ro Daily H H KJf JL X . VOL; X.--NO. 133. NEW BERNE, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1801. TRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. We have tried Luoas ft Favorite,'" end find it 0. K. Lewi.' See ad. 8. B. Street's insuianoe d appears today. Be makes prompt settlements and iooki to the interest of the assured. PROF. ANTONIO. BHELAZZ4,, will arrive Sept 1, 1891, and ba pre pared to give lessons in DANCINU. 35 MI38 MOLLlE HEATH will reopen ber Sobool, MONDAY, 8EPI. 7th, 1891. " eu23 lw INSURE with the MUTUAL BENE FIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Newark, N. J., and get all the bene fits of life insurance before or after death. Forty-six years in business. Forty-six millions assets. The leading Company in the State in 1890. Healtby male persona taken from fourteen to seventy years old. augStf D. T. Caebaway, Agent. NEW DRUO 8TORE.-Drugs, Medl eiLea and Chemicals, O. V. Popular Proprietary Medtclnos. ;A11 varieties of Druggist's Sundries, Trusses and Bro 8. Net' orop Oarilan Seeds. Flue and LAige Htook Olgais and Tobacco, all aw. Pre scriptions accurately compounded (and not at WA a prlopB), oar mntto and our snooeas. O. (J. QEto-KN, Urngglst aud Apothecary, Middle St.. tour duorslrum Pollock, Jen23 ly SELLING OUT AT COST.-My entire Stock of Goods will be run off to mike room for Fall Stock. jjl7 tf M. H, Sultan. ARCTIC SODA and Coca Cola at Sam'l B. Waters. SUMMER DPECIALTIE8! -Lightning Ice Uream Frecnoni, Combined Ohttlr aud Utep Ladder, Balloon Fly Traps. Wire lUuze lloorH, Muuzo Wire for Window Screens, and a full line of Hardware, etc., at mayll dtf J. O. Whitty a Co COME and Examine my Large and Varied Stock of Merchandise that is now belog sold AT COST to make room for new fall etook. jyl7tf M. H. Bultan. As Blaine feels worse. improves Harrison Thebk is said to be no bopa foi 13x Governor Scales' recovery. The business cu'-look, in the tountry as a whole, has improved. The Board of Public Charities has submitted a plan to Governor Hole to provide me.ias for reform ing juvenile criminalo. A BATTLE was fought last Friday near Valparaiso, Chili, aud the city snrrendered to the insureccts. The news is auihenticuted, audv con firms the victory of the Congres Bionalist urroy. The Georgia legislature wel corned Jerryv Simpson aud Mrs, Lease to the State catiitol, but when the Confederate voteranB came there pleading for their home, they were ignominiously kicked out. It is now conceded that George and Walthall will both be re-elected to the United States Senate from Mississippi. Barksdale, the sub- treasury candidate, will not have more than half enough votes to elect him on a joint ballot. The assessed valuation of pro perty in the United States according to the census in 18G0 was in 2370. it was 914,000,000.000; ten years late stood at $14,000,000,000 and in 1890 It is Btated at $24,250,000,000, While this is the assessed valna tlon, the census bureau figures that the true valuation is (62,610, 000,000. We do not believe in such exaggerated estimates. The likeli hood is that the true valuation is near $50,000,000,000. That is about twice the assessed valne. We suppose that there is bnt little doubt that Lieutenant Folk is now committed to v the Third party "movement for the; purpose of dividing the South and restoring Radical supremacy. . We would not in any way do an injustice to the Lieutenant, and would be glad to know that he ia again misre presented in the public prints, Bnt when he is with Jerry Simpson he is in mighty bad company.' The real designs of the enemies of the Democratic party are being un covered.: Stand by your guns.' Wilmington