers or any kind shall have PROMPT ATTENTION. We fill these with Pure aiair, Cotton, Moss or Excelsior. ; - Crib and Cradle Mattrftsaen made to order. ' . julS dw3m i " ROBERTS & DUO. ' . Wholesale Dealers la Groceries, Provisions TOBACCO and SNUFF, BOOTS ni SHOES. - 4 a n.. . PLODK, every barrel wan anted. . A laree stock of PUKE -.WaST INDIA MOLABHES.oot own Importation, 4 m? V " H". r lend yortt orders Ton will and our prloes aa poy u uie juajiaeiwil '. ROBERTS ti I"")

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