Messenger. - The Kansas. Farmer, of whica Senator PefFer Is editor, in a fall column editorial, written for the purpose of showing that the chief 'aim of the southern Alliance is to ' divide the Democratic party and deliver v the fragments ' to Its enemies, closes with this signifl- canV paragraph: "If the Alliance should fail In everything else it proposes, but should Eucceed in breaking up the '"Solid South" by : absorbing a maj ority of the Demo cratio votes of that section it will deserve the lasting gratitude of the whole nation. -"It will haveaccom plished what the managers of the Republican party have spent fear of time 'and several1 million of dol lars la vaindOfrMtfbyo oinr',"jai " ' demonstrate its greater potency as LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISE Mi NTS. J. W. Biddle Commissioner ' Sale. S. R. Street Insurance. Luoaa & Lewis Cigars.'' W. E. Snellings Board of Trade. Eider E. S. Hanes will preaoh tonight at the theatre. A meeting of the German olub will be held tonight at Lo wthrop Hall. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held in their rooms tonight. Two murder cases were tried at Lenoir oourt laet week. The partici pants were all women of bad character. In one oaee there was an acquittal and the other was madu manslaughter and sentcnoed to the penitentiary for twenty years. , We regrot that it was found necessary for ilr. W. P. Jones to have bis eye ro- moved which was reoently injured by being struck with a partiolo of flying steel from a ohisel. The operation was most successfully performed by Dr. F. W. Hughes, assisted by Dr. Primrose. The Churoh of Christ in this oity has donated a memorial window to the oburoh now being erected at Washing ton. Also the Sunday sohool has given inn to the same oaute. Very good for Ins trave little churoh that is only in its second year's existenoe. The Jouqnal roturns thanks to Mr. W. H. Pearoe - for hia present of splendid figs of different varieties and the charmingly arranged basket of beautiti'l and fragrant Dowers accom panying them. Mr. Pearoe has been a raiser of figs for a number of years and raises choice ones. Tho Agents of the O. D. line have re ceived information that because of slight repairs tho steamor Newberne will not laave today, but will resume her regular ajb&iule on next Friday, 4th inpt. The etoemor Annie will take tha plaoo of the Newberno fcr one week, arriving Wsdcesdny. litury Iloliia, the oolored man oharged with stealing the gold watch from a South Carolina visitor at More' hebd wag tried yesterday by Magistrate 3. li. Slree; and jsiled iudetauitcl 8 ISO bail i n appearanoe at Superior Court. Ellis Pearoe who tried to sell was exonerated from blame c he believed is was Hollia's watoh. Charles and Squire Canady, two young oMorr-d men, cnargea wito throwing miseels at a passenger train on the A. and N. C. Railroad while pass ing near Havelook, were arrested and examined yesterday and the trial con tinued until Wednesday. In the mean time they are hold In in default of $100 bail, eaoh. A number of Northern visitors spent last winter in this oity, and it is proba ble the number will be still further inoreassd the coming winter. One gentleman tells us that he had 15 or 20 different applications from parties who wanted accommodation in private fam ilies and was informed by them that still others would oome if such could be obtained. The union song servloe held at Cen tenary M. E. Church Sunday night under the auspices of the Y. M. C A. oonduoted by Prof. G. T. Adams was a good meeting and was made pleasant by excellent singing led by the Metho diat choir and interspersed by interest ing five minutes talks by Rev, Edward Bull, MtS3te. T. A. Green and D. S. Willis and Dr. J. D. Clark. Personal. Mrs. M. D. W, Stevenson and family returned home yesterday morning from spending the rammer at Morehead, Mr. J. W. Mesio and family returned home from a pleasure trip to Morehead. Prof. F. D. Clarke of Little Rook, Ark., returned home from a visit to his brother, Mr. W. E. Clarke. Mr. J. W. Stewart, left for Eentuoky to purchase another supply of horses and mules. Capt- T. G. Dixon and Engineer J. D. Taylor, of the steamer Kinston went up to Raleigh to secure suitable space and make Arrangements for the exhibition at the Exposition of the large American orooodlle reoently killed by Capt. Dixon near New Berne. Mr. R. F. Broadhurst left for Rich mond,- Va.pon a trip oombio Ing busi ness and pleasure. Miss Willie Ferebee left to attend Greensboro Female College, Mrs. Annie Topp, nee Davit; of Augusta, Ga., and children, who have been visiting relatives In the oity left to visit relatives in Wilmington. Mis Myrtle . E. Pone went up to Dover to visit friends. . Mr; D. F. Jarvi retained on the eteamerNeuse of the E. O. D. line from a Northern business trip. Dr. Bagby retained from a visit to Klnstoa. . sfr'v;,:::;- Mrr-C. B. HolUster returned from a business trip aooompanled ly Mr. J. A. Paris, a most excellent young gentle man who 4akea a position with Mr, HolUster. ' ' ' Cap. J. H. White oame down on a business tripr ' -'' ; - ' - Mr. Theodore Willie, who has had oharge of the telegraph office in the absence of Miss Hryan, returned to his borne at Morehead. ' New Signs and Business Change. Mr. M. H. Saltan swung out his sign yeiterday, "The Red Front Store" from hia new quarters under Hotel Albert, the name corresponding with his store front which be has had newly painted a bright red. Messrs. T. H. Davis and M. L. Hollo well who have just commenced the dry goods business under the firm name of M. L. Hollowell&Co.,in half of the store in whioh Mrs. B. B. Lane has ber millinery, have also put up their sign "The People's Store." And lastly we notico that Mr. W. H. Cohen, "The Red Star Clothier" is pn- parlng to ro-open in the store he for merly occupied whioh has just been vsoated by Mr. Sultan. Is It Right I The thirty-Gevuth annual meeting of the A. & N. C. Railroad will be held on the ?7sh instant. We wish to ask if tho present oif.Dneinent of the road is made up in iustice to Craven oounty. We think not. From the proceeding of the last meet ing held by tho stockholders, it te found that Pamlico oounty owbb 207 shares with one director, Mr.W. T. Caho. Lenoir county 500 e'aareo with two directors, SleBsra. J. W. Greinger and W. L. Kennedy. Wnvne county has no 6tock at al!, but has on" doctor aud tLo State's proxy, Mocurs. Dewey and Robinson. Jones cooaty has no etook but it has o-io director, Mr. P.M. f-earenll. Carteret county has no stock but it has two directors, Messrs, Chad wick and Webb, Craven, with 1293 shares, more than all the other counties combined, has only one director, Mr. W. G. Brinson Now in fairness and what is just ought not Craven have better represen tation in the business management of tho rend ? liosides owning the major ity of oouuly stock it has more milage of road in its borders and it is right that men should litre control of the road wbo live slorg its line or near by whfcro it la supposed they should have tho greater individual knowledge of the business interests oi the road. We do not object to the reproritation of the oouttira that have no etook became they arc ooniigucus to the road and have its welfare at heart, but what we do object to is Craven not being repre sented according to its interests' at stake. It was duiing the administr&iion of Gov. Scales that s portion of the board aui the StKte'a f roxy were appointed from off the line aud it met with much disfavor by our people and we hope that Gov. Holt w!U consider the matter and see that a more equitable distribu tion in the management of the road is derived at. OUR COUSTRY. It's Rapid Advance In SeienceiatKl what May Yet lie Accomplished. The geniuB of man hae ever gono for ward and today its advancement is greater and more wonderful than hae been recorded in any age. A few remarks from the Wilson Mir ror graphically describes some of the possibilities: 'The earth is throbbing form zone to zone under the restless activity and power of mind . Never has the world witnessed suoh a grand achievement and glorious triumph of intellect and genius. A little ten-year-old boy living off ia the oountry, who never saw rail rod, has no conception of a printing preass, street cars, electrio lights, gas lights, telegraphs or telephones, Yet be may live to eee the curves in our railroads abandoned and enveloped in grass, and magnmoent air-line trunk railways, ribboned with three, four or six steel tracks, over whioh a hundred trains shall go thundering along daily at the rate of sixty to one hundred miles per hoar, with no wood, no ooal, no water about the engine. He may live to see the great metropolitan dailee duplica ted simultaneously in all the leading oitiea of this oountry and of the world. He may live to eee the day when the telegraph will be disoarded and ignored as being too slow and too tedious. He will doubtless live to see the telegraph brought to suoh perfection that it will virtually annihilate spaoe. He may see the day when friends living on op posite sides of the continent may, by means of photograpbio processes, be brought face to f aoe and look eaoh other in th.e eye, as they talk through the tel ephone, as freely and fluently as if sitting together. He may live to see the day when an agent of the weather bureau, located at Raleigh, will Inform the central office at Washington that a drought prevails In a given section of tha State, and that agent will be or dered to give it rain, and it will be done. The possibilities of human genius and solentiflo achievement have never yet been fathomed." The Tortures of the Inquisition Inflicted by the dread Torqnemadabave abominable prototypes iu the shape of ohronio rheumatism and neuralgia. Attaok these agonixins; complaints before they reach the chrooio stage with the snperb blood depurent, Boetotter'a Stomach Bitters, whioh will assuredly expel their virus from the Ufa stream. To procrastinate is to encourage the growth of incipient rheumatism, whioh rapidly tightens Its grip upon the system. It ia the very octopus oi diseases, ana painiui naeea is the olesp of its dreadful tentacles. Be prompt, therefore, take time by the foreiook, always - remembering that both rheumatism' tad kouI. close relatives, are dangerous as well as painful. ' Debility, ofallla and fever, blllioui remittent, dyspepsia, oorutl ca tion, liver complaint, nervousness and kidney diaease luooumb to the Bitten. Appetite end the ability to sleep well are unprovea py it. ; "Sewerage For Small Towns." The extract published below from an article on "Sewerage for small towns" by Prof. Cady Stanly, Bobool of applied soience, Cleveland. Ohio, is sensible, praotical and worthy of more than a light perusal. It deserves a thoughtful reading and the truths it contains should be carefully returned in the minds of eaoh reader. Id the early stages of the formation of a town, nd special attention Is paid to sanitary matters. The same meth ods for the disposal of solid and liqnid refuse are employed as in a farming community. Eaoh household adopt the plan that suits him best. And even if the plan be in every way objection able so long as the houses are far apart, no one will care to interfere. But when, with the growth of the town. the houses are placed closer together the condtion become entirely changed. The sanitary condition of the immedi ate surroundings of each individual concerns not only himself but the whole community in which he lives: and what was before a personal matter now becomes a question of public poli cy. The presence of man brings pollution to eart'i, air and water. Where ever human beings are congregated in large numbers, the disposal of the solid and liquid refuses becomes a serious prob lam. Hanitary matters will not take oaro of themselves; proper sanitary reg ulations are a necessity. In some town tae wull water na9 grown so notoriously bad from sewage pollution that the poopls boon driven by sheer tieo.isaity to bring in a supply of pure water by suitable water works, and still uu sitpj are Uftea towerds cosstruotini; sev ers. It is not eufllcianttoeimpiy bring wa ter into a town, prcvi-niou must be uiado for caryiog it out again. Water is tuo scavenger. It purifios tha air by fal ling throuU it. I; cl.-anses oir. uoi,at3, our clo.'aia, our food, aud ouraelvea , and having onoo lnu srliod it must be oarriod away again, lu doing tuia it maybe made the vehicle for carrying away c:hcr rofu v. t'.ch mujt be got ten rid "f. T'.-or? ari many ci-iej which liave pre ?- Ld tlir-nswives vith an abundant supply of water, but have mado uo provision for dijposiag of it after it had be-30 lulled with filth. Iuoreaeing r,!i; vi-ciar supply without providing for its overll.iw after it uaB been fou'e J, only malioa a bad matter worse. The number and eizs of the oees-pool muat be i;;oi6"oed. Inf-'.ead of draining lue e-l!, .b : miuou sense would dictate, additional water is poured into it by the millions of gallons, and year by year tho ?oil is more thor oughly soaked wUh sovr&ge. The streams cf filthy walor whic h may be neon running in the open drains, lead ing from back yerds into the streets toll a story which oil csn read, and the effect of this state of offaira caa be plainly seen if tho Health Ofticer mall i full reports. Tho beneficial i fleet of Boweratie is proven by ab;ind.)i5 tr.-.tij'.ica A mcriiod deorca-jo ia lue uunouut of tikneea, and a lowering of the death rate always follows the conotruotion of a system of sewcis uhioa act elHoicn ly in carrying away '. he sewage end drains the soil. The convenionca of an effective sow erage svntem and its importance ia pro moting the heallhfulness of any city, town or village is generally but little appreciated by tho average inhabitant until its establishment being a prao tioal demonstration to hit immediate observation and experience. Memphis, Tennessee, furnishes one of tho most striking evidences of the bene fits acoruing from seworage. Imme diately after its last visitation with yel low fever the oity put in whnt was, considering its size and population, the most complete system of sewerage of any placo in the United States, extend ing throughout its length and breadth, and the result was it paid in every way. There wss an immediate and pormonent inorease of health to an astonishing ex tent and the oity is now one of the brightest and cleano6t that can ba found and not only so but tho expenditure has redounded to the financial betterment, the oity having from that time been remarkably prosperous And flourishing from a business standpoint. Conl! lined. The favorable ImpVoseion produced on the first appearanoe of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago hae been more than confirmed by the pleasent experience of all wbo have used it. and the suooesa of the propritors and manufacturers the Cal ifornia rig Dyrupm-iupauy. Jiotiec Hoard of Trade Th9re will be a meeting of tho Board of Trade at their rooms on Craven street this Tuesday, September 1st, at 8 o'olook. p. m. All members bra earn estly requested to be present. VV. IS. bKELLINQS, BeC'y. S. R. STREET, General LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agent, NEW BEENE, N. 0. 5c, Oigrt" IN THE CITY, THE " FAVORITE," For Sale by I! Absolutely Pure. A cruam cf tai.,r bdi r. idi-r. j Highest of ail iu loav-.n r ; , -ru :lh. j Latent 1', S (!!:; ii i! ! ' !. i J: ,-i n t I NO I IT H CAROL.! : A I CKA V JEN Col'N i . I The Bd. of Oom 'r.On:. riaintlll. vs. J'hi' . Jo. Nfliaor., I'i-i.-, 1 Pursuiir-t to : . 0 su perior Court of 1 In1 i -. 1 . i. i;n() nt fcprici; 'iVrni. v, 1 , r r 1 "i Ihe court l.oi r-- r , , . - en n y, Aionilcy, (K'l-j: i"- " -v-'i.-the follow Ins m: s o' n-il sltoate on Treat : .. r U. (faveu county, ru v in t . 0 from L. H. Mi!Ue::'i :i t I'rr'v s. N 'l -ou, it coidrii 1.. in -"It iii'l.-o of tin' - 1.: : -lit ,.ve" o;u-ty, N O The li-J. of C-jmia'' r-s (.. "j v i-1 Fmlntiir, vs. Geo.. b Hi;, t : Iof' PiirsrfcTit to a TaJ,-"'1 : ' f -cca.t -M t-io h'uijV 1 . 1 n-i Bprlug ;.un, I 'Li .' court I'.oufte d:r rf Cmvm 'm,!ivi dftf; October 5, r ''1, i2 ( "j.ori: - 1 Ing luni, v-z: VVi H. it-s t-f Jn . 1 i.; Cjaailer, No. Tiwn.p. " i-vcn tiding tl:e snme luud 'c. 1! v '. m ad Itit'hard J liroi'lc oml wii'u i ;i rccfflei1 ,n Hot; -i !;; -- :.r -. auu -"ilit. Cra. pi: . o 'y, n-.-A ilnrerlbi'tl in h ' wrt f-n . ! ' an1 -vvlfu 10 c."pv. i'o;. ; I o folio , 1 riivc'n t i.. -:l V. '.I ! The BJ. or Comiiu'i . .-m" - f pUilntlf, vh. -Ivan i . r p ley, deiumlttiii. FurBtiauttod iM.inmrr.: v Spi'lnr tprm, 1 '1, I v'.' r 'i oonrt Imrflf ..iir i;rivt day, ."' , f t : ' : foiicw'.n.r a. d, v .- I, ; 1 of WfrST nti,it In :vt.TO. bt-M-g t'lic 1? -7.Y. yed hv I. ' . ;. " . r. to Crraeii '? tit ---J n -. 'e l in li iu 01 No. 7 i fol'..i -i'2-i, (.'ravi n cn.ntv. v.i.iopi.f , Tho li.l P'fli t..!l! lurii- Hill '1 fotiowl." s d sc. . tS HQ Vi fc?t 1- li Polliic': -s-. : of Newbvrt n, . . rtbcpaid ond Cinuu- ii , :- Tho Htl. of 0lut)l1PsonerK iffmiiu rotlLtv., . K'J J : 1 11. r. ItKO i s. Pursuiit 1 10 a J;i,!i'Jt oi ilio Hhi--i'-i court of lUe nt'ov.- hid'-, -mm! Ht Hprlug term, 1 Hal. 1 w.'.i soil fur oi-ali lit ll-e court house -loor 4.lHtu c-u-ty, on Momly. October. i 1M,'I nt u r- - I - :, .u.nn Ibe fullowkiK rtesi-rilit-u l--il, v,i : ' u h: -dred auU fifty aTt- or U-h, on Samuel!) Ip.ti-1, No. i tuwiih..; I'r.veii oun- ty. .a-ar.rltn-il Id a need Ifom .il K. r. Ferry. Admrof N-.rm-in J.vkiou, dee'rt, to ltoberl H. ne, J.llt-d Pe.')Wfrtl'.-r "th, IMW. ami recon-c la liook . '. i' 211, ofrlce ofilie Kc s'.er of 1ui . id c : my. '-.IDiJLK, Com- T'ne Kd.'-.f Coinmlfialonora of "i avert county, plalullir, va Jinr--. H Mu re and Francis Moore, hlawlio, lrfiit'.iili- Puraualit to n Ji;c-:!iuiit rl Ihe Hnperlor oourt of the n-wv.i Ht le nd county al Spring term, lhl, I v l . Ki ll for cash at the oourt house d--or o: ( .v,-n county on Moo day, (icloher '. U, :-.t 12 o'ciocK, all the following loml, viz; Part o! lot No- :'.) on the West iHe of Jonsa sircci, Ni ijern, N O. adlolnlnti Hie u-'sof Abram Hlrrnn:r. Mary A Uroaiittrftt, l.elrs l' i-. y roonell- J W B1UDL.K, Colli- Just Eeceived A FULL LINE FALL & WINlEU SAMPLES. A Jjb let rf Sui'.icfis just received. Will Bell Suits nnd Over coats low for tUo Df-it ll irtv dayn. N. LI. Caskili., New Bcrno, N. C, Au;. 3. d2w uses M. HAHN has just arrived with TWO CAR LOADS of Young Kentucky and West Va. Horses and Mules, from 3 to 7 years old, Extra fine drivers, draft and saddle horses, which will he sold cheap. Our Motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits. Call and see us be fore you buy: it will be la a E just mw,: Yeung Kentucky mi West Viraia i n Horsesm to your advantage. n. HAHN & CO. j The parents of children v-' . take musio lessons should obtain fr" a me a ' pamphlet entitled : I 1 "A FEW WORDS addressed u tVio PARE , concerning ibe MUSICAL ED J- 'ATION of the CHILD." CHA3. L. GAS1CILL. m the mim Wo small a i lot Vs i.-j-i lisle and mil I m'V:we will sdi 3;C3Rt. which V- Umbrellas 0 O 3 ( Biding V c ? We are prepared : make to order anything in tho line t Drays, Carts, Buggies,! or other Riding Vehicles. All work ' built btrong and finished in a handsomt manner, G. H. WATERS & SON. j New Heme, N. C. au25dwtf Of the Bisters of Mercy. NEW DEUNE, K. C. Tiie Coui'60 of Instruct ion finl-i' irf :; u I! I li biaiit'ht'3 m rossary to the aC'iutnt on .)i siUld aiid rellntd educalloo. Diil' of rl'ion will not : - fit 11 the admlfSKlnti of puj.Us. drawing, I.o'ik-Uiiei-i'.K, Vocnl '. : i-1 -. t'l issj, PHlu ftDd Kuui-y Net J!-v,( i !; .l ;i. form extra charjiB. l.odsoiis on Tifino fxiul uman, r smtiP -. . .mu Water t.'olors, ruutel ad iMiiaineni ill Art, extra. FaU Term opens Sn- For furtber porttculars apv'y to Mu I m tioasof tbe Acu-leniy. au;'iwt( er, DEALERS IX Stoves, General Hardware, AND Harness, Sash, Doors, Blinds, 1 Paints, Oils, Varnish,! Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement, Agents for DEV0E & CO S celebrated Ready Mixed Paints, which are strictly pure. i goods. . middle Street. j luneWdfftf h WILLIS, Of Keepii Everything on Land usually found in a ;s?:K:3ss Grosery, Midd'o ? . TSfcw Berne, N.0. 0 AD FANCY DRY GOO OS. Lowest nu$ C. ',2 "h & lauk'M 2a . i.tiii '1 w .. )(- w lb :, cnt Rid ill -. 1. 1 -(il' -,T. I I UHt nr Iwd. I ha.i Jn4t rcc:-lv; afresh ;)i.b!-:o tittvn chains. . Mr -MO All: ixy--;irn. Wa lilve a written eili'll chain. i'!;. 1. 'It WAV I P, anil 1'MH KX F. Av.tY HOW x, Oome In ami -e C. EATON ? .alto ilapllht Cbur.-li. Kent. - .null Front al r.'--t a ll.pilul, Aj .! A. K. liK.-.N I- !-.lely DN. u! :u -j3 lomatccs. 4t " Peachc;-, 100 " Brandy? aches -l at-., h0:j) CHEAP. Reduction in Old Vir- i Also, lioraforii Broad Prpparstioi?, JSi 0. : v h - - :S5 w - m m s, CLOOKS AND Jewelry. ir Neatly Done. Everybody Invited. To ft! r-ie-nli- or ilio season to be Rlvon Ui ,ov. he i " i l.cxi Mtitnrday! Cool r"i: s, -vch hh leraomule, :. i i I.KKof.-.iiflrirrt. Haven ;eiwni L-ci In slieii(lnce ana ipih - .i n- Ac, will So r... ii tnU-n-pin s m: , n-l piliVoas u:ti ro .r- e on the most imoort- ant latino c-f t)i tiay Kln-ince. Thoy will Inforni tJio jifloi-.o to Kot moto mouey and mnke It go furlhor. Tho opening ad dress will be delivered by BlK Ilio. Hts .uh. ject will b,"Vno tho davll Is he? and whore ne oame iron7" e win enuoavor to show the people the sd vantage of the ouh sy.teai and how It Is he ean glv ft S3 cent present to all who trade a dollar with him. Be will explain to the pt-ople why he Ba.redaeed Ui prloe of his , K and 50 cent women and children .hoes down to V), S3 and 30 con w a pair. Brhiu your children along and got them a pair and let tiiem see Biff Ikots I tijoyacool aurt refrcHlnnK class of ' onade. Now, ir tli mrclt,m ean afford to lo--i futm to by ore-Ufii: . - many ne on tn' (.,. , t a political diplomat. M . Children Jty for. Pitcher'j'.Castorji LUCAS & LEWIS.

